There Is Strength in Sweetness (Ep. 1) | A Crown of Candy [Full Episode]

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The premise is basically what if Game of Thrones took place in Candyland. This is episode one so you need to get a Dropout subscription to get all the episodes. But they tell a full season's worth of story with dice and mechanics and its really good!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jack_of_Spades πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Narrator] Behold, Calorum. Many years past, the Ravening War raged across the six kingdoms. The war ended 20 years ago, with the creation of the Concord, an empire that would see power passed amongst the six kingdoms. Ever since has peace reigned, tended to by the great powers of the realm, the Bulbian Church and the Concordant Emperor. But our story does not begin in the homey city of Bright Garden. Nor does it begin in the great pyramid of Food, in Comida. Our story begins in a land of sugar, and of sorrow of sweetness, and of strength. Our story begins with "A Crown of Candy". (triumphant music) (metal grinding) (explosion booming) - Hello one and all, and welcome to season five of dimension 20, "A Crown of Candy! I am your humble dungeon master, Brennan Lee Mulligan. With me is always our intrepid heroes, say hi intrepid heroes. - [Heroes] Hi intrepid heroes! - Hell yeah. (laughing) We'll play this, say hello again to Ally Beardsley. - Hello. - Brian Murphy! - Hi. - Emily Axford! - Hey. - Siobhan Thompson! - S'up. - Lou Wilson! - Ciao. - And Zac Oyama! - Ciao. (laughing) - We're the ciao boys in secret. - Let me tell you guys, ciao is ripe! - Oh! - Oh! - We did it. - It is a time to get hungry for some very sweet and tasty treats. Without further adieu, I bring you all now, to the world of Calorum. Imagine if you will an ancient tome opening, in a long forgotten dusty library, the pages sweeping to the side. Ancient illuminated script in high gothic font tells us of a story that begins on the 20th day of Highbright, in the year of Odd Bulb 1215. Within the Concordant Empire of the Realm of Calorum, there was once a kingdom known as Candia. Wind sweeps over vast plains and rolling hills of chocolate chip cookie fields. Here, in a vast realm of sweet things and peppermint forests. High in the distance, the northern peaks of the great stone candy mountains has swirling snowstorms of ice cream winds peal over the horizon. We see tall trees of ancient lolli orchards, and our sugar cube farmers toiling the fields, serfs. Spiring towers of sweet frosting and hard rock candy, the fortresses and battlements of ancient empires. We descend to Castle Candy, on this beautiful day, the hot days of Highbright, the middle month of summer, now unfold. Banners unfurl, and the symbol of the house of rocks, on a field a single swirled candy, over the castle. The banners are raised high, and swirling fruit and sugar and chocolate trumpets (imitates trumpet music) blare as the sun rises over the castle of the kingdom of Candia. Crisp armor and a neatly pressed cape, the battle pop at his side, we see the lord commander of the Tartguard stride through the halls of Castle Candy. A new day has begun. And a very important day indeed for it's the Saint's Day of the princesses. We see, first awake and most vigilant, commander of the Tartguard and sworn member of the Knights of North-Gumbia. Murf, could you describe your character for us? - Yes, I am Sir Theobald Gumbar, lord commander of the Tartguard, sworn knight of the Order of North-Gumbia. I protect the king, King Amethar, and also, really everyone in the castle. Sort of a 24-hour a day job, and I love it. It's not just a job for me, it's a way of life. No days off, sort of, everyday, (laughing) just, kind of a thing. Do not trust the chancellor, but, everyone else, I generally get along with. I am a level three Eldritch Knight. - Strolling down to the centered chamber of the grand staircase here in the main hall of the primary keep of Castle Candy, you see that another Knight of North-Gumbia is a, to your cherry, sort of, gummy bear form. Oh yeah, tell us sort of what you look like too! - Ah yes, so, I'm a heavily armored gummi bear man, (laughing) with a battle pop, that I guess looks like a little push pop thing that I can, s'up, pull out. - Your little lollipop shield. And you also have the cape befitting your station as lord commander. An un-caped but equally armored gummy bear knight, who's sort of, one of those like, pineappley, yellowy clear gummy bears, but it has a bright blue armor walks up. And you recognize this as Sir Toby. He comes up to your flank and goes right in stride with you and says, "My lord commander, "how fair you this morning?" - Well, it's a wonderful Saint's Day. I'm really looking forward to teaching Ruby and Jet some more responsibility. They're grown women now, so. - The 18th Saint's Day of the twin princesses. Well, hopefully they shall be ready for a day of merriment, but also a day of challenging lessons. - Yes, of lessons. You and I. - I love lessons. - Lessons are great. And you know what? I have a feeling, despite every other day that we've spent trying to teach these young women, I think today is going to be different. - I will, I should imagine so. They are, of this day, women grown. - Exactly. - Quick report sir, we've had some rumors of brigands in the West Cake. But it seems that sirs, my sarge will ride out with the other Knights of North-Gumbia today. The Tartguard is ready and able. They've taken to the battlements. Everything seems fine. The town, the township of Dolcington, all is well. We've had some rumors of, you know, the townsfolk are saying of an ogre, but, probably, it's, you know, just a, some troublemakers. Maybe a rouge knight of some kind. The queen's champion, Sir Amanda Maylard has been dispatched to handle that at once. - All right, send some of our guys to, just you know, just to kind of, equal things out. It's fine if she gets, kind of, the win, but, if she didn't, that would also be fine. - Ah, well, you know, obviously a true knight of the Sworn Order of North-Gumbia wants not for glory. - Of course not! - [Brennan] Merely to-- - And we don't! - And we don't! Would be, would be great to get a win. - Would, would be wonderful. - Would be great to get a win. - Yeah. - Yes, for sure. And, we've, we've been sort of partnering with the Tartguard for a while now. You look over and see some of the Tartguard, who, unlike these sort of, heavily armored Gumbar Knights, are just huge circle headed tart men. They have these big wobbly heads. Little pantaloons and like fencing rapiers. They're not heavily armored. You see that two of them are going like, "Quincy, stop it. When you use your fencing saber on me like that, it tickles so terribly." You see how the other guy takes his sword and kind of, like tickles the guy on his tummy. - All right, swords, swords at your side while you're inside here, unless you're gonna do it in a cool way. That's just weird, what your doing. - No, it feels good. - No, I don't like it. You're scratching each others. - No, no! We had our swords blunted so we could tickle each other. - What, don't tickle each other, that, banned. Get a new sword. - What? - You need a real sword! - I'm banned. I am banished from the kingdom! - Yes, you're banned from the kingdom. - I have failed! - Just, that sword is banned. Get a new sword that is sharpened-- - You see that he looks at the sword like it's poison in his hand, and hurls it through a stain glass window. - Just, no! - Begone with thee vile sword. I'm so sorry. So you wish for me to have a pointed sword, so that when I tickle my friend it hurts him? - I take him back, go outside, and get that sword. - Can you toss me my sword back? The sword comes through an unbroken window next to the broken one. Second one breaks, swords scatter. - Yes, we really need a win. I mean, just absolutely need a win. - You look out and you see that the herald of the king, the herald Pancival Pishpuff comes out and says, "My lord, pleasure to see you. I trust that you are ready to escort the princesses to their various ceremonies. I'm certain they are being taken to the, the chapel to receive their communion with the Great Bowel Passion. - Of course. - Very well. (imitates trumpet music) Rows of trumpets goes up on either side. Your knights fall in behind you. The Tartguard kind of bumble around and get into position behind you and your knights. And you see the herald says, "Presenting, their ladyships, first of their name, "the princesses Jet and Ruby Rocks of the House of Rocks, "duchesses of Pie-hole and Gumberly, ladies of the realm!" Crickets. Nobody descends the staircase. Maybe a little bit louder this time? - Yes. - A little bit louder. (imitates trumpet music) Presenting, their ladyships and royal highnesses, the princesses Jet and Ruby Rocks of the House of Rocks, duchesses of Gumberly and Pie-hole, ladies of the realm! My lord, the princesses are not coming down the stairs." - They're just getting ready. They're very excited, otherwise they would definitely be down here. Certainly, I will bend the knee in preparation for them being here. I'm going to do it loudly, and you're gonna hear it. And when you hear it, the princesses are to come down. - You bend the knee. All the knights bend the knee. You hear behind you, the Tartguards saying, "Quincy, do you suppose that we're supposed to bend the knee as well when they bend the knee?" - Bend the knee. - They all bend the knee. You see that the herald looks and says, "My lord commander, perhaps their morning lesson with the chancellor has simply gone long. You do know that he tends to ramble when left to his own devices. - Lapain. Perhaps we should interrupt it. - Perhaps, perhaps we should. Cool, do you ask anyone to come with you, from the presentational hall, with you to go, to go search. - I think, just Toby. - Cool. Toby falls in line behind you. You guys head off. Cool, you guys head off. In the tallest tower, at the peak of Castle Candy, with the morning sun illuminating through sugar glass windows, we see piles of tomes, ancient blackboards with sugary chalk made from those old, like, what are, what are those candies with like the, the really chalky-- - Oh, necco wafers. - Necco wafers! Little like, necco wafer, yeah, like, wafery chalk things. We hear the droning voice of the chancellor, Lapin Cadbury, primogen of the Bulbian Church and chaplain of Castle Candy. Zac, could you please describe your character for us? - Yes, I'm Chancellor Lapin Cadbury, as you said. The chaplain of the Castle Candy and then, primogen of the Bulbian Church, and I'm here to teach these princesses on all things. I'm the royal tutor, so I'm teaching the, the young princesses about the kingdom of Calorum. I, I look, I'm a level three Warlock with a celestial patron. And I look like a chocolate bunny, with, with just like, the foil coming off of it. Like the kinda Easter colored foil as like, as a cape, and like, my robes are made of that. And I'm a little stuffy, but, I know that knowing these things will help the children, and also will grant them a certain power. - Absolutely! This is an important day for lessons. This is the 18th Saint's Day of the twin princesses. It's a big deal. They are, have come of age today. What sort of lesson do you think Lapain is teaching, do you think, and their Saint's Day? Is it, is it like, religious in nature. Is it like history? - On their Saint's Day, it seems like, something about their, specifically about their family, and the royal lineage in which they come from. - Cool, so you maybe you might be talking about, like, their aunts, or like the king, Gerdane, or like, you know, the Ravening War 20 years ago. So, Lapain is droning on about the history of the war and, you know, battles-- - In the years, the 1102, we were at war with the, the bread people-- - Give me a, give me a perception check. - 12 plus, oh, perception, 15. - 15. You are droning on. You hear the door click open behind you, and kinda see out of the cor, like, corner of your eye, Theo and Toby walk into the room. - Chancelor, do they not have a spell that tells you what time it is? - Do you want me to rush the education of these princesses? Do you want them to be stupid as they go about the world-- - How dare you? Give me one reason! Give me one reason! - One reason? One reason to what? - To nothing. - Lay your hands on me? - Nothing, it's not a threat. - Oh my goodness. - If I didn't say it. Princesses! - What a large goon you are. - As you begin to argue, but they give me a perception check with disadvantage. - Oh no. - Oh. - Fuck, fuck. I got a two and a four. - I have 10. - 10. Okay, so you guys start really going at it, and you see Toby-- - You know what I don't like about you? - Oh, I have, I don't, I couldn't possibly list all the things all the things I don't like about you. - Oh try. I knew you couldn't. - You could have like three things, and it would take forever. You just droning on forever. - Ah yes, yes. - My lord, my lord commander, chancellor. If you were to direct your attention to the princesses. You guys see two stuffed scarecrows in the back of the classroom. - That's the princesses. What? - Are you, they've just been like this for how long? - Well, they would, I assumed they were wrapped in my lecture. (Brennan laughs) Obviously-- - They're made of straw chancellor! - Well, who knows how long they were like that? (laughing) - I just, I look out the window. - Go ahead, look out the window, give me another, give me a perception check. I'm gonna say, at disadvantage too. - Shit. Oh no, oh my god. Seven. - This is the first time we're gonna start an introduction with a roll. Emily and Siobhan, can you each give me a stealth check with advantage. - Oh my god. - It's gonna be, oh. 24 - A 16. - As you look out, we peel out from this tower with the chancellor and two knights looking out of this tall candy tower, over the rolling hills and the estate. Out in front of Castle Candy, there's a huge chasm of a moat that goes deep down into a cola river far below. And then the bridge goes into a secondary keep outside, and outside of that keep are beautiful rolling hills and estates. A little chapel of the Bulbian Church underneath the tree. And down below the castle, is the bustling, sweet town of Dolcington and a small bridge. And we fly down watching as you, you point away from you guys as you just stare out looking forlornly for the absent princesses. There's two scarecrows stuffed with, with sugar grass straw. And sprinting over the bridge in peasant garb, we see the princesses Jet and Ruby of the House of Rocks! Kindly describe your characters if you'll be so kind. - Okay, I am Princess Jet Rocks, reluctant future heir to the throne. And-- - By two minutes. - God willing, future abdicator of the throne. I'm wearing, like, sort of, all black peasants' garb. I basically, I basically believe that my destiny was to be a great warrior, and I'm cursed to have been born in a time of peace. So I've got some, like, white chocolate war paint on my cheeks. I've like, whittled down a candy cane to use as a weapon. And I'm a charging to Dolcington. - I'm Ruby Rocks. I'm a circus apprentice. That's like, my big thing right now. Like, the royal stuff is like, really secondary to me. It's just like, I was born into it. It's not really very interesting to me, but circus is my passion. And this one is gonna stick. Yes, I've had other crazes before, but this is the real thing. I'm occasionally doing back flips as we're running away, just to keep it-- - Oh, yes, that's a good point. I have one of those book straps full of like, cool like, illegal tomes about all the other places in Calorum, and I'm sorta using it like a, like a ball and chain to just like, hit any royal crest that I see. And just, a little bit of property destruction, on my way. - So you're just openly destroying property. - Just casually. - Just casually. As you do so, you see that a couple, there's like, a sort of peasant farmer with like, a yoke full of cola and two buckets walking along. You see he's got like, a jaw breaker horse coming with him. You see he's-- - Oh, I take off, I probably have some kind of like, really fancy like, gem or something, right? - Yeah. - I take it off and I, and I flick it to the peasant and to his cola bucket. - It goes, ponk, and he says, "Oh thee, looks like the princesses have escaped again." He continues, he says, "We'll put it in the gem pile when we get back to the farm!" You see that the peasant walks along, you guys sprint into the town. As you get over to, one of this like, beautiful public house that is called the Mint Drake. You see that, waiting under an, it's one of those like, you know, the architecture of Candia is so, it's almost like old like, Bavarian. There's like this big tall alpine looking cottages. The inn has like, a second floor that's like, wider than the first floor, like some, you know. And hanging under the swinging sign, you see that there is this little, she's wearing like, trousers and like, seven league boots, and like a little courier thing, that marks her as like, not nobility, but neither is she a peasant. She's got like, deep warm brown, speckled with bright red freckles, like, skin with like, long pigtails of red. She's like a little gingersnap girl. She's maybe like, a year younger than you, and she has a bag marked with imperial crest on it, as an imperial courier. See, she says, "Your ma, your Highnesses, your hi, I mean, your nor, your Normalnesses. I've got it right here." And you see, she reaches into her bag and pulls out a letter for you and a like, notice for you, and hands them to you. I got them here as fast as I could. Did you get my missive in the castle? - Yeah, no-- - I think Ruby did. - Yeah. - You see she says, all right, she says, well, "That's the only thing I could find on the Traveling Swirler Sisters." And you see that it is a notice of like, a circus coming to town, in the, in the very near future. You have a letter that smells of sweet fruit, marked-- - Ah, fad. - You see that indeed. You open the letter, and it is marked to, "her beautiful and radiant highness, the Princess Jet of the House of Rocks. Though it has been more than 10 years since we met, even as just children, news of your beauty brought to me by our couriers, has reached my eyes. I long to see you once again princess Jet. Here, in the kingdom of Fructera, life is but a pale shadow of what it could be, if your sweet radiance could but grace my life." - Even though I am a piece of black licorice, a strong blush comes to my cheeks. Now that's a Saint's Day. (laughing) - You see that the letter continues to say, "I have prayed and prayed to the great Bulb above, each day and night, that fortune might see our paths cross again. And it seems that the Bulb may have heard my prayers. I dare not write these words here, but I know that soon, there may yet be a travel from Castle Candy to the great city of Comida at the borders or Fructera. This may mark yet our only chance to be together once more. - Ruby, are you down for a road trip. - Yeah, duh. - Okay. - Wait, let me read this letter. Oh my god! - It's from that super hot avocado. (laughing) - Can't get the (mumbles). - Yeah, but we were eight too, so it wasn't-- - Right-- (crosstalk) - Yeah. - Yeah, sure. - He wants to meet up. - Great, yeah, no lets do it. - All we have to do is, just infiltrate a travel that's going to Comida. - Easy. - And then find a nice little haystack where me and Thad can, I don't know, like, maybe he can show me his pit, you know. - Gross, yeah, no, let's do it. - Serenda, Serenda looks and says, "My ladies, is it really, should I deliver anything in return, or was there any message you would bid me give him? Oh that, I don't. How did it come off without you taking your pants off?" - They, they're rip off edible underwear. - I mean, everything's edible. - Everything's edible. - It's not unusual. - Yeah. - Now that's a mindset. - She takes, she takes it and stows it away and says, "Should I tell him like, from you, like, how are you doing?" - Oh he'll know. - Well, as always, it's lovely to bring you word of the outside world. And a happy, happy Saint's Day to you both. - Thank you. - Thank you. - I would never peek, but, you, you just said that you're going to Comida? Do you know a, what sort of convoy or caravan that would be dispatched from Castle Candy to Comida? - I don't know. - I don't know. - [Jet] What do you think? - Yeah, I've-- - You know what? I'm just going to be really, really sweet to Theobald today-- - Oh my god, I love being sweet to Theobald. - And then maybe I can milk some intel out of him. - He's so easy to milk when you're tweaking him. - He's such a-- - [Brennan] Both of you guys-- - Thirsty man. - So thirsty. Thirsty, but like, for friendship. - Or like, he wants to notice that you respect him. - Yeah, yeah. - Which is the sign-- - Thirsty for respect. - Of respect. That's what it is. - Theobald and Lapain can give me investigation checks with advantage. - God dammit. It's another one, 10 - Nine. - I'm gonna roll for Toby. Okay, that's a 15, Jesus. - I think they're gone. - You've finally done it this time chancellor. - I didn't. - [Theobald] You lost them. - As you guys rush down into Dolcington, you see that, as your like, looking around, you see Toby goes, "My lord commander, perhaps we should simply follow the smashed royal seals? You notice this huge--" - Not the, yes. Clearly, someone else, not the princesses, cause they would never do that. They would never do that! But, yes, let's follow the path of destruction. - You guys round the corner, and you guys are immediately on top of Serinda and the two princesses, next to the, next to the Mint Drake. - There they are. - Okay, happy Saint's Day. You're in trouble, you're both grounded, get in the tower. - Ah yes, Theobald, whatever you require of me. - Yes, oh, we would love to be grounded by you. Yes Theobald. - Can I do an insight check? - Yeah, go ahead, do an insight check. - Oh my god. - Oh, ground me Theobald. - 18. - 18. Yeah, they're, hiding something for the-- - What did you, what are you hiding? - You know, Theobald, now that I am a grown woman-- - Yes. - As had been said multiple times to me today, I believe that, I've, I'm ready put our petty differences aside. I know, in the past, I have asked you to teach me how to fight. You've repeatedly denied me, because, I'm probably some sort of innate fear that I'll will take your position, but I'm ready to put it all-- - She's good, I've seen her. - behind. - And she's an amazing circus performer. - Thank you. - She, it, it looks like she belongs in the sky. - I do belong in the sky. - You do belong in the sky - You belong in the castle. We all belong in the castle. Let's go to the castle. - I belong in the battlefield. She belongs in the sky. - Yeah. I don't understand why it's so hard for you. Wow, we did a really bad job of buttering him up. - Yes. - Oh, right, yeah, I forgot about that. I hug him. - We said that in twin-speak. - Yeah, that's true. - I don't know what kind of trick you're trying to play, but allow me to play along so that we may all go back to the castle. Yes, we're all in agreement. - Yes, we're all in agreement. - Well good, we have great relationships here. - Wonderful. - Let's go back. - Being grounded on our Saint's Day. - You see that Toby says, "My lord, should we take them to the queen at once?" - Yes, I, I think we should. - We have to make up about an hour and half of lessons. When should be, when is-- - You can actually do lessons with me instead. - Yeah, we'll do that. We would like that-- - Oh yes. - We would like lessons with you sometime. That would be so fun. Can you teach me a killing blow? - Yes, I would like to know killing blow. - What about a stunning blow, huh? Ah, you're 18. We'll do a killing blow. - Go ahead, and each of you guys give me an insight check, if you'd be so kind. - Nat 20. - You know that if you get taken to your mom, you guys are fucked. - Oh. - So, Theobald, actually, I have some questions about the nobility. - That is very true. You know what? If I'm gonna learn, I just can't learn and walk at the same time. - No. - It's just, two different parts of my brain. - Yeah - I'll just plop down here and you can just, I don't know, perhaps Lapain could teach us all about the nobility. - I start carrying Jet. I just fucking-- - You guys head up, head up the-- - The nobility is made up of-- - Why did you do that? - You guys being to head up, back through the fields, across the bridge to the cola river to Castle Candy. And as you guys arrive there, we move up through the bright pink and fuchsia and purple grasses swaying in the wind. The lovely peppermint trees moving in the breeze. And we arrive near the chapel, a deep and open room with tall windows, deep in the center keep. It echoes as the hard candy stone underneath, hears the tap of footsteps. We see a room dominated by four massive statues. The statues are four royal women. There is, and the face of the north side of this large, sort of, chapel, reflective, sort of quiet and somber room. There is a statue of, made of a deep chocolate stone, like, almost like a tootsie pop kinda thing, of a lightly armored, older woman. Circlet, like a royal circlet on her brow, holding a rapier, like a fencing sword in her hand. And a long cape, and underneath reads, General Ricoco of the House of Rocks. To the east, is like a bright yellow candy stone statue, each of these statues is like 20 feet tall... Of a pious looking woman who holds a circlet on her belt, she does not wear it on her head, but holds the rest of it on her belt. And you see it says, Saint Citrina underneath that. In the west, there is this like, deep dark, purplish blue, like veined through with lighter blue statue, the Archmage Lazuli. And you see, holding a book open in her hands, the circlet on her brow. Is a royal looking woman, in like, long wizardly robes. And then in the south, made of completely transparent, like light blue candy stone, is the princess, Saffria. Standing in this hall of statues, this room that is otherwise very sparse, with just the golden light of the Bulb coming in through the windows, we see alone, a tall figure. Lou, would you please describe your character. - Yeah, I'm King Amethar Rocks. I am, you know, big, tall, seven foot, like a, pop rock candy man. You know, I'm a Storm-Herald Barbarian, level three. I've, I've got a, you know, this is all, so much just jumbles of information. I've got a green pop rock candy beard, and all of the, in my opinion, unnecessary accoutrements of the king of Candia, which I am, for some reason. (laughing) - Wonderful. Ah, I forgot to mention, by the way. You guys are both first level rouges. - Oh yes. - Oh yes. - Self taught. - [Brennan] Self taught. - Self taught. - Because these idiots won't teach us anything useful. - No, but the shadows will teach us. - Amethar stands in this room. You have not yet seen your daughters, but you know that today, they are women grown, and haven't fully inherited their titles, princesses of Candia, and duchesses, ladies of the realm. What's Amethar doing, alone in this chapel? - I think, speaking out loud to his sisters. Yes, the, it's the girls' 18th Saint's day. It's really exciting. I think you guys would like each other a lot. They're, they're real special. They, they take a lot after you guys. You know, it's hard enough being a father and a king. You guys would've been so good at this. I'm just not, I'm not cut out for this. - You hear a tap of feet approaching. - I missed you every day. Who, who's here? - You see, walking around the corner, you see your, sort of, right hand, and like, sort of like, master of state will say, Calroy, walks around, the marquis of Muffinfield, who looks like, just a giant slice of cake with, through eyes on the top, kind of pitched forward, little stripped pantaloons and a little saber. He walks forward and says, "Your majesty, I'm sorry to disturb." - Yeah, no, yeah, I was just, I was just hanging out. What's up Cal? - Her majesty, the queen is, less than chuffed. She, the princesses, according to the report, the princesses managed to get two scarecrows, stuffed them with sugar grass, and dressed them in their clothes, and hoodwinked Chancellor Lapain, and disappeared during their-- - That's awesome. That's awesome. Wait, and he just didn't notice? - He was apparently 90 minutes into the lesson-- - Well, who's so smart now. Yeah, you show him Jet. Oh, come on Ruby. Ah, hell yes. Oh, I love that. - [Brennan] You see-- - I love that. - I thought you might. The queen also thought you might, and, basically asked that you and her get on the same page about what the appropriate punishment would be. - A punishment. - That's her words, not mine. - All right, yeah, we'll, let's, I'm done here, let's go. - You see, he looks down and sees two cases finely wrought of like, marbled candystone that have been pulled from the armory next to you. You see, he looks at them, points at them and says, "Planning on hunting sir?" - It's for the girls. - Their Saint's Day. - Saint's Day. It just feels, feels appropriate. - You see that he walks along with you and says, well, everything looks prepared and lovely for the Saint's Day. Festivities are ready. - Great, great. - We... I should let you know now, the queen's already read it, but a message came in from Comida for today. - Okay, is it just like, what these tell us, they need more taxes or something? What's the-- - No, that would come from a, normal imperial sealed letter. This had the seal of the emperor. - So what's that mean? - Your old friend Gustavo has sent you-- - [Lou] Okay. - A letter. You see that, Calroy looks up at the statues here and says, "I couldn't help but overhear, your majesty, what you were saying, and--" - Yeah, that was, that was just me mumbling. - He looks up and says, "This will be the 20th year since the end of the Ravening War, and the creation of the Concord." - So, what's that mean? - I'm just, we saw a lot 20 years ago. - Oh, yeah. - I, you see, he looks up at the statues and says, and you see, he gets on one knee and makes a motion to the four statues and says, "Your sisters were the, some of the greatest heroes Candia has ever known." - The greatest heroes. - The greatest heroes. And you see he says, "And also, your majesty, Candia is stronger than it's ever been. And, that is, due in part to you and your rulership of this land and kingdom. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you have to say that, but... - I don't have, hey, this is-- - I'm the king. You have to say nice things to me. Be honest! - You see, he leans in and says, "I was with you, in the muck, in the tents, in the trenches. We've seen each other piss and shit in pots, in dark fields under torchlight. We fought and bled together. I am saying this as your friend, you are a good king. - Thanks Cal. - All right, well, your Majesty. - Will you carry one of these? - Yeah, I'll grab one. - I just remembered that this is a piece of cake with eyes. (laughing) - I took a shit next to you. - Frosting came leaking out my very cubed asshole. (crosstalk) - Cool, you walk out... As you walk out, you see the doors swing open from the chapel, and you see the stairs leading up to the queen's quarters. We're gonna cut back to you guys coming up through, coming up through back way to the castle. Anyone who want's to make a survival or investigation check? - Oh god. - Oh, I got a nat one. - Investigation is, 17! - 17. You see a little note that is left on the side of the path that is written on a piece of bark, in like, crazy, like woods-mans scratch. And it says, you pick it up, it says, "Dear Sir Theobald, I've gone to the woods to collect seeds. Please know that I am not trying to escape, but I might be gone for a little while. Also, Preston is hungry." - Hey, I think Liam might've also snuck away. So maybe if I don't show Theobald this note, Liam will take the heat. - I love it. - As you say maybe Liam will take the heat and hide the note, we see up, is sort of the jagged crystalline mountains. The forest begins to spread out through here. Deep in a peppermint forest, scrounging around in the undergrowth, we see a young boy made of peppermint, with a little hunter's cap and a big pack of camping things, being pursued by a tiny little peppermint piglet. Ally, could you please describe your character? - Absolutely. Hi, I'm Liam Wilhelmina. I am a, a level two Candycane Ranger. I'm currently on my hands and knees, looking for interesting seeds. Yeah, anyway, my dad is Duke Jawbreaker. There was, like a falling out, I, I spend most of my life, just kinda in the mountains. I've never been to a castle like this before. This is a new move. I'm here as a prisoner, I'm sorry, a ward, we're calling it a ward. I kind of feel like I'm on vacation with someone else's family, and they didn't show up. I'm just kinda in the mix, but I do have my pig. I have a tiny piglet named Preston. He's a peppermint pig. He's really good, he finds rare seeds. It's so sick, he found this seed once, we cracked it open, there was a candy cane. It was full of candy cane. That was, that was a good, that was the best day I've had in Candia so far. I kinda miss my dad. I definitely don't miss my brothers. Fuck them. But, yeah, it is, yeah, this is gonna work out. - You hear snuffling along your feet, as you're like, you're sort of in the forest, where you feel a little bit more yourself. You hear, (imitates pig oinking). And you see that Peppermint Preston, I'm gonna roll to see how well Peppermint Preston does on his little investigation. Peppermint Preston does not do too well, in his investigation. - Hey man, don't I thought that was a seed too. (imitates pig oinking) No, don't worry about it. Hey, look, we just gotta, we keep finding these candy cane seeds, but we're gonna find something cooler. - [Brennan] Go ahead and give me a nature check. - Oh, sure sure. Let me see, oh yeah baby, we got a lot of nature. But will it be enough? That's an eight. - What's your bonus to nature? - I'm a plus five to nature. - Cool. - I rolled a three. - Cool, cool, cool. You look over and you see there's a little glowing thing over in this grotto that you really haven't traipsed in before. - Hell yeah. - You just go over there with Peppermint Preston. As you get there, you, I'm gonna ask you to roll initiative. - Yeah! - That's a seven. Oh no, sorry, that's a, let me see-- - Do you have-- - You have plus four. - You have plus four. - And you have advantage. You're a Ranger. - Oh hell yeah, thank god. - Yeah, that's a 14. - Actually, 14 is high enough. - Hell yeah. - You, as you're there, you suddenly see that, that glowing thing is not natural. It a little like lantern that's been put there. And you suddenly hear two people rushing for you. - I pull out my bow. - Turn around, and you whip around with your crossbow-- - Hey! - Yeah, you're like, woodland attention, and you see that Preston, like, jumps in front of you and spreads his little hooves out and goes, (imitates pig oinking) You see that two dirty, ragged looking urchins from Dolsington, both around your age, go, "Easy does it, easy does it." These guys, you recognize as Wappens and Paz. - Cool. - They're, one of them's sort of like, a malted milk-ball looking kind of kid. And the other one's like a, a little like, he's made, he looks like his body is made of component parts of like, tick tacky, or like other, kind of, like hard candies together. You see that Wappens goes, "Easy does it, easy does it Wilhelmina. Ah, you can't get the jump on this one, can you?" - You definitely can't. How are you? - Ah, we were, we thought we would try and rustle you up and give you a little rub on the noggin. - Look, I've been terrorized by older brothers my entire life. There's nothing you can do to break me. - Well, speaking of older brothers, (hocks a loogie) look what we got. And he reaches a hand down in front of his pants and pulls a crumpled up piece of parchment, unfurls it, and you see, there's like a cipher scratched writing from one of your brothers. - Fuck. - You read it, and it says-- - I grab, have they read it? Can they read it? - Oh, they can't read it. - Okay, cool, I grab it. - So they say, "What's it say?" And you see that Paz goes, "Sir, how does they make the... Noise turn into shapes?" - Look man, I'm, I'm just like you guys, okay. I didn't have some fancy education like everybody in this fucking castle. It's, you're not missing out on much. Honestly, I would rather someone just talk to me. I read the, I'm trying to read the letter, like. - You read it, like covertly. Go ahead and give me a, just a, like a raw intelligence check. - Cool. Hey, 15. - Cool. You're able to do it without them really noticing too much. The letter basically says, like, it says, like, "Whats-up little mint?" (crosstalk) - It's from Grash. - From Grash, your brother Grash, hell yeah. As you read the letter from your brother Grash, you see it says, "Rumor has it that, very soon, there will be movement on the part of the king of Candia, the false son of the alliance breaker, He Who Cannot Keep His Oaths. Remember, you are a prisoner of our hateful cousins, who sought to destroy our family's honor, and the honor of the name Jawbreaker. You were chosen to be ward, not us. Otherwise, we would have plunged a dagger into the king's heart already. See that you do your family proud, or the beating coming your way will be legendary." - I feed the letter to Preston. - I want to touch-- - He's so soft, and he's cool to the touch. So if you're hot, you just drap him over the back of your neck while walking. - Does he have just a little bit of fuzz to him? - Oh, stupid brothers. Just an inside joke. - If I kill Peppermint Preston, you're not allowed to get mad at me. - (laughs) You will never kill Peppermint Preston, you hear me. - If you kill Peppermint Preston, we're walking off this set. - I didn't, don't allow pets in your game! Cool, so, you, Peppermint Preston is very full. You see, like, he jumps up into your arms and goes immediately to sleep. And you see that Wappens and Paz look over at you and say, "Sir, how's life living in the castle. You know, you're highborn, but, you ain't free like us are you. - Yeah, no, you're right. It sucks. Pretty much, I sit around, people rush past me a lot. I don't know where they go. But everyone is always in a rush. And, I've started counting how many times Lapain sounds like an egg. - Just like an egg. - I have, I don't know very much about eggs, but, it just seems like he's very egg like. - You see that... As you are standing there, sort of making noise in the, in the glade... You hear a, a noise of someone traipsing, and just tumbling down aside, and you see that a very put upon squire, who you recognize as an attendant to the two princesses, and also a squire studying under Sir Theobald, shows up. This miserable looking, sort of like, lemon cough-drop squire shows up, and he goes, tumbles down the hillside and goes, "I know, oh there you are, Count Liam. Listen, there's an awful ruckus in the castle. They've sent me to go. You don't know where the princesses are, do you? - No, are they gone? Did everyone get my note? I let everyone know that I wasn't like, running away, right? I set up a lot of alarms to let Theo know where I was. - No, no such notes have been found I'm afraid. - Shoot. - It looks like you might be in for a punishment of some sort. I don't know what they can do to you. If it was me, it would be 40 lashes, I know it. - What! - Or I'd be kicked down the stairs. - That's horrible! Who does that to you? - Ah, everyone. Sometimes I get scared they're gonna do it, so I do it meself. - That's, dark. That's a new level of darkness. - Sometimes they try to trick me, you know they come up and they say, "Limond, no one wants to kick you down the stairs. Please stop throwing yourself down the stairs. Nobody wants it." And then I say, "Oh that's right, and lull me they is, into a false sense of security." - This sounds, it sounds like self inflicted punishment. - If it, if it is, it ain't nothing I don't deserve. - Okay, I say bye to my friends, bye Paz, bye guys. I gotta go back up. There's really only one real person in the entire castle. Real working class gummy bear, and, I really like to let him know where I'm gonna be at all times. - I, Sir Theobald is a good man he is. He's good, he never boxes my ears or nothing. Not like those boys. They box my ears all the time. - Oh, yeah. - If I go into town, they find me, and they put my, pans and such over my head and take my weapons and throw them in the river. - Wow, that's, I, you might be the saddest person I've ever met, in my life. And I thought I was pretty sad. - Well, if my being sad has made you feel better, then I guess I've done me job then, haven't I? - Yeah, yeah man, I, can I, I think I, like set some alarms and stuff. Can I have them all go off in like, Theo's, like, head. - Yes, you see little, like, alarms and bells go off from Preston. They like, they, in other words, like, Liam is returning. - Okay. - As you, you return, you see that Limond keeps going like, "Well, you know, that is the trick is it. You being a peppermint lord and all, you're mad of real good candy. It's just my luck to be a cough drop. The only kind of candy that's medicinal." - Hey, I'm gonna head back to the castle. We can go back together, or maybe I'll just go separate-- - Cause you don't want my company. - No, I just, no, it's just you, you, you shout everything you say and it's also sad. - Am I being too loud me lord! - It's just very in your face. I'm just gonna take-- I'm out in nature to kind of calm my head. - Okay, he throws himself down a hill. - No, no way! Honestly, okay, to each their own path. I need to focus on myself. I take Preston, who's like, so heavy in his sleep, I take him back to the castle. - What does he dream of? - I know, seeds. - He dreams of seeds. - You see that, as he dreams, as he dreams, you actually go a separate way through the woods that you've gone before. And as he dreams, you hear a faint tinkling of chimes, as little sugar plum visions dance in his head. And you see a little glade of purple standing stones covered in runes, like tall plinths, or like, mini or stones, made of this sort of sugar crusted plumb stone. And you see that a small little teacup that's been left from some kind of ceremony. You recognize this as one of the old glades of, of the Sweetening Path, which is not the Bulbian Church. There's a lot of these where you come from, but you haven't seen one here in the south yet. - Cool, can I investigate, or do something with it? - Yeah, do a little investigation, give me a little survival check. - Love it. - Not a big one, a little one. - A little one. Nat one. - You shatter the teacup and-- - No, fuck, oh god, ah, oh god. I run. - You sprint. We follow Liam's trail through the peppermint woods, back to Castle Candy, carrying the sleeping Preston in your arms. And we cut to the gates opening, big, high battlement walls. Marching through the central courtyard are Sir Theo, his right hand man, Sir Toby, the princesses, Chancellor Lapain. And as you guys are marching through the main gate opens into the central keep, and as you're marching, you suddenly see the herald look at you as the ring of trumpets blares and you hear him in the middle of going, "Presenting his royal majesty, King Amethar of the House of Rocks, first of his name, sovereign ruler of Candia and the Sugarlands, Duke of Cookieshire, protector of the realm, defender of the faith, bannerman of the battle of Gumdrop Pass, and hero of Frosting Valley!" And it's just you walking out of a little side door. - Oh, oh hey. - My lord. - Hey pops. - Hey pops. - Girl's, what's going on. - We ran away again. - We ran away. - It's fine mate. - The chancellor bowed very deeply. - I try to bow deeper. Lower. - Hey, don't, don't touch the floor, all right. That's, that's nasty. I, I heard you all pulled one over on on Lapain. - Yeah, we did the old strawman that you taught us. - Ah, that's a good one. - It's a, very, very good. It worked so well. - I mean, it always works. I mean, you just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. - Next time I'm gonna it until I pretend that I fell out a window and really fucking freak him out. - Yay! - King Amethar-- - Yeah, yeah? - I, I know, usually, when the girls do something like this, we kind of just laugh it off, but perhaps today, now that they're - Because it's our birthday! - [Theobald] Grown-- - We should be celebrated for it. - Oh, interesting. Or, if we, if penance is required, I've actually come up with some pretty brutal penance that I think that I would really not enjoy, which is-- - Oh no, don't say it. - I think I should be sent on the diplomatic mission to Comida. - That would probably give us a lot of responsibility. - Yeah. - I'm sorry, you're asking me to send my, my two 18 year old daughters on a diplomatic mission. That's a, that's a bad idea? - That seems to me, like a very bad idea. - Okay, I think that's a bad idea. I actually-- No, don't cry. Don't cry. You know I, I can't. - Should we get the queen my lord? - Yeah, we should get the queen, - Get the queen. - Because otherwise, this is 100 percent gonna slide. - You guys are going to be watching the gate. As you do, you see that Liam walks in holding Preston-- - I'm here. - Wow, Liam ran away. - Wow. - Yeah, I tried to leave a note, but, notes get lost, it happens. - I appreciate the ping Master Liam. Gave me a ping. - Yeah. - You, you all could learn something from Liam. - All right, in the future, I'll give you a ping. - But again, remember, big notes that the girls can't steal from me. Big notes. - I flick Theo's armor and go, ping. - Very funny. - Let's go Ruby. - That's hilarious. - Ping. - Yes, we're 18, and we're making these jokes. Ping, very funny. Everyone's hilarious here. - Maybe now that I'm 18 though, it's, it's time that we had an apartment in Dolcington. - Oh, I think that would be a great idea. Learn some respect-- - We have so much room in this castle. - Just a three room bedroom. - Anyone out there wants to live in here. Why do you want to live out there? - Just to, experience the world. - How can we rule these people if we don't know how they live? - That's a very good point. - And by we, I meant Jet. - That is a very good point. - Because I am still going to the circus. Because there's no point in me being here. We don't need two of us. - Okay, we need to go talk to the queen before I start, just kind of, making bad decisions-- - Before Princess Ruby joins the circus, let's talk to the queen. - I'm afraid the queen has already arrived. You hear the herald go, "Presenting the Queen, Caramelinda of the House of Rocks, ruler of Candia and the Sugarlands, countess of Meringue, keeper of Castle Candy, and Heart of the Realm." - Hey, you gotta slow down or you're gonna pass out. - It's a lot to get out. - [Lou] Yeah. - Chancellor bows very, very deeply. - I bow even deeper. - Oh, no, no, no, no. - You guys see resplendent regal in her queenly gown, crown upon her head, long caramel hair, is your mother, the queen. - I cast prestidigitation, which is the spell that I learned when the last circus came around, from the circus master, just to clean us both up, because I know that we will get in trouble. - You see that your mother looks at you and says, "Ah, little bit of a cantrip to clean yourself up. Why? Were you dirty?" - No mother, I just wanted to make sure-- - How could you have become so dirty in your tower, taking your lessons? - I just wanted to, on our Saint's Day, to make sure that you, that we were extra clean. - I'm dirty because I've been preparing. I know now that I'm 18, I'll likely be taking Theobald's spot as the head of the army. - Yes, I think that we'll, our work-- - I was doing some combat rolls. - You see that you mother looks at you and says, "You would like to be head of the army? Is that why you've been so present at your history classes, learning the tactics of the Ravening War? You know, your father and your aunts, and all the other members of your family fought in that war. And their exploits are a matter of public record. The history of them is there, but I don't suppose you would've attended any of Chancellor Lapain's history classes? Is that right chancellor?" - It is, your, your majesty, slightly complicated. They were there in their physical forms that looked a lot like them were there-- - You were bamboozled by scarecrows. - Bamboozled by scarecrows. - Mother, is it my fault if I prefer to learn the history of war from my father, who was actually there, rather than this bunny who knows nothing but scribbling-- - You will hold your tongue young lady! You will refer to Chancellor Lapain, a primogen of the church, by his name respectfully. - Okay. - I'm behind mothers back, to Jet, and just. - Stop, stop trying to make me laugh Ruby. I'm gonna laugh Ruby. I'm gonna get in fucking trouble. - Hey-- - Are you laughing at me? - I mean, it's their Saint's Day. I mean we, we could, we could let just a little bit slide, you know, so everyone's having a good-- - Do you want to petition me to let this slide in front of them, or should we have this conversation privately to present a united front. - Oh yeah, we're supposed to present, we're supposed to do the united front thing. We can talk. - What a way to kick off our Saint's Day, huh? - Yeah. - Does anyone know what this seed is? - It's a seed. - Master Liam, I've gotta ask, what's with the seeds? I really, just the seeds-- - I, I hand him the seed and then I druid craft it to bloom. - Oh, it's a nice seed. - A little like, peppermint flower blooms. You see that, your mother looks and says, "Well, I understand that you had fun this morning, skipping your lesson. So, what we'll do is, you two girls can miss the first 90 minutes of your feast tonight, to complete the lesson that you missed with Chancellor Lepain." - Oh, come on. - You two women! - Everyone else is calling us grown women. - When I see-- - And you know what grown women have? And apartment in Dolcington. - Yes. - A three bedroom. - Three bedroom. - What's the third bedroom for? - My queen, I think I would be there to protect the princesses. - [Brennan] No Sir Theobald, I would not-- (crosstalk) - Guest bedroom. - I'm just saying, in a theoretical situation, where they had to have their own apartments-- - It would be my fondest wish to behold two women grown! I have yet to behold such a thing. What I see are petulant, rude, obnoxious, ill behaved, children. Now that didn't have to happen in front of all of our servants and warriors at arms, but it did. Because you had to make fools of yourselves. Now, I understand that you have some studying ahead of you today. So why don't you see to it? Amethar, perhaps you would like to instruct them in some history of the Ravening War if they are in fact so interested in that topic. Some extra studying today seems worthwhile. I'll be waiting for you, 10 minutes hence, upstairs, because we have some royal business to discuss. Liam, would you like to take a walk with me? - Yeah, totally. - Very well. - Wake up. - You see that, the queen holds out and takes, offers her hand to you. - I hold it. - She walks away with you. What do you guys do as Caramelinda and Liam walk away. - Well... - I mean you... - We, we... - We're gonna do a lecture. - I don't want to get you in trouble with mom. - No, yeah, - [Jet] So let's do a lesson. - That's why, we're gonna do a lesson, the three of us. You two-- - Should I be-- - No, no. - I, still a family thing. We're gonna have a family lesson. - You see that Lord Cruller, Calroy Cruller, your dad's, sort of, master of state, looks around and says, "Well, listen. There's more of us than the queen, so if we all get in trouble at the same time, then it, kind of just, all shakes out. So,-- - Like a coup? - I don't like getting in trouble. - We can't coup, he's the king. - Yeah, I'm the king. - We can coup the queen. - That's technically correct. I don't think the king can perform a coup. - The king can coup the queen. - Are you saying that the king can't coup? - I don't think the king can coup. What if we just-- (crosstalk) Hear me out. What if we listen to everything the queen said. - If the king and queen were in cahoots over a coup, then that coup could, could happen against the king. - Okay! Enough of this, the coup'ing and the who'ing. - Now a count can coup. - Okay. - Ah yes. The count can coup. - What makes a coup true? - Well a true coup is what a count can do against the king and queen. - All right, you know what, girls, let's go. We'll leave these three gentlemen to figure out the nature of a coup, and who can do the coup. Ah, you got me doing it, let's go! - Cool. - Maybe we can do a fighting lesson. - Yes, if you could teach us how to block-- - Yeah, we'll do something like that. - I would like to learn a killing blow. - Yes, I would like to learn a killing blow. - Okay, yeah, I'll learn, I like that you want to learn killing blow. We'll figure something out. - You can actually walk out to the, to the training fields. These other knights, members of the Tartguard here, the Tartguard, what they'll say, "And a happy Saint's Day to the lovely princesses." - I throw them gems. - We don't spend our money! They sort of dance away. And, you see, that, yeah, you walk out to, like the archery and like, training field with your two daughters. - Hoo, that was a lot. - That was a lot. - That's really a lot. - That last part was scary, like even for me-- - Yeah, I know, I know. - I'm know I'm like, the king, I was like, ho, I, I need to shut up. But, hey, it's your Saint's Day. And you're special. And, you should feel special, okay. - We do feel special, we do. - Good, all right. - You always make sure of that. - Good, I mean, because you are, all right. And then, do you still have that, you still got that candy cane that you whittled. - Yep. I lick it so it's even sharper. - And, that is-- - I try and stab a bug, and it doesn't work. - Yeah, okay, well, yeah, it's because you're trying to use a candy cane as a sword, right? - Yeah. - All right, can I see that? - Yeah. - I take it. I snap it over my knee. This isn't a sword, all right. You need a proper sword. I take one of the boxes, and I open it... This belonged to your aunt. General Rioco. - General Ricoco? - This is the Twizzling Blade. What you've got there, it was hers, and boy did she know how to use it. And you will too. - Thank you pops! I wrap my licorice body around him. - Yeah, yeah. Use it well. - Okay, and now I start going after anything I can see. - This sword is incredible. It's this long, thin, pointed, licorice blade, and it (imitates swords swishing) just like, it is so bendy, it like whips around as you're fighting with it. You see that the herald looks around and sees Amethar getting misty eyed, and you see, you see he goes, "All shall cry if the king cries! Cry at once!" - All right, we don't need to make a big deal that I'm crying, all right! - I'll give you something to cry about. - You see that the Tartguard starts slugging each other in the stomachs to make themselves cry. - Okay, honestly, I saw those guys just throwing swords out windows earlier. That's fine. They can punch each other all they want. - Pops, this is the greatest gift I've ever gotten. - All right, well, you deserve it, all right. And, Ruby? You know, I see you doing stuff with magic, reminds me a lot of Laz. Let me give you, this was her bow, Sourscratch. You, it's very powerful. Very magical. - You look so good. - You look so good. - An intense, like, poison green, sugar crystal, spiky bow, it's like awesome magical looking short-bow appears in your hands, and you see that like, as you go to put your fingers on the string, a scintillating line of green light appears, and an arrow produces on the bow as you put your fingers on it. - This is so cool. - No, no, no, be careful with these things all right. They're very, very powerful, magical properties and such. - I will guard it with my life. - Yeah. - All my life, I've been waiting for something worthy, and today, I feel as though I found two things. - What's the second one? - What's the other one? - The avocado. - Right. - Wait, what's the second one? - I was just like, casually, maybe betrothed. - I'm sorry, what, okay what? - We'll get into it later, we'll get into it later. I don't want to jinx it. - Ah, yeah, fine, yeah, let's not jinx it. - We cut over to Liam walking with queen Caramelinda, and you see that the-- - I'm just holding hands. - You see that she says, "Liam? How are you doing? Are you all right, you're well fed?" - Totally. - Good. I know that your stay here is a result of, political machinations that you never asked for, and you did nothing to deserve. I, would hate for your time here, as our ward, to be anything other than comfortable. And that you should be happy. And that, knowing that you will not spend the rest of your life here, that we provide you with all the things you need to live a rich and happy life once you return to the great stone candy mountains. And, your father, Duke Jawbreaker. I wanted to say, that there may come a time soon where some opportunities are presented to you and though, I am not permitted to entreaty that your wardship should end, lest I break the laws of the Concord. I will remind you, something that I and your uncle have spoken about, which is that, if you were to be wed, your time as a ward would have to come to an end so that you could attend to your sacred duties as a husband. - Right, yeah, I, I know, yeah. All my nice brothers got married and got to leave the compound, and, and it was just me and, the last four brothers who were, kinda unmarriable-- - She like, laughs and says, "I would never speak ill of your forebrothers, who have sadly, had, not so great fortune in terms of securing a bride." - Yeah, yeah, they're assholes. It's okay, we can just say it. - Liam, I'm the queen. - But, yeah, I'm not, I'm not really, like, interested. It's kinda hard to even talk to people. I'm just used to it kinda just being me an Preston, you know, like, out in the open air. Even now, when I'm talking to people, I kinda feel like, maybe they hate me. - She looks at you and says, "I do not think you are hated Liam, at least not by me. And if there is such a one in this castle that does not care for you, let their name be know to me, and they shall be sorted out." - Cool. - Preston is a fine companion. - I don't want to marry Preston. Were you gonna say I wanted to marry Pres, I don't want to marry Preston. - No, that is not where I was going. - Oh, oh, oh! Then-- - Are you having some kind of awakening right now? - No, no! No, I, I mean, no. But, I just feel like a lot of people are like, it's just you and Preston. Whenever people talk to me about needing a wife, I'm always like, no thank you. Husband, no thank you. I'm, I'm fine alone, is what I'm saying. - Well, I understand that. But, there's also a, a very large world out there, of people you haven't met. There might be a young lord or lady, out there somewhere, who also likes to look for seeds in the outdoors. And perhaps they feel very, very alone as well. - I mean, that'd be, really cool. But, can I roll to see if she hates me. - Yeah, give me an insight check. - 15. - You are uncomfortable with with how intense, how intensely high status this person is. Her gaze feels hot on you face, because she's so powerful. - He's still like, being in this mountains with like, mountain folk. I think being around all this royalty is really scary, so-- - Yeah, you're just scared of her, because she's powerful, but she's not doing anything to make you think she's not-- - You're right, of course not. Yeah, she doesn't hate me, yeah. You don't hate me? - No Liam. When have I done anything to be under the impression that I hate you? - Nothing, nothing. But, thank you, yeah, yeah, maybe, I mean, I'm open to meeting any kind of person. That'll be pretty cool. - I cannot advise you on what you should do. I merely mean to repeat that, should you wish to find a way to return home, there is a quicker path for you to return home to your beloved mountains, and it is with a ring on your finger, and a bride or groom on your arm. - Great. - All right. She give you a little kiss on the cheek, and she looks over at one of her servants and says, "Kindly bring my husband to my quarters." And you see that the servant nods. We cut-- I'm sorry were you at, what do you have? - Oh no, nevermind. I was gonna maybe ask her about the teacup, but then I was too embarrassed that maybe I'd be in trouble, for breaking it. - You get, you head out, as you do, you see, I'm sorry. The queen leaves, and we go back out to the field. I want to, as we go back out to you guys training with your new awesome weapons, Ruby, give me an insight check. - 17. - [Brennan] Murph, go ahead and give me a deception check. - 19. - Cool. - Is it? That's right. - What? - Awesome. - Am I, am I there as well. - You're there as well, watching her. - So you've got your aunts' weapons? - Yes Theobald, I believe it's time for you to retire. I'm ready to take over your position. If, if, when you're the queen, you see fit for that, then I will-- - And I'm gonna learn how to do that trick where you shoot the arrow with your feet. - Whoa, that's cool. - You see that, a servant comes over to you and says, "Your Majesty, her Majesty the queen asks for your company in her chambers." - All right. I have to go talk to the queen, but, hey really, give it to Theobald, all right. He can take it, all right. - I attack Theobald. - If my lord commands it... - We would have to go right now. I mean, my girl's whipping on Theobald right now. - Your Majesty, I can't make anyone do anything. - All right-- - I'm also scrambling, everywhere! - Love it. Okay, kick his ass. - They're everywhere. - You see that, as you start fighting, jumping out from your cap is Sprinkle, your little familiar, which is just a little animated sprinkle. It comes out and goes (imitates shrill squealing). - Sprinkle, aid me! - You see that Sprinkle jumps up and tries to, like wrap around your eyes to blind you. - Ah, ah, ah! God, it is such a, such a strong steed. - Sprinkle, go for the eyes! (imitates shrill squealing) - [Brennan] You see that Amethar walks-- - A vicious seed. - I love that. Can we burry a sprinkle? - Walks away. You walk up into Queen Caramelinda's chambers. She turns to you and says, "They went down into Dolcington this morning?" - Yeah, I guess. I mean, you know, I taught them the scarecrow trick, like, a couple, like weeks ago-- - We don't need to be teaching our daughters any more tricks. - All right, well, you know, the royal stuff gets old, okay, and it's fun to go and like, hang out with my daughters and like, I don't know, teach them all the stuff that I used to do. - It's fun! That's fun to you? It's fun for them to go off amongst commoners, where anything could happen? I'll remind you Amethar, we do have enemies. - Yeah. - Why was there an imperial courier waiting in Dolcington after a different imperial courier came to deliver this message from the Emperor? - I don't-- - Why, why, are all of Jet's underpants tear-away? - I don't know, all right. These are things we don't talk about, cause we don't want to jinx it, all right. We're not supposed to jinx it. - I have so many questions about this castle! - Well, I mean, I don't, I mean, you know... - One of our squires shattered every window in the main spiral stair in the tall tower by hurling himself down the steps! - Don't you think, I mean that was funny. That was funny, wasn't that? Wasn't that funny, I mean? - I, look, I didn't grow up in this castle like you did. I was a countess of a small province in the eastern wastes of Candia, where all is forgotten under the lee of the mountains. I, I don't... - Hey, I'm, I'm sorry, okay. I, I, I maybe I haven't been acting particularly Kingly. I don't know. The girls are getting older, it's just, I don't, this is right around, I, I just, I'm sorry. How can I do better? - She hands a scroll to you, of parchment, with the seal. Not just the imperial seal of the Concord, but the seal of the Concordant Emperor himself. The one who rules from Comida, over the six kingdoms of Calorum. - Damn. Gustavo sent this? I, can I read it? I can't, I'm illiterate. Can you, can you read that to me? I can't, - [Brennan] I'll tell you-- - You know I can't read. We don't, we act like I can read out there. But in here, why are you even giving me this scroll? You know I can't read. - You see that she goes, (sighs) "Amethar, Gustavo is sick." - What? - He's sick. This is a letter in his own hand, not by one of his scribes. And you see that she points, and you can see the lettering is faint, and weak, and scrawls in a couple of places. You see that, she says, "we've thought that Gustavo might have many more years as Emperor. According to the laws of the Concord, I mean, you were a young man, but I also know that you don't often pay attention so you know that Gustavo has to name an heir. - Yeah, something like that, yeah. - And that heir cannot be his daughter, or anyone of the kingdom of Fructera. - Yeah, he's gotta pick, like a, a Vegetanian, or like a Ceresian or something, yeah. - I know for a fact, that other letters went out to the rulers of the other kingdoms from the scribe's office. This was from Gustavo's own hand. They are going to have the tourney, as law commands. There will be a grand tournament. There will be champions selected. And, he will pick his successor. He has asked you, personally, to be in attendance. - Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah, I love a tourney. It'd be fun to watch, and just hang out. You know, get together with everybody. See friends from, you know, high up-- - She says, well, first of all, it's a grand tournament, so you don't need to watch if you don't want to. You've eventually, there will be other lords and kings participating. - Amethar, calm down. - Ah, I'm sorry. It's just, I haven't done the, this is gonna be good. - She, you see that she like, rubs her temples and says, "Why do you think the Emperor would write you a letter, asking you, personally, to attend? To make sure that his old friend, that he knows does not long for ruler-ship, is honor bound to attend by the request of a dying man? Why do you think he would make such an effort? Clearly, look at how weak his hand was as he wrote this, to make sure you would attend. - I don't know. Because he knows I'll put on a fucking show at that tournament! Yes! Can I just pull Pay Day, Payment Day off my back and just start swinging it. - She goes, you like, smash, chandelier smashes! She goes, "What's wrong with you? By the Bulb above! Who did I marry? Do you think... Sorry. Gustavo is asking you to be there personally, because, law of the Concord commands that the successor be there in person to be named. - The success, he going, think, he's gonna? Do you think he's gonna pick me? - Amethar, who else would he ask? There is no heir to House Cheddar. The person who sits on the throne of Lacramor right now is a 16-year-old girl, a cousin of the House of Cheddar. No one's going to believe that Basham Yaso from the Meatlands is actually a member of the Bulbian Church. King Cabbage is on death's door to begin with. The man is 92-years-old. And do you think he's going to give it to, what, some corrupt Ceresian senator? No, he's going to give it to you, Amethar. - No he's, no he's not. No he's not. - Amethar, he's asked you personally to attend. - I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I don't want to go, I don't want to be, this is a, this is a-- - You will refuse a summons from the Emperor? - Don't put this, no, I'm, no, I can't, right? I can't, I can't do it. I can't refuse? - If you can't, either you will send yourself, or you will send me, or one of our daughters. - Do you want to go? - No! - Okay. - No, I need to be here to rule Candia, by myself, as I have done these twenty years past. - Vicious. - Okay, so I gotta, I gotta go and, be ready to, so I shouldn't fight in the tournament? I should just get ready to be... - Amethar, the fact that your mind dwells on the tournament, whether you fight in it or not, it doesn't matter. Look, the last thing I'm worried about is you embarrassing yourself in the only place you've been able to excel, which is a battlefield. What I'm trying to say to you know, is that if you don't go, then another kingdom will sit on the Concordant throne. For the past 20 years, our kingdom has grown because your, one of your oldest and greatest friends has been emperor of the Concord. Every year, each kingdom gives 20 percent of it's taxes raised to the empire. Half of our fighting warriors, and half of every other kingdom's as well, wears the imperial crest, and serves in a kingdom not of their own birthplace. The Concord is the greatest tool for peace we've ever known. 20 years, have these lands gone without war. It's not an accident. And with a different emperor, that might change. - Okay. I'll go. - I am glad that you have, after much convincing, seen fit to do what you must. Let us go tell the news to our daughters. - Yep, they can come, right? - They can come? - Yeah, they can come with me? - I don't know if it's wise-- - They're gonna come, all right. I'm the, I'm the king and maybe gonna be the emperor. My daughters are coming with me. And, can, can the rabbit stay here? I don't want Lapain to come. (laughing) - If I'm sending my daughters to a city filled with every kind of Calorian under the bulb, you can best believe that the good Chancellor Lapain will be going with you. - It's not going to be any fun if he's there. - She says, we're gonna... She, she walks down.. She walks down, you guys see that they're getting your big feast ready. And, you guys are drawn to, having a little luncheon together in a large banquet hall. All sorts of wonderful candy foods are served. There's a big butterscotch pheasant in the middle of the table, and lots of other delightful candy food. Glasses of cola are pouring for everyone, lemon-lime cola, orange cola, classic cola. You see that the chancellor, also Theo, you're in the room as well. Liam, you're eating here. Queen Caramelinda looks up and says, "Daughters, how did your martial training go? At the table? For real?" - I can, have this, I have this rule going where I can only eat that which I have slain. - Nothing on the table is alive! - I know, but I can still slay it. - Do you-- - [Emily] I-- - Where do you get the underwear from? Where do you get it from? - How does she know that? - I go into Dolcington, there's a very tasteful lingerie shop. - We have to get that shut down. You see-- - You can't shut down a shop. - Yeah, there's honest, hardworking people there. - Yeah. - Honest, hardworking people can find other-- - We need a three bedroom above the shop. - Okay, we have some news your highnesses. A royal caravan will be dispatched tomorrow morning, for the city of Comida. Your father, the king, has been summoned by the Concordant Emperor. You, understand the nature of the Concord? You should, you guys give me a history check, if you'd be so kind? - Don't laugh at my roll. - I got a six. - I got a, nine. - Cool, you guys know that the Concord is, like an agreement, but also maybe the empire. But it's, but it's, you know that the emperor is a friend of your dad's. - But it's in Comida, right? - That is were the Great Pyramid of Food is, and the Concordant Throne. - Well mother, I am nothing if not a dutiful daughter, - Yes. - And so, it is with heavy feet that I trudge the path you lay before me. - I, I pick up a bowl, that, that our trip will be, be safe and healthy, and unexciting. - She looks at you and says, "All right, so, look, around 25 years ago, the Ravening War began. This was a war between all of the kingdoms of Calorum. It was started by a conflict between Fructera and Vegetania. Chancellor Lapain has, I'm sure, gone over this many, many times." - Pretty much constantly. - Yeah, I think I remember. - If I could, consult my notes. Unfortunately I don't have them with me. - Oh, me too. - You took notes? - All kinds of notes. - The, 20 years ago, the Imperator of Ceresia, Imperator of Forcatchia, was defeated outside of the city of Pangranos, by an army comprised of the emperor's Fructeran nobility, your father, most of Candia's armies, and our allies-- - Get in there. - And our allies of the Dairy Islands. Afterwards, a concord was reached. The emperor would be Gustavo Uvono. Each kingdom would give their taxes levied, and a full half of their warriors at arms, to the empire. Thus, that the peace may be maintained, and no kingdom would have the strength to rise up and war against any other without each other nation being called by oaths sworn under the light of the Bulb, to protect their allies, should anyone aggress against any other. Thus began the Pacts Calorum, and we find ourselves here, in an age of peace that you have been only too lucky to have been grown up in. The emperor has grown sick, and must declare an heir. There will be a grand tournament in Comida. And your father need be present there. - Neither of us want to be heir. - Yeah. But dad, are you going to fight? - I, I'm, I might get to, I don't know. There's other stuff I need to do, so. - Oh my god, we're gonna get to see you fight? - I hope so. - You're gonna win dad. - That would be really cool. - Thanks for-- - If you wish, there are also going to be tournaments of archery and jousting, and various other parts of the tournament that you may avail yourselves to. - I join pinkies under the table with Jet, cause this is our wildest dreams come true. - All of our, we're trying to keep a straight face, but all of our enthusiasm is going into our twitching pinkies. - You both, you both all right over there? - Yes. - Yes. We will represent the noble House of Rocks. - Yes, we will present a noble face of Rocks. And the bards will sing our praises after we fucking win. - So many things. - God. - All right, this is a lot. I'm going to ask that you... Honestly, your father thinks you should go and I, I agree. I think that-- - What? - I think that it would be wise for you to see some of the world. And perhaps when you see how fortunate you are to have been raised in Castle Candy, you will come to an appreciation of both your birthright, Jet, to one day be queen of Candia. And of all of the opportunities and responsibilities bestowed upon you by your station. Also, Liam should go. - What? - Sick. - I'm, I'm reaching into my pocket and hatching seeds and eating them. They're like, not edible. Not edible. - Liam is a ward of the king, not of Castle Candia. Wheresoever the king goes, I think it only right that the king should remain in stewardship over his cousin-- - Yeah, definitely. Would I, this is traveling? - That is correct. - This is traveling? - No, this is traveling. - No, I know. - JesΓΊs traveling? Is that what you said? - No, I said this is traveling, nevermind. - He doesn't speak egg. - And I don't talk like, - I don't speak egg. - an egg. - Theo laughs way too hard. I don't know what that means, but-- - I do not sound like an egg-- - Yeah, I would, I would totally go-- - It'd be great. - [Liam] So cool. - Yeah, it'll be fun. - I bet there's so many-- - Very well, Amethar, I shall leave it to you and the honorable, the honorable Sir Theobald to arrange for the caravan. In order to be on time for grand tournament, you have to leave on the morrow. - [Amethar] Great. - I'm sorry, who's all going? You? - No, I shall be remaining here at Castle Candy-- - Your Majesty, it would be my privilege to go and make sure that the royal princesses are all studied up on what they need to know about the, the Concord and all of that. - Oh, I fully agree chancellor. And in fact, Sir Theobald, I trust that the safety of the princesses shall be more paramount on this envoy than it has ever been at any time before. In fact, I think it best that the princesses remain fully in your sight at all times. And too busy their days in the strange new land, perhaps Chancellor Lepain, you might find it in your heart to instruct them as to the knowledge and lore of the new lands they shall be arriving at. I understand that there are chapels and cathedrals of the Bulbian faith that would be extremely illuminating to visit during your time there! - I do not want to make this a pilgrimage to 17 different chapels. - No. - I've seen every chapel I need to see for my entire life. - You've seen the one chapel! - Yes. - Yes, so many times. - A lot of times. - He always wants to bring us there. - My queen, I will have to make a very rigorous schedule for this trip with events-- - I will also help make the schedule, and... - It is very strict and it-- - I want to go to gift shops. - Yeah, can we go to the gift shops at the, the, the chapels at least? - If there are-- - There will be no time. (laughing) - Wonderful. You guys finish your luncheon, and the festivities of the Saint's Day of the twin princesses begin. Awesome revelry, it's like, no one parties like Candia. The huge huge candy fireworks, arcane fireworks that smells sweet. The smell of like, hot cookies and a sweet smelling breeze of like, ginger and chocolate. You see, like, hot spiced coco comes out in thick horns of stripped candy, people swing them down. There's a dancing, the Tartguard all do these high kicking line dances, and dance along the, the battlements. - Theobald, get out there. Dance with them. - This is ridiculous. - Theobald, I order you to dance. - Yes my lord. I go out and I do-- (laughing) - It's a dance. - It's the same dance! - It's the same dance! - I lock eyes with the king. Is this what you want sir? - Yeah, I'll take it. - Using the, the lady, the lady of Whipperly approaches you. Has like a tall spiraled whipped cream hairdo, like a light blue dress that's, and she says, "Ah, my lord." - Hi my lady. - I understand that you shall be creating your envoy for the trip to Comida. How very exciting. - Yeah. I'll be more than happy to pick up the slack, should you find yourself missing from this place. And you see that Lord Swirlie, who's like a little ice cream headed guy who says, "Very good indeed, it is your Majesty the king. I'm wondering who shall be where and, how, how forth, the, the coming envoy. It seems rather exciting to travel to Comida." - What? - You see, - What? - You see that Calroy leans over to you and says, "Your Majesty," - Yeah. - All the underworld's about to break loose if we don't come up with some kind of list of who's going and who's not going. - To, to Calor, to-- - Comida, yes. - Yeah. Those people just want to, does everybody want to come? - I mean, it's a chance to broker alliances with all the other various lords. An event like this comes around, literally once in a lifetime. - Yeah, who do you, I mean, Cal, who do you think we should bring, I mean? - I would leave all of these, esteemed lords and ladies in Castle Candy, if I would be honest. I, you see, he looks at you and says, "Your Majesty, you don't want to be emperor, do you?" - No, no, no, not really, no. I mean, I don't know. The queen was going on and on about the peace and everything. That Candia is doing, of how well we are, and like how important that is, and, I mean. I must support, I feel like I'm supposed to. So I, I mean like, if I'm supposed to, yeah, I'll do it, but. - I don't think it will behoove the six kingdoms of Calorum to have an emperor that does what he thinks is he's supposed to, and objects, subjects himself to a life of misery. But, that's my two cents, and I'm not going to gainsay the queen. What I will say is, I think that, if you want a hand putting the envoy together, I'm happy to help, but ultimately, I think you should take who you wish. As long as the princesses are safe, and you have people you trust with you, you have Lapain, you have Sir Theobald who's-- - Did someone say Lapain? - Wait, where the hell did you come from? - He looks at you and says, "Lapain, we're discussing who should go on the envoy." - Oh, yes. - I understand that if you have more than 30 warriors at arms, we need to request an imperial guard to travel on the Sucrosie Road. So, I would say more than 30, and we end up at some bureaucratic paperwork. But, I think a well armed guard is worthwhile. - Yeah, let's do, yeah, we'll do that. - All right, but yes, I think, bring who you wish. - Okay, I know but I like that ice cream guy. - Lord Swirlie? - Yeah, tell Lord Swirlie he can come. - Wonderful, we'll bring Lord Swirlie. You see, he says, some of the most, he says, "You have some trusted servants as well. I there's Licorina Loghead is one of the handmaidens of the princesses." - Yeah she, yeah, she can come. - And the, Sir Theobald's squire. - Yeah, yeah, Theomond-- - Limond. - Oh, Limond, yeah, yeah. - You see, Calroy looks at, Calroy looks and says, "Do you want me to just put this together, and--" - Yeah. - All right. He nods and says, "Very good." - Make sure everyone is fun, you know. - Make sure they're all fun? - sure on the ice cream man. - I mean, yeah, he's funny, he's, he's funny, like (mumbles). I feel like, if we get him drunk, it'll be like a good time. So-- - Okay. - You see, Calory looks over and says, "I think it'll be best to, obviously, if the chancellor went. Do you, I'll put it this way. I'm happy to go with you if you would like someone to lean on if you, if you can't remember names your supposed to remember." - Cal, your coming with. - I'm happy to. I'm also happy to stay here if you would like a friendly face here in court while you're gone. But I leave it in your careful judgment. - The queen can do it. Cal, you're coming with me, all right. You've always been there. I've watched you shit and piss. All right, we've talked about this. - We did. - All right, what happened? - He shit and pissed himself in the trenches of war. - Hmm, yes. - Lovely. Then to Comida on the morrow. I will get my good pants and we'll make a trip out of it. - The good pants. - I like a nice pants. You know, when your whole body is a slice of cake-- - Yeah. - You need to real, all the fashion kinda lives below the waist. - I can't wait to see you in pants, you know, in your best pants. Bring your best pants. - Your Majesty, is that a challenge? - That's a challenge. - Then I only have one night to get the best pants that Candia can produce. You see, he points to one of his servants, and you see, he says, "Archibolt! The finest pants you can find!" And you see that he, sort of wobbles off. Lapain, you hear a little chiming of wind. And you feel that something vital has broken. - Oh no. - Lapain goes out to, he like, pretends to like, circle around the party, but makes his way outside to where the sugarplum fairy area is. - The sugarplum stones stand silent in the grove. Go ahead and give me a stealth or deception if you would like. - Deception for sure. I got a 15. - Anyone who's like, in the same area as Lapain can give me an insight check. Was that 15 you said. - Fuck. - Am I inside... - Insight? - 16. - Oh 16. - 11. - Cool, just Jet and Liam. You guys are hanging out, you are, you two are over, and you see that Licorina, who's got a giant log of licorice for a head, she's going like, "Well right you are then mums. And I'll tell you this right now, we'll be aside to go on the road with you. I'll get all of your best doublets and your best tights and such, a nice harlequin look. For the circus yous like so much. Now, I'll tell you this. Comida is full of the handsomest young lads and lasses you ever did see. But last time I was in Comida, I'll tell you this, your Highnesses, we had ourselves a parade through them young lads and lasses. It were a right hurricane. - I'm ready for a parade. - I like a parade myself through-- - But you need-- - lads and lasses. - You'll need to be drinking plenty of water, and keep yourselves fed, cause it can get exhausting. Now, I say that as a common folk. I'm not sure how the rules work for your royal Highnesses. - Oh, we're common people. - Yes. - Everybody is a common person. - Truly, the garb we may wear may be royal, but, the blood in our veins is as common as you get. - Liam and Jet, you guys see Lapain, just kind of like, let himself out of the party, through and outer gate. - That is so weird. - I think I go look. - Cool, you follow, great. You follow along, you see Licorita says, "Now, about your last couple of lessons you do before you can join your own party--" - I distract Licorina, cause I see Jet want's to leave. - Okay, and I kinda, scoot away. - Cool, where's Jet scoot? - I'm scooting to spy on, to spy an Lapain, because I figure, if I can get him in trouble, maybe he won't come and make us come to lot's of chapels. - Each of you guys, give me a stealth check. And I need a, actually no, you're just going to do passive perception. What's your passive perception? - Passive, oh, 13. - 15. - 25. - That's my expertise thing. - So you guys scoot along, you guys see each other and you begin to sneak through the woods after Lapain. You guys are shadows, totally unseen. - Okay. - Enter my shadow. - Okay. - You see that Preston goes, (imitates pig snorting) - Be quite. - Can I touch him, by the way? - Yes, of course. - I've always wanted to, thank you. - He's really nice. - Oh my gosh. He's so cute. - Isn't he. - I'm walking through-- - You walk through, you arrive at the standing sugarplum stones. - Fuck, I broke that earlier. - Lapain, just, very exhaust, in a very exhausted way, like, bows to it. And then looks at the cup. It's broken. He doesn't have mending or anything, but we'll try to like, put it together, like, organize it in a way, to respect it. - Go ahead and give me, yeah, just give me a little flat charisma check. - 12. - Cool. You like, sew it together with a little piece of sugar. It's still very cracked and broken, but you put it back down. You see that lavender runes begin to glow in the deep purple of the sugary stones. And, you both watch this hidden behind a tree off in the shadows, and you see, appearing before you in the center of the circle is a floating image of a beautiful six-winged fairy, sugarplum leaves, sort of Tinkerbell leaf dress over her form, and these long lavender dragonfly wings, three on each side. You see that she has like, two beautiful indigo eyes, and then, almost like an insect, up to each corner of one, two like, lavender eyes. But they're each sparkling and beautiful. She looks like, gorgeous, but like alien and terrifying, appears. - Lapain, he can tell that there's like, a little bit of disrespect to those, (mumbles) and then, like, it sort of bows in like, I have to do this kind of way. - Good chancellor. - Hello. - I'm sorry that I could not move upon your sweet little teacup. The ward, the count of Freezyburg broke it while traveling through these woods. - Shit. - That's you, right? - What is that? - They broke it. - He is a sweet boy. - What would you like of me now? - Well, I took the opportunity of a broken cup to see you come to my glade, as you are traveling to a place that will not keep my standing stones. - I will do my best to be careful in absence of your standing stones. I... Is there any advice that you have that you, is there any, it feels like you want-- - Are they exes? - me to-- - I do, I am getting a bit of a-- - I'm getting a vibe, right. - You see that she says, "Lapain, you need not worry your friend. There is great danger ahead. You are leaving the kingdom of Candia, and with it, my realm of influence. You go now to a place where only the Bulbian church holds sway. Luckily they believe you to be a member of their church. - Technically, I am. - Technically, you are. - But, I know we both know that there are other things at work. - This really talks like exes talking to each other, right? - Yeah, it's like, hey, how have you been, in like the most painful way. - We both know there's a reason it didn't work out. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - She looks at you and says, "I would caution you this. "There are dark forces at work. "Be wary. "Boldness will be required in the days to come Lapain." - In the past, I have done what you have asked of me, in an official capacity. Are you asking me to do anything right now? - Oh, clever rabbit. - What the fuck. - This is kinda hot. (laughing) - No, Chancellor Lapain, I'm not asking for my third wish. - Lapain just nods. So I will be careful, and I will be bold if necessary. What does that mean? - It means that, though there will be great risk awaiting you, the risk will be greater if you do not act. Boldness and caution alike will be needed to survive the coming challenges. - Are you sure that this family is worth such boldness? - He's talking about my family. - You see that, she looks at you and says, "I would not have used my second wish to bring you to them, if I did not believe it was important." - Okay. - Lapain, keep your wits about you. Protect the king, and protect the princesses, or else all is lost. - The cup is probably gonna break again. I don't know if you need me to do anything about that. - Do you not know the mending cantrip? - I happened to, well, it's just kind of one I don't have. - But you have a lot, right? - I have a couple of other things I could, like, (magical chimea) (laughing) - Well, we're gonna have to work that out if you want mending, we have to work that out. - Okay. - Very well Lapain, and you see that she floats down, gives you a little kiss on the cheek-- - Okay. - And says, "I know you don't like me very much, but you have been a very, very good servant." - I will take that, and take my leave. - The light fades from the standing stones, and Lapain, you walk back to the castle, great. - Liam-- - Whoa! - Me thinks we have a mole in our midst. - That's crazy. - So he? So what? - He's basically working for the sugarplum fairy as some sort of servant. He doesn't even believe in the Rocks family. He's only here as a, as a, in servitude to someone else. - Ah, yeah. - We gotta tell Ruby about this. - Okay. What are you into? - Me? Fighting mostly. - Oh cool, actually-- - What about you? Oh, seeds, seeds. - Yeah, lot of seeds. Actually, I had a question. You have a lot of books, and I wanted to get a book where I can put all my flowers in it. - Oh yeah. - Like a press flower book. - Do you want one that's, like technically illegal in this, in this empire, or like-- - Not necessarily. Actually, not necessarily. - Yeah, I've actually gotten-- - It's just for flowers. It doesn't need to be illegal. - You guys are arriving back at the castle, as you do, you guys get back to see Ruby there. - We definitely fill Ruby in on all of this. - Holy. - Yes, Lapain is a mole. - That is, we're gonna use this. - Yes. - This is gonna be really-- - That person had so many eyes. - This, you're gonna like this. This information is like a seed that we can choose when to harvest. - Any of you can make a religion or a nature check if you'd like. - Oh yeah baby. - Religion, nature. - Hot seven, with my nature bonus. - One, two, three, four. - I got a 21. - Thank you, thank you. - Good thing we told Ruby. - Cool, what skill were you using? - History. Yes, history. - History, okay. Not arcana? - You said history or-- - No I said, I said religion or nature. - Oh, I'm think he said history. I mean, even so, I rolled an 18, so. - It's high. - With arcana, it's plus five, it's like, better. - Oh, so we'll do arcana. - The sugarplum fairy is a powerful spirit of the Sweetening Path, which is like, an animistic religion native to Candia. - I know that right, because my mom is super into that. - Yeah, your mom is like a Druid and shaman of the Sweetening Path. - Love it, yeah. - So, what you know about the sugarplum fairy is, it is, the sugarplum fairy is a protector guardian spirit of Candia. And the legends about the sugarplum fairy are not that she is evil. - Oh. Yeah, sugarplum fairy is cool. Honestly, I think that the sugarplum fairy is like, much more interesting than Bulbia. - No, I do to. And you know what? People who are Bulbian don't like the sugarplum fairy. They're very militant about their religion. - But like, sugarplum fairy is fine about Bulbians. It's like, a one way street. - If anything, the fact that he was talking back to the sugarplum fairy and reluctant, makes me think that he's a bad guy who's being whipped into shape by the sugarplum fairy. - Oh, yeah, I'm on board with still not liking him. - Yeah. - Agreed. - Morning arrives the next day, and the envoy of King Amethar of the House of Rocks sets out. You've got your herald, you've got Licorina, and Limond, a bunch of Tartguard. You see Limon says, "Oh well, I suppose it's just as good as anything, I should be sent and banished to Comida." - Limond, you don't have to walk next to your horse. You can ride the horse. - No, the horse would be insulted to carry me. - Limond, I, I've just heard word that the ice cream man wanted to talk to you at the back of the caravan. - Surely it's to beat me around the head and shoulders with a cudgel. - Sure. - He goes to the back. - I love you playing an asshole. - You see that Sir Toby is actually gonna remain here to go take care of those problems. He's going with, Sir, like Amanda Maylard and other, sort of the queen's champion and other knights to go deal with, brigands and stuff like that, and like, to get a win for the Knights of Gumbar. So you're taking, you know, like, a score and some of Tartguard with you, to protect, who are technically, the Tartguard are the people you command, and they are, like, royal guards basically. - Toby, you sure you can't come? Just these, not that there's anything wrong with these guys. They seem-- - (laughs) Dance, dance, dance. - Theobald, it's so good to see you amongst your people. - Yes, we all one. I command them. - You see that he sort of nods, and he says, right, well, he says, "My lord, I'm sorry, but I should stay here with the Knights of North Gumbia to lead the and try to settle this matter in the West Cake. What I shall also say is, I would bewares with traveling, that there are some wanted signs. You've heard of those, the, that, sugarless chocolate Warlock out there, sort of, patrolling around the borders of Candia. There's some wanted posters out there Sir. Just keep and eye out, if you get a chance. - Bittersweet dark-nips, right? - A bitternut dark-nips, yes. - Bitter-night dark-nip. - He says, nods and says, "I know that the Fructeran nobels in the border regions are very adamant that we do something about that. So, if there's an opportunity to capture her, that would be very well and good. Otherwise, there, there is a commander who should be waiting to escort you past the border of Candia." You see, he takes a little message out and says, "Commander Constano Grisieny, of the imperial army, should be waiting there with a troupe of imperial Ceresian infantry to escort you to the capital city. - Excellent. - You see that he says, "Your Highnesses, fair wind and good fortune on your path." - Thank you. I feel as though I'm finally stepping into my destiny. I hope you the same. It feels really good. - Yes, everybody should have a destiny. What's yours? - What's yours? - My destiny? - Yes. - The Bulb above knows only. I am but a humble servant. - Yes, of course. - Yeah. - For sure. - Yes, of course. - Yes. - You're right. - Yes, of course. - What are you? - It sounded like you... We're all good, all right. Fare thee well. And you see, he heads off. You guys get in your caravan and head out, so like there's like an advanced guard of about, you know, you have an advanced guard, and there are scouts posted, yadda, yadda, yadda. You guys head off and you begin to journey away from Castle Candy for the first time. Down the multi-colored rainbow, Sucrosie Road, you tra-- - I link pinkies with Ruby. - The chocolate chip hills of Cookieshire roll, the grass grows up by the side of the road, the pink and fuchsia grass. You guys start getting to like, the borders of Candia, where you can even like, see like, ah, is that, like a fruit growing on a tree? As like the landscape starts to change. - As you guys are traveling along the Sucrosie Road, what are you guys all, like, doing in this brand new lands you've never seen before. - I'm definitely standing on the saddle of my horse, just doing our best, as soon as we got out of sight of the castle so that our mother couldn't see us-- - So actually are not traveling with horses. You guys are traveling with meeps. - Oh. - Oh. Giant marshmallow legless birds are pulling the, are pulling the carriage along. So you have three armored carriages, your squires and stuff, so there, you wouldn't be riding anything. So you can either be like, in one of the carriages-- - Oh, in which case, I climb out of the carriage and I'm standing on top of the carriage, doing tricks sometimes. - I think, I've got one hand on Ruby to give her a help action on anything that she needs to do. - I think I'm giving, probably talking to some straw people inside the... - No, at this point, at this point, I'm present with you. - Oh, okay. - And I'm keeping an eye on you. - Yeah, so, Lapain I'm sure is talking about the history of Fructeria. - Lapain, I have a question. - Are you like, leaning out the window and holding? - Yeah. Lapain, I have a question. Have you ever heard of the sugarplum fairy? - Oh, I hang my head in the window upside down. Yeah, have you even heard of the sugarplum fairy? - I think we have, yes I've heard of it I believe-- - I just wanted to know more about it. Forgive me. - We were doing some history reading. - Yes. - Because we want to study. - I think, lesson number one, let's not talk about sugarplum fairy on the road. Let's practice that now. What do we think? - Is sir Theo in the-- - Yeah, I'm just there. I think I have my other arm out, holding Ruby on the other side. - I've got her. You don't need-- - You don't have her. - I'm fully, like, horizontal, just holding onto the window, but horizontal, out of the side of the carriage. - Lovely. - So, I know that places, they might not be too fond of ideas of other religions, like Fructeria. They may not like stories the sugarplum fairy or other religions. Just so you know. - Okay. - We were just interested, from an historical point of view. - Forgive me, I'm a young, I'm a young, - I guess we're babies, - Budding mind. - tiny babies. - Cursed with the curiosity. - Can I ask Liam to ride with me at my carriage? - Sure, absolutely. - Yeah, I think I'm like, I'm so good at direction and finding where we're going, that I'm just kind of like, trying so hard not to backseat drive whoever's leading this caravan. I'm just like, that was a wrong turn. This is gonna be-- - But was it a wrong turn? I mean, I'll make them, we'll make them turn around. - No, no, it's a, it's like, yeah, it was, I mean we can just cut up here, and, I mean, we wanna run perpendicular to the cola, - Yeah. - so that we hit it quicker. - As you're sort of saying, like, we wanna (mumbles) the cola, you actually look are you guys, is your character different, so that-- - I think the, that, I get like, Lapain and I'm not riding with Lapain. - Yeah, so, so you guys are in the front carriage and you guys are in the middle carriage. And you look up ahead, and you see one of the Tartguard looks around as you round the little bend of the corner and goes, "Your Majesty, it looks like the advanced guard might "have missed this. "A tree has fallen in the road. "We need a moment to clear it." - Okay, next time you gonna drive, okay, yeah, let's take a minute, if anyone, yeah, clear the road. - I could take a piss break. - We should check this and make sure this-- - You take 16 points of damage. - I'm dead. 16 points of damage, I'm fully dead. - Your, it takes 16 points of damage? - Wait, I wanna use a-- - You are surprised and can't use reactions. You take 16 points of damage, and something else happens to you, which gives you and immediate failed death saving throw. - What! - I'm gonna need everybody here roll initiative. - What! - The fuck! - No! - Oh, 'cause you're outside. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay. - You guys holding onto Ruby's ankles, feel her collapse as you hear, on the sides of the carriages, you hear, (arrows hitting wood) as the carriages stop in front of the fallen tree. That's all for this week, an "A Crown of Candy". - What the fuck! - Oh my god, the princess has been shot! - Why are you doing this? - I don't feel, I feel trapped and-- - Traveling through the borderlands of Candia, and we leap into battle. - Heal my fucking sister or everyone knows-- - Careful archers, somebody clear the road! I rip my shirt off-- - You take the Horn of Candia, (imitates explosion booming) - We are all going to die. - It's gonna be a box of doom roll. - Bitch! - Jesus.
Channel: Dimension 20
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Keywords: Collegehumor, comedy, humor, funny, brennan lee mulligan, tabletop rpg, dungeons and dragons, brennan lee mulligan d&d, game of thrones, candyland, d&d, d and d gameplay, dimension 20, a crown of candy, d20 live, crown of candy, d20 full episode, a crown of candy full episode, dimension 20 full episode, dimension 20 premiere, dimension 20 candy, dropout, actualplay, actualplay show, actual play d&d, brennan collegehumor, crown of candy episode, crown of candy episode 1
Id: REnc_wXkHnc
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Length: 121min 12sec (7272 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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