Leeches, Exes, and Loans [Full Episode]

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[Music] we feel like doing it maybe that was a filling maybe he just looked at your fillings wonderful yes so we have a good idea we just wanted to start filming it now so we have some like documentary style before they were famous Ali and I both have a lot of student loans crippling and we work at a comedy website focused on college so we have an idea for you the company comes up with crazy things for us to do and if we do them you give us money for student loans like jumping out of a helicopter we have okay yeah yeah I have a bunch of stuff the idea is like student loans are such a nightmare the next 20 years for us are just like kind of shitty every month barely scraping by and we're saying like what if you like an accordion push that into just four months of like actual shitty scary living and then we're done we owe so much money each month it drains my bank account at least I paid for a bell pepper in dimes yes this week this is like a stunt show like a challenge show in which we pay off your student loans yes I like that you're calling attention to the student loan problem in a way that's very personal to the both of you and in a way that's really loud I think my initial concern would be that if you're putting me in the position of being your torturer like I have like a legal and ethical responsibility to you guys as your boss and it's tough to put me in the position where I'm like you know inflicting this kind of pain on you you know what I mean what if you guys challenge each other so like you took turns giving each other a challenge and then if they failed then the person who challenged gets the money so that kind of raises the stakes ah so on the one hand you're pitching a show that's like literally to do with ruining your lives and you were pitching a show that's to do with like paying off your crippling student loan debt this is either a terrible idea on your part or like a brilliant idea and I guess I'm like eager to see which which it is I mean go gives you one go do one greenlight hell yeah full series follow us up very quickly well we have the full series order from ya thank you Sam got you thank you Sam I'm scared for you is that the last thing I said good right yeah awesome details I feel like this is uh someone I owe money to what they call from time to time I will not answer this phone call the total that I owe all in is ninety five thousand four hundred forty-one dollars and 73 cents about seven hundred and thirty five dollars a month that covers interest basically that cut that that is that is just the interest you know my parents didn't have any savings and so I said helpfully well why don't I go to a very expensive private school having debt like this having any kind of debt I got to imagine is so it's so always in the back of your mind you can you can never get ahead something like this big like an amount of money that's just so big you can you can you're never ahead of it you know I'm gonna pay this off maybe before I die so in addition to working at College Humor I have a job on the weekends waiting tables I'm not embarrassed to have to wait tables there is I think cognitive dissonance for people because I do have a a good job in entertainment you know this is a job that is sought after I am very lucky to be working in college humor and so I think when people find out that I also have this this job waiting tables it can diminish me a little bit in their eyes [Music] this is my car I didn't have a car for a few years because I couldn't afford one but then I found this car for five hundred dollars I was at five hundred dollars you asked Oh cuz it's leaking oil what do I use to check the oil a sock is in my sock no it was just in the car when I bought it oh yeah she's dangerously low this fell off my muffler recently and I picked it up just in case I needed I owe about 60 grand and this like I owe this much money after getting half scholarships for every year I like worked super hard and applied and I was like an RA at all these on-campus jobs it was really shitty to to owe this much money I just feel like constantly behind like I came out of college and I felt like I was doing it all right like I went high school to college got a degree and I graduated and then they were like welcome you are now like this [ __ ] part of society that's in like insane debt you have no credit the only way to build credit is to get credit figure that one out I don't know how people do it like I can't it really feels like like the myth of sisyphus I'm just like pushing this [ __ ] rock up a hill and it's falling on me that's truly the first time I've used my philosophy degree since graduating I'm definitely like the more broke one of my friends widget I'm usually able to like keep under wraps you can get a double shot of espresso over ice and then they always have milk out there on the counter for people to add to their coffee you just fill up your cup with that milk BAM you got a nice latte for probably three dollars I save two dollars and fifty cents but then I spend eleven dollars on oil there's gotta be a better way alright so the company has tentatively agreed to put forward about fifty thousand dollars in prize money towards their student loans for an entire season we're gonna do this first one to make sure it works start out low like five hundred bucks for this first challenge and then it'll work up to about ten thousand for the final challenges so the way it'll be structured is every episode will have two challenges you will challenge each other and if you fail the challenge that the person the other person gives you they get that money so in theory that last episode one of you could win 20 grand oh my god because of this is a structure like you guys have to really push each other to make the dollar amounts feel worth it all right you're brewing up ideas that are like too far even for you I have some legal questions you have to commit a crime and go to jail grant has to drink so you have to tell your mom that you were wrong and you're not alike cut off her finger whatever one step below removing a pinkie is that sounds great like if here's the ceiling cutting up at pinkies right above it so right now I think grant is gonna have to be naked and interview a guy on student loans make Quran has to be naked yeah grant loves being naked what I like about opening with an interview is we get some good information about student loans yeah and I want that part but then you have to be doing something else with it is there something grant will hate more than being naked we're doing this in the office we can hang on that's that's truly an impossible thing you're already like scamming the company out of getting them to pay you leeches oh no I mean I don't even know if we can do it in the office we can't Oh rats that we can Ally's thing right now is eating spicy food and my thing is really spicy food I can eat Thai food give me my student loan right one it's episode wine that is that is something we do need a place to build to all I do think that what grant is doing is like physically scary for him something in here has to be so on triple that it's that's on the level of a [ __ ] leech do you have like all like a parent your estranged from you have an ex that you don't talk to anymore that's great stop I was a girl I dated in Holland she's not my that's great that's insane is the last time you talked to her like when you broke up I cannot I can't Skype her honestly like Allie you have to or I get your money your challenge is you have to call me or two on skype for I don't know what's a long time you have to remain continent and emotionally engaged if that trooper both OS for 30 minutes for half an hour we both have to do an interview while we're getting [ __ ] by either leeches or spicy food if you can't take it before that like you get too freaked out or I'm like too spicy and I'm knocked out then we lose okay if we can find [ __ ] leeches in Los Angeles sure oh no where when we find alternative medicine nice to meet you thank you for bringing your friends yes this is a very ancient way of healing very good for like if somebody has injuries force injury or any injury of roses that a leech can help you know not everything packaged in a very pretty for yeah they look really scared like how many leeches are in there [Music] we came here because you guys know how to do spicy and my friend Ali would like to try some spicy food wouldn't you Ali yes all chili that we you did all from Thailand we don't need an American chili at one buy it roll out your ear do you have one that we could see like one of the one of the Chili's oh [ __ ] what kind of animal is it is an insect is it a fish oh it's a warm family hmm yeah but this is healing warm sits empty April Grant is very scared but I think he'll see it will be fine I have never been very good with with small animals today what's the most spicy thing on the mend I know mine but dynamite 10 Bob chili 10 balls of the show we will just keep it for smart at people we already make spicy but you think you cool you hey if i dollar mom will make you happy what's the worst thing that's happened to someone who like tried to live in the fall they lay down on the floor the restaurant in the restaurant I think we should order a dynamite spicy challenge I mean okay I'm telling you thank you to spice that made it real I feel that's cold just leech little travel and see huh yeah he went my bellybutton [Music] hey is that wine Oh baby oh [ __ ] okay umm what is the current level of student debt in America if you have that off the top of your head one point for a trillion dollars and we swing on a million million dollars 44 million student loan borrowers and they owe give or take about thirty seven and a half thousand dollars on average what is the cotton in the nose for sorry I'm being awkward um are you dating anyone I have a date with that girl the day after tomorrow mine's me so much of you cool what what is all that negative reporting on credit what is all that debts doing to doing to people these days financially it prevents you from buying a house your ability to get a car loan your ability to rent an apartment yeah but emotionally you know if you've got ninety one hundred two hundred thousand dollars where the student loan debt and you're getting called by debt collectors all the time what is that do to you I think I might be in Amsterdam this summer [Music] I think just for like uh like a week you only one second I'm sorry okay you were sold the dream weren't you I was my dream yeah I was living in Ohio when I was a kid you know I was I said you know I'm gonna go I'm gonna be I'm gonna be an actor and I went to acting school it borrowed I wanted to go to acting school cuz I because I had to get I had to get out of Ohio and now look at me I think we broke up because you were said in Holland you weren't really yourself and I think that was a trigger for both of us not new piece a bit more the fact that you weren't really at home here I'm curious if you would take her or if I would like them yeah same I was live in Holland after I was like 60 on like to retire in Holland I would go to Holland to die you're coming out at the gate and you're feeling like you screwed up before you start I well I did screw up I started that it that is the feeling that I have is like well there goes my financial future I'm gonna pause again I'm getting one bit more water coming out over yonder [Music] thank you very much she's done she can you can collect her you're good oh great that's great in that case thank you so much Jane Fleischman for coming in thank you never live here and then we could be together I don't think I would live in LA oh that's a hard truth I think that's why we broke up because we could never live in the same place we just happened to catch each other when we did live in the same place but it wasn't forever yeah yeah are you cold now yep it's like I have a fever [Music] yes we're done okay thank you for doing this no problem it was pleasure it was it it was good to see you love you okay I can smell it like a lot yeah I could smell it you look like American Psycho can I see it oh my god oh my god I am gonna barf no no no no no no what are you to say oh my god I just wanted to show Sam what he greenlit is this Sam oh my god Sam hey buddy you were horrible on the outs yeah you look horrible on the inside it's true I'll say this you guys have proven that you are committed thank you great that's great [Music] oh I have like um like a very very bad headache I feel that you look like you were murdered or murdered someone [Music] notice I could turn the bathroom it'll be insanely fast yeah tell you my cup I can't idea if you like that go to drop out TV you right now to start your free trial and see Ali do this
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 928,262
Rating: 4.9560275 out of 5
Keywords: CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, debt, college, games, dares, money, stunts, challenges, awkward, seems legit, exes, interviews, documentaries, peer pressure, blood, ally beardsley, grant o'brien, adam frucci, sam reich, mike trapp, raphael chestang, siobhan thompson, brennan lee mulligan, rekha shankar, katie marovitch, jay fleischmann, irina brodsky, myrte beltman, jazz sinsanong, Total Forgiveness
Id: wzQDifGMnPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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