Hidden Cup 4 | Pope Leo I vs Gonzalo Pizarro (Best of 5)

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here the game number one and pope leo's gone for gray hmm what do we do with that grey versus blue i don't i don't know anyone who who definitively chooses gray all the time nope um i'm wondering viewers are you i think i should change this color i can't even ask viewers because they always say different things guys so he's chosen gray we're gonna go with red you can see at the bottom right that indicates what he's chosen so there's no confusion just so we can see things that'll get too crazy but pope leo in the south playing as the vikings and gonzalo pizarro playing as the lithuanians in the north all right so our predictions are correct here and but this does you know i think in arabia no surprise yeah two you know these two players are going to go for very standard arabia sieves uh in vikings versus lithuanians lithuanians happy to go for for cav uh easy easy pushes with those you know monks i in the castle age something to bring up here is i am still coming back to the similarities between pope leo's draft and civ choices and uh war wolf's draft earlier today werewolf went vikings game one and i think had cup as a home map too so i remember last year it was princess yodit and joan the maid and they both preferred having celts on cup they both went vikings on arabia and my dumb self was like this is velez and max and also joan the max just sounded really good capture captured you with me here right hold on a second there we go um yeah so joe and the mac sounded really good but it was doubt and it was tattoo so we're guessing players just keep that in mind dash yeah so you're thinking practice partners of some kind potentially it's tough with home maps though because like let's say you practice cup and then the enemy picks cup early it looks to us like you wouldn't want to play that map when in reality you would have picked it yourself so it's hard to say but it's in terms of this civ match up i think it comes down to map control because lithuanians can be dangerous against any civilization if they're able to get the relics and then uh vikings i think tend to dominate if they're untouched and allowed to boom absolutely both players pushing in deer uh did catch the boar lure from pope leo use the tc okay so just add him to the list yeah this is definitely not doubt he's got like he's got one pig being collected by a villager i don't know there's some weird misclicks here in dark age for pope leo yeah definitely a bit of a mess at the moment but uh already beginning the walls on the on the right-hand side with the houses so protecting looking to protect the berries nice and early yeah i see that all right and this would be a nice base layout you've got the gold in the back and plenty of wood lines with some walls which i think is priority for vikings in this matchup it could be strong lithuanians have one of the deadliest scout rushers in the game because they start with all the free food and it's it's very very easy to play with them so i think blue boar lure gonzalo use the villes look at how weak okay so who are the four on my list that do not tend to use the tc it was it was a small portion doubt never i'm forgetting the other two though it was uh barles was the other one oh borrows the thing with barrels which i'm gonna need my co-casters to do because i cannot just go around clicking mills i mentioned it earlier he he has to do a thing where occasionally he hughes up farms in his mill i don't know why i wasn't able to ask him because i didn't find out until after he already made it into the main event so if you ever see that i feel like that's a confirmation it's borrows because it's so unbelievably rare you know i mean that's just that's just a holdover mechanic from the old days yeah yeah exactly he's just used to it so all right barracks going up for the viking player uh while loom is being researched but uh but gonzalo already on the way to feudal age all right gonzalo also pretty much pretty crazy here with the loring scouting the enemy really late whereas pope leo hope leo knows where the enemy is sees the barracks you look at gonzalo and gonzalo it has no clue right now so this is sometimes a little iffy against men at armstiffs because they could surprise you and get to your base and you might not have walls down you might not be ready for what they're sending your way that said he's got very safe walling uh while he sends another villager out to the left-hand side to further the walls all of his villagers are concentrated on the front of his base he pre-walled both the wood line and the berries on the right-hand side so he'll he'll get notice if someone wants to swing around uh and look uh to put pressure there and already walled on the left-hand side with the barracks just going up so i think a very safe approach here look more walling on the right-hand side gonna take anything to the tc and with all of his villagers here you don't even have to fully wall the whole base because i mean where's the where's your in to attack that's true i'm curious gonzalo had an opportunity to stick around next to these walls here dash next to the lumber camp and pick off that ville didn't do that has not seen the barracks yet but maybe you expect it from vikings and so the walls being down certainly gonna help the stables actually kind of hidden away here and i am really liking how gonzalo has walled up his base he's still got a little bit of walling to do but pretty safe play so far and don't tell me that deer is going to run towards his tc oh he just got gifted will he notice that's the better question he bet that's free food man you're going scouts that's huge where's the deal we're going to bambi not having it and that's going to pass right back underneath that town center that's a ridiculous thing i remember hidden cup hidden cup 2 there was a game where a deer bugged out ran across the entire map and went underneath who was eventually viper's tc if this is viper we've got something suspicious about this that would be that would be intriguing but viper oh god he'll always kill a boy with a tc that's true and and anyone in their right minds would have killed that deer now he's just let it out [Laughter] bro that's so frustrating uh whatever animal conservationist clearly after pushing the first three deer then he's like never mind i've thought better of it it's not that big a deal i think red's going to be fully walled there's a few areas well i mean there's definitely avenues but i think the scouts probably will be too late and we have an archery range behind this for gonzalo so this is going to be into skirmishers which is more than fine and the way to go here with lithuanians yeah both both players effectively walled we'll get the the last hit on this palestine there it is okay notices gets the extra hit has a spearman guarding the only open uh part of the base on the right-hand side of the villager going to wall that up now so i think uh both players are going to it's just a battle of of macroing uh while defending behind walls at this point the thing is pope leo might not be killing anything hopefully it was untouched in his vikings with free wheelbarrow so you've got archers hitting a few lumberjacks here there it's just defensive play right now tire too yeah because he went scouts oh that's interesting getting horse collar that is very rare behind men at arms typically you won't get horsepower until later he didn't get his wood upgrade though that's weird that is peculiar going archers upgrade yeah exactly what i'm thinking because that's a pretty big deal there um i i think that pope leo will be happy with the pressures put on but gonzalo is going to take map control here in a second you would imagine as long as the scouts maintain their hp the skirms take care of virtually everything else in numbers so um i think hope's just got to be as greedy as possible with the economy and make sure that the castle age is stronger because in a couple seconds skirms are going to rule all yeah well i mean he actually has eclipsed uh gonzalo in uh farm count right in this amount of time and then as you mentioned with uh with wheelbarrow interesting that's gonna be uh quite possibly a faster castle age and also it's been super annoying look at this the archers are still here the skirms are out there the skirms they don't have fletching but neither do the archers and popflios just been poking man is poking villagers wait is there a whole okay never mind okay i got confused wait is there not a hole is there a tree behind that tree i think there's a tree but it's like a the tiniest little there is charlie brown's christmas tree i can't even click it when i zoom in oh yeah there we go this other this other oak tree all right well this is what this game has become we're just looking at trees i'm just gonna say it is the two casters focusing on the wrong place well you know dash as i said i think the skirms now especially with the speed you're gonna be very strong in this situation and it's it's also really important if you're lithuanians to keep your scouts alive so you can scout the map to get relics later on yup there is also a hole on one of the woodlines for pope leo he over chopped it yeah while he hasn't noticed yet and he's not under pressure at the moment the question will be now that gonzalo has pushed the enemy forces out of his base will he at any point go forward and notice that and take advantage and what's really interesting about this position we're in now is that poplia will be in cass lage faster i think he's i think he's out of his mind to have archers on the field right now i think he should stay at home but you might actually want to go for one stable with your vikings just to get a few knights out there to clear up skirms in the next stage and then your crossbowman can do their thing mm-hmm not you know while he will be faster not much true they're both hitting that 800 gold mark actually oh great made me a liar because he produced he produced a few more archers and now he doesn't have the gold you you know you just need to practice more listen practice more and you're going to get it right every time yeah yeah just like [Laughter] come on oh wait oh no he had the blacksmith so i i just said he's dropping that stable now that you asked for as the viking player um as he is on his way up to castle he'll be there just a few seconds later but no one should be worse for the wear did catch the hole on his wood line well plug plugged one hole created another but since the the archer's path out okay i was about to say you should notice that and now he goes back in and he's just gonna plug i'm a little confused right now honestly this game there's something about this game like even gonzalo pushing out with skirms and then running home was really weird yeah but i think gonzalo didn't want to invest a lot into the upgrades because he didn't even get fletching and maybe felt like a scout could come out so i don't know but something about this one it's a little iffy here for both of them but it looks like it will be knights and skirms for gonzalo and uh will be crossbowmen and double stable knights from poplio that's aggressive whoa yeah getting uh the first armor upgrade right now uh bloodlines on the other side for gonzalo finally forward did he catch he caught vision of that stable correct uh let's see if he caught vision of the stable he did uh but he was in the process of being built so i think the scout's there is scaring him off and i'm surprised that pope leo made scouts and didn't continue to chase those skirms down you know right but right he's rev he's revealed that he at least has one stable up and progress yeah while that second one was being built and so you've definitely shown your hand to a degree you would expect him to maybe jump on on fetal age skirmishers with a few scouts and archers to deal with the two the two scouts of gonzalo himself i think in some ways though adding the scouts against lithuanians is great to contest for relics so that's not i don't hate the move um it's an interesting situation we're in now because this is meg agreed from gonzalo gonzalo's going three town center boom this is really uncommon normally you see two town centers you upgrade to a lead skirm you get your knights out i mean look gonzalo's even gonna run home behind the walls again crazy passive and the deer was back inside the walls and now it's outside the walls this deer has seen some stuff today for real dropping three tcs first one up already on the forward wood line that's gonna give him a solid amount of protection against any pressure coming in on both the gold and that wood he has that nice little hill to camp the skirms on top of as well but pressure on the walls by these knights all right they're gonna go in here certainly the skirms this is before elite scream comes in they're gonna do nothing here by the way this might be our first shot for nikov still no wood upgrades for pope leo but it doesn't matter because pope leo is a god and is punishing his greed with crossbow knight yeah i mean completely even taking the hill the the fight up the hill rather will dispatch of those nights for the sign of gonzalo and now is able to take the hill himself with a solid group of crossbows it's it's going to take a few few more skirmishers built up in order to maybe contest that back but since you've already invested into three tc's and and some amount of a boom this is so greedy dude who would you say would go for the greediest boom mbl i actually my first instinct was to say vivi oh i think like the fat dragon it's very much like him to give up map control and be passive and just boom um and nikov okay and then you're thinking you're thinking lack of wood upgrades on the side of uh cytoplasm i mean we'll see if there's we'll see if there's a you know that happens from time to time we'll see if there's a trend throughout the series but uh it's it's very unusual to miss the feudal age yeah upgrade but he realized now like this is way too much he did get him yeah 25 minutes that's that's nothing but 45 minute upgrade that's when you start to think nikov good point good point first archery range goes down so a good amount of damage dealt and still so many nights uh camping this hill where are the gold options at this point uh for gonzalo i think that's the next question he did evacuate out to the right-hand side uh but has no protection there so if that gets scouted at any point could be really dangerous yeah it is it has been spotted i'd almost like to see pope stay on the hill and just send two knights over there there's nothing it's not like gonzalo has a monastery or anything to take low numbers of units i'd really like to see stay on the hill not allow him to get back to that gold but just send two knights over there that'd be so sick and he is gonna send one right now and he might be sending the whole group so he realizes this dash yeah this is the gonzalez in a really tough spot he's only got three knights to his name yes they've got plus one but you look on the other side pope leo's got a plus one attack as well with a huge group of knights this is so good from pope leo he made gonzalo think that he was gonna switch over comes right back to this hill and the knights on the gold this is a great warrior and then he dives to tc it's not an issue to do that because gonzalo pizarro is not showing enough of a force to really threaten him no and he's gonna get it looks like four possibly four ville kills if he snipes this very last one yep boom with one knight does does that much damage still has control of the other hill yeah gonzalo's completely off gold at this point finally gets a few bills back he's now putting some bills onto stone he's rushing up a market on the back end because he's hurting look at the value man look at the value of military but but honestly dash in some ways and i guess this is a sign that i get really invested into my cast this honestly tilts me not what pope leo is doing but the fact that gonzalo pizarro thought that in hidden cup 4 you could just go 3tc boom and not get punished for it no there's not a single player that should be able to get away with this i don't care who you are you're gonna get punished and it's just into what dash you don't have relic control now as lithuanians which makes it even worse yep so yeah you've you've seeded all of your map control you still don't have the military to push this back yeah he'll happily take this knight fight here there's more numbers and better upgrades on the side of pope leo you just see these villes getting tossed back and forth outside of the tt you don't put yourself you've got to put yourself in a position to succeed and when you just straight boom players who know how to use military which would be everyone in this tournament they're going to do this right here 65 villagers for 69 nice but 11 eco killed which i'll give credit to gonzalo he's produced a lot but he's still losing so lots of skirms just went down there a couple nights in return but again he's just he's steadily producing knights look at the stream of knights and crossbows coming across the field having taken no damage at home as the viking player with handcart his eco while they're matched in eco numbers and in fact gonzalo even has a few more bills those bills are not working with the same efficiency yeah i'm loving how hopefully i mean i will say as someone anonymously give 69 subs what timing on that thank you anonymous person i can't thank if that was you just say me with a smiley face and twitch chat appreciate it everybody or um you know whoever claims it but you know conversion now dash we see a pike switch wouldn't be surprised to see some rams i mean even though i disagree with the the way gonzalo has played this i'm still really impressed by pope leo's level pressure oh this is again this strategically is feeling like a very high level player out of pope leo he is predicting all of the transitions i mean not that they're not that they're that difficult to predict when you're facing up against lithuanians and you know the knights are going to be there but perfect timing to bring a few pikes into it all the monks are already forward and look at this as he makes a lasting effort to grab some gold on the front side of his base it's going to be a night engagement with a few crossbows behind you don't have that second armor upgrade yet you are going to push them off just but vikings has plus two before you have plus three that's crazy yeah and that fight might have been okay for gonzalo but now more crossbows come in now pikeman's coming in it's viking pikeman's they have extra hp and you're just playing ring around the rosie here with resources look nice at the back now i mean that idle time is almost over two hours for gonzalo he's lost 16 villagers tell you what if i ever was a villager i would not want to be in gonzalo's town thank you very much yeah as a lord he doesn't it doesn't do much in the way of protection but you can see he's he's doing his best to expand throwing a mill out to the left-hand side in the back he is still ahead he's tied in eco numbers he's trying to rush up the tc on the front here though but the knights find it while it will go up that's more damage done and boom just like that 10 villager lead and he taps out i'm so unsure on what to feel about this game because on one hand pope leo feels like an absolute killer why yes well it looked like that it was also up against the strat which i think shouldn't work so it's probably gonna kill someone who doesn't fight back right you know uh yeah like what a tough one it even though the weird thing was you remember he had the skirms and pope leo was running away and i say pope leo shouldn't be moving out with archers right now he should wait for knights yeah the skirms didn't chase it's lithuanians they're faster skirmishers so that's a little bit confusing that's a good point the trash units moving faster should have been easy to pick a few things off and instead he elected to drop back and kill the three remaining men at arms and singular scout which weren't going to do any damage through walls anyway and so this goes back to your original point about the match-up vikings untouched left untouched no pressure they can beat essentially any civ and that's exactly what we saw happen a greedy boom play with no pressure going forward at any point now the next thing i want to talk about well is obviously game two but what determines if pope leo is in many people's eyes a top five or top six player is if he gets surprised by whatever comes up next if he looks like a fish out of water on whatever gonzalo pizarro's home map is i start to think no there's been so many instances where someone has destroyed on arabia but that's all people play you know you've got to show up with tournament settings so here's just a quick look i mean this really says it all gonzalo pizarro total villager cow in that game was 104 but only had 78 at the end there and the total resources brought in it was just wood for gonzalo he wasn't ahead in any other category and a lot of times when you're booming you're sending the bills to wood and then pulling them off wood for other things and gonzalo just could not do that at all look at the gold difference too crazy that's an astronomical amount of gold yeah all right well uh back we go to the scene to speculate a little bit now gonzalo pizarro has picked bypass first that's another boomy map so it's a player who likes closed off situations i'm sure i wonder okay so the way that the civ picks work and uh or sorry the map picks work is you go pick pick ban ban i wonder if in pope leo's shoes he picks mudflow gonzalo pizarro picks bypass pope leo says to himself dash oh shoot this guy likes boomi maps and then band hideout and then band died out yeah that makes perfect sense to me yeah seeing the kind of player uh that he is okay let's see uh let's hop into game number one we saw it in this game right because we we saw that we saw that you know that desire to go boom immediately uh and look to take the game late it didn't play out but i'm ready to hop into game two whenever you are all right game number two it is on slopes now i had mentioned vivi for gonzalo pizarro just based on the boomi passive style how this is approached i think will will give us some answers uh as to who i think is who here yet again in this game 25 seconds in hope leo's gone for the color gray now we can't do that because it's tough to see things when you see fights the units look the same so i'm going to change poplio over to red uh just like we did for the previous game and if pope leo wants to pick a different color then have added poplio we'd love to use it but gray and blue just doesn't work berber's against khmer what are your thoughts yep well uh this makes my predictions for gonzalo incorrect cause i he was the player i was saying it felt very obvious where he would go uh with each of his sib choices and so with indians in his pool expected to see it here on slopes but that being said most players would expect to see it on slopes to take advantage of some of that fish off to the side so again maybe it's an intelligent pivot you know to pull out something like khmer here and uh and save indians for further down the line it is that berbers that i did talk about perhaps in response just having cheap nights yeah although i questioned that effectiveness into into indians but it might play out well here um on a map that is fairly aggressive based on the nature of wanting to expand outward and generally about control yeah i think if you're picking khmer here you're going to want to take advantage of the fact you can hop into houses go out and take some risk and if the enemy spots you hop into the houses i mean there's a thousand food on each side for you a lot of players are playing passively on this map dash and considering the stakes and everything playing safe into farms is fine but i wouldn't like to see that here i'd like to see gonzalo make it a bit messy um and if it is someone who likes those messy games and likes a lot of scouts i think comer is perfect for that too so i guess yeah berbers also you know when getting to the late game looking for castle control and camel archers is is an obvious choice we see a lot of games on this map end up going late we've seen mongols picked for a similar reason flooding castles all over the place for control particularly up on those slopes this poor thing is bothering me i really wish i would have never made that video because i spent like three hours looking at rex to get the bordering trends the video is on youtube if you missed it guys but there's four players who don't weaken boards with tcs you've got doubt mbl barrels and dogal would rarely do it but what on occasion and then that's why i'm thinking gonzalo maybe he is mbl or do you think nbl okay well again just because mbl is the kind of player who's happy to wall well while layman's fast and early here you go confirmed and some laming and some laming see it's all playing into it game one was a greedy boom with with full walls scout skirms he loves loves to play with that i mean obviously those two go together but uh you know i think he does love to play with those typically uh and so uh yeah i'm definitely i mean i think borrows would be my second guess as you mentioned um mbl is what i'm waiting for the farms man i'm telling you like if borrows is on our radar and someone accidentally queues up farms i'm telling you borrow's confirmed so i need you see the thing is for viewers i don't want to click mills all the time viewers don't want to see that crap so um if you're able to check those things it would be really interesting and um got it i would say i mean to put things in perspective borrows his his career earnings in age of empires and granted this is still a high number you know you tell your mom this when you're when you're gaming and she might let you game an hour longer but it was twelve hundred dollars dash all right so to get into hidden cup four and even if he loses round one more than doubles his career earnings so that's like if you go into a tournament with big names and it's hidden identities perhaps you feel you need to play greedy because you might think i'm not quite as good as these guys you know very true so very very true yeah you're definitely going to take some risks that other players more confident in their ability to play the standard game would not be taking yeah but he's already out here on the left-hand side working on the fish with three villagers did drop that house as you mentioned so uh and moving another three out to the right hand side he's going all in this is pretty cool actually yeah this is pretty cool um something to think about though is the scouting for both of them so i'm gonna go to pope leo's scouting pope leo has seen the left and also saw the house so probably has an idea of hmm that's a little awkward against comer and now it's going to check the right side where it's the same exact layout for gonzalo i love this yeah but i really like the heads up play to scout both sides i think you know a number of players may have uh they may have been satisfied with catching out you know uh the villagers on the left-hand side and assume that it's only going to be you know one side being taken advantage of at a time but to to go to the other side and make sure he's got vision of both uh is a very cool player already working on his walls back at home both players are walling from the back to the front yeah now you have pope leo also has milled and gonzalo did scout that so both players have scouted the sides and i guess the difference is gonzalo has more of an opportunity in the near future to be able to get some snipes now dash there's two things i want to bring up first off berber filters are faster don't forget about that they have to run they they can run with the scouts um but the other thing is the khmer bonus that you do not need to build a barracks before making a stable can actually hurt you here because it's quite common to see a few additional spearmen against the khmer and then what do you do if it's spearman and scouts you kind of need your own stars in there also a little strange to me that gonzalo's walled from the back of his base forward i mean the the scouts are going to come out onto the map here soon we've also got two spearmen already yep hope leo coming forward look that's very aggressive like you would i would argue there's not a single sieve in the game you would ever see this many spearmen against it's just the fact that players figured out a way to abuse the commer bonus or i guess use it against comer right right absolutely throwing out a mill a tile away okay i'm only some players would do that um i'm looking elsewhere at the moment oh sorry it's in the house yeah that whoop there they go that's comer for you and then dash on the other side look at that godzilla shows up to find the bills and the bills have already gone home that is so smart yeah huge heads-up play to know that the pressure's gonna come in on that side as it was scouted these three these three scouts for pope leo just going to hang around the house at least he can keep them idle and also use the spearmint to kill uh the remaining goats or whatever those are yeah man i'm i'm really loving pope leo's that wave approaching this again both players are walled pope leo took some food is now going into farms and if you're gonzalo even if your villagers come out of the house they don't have a lot to do anymore because the spearman killed the ibex there you go that's what they are archery range coming up for gonzalo now all right within the walls so trying his best to keep that secret that's a nice back gold area too nice and nice and cozy both players and both games been able to wall up nicely no big mistakes there but you do have exposed villes on the right side again and here's a little bit oh he's he's pre-shooting the deer so the spearman can't kill him that's cute but now you can't get into your house right he's gonna get he's gonna get cut off likely one villager going down here yep one gets picked the other two will make it to the house so the first ville kill going over to the side of pope leo all right so gonzalo i think he's gonna need to continue to make scouts here with some archers right because i think you go low numbers of archers but you don't have scouts enemy scouts can take that out and the house will eventually go down here this strategy is hopefully has made it look easy but strategy has been countered just by the spearman yeah starting to produce archers but no blacksmith yet means he's not going to have fletching for some time so he's going to have to either figure something out relatively quickly houses below 250 hp he does have a waypoint set here come the scouts looking to escort these bills as they pop out yeah that that's helpful and you just hop into another house you actually don't need to delete your palisades there unless you feel like you can take a fight yeah to bring out these two archers they're gonna make as quick of work as they can on these spearmen but again no fletching just yet so they're not super potent but he does manage to save the two villagers remaining so only took one loss meanwhile he did bring home the ones that were on the left-hand side as all the food is gone over there so he's back safe within his walls and again it's looking like a race to the castle age yeah and and honestly i'm liking gonzalo's position a lot more i was really worried there for a moment that those villagers would go down archers were perfect timing he created just enough scouts but not too many um and since leo had 41 seconds of dc idol time that's about the time it would take to create one and a half villagers so you could argue looking at the ville counts gonzalo is in the better spots um but what do we go into from here dash you thinking maybe we see an archer switch for both stables what's on your mind i mean i feel archer's just from my perspective feels bad as a berber player but he does have an archery range up uh and is first to castle i would i would still expect him to to bring some knights out and then for the khmer player to maybe play crossbow in castle okay i think what about you what are you thinking so i'm with you i actually think both sieves feel like night switch is the most natural both sieves there's the second stable pretty fast farms yadda yadda but the big thing here is berbers have cheaper nights and they have camels that are also discounted so i think it makes sense for gonzalo to make archers for that reason because you can't make your own camels you're kind of playing into the berber's hands if you don't make some archers but i still think it's going to be something like one range too stable and i'm surprised actually to see pope leo prioritize making skirms right here i don't think it was necessary but maybe he's worried all right so he's going to go sperm night yeah bloodlines coming in now we do have fletching now on these archers into no fletching no armor skirmishers so just a little pressure onto the walls as both players make their way to castle poplio will be there first though so those those couple nights are going to come out early we'll see what the reaction is from gonzalo when he sees that castle age hit would likely i assume pull those archers back wait for the crossbow upgrade yeah i tell you what dash these skirms a little weird for me because if you were to get both feudal age upgrades which he kind of needs right now you wouldn't have the resources for the knights so i feel like he's just gonna stop making them entirely right now and he's going to switch in towards knights and oh the scouts find a good moment for value here not bad yeah very good hits here they will ultimately oh just get forced away doesn't want to commit entirely to the engagement gonna keep a couple scouts alive possibly pick off monks later since he does have knights on the field he's got to be worried about that as a response all right going forward now i think gonzalo's doing a similar thing this is the same thing that i hated in the previous game it's very common to see two stables one range or two range one stable here you see one range one stable immediate two pcs two tcs this is mbl no no no no no no i don't think so you're correct in saying that he's really good at booming but i'd be surprised especially after losing here i think the only players that come to mind that would have the balls to do this is someone who's extremely like uncomfortable or like inexperienced at this level which my mind immediately goes to one of the qualifiers and two in particular maybe borrows maybe vivi vivi is so greedy in games but yeah oh man well the engagement comes looking to push the knights away from the crossbows we'll do that yeah these skirmishers are going down so you know you questioned even adding them to begin with and he's getting very little value out of them overall as all four do go down and so i mean he'll establish gonzal will establish a little bit of control on the front side of his base and now he's got these three tc's at work khmer farms gonna bring in food nice and quick so he's gonna have no problem keeping production of villagers up so i guess now the question becomes is it all in or do you expand for pope leo as he takes villagers out to the left-hand side yeah second tc's great idea here obviously you're gonna need that chain barting also crucial but i think gonzalo at this point should sit at home for the next five minutes wait till that eco kicks in a little bit then push out you push out now you have less upgrades and less numbers so this is a bit of an experience loses both scouts yeah that's unfortunate uh you know wow ultimately that's not a ton of fighting power yeah it does uh it does reduce your line of sight by by quite a bit still going to defend this one little choke though and with the crossbows you know wait for a a good mass of knights and that plus two which just came in uh for popplio to move forward and look to maybe deal some damage and apply pressure this is the thing about the boom down here's the bill this is the thing about the boom we judged it so harshly game one now 12 villager lead and sit in pretty is gonzalo pizarro it's crazy right but see this is why i think it could be mbl okay because mbl can do this so well may it didn't it didn't work for him in game one but he's also the kind of player who has so much trust in his own ability with that strategy we call him the cockroach of or you call him the cockroach aoe i think for for a reason right his ability to endure pressure to absorb pressure expand and ultimately out macro his opponent and then come over the top in late castle or an imperial age i think is unmatched in the game in a lot of ways and this that might be what we're seeing on display here just a total comfortability doing the bare minimum from a military standpoint while pumping out these bills and building up a substantial eco leak what do you do from here as far as your comp goes if you're gonzalo what the he answered my question as i said it triple barracks in the back of his base he's gonna go straight pikeman here okay don't hate it yeah don't hate it and again nbl loves this trash i'm just going to keep saying it anyway um i can't wait for the reveal i'm going to have to i'm going to have to get you in here when we do the reveal because you're either going to be like no i'm so sorry or you're gonna be like i told you all you know i've i'm taking notes man i've got a whole this year i'm going hard previous hidden cups i haven't been like a note taker i've got my pad right in front of me and i've been taking notes this whole time i love it honestly conversions could do a lot here for gonzalo because you get a few nights out um and then you can take out any siege that would be problematic for your pikes and your crossbows but what's crazy about going for pikeman here is you've hidden the choice i love that he hit it and you didn't show you even had a barracks before so it's actually more difficult to go for this now than it would otherwise be i don't think that this is something that's even crossing pope leo's mind no no not at all and i mean again just producing more and more knights which you can't blame him for again he's the berber player chief knights wants to keep getting that mass up the first manganell coming forward from that siege workshop so this would be the real the real tell here is how early does gonzales show these pikes the knights are in oh my god got a good force of eight plus these monks how many conversions are going to come through four monks looking for conversions did he even get a single one i didn't get a single one people go down the drain now the enemy knows you're going pikeman and he didn't have numbers yet he only had four of them and the knights are going to get value anyways oh no gonzalo just getting punished for his he got he has plus two on those nights look at them they're they're more than happy to go underneath the tcs and fight these crossbows are getting wrecked on the left-hand side okay a few pikemen will come in support of that but a number of kills already yeah and again with a few monks now arriving of his own pope leo is going to be able to both heal up the knights and stave off even monks converting pikes is so huge in this matchup just reducing the numbers of pikes and defense hey guys it's important to remember that knights are better than pikeman if the upgrades are there and the numbers are there in that instance pikeman might you know be a counter that doesn't cause gold whatever comes to mind but the reality is knights have a lot more attack they have a lot more hp and with siege to back it up it's pretty strong but it's still at a point where i could see pikeman kind of overwhelming this horse only if the siege numbers stop coming in that said there's now four siege units here and pope is like converting instantly big magnel shots there this is really good play he also dropped a third stable fourth stable now he's not looking to let up he's staying on or actually he did move to three tc so he did add a third tc as well but looking to keep pace in the tcs and not let that eco lead grow too much more while dropping a fourth stable and take advantage of the cheap berber knights like you say if you keep the numbers up for knights and with a couple of those um scorpions in the mix as well pikes alone is not going to be enough to defend against this yeah i can't help but feel like with four conversions if the pikeman would have come out a bit faster and if he got some conversions the first fight could have been better for gonzalo but yeah not getting a single conversion out of four monks granted those monks were a little too far forward uh would have expected them to be near the tc for you know quick defense and being able to garrison them but the the great focus out of the knights to get those monks down first before pushing forward this initial tc is under so much pressure the repairs are coming in the pikes are pushing forward misses with the target fire on the manganell the engagement for pikes this is going to be an efficient trade uh from the perspective of resources but they're all going to go down and there's still tons of control crazy out of the berber player yeah i mean i feel like there's so many people who are here right now who haven't seen age vampires in 20 years and they're just scratching their head like i thought pikeman countered those things like i was told that pointy boys counter the horsey things and that's not uh that's not the case here dash if you're playing the game at this level there's so many factors and i have to say again hopefully i was playing so clean the monks are there the siege is there the eco behind this we're not even looking at it but it's four tc's this is ridiculous man yeah this is incredible pressure two more barracks being dropped so we're now up to five in defense for gonzalo continuing to pump out pikes with this town center under siege still one one ville looking to repair but she goes down the knights come in it looks like we might have a commitment soon to a fight another engagement taken here by the pikes but the numbers aren't enough nah the the the pikes are just too weak man look at that kd almost a hundred kills now for or pope leo no armor upgrades yeah he got attack that's another thing too right he didn't have upgrades just you you put yourself on the back foot to get a vill lead and then you just tend to struggle to catch up in numbers dash and it's two games in a row gonzales tried this approach yep yep four manganese now four manganese is just going to eat tc's so quickly or even if he decides to target the production from here right you can easily just go after these three barracks in the middle but we'll elect to go to the tc on the right-hand side the commerce player really feeling the pressure he gets caught out on the right as he tries to expand as well pope leo is thinking of everything big attack rounds all right scares the pikemen away now here's a question again just like game one i would say as a big attack round comes in okay you've missed that could have been better uh big fight here dash who gets my point here in a second there we go there's a kill kill and a half hopefully is soon going to be an imp with imp upgrades dash how good is poke leo we talking a top five player are we talking gonzalo just not having his day today we very well might be i mean just i think again the awareness of the map and what's important at what times here uh the berber player expanding at the right times himself while also controlling the front like i said during this engagement here in the middle he caught out six villagers heading to the right slope to try and establish more of an eco presence over there and so just not allowing his opponent any time to breathe i think the monks were a great addition with a few nights but he is finally gonna get pushed out of the base here yeah it's like yeah we did it we did it we did it and then oh he's in him yeah that's such a horrible feeling i think we've all been there oh boy and i pope leo is going to drop a castle on the left here dash and he knows at the enemy has a castle there already so he figures he can just tread from beneath that still getting cavaliers still making units here i'm you know back to the player it is tough to judge because it depends on who he's up against if this is vivi on a bad day for example gonzalo pizarro i could see you know nicole viper leary harry uh there's a lot of players i think could perform this well but not not more than eight i think this is either top eight player uh from the previous hidden cup or nikov because i think nikov's got this like overwhelming pressure about him which yeah maybe here belize that the less actually i don't know the level's too high i think i was gonna say i think pope leo is gonna be very difficult to call uh is simply because so far they've just played a very intelligent pressure game against somebody who's choosing to do very little right and and and most of our top level players who who don't get put under pressure in any way shape or form would be able to execute on a strategy like this and know how and know how to execute it fully but already putting trebuchet pressure on the left-hand side where the only castle is for gonzalo he's himself 40 of the way up to the imperial age and trying to repair just a bit but cavaliers in it's looking looking mighty difficult at this point to defend against the pressure here they come has killed 25 villagers make it more than that and has a two to one kd which is pretty rare for age of empires two to one kd is is not normally something that you'll see and gonzalo is correct to play on here it's it's the biggest tournament prize pool in 20 years but you know i think from what we've seen from pope leo that you and i just have all the confidence in the world but he's gonna close this out yep yeah i do believe especially if this uh if this castle goes down because if this castle goes down those cavaliers don't have to don't have to worry about much they can run over pikes no problem and all that farm space is exposed you know there's 31 farms there around there and all of monk just got hit by traffic insult to injury there a rock comes flying out of the sky and hits a man of faith it's yeah it's rather ironic that pope leo is the one killing the monk as well as we see camel archer upgrades coming in now so i think pope leo will have a pretty convincing switch into some ranged units which will counter the pikes yeah absolutely i mean again looking for small ways back in gonzalo's got a castle up on the right-hand side researching conscription and at least has expanded that direction uh he's re-established a little bit of a presence in his own base although there's a single cavalier doing a heck of a lot of damage on that single pile of gold right now yeah he's killed three villagers under a tc possibly more i mean i know gonzalo's got bigger problems there we go all right gonzalo notices that i mean truthfully gonzalo is a beast with macro yeah you know clearly being a top 16 player would work against most people in the world the fact that it's 120 villagers still after losing 30 or so is impressive but and he's choosing to just throw his albedos at the trebs to push them away he wants to re-establish control with a castle of his own and i guess if you feel you've got the resources and the economic income now to replenish those numbers relatively easily it is an effective way you know ververs berber do struggle a bit against albram because their best tool to take out rams would be their cav and uh of course the halpadiers would be there for that but i think there's just too much control for pope leo right now he's just got castles everywhere habit ears you can't really win the game with and i think gonzalo wants to go for hustler you can see some cab upgrades do you like cav now but i think he's about to get overrun there's going to be too many areas that are falling apart here and over the next couple minutes yeah and i think what we just saw was really just uh the transition moment right the the the pressure stopped for a moment as the camel archers were coming out yep that's what gave the time for the halberdiers to ultimately push back a little bit but soon enough you know we're going to see the the camel archer numbers be high enough that they can kind of camp around trebs and defend those effectively while cav do some raiding on the sides just like they are here on the right hand side yep and we're gonna finally get the you know the kill push i'm just surprised he hasn't gone back to the left that's the only thing i guess okay he's gonna trap the relics in the middle but i think that was the moment there where you just bring your trebs back and you trap the left side and just raid that and win the game um he chad is saying supplies so maybe he's thinking about champion champion would honestly not be bad um and sometimes in more risky situations it's needed uh which is weird you know you don't think berber's champion but there was even a game earlier where it made sense but um i think you're so far ahead here that you could just do anything and he's showing that right now yep i think uh i think for for gonzalo's perspective his his his only lifeline is spam how defense understanding it's not ideal against uh elite camel archers of all things and some cav uh and then just raiding he's got those stables up on the right hand side uh and he's and he's investing into light cav and starting to send them forward so maybe as we see the first few arriving at the eco although going down to tc's maybe he can raid to death while defending with halp spam but that is uh that's going to be a tall order yeah this is this is insane i mean you expand to the side which is great but you lose the middle this is not so great it's almost a bite i mean one player controls 80 of the map yeah i like what's going on here for gonzalo though hopefully it has allowed this to happen this is the problem with camel archer's need to being the same needing to be in the same spot um and okay never mind gonzalo unable to push back yeah on the left will fortunately lose this trap it's a good fight from gonzalo you know it really still be in this game at 150 pop against 180 is impressive yeah absolutely but he's got no way to deal with this massive uh camel archer sitting square in the middle of his base yeah one tc going down the other one about to go down as well huss are now in uh so even being beat out in the upgrade of the you know of the scout line here means all these villagers flee but they don't have much of anywhere to go wow there's the gg gg called and and yeah that was just as this castle got tonight on the right side and the hustlers get the snipes that's two games in a row where pope leo has just smothered gonzalo pizarro it's a mix of two things hope leo being an insane player but gonzalo also sits back and says hey smother me attack me come on i'm waiting for it you know it's like right it's really taunting them it's really like of all the games we've seen of all the players we've seen today gonzalo pizarro almost stands out the most because it's so ballsy to play like that yeah yeah and i uh i'm the fact that he lost this one is is the only thing that's making me rethink the mbl call but i still have an inkling i still have an inkling i i'm not sure viewers noticed but i was looking to i was checking the mill i'm just waiting for a farm to get queued up because i'm i'm in between i think barles who we don't know as much about who might be very greedy uh to try and get leads or vivi those are the two that come to mind right now as for pope leo i could could be looking at a big name here a very big name that could go very far in this tournament we definitely could but but but i just i feel i feel like i'm nowhere close to understanding who pope leo is specifically because he hasn't been challenged yes i think once we see him get challenged and how he reacts to pressure and things like that then we might get some defining characteristics exactly yes it's very easy to say it now we'll see what happens the rest of the series and what greater tests come throughout the tournament if pope leo does indeed win one more game um but i'll tell you what pope leo is going to be put in an awkward spot to earn it uh which might be good might be bad for pope leo i'm not sure gonzalo pizarro in two straight games has over boomed and now we'll have a map in bypass we speculated on sieves and i think this the two sips that make the most sense for bypass would be aztecs or turks for gonzalo yeah i had said turks and i think i'm gonna stick with with that again on the other side i'm confused what pope leo would necessarily go for here because i think again he has more versatile sieves yep yep hmm okay so let's let's just try and guess here based on what we think pope leo is going to do on other maps i think celts is cup we've seen that a lot you could have koreans there but let's just say kel right um flow well we talked about oh okay go ahead i was just gonna say mudflow koreans also could awkwardly work but koreans could also kind of work on hideouts so could slav dude i have no clue honestly yeah well hideout was banned correct um oh sorry i meant to say bypass um gotcha yeah see koreans i i think korean sounds interesting to me on bypass but that could also be a throwaway sieve to be honest um so then i'm thinking oh my goodness i really don't know what needs to change before we just hop in here we're gonna hop into game three what in your mind does gonzalo pizarro need to change to turn this around somehow he needs to go on the offensive that's that's what it is for me um and i do actually think that turks would be well suited for that okay um specifically because again if if he goes the the direction of a single push point at least on the earlier portions of the game straight through the middle on bypass with turks you get a castle drop you get some janissaries out get those things clumped up and really just push up the gut i think there's a possibility that while both players i would still expect yeah go for a fast castle turks apply the pressure while pope leo i think in this case for the first time will look to expand and absorb we know gonzalo can boom how about take some map control and then boom you know that's that's got to be the logic but let's find out game number three i hope it's turks please be turks i want to see turks it is turks yes yes yes i'm so happy oh see this is the thing we i uploaded a youtube video where it was used in a practice game and we had many practice games and many show matches were 25 seconds in here um and the reason we did that is because i didn't want to force a map which didn't make sense competitively you know sorry force nothing fans but that would have been wrong with me as a tournament organizer so i had this idea we tested it nilly is in one of these show matches and he picks turks and it ended up working out with some crazy fast didn't play is that maybe on the cards turks vs slavs game number three turks first slavs well we did just see a fast dimp of course it was uh with portuguese and feytorius um so i don't think we can necessarily evaluate turks on the same scale but we did see to in some senses how easy it is to defend if you play it ultra cautious two three layers of stone walls can turks push through that fast enough to create the kind of pressure that you would want against better farming eco out of slabs and the ability to go wide and start attacking you from both sides and and from the flank i'm gonna say something that comes to mind if this game develops as we're saying with some type of weird fast amp i think pope leo has to be very mindful of expanding early if you go 3tc boom maybe make your third town center out where the scout is right now dash not in this one area maybe take a risk and tc the right side because if a snowball push comes the idea is you need to scatter so um you know that's what comes to mind for me but there's of course a lot of game that would have to happen even before then these are just palisade walls you could go mad at our tower rush there's so much that's possible here that's a good point we shouldn't rule out an even earlier amount of aggression uh because again we did see uh i believe it was in the in the show match on bypass we saw some amount of feudal age aggression with uh attempted towers that was a funky that that all worked out in a very funky way um and ultimately it was defended yeah in terms of the push itself but um i gotta love how overlay team decided to put an actual cockroach on nbl's player profile i mean it's one of the weirdest compliments i've ever given the player i think we know how good mbl is it's staying alive this is actually the map we don't know who mbl is of course many people feel like they've got a guess but this is the type of map that i think mbl style would thrive in um you know the meme is he hates arena and whatnot but you've got to reposition and it gets scrappy for control it that's where someone like mbl would excel um yeah well i feel like mbl would be happy to go goth on hideout you know but uh ooh forward black black force strategy yeah and i got excited there because you could have actually seen gonzalo shoot that right uh elephant excuse me and could have essentially laned it next to the wall and that's why pope leo brought the elephant in early just so that wouldn't happen so that's good play yeah good good heads up play there bringing two villagers forward now but as long as this wall goes up is he gonna oh i love it i love it he's bringing two villes neither person has a loom and he's gonna look for the fight in the middle for some control now this is weird because if you want to save that villager you have to open the gate dash you want to open the gate i think you're okay with opening the gate because uh if he brings his two villagers in now they're trapped in with you you know true okay exactly okay but now he'll there we go he's gonna drop the house but with two villagers now it's actually going to be pope leo who gets control of the center which again referring to our our initial idea of strategy for the turk player is gonna put an extra you know line of defense between him and an early aggressive push you know what was funny there is gonzalo hesitated two villagers started running towards the walls again and said ah never mind we'll never make it so yeah not worth it they thought about it and now you know you could use the logic of pope leo's aggressive he could just delete his walls bust right through those palisades and pressure the turk player you don't have to go fast castle but i think probably will see that i just i don't know man it's unique we haven't seen the map enough we certainly haven't seen this tiff matchup before and i'm loving it yep we got a deer pushing now on the side of uh gonzalo okay or ostrich pushing yeah both players actually using the sheep um to push on both ends through the gates that's good so that implies a fast castle because at this point they push so much food they could go for you late with a solid build order two lumber camps for popplio what do you do if you're slavs um against genisseries or like gunpowder in general i mean don't you just have to go cavalier yeah like maybe some weird instagram it's actually one of the slava weaknesses i would say bombard cannons i guess you could go monks against bombard cannons and uh hand cannons but still i know okay yeah another thing to not ignore about perks is the uh the you know their their scout line getting the free upgrades and just and everything i i wonder if uh that'll be utilized to kind of uh to negate any ability by the slap player to expand to the you know the left and right hand side just a few light cav on both sides yeah well again centralize the push with your gunpowder units and just throw a few you know light cav or hussar out to the you know the left and right hand side and and again maybe you can make it uh a single point of engagement and i think you're not too far off from this being played somewhat standard for gonzalo i have to say very good job here with this macro he's going to get the zebra in perfect timing resources are looking good but yeah i'm thinking as we see a barracks dash yeah just go at a stable for a few light calves for control in the mid game and try and control the sides while they might be expecting you to push the middle now where are you going yeah barracks for both the zebra's giving him a little bit of a little bit of heartache but we'll eventually get pushed in almost identical fetal age times just a second or two separating the two players expect them to make it to castle no problems yeah it should it's a little close for pope leo just a teensy bit i'm not sure what the difference was there maybe pulling an extra bill or something honestly he has one too many on wheels he's a little low on food yeah like he having 400 wood in the bank that's too much you just need around 300 for a blacksmith and a stable so it could have been extra farms or a few extra villagers on codes but i think it'll be figured out um but like i would 100 be expecting guniseries if i'm in pope leo's position and that's not what's gonna happen from gonzalo there's the stable there's the barracks on the other side we have a stable and a barracks but also a spearmint created so dollar decided to build one spearman sent him out to the right hand side just a little bit of extra scouting i guess and protecting against some kind of scout all in or something i ate two things and i'm not sure if this gives us any player guesses i hate the blacksmith position so much that is a perfect tc spot why would you ever make a blacksmith there for which player for pope or um well let me check the other one because they're both near the golds uh i i guess gonzalo's i think i hate pope's oh i think i hate popes more because at least for gonzalo like if you really want you could delete the mining camp and build the tc between the gold and the woodline but for for pope leo that you're right that would have been just the ideal tc placement between the lumber mill and the gold but i just don't understand the need for it it's not like you don't have space make the blacksmith next to the barracks or something that's good to me um but yeah here we are you know we're up on our high horse you know i was gonna say well we would be we would be wasting the extra 10 seconds to place the blacksmith elsewhere uh and or decide where to put it meanwhile these guys just chuck it down and get themselves to castle listen um we might not be able to compete with these guys but at least their bases look nice right well i definitely can't hmm well i'm a little scout engagement over here on the right-hand side but and i'm curious what this develops into because remember turks don't get pikemen so if this turns into like heavy light cav you could see hopefully you'll go for some type of pike siege push in the in the middle or even on the outer ring this is the first time that we've seen this map played kind of like hideout when it's not hideout well free light cav is in but a spearmint now with those scouts so don't want to take that engagement a few hits go through just going to kite it out but plenty more light cav coming forward so we are seeing the light cav uh control being attempted uh by the turk player a monastery already going down as well so relic control is something that he's thinking about stone walls forward in the middle i think that house could really bite pope leo in the ass later on that's true that's gonna be much easier to bust down that's that's you know we'll see right we'll see but we've got a knight we've got a spearman we've got a scout just a mix of units from poplio and yeah i don't think the light caver ever made to engage against anything of value except for monks so nope yeah just looking for control on the relics he's got a spearman camped on one of the relics to the left-hand side he's scouted out a majority of the others we have a third tc now going down for pope leo one of them forward on that gold the other one in the back on a wood line and a gold so at least some safety in case that push through the middle comes i like still one tc still one tc and no stone for the turk player what look at the look at the uh there's the second one right so the big deal here is that poplio might have some tc idol time in fact already does because poplio's gone three tc's before having the farm count to justify it so i actually feel as though the ville difference won't change all that much because of the dc number um it's a good point but you know it depends on on the macro and and a bunch of different factors of course he might figure that out soon but dash i'm just wondering is there going to be a fourth town center on the right side or the left side do you push the middle after this what is this game going to turn into well there goes the the third tc uh for gonzalo on uh on the wood line to the left-hand side and he actually as you mentioned perhaps slightly better eco balance with a few more farms working at the moment and plenty of wood to drop the tcs here uh expect a few more farms to be added but he might actually be able to keep production of those three tcs up and so gonna keep keeping lockstep on the eco front but yeah definite definite questions about uh what the you know the ultimate strategies are for each of these players because i do feel like you get into a dangerous position if you let slavs boom in an unfettered fashion not having uh the ability to upgrade from you know spears to pikes lake game hope leo just lost his pope and that's what like kev could do for you uh there's another one out here like kev are not supposed to be able to convert into all that easily but that was a long distance conversion he deleted the spearman and the light kev gets the kill anyways truthfully that's how it should work i think the like half you resist some conversion and that's two monks down for pope leo yeah meanwhile two monks coming forward on the bottom side of the map along with those uh three light caps so just trying to make his way up to that uh to that relic will likely look for a conversion on this knight as it comes forward one scout there though could possibly snipe at least one of the monks at i like it he pulls the knight back sends the scout forward to look i like that will he get he's gonna get the first kill he'll get a hit and then die here all right doesn't get there but pulls the knife back so it's just one monk but without another scout there oh he managed to get his monk out there pull the relic anyway there it is oh there it is jointed all right you only get back to his base whereas okay i was just gonna say where are the relics at this point so you've got this relic going home for pope leo the other one's being protected on the left side there's a monk for gonzalo there's also relic in the middle which i suppose either player could contest um we'll have to get through the walls uh you know if gonzalo wants to so possibly that's a free relic there for yeah you know for pope leo if he goes for it now but that would i think make uh it three to two as we have a monk coming forward on the left-hand side does look like he will be able to pick up uh that relic as well so three for gonzalo two for pope leo if he does go for the one in the center yeah pope doesn't have a scout out so i think it's unrealistic to try and find that monk you know what's on the way back i i just dash i'm so happy because i there's a lot of things i've had anxiety about with this event but the maps is definitely one of them like if we introduced the new maps and all of our testing all of our prepping turned out to be a lie and the maps just were garbage and they were easily understood blah blah i would have been upset and i think it would have been bad for the tournament but here on day one this game is completely different from what we saw on the map earlier we even saw that crazy fast name in the previous set so this might go late oh it's definitely going late at this point i think as we see the turk player drop a fourth tc now on the bottom side in the outer ring so definitely committing to the eco at this point and if he can be the first to imp again uh is if he can macro his way properly be the first to imp i think there's a lot of power that can be packed into a single punch uh with the gun power units and just a few either bombards or trebuchets behind and then uh sar meat shield what about turk calf archers in this matchup you know that's a good point i forget that they have such potent cav archers yeah that was by the way that was the fastest conversion on a light cav i've ever seen like i think any other player in the tournament wouldn't get that but because it's pope leo the conversion comes in that's what he gave you gave him a shadow buff [Music] geez man fourth tc for pope leo now so matching tc for tc that's pretty sick man uh slight eco lead for gonzalo of course we we had the relics to talk about look at what gonzalo's gonna try and do on this right side now space control love to see it especially if you have the current map control at the moment he might need a few units up here to help defend against the scouts and the spear but two villagers two villagers in a monk actually they're not going to be able to do this no maybe a little bit like good thought but too early yep okay sends the bills back waits for some light cap to come forward spear gets a few hits in but still uh two scouts and one converted light calf wow this is great from pope though folks like i know what you're trying to do i saw a villager and it'd be fun to see pope leo and or gonzalo try and do the other side now while they're contesting this side try and get some type of control on the other side there's a lot of gold a lot of stone the food's not really that important unless you start to lose your farms in the middle but no but i do love that he tried aggressive walls first even if it was a little bit too early yeah i think on this map you raise a really good point how much stone and gold is is in those two side positions and so if you can establish stone walls you know forward oh the amount of resources that you buy yourself has a couple camels coming out to now push this back maybe he will be able to get himself uh up to that point and ultimately uh oh castle though castle in defense yeah camel converted there pope leo on the ball here now on the way to amp a minute behind yeah i guess that castle doesn't necessarily hold the position but it stops gonzalo pizarro from from advancing and getting those walls down and okay pope leo's gonna wall here i suppose that there's an opportunity to wall again later but i do feel as though this is mainly a wall to stop himself from being raided by turquoise possibly on the left side excuse me yeah and i like and i like the play uh you know just being ultra safe here he'll still have the ability uh himself when he feels ready in the imperial age to open up that side and start flooding in some cav uh you know as well but uh but definitely um given that he is going to be second to the imperial age at this point uh i think he's he's buying himself some time at the very least from any pushes this to me is just so weird because they're playing it like there's not this giant gap in the middle you know and uh wait a second here you go oh my god you're kidding me hold on a second okay wow can that villager get converted convert it come on convert pope leo's girl come on yes oh my goodness now there's a hole and the relic could also go to gonzalo and hussars or whatever could just flood right through the middle right now this is i think this is huge this is gonna be massive he's gonna snag that relic actually he should drop it and try and convert drop it in the one tile gap so he can't wall there yeah yeah drop it in the tile disaster now he's just running with the relic what an idiot man ugh well now what i guess you'd need a trap or something to cut the tree but yeah meanwhile raid on the right was stopped and on the left side you have villagers fighting so we have eyes on every side of the map right now yeah yeah i mean uh and look actually uh uh poplio did exactly what you talked about uh he went to try and build a second wall on the left-hand side he did get stopped ville v ville um but either way was thinking about it now we've got vil fights in the middle one versus five i like the the confidence out of this woman i'm liking the bombard cannons the bomber cannons have busted down one layer of walls and pope leo spent all that time trying to stonewall the sides and he forgot that there's a highway right through to his base what a disaster he's putting a defensive castle back by his stone but this is a whole bunch of farming space and two tcs plus wood lines that are going to be under threat here by hussar flood and a whole bunch of bombard cannons it's the perfect number of bombard cannons too to put immediate pressure on tcs again it wasn't one i love seeing a couple siege units being built up before pushing forward the hussar are in they're already raiding on the farms they're gonna look to uh pressure off of these uh production buildings in the barracks that are trying to be spammed down one tc down already look at all these bills on the wood line that have to run wow this is insane i mean just the idle time and you're abandoning your most important resource is slaps your farms unable to expand that farming eco never expected to push through the middle i guess and this is a good call from gonzalo and it might have all started with the monk because it almost looks like he was gonna raid the size himself and then he he saw an opportunity and he went in yeah he just had to abandon 28 farms while losing two tc's the the hussar are still going to be able to take a few fights against these halves although it's going to start getting bad for them but while that's happening t90 you called it earlier cav archers turk cav archers already being produced in the back of the base once he's got a decent mass i'm sure those will come forward and that'll deal with uh how bitter is the same way that the campbell archers in the previous game dealt with habs as well it really doesn't feel like pope has military on the field but that's because he just chose the wrong area like maybe if you take initiative in pope's situation and you're an imp faster and you're pressuring gonzalo then gonzalo never pushes in the middle and has to react but that's not happening right now and those cav archers that get to 100 hp with cool upgrades very difficult to kill especially when your slavs your skirmishers are garbage with slavs and he definitely doesn't have the resources for siege and what do you think about this though he actually sent his first group of cav archers over to the left-hand side which i don't like because you saw that this was welled up i think i think if he sends another group elsewhere and it kind of looks like he's doing it in the south now he's basically swinging the areas pope won't focus on look at the middle halves are here now switch to the left make sure he doesn't fortified switch to the south make sure he doesn't fortify it so i actually think this is a good play for gonzalo okay you know what he's bringing bills over to the left-hand side as well so it looks like he might be thinking about a castle drop on on the walls which i think will be big and then as you mentioned on the southern side he's got a couple trebs already pushing forward on the siege workshops that just started building cap grams those are going to go down quickly to hussar and again he's got enough uh cav archers kind of planted down there granted they're just camping out in the wood line for some reason um you know that he can again react to any alba deer that come forward but this is just a full court press and as you mentioned he's swinging the sides of pressure making it difficult for popplio to respond and this is a little interesting look at the helmet here's attacking bombard cannons and also 10 cap archers just went down the the halbs do well if they getting close to units but three bomber cannons gonzalo oh lord oh lord he's running with one a couple cav archers here in defense but it looks like they will all go down maybe he saves this one he saves one unless i don't know if pope's actually focused on that if pope is pope is oh my god no no no no no okay oh that was so close dash wait a second wait a second the halves are killing everything now dash oh my goodness i mean this is the problem with going up against slabs if they have a farming eco which he still does have 41 on food and they can just put the help spam out boom three trebuchets down on top of the bombard cannons that he lost earlier completely stonewalled the push on the right-hand side but the question is does he have anything in the tank to push back he's got a couple trebs on the right-hand side but doesn't feel like enough with just albedieres to start pushing castles down yeah i think he just needed the cav archers and in numbers in one spot and that's that's been the concern so far we just haven't seen a big massive cav archers in the middle or on the right side so now that they arrive it should be okay but it does take so much time to make more trips and it gives pope leo time to maybe swing his advantages elsewhere but the left side is going to be tough now is there's a castle for gonzalo and strong straps away he's throwing his traps away no way oh he is gonna be some trebuchets here poke leo oh oh maybe not because the cavaliers were actually just hitting the siege workshop as opposed to moving forward to push the hams out so he is going to be able to defend those trebs as they make the way out which is important as he has three of them but it's all siege and halb right now uh for pope leo by the way not being critical with this statement this is just the beauty of hidden cup and what can happen sometimes on twitch but like game one and two if you go back and watch chat everyone's like leery hair of viper it's got to be him oh it's definitely mr yo why mr yo would do this and then there's been multiple points in this game where people have called poke leo a low elo legend so he's a pope leo legend in this case i suppose i apologize i apologize i couldn't help but i laughed [Laughter] uh wall's coming up in the middle so you know what both players have just agreed we're going to ignore the bypass yeah we're gonna play the sides but 200 pop here for gonzalo we've got a hundred and fifty pop on the side of poglio so still struggling with the massing and that's what gives me the sense that we're looking at possibly the first victory on the board here for gonzalo as he's got four trebuchets doing work on the production buildings tons of those heavy cab archers in numbers which are going to make it difficult to deal with onager feels like a very last-ditch effort to try and get some big shots and maybe push this back yeah i mean even if we stay here in this very position for the next 20 minutes hope leo does not have the relic count and he doesn't have the golden stone secured and he's not pressuring the middle so i don't see a real win condition here unless unless something like c john under comes in then there's always potential for big shots but what makes cav archers so good especially turquov archers with 100 hp is they can tank a few monitor shots and with that damage output you can even micro them down it's a really good spot for gonzalo yeah very tanky the mobility as well against the alba deers means they can kite for days and again i'm just i'm in love with the number of siege units four trebuchets three bombard cannons means all of these productions buildings are gonna melt here come the habit ears forward trying to do a little bit of work and even without micro even without micro plenty of heavy cav archers still alive to push it all back this castle is going down and it's starting to look bad starting to lose all sense of recourse here for pope leo as he looks to defend on the other side as well with just a couple honingers over the wall dash hidden cup just makes viewers and casters oh big shots here i guess the auditors are going down as well but gonzalo really should focus over here and does but uh hidden cup just makes us all so reactive doesn't it because now i'm looking at gonzalo and i can i'm saying i understand why you're thinking mbl well you you really really think it's mbl which i think is hilarious and maybe it is but um you know whoever it is aside it definitely makes me think that this player is stronger than i would have thought in game one and game two as we see pope leo lose a game we have not seen a single sweep today ladies and gentlemen random seating not a single sweep this game series will go on you gotta love it and it's been sick yeah god i love it gotta love it i do i do think this game i i appreciate that gonzalo actually didn't try and do anything you know too crazy in recognizing you know that possibly an all-in can be stonewalled out right from the get-go expanded his eco quite well was slightly faster to the imperial age good control uh over the relics understanding how those might play into the late game and using the light cav line the free upgrades to make sure he did have that control and then cav archer the cav archer switch with enough siege to push was really great when is the last time that you have seen turks picked and win a game in a high level tournament like let's say 10 000 plus has there been a time i couldn't i couldn't tell you yeah i mean obviously arena memory not from my memory yeah yeah i mean it's it obviously the map itself lends a huge hand to that but against slavs the top tier pick for many years that is impressive because gonzalo maybe he has a few more tricks up his sleeve uh here we go to the statistics now i'm curious about total economy now that's telling the fact that gonzalo had more food went up against slavs who has the fastest farms in the game this says it's not just the sieve but it's also how it was played more of every single resource there for gonzalo of no complaints about the relics either that of course helped in the army high 74 verse 39 pope leo just couldn't get into anything yeah yeah i mean he was playing catch-up the whole time again slightly better eco a slightly better balance for the turk player uh you know even even a slightly faster castle time right and we noticed that with uh with uh with the slav player maybe struggling a bit had too much on wood right in feudal so just a little bit later to castle the expansion in nico was we went faster to four tc's for gonzalo and you saw the build up right so pope leo just absolutely flattened gonzalo in game one and two so he has to have some confidence i think going into game four even though he lost this game of course yeah i would i would still expect to see some some you know a fair amount of confidence just because of how handily you won the first two games but i think you do start to begin to question you know to some degree what happens if i don't have total control over the game you know from from minute one which it has seemed like he has had in the first two games of the series sure yeah well uh i think we should speculate a bit more here because we've got some weird civilization certainly not civs that you'd expect to be remaining here so if it's mudflow next i think the best option i'm not i don't even know what to say about poplio but for gonzalo is well i like japanese and i like indians for mudflow um what's weird dash is i don't think indians fits on any situation except for mudflow like it's not going to happen at this point yes because you didn't play it on slopes right i think so anyways but then again technically like you do start with some fish to collect with villagers on both of those maps right actually that's a good point right so actually maybe indians is uh is the right pick here if it is mudflow um whereas i would i thought it was going to be commerce but essentially could have just inverted those picks um for the two different maps but you're right pope leo still very confused uh about where he's gonna go uh from here ultimately with his with his draft okay but that said that said if you know because if he can assume like we just did that indians is coming in what would you want to play into indians since khmer's off the table i think kelts is a great pick but i feel as though i feel as though celts is probably better on cups so if you're expecting indians on mudflow if it is mudflow dude this i swear koreans has me so confused like i guess right we honestly could see celts and malians like malians would probably be more than final mudflow and celts would be more than final cups so maybe koreans got forgotten about here perhaps perhaps but i do think the indians again i think we're i think we're we're unlocked step on on gonzales picks i think it'll be indians and then it's just a matter of what the response is yeah i think we see uh indians for gonzalo it is mudflow and then japanese game five if it gets there of course uh ladies and gentlemen there have been so many twitch primes today thank you reminder that whether it's a sub resub gifted sub or um you know there's no other option actually that it goes towards the prize pool number at the bottom there so it's been incredible appreciate you guys if you have questions of course it's hard for us to answer them but we'll maybe have a period where we can do so uh best players in the world here playing on hidden identities game one and two people were screaming some big names game three people are like uh maybe pope leo is not who i thought he was but dash there's one thing that i think the games have shown us today and we said before hidden comfort started the level is as close as ever so no longer can you just wait for a 3-0 and say oh we know who that is we haven't seen it yeah exactly exactly i mean i think into a lot of degrees the the qualifiers uh were proof enough of that right you saw a lot of big names not make it the fact that the max is not here in the main stage of the event is is wild to me given the you know the level of player that he is but it speaks to the overall you know level up of the community more recently all right so indians their villagers collect fish faster very unique bonus it's been nerfed many times and that is probably one of the reasons you pick indians here you bring in food so quickly he already has he consistently has three villagers in the queue and probably more here problem is dash is you got to switch off a fish and go to boars and i guess in this case elephants bit quicker but you know this map is pretty wild it's very difficult to wall there's options for resources everywhere the most important thing to remember is that the big wood lines are in the middle which is amphibious terrain meaning ships can go on it and that's also where all the additional stone is so big focus there yeah and we saw in uh the series earlier today uh two very different approaches uh to this very map yeah one player refusing uh by all accounts uh to take water and opting for tower defense and knights and uh and land and ultimately that that player prevailing uh but on the flip side we did see what a few galleys could do in terms of harassment of those forward lines uh and you know ultimately how hard it is uh to keep your eco safe on this map by virtue of both the forward woodlines and the fact that you can't farm around your tc you know pope leo had malians available in the sieve draft a sieve that is one of the best hybrid sieves in the game uh it's cheaper for you to build all your wood buildings you have knights you have camels you can even go crossbow with faster university upgrades it's a sieve that i think is is known to the point where it'd be good on this map and poplio instead went for koreans so why are you thinking koreans here dash well tower control yeah it's my immediate thought i mean if you are looking you know at the idea that my eco it just there's no way to effectively defend all areas even with military perhaps dropping some towers around your farming eco while then fighting for water koreans aren't the worst on water obviously you've got turtle ships as well so maybe it is it's tower defense and water control as opposed to tower defense and land control yeah i'm thinking maybe you can get one turtle ship out that could do insane amounts of damage um considering in the games we've seen so far while players will make stuff on water in castle age it's only a few ships turtle ships can 1v4 uh most navy out there so i mean i would love it uh but is that really the go-to surely it's been practiced and oh god gonzalo what was that that elephant did not want to go anywhere near that town oh my goodness oh i was on the other side of the map but yes that is uh some long distance uh harvesting happening over there dude that's that's a rough one right there but you know what we have how many people here that makes you guys feel like you're not alone all right whoever this is they're a man of the people they're doing this for you that's true that's like every other bore lure for me yeah no not quite i'm slightly better than that um but let's see here both players have uh have made their way through their fish swapping plenty of villagers on onto the wood lines now interesting wall up here by uh pope leo yeah that well we saw a few instances of players trying this already historically it hasn't worked out too well against aggressive strats like scouts um something that indians would excel with gonzalo certainly sees the walls at least and i think there's gonna be a stable at some point soon for gonzalo once gonzalo is in feudal these are also very interesting wood lines just in general they're massive yeah um with very few you know but but thin at least on the side of popplios not that the indian player would necessarily feel inclined to go to go for range but a tower on the other side of that wood line could do a lot of damage it's a pretty fast feudal age time there for gonzalo and you know you compare it to pope leo it's not as if pope leos is bad 20 pop up that's one of the fastest times you'll see but on this map indians using their bonuses cheaper villagers too i think we're about to see a villager pounced on here and i don't think pope leo is expecting the scout to be in feudalized so quickly i don't know if this is realistic for poker to continue to wall up but villager alive for now dash being very mindful of that and does manage to save it but it also means that this big wall that he was going for has been stopped in its tracks so as you mentioned a few more scouts come out uh for the indian player and and you've done all that walling for nothing yeah i do like it in general though because there's so many resources you protect if you get them down the wood lines are tolerable um but maybe you figure you're koreans or something and can counter tower i don't know it's just at some point if these walls complete we should zoom out and double click the palisades to see how much wood is invested into it it's ridiculous yeah does manage to get his ville over to the side will complete the wall as his scout chases the other away depends on yeah there we go now everything should be fine although another vil you know what if another villa's not pulled here yeah no that that wall's going down this is great from gonzalo just be as annoying as possible even if you don't kill anything just keep an eye on it just don't be too greedy here i think you could run around with these scouts for the next 20 minutes if you really wanted to so yeah he's still open on the other side too so we put a lot of focus on the right hand side and all the walling that's been done here yeah and that wall will get completed but just as easily could send scouts around to the left-hand side and loop them in to meet up with the two that he already has in the back of hope leo's base yeah sorry to the viewers i'm looking around a lot right now just to see what the food situation is like because you tend to see double mill before farms on this map and you see gonzalo's done that uh whereas pope might have to do that after the water buffalo is gone i guess there's still some there so that's good and popplio has his own scouts it's not a common korean strategy but i think that if koreans are going to shine here it's going to shine in the mid game dash and not in the early game yep so here they come two more villagers over to the left-hand side looking to complete the walls with uh a pack of scouts as well just uh looking out for any enemy forces although taking them far to the left as gonzalez gonna swoop in with four scouts here although three spears probably plenty to defend against that why are you trying to wall this map is this like pokemon or upset with himself that he didn't wall that choke point in the previous game he goes into the next game saying i need to wall more like this is extreme walling and imagine that the scouts have some mobility so that said there's potential for pope leo too pope leo arrives and sees the spearman this is going to be really tough for both players to chase down uh these scouts running around their base yeah so many spears out on the map for polio he's got another one over here by the berries and farms that the scouts are making their way to if we see upwards of six spears i might start thinking gonzalo might actually be mvl um you know i know you mentioned it earlier and you know the bonus of that dash is everyone was calling you crazy but we'll see i mean if you were right on that as early as you were that'd be pretty freaking cool but yeah goes down gonzalo's got one week scout remaining uh but added a galley i saw that dock earlier and that galley can camp those wood lines yeah that's that range we're talking about because of the thin wood line and there it's just arrived no fletching but still does plenty of damage to villagers and he's just gonna do some harassment there we go forcing a tower god sorry dash that was a weak villager and leo failed to get the kill and yeah now you're seeing the korean player on towers and you know what's crazy is that stone is right next to the walls so it's not as if opilio can comfortably take stone on either side actually without it being spotted yep he's going to finish this wall finally here on the left-hand side it took a year for him to wall this map like it okay now that i said i would do this let's see let's double click palisades is it okay 49 palisade walls needed for that it's actually not as much as i thought i think plus houses i mean granted you want those anyway yeah true plus houses plus villager time now the enemy is the real one villager time actually is the biggest call out probably there because he pulled a lot of ills to make that happen uh over the course of all this three galleys now and look at this three galleries are going to bust through this one palisade wall and make everything that you just did irrelevant he's now trying to stonewall behind this with what little stone he has left after dropping a tower does have two on stone to recoup some of that but but uh he he seems out of sorts yeah right now you know what though it's not like there's additional scouts coming in i freaked out when i saw the stonewalls it is really rare but he just wants to stop the navy it accomplishes that so that's not too bad and plus his stone's fine so i think at this point he's just trying to delay and get up to castle age and i think he's going to go for a dock and turtle chips honestly all right he needs stonewalls on this side too using the logic we used earlier but maybe he feels like the tower's enough to force the galleys away yeah i mean they're gonna they're gonna be knocking on the door there very inefficient wood line just because of how many villagers there's the stone walls so same thing tower will be able to range at that point so should be defended on that wood line dropping a market as well at the moment so definitely looking to just get himself to castle age with a little bit of the excess gold that he has currently you know what dash the stone walls and and all that pretty much everything about this game uh looked looked out of place but it's also that this map is out of place and that we have not seen it's true played enough to really know what feels right and feels wrong and sure pope leo has practiced and pope leo's now on the way to castle h faster the towers will be guard towers for free in a second still on stone to make more and i'd just love to see a dock just one dock turtle ships would be so epic especially given the fact that gonzales actually added a second dock at this point yeah so really starting to mass uh those galleys and i i fear that you know if you move into the castle age and you have no way to compete in the middle of the map you may have walled off all of this in the back but look how much is going to be available in terms of not only wood but just the rest of the land economy and gold to the opposing player okay hopefully just got an idea poplio wants to get guard towers up behind that wood line imagine how tough that would be to stop will gonzalo get anywhere near that with the villagers heading that way that could be huge all right well the galley's moving forward but i think they're gonna just barely miss the villes that have been shot out to the left side here so 65 percent of the way to cass laid she'll be there first if he can drop this tower outside of vision that's going it's gonna pack such a punch when that first one goes up and castle age gets hit this is honestly sick from gonzalo i think he saw that villager had run out and run back in and so he's checking just to make sure maybe i'm giving him too much credit but he's got a spearman there he cannot see it though oh no but the galleys are also getting actually did they get a kill no they didn't get any kills there so and he's gonna wall he's gonna wall this in that way the galleys can't swoop in behind this is really intelligent well this guard tower is going to nullify 20 bills working only goodness that is i'm tilted right now for gonzalo one tower it targeted the one that had one health from earlier all right there you go you gotta kill immediately there it is the mass migration another lumber camp and imagine how weird that one's going to look but uh i want to see a turtle ship let's go let's go turtles you please yes there it is people i mean that's that is a tanky boy that deals a whole heck ton of damage it's about to come forward and and now i feel like this game has just become about gonzalo effectively defending his woodlines yeah maybe it could you could say that both ways i suppose but i'm just curious how good this turtle ship will do against this many galleries it's just one oh yeah and a spear don't don't forget oh the tower too is honestly amazing here look at that he's gonna hide next to the tower and repair the ship you're kidding me what is this game and is that a town center gold town center there gonzalo pick anywhere else [Laughter] he's committing he's committed okay so that's one turtle ship there's another one they're pretty chunky boys so they've gotta take some time to get over there um yeah they are chunky boys but with this with this many war guys uh oh he's throwing his bills away did he miss click i think he had them on the same control group there that could be who would control group the villagers and that one turtle ship to the same thing that's devastating though i don't know exactly who would do that that's a little it essentially comes down to not being not wanting to use more than three control groups yeah second turtle ship out dealing a little bit of damage already has picked up two kills on the war galleys but with proper kiting here and a few more reinforcements it's gonna get shoved back as well and now there are no bills uh for repairs yeah that would that was the same they gotta go all the way home yeah like if he had repair villagers he wouldn't have lost a single one and he could just fall back to his tower everything was perfect until he tossed away the villagers and it's not as if turtle ships are very cheap unit two something to remember but okay that one gets saved on five hp dash good play from pope leo who is booming in the north on two tc's and also oh he's raiding the gold yeah that's huge actually uh because they're going to be able to deal with that spearman he should target the spearman here yeah maybe get that into it first but either way big field either way he's gonna yeah he's gonna kill pretty much every single uh ville on this gold and it looks like actually gonzalo never noticed this hmm yeah i mean that's there's a lot going on right now there it is finally notices and pulls does end up killing the knight with a spear it's a hero spearman right there um meanwhile back in the middle we do have a couple more villagers forward looking to repair this turtle ship but it does go down after a few trades retreating back to his base both players on two tc's at this point dropping a third one now is gonzalo on the right hand side up by that gold oh yeah they're both dropping tcs all right so uh hope leo dropping on a stone gonzalo here on the golds it is easier to boom with indians because of the cheaper villagers plus it looks like gonzalo is better at economic upgrades and plus it's 19 military versus one right now things have fallen apart for poke leo the tower is going to go down he doesn't really have military at all yeah he's got no options absolutely no options dropping another tower now over by that tc just to defend no granny guard tower against ships it is a solid defense if that is the only unit that's coming forward um just one camel though out onto the map so perhaps uh gonzalo's thinking about making that swap now that he has control of the middle with enough war galleys thinking okay how do i swap on the land and start to punish the booming that i know is happening behind these walls uh it's honestly perfect it spot on like you just said instant recognition there was actually a hole i think oh yeah there was a hole right there which is now being gated so now you have gonzalo in with a camo and look what one camel does the eco is so exposed three farmers have to leave their post one villager could go down it kind of sucks to have indians though because the knights would be the go-to for the raids not camels it takes a long time to kill bills yeah he will get this one snipe but you are right it takes far more hits for a camel to take something down on the right hand side look at this starting to bust through the walls all right i see that and villagers cannot wall behind this because there's water control i think pope leo's gotta mix in a few turtles again not happening in poplio with 40 minutes of eco idol time building towers in spots that would have never been part of the plan this is hard to say or hard to believe that i'm saying excuse me after watching game one and two but gonzalo pizarro has turned it up a notch and is in a great position to take us to game five yeah absolutely dropped a monastery in the back so beginning to think about relics as well he's got a great i see this is the thing i think i think gonzalo likes to have control and boom safely and play for yeah exactly this is this is something that you would expect from mbl which was your guess but most high level players they take control and then boom whereas game one and game two it was extreme greed um which which is a no-brainer uh for me i i think that he lost those games due to that greed but here 69 villagers were 64. but the big thing is maintaining the military lead you've got three units on the field right now for poglio i guess his hope now is that korean late game might be stronger but look at the woodline again yeah losing villagers he can't afford to lose uh just because he's already behind an eco and army and if you're not winning in either category that's definitely a dangerous position to be in yeah do you see a fair number of villagers on stone for him six of them and he's making his way towards castle levels of stone so again maybe that's his maybe that's his thought a castle drop to wrestle some amount of control on my wood lines forward and like you said koreans do scale very well into the later games so if he can just manage to stall things out for a period of time perhaps he can overtake uh in the later game it is it is really fascinating because again like all these different strategies you'll see players bring into hidden cup it probably has worked many times in training games for pope leo right so this is something that it shows us i guess that there's there's variety to be had but also that there's not a clear way of playing it i think the short thing is just boom and make war galleys right and you we're seeing that with indians it's not like indians are the go-to water sieve or anything but right no but i think yeah and there it is he's dropping two more ducks right on the front of his base so he's he's got the the same idea you do uh managing to even just eat tower shots while taking the towers down worked on one working on the next but but plenty more towers coming up so it is going to be you know purely structural defense for the korean player at the moment what about rams and war galleys right now from gonzalo three rams and war galleys can that be stopped no i'm well you've got no units i don't even know where the three i see three military i don't even know where it is on the map wait a second wait a second wait a second pope what are you doing here are you trying to okay it's a pope so i guess he wants to protect the relic he gets bound oh no pope is the aggressive oh okay he walled him out so he might get the tc up but an aggressive tc drop on the right-hand side what in the world it's just so weird man it is so weird and no the course of a long series keeping your mind in the game is important when things start to go wrong it's especially important which gonzalo was able to do gonzalo lost two games in a row brought it back in the previous game seems stronger now and he's now going to drop a castle and it's on the way to in but for pope i don't know if it's exhaustion or what but this has not looked good at all no not in the slightest and this is this is incredible play out of uh gonzalo to punish uh all of these towers sitting here one castle is going to deal with those no problem it's going to give them the baseline or the base rather to push from no this tower's not go well he did he stopped building with four of those bills that castle was going up a lot faster yeah okay i guess he didn't still get it up yeah i think he'll still get it up but he sends a few more that castle goes up and then pope leonardo lose i mean look at that five towers in the same spot that might as well be a castle it's just to show you how little control he's had and and even some monks going down now that cece was denied i feel like if galley i think we're going to game five minutes this is gg yeah i think you're spot on there dash i think we are i mean obviously it's up to the player to to put the game away as he just chucks a monk over to poplio i guess that makes sense he was donating a monk yeah i don't even know where that is at this point it was right under the castle he just sent it towards the tower you can see the body fading away look at gonzalo's scouting for a second and look at everything that he has seen he's got outpost on the left side which some players will do some players will not he's got outposts on the right side he's got monks around he's got two relics already i mean this is i mean it's incredible comeback but this player definitely is good when it gets to late game as we saw in game three as we are now seeing in game four absolutely absolutely and he's doing a great job of keeping his his galleys active as well that's one of the things i've appreciated is that he'll constantly bring them forward harass the wood lines bring them back to check his flanks make sure that he's not getting surprised by some kind of a push because he did not wall in any way shape or form so his whole eco is exposed to some degree if anything were to get back there and raid but because he's doing such a diligent job of watching and creating vision for himself everywhere he's not under threat and if he just if you control water and post him well let's say the game was even controlling water would be huge but the game is not even so you can control water and you can raid on land and the gg is called and ladies and gentlemen i can't believe i'm saying this because when watching pope leo and gonzalo pizarro in game one and two that was the biggest difference between two players that i had experienced today but now gonzalo looks reborn and has brought it back and we are going to game five dash i'm so excited i'm so happy that we got at least one of our series going to full length i'm so confused on the players now you're starting to you're starting to believe me i don't know what to believe man and the thing is we can we can end today with some strong opinions on who is who but then tomorrow we see four more best of fives and someone we think is currently gonzalo or pope leo might play tomorrow yeah well what a fitting end to the day i suppose let's just go to the statistics and dash as i just go through this what was the problem for pope leo throughout this game he just you know what's funny is they kind of reversed positions yes he started playing super greedy with the walls and he just got hard punished for it i don't get it it's so weird all it took was a few sky it was four scouts it was four scouts and a spear essentially that got in wasted time really that's what it was wasted time he was therefore beat to to castle on top of having never dropped a dock he never dropped a dock in this game [Music] look to defend on water oh that's not true he did build charter ships i take that back he built one dock but it it wasn't until that point that he could build turtle ships look at some of these eco upgrades we had that one in game one with the late wood upgrade the only tell we really have for nikov is that he's really good on land maps he's really good on open land maps excuse me and high pressure and he also tends to skip some eco upgrades or delay them you've got would he have picked koreans i don't think there's any world where nikov within koreans are good but maybe he's practiced right like yeah maybe maybe he wasn't unsure and he sent a text to hera and said hey hera are koreans good and hair harrah's like he's like i wouldn't pick it but i'm sure they're good you know i don't know what the conversations are but maybe maybe we shift back to thinking nikov or whatever i just want to know where is everyone that said pope leo was viper leery and hara because you guys yeah you gotta stand by your picks at least at least uh dash this entire time has been sticking with his come out you cowards come on thank you thank you for defending my honor in that moment i appreciate that that might be one of the few times i'll ever defend your honor [Laughter] oh man so we go to cup now right we we know that yes we go to cup before we hop in thank you croco thank you v-bomb i have never experienced such ridiculous sub-gifts before in my life and you have been ridiculous today so thank you i'm gonna say thank a few new subs because i can't thank you all um yeah this one's perfect all-star all-star i'm going to thank you for the sub because that would also apply to everyone else who supported the stream today so it's a one name fits all type deal reloading there thank you and uh let's speculate a bit more because i think pope leo's probably wants celts on cup but malians could work what are you thinking with gonzalo for gonzalo we're looking at aztecs and japanese i mean my my instinct is japanese for cup um because of the fishing ships obviously being able to take a little bit more abuse and pick up that fish a little quicker um and then you know being able to defend either against a man at arms or apply a minute arms of their own or a drush but it's also it would then be very wild to me to see aspects aspects as text picked in a draft and not played that is a very good point i think that when it's all said and done maybe aztecs was a a possibility for bypass as it's kind of arena-like um but yeah i'm with you dash but it's got to be japanese celts surely japanese encounters both fit the map so uh we'll i see it now and we'll hop in game number five ladies and gents if there was ever a time to spam your pog champs or salutes or whatever you've got this would be the time this is the end of day one hidden cup for it's been a crazy day thank you for being a part of it and of course these players probably the biggest moment in their tournament career dash depending on who they are of course and we're 30 seconds into game number one i'm going to switch leo again over to red just so things can be seen here but still picking gray and we've got celts first japanese no no surprises here on the sieves then aside from the fact uh the fact that the aztecs will go unpicked in the series but i do think that these make the most sense for the map at hand yep yeah and let's break it down again so guys if you haven't seen this map before uh i once drew this on paint a few years ago uh and sent it over to algenon and hank two guys on the map team we've done such an extraordinary job i started off wanting a map that was a hybrid map that looked like a trophy or a cup and that's kind of what we've got there it's kind of looks like it's melting you know it's made of ice and melting in the snow it's kind of weird but uh anyway so you skimped on the hidden cup trophy budget i get it okay that's true yeah congratulations if you win hidden cup four by the way here's a melting trophy it's hot here in florida what can i say but um yeah anyways so if you dock the right side it's great because you have the fish uh you're also controlling that area between the two bases which are quite close together but you cannot cross over to the left and it's the same of course if you dock the left you can't cross over to the right so you have that the aspect that since this is amphibious terrain things like militia and scouts can take out fishing ships it's just one mix of complicated strategy and i don't think there is a meta for this dash no i don't i don't so much think so i'm taking a look at the maps and i don't think either player has a huge advantage i do slightly prefer pope leos just because of the placement of of the woodlines and his gold in particular the his main gold over here you can wall from the wood line straight to the tc there's a couple good wood lines that can connect to kind of protect the back side of it so i feel like his gold is better protected than the one that's more exposed on the north end of gonzalos so pope leo almost forgot to make a house and i actually hate that house spot it's kind of in farm territory for later but at least realize that the house is going to be there and this is an ultra specific um call out and it might not become a factor here but if pope leo wanted to wall using this wood line you talked about on the right you probably while i know you can't see a dash but diagonally over the amphibious terrain a little bit and if he doesn't have water control and the enemy has fires or whatever there's no real way of stopping units from breaking through there so i think you've got to be a little mindful of how you all whereas gonzalo his back load line looks worse but at least it's an easy wall right towards the tc yeah barracks already for both players wow they're not a dock which we've seen but we saw a game earlier on this map and both players chose to go for a dock they're also scouting it which is just so perfect you know they're on point it's game five they've showed up here just waiting to see there's a fact about mr yo favorite to win it all this year it will be a drush for both and there's actually no bonus for these tips to work with in this age which is interesting because in feudal age they both have two different bonuses celt infantry is faster and then japanese infantry attacks faster so who wins is it the uh is it the runner or the person who uh slaps harder yeah faster interesting we see a mill here from pokemon whoa all right so building a million he's not even the japanese player no and we have a dock from gonzalo but dash you can drop off food at docks now so if the dock goes up that could be decent but then again gonzalo is outnumbered right now yeah that's a really good point just in terms of you know again efficiency of resources but yeah with only two militia to three at the moment both players have their scout obviously the villagers can be pulled to help in that engagement which is why we're seeing a whole bunch of dancing around and nothing committal um but yeah immediately both players on to fish with villagers three on the side of pope leo two on the side of gonzalo there comes the third militia this is gonna be close there is a fishing ship coming for gonzalo so i suppose that that's a lead for him but i i think all of that could disappear if he doesn't maintain his control here decent fight yeah better engagement for gonzalo gets more of the scout health oh yeah oh oh my god hits there that's significant all that the trade back though with an extra militia coming forward oh and bringing out the villes to wall in the dock itself oh boy now i think you have to run here for gonzalo that extra militia is a huge surprise and what pope did there was collect additional gold so that was possible and now says nope this dock is not yours anymore or at least you can't use it we're closing this for business sorry you know what's funny is he could technically produce one more fishing ship and just put it in there to it's true that's true that's 150 food yeah bro that would be amazing actually yeah he can't actually cross over with the fishing ship either he could have kept it in there yeah but now look at gonzalo's reaction he says okay i'm gonna place the cheap mill on the other side this is quickly becoming one of the more unique games we've ever seen okay no he's no he just got the house up but he was housed for a moment had to rush one down but you're right the cheap japanese mill coming in big there if he can actually use it because here comes the pills again yeah i think there's a big difference here dash and it's that pope leo's villagers on the amphibious terrain have been working and bringing in food which is why the feudal age is so fast scout goes down here but i'm still liking the control for popplio over the food in the middle the dock investment also very expensive yeah these villagers have brought in quick math about 300 food from the two shore fish on the left however if you look at them dance oh they're dancing that is that is not the dance of victory right there there you go get back to work it's funny too that they're walking all the way around where they could the other side would be a quicker route um but focus on other things not looking to micro i also love that he used the three villagers forward to snag some food just make the trip out there a little bit more efficient may even drop uh another mill we will have to see here come the walls for gonzalo and look how far out he walled on the north side whoa what the oh he actually has a mill out there too now that might never be spotted that's cheeky that's true that's very true and so and also okay but pope is going to be much quicker at this point and the question is what does he do from there as we've got gonzalo coming forward to scout might catch this ville walling okay pulls it back both players have to be really worried about the man at arms pope leo is actually going to send some home defensively which i think is a smart move your celts if you can chase that down and force fights in the next 50 seconds before these are japanese faster attacking minute arms that'd be sick and you can still pile on some pressure and whoop running right around we have a quick gate but a fail from gonzalo and this is dangerous now very dangerous he'll be the first to demand at arms upgrade if it's even gone for at all on the side of gonzalo and here come the villes looking to fight it off along with two militia this is gonna take some pretty incredible micro though no attempt to quick wall there with palisades that there's only a few players maybe who would just say forget about it and people have been mentioning doubt today i i un-ironically i know we make a lot of jokes about doubt and there's a villager going down for pope leo but maybe out and i was feeling vivi earlier the seat out picking koreans as well all right both players have lost a villager and looks like another one will go down for gonzalo as he's still struggling to deal with these last two men at arms granted they're on very low health so as long as he migrates his villagers against them they should not uh do any more damage boom look at this out on water as well a fire doing damage to the to the mill forcing those villagers back and now the fishing ship and the extra dock here from the japanese player are going to be kind of rendered moot while he has to build navy of his own the beauty is he has switched into some farms which is good but pope leo has done the same so i think pope leo's control seems better here and and i think gonzalo must not be all that prepared on this map i just saw it where the fires can take out the palisades that wall is really suspect yeah i don't love it i would have thought he'd he you know would do this small diagonal wall that he has and then just kind of cut across to the stone in the wood line and make it more of a land-based wall for sure you know speaking of doubt i think doubt always makes a house there that's a diagonal gate that's fancy actually a good holden and micro here from gonzalo but i love how pope leo says see ya we don't care need to get some value with these things and he just is just passing and honestly takes a horrible fight the game five jitters are with both of them right now yeah definitely these archers will eventually run down uh that man at arms but he'll get some decent scouting in in the meantime and at least just waste some time uh while he continues to build up at home wow dropping more lumber camps in the back uh blacksmith now on the right-hand side and starting to produce some skirmishers himself you know i'm looking all around here and i'm going to tab into a capture age feature just to see and apologies if this i haven't practiced this too much but i want to see if i can pull up the amount of food collected so far it look at the food difference since poplio had the middle and this is active 700 additional food this could be huge for pope leo and you can see that reflected in the amount of mana arms that were on the field and also the resources banked up yeah popplio from a macro perspective feels like he's in a much better position he's now getting his walls up back at home i think that's good timing he wasn't under he was the one applying pressure before so wasn't in any necessary rush looks like he will be the first castle i love that he's also using three villagers to pick up food from those deer as well as still continuing out there with the fish dude this is there's so much to look at right now we even have a tower from poplio on the right side i i um you know i can't help but think back to how tattoo and doubt played this map in hidden cup three they always prioritized celts they always tried to go forward with some aspect they tried to mill the middle it wouldn't be too crazy to say that if pope leo was tattoo or doubt here i think that's it that's a distinct possibility maybe i i don't know what to expect because it's gone from pope leo being a god to pope leo losing two games and gonzalo being a god so it really has shown in the level here and how unpredictable this scene is and how on top of it you have to be with all the small little moments in games yeah i'm trying to figure out what the next step is going to be for either these players i mean obviously looking to make their way towards castle and it will be the kelp player who gets there first he's just finishing his fletching research for the few skirmishers that he does have out onto the field i think that gonzalo needs value here if gonzalo can get in with archers i think he's gonna wait in the south so he's not spotted but if he would have run in there what a moment both the wood lines are there yeah just that would have been massive yeah uh before the walls came up because uh there definitely was a fair amount of time where he could have snuck in there and and still could harass from the back side of this wood line a fair degree but very unlikely to get any kills as a result and i think well my goodness i was made a liar i assumed that pope leo based on his banked resources was going to be first to castle and that's not the case no i i think pope leo uh did he use the market he well our gonzalo did use the market yep okay definitely use the market which is a good call there um and i think it it's something you need to do you know the enemy is going to have more natural food income so using that's huge i like the scout edition from gonzalo to see what pope leo is up to uh what's interesting is i don't think oh no i lied never mind uh gonzalo actually does know that there's one villager there but who would build a lumber camp with one villager that is so peculiar that's a vivi thing isn't it you know it has been a vivi thing in the past to do random stuff like that definitely but yeah a he's a he's a one ville tower into a lumber camp kind of guy yeah yeah you're not wrong now when doubt and tattoo would go forward they tend to go forward with two or three one villager tower for those that don't know many of you guys haven't been around for too too long that was vivi's mo for years i'd say like 2016 2017 2018 2019 yeah before towers were nerfed so we've confirmed it's vivi vs vivi uh we've confirmed it's doubt vs doubt and we've confirmed that it could also possibly be anyone else in this tournament so that's great we really worked with mbl divvy versus nbl starting to feel pretty correct to me mbl mvl has been called out like in every other set today he's just he's so easy he's just got so many traits about him you know yeah so although granted gray has been uh using the tc trick on the boars and if vivi doesn't do that then it's probably unlikely to be vivi but tough thing okay okay well tc coming down uh for popplio in the back of his base so looking to expand just a little bit on the flip side we do have another tc as well going down onto the main gold but i'm just gonna comment again as you did on the walling here done by gonzalo weird it's just weird to me because yeah you've now you've got a hole so you did all this walling everywhere else and there's an easy way in i guess you are putting two tcs up on the north side which will help in defense but uh but yeah just a kind of a peculiar choice though now sending a knight forward yeah the market there which is immediately going to go down to fire ships so you're going to have to rebuild that if you want to make use of it later both players sending a knight forward ah okay so knight going forward here knight going over here i think gonzalo knew there might have been some units from poplio but there's a hole in the back of pope leo's walls we said his base was the was the better one of the two we've questioned both walls now but five crossbows if not realized could win gonzalo pizarro the series and complete the reverse sweep yep looking for his first bill pick after the spear does get one looking for another and will oh man look at you two quickville and as well as having to pull yeah near 20 bills away from their jobs at the moment luckily has this tc up in the back will kill one crossbow almost two with the garrison microwing that will back as well bringing two nights in but with two nights to two nights whoa they came they kind of came out of nowhere i don't think pope leo would ever expect knights to come from back there and pope leo with a lot less on food now and this is now i'm looking he's got about 24 villagers which are currently not working this could swing the game big time yeah this is huge i do think one or two more nights and he's fine to take this fight only because he has armor yep but i don't know if three's enough with four crossbows yeah fortunately some of them are weak there dash also might been a case where he doesn't want to lose bills building the cc so he takes a weird fight just to just to keep the villagers safe because he needs that right now yeah that's a good point he does manage to get the tc up which means he now can safely uh you know farm that gold as well as the the lumber in the back will kill both of these knights and stop the pressure so economy back to work but it was a bit of a hit big hit and i think pope leo now needs to use this middle or i guess it's like the northern side to his advantage we're gonna see a siege workshop there there's fire galleys there already so when you idle your eco like that you're gonna realize that you probably weren't producing any of your tc's as frequently there are some aspects that that fell behind uh oh and pope leo if you could catch up these crossbows though his knights are very weak yeah he is back away never mind picking off the low health knight great micro there and with one knight in defense means those four crossbows will be fine and it looks like he's gonna take the same path just gonna rotate around the south side look to harass that wood line that he did before but again wonder what the response will be when the when the siege comes out celt siege eat tc as we know and also uh you can't really engage against the magnels if they fire from the water dash because there's strokes because they're going to have fire galleys there yeah that's going to be very tough although if you have monks i now know that you can convert those fire ships without redemption without redemption so checkmate that is one conversion you know what that's fair to split that 50 50 i think uh maybe fire galley converted now and gets conversion as well so monk's playing it here yeah yeah and he actually this fire galley will trade with another before it goes down so uh that's a very solid trade to eliminate some of the water numbers for pope pleo again checking in on the back end just knocking on the door of those palisade walls with the four crossbows in the night but given uh the existence of the tc's probably not a ton of damage to be found more of an annoyance than anything this is one thing that i would say about backed as a player is he consistently tries to do damage in early castle h and mid castle with low amounts of units so do you remember the slopes game he tried it a few times um and then he over booms it's very much a backed thing not saying no one else can do it because they're everyone's great and they're all similar but this is really good value and he's paid close attention to the forces too it's not like he's just randomly patrolling in a graphic night who's got a level sorry i i have so many theories man um you're good he's got a level where he's made it into every single hidden cup he just hasn't been able to really have a good result in a hidden cup and granted he's been up against the big names so i don't think we should count out as many players this year and that's maybe why it's so confusing for us as gonzalo has the vill lead sniping a villager there and both players going to focus on the north now yep he's gonna pull those knights back while we were checking in on you know the crossbow raid in the back he did manage to convert the remaining fire ships on the front yep so now he's moving forward with his two monks and few nights here to the middle island i actually really like the house placements just because you're smart removing castle opportunities in in the middle of the map yeah yeah that and then also if you patrol fire ships in or nights you're just gonna hit the buildings so it's really awkward and annoying and look at pope pope's gonna try and take out the monk he's like i'm poking hope get out of here that was sick and he's gonna save the scout as well by running to the other side he's gonna force him to spend 100 more gold for another monk to get that relic so that's gonna feel good but now we have war galleys out onto the map along with a fire ship and some crossbows so the fight for the center has begun it looks like there's been a very clear shift here from gonzalo where raiding was the answer before and buying time now he's looking to invest heavily into the mid game and take map control look at the resources and eco upgrades for gonzalo he's got his wood upgrade his second form upgrade and hand cart not even wheelbarrow for pope leo possibly bringing this back if we're guessing all over the place in this series then maybe a player who's known for skipping some eco upgrades nikov but you know we still could see imperial age for both pretty soon i'm really excited to see how this is going to pan out lots of production of navy now for gonzalo this is a full shift in focus with four docks up and going straight into war galleys oh boy granted he is up against fire so he needs to keep his numbers up i think gonzalo just made a big mistake unless he's got a few monks for conversions and i could be misjudging this but i think he's clicking up the imp at a time where he needed to invest a little bit more into water will he get overwhelmed by the fires at night the knights can be a little bit of a meat shield just soak a few hits while the fires move forward he does manage to kill the monk that was looking for a conversion he's got a ville coming forward of all things to repair some of these fire shifts oh my god it's happening dash he's losing some control here but he's got some demons on the knights baby devils are faster nice i'm sorry huge people didn't die there but they're very weak they need to go home and heal up somewhere as we see a castle for pope leo more defensively now but you know gonzalo originally too yeah he originally placed it four but then realizing he was not going to win that water engagement decides to fall back and actually at the moment only has two fire ships in defense of a castle that's at 50 percent thing does look like he will manage to get it up though yeah maybe the save play for gonzalo's just back up to your own wait a second here come the demos you're kidding me they're going to get destroyed by the castle what a bummer yeah but yeah gonzalo will know the castle's there will be an infant can make trebs and can just with galley and probably protect that um what's interesting is we have a tc for poplio on the right side just once this is the second time he's done a forward tc yeah that's true that one villager too the one villager spent all those resources and he's just hanging out over there he's so greedy he's got to share his life with other people man yeah um this is also a dumb thing but do you notice the uh demo that's in that is corralled in the palisades i did not see him out break them out that is so funny that is so funny yeah i guess he just toggled to his stocks and it always your first one oh he's gonna free it okay there it is all right he realized can't say it's stupid now no he's he's thought ahead gets rid of the siege workshop he's first imp and well ahead as pope leo's only 40 of the way first treb on its way bracer as well with chemistry so all of the upgrades you need to control the water in the middle of the map oh my god dude being the most important part of the map this this just this just has a feel to it whereas tattoo or doubt's got to be one of these players because every time i'm seeing them on these maps as we see the knights run in to get a raid we got a quick gate and everything it just produced such amazing cup games it was like that in hidden cup three and i'm seeing it here in hidden cup four and that strategy for pope leo is so out of the box he's gonna try champions from the side with rams while gonzalo is gonna focus the middle with trebs and and water so in theory dash gonzalo can only push so far with the navy and he could lose all of his eco to champion it's just a matter of timing exactly i mean i think that's a really good point and and perhaps makes this an intelligent switch for pope leo again well it's not standard it's his only thing um it might be his only chance he's he's too late to imperial age his castle is already going down with a second one being built multiple trebs out onto the field but if you can fight where your opponent's military is not it it might be the way back in but here's the thing gonzalo pizarro who bought from two day games down by the way everybody he's gonna have all that gold in the middle and he's got an epic counter to champion in the elite samurai at his disposal he's got castles he can make him defensively if need be or he can just spam samurai but i think if pope leo has any chance this attack here he barely has the resources for champion it's gonna have to kill 20 30 yeah because we're about to get cancelled this count i'm imagining we're about to see a castle dropped on this tc that's forward to clear that out yep there it is so the question is again if he does not scout the rams rams champions barreling straight through that castle and into his base or even avoiding the castle and going through the uh the palisades right up there by the gold again this could be a really effective push but he's got to wait for numbers how many rams how many rams does he need i i think more more than one right i mean he's but he's going he's going with two i mean look those will blast through these walls immediately there is no response immediately so in he is this means a few villager kills with rams in tow yeah i mean samurai are already being built though it hasn't been noticed yet and that's the thing gonzalo can say okay you take my eco i'll take your eco um and you know combined with all the other factors like four relics for gonzalo i just don't know where this came from from gonzalo honestly dash it just looked like he was gonna get swept and it's not like popplio has played bad the last couple games it's just gonzalo has turned it up a notch has he noticed this raid in his base though of two-handed sword let's go there he goes he's losing like 20 bills without reacting throwing a castle down in the middle of his farming eco so that's definitely gonna help because again just one capped ram at the moment is not enough to deal much damage like cap rates in the south just a little bit you know look at both players single villagers heading to corners which is really smart some road raiders out on the field too but not many and yeah i mean it's looking it's looking very scary for popplio who does not have control of the gold in the center and just look how many bills are there just eating up all the gold in the center granted he is expanding he's expanding oh my god farms in the the north you know i don't even know who these players are and i feel for poke leo you know to be up two nil and then somehow find yourself in this position and now see that there's elite samurai and trebs around you you have to realize at this point that you've lost this series and it's just you just can't take a straight a fight against samurai when you're celts unless you have a lot of heavy scorpions which is unrealistic too expensive and pope leo there it is respect by the way to whoever pope leo is says gigi good luck next and gonzalo completes the reverse sweep what did we do that was huge that was massive i mean great composure because while while acknowledging that the first two games were greedy 100 very it was great it was greedy play i think when you go down like that uh to have the confidence uh you know to still stick with your playstyle because he still had a fairly boomy play style um throughout the remainder of the series just with a little bit more control and military early on shows incredible composure i just i feel for pope leo obviously but if we're to be critical which we were of gonzalo pizarro in game one and two right we were we were harping on about how he was too greedy this game does isn't a standout for me i honestly feel as though what one gonzalo pizarro this game was the crossbows and the knight going in like that gave him such a big snowball with eco but the previous game was pretty bad the koreans the towers the turtle ships didn't work the miss click with the villagers and then and then also bypass it didn't seem like you really had a clue of what to do gonzalo pizarro proved that he's the best of the two here man with these settings it was a fantastic comeback i do think pope leo might be kicking himself a little bit for the koreans choice over the mallians for example just again a little bit more of a stock standard sieve with options uh possibly for mudflow but uh but either way i mean two incredible games we cannot forget the two incredible first games where he absolutely punished i know agreed absolutely punished that was if you're if you want to learn i think as a lower elo player what to do when you run into walls and an opponent who clearly just wants to boom you just follow that blueprint that was laid out in those two games well good timing the extra stables at the right time bringing out the manganese monks and support pikes at the right moment it was just beautiful but couldn't keep it going in games three four and five
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 83,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pope Leo I, Gonzalo Pizarro, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, round of 16, day 1, pope, leo, the, first, gonzala, gonzalo, pizzarro, pizza, pizarro
Id: SzS7g45PDFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 0sec (8760 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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