Hidden Cup 4 | Philip the Good vs Little John (Best of 5)

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how good has capture age been can we get some salutes please i'm 25 seconds in here already but i mean the zooming the the layout has been amazing of course having the ability to go back which is great uh speed up uh which is so unique in age of empires right to be able to to just rewind i could do it right now but i got to stay in sync with my caster right so uh props to them uh if you think back to hidden cup two hidden cup three they always had something for me and we've been working hard or they've been working hard and i've just been asking for things basically uh well little john here is playing us the malian slam against aztecs aztec's pretty common and are you surprised to see malians yeah a little bit uh first thing that comes to mind is is viper i know viper's always been a fan of malians in certain certain situations um then again i mean i don't know if that confirms the viper but uh if if if um viper chose malians and we saw him i'd be like okay yeah of course that makes sense so um when i interviewed nikov after he played uh licks in his best of seven in the qualifier to make it to the main event it had huns in game one arabian this is the best example of it uh it was huns against chinese and i think slam you'd recognize the chinese just feels way stronger there yeah and so i asked nikov about that and nikov's like i knew that if i lost that game all my sieves were better for the other maps when you do a giraffe sometimes you're not giving up a map but you figure okay i will be at a disadvantage here so i kind of see malians as a sieve where you maybe go for something a little out of the box maybe try drush fc maybe you know it's it's in civ that you don't always know what to expect from and if you get a win against aztecs which is a top tier pick on the draft you start to feel really good yeah yeah that's a good point i mean especially but when it comes to picking sieves i have realized that some players um arabia won't be a priority as much so majority of the sieves will be picked for other maps and then there's not too much stress about arabia because you know a lot of sieves can play arabia yeah and um in this situation though i guess philip the good did pick aztecs first and his pick you know using on arabia yeah sure yep it's different you know some people like i think the majority probably make sure they get a good arabia pick in early it actually makes it rather easy to draft for arabia because there are flexible sieves and there are good landscapes chinese is the best example of probably good on mudflow but not great on anything other than arabia interesting patience here from little john and what he did was don't lose that okay uh he brought in this board early because he knew philip the goods eagle was around slam and he didn't want to get lame and that was not the best borrower there from little john yeah i mean it's it was a yeah we got to give him some credit though for getting in early but uh um you're talking about the second board was it yeah the second board was a little awkward yeah yeah yeah all right so question for viewers we have a lot of people watching but many of you guys have called off work sick i hope you get better by the way or you you know just have been here all of the last 48 hours um many of you may be writing down who you think is who which is what we like to see which two players are missing on your list why are you guys laughing as if you would actually tell your bosses you're sick when you're not why would no one would ever do that though i'm wondering which players you haven't seen yet okay we got someone just said viper and leery someone said leery and yo nikov and leary viper really so a lot of people don't feel like they've seen viper here yet they haven't seen vibrant really oh and look at these walls for little john this is you know what this reminds me of it was king of the desert which is only arabia tournament nikov i'm referencing nico of a lot but nika vs draken draken's an arena player and he almost beat nikov in a series picking malians and other sieves and doing this right here he just turned this into an arena tournament right now oh man um the draken you're speaking of yeah makes sense yeah but he wouldn't have sent down he wouldn't really be playing here of course and you know what i thought he was gonna go for greedy fc he's actually going for scouts it's a cute little basement it is a cute little base and you know it's going to deny this um primal i mean philip the good is going for primal drush and we we know what he did i don't know if you noticed it um and doing a pre-mail does affect your eco a little bit and it's not going to be able to do anything malian buildings are a little cheaper too so you can afford to do this i the play that comes to mind when i see early walls in some cases is mbl mbl yeah and uh doubt's another one that comes to mind we actually have a barracks so is this man at arm still bivvy maybe maybe hmm so it's too many players it's just yeah you think you're getting closer on one player and then i don't know it's all looking very similar sometimes yeah it's i mean the game is they're at the top so you gotta execute in so many different things i actually hate the fact he's still going for men at arms but i'm curious to see what the eco looks like because it doesn't look like he's going to have the rez to get eco upgrades and the man-at-arm upgrade here slam yeah no it's not looking like it but i do think little john is probably going to go for you know a really fast range after this okay and um at least that's my guess and phillip the good his map is not looking too closed all right here you see the scout engaging and with microphone little john that's a really good decision there from little john to just skip the upgrade yeah he's got to keep his scout alive though an id in an ideal world back away oh okay i guess that's fair i i'm actually here's the thing though i don't think that maybe wrong little john did he really need to even engage in that fight he could have gone mad at arms he could have i mean what is what are those militia going to do yeah there's nothing they can do and those man in arms are going to be great at breaking open walls so once he gets two archers out sends them straight over to phillip you'd have mounted arms hit up archers but maybe it was an eco issue i think this is possibly a bit of an over investment for little giant it definitely was an eco issue by the way because he had to choose between getting bit axe and men at arms and he didn't know if the enemy would be exposed but okay this is an approach that leary takes a lot you go one range eco upgrades and then you send villagers out to the deer three at a time other people do it too but notice the two ranges for little john don't you feel like a lot of players would go one range in a blacksmith and not double range yeah that is usually what they go for um sometimes if you have man at arms left over i think the blacksmith might be better uh just because you can you can hack away at walls and yeah deflection is gonna help you to get in so but because he's lost his man-in-arms he's probably just thinking well you know there's i don't need to rush that fletching and these pigs look at the wall difference by the way philip the good is really trying to get some walls down here phillip the good with two eagles two skirmishers right now and knows that the enemy's gonna be sending something forward from ranges but everything's looking pretty good for philip the good so one thing i also did notice i went on a bit of a leery binge about a week ago watched about five six of his games he would keep his i know other players do this too but he was really keen on doing it and it's keeping that one straggler wood around the tc unfarmed so for example maybe the north one you're not going to see a farm on it for a very long time until it's done and he always will keep that waypoint there and he'll build farms around it and he'll never get rid of it until it's done that's a that's a unique thing to bring up here i think yeah um now i saw it from another player as well to leave those stragglers there for excessive amounts of time but you know what i'm always preaching with low eagle legends is keep them there so you can pull villagers off and farm pretty quickly and fill philip the good here he has not invested as much into the military and you're really seeing the difference here he's taking some losses yeah he looks he's going for two ranges um interesting okay sometimes there's aztecs you'll go for the one and go skirms into full barracks and castle but two ranges works as well interesting how he's extended his walls so far on the right side and then he's been so casual about leaving the other side open it doesn't seem too he doesn't seem too worried at all yeah and that i don't think that was the best engagement there from philip um he lost a bunch of military there not a very offensive force either i'd always be worried about going for a lot of skirms in this position because the enemy is a knight civ and this is so sneaky from little john now i'm not gonna lie there's some slight bias because i've said that little john is my hero for this tournament but if this armor can sneak over has that been spotted by philip the good oh no don't shoot it never mind go ahead slime oh i was going to say fill up the good plant at a farm right on that straggler tree so therefore confirmed not leery okay maybe he felt like there wasn't enough wood remaining and now the enemy's got skirmishers out there and you've really got to worry especially since they're fully upgraded it's a little john hoping to run away and see that he's been spotted there slightly by philip i think yep but i think the eco is pretty good for both of them behind this i i yeah i was a little worried when i saw double range but i think maybe that's something you can do with mallions at the start because it's so cheap yeah looks like little john's trying to go for a sneak attack to the right but he's just gonna end up running into walls from philip okay i'll show that in a bit i'm curious to see if little john can get value here and you could try and take out these archers but good micro from philip and phillip making a lot of archers so this might be cross moment in castle age for him yeah here's that sneaky force here on the right side slam maybe a villager unlikely i'd say with a proper reaction oh yes yep she's she's alive and she's well not well actually i mean in the game she still functions the same but she's probably really damaged yeah she's hurting um okay so little john's up just a little bit earlier do you what do you think about as we see double stable double range is the choice for little john what do you think about how we have the aztec player going into crossbows not that it's bad but we also see a lot of instances where if you're expecting knights you go eagle and pikeman yeah like why not eagle pike i'm not saying crossbow is bad but is it unique possibly to the player maybe ah yeah that's a good good point because if anything i wasn't going to expect one range from uh aztecs yup followed by three barracks into eagles and then of course there's that bonus step you could do if there's a lot of knights on the field where you add pikes i know for instance vince winchester loves doing pike eagle and it does work really well um so yeah i mean i guess we're just going to see a full archer play from from philip instead i don't know what it is but i just got that feeling you know that feeling you mentioned you had with a few players oh yeah and i'm feeling little john might be velez oh that's the feeling here your double stable double range uh nothing too crazy nothing out of the box not taking any risks with the archers earlier solid micro a feeling might have a finish bro here did you say velez was little john or phillip little john and philip i don't have a read on but it is yeah it honestly playing into archers is something that velez is really comfortable with so it could be either of them maybe it's velez versus and i i bet little john is expecting eagles maybe i mean usually you're adding those two stables and you're mixing crossbows and knights against eagles which do pretty darn good um but he's gonna he's gonna soon realize it's just archers have you ever seen of a lesbian or match up how does that look what's the meta and of les mir like valez against celeste yeah the weird one right it's hard to know what to do you don't see it frequently and oh yeah okay uh in the end littlejohn backs away and it does have a massive hill right in front of phil the good space so this is dangerous yeah the tricky part about going two stables two ranges is it's quite the the eco investment so you're kind of holding off on earlier tc's looks like he's getting a tc up and it usually works best against pure eagles um but we'll see we'll see how it plays out liking littlejohn's micro and macro you got a tc at home now a university to get ballistics i'm getting vive slam but i i know that we're just here to cast the viewers are supposed to guess well i'm gonna shut up a little bit about it um but three ranges you know who i'd be saying right now three archery ranges in 2021 into ballistics i'd be saying slam for philip the girl oh yes you my friend he's doing a third one yep oh yeah yeah that would be you i would be i know but the reason behind it is maybe it's because he sees the knights and that's true he wants to get time to get that big snowball and because blue's focusing on two majors if you want to call it that way then you know he doubles down on one and it ends up being more efficient look at the micro from both of them look at the dodging that might be leery phillip the goof might be leery everyone's gonna do that at the high level sometimes but it does excite you just to think about the possibility oh man he's able to chase him off he doesn't have plus two on the knights which make this is why it's it's tricky going both stables and ranges at once um like i said it works probably better against a full eagle built from red and i think that's why i brought it up slam because i think little john was expecting the eagles he saw so many skirms yeah i don't think he was ever expecting to see this many cross movement from aztecs it would suit certain players to play into archers many people guessing uh hera i think hera very comfortable with doing something like this um maybe like i think you know thinking of big names like yo and viper they'd probably switch into pike and eagle so they're definitely our preferences at the highest level within our high level and now that's such a big mass that i don't think the knights contribute too much or the crossbows from little john a little johnny back away yeah and little john has stopped production of knights you know ages ago the one thing he's keeping up his crossbow so you know he might be regretting a little bit going for that stable play and and that might have just had something to do with maybe lack of scouting and and checking to see exactly what red's gonna go now funnily enough this is soon going to get to a point where little john's defending with siege and then eagles make sense if you mix in some eagles to snipe the siege then your crossbows can continue to do damage but i'd say very um both of these players obviously have insane skill here three tcs different army comps but 84 population versus 100 it's 62 villagers with both crucial eco upgrades are in this is so even yeah it's just a matter of who's going to start maybe mining stone and you know going for that middle control somewhere on a little hill yeah or maybe not yeah maybe maybe never go to stone and just go fast arbalest if you're a micro nerd yeah and it almost looks like phillips eco is heading in that direction where a couple more farms you know maybe in a little slip a bit of idle time there and maybe you might be able to get up and go for the early arms seize the knights here and choosing not to convert with the monk i guess you'd get the conversion but lose the monk there and now oh oh oh oh that hurts for the knights then again they were useless anyways so [Laughter] but i could get a magnet shot in here oh redemption right now is he only he only has one monk and he's getting redemption i don't know it's not i don't think this is the right time because there's so many crossbows on the field all right we've got a player comparison of less to velez here so just in case you're wondering if we have the list of the lesbian matchup oh god it looks it looks pretty even oh god well there's literally one monk it's 100 gold for the monk and then it's 475 gold for redemption just to convert one i'm not feeling it i feel like the monk's just gonna get picked off with one move with the crossbows it's not that confident approach that would really excite you with the crossbows right a lot of players would try and micro against it certainly they're staying alive but now the siege continues to mess four monks are needed and little john putting up a real fight here yeah and if you think about it siege workshop 200 wood manganell wood and gold you know you could add that together and that's probably the same cost as redemption in itself so what i'm trying to say is fill up the good maybe the siege workshop could have been a better option yep or maybe a few eagles in the mix this is maybe the weakness of playing into this look at that he snipes the monk the microphone little john is just it's insane it's crazy too because little jaw or fill up the good it felt like he had such a larger army and for some reason little john is i i'm seeing this dude i told you that i thought there were going to be some big names in this final best of five and it really feels like it right now look at the imp times we're going to see a market for philip the good he's going to sell wood and click up to imp at a similar time this is really impressive from little john who have gone into oh big magnet l conversion oh it's paying off oh and he gets the uphill shot and now another one not too bad there's slam another pretty good okay and another good connect yeah but um just just back to my point real quick i was impressed with little john because he went into an army comp which didn't seem as good he really gave himself a fighting chance there but now he's getting supplies and i think he's going to think towards a different unit and that's a champion yeah that's actually going to be this a really good unit for for being up against aztecs here actually really like very good i mean he's going to counter his crossbows once he gets all the upgrades it's going to be great against eagles either player heading to stone until now i think we're gonna see stone mining i just have a feeling we'll see a mining camp on stone wait for it five four three two one okay anyways um there is stone for philip the good already and but the castle is going to be delayed for both so if it's just our blessed you do need quite a mass to be able to take out champions from aliens because with full upgrades you're going to have eight um eight pure summer but the thing is slam all you need to do in red's position click our blast click bracer what you need to do in little john's position is upgrade demanded arm upgrade to long sword upgraded two-handed swordsman and upgrade to champion it's going to take forever yeah it's quite the road and the other thing is his production buildings are up front so if philip degood has all these tech advantages and is putting on pressure the little john's gonna have a really hard time even just massing the army yeah i could see it now big magano shot would help you gotta get a shot here it's gonna go down and confident micro but still decent connect for little john at least um phillips he's the barracks slam he knows what's coming boy if he had the stone a castle dropped there that would obviously would be great but i mean soaked his resources how phillip the goodies pretty much just sat at his base all game you know like he went for the fast militia fast funeral thing but just played defense and boom towards our blessed it feels so much like theory it was very key just to get those tc's up early and making sure he's building those constantly under any sort of pressure hey uh good work from little john just plug in the gaps here i mean all the small things that could go wrong and he's doing the right thing also picked off some units in the middle of the map as you now see champion fulfill the good and supplies we're seeing supplies so frequently of course it makes sense if you're going for champions it makes it cheaper to produce them and two-handed swordsmen will still complete the arbalest have not really done damage for philip yeah he looks like he wanted he wanted to do something with him going south but i think he ran into a bunch of buildings and just realized that maybe that wasn't the best approach oh my god big moment here is philip going to notice this philip oh my goodness the shot from little john considering the situation and how philip needs to damage with these arms that was horrible for him yeah but he he needed all of these arms especially with this extra defense um on these two-handed swordsmen i think he's still one hitting them though yeah yeah he's still getting good value against him that's the thing you need to get champion and you need so many but i guess if you look at the military numbers uh it's it's a lot more it's closer to being even than it would have been without that shot yeah and philip is making a good choice he's doing a quick quick change quick uh tech change here on over to champs yep it's it's good because aztec champions are the stronger of the champions in champion v champion fight and also philip's going to sneak away with this relic right here there's still more relics and aztecs get 32 more gold per relic so if it's just champion v champion i prefer phillips situation yeah absolutely especially with the well he he's got two relics yep yep he'll probably be able to get one more maybe the one in the middle even with two at this stage pretty solid both players with thane economies champion will be much later for philip though this could be the most important stage of this game yeah i'm curious what else being malian so you you got your champs girls your your really good champs there and but what else you're gonna mix in because i think the superior combo is the arbs and and aztec champions together did little john double click his villes why does he have 33 villagers building this it almost looks like he double-clicked his bills there it's weird okay he must be panicked he's going to stonewall the sides weird to me but he might deny this castle uh philip kind of out of position here this seemed like an overkill on the castle production yeah a little weird and here comes philip philip patrolling the arms into a house so doesn't have the army here and philip trying to even get a gate up there that's not working and now little john has a much stronger economy in terms of hill numbers also raiding the blacksmith and gets in on the right side oh yeah yay and now that that castle is defending uh little john quite well at home whoa maybe that rush was just what he needed yeah i still think maybe you know build that with 20 villagers as opposed to 40 but whatever and now another magnet shot possibly for little john as he takes the score lead and the production's insane does not get the shot what should be expected at this point but it's also expected that arbalest especially aztec arboles who lack thumb ring should get mopped up by these this is really unfortunate for philip i i think he was in a really good spot his army was just on the left and then his castle got caught and just kind of the wrong place wrong time yeah instance and the arms are still getting good value here but little john throwing in the score lead and many people said that maybe they haven't seen doubt yet well dalton is known for this right here failing with these castles my goodness here's the tricky thing too he's got three champs in the eco and sometimes by habit you're just thinking oh my tcs will just clear out the champs yeah but these are malian champs right so they're going to be lasting a lot longer just being annoying i think that little john will also get that get that idea of let's just continue to raid the right side keep that open ram that down whatever um and maybe i'm rather surprised actually just follow this all up with trebs take out that castle from philip as he finally finishes it now garland wars would be huge garland wars would give him uh at least with all the blacksmith upgrades too a total of plus eight attack on his champions while malians would just have plus two you know that raid that little john did on the right and slipped some champions through it was actually huge like if you look at phillips eco right now there is a lot of farms and there's no veils around he's even having stone walls and it does seem like that rage shook him man he he's just got nothing and now i think little john's in a position to distract on the right side and then push that middle area and i'm just waiting yep there's the treb slam little john could actually close this out yeah this is exactly what you want as being aliens with these champs is having your opponent be chasing you around as you're you know you're producing somewhere else and raiding somewhere else dang man now jake take a look at this look at how little john has recognized the situation distract with the army on the right pull trebs to the middle and now raid the left side and it's a panic castle for philip the good as he reacts to it protect that area i'm seeing a lot of outposts out there look at philip he's just majority of his armies on the right chasing this one army we did just get garland wars so currently his champions are stronger of the two in a champion b champion battle 13 plus six with blast furnace then it will be plus eight but i think maybe even little john is just comfortable streaming in champions to take out castles at this point yeah i mean at this point like even if little john's losing units left and right here he's just controlling the game he's making the first moves and phillips just constantly reacting it sucks to have to react like this you have to send champions away from the middle now and then your army arrives finally to do some counter damage and there's a castle there it's a terrible feeling because you know what's happening you know you need to be hitting him but you can't because you know he appears over here then you got to move over there then he appears over there sometimes you almost have to take a leap of faith and let something go just so you can get an attack somewhere he's done that slam he's he's let something go he's gonna let the middle go which was the problem all along and the moment where the game started to shift was probably the magnel shot and then the switch of direction from little john murder hole's in for feeling good by the way but castle down oh okay now take a look at this here's that another leap of faith it'll run into the eco realizing he's probably screwed and now he's like this is my turn oh no this is so bad oh no i think it is actually wait garland war champions are no joke oh you're right they're doing some serious damage to that castle well like he's also getting destroyed in the middle but is he is he gonna take i guess at what cost slam right he's probably if he takes the castle out he's probably gonna lose everything um he probably dove in and he realized you know what i don't think it's worth turning back here i have to try and do something yeah if i'm if i'm raiding my arms are gonna die yeah and i think it was the right call for him slam but unfortunately even with garland wars he just does not have the eco right now he actually has 42 on food which is impressive but he has zero on gold the production should be there for little john and the gg well no gg actually but they may have called the gg after the game concluded of course which means we wouldn't see it little john wins the first game and i'm going to be honest with you slam it really looked like philip the good was full of confidence and was just going to sit back get to arbalest and win that game am i wrong i absolutely agree i thought it was phillips filled the goods game as well going into early imp he had a huge amount of arbs everything he needed he just needed to hold or he just needed to get his tech advantages but the key thing that little john did is he thought yeah he's probably got a bigger army let's just go run around make the first moves make him react yeah maybe a bit of hesitancy from philip he went forward with the arps he saw unfinished houses as part of a wall didn't think about running any he just wasn't sure and then when you're not when you're not forcing reactions from the opponent they're going to force you react to react at least the best players will and this is a big thing on the grand scheme of things when it comes to the draft too because we mentioned how malians is kind of a later pick aztecs is an early pick on that sieve draft and it's seen as probably better on arabia so good scheming there long term i think and i'm just going to go back to one of the bigger moments of course like there were many big moments and i think the champion switching sides was the biggest thing but capture age pro should show us this shot again one of the bigger mango shots and these are the less needed value at this point at that point philip had a 20 military lead and it was all looking good for him all right well let's go to the achievements here slam i imagine economically it was probably more for little john in every category after the raids and definitely more wood more food more gold more stone even aztecs having the relics didn't seem to matter too much there what was the total eco killed that game [Music] put up the stat in game something like okay take a look at this philip the good had a total of 16 uh three villagers and ended with 68 and little john had a total of 146 and ended with 127. he just didn't lose bills wait philip the good capped at 163 villagers so what it means with this new statistics here is that's total so that's the amount of villagers he had created uh which is a really interesting stat right because that just basically shows that he had to reboom yeah i see now and invest a lot more into that which means you wouldn't have the champion numbers poof all right man well um that was a crazy start to the series all things considered yeah absolutely i think we'll probably see a bit of a comeback from philip for here for sure i think that this could go to five games it's just like because philip was ahead there but little john was was good enough to find a way back at least based on arabia it does feel like at this level we knew hidden co-4 was going to be close all around might be another one that goes to five games before we hop into game two reminders we'll go to fill up the goods home maps now high ties in bay and before we go into the next game thank you everyone for being a part of this again uh thank you crab lord for the prime sub uh fubal stone chicken the cat there's been a lot of people supporting me in the prize pool which is insane uh also hi mom if you're out there my my mom might be watching so say hi t90s mom uh you ready slam yeah all right let's do it okay i have to be careful with my language this year by the way because not that i'm a sailor but last year i got a call from my my granny after hidden cup three and she was like you know congratulations you hit those records it's very she was very happy for me and then she was like and i heard some words out of your mouth that i would have never imagined hearing out of my grandson and i was like i'm so sorry the games were epic grandma the games were epic i'm so sorry so uh mongols here slam and immediate zebra push for little john and uh philip the good is lithuanian sick stuff so yeah i'm seeing moggles and lithuanians and first thing i'm thinking is i thought bae was in this map draft was it not yeah it was i think it was these are two sieves i would i'm thinking okay well clearly one of these guys is using those zips for bae okay guess not you know slam this is not to imply that points you have brought up previously in our cast were poor but that was excellent all right that was excellent because you're right lithuanians and mongols are topped here on bay and i i could also see them being topped here here for similar reasons mongols bring in food a lot faster and then lithuanians start with more food which means they can go to wood a bit early and then you can try and control the northern area yeah and this is one map which i didn't have the chance of playing like i didn't practice it for the qualifications stages or anything so you know maybe these players have realized that they come in you know more handy on this map so okay um let me ask you this what do you think if you were to rank little john's lumber camp on a scale of one to ten what ranking would you give that um don't that's the ranking go ahead are you serious is that what you're gonna say let's see if he weakens the board with the tc okay okay i forget if he did it last time oh never mind no no no no no no not right all right definitely uh the lumber camp then is it's all right it's all right okay i just i feel like he chops through a few trees there he's got to rebuild a new one but the way that woodline's shaped is really awkward in general yeah that's probably what it was it's got that little hole in the front there so it's kind of awkward and you know overall it's in a pretty safe spot it's in the back so that's nice i like how these rhinos have died laying down the exact same direction just notice that underneath the tv a little john we'll zoom in to get max max carnage here yeah that is perfect i've never seen that before and we see phil's going out to the middle now slam sometimes it makes a little tricky because you don't know which one you're gathering from if you've not finished the previous one big moment with the scouts and uh what how did that scout get an extra hit for little john that was weird but both players going to the island to dock because the that's where you can have the shore fish last year hidden cup you could not drop off food at docks now you can so it's important to to pay attention to that we actually do not have the shore fish anywhere else so it makes them very close together yeah i think i did have i did have one chance to um play this map and i made the mistake of throwing because i hadn't played it yet i threw down a dock right on the marsh okay and then later once i figured it out i went oh okay yeah shore fish in the middle is even you have more access to more fish if you go in the middle island as well so yeah from a balance perspective we did a lot of tests on it and the idea behind it was that it makes it more risky to choose water because that means you're going to be right next to the enemy there um and it just forces transitions onto land a bit faster than in last year's version but uh i still do kind of like the idea of maybe making your second dock over towards the side you know it's safer you don't need the shore fish then and if philip start here he's lithuanians and um sometimes you see from lithuanians them just going for a a lumber right away now i didn't catch that do you know what philip went for that build because lithuanians can get away with just going for a lumber first oh big moment here slam you know i was paying attention to it he didn't he didn't do it quite as early yeah um which honestly i feel like is a good thing because if you do it too early it takes a while to dock and then your up time will be later than mongols because you're not taking as much food so i mean little john's looking strong here higher hp scout will actually find some goats that little that philip never had and he's returning them no i i'm sorry [Laughter] look at this though for a split second it looked like he was gonna bring them back to red yeah double dock in the in the middle um and advantage to mongols if it is about winning water and both players trying the same strat here slam yeah it's neck and neck here uh but yeah mongo's player is definitely going to have the advantage and getting those early fire ships out i think is the difference you know between night and day here right now scout's alive for both but they might want to scout the enemy to see if there's a barracks out there if they make a switch of any kind both players looking looking around now if you both commit to water especially with how tight these build orders are slam sometimes you can just lose the game because it's you've committed everything to trying to win a certain area of the map and then you lose that you're you're somehow feeling like you can't do anything else so i think it's important especially for philip yeah to make sure he scouts what the enemy's up to and if he can see that he's losing water if you make a switch on the land and first fishing ship has gone down you know now that i'm seeing these sieves and you know how this map is played out it is pretty much very similar to bay you know like it looks exactly the same the difference is you know the docks are going to be much further out so it's going to be not as efficient and then obviously the map's a lot more open but um the sa the meta is very similar for the first chunk of the game i'd say this here the water is a lot more important because on bay you have eight fish total here you're gonna have a lot more than that probably double if not more and then plus it controls the gold if you have it too so this is more of a water focused map than bay and phillip the good falling behind and not repairing which is a little bit of a surprise here just sailing around that's weird yeah i think initially because there was three four ships that were on versus two so he just was thinking i gotta get out of here oh big demo potential and honestly that was amazing from philip the good that demo didn't hit anything yeah that could swing it too because you not only produce that demo which takes time but then the demo doesn't have any effect and suddenly you're behind and look what a miss demo can do at least there philip the good got some value and it's three docs against two yeah some weak ones in here still but looking good for philip i'm starting to wonder if philip could be accm okay if there's any player that i've come across that's gone you know maybe three docks on bay or i mean i i i don't recall uh what he was doing during the qualification stage but let's just say through some what i'm you know way back at the beginning through practice games here and there um it could be him because i know he does like three docs in these situations eccm one of i mean all the qualifiers were god's here but he's probably one of the players one of the few players going into the qualifier where we said he will make it you know like he's he's that good velez and accm where the two were i said he is going to qualify and now granted daniel gave him a run for his money daniel very close to wait a second what is little john is going to snipe the scout now and philip was just sitting there but yeah i mean it's not a name because when people are watching and get trying to guess they see quality play and they're going to guess the same five or six players but he's out there and we haven't seen a lot of big shouts for him slam so maybe yeah see with borrows too i don't think they're you know borrows for me is sort of the pick where if if i absolutely have zero clue then i'm just gonna am i i'm gonna pull the borough's car okay clearly borrows because i don't know much about borrow's game so well he he walls real early i think barles could have been gonzalo or um who is the other one that was walling a lot and booming a lot chat um trying to think of some names here but yeah barles has been a big question mark uh you know it's his biggest event he's qualified for man look at those walls from philip again okay i i end up uh from the time that i stream and end up playing i am versus accm quite often i do know accm doesn't mind doing big walls if it ends up him ends up him having you know a nice closed up base yeah and it doesn't you know a lot of people were mentioning some names i think this might start crossing some names off the list because that's a big investment into walls there it's huge yeah yeah um and it's not really it's not that you can't play the map this way but i don't think it's going to do you any favors slam it really because the best thing for you is to invest not into walls but collect resources and make military you've seen this approach from little john he's got hunt coming in now still with mongols got some farms out he's gonna have fletching soon he's making more and more archers and the berries are forward so the skirmis are gonna have to stick around look how weak those villagers are on berries yeah yeah and it looks like well philip does not have fletching yet so i don't think he can engage on those archer he might be able to he's got quite a few skirms hey two villagers picked their slam now it's important to note that despite the ville picks and the eco kd um actually eco kd looks insane for little john but philip can make more fishing ships so his food eco might be fine but his gold eco 600 gold in the bank he probably needs to make a market yeah you know another interesting move and i'm so stuck on accm now uh it's locked in i can't get out his army whenever i play against him do you ever remember the the good old um thing called the pike patrol that people used to call it where your army would would fire and then they go forward now i don't know if that still works and i know it doesn't work as well if there is something along the lines of that but i know accm does something really interesting whenever he chases after you um there's something weird going on there it almost looks like a bit of a pike patrol but i've been very annoyed because he always catches up to me well maybe he was playing lithuanians with faster skirmishes oh oh yeah yeah so if it's if it's the skirmisher's catching archers it might be the fact yeah that we're talking about lithuanian skirm for the time being even without lithuanians what i'm saying is still applying to how i feel there's something about how you said that he's like he just always catches up to me it's he just sounded so so defeated in a sense okay well i know not the best macro for philip but arena experts will agree market is great to use at times and look at that now you have the food income that's somewhat stable on water if the market which helps give a boost and now you have a better a stronger military on land and little john very much on the back foot yeah and he is not even on his way up to castle age either so i mean are these docks really going to pay off because philip is on his way up he already sees them oh wow and he'll just double down that's a big investment to have to re-dock that shows me that little john feels like if he doesn't contest on water this game is over that's crazy yeah this is looking really good for phillip phillip in a good spot here uh walls not yet completed this is always really tough because you don't lose bills to this force really but you can't fight it unless you have your own skirmishers i hate yeah whoa did he just did that skirmisher just have a heart attack did that get hit by somebody what happened i have no idea what eat your vegetables kids what in the hey not to throw you off here change topic i was going to see a little john is open but no he's actually seeing the hole now okay yeah for a second i thought it was going to go unnoticed sorry if i got speechless there for a moment i can't figure that out because i could see deleting a skerm if you were housed but he wasn't housed he wasn't pop blocked so i have no clue why that happened we're definitely worth seeing on the the replay later yeah yeah i did tag it so i got that one we'll look back later we'll zoom in and do super slow-mo on that moment well sam we've got a market up here and we do have four fire galleys for little john uh is forcing a reaction now from philip the good but philip with five fires and the ability to upgrade on water and i think philip is just doubling down on water just to make sure it's protected and i also think it's smart to not make too many more fishing ships just protect these for now yeah no i absolutely agree i this investment in the water from little john i mean it seemed probably seemed like a good idea at first from him yeah but now it's just looking like it's just been an investment into resources that are just being thrown away oh phillips is gonna dive phillip is gonna dive underneath the town center we have the quick gates from little john and denies it and you know what's so annoying is accm does that to me all the time wait so little john little john is accm too all right and you know why oh the diving part oh okay the diving part oh i see so phlegm still stuck on that yeah all right i like it slam this is why we bring a player in because especially you've got you've got some experience against some of the the harder players to guess and i guess the counter attack has worked a little john but the tc is still going to go up little john's micro could have been better there and this army will get destroyed by the knights yeah and philip the good is on two tc's now and he's gonna have all that fishing eco so he is still sitting in a really nice spot i feel like little john like the gates and the houses it looks good and then you realize how bad the eco is for little john i mean he's got seven on food no horse collar yet adding a second town center how on earth look at the idols in the woodline now i mean this is a disaster for little john yeah it is looking pretty rough there and you know villager count though is still quite even he's killed a lot even on the wood line it looks like he's killed two before this army goes down so i give him credit there i suppose for killing a lot but i think having consistent economy to create more is always really important and that's where philip the good is that he's excuse me 20 on food yeah and he doesn't he's missing some stone wait am i am i he's added to tc if you're looking at a little john uh phillip the good oh oh maybe he sold he probably sold some stone to go up then yeah maybe that's why he was up a little bit earlier he was really pushing for that okay well he's fishing and enjoying life out there um transitioning into farms which just feels so smooth so perfect now you're lithuanians with map control and so now you can just get all the relics and there's two relics in the south there's relics in the middle there's also relic on this island which he's built houses all around so lithuanian knights are i mean knights in general right now feel like no joke as the quick walls from little john wow that's why you don't go cav archers slam that'll block your house walls yeah i know i i agree the the the good news about um having mongols here is i mean at least you could start pumping out some camels if you need to true against this um the lithuanian lithuanian knight aggression yeah i like the idea of getting some relics i like the idea of a third town center too for philip so maybe he'll buy the stone in a second slam see little john ball behind and score massively it deletes the knight so it doesn't get converted it's got one relic so far um there's two sitting down in that one area which hasn't been scouted for philip yeah i wonder and imagine they've got to know those resources in the south if they've just looked at this map a few times it's been picked by phillips so he has to know and do you know if there usually is two relics that spawn constantly in the south or is that just kind of random i am 97.1 percent sure there's always two in the south and then there's one on the island which he's now getting and then the other two are kind of in the middle area and it makes sense i mean philip as you mentioned he's picked this map he's already sending a monk straight down there clearly he knows what's up all right i'd love to see this message on screen thank you to lava very jealous of the beers wish i could drink and cast but uh not really my strong suit as we see some fancy little gates here to stop retreat or whatever and little john trying to mask cav archers and did get a conversion there slam he did and i think this transition to calvary's is going to be a little bit tricky i mean it's going to be another little while until he gets a good number out so i am a little bit curious if philip is going to come forward and drop that that siege workshop to get the manganese rolling i actually do like the cav archers in this spot because it feels like if you just go camels they're going to get converted um if you go nights you're fighting with worse nights so i kind of it feels like it's gonna be tough for little john from here i really like the the side houses from philip that's annoying but um i think have archers while it might not be the best play might not work it is a good option yeah yeah and he's now about to get he's gonna get a third relic soon and like having that plus three attack yeah he even just upgraded forging as well so i mean he's gonna have plus four here shortly yeah that this that's the tough thing is you can't you're gonna try and mass units to take fights here but you're not denying the relic control lithuanian's one of the most fun civils to play with with this bonus man he's just something so satisfying about getting relics and making nice you almost don't want to make anything else forget about the scourge right it's it's amazing and it looks like philip is adding another stable down so um he's not messing around yeah really he's not messing around still fish working for him and i see another stable for little john maybe for some camels but these nights feel so strong we have 10 plus three attack right now here we go big fight here slam and on the hill for the knights there's far too many nights oh man did i just hear a wolo though in there i don't have a mod which plays the old wololo but i swear for a second i heard wololo that's that's new one all right it's from age of empires one i'll take it there might be some day nine subs and [ __ ] there you go day nine subs let's go he's added that recently but the knights are just gonna storm underneath the tc's now yeah this is looking rough i was just gonna mention earlier too that little john zico was looking pretty bad earlier but he did a great job of making it look nice and clean yeah i mean until this is happening you should have said it a bit earlier yeah dude this is i feel like it's worth it to toss away these nights because you have the eco to make more which i feel is a it's not a new thing to our game but back like four years ago if we were watching a game like this we'd be saying why is he tossing away knights under his town centers yeah now people just say whatever as long as i've got farms i'm just going to make more so and one thing delta always used to used to preach back in the day he'd always say hey you know even if your knight isn't making many kills or just running around tc's you're causing idle time in the tc's like he's got you know eight ten bills in the main tc that have been idle for pro it might get close to a minute here you know slam as far as the predictions go because game one arabia looked really slick right has anything changed in your mind you said accm for philip the good but i remember players were saying viewers excuse me were like leery versus yo has anything changed perhaps in this game there's a lot of idols time with tcs and with villagers for both big stage of course but i don't know i i don't think i still don't think philip is is leery they're just some i don't know i just can't see lyri doing a heat on an open map like this doing a massive wall like that i just feel like he'd exchange that for maybe some sort of over aggression so he would never need to defend or something all right well the ggs called and it was gonna it was impressive to see all the gates in the houses go down there but it was too little too late for little john little john much to my dismay does lose the game but we move on to see game number three with it all tied up and in this one it was the slow the small things early it was philip the good being able to um out execute with the exact same build order on a map that's heavy with fishing ships but also had the scout advantage also i feel had the tech advantage in mid feudal and the castle age advantage with the market use so yeah it just seemed like one thing led to the next getting the you know from the fishing which gave him better eco and then initially winning the water adding that extra dock it almost seemed like he'd won water even before adding that extra dock could be wrong but either way adding the third dock i think really just you know made sure that he won it he deleted a skirmisher i'm re-watching this he's straight up let's rewind capture h pro thank you you watch this moment this is peak age of empires right here i don't think anything hits this okay wait for it look watch watch people how does that happen do you like maybe you're on your army i the only thing i can think of is you're on your army right and you try and go to your base and delete something but you misclick it so your army's still selected so you just click the ground did he delete anything i don't know so i will say on one of our show matches of gl versus oh i think it was the finland okay uh that was my pocket we were going to okay hear me out we were going to lose anyways because the other side was dying and whatever and that wanted in on the back and i was moving too quickly i was trying to do things too quickly so i i had my tc selected and i quickly went over to my palisade to delete the palisade and i guess i was still locked onto my tc and i deleted my tc and then and then doco was something like oh i'm like don't talk about it that's literally his response he's like oh oh oh i was like oh i should i should have clipped that or something yeah well that's probably my guess but i was really it bothered me you know um wow look at this little john actually had more wood collected just couldn't put that into food fast enough but the gold and the food the relics that's the sweet spot the lithuanians want to be in there with their knights and i don't think little john was necessarily unprepared i think he was just absolutely outplayed there and now we talk home maps and little john's got two to choose from here slam all right so islands and cup cup being the first pick um we've seen a lot of celts and we've also seen japanese on that map so i think celts are japanese on cup what about islands though i guess if it is islands you consider going saracens of all things that's a good point because what else is there to go i mean maybe byzantine still seems like it's probably for philip it's saved for uh bae um you know i've seen him oh sorry we're talking about little john yeah yeah yeah yeah let's let's hop into game three slam because i have a lot to say i've seen the sieves i've seen the map it won't be island so we can speculate if it gets there but it's almost as if we've seen this recently which always does make you think is this because these guys are are practice partners with one of the former players you know yeah this is looking exactly the same what do you know celts is even on the same side as well yeah so for those that missed it the john the fearless versus leloy best of five was incredible uh and the final game was probably the game of hidden cup four so believe it or not this is not a rerun okay this is live all right everyone's always like is this a rerun here on twitch why is it no it's not a rerun it's actually a different game the colors are swapped sorry for the deja vu but uh britain's on the right side for philip the good who love to play his archers in game one arabia and then celts for little john on the left slam twice now we've seen britain's on cup and both players seemed a little bit nerdy so it's just in the back of my mind making me shift a little bit maybe you're thinking philip the good nose john the fearless and they maybe practice together quite possibly yeah and most of all i'm just i'm curious if britain's is going to win again yeah i really want to see if uh you know that's ends up being a sieve that might have an upbridge or not i i mean when we saw that game we said that it could have gone either way yeah yeah the beauty of cup as well is this is probably gonna play out completely differently we did not see a dock early at all in that game we might see players dock we might not see players drush we might not see players wall uh like they did in that game five in the previous set yeah and just looking at this map for a while i just thought maybe gold's constantly would spawn near the near the marsh where boats would be able to hit it but i mean little john's map is really good his gold's actually nicely protected his berries are in the back you know everything's just in a little cave there so that's looking really good for little john yeah uh the the second gold's a little uh a little awkward you know normally you have at least another gold in the back so that's on the side that kind of sucks for little john but i think the main gold is worse for philip that could be arranged by a galley uh i would say that his gold with some walling are a little bit better in the back but you know this yeah slam i know this is going to sadden you because you've had your black forest but believe it or not you can't just wall and you actually have to make stuff to protect your uh i know i'm i know it's it's a tough one to swallow but i'm trying my best okay cool well i just want to point that out every anytime there's a map you know it's always like well that's a little bit different and that's just how it that's kind of the beauty and age in some ways right is this randomness so yeah it was really barracks yeah barracks for phillip and doc for little john so we see the variation in the strategy already yeah we'll see oh and not only that philip has spotted this dock sometimes you wonder if maybe a dock that goes out a little bit like that is you know little john's hoping that maybe won't be seen so early but there's also better fish as well um but philip the good does see it and that's a bit unfortunate because i mean if you can't hit their eco you can always go over to the fish with your early militia and just annoy them like crazy yeah that was interesting to me how philip he checked all the possibilities you check the front on both sides usually but to check that island 2 is really thorough scouting yeah and maybe practice paying off there for philip he's probably had a practice partner or two and in some cases players play against a bunch of different people so he probably experienced it before and really learned a lesson there but what what wait a second little john is prepping palisades what on earth is that nonsense oh boy did he even did he see the barracks yet oh he did he saw the barracks being constructed wow yeah he saw it earlier and now he's going to palisade at home now he's going to palisade his woodland i mean it looks ridiculous but that's honestly brilliant yeah that's probably the first i've seen fishing ships being palisaded in for protection oh god well you know what i will say is the fish that he does have it's going to run out soon it's only 150 feet remaining there but i guess you can technically just walk through that little uh passageway yeah or not walk fishing ships don't walk but sail and then be okay so that's creative and we have not even seen philip go over there said whatever yeah he basically just said no i'm just gonna chill at the berries okay did he only make one he only made one militia yeah just one militia that's also really unique and both are on the way to feudal age so i guess maybe little john figured or phil figured excuse me that he wasn't going to be able to do a ton of damage and he just wants to keep an eye on the golds yeah and i mean overall it turns out like little john has got a lot uh more eco now he's got the fishing ships he's celts too so that's gonna be nice for the wood gathering here so yeah he might be a little bit ahead of eco might be a little bit more disorganized though because of this one militia that's causing all this trouble a little bit the thing is the militias it's just like uh just like a fly in the room you know it doesn't really do any damage but it really annoys you just causes a reaction yeah like little john was tempted to go for a house there to block it in and philip thought twice about it like okay i know what you're doing and now he even sees the barracks it is really incredible how this the strategies have been different in this game and yet the scouting has been so good from both of them yeah oh the trap from phillip that was sick and that right there is not something many players might do slam that was pretty cool that was pretty nice pretty clean right well you know you've got a dock going up on the side for phillip and he knows to contest for the fishing ships and you see an outpost going over there for little john i feel like little john should scout that but then again the scout's dead so you can't yeah can't do that but they keep catching each other though on what they're doing it's quite the scouting has been really good for for both of them this game keeping aware of you know what each other or you know what they're doing so oh boy big moment there there's a weak villager for little john little john will save her and she will have to work somewhere near the town center as we see archer range but it almost feels like philip is in the better position because of this dock on this side now yeah phillip but here's the other thing that's going for little john i mean it's hard to say yeah like little john does have four fishing ships maybe they're not the most efficient but those are quite nice too his eco is looking a little yeah like he's got one lumber camp whereas i think phillips eco does look a lot more clean yeah minus the fishing ships yeah yeah i can agree with you on that but the fishing ships have also brought in hundreds of food so if you lose them now you still have had some benefit it's worth it switch into the farms uh someone in chat saying red is 100 viper interesting all right 100 fascinating you know just like hidden cup three viper's been rather hard for me to pick out so far yeah well i'll just be completely open with you know i like to keep it i've already mentioned it but i i really do still think admiral yeah just one of the things that stood out for me was using a mill as um not only on the deer but he likes to use it as a part of his main wall so he attached a barracks no one attaches a barracks to a male that i know of besides viper so i don't know all right slam well whoever this phillip the good player is philip the goodest surprised little john at big time too and one villager's already gone down now we've got a gate but you just played yourself villagers you got to save there you go save yourself oh but look at little phillips tc because he's so busy microwave somewhere else oh little john that's that's double trouble slam and now panic with stone walls and disaster for little john just like that a game just changed within a matter of five seconds it's not over actually because the fishing ships are still working there's still water control out there but i don't know how long that's going to last because here comes philip the demo and three fires as little john's on the other side with fires but i think you saved the demo here slam you want to save that for anything yeah well there goes the fishing days are over so hopefully it gave little john the the benefit he was he was looking for i mean he is still loading through three yeah yeah also um i think a market could be in order here when you fall behind a little bit send a few extra villagers to gold buy some food phillip did in the previous game even though he was in a good spot at that time you know and looks like little john is just going to keep going for skirm production um this is still where i where i really do like brits i just i i love the transition of going into castle age with with our extra range on archers hello sorry slam hello little john this is this is i mean that's one that's gone down the other two are weak now okay the villagers over here to repair i guess but that was a little suspect if you ask me but the repair villager is a good move and it actually gets sniped uh don't tell me that philip's gonna get two kills off this yikes that was huge yeah no no doubt and little john is gonna clean up the archers in the back of his town yeah not bad here slam again i think it's manageable but overall especially if you look at that eco kd i think it tells the story here and did a demo just a demo just went off but five to zero eco kd uh and also lack of idle time for philip phillip has been untouched at home he's collected his deer comfortably he's also a sieve that tends to really become strong if they reach castle age faster yeah you know i'm just looking back a little john's base and i see the stone walls there man he must have really panicked when something was when those archers were over there because there's a full line of stone walls like what was over there again i think it was like four archers four archers yeah does that tell you who that could be possibly like to panic there or to add stone walls because some people are very hesitant about that but he does have two villas that are just they've been having a discussion behind the wall for the longest time and they haven't been working slackers man i know you know and and they're they're just i feel like people watching the stream right now are doing this at work currently like they're either supposed to be on a zoom call because this is during covet or they're in the back room and they're just acting like they're the bathroom or something just to watch hidden cup so this is you people yeah thank you for for slacking at work for us not that i'm speaking of experience or from experience i used to do that all the time before this was my full-time gig it's the stonewall's fault man like it's just it's covering them up perfectly and that's so tilting dude because you think they're going to be there to imp okay just notice because wait just one he's like she's like okay i've got to actually earn a living and this guy he's getting paid by the hour but he doesn't care but he clearly doesn't care oh no oh well i guess that what happened there he goes like for me the double trouble situation earlier with army underneath the tc the and then also losing feels at the same time and now realizing you've had two idols that to me and i'm not a massive tilter would get under my skin a little bit you know yeah yeah that's true i mean at least the cow would bonus is maybe making it up for those two villas sure sure could be slam there's not a dock on this right side and so like we expected the game has played out a little bit differently here comes phillip the skirmisher leading the way to scout and is getting crossbow with bodkin with britons yeah and he just slept in i was concerned there for a second he wasn't going to get the war galley upgrade but he is so that's going to help him against little john because he's little john's queueing up a bunch of fire ships interesting now drawing some similarities to the previous game of course but it does feel like the little john is not very protected here uh i don't hate the tc i just hate written range the winter's down already i mean it's hard to say because you know when he first put that tc down he's like well i'll protect attack coming from the south but yeah there's two vital spots and that's probably why he rushed to siege workshop too because he realized this tc isn't gonna cover it for me every time i see armies run in now i'm going to think about accm because of you slam they thought about it there he's a diver he's a diver ooh but look at the fires in the northern area from little john not bad not bad at all don't even see what happened but i do remember if red hat a bunch of fire ships and now they're gone now let me look at the tc idol time that makes sense fill up with three minutes of tc idol time that explains the situation here because the prizes behind an eco now does he want to venture too far over this way there are some demos out there okay he's demo micro that's that's what the game looks like in 2021 yeah i wonder if he's going to try and slip by yeah it looks like he'll be able to slip by still it was good micro and the knight's also taking out any skirms there now you've got kilt scorpions and oh is that early i think that's that is early that it feels for this tournament right here for the stakes it's not over yet slam especially when you've got two coming this way yeah and even the ville count i mean it's still 46 to 43. i mean he's got he's got three more bills i'm obviously he can't see that yeah no you look at the score though and just the way it all feels right you know that your eco is delayed you know eco upgrades suck like i mean he doesn't have the wood upgrade can't afford it doesn't have horse collar can't afford it um i would say it's an early gg but you see the score and the score tends to not lie in these situations and he probably feels like he just can't bring it back but that's a lack of confidence perhaps which you know that's that's just not good to see going to the next game okay i thought you're gonna drop a name there for a second viper is just not listen this viper guy is not a confident player you know viper tilts so easily that he would always call the gg in that spot so clearly that's the viper yep yeah it makes sense yeah all right well hopefully viper can step it up man he really has not done good in hidden cups uh here's the eco difference and i guess it makes sense that celts even with the two villagers that were watching hidden cup at work i would have more wood but more a lot more food for philip the good and more gold and i think it would have snowballed a little bit if the game continued yeah man like even he even had the resources to build that third tc if he wanted to like the celts player he could have just swapped it down to the stone in the south but i mean but i mean it happens we're not saying that it would have looked good in 10 minutes chat yeah but we're not saying that it would have looked good we're just saying that phillip would have to like make your opponent work for the win right phillip has to do everything right to clear out the game from there but uh uh slam my hero i feel like every year actually no last year hidden cup the hero i chose to decently but um little john is staring at the face of defeat here and it will be on islands with japanese persians and saracens as civ options uh what are you thinking japanese saracens and persians so i mean bay is still there i am seeing persians for bay um for islands i don't know i think japanese is probably going to be just perhaps a safer pick i mean yeah you're usually going to see japanese more so in water maps saracens seems like more of uh you know if he didn't have japanese available let's go for saracens i think see japanese has been really strong on bay true so you might want to save japanese for that but also persians has been strong on base so you could well not strong but picked a lot i don't think strong is the right word there um so the only sieve that probably doesn't fit for me on bay would be saracens if you want to play with your options maybe you pick saracens here on highlands okay yeah okay well uh game four it is let's hop in thank you very much everyone for the support today and i will continue to say that over the next two i hope you guys are ready i hope you have snacks i hope you have the time because the weekend's only going to be more insane and here we are slam another islands game we've seen a lot of islands in hidden country crazy yeah and surprisingly none of them have gone to the point yet where the wood has been used up completely on both islands or at least one because that is something that's actually not that uncommon i think the drafting has been really smart from players they're eliminating top tier waterships we have not seen portuguese versus italians at all i think in the main event chat could craft correctly but but i think the drafting's been smart to prevent those situations i also think that the players who are picking islands tend to have a good strategy down uh more often than not they're playing it against players who might not prefer a map like islands and so philip the good has malay as if that's not at all bad but i think sometimes if you're not a water player slam and you might relate to this i know i do you just think let's just make stuff on water and hope for the best and that can sometimes uh get you in a rough spot where the enemy expects you to try to do that and does something different yeah have you seen saracens yet on uh islands i have not now well yeah the qualifier we did yeah and i think it was it wasn't vivi was it vivi who was it i forget who it was flame it might have been in the first or second round i cast it so much but i like it for a galley opening that's for sure yeah i mean that this is i'm kind of i'm really looking forward to seeing how this this pans out here because i'm guessing galleys as well um and of course you can always abuse the market too maybe get some nice nice fast castle time to follow up right now both players i i did make a video where we talked about people luring in boars in a certain way now there was someone who did the 4-4 trick uh yesterday and uh i immediately ruined my theory because i was like this person doesn't feel like hera and according to the games i looked at only harrell would do that but i'm feeling good at least that when we saw philip or not philip excuse me john the fearless who we believe might be here we'll find out on sunday that we also saw that technique yeah anyways they're both weakening the boards so another thing i do know about accm is i'm pretty sure he seems in my eyes like more of a landing player uh mixed in of water so um i wonder if we'll see a landing this game does anyone remember what the sieve match-up was between barles and hart it was barles and hart best of seven on islands i recall the series i believe that it was italians for heart but i do not recall what the civilization was maybe that was portuguese it was italian portuguese okay because barles is kind of that wild card player of the 16 who uh maybe a surprise to some to make it in and he straight up said i always try and take the fights to land so oh interesting yeah barle said that as uh borrows did yeah and it was funny he was he was like uh you know um i knew that hart didn't like water uh and so i figured i'd take the fight to land because i also hate water too so clever very clever yeah sorry slam i feel like barles is probably watching this and like one on one hand he's probably offended like how dare you assume that every time someone's unconvincing it's me but then on the other hand we we have actually guessed him quite a few times and if it ends up being like a big name we'll be like oh thanks guys appreciate it yeah yeah i'm kidding you know these these starts are looking um pretty much identical yeah this is pretty much a weird match here except i mean malay is going to have that nice benefit of getting up to the next age a lot quicker and there's oh i thought i saw a transport ship in in the red dock it was just a fishing ship my eyes are playing tricks okay it's been a long day um i know you're watching some of the earlier sets too before you joined i'm definitely definitely starting to feel the fatigue at this point let's see i've been live for who's counting eight or nine hours now no biggie but slam i'm really liking phillips build up much faster yeah um and and we'll probably get the fire galleys out fast it's it's really fast like that's the tricky part about malays sometimes is they can be a bit deceiving you click up at a certain time and before you know it you're in fetal age and you have no resources because you're up way too early um and it kind of looks like that for him i mean 8 30 versus a sieve that could go 9 30 but have two docks yeah um yeah not too sure yeah it just it i guess depends on how much damage you do because if you do damage with the early fire then you're feeling good yeah but if you don't do damage with the early fire the enemy's probably going to have similar numbers yeah really at the limit here but up very fast that was impressive and this may work out good for philip because i mean little john his docks are at the front whereas you know other games players will choose the back or side or whatever so um this is not the worst case scenario for him at all hey thank you for the kind words chat by the way appreciate it you know what's weird and this is a tiny thing that i only bring up when i'm tired there's lily pads underneath some of the shore fish i imagine that's a scripting thing to try and get the shore fish to show up consistently but it's there sometimes slam i had to talk about it lily pads really i think it's a short fish yeah i think so right there that's cute galley opening for little john so making use of the uh faster firing galleys but the fire ship's already here very quick yeah philip's probably feeling pretty good about that he's like yeah yikes that was up really quick and well i'm making use of it but the fishing he hasn't killed a fishing ship yet yeah i think galley seemed very strong with our current meta man i really could see but then again he doesn't quite have the numbers yet does he no i mean he's got three fire ships out now that he's got to deal with and how many galleys just two yeah this is it's unfortunate for little john um because i think in different situations the docks probably wouldn't be so cool what would be so close yeah yeah or normally what happens is you have two docks and you you send one fire to each side in this case philip had one fire and he got the correct side you know yeah makes sense yeah galleys may be running out for some counter damage but they find the fires and the galley opening not looking good at all here no but we i'm waiting to see the market from saracens it's so cheap to get up you know 75 wood and then you can do whatever you want after that it's like imagine being new here today slam we're talking about how the galleys fire faster and someone's just sitting there unimpressed like yeah well show me like i want to see it in action that sounds pretty cool done nothing so far i know i mean that was up for me that was the main height for the citizens right now yeah but the market is huge because oftentimes on ireland about executing with with eco too and this philip the good player honestly looks amazing on with build order situations and i recall um some of the builds that philip had gone for earlier in the series were very technical like the game one drush in the 27 pop feudal uh perfect the second uh or the previous game he had two lumber camps with clean builds up to fast feudal so i think it suits him a little bit to have a build order map which is what this is yeah and philip is going straight for a barracks too so i don't know if this is because he realizes little john's maybe giving up due to score you know he's looking to score and maybe he thinks he's going to get a landing soon or maybe he wants to land himself but either way there's a barracks going up yeah it's it's an interesting one right here i think archer range and transporting over a few archers would possibly kill little john as little john is focused on water right now but then again the galleys are in action yeah took some time maybe maybe that was part of phillips planet maybe he thought yeah you know these these numbers from little john are getting bigger and bigger and it might be best to you know swerve another way now and land because the fire ships will probably only get me so far what's weird to me is how see now you've got that galley mass and the galley mask from little john could deny any transport so it's weird to me and you can almost see it it's right when he started to invest into the land he started to lose control on water but interesting surrounds here like i think the galleys should be more than fine here still you're at this point two shotting at the very least look at the score slam that's crazy yeah completely switched and then just having the numbers that little john has out for the like that's probably he's probably feeling pretty good right now um just like you mentioned if you're able to get two two hits or a demo oh my goodness i i just missed that there how many kills did that bring in uh did it even do anything thank you it weakened a couple i think i got one or two but that was sneaky but the issue is he's yoloed everything to wood everything to gold to get that galley mass and the enemy has had fishing ships and has macroed well so the transport's still gotta happen here but you imagine with malay the malay player is going to be up to castle significantly faster yeah and you gotta check this out little john is mining stone and i'm guessing that's for some better market abuse yeah i mean it's pretty convenient when you need a tower if archers arrive yeah sell the stone buy food that's the saracen market for you yeah stone thing's interesting i don't think i've ever seen that on islands you tend to see that from players like tato uh when he used the saracens on land maps but then again we haven't seen sarah since much at all yeah that's true but yeah i mean he brought up a good point too philip decides to land he's got stone backed up for perhaps a tower wait a second if little john finds this he's going to be like what look he sees the transport ship dude he's not sure you're never making it over no that poor transport ship wait he's staying very still what oh what if it's to give red confidence to get into the transport ship oh wow that's some next level iq um little john okay little john sees it now but now can little john kill it dude you are definitely cheering for a little little john don't fail man i would never cheer i would never be biased for my hero how dare you oh yeah but it's funny to me because the transport's looping around and there's two galleys on the other side so if this doesn't work that's a pretty big investment slam yeah and we know little john's going to be keen on looking over here or is he oh my god oh my god oh let them go let them go oh my word dude he blocked it he blocked and now the fishing ships are here how dare you doubt little john ladies and gentlemen 20 on water against seven and i think philip the good just got completely out of sorts here he thought he was gonna win water he thought he could switch to land it was not the time yikes um yeah i i think phillip the good is in trouble here once little john is getting hit in castle here now he's gonna get the galley upgrade yeah when he's up against cirrus and galleys it's still fascinating though because little john's eco is a wreck he doesn't even have a farm right now and now he's scared about being landed so now he's going to add a siege workshop which is actually really funny because i don't think anything will get over here yeah exactly yeah not a single farm but hey in the end we got the market and upgrades coming in here slam faster firing really does start to matter now but i do like how philip is picking off or trying to pick off some weak ones also on two tcs so i feel like the economy is going to be way better for philip in a few moments yeah and just looking at it too i see seven to eight bill difference here yeah uh for philip here i'm really confused i go from thinking philip the good is philip the great and then i am reminded why he is just philip the good and then with little john you know it's it's zero to hero a little bit as well sometimes uh game one was just sick right but maybe a player who shouldn't be playing islands as a home map i don't know clearly this has probably been practiced yeah uh i mean i i think if you could think of a player who's really good at booming in general and adapting but not good with build orders who would you think of because that's where i'm getting what i'm getting from little john kind of i i i can't think of anyone off the top of my head um i mean there it's a top 16 in the world so it's kind of hard to say and now not getting mbl vibes here i think he'd be stronger in some ways honestly i'm thinking back to to vivi honestly for little john yeah but would he pick saracens he would have picked i'm still so shook by the fact that no one drafted spanish in hidden cup four because that's always been my go-to to guess vivi so he must have he must have realized that spanish do not feel very strong yeah i mean when was it you or chat someone was mentioning velez on the first game yeah and my mind was just kind of sticking with that for a while and i haven't thought of anyone else since then you know i could see him picking islands that's the thing and maybe things just haven't gone as planned i mean he is fixing his eco right now and do keep in mind too little john did resign a little too early on well possibly a little too early on um oh yeah yeah the previous game yeah previous game like i here's the deal when when the early resigns come in and it's unfortunate because niko's such a great player and such a nice guy it's a force but listen slim you were thinking it and you were making fun of me because you thought i was going to say it but chat was saying and and i don't think like nicob puts on so much pressure on players and he is such i feel like he would he would have a really slick build for islands that it just doesn't give me huge kneecap vibes so i don't know i i don't know either this this one's a mystery mystery for me that's for sure i think there's going to be a lot of mysteries too yeah because you know it could be a player that might not assume because they might not have picked their best strategy yet maybe they're that confident or maybe they just haven't been able to execute in the level they we've come to expect from them but uh slam it's it's an amazing eco for philippine good 31 on food versus seven right now it's very hard to come back and his resources are looking really good all you know almost ready to hit that in button yeah um as to what he's going to go with right so you're going to see this dot go down more docks going down this is the thing about islands it's all about winning water usually so if you're behind an eco but you're ahead by 20 on water you've got a chance to hold especially with saracens yeah and philip is getting some stone that's always good as well because you plant that castle down somewhere so that way you can start creating more docks right around it you know what's funny he's gonna arrive to imp and he's barely gonna have the resources to make stuff because he's gonna be there malay i know it's a trap civ sometimes when i play them i think well maybe when i have the resources don't click up right away just keep building just but um think back and i'm like no just click up yeah it's just there's something strange about the sieve hmm we've got two docs back here but this is what little john's looking for would be rather funny to see him take out the university before chemistry comes in that's actually being repaired right now yeah and little john is really far from the imp yep um and fast fire ships like i've mentioned before and we all know this there like there's a huge power spike with them yeah you can chase off galleys forever it's almost like having a huskarl yeah if it's again if you want to compare it to a land unit because huskarls would have what eight pierce armor i think as a base in castle age and then if they're fighting a crossbow do seven damage whereas fast fire has eight pierce armor i think it's what it is maybe nine and a war galley does nine damage so you're really just doing nothing if you are up against fast fires and there's the click for that right now but i mean it's not like red's in a great spot he's on two docks he's not gonna have that many no not too many but i mean he all he needs is maybe uh fifth ten fifteen maybe but there are some demos out there demos will make it a little bit more tricky he also did a good job of saving some he's got some in the north he's got some in the south he could just loop in with those ones it's like a little johnny's chasing wait he's running away with two demos in the top corner yeah from he's like no i'm not i'm not using myself on you yeah and here's some of the facts for you this is where i can't wait to show the timeline this is where everything starts to shift massively yeah and you're gonna start to see a lot of blue on water just disappear because the the galleys they just they tickle the health of these you could have you could have an army of 30 40 cassowage galleys and you shoot at one of these fire ships probably does one third of their hp or half or something that's ridiculous probably the biggest power spike in the water meta is fast fire ship which is what makes sure which is what makes uh having eco and good eco balance behind the water control so important which is why it's been preferred by good players over years is because it's it's meticulous build orders amazing execution followed by like that needing to continue for an early imp and here comes a little sandwich slam not that you're at all familiar with this feels bad man soon [Laughter] sorry that was mean no hey uh for some reason i sensed you know it yeah it had to get out you know what i mean yeah that's fine i mean people you know my you could see the remnants of my r2 ranges from my first tournament ever right there on your screen so it's it's really you know we make fun of ourselves in the casting booth that's fair i guess yeah fair enough fair enough yeah and it's not like little john's really got the eco to go imp either i don't i don't think market abuse is going to save him here but demo is he man he's not even okay i hadn't clicked on little john for a little while and i just assumed that he was on his way up but no i at this point i think see he's building fire ships i think at this point it might just be a best just to spam out demo after demo yeah i think they're gonna be a lot cheaper and you'll probably get more more kills with them yeah i got fires along the backside over here transport to the middle to build a castle there for good map control it's also a great dock position too and with malay if you get alice socracy i think that's how you say that your docks actually fire arrows so you could in theory dock this island and fire arrows over to the enemy island that's great that's a great move i love it i hope that happens come the demos the demos working slam and giving little john some time and the eco has caught up in terms of numbers at least for little john but also the military numbers are about even now so that's gonna be brutal he's just so far away i mean he's gotta go that length of even the upgrade and and even before he's clicked there's a castle in the middle for for phillip and there's just so much going on here i'm a little interested to see that philip is not reseeding farms some people will still reseed farms because they feel like they're having some food is nice but others will think if this goes late you don't want to waste wood on farms on islands yeah i mean there's probably a good balance in there somewhere it's probably so good to keep some farms going once you have all your eco upgrades but um yeah wood should definitely be prioritized all right there's a castle there for little john now that could actually i'm not sure if that can be trapped from the middle by red but i know that blue could trap red from the shoreline and just kind of sitting in the choke point and for little john here maybe it's a qualifier player who worked for for weeks and weeks and weeks to train and then qualify under immense pressure or maybe your top eight player with a lot of a lot of hopes to get in top eight again and you just don't want to call the gg in this spot right you want to continue to play i mean it was looking really good for little john earlier on i think it was just phillip his transition into eco was just a lot smoother and then i think um maybe because little john relied so much on the market uh having zero farms it benefited them for a short period of time but then as casa wage went on lacking those farms actually set them behind a little bit on eco yep it's all about balance in this game man and it's tough there's power spikes and there's balance and we've seen in other sets today like uh you know you were freaking out about the hunt in the one game that's a power spike right and then you gotta transition into other sources of food we see a forward castle here from philip the good so he really wants to take the fight to land yeah yeah i mean he's probably thinking looking at his watch going well he's still not him yeah i mean maybe i could just get the landing and now i've secured the middle um you know he's just going down the checklist and he's thinking well what else does he do let's land him so personally and i think phillip the good is still going to win the game and is still way ahead i hate that castle and in closer games if you don't have anything to protect it all that does is it gives someone with a defensive castle opportunity to tribute so it is a little i don't think this is a castle that you should necessarily do on ireland like you get the temptation i totally agree islands is one of those maps where you if it's somewhat of an even game don't try and go for the kill at any point you just have to embrace it and go for the long game whether you like it or not and sometimes when you dive in and land you build your couple trebs out but then you just get destroyed and you lose all those invested resources yeah it's still like i said he's ahead he's gonna take out the siege workshop from the tc's here he's got galleons on the other side but i'm thinking maybe in a closer game you castle that middle island that would be the wiser play but you know little john is just waiting for these upgrades slam and unfortunately is now 30 military and it's 60 for philip the good yeah and i don't see any traps coming out oh there is one trap he's built for that castle yep but i don't know he's got crown okay there it is yeah there's the gg well fill up the good played pretty darn good in this series and we'll move on knocking out my favorite hero feels bad oh man in the first round well i'm not too upset about that slam i want the best players to advance and whoever these players were philip the good was certainly the better of the two i am confused because there's moments from philip where i think the build orders are extremely good but maybe it's that mid game which is a little awkward maybe a bit of hesitancy there which makes me think maybe not quite that top four top five but possibly someone in that top eight you know yeah because just speaking about the first game something didn't sit completely well with me that game from philip i know he went for the archer build um and it almost looked like little john was gonna be the you know the player that was gonna be ahead because he just seemed a lot more clean going for raids and everything was kind of reacting near the end but um yeah no i would agree with you on that something just but the first game usually with aztecs i think it could be a bit more efficient going for the eagle build but uh hopefully we can see where asset games coming up and see you know what the top floor the top floor top four players are going for [Laughter] uh that's funny it's like there's a saying it's like is there a ceiling to the skill level or whatever we're talking about floors now yeah poor little john we're talking about the floor now not the ceiling uh that was a top floor performance hey well i have to say i we end day two after seeing every single player slam and in many ways i feel like i've found some answers a few players that move on to the quarters or i feel like i've got them pegged but there's others and i'm i'm really unsure i'm gonna have to re-watch some of those tonight before tomorrow quarterfinals begin yeah i uh yeah yeah the only one i feel with like huge certainty is edward longshanks is being backed yup yup yup i mean i think that was probably the first words i said when i got on here and then after that you know i'm still leaning really going down the the tears of confidence here from the player you know i go admiral now uh he's the guy that's going to bring the consequence for me without dropping a name so in your eyes and you're not dropping the name in your eyes you think admiral yi sun on day one was the viper um and many people thought the master of the templar was mbl so i feel like mbl is one of the players that can get a win off viper maybe not win that best of five yeah that i mean that's not the worst prediction on your end um we had john the fearless clear as day to me either hera or leary one of those two felt like cara to me um so [Music] valio was the only player to 3-0 slam he's the only person to win 3-0 in the first round interesting so that was the round that i did not see um okay so i'm gonna have to go i might have to go back on that and take a look maybe might change my opinion on you know a few of my guesses right now but as much you know all the names you've mentioned so far is probably as far as i would go with what i think so far after admiral you mentioned john the fearless being leery or hera i leaned towards hera but i mean if it turned out being leery i'd also be like okay well still not a surprise because that player played absolutely amazing um but after that i i it's so uncertain for me so evaelo a vale we'll get that down before the next day evaelo all right well um i think i've got that there thank you slam for stopping by this is another hidden cup man of course you're competing in that qualifier and then he showed up to cast i had a great time hearing your insights and casting the games and i think people think the same so appreciate it man yeah i had a great time and and thank you so much for uh for inviting me to cast and i am more stoked than ever to watch the rest of the games so so
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 50,750
Rating: 4.9458413 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, round of 16, day 2, Phil, Philly, Philip, the, Good, Little, John, Jon, Lil, t90's, pick, hero
Id: Gtmbm5cHqQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 23sec (6263 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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