Hidden Cup 4 | King Bela IV vs Ivaylo (Best of 5)

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are you ready for game one nilly i'm i'm ready all right let's hop into game number one best of five i'm excited um you know we've got we've got some crazy storyline as far as the heroes are concerned here but let's forget about that ten seconds into game number one and we actually see tatars used for game one for the first time i think so far this tournament we have seen in the qualifier uh but we see tatars on arabia for king bella iv up against avilo and this will be mayans against tatars nili uh how do you think things shape up here hmm this is interesting tatars obviously pretty strong since they get dump ring for free early cartilage and you get the better boom getting the extra sheep plus your sheep have more food in general so there is a nice timing early castle age but that's also a timing where mayans really often have like 20 maybe even 25 crossbows so not easy to break those okay yeah now i actually had a conversation with nikov who probably trains as much of as much as sorry or more than than any other pro in the scene in a consistent basis um and also had to fight through the qualifier uh to beat licks in the best of seven to get here and he believed played tatars against fire in round two of the qualifier and then fire was ahead and nikov ended up winning that 3-2 and i messaged him afterwards and nearly he said to me that going into that set he felt as though guitars were a solid game on arabia pick but against civs like mayans chinese and some of the other options people were drafting towards he said tatars and i quote feel useless so just something to keep in mind here again players it the draft is complicated right because you've got to have sieves for all these different maps and maybe tatars just felt natural here but i think nikov's view was you don't take advantage of early cast lag with free thumb ring it can be problematic and i can see that definitely being the case here in this matchup yeah well you also can play castle it's quite heavily go for ca go for some knights and then have a really nice employee if you get to kasich which a lot of pro still say is way too cheap and generating quite some gold i think if we go to that 50 minute plus range tatar shouldn't lose okay yeah i remember uh i think it was tatars against mayans doubt leery game seven red bull finals uh very different settings of course nilly but it's not like we haven't seen this matchup competitively before um you know one thing to realize here is is the way evalua is playing this is he's actually played pretty uh i would say standard oh oh oh eagle well that he's fortunate to get away there only losing three hp um but pretty standard i'd say with the opening scouting the base instead of sending the eagle forward real quick to lame look at this though with the eagle getting so close to the town center oh you're kidding me they're going to get shot by the tc nilly uh one don't what in the world i i was just about to say that red wasn't being super lamey with the eagle and now we have two pigs gone from king bella what a start i'm no nutritionist but i think eating the tc there wasn't part of the plan but well still 20 hp got one pig for himself so that is nice boiling of the back base and fellow gets a nice scout off okay so obviously losing the hp there's not ideal but you do take uh 200 food away from tatars which i suppose ends up being more because tatar sheep last a little bit longer so that's i take back what i said uh an aggressive start i think a lot of players would not want to lose the eagle hp there because that's very important but um overall i'm just curious to see what the openings will be like you think this is just inevitably going to go towards archer's nilly just feels so likely right sometimes people mix in some skirms but then again knights are good eagles are good against them and well your bonuses are more working towards it and oot92 i fear that this barracks is being built with a small hole don't tell me you might see a trapped spearman again that's a good call we did see that should i cast me with you yesterday or was that cast yeah i mean obviously okay yep yep yep so we were casting a game together that happened see if king bella dodges here with the scout oh that's huge actually because now both scouts are weak and this isn't a big concern for a vilo um but yeah nearly maybe that would happen you would think that red would probably garrison the militia or send them forward i don't think one's going to eject there that would suck game won a big of a big tournament for that to happen violet dropping to farm six on woods this is a dress of sema man what something that was very much meta one year ago at hidden cup three there's been wall nerf since i think players have changed outlook a little bit since as well brush fc you know there is a player who many people speculated might have been mad admiral yesterday uh there's actually two players who i think loved rush fc the first one's barles nilly he did it a lot he did it game one mayans uh in the qualifier best of seven against heart and then another one i think that would have the balls to go for it would be dogal personally um dokao did that a lot in the 2v2 world cup of course that's team game but also would probably do that a lot here uh king bella is like hey that's my pig give me my pig and i think it i don't know what you do with it can you get it out of here uh maybe the walls are closed and yeah we just have some stats who like to play the fast castle obviously guys this i would think is picked from the ladder and therefore people that don't ban arena don't ban fortress like viper and doubt are a bit higher than the guys like leery who mainly plays arabia to gao as you said did shine quite a bit i'm getting some mr your feelings looking at this base okay mr yell i mean miss no high level player is a stranger to picking mayans and going drush fc it's just with that meta shift which player would want to do it to open up a series right we actually have king bella in a defensive position here engaging with villagers and militia and this is before the minute arm upgrade comes in so i'd say in an ideal world when you're drushing and you're staying in dark age which is what evalua is doing is you take the engagement before the upgrades this is not bad at all for evalio oh yeah it has to be so happy many arms completely at the other side and that's a basic rule of thumb if you have a stronger army you don't want to chase and beta more investment and still at all only few hp left all right so i think the important thing here is getting archers forward quickly and normally a faster fletching right you really need to pile on the pressure with that fletching upgrade you're able to pick off villagers as they wall behind uh does look like the eagle well we'll be close actually okay yeah the eagle goes down the scout's there on three hp but the man at arms and the archers coming forward now i actually could have a double woo that was actually relatively important that then meladam survives because that's a lot of pressure and you need to have some more rewarding and that's half of his damage output right now yeah and he needs to have some pressure on the walls when archer wouldn't do it and now you're looking at the resources for evalio and it's looking pretty clean here i mean i'm not saying anything to really nitpick on here nearly he's gonna have the food he will be able to place the buildings and you see now you just have the villagers repairing patiently i imagine we'll see some buildings go up behind this and we do there's the blacksmith there's the archer range and this it seems like it's working so far for our red player yeah indeed resources are looking pretty sexy as well should feel really smooth and then bayla well he needs to start walling his base but well he's already doing a reasonable job of it talk to me about someone going for this strategy in game one do you think it's it's a complicated situation but do you believe it's because they they have faith in their ability to pull it off because they're a god tier player or do you think it's someone taking a risk against the meta because they might not feel as strong as the competition or both i think it might just be adjusting to the map as well right maybe they wanted to play a normal mains game and then just so okay well i can wall this one off quite nicely people that we have repeatedly seen a play is as i said mr yo accm would be another person that easily picks mains in game number all right so look how many houses have had to be built here this is why you don't try this with hans guys uh looks like that house is gonna break through though and now we need more houses and it does not i mean we're seeing the weakness of going for this strategy and now you see the archer getting picked off the berries are denied villagers building households behind the unfinished house walls everywhere nearly this is uh panic city for evalio and i think king bella if he could get another bill pick or uh you know just pressure more will be very happy with his damage output military count ten to one more palisade walls and those aren't pretty either another villager goes down six to one kd right now and how do you really get onto army here to invest so much into walls that he didn't even afford a second archery wrench yeah exactly yeah and then you know you have to talk about the state of the economy with all the idle time lots of factors here and behind this you have some really good housewarming on the left side for king bella he also hasn't over invested in the military it's just been one archer range i believe yeah this is sick and i think we're seeing here why the meta has shifted i can imagine if you watched hidden cup 3 you might be looking at this as a surprise and saying what in the world man things have changed oh geez well 250 hp is what we had to work with in the old days with our walls but not only 150 and we saw how much pressure the minute arms did and still if you're vital do you really want to dance here oh sounds like yes well he does have bod kendally and he could actually trap this army so he just built another house foundation he's a big fan of houses he's got vodka and crossbow somehow and this army's kind of trapped in here i think king bella just needs to buy time and keep this army alive as long as possible yeah pop 35 out of 80 uh mbl not confirmed you know the joke has always been made for years that wow good micro from from red here but the joke has always been made that you never want to force mbl into making house walls because he's gonna he's not gonna be housed anymore uh but i'm really it's funny how this has shifted and now we're seeing what fc can do suddenly crossbows can run across the field and there's not many of them really and there's other things to talk about but king bella is going to have to prep some defense ah but look at the shaky echo of velo 19 villagers on one woodline there doesn't even really know where to build his tcs now the leading wanted to build it next to the gold but thinks okay game is going a bit longer built next to the stone and going to the other side i think he can't find too much damage yeah and it's an awkward spot right because you know you're going to be behind in numbers and you know your eco is not great so i guess the decision making could be you add a second archery range to get your numbers up or you can go for the what i would consider a relatively greedy approach and you go for the tc to get your bill numbers up um so he's gone for the ville numbers and i can't really say either decision would have been best it just depends on the situation now i can tell you three tcs this is really greedy i mean a third town center too that means he's only going to have one range crossbow production and i could see king bella with huge numbers in the next couple minutes yeah and bella with the defensive tower basically announcing i will play 1tc for quite some time not really where khmer typically shines oh look at that oh god that was such an important moment there if alio what are you doing man you're not going to have the numbers and now i think nilly i'm thinking siege defense over the next couple minutes for evalio i think he has to get a siege workshop up at some point and maybe thinking about plumed archers later on you do see some villagers on stone maybe even some towers but lose your numbers like that that's rough to see yeah true floating quite some gold we need to see more farms here something like 18 farms fields reasonable for a 323 ego still three on stone so yeah i'm getting some plume feeling as well you know it's not you know all things considered you looked at overall kd it's pretty even the the valio has the ville lead and it's 6 military versus 10. now granted guitars have thumb ring for free that's a little dangerous but considering king bella won't be on a second tc for a bit if king bella doesn't do damage nilly i could see the eco kicking in for mayans the siege may be being enough for red for the time being and then red having a pretty significant eco lead again if those crossbowmen don't do damage now would where will we see maybe one two picks on the wood line university will soon have enough gold to well indeed ballistics now coming in but yeah velo even if he loses like two three villagers he will be fine exactly power mines man dave's been saying for years we'll have dave here tomorrow and the day after buying privilege they can get away with a lot and they always have been able to and great reaction here notices the crossbowman and this is before ballistics so the villagers can actually just transfer back over to the starting wood line and the magnet will come over as well it's 32c against one tc will continue and he will look back at this game and will ask bella did you really need to build that defensive tower then early yeah i do like how bella played it though because i think he's got bills on stone somewhere um i it said he had one on stone but anyways he has the resources to make a second tc at least but he just gets rocked by a magnel shot there and has to run away and now it's 53 villagers versus 43. nearly this is an extremely greedy approach from evalio but it is working mm-hmm yeah and as i said that's mr yostal university now for you as well 340 stone plumed archers feel really likely and what's a great answer to plume dodgers if you're tatars i mean i suppose you do have high pierce armor hussars later on um so i guess you probably don't think hussar to counter plumed archers but you know the fact that tatars do get high pure summer units is quite nice later um i think the big issue here is just how the control of the game's going to go and now you have king bella with a forward siege workshop again just something to possibly keep the pressure on which is very much needed right now and i'd like to see king bella i don't know who the player is but dance a little bit here should be able to avoid that magnel you've got ballistics and thumb rings some players with extreme confidence would even try and pick off crossbows in this situation but maybe waiting for his own right now nearly yeah it feels very risky it's not like you have too many crossbows there's an advantage to just 13 to 15. so even if you dance perfectly you really have to rely on your thumb ring which you certainly could but i think waiting for the magnolia is the right choice hey so two town centers for king bella almost 20 villagers behind i am really impressed by how has ended up in this position nearly i i'm gonna i'm gonna evade saying avaelo's name as much as possible but a big moment here for king bella on the hill and just runs away for now okay manual fight is crucial now can they connect both players seeing it both players dodging guitars in the hill pretty important bonus here whilst bowman goes down there in delhi we haven't had a ton of action in this game overall 16-16 kd and king bella says it's my time to get some good kills and this is just as that castle was starting to be placed behind this this is a crucial moment in this game and only six villages that's not a lot manganal popping another one queued up behind this though i think the defense could be made here unless we see a big one for zero to trade against oh oh you get it nilly you get it there's a one for zero trade but i think the castle will at least still go up and boom what what the did that not hit they're still gonna die i thought they would have been hit there nearly there's an opportunity for the king to try something here but i think he just sees the castle is going to go up and he moves on to the woodline and still making big use of those crossbows hero mangano here got two kills already going back another one dies behind the castle though another question can we transition into imperial age because baylor still has more map control could get some control of nice else so i'm looking i want to pay attention to the stone count for red now because i think going into elite eagle and halberdier would just be sick against tatars uh plumed archers are great too but i'm just thinking of elite eagles as an option and if he keeps villagers on stone which is the case nellie's probably wanting to stick with plumed archers because he'll want more castles yeah fields like it and oh forth to see though that's something we don't see too often with mayans because they work so well with low economy armies as well something that uh maybe doubt would do a bit of a boomer i don't know out very experienced with mayans but i don't know if that'd be an approach he'd get and again king bella with another uphill magnel shot and gets the kill i mean give him credit nilly he's really done a good job despite being behind economically doubt's rule of thumb for force you see most of the time is just build it on the way to him so he clicks him then adds the tc because he knows okay now all my resources are used properly yeah that was that was the thought that entered my mind as well i remember that conversation i think he and viper had in hamburg uh at nac3 in italy okay i think that wasn't that also the event where he refused to make eagles against rats and archers or something like that oh against land on the fortress yeah that's right we won't talk about that and i'm just curious how this transitions from here it does seem like if velo's got the eco but king bella's got the micro that's for sure nearly the kd doesn't really show it but i feel like the damage that blue has had to do to stay in this game has been more difficult yeah and well he knows he's already fighting against walls right didn't really have the knowledge on what the opponent was going for because he was playing so defensively in fuel it had to and not the manual trade he wanted yeah finally i guess red gets one there that was a big moment and that that that pretty much means that these crossbowmen cannot comfortably push an area that is somewhat exposed right now if there's neutral stone there there's so much on stone for red and red's gonna drop another castle and then another mining camp on that stone and now you see the imperial age on the way and this is a bit dangerous here you're king bella of course he won't know but mayans and imp this much faster with this much eco one of the most dangerous sieves in the game and what is bella's plan here is that castle age aggression or is that trying to go for him because he's getting the defense upgrade for his horses now oh with the tc oh the tc's gonna be denied by three plumed archers that's so sneaky you know that right there another one that maybe some mr vibes you know mr yo who realized the situation to boom maybe get the plumes over i i think backed as well accm maybe just using magneline castle defense and sending out counter armies but hard to say right now and nearly i think maybe he knew he was floating food so he could go up to imp anyways after researching that upgrade and so it looks like he's going to build the castle try and go imp and go keshiks here and he will face eagles because now barracks are being dropped and that's a bit surprising to me because we still have 21 villagers on stone yeah i wonder that when i'm in this position i'm always tempted to sell my stone for gold as mayans because you just need one castle to get conscription in el dorado and then you can get so much gold if you sell it i'm really curious if fred's going to try and make castles all over the map or if he's going to sell all the the stone in the bank not unlikely well let's see trap war probably not going to happen but players far away from each other and eagle's so good at sniping those kasich how we need them asap and yeah from more than only one castle yeah you're gonna need like three or four i think the castles also need to be in positions that defend your eco from eagle raids it's not just the fights itself but it's the rating and there those plumed archers get mopped up the crossbows certainly aren't of any value any more for bella because he'll be up against the elite eagles and a lot of people might think aztecs if they're coming back to the game they probably remember garland wars that aztec tech for their eagles and they think that's the strongest because the attack but the best eagles in the game are mayan eagles because of el dorado gives them 100 hp and that tech is coming in already wow that is so early and so expensive that really shows you how good of an economy red set up here and with the 46 126 villagers six military that's cutting so many corners seriously kind of safe behind the two castles can you really argue with it when when things are looking this good in the stat sheet here and you can get those upgrades look at this we've got the eagle and the magnet were running at the same pace it was a slow-mo run there it was kind of funny a two relics for evalio as well nilly so that's going to help long-term yeah two's still in the center up for grabs or make it even well know so too and now the manganal is getting caught off but released yeah all right so i guess i mean you got to kill something with these crossbows pretty soon here we go you get an eagle congratulations but it looks like these will go down uh good micro i gotta respect it from king bella this is clearly a talented player but she's just been outplayed economically and here come those eagles nearly oh and yeah we need kashic masses upgrades from those one two 110 hp against 100 eagles that wanted hp eagles that already have plus one plus four on them yeah the stats are just insane on this and the big thing here is just the control behind it for avalo you can see it in the score too there's resources everywhere that evaluates able to collect uh keshik's doing a good job before elite there nearly so i'm really curious to see if we can see lee keshik it's not too expensive like you said a lot of high-level players have said that it they think it's too cheap um but you know you've got another castle one villager castle on the left side just as casual as can be to protect that neutral gold and then look at this you have villagers now on this three tile gold who is this player oh map control wise and you see how the castles are built on hills feels a bit like the viper to me yeah a little bit maybe i mean we had according to twitch. we had viper two or three times yesterday now i don't know if we can trust everybody out there no offense um but you know that immediately changed any time a poor moment happens everyone's like oh no it's not the viper not the viper but the eagles are in and nearly this is a big moment because it feels like king vale is already so far behind with resource control enough to start losing eco makes his chances just go down and down in my eyes oh look at the mini-map so many red dots and blue space wow okay let let's look at this for a moment let's just zoom out analyze the situation red sees every neutral stone red sees every neutral gold and even has like the stone that he's not mining already has a mining camp there to send villagers to that stone and his four relics and got away with extreme greed here solid player yeah solid player indeed map awareness maybe you can look at the player seats again everyone who has the list like shows great map awareness well could be considered here i'm getting some viper wipes because he he wasn't really contest in this one this one felt really comfortable yeah a lot of walls were forced but the moment he had like three bodkin crossbows he didn't lose anything anymore it felt yeah there were there were a few moments in this game and we're going to use capture h pro which you guys can check out if you'd like to review some of those moments here before we look through the stats but this was a moment you're going to look back on and say maybe people weren't saying the viper right here um here we go so the crossbows go forward nearly runs into the tower that's excusable you didn't know the tower was there but this one's pretty poor you sit the crossbow next to the ranges and in range of the town center that that was a sloppy moment where i was thinking that evalio is going to be too greedy and would get punished by an aggressive player in king bela then the other important moment later on with this right here you know king bella pushing up the hill gets a good kill but it did really feel like at this stage valio already had the eco and was comfortable to hide behind those castles nearly so um i i it's really hard to guess with game one because we have seen so many players be god tier uh in on arabia right mayans on arabia is something that's fairly common but i'm curious to see what the home maps look like next and those crossbows didn't really matter anymore yeah right he wanted to transition into plumed arches anyways and was fine with the magnets so just trading off and buying the time for the castle was the right move there all right so um here you go if you want to see the the total resources collected that is just insane it's not like king bella played poorly it looked like the micro was good everything was solid there but more wood food gold and stone collected for a value you can see everything reflected here on that timeline the eco upgrades were coming in at solid times here tell that red didn't have as much military for a while did not matter nearly 93 of the map explored by red and we move on to game number two it felt like the defensive tower wasn't needed there was so much and well he had army on the field he was walled you can still rush out that tower with like eight villagers on the gold anyways does it is that a case of the tower looks a little weak because if alio played so good though he he punished him like the 3tc was so greedy right if it's full all in let's say ballistics double archer range but he never saw the second dodge syringe so where was he expecting he saw like three crossbows at the other side okay well now we move on and it's interesting to me that king bella has picked high tides and mud flow so these are maps that incorporate some water play um and you've got high tides this is a new tweak nearly and this will actually be is it the first time yeah it's the first time we've seen it in the main event clearly someone's prepared uh looking at the sieve draft do you have any suspicions i suppose what direction king baylor might want to go i see the fact that mongols was picked third as a big standout for me yeah it's actually the second pick even right or what is it like it is technically the second pick yeah yeah so it's together with the italians there so he really wanted to play that one it felt like chinese for mudflow mongols for either bypass or high tides i would rather see them on high tides and italians for islands so it feels like a man with a plan yeah definitely like mongols is not a bad civilization but you're seeing them on maps that have a lot of hunt usually and all these maps i guess bypass does actually have some extra hunt there maybe we'll see it there but um it's just to stand out with the pick order i think italians make sense because there's islands out there frank's maybe makes sense as overall pick maybe something like mudflow but nearly let's find out the prize pool due to viewer support has just crossed 79 000 thank you everybody whether that's a sub gifted sub and also the follows over the last day has been unreal we're about i checked this morning 2 000 maybe 3 000 followers away from hitting 2000 on or 200 000 on twitch which is insane so thank you everybody anyways nilly um i'm ready if you're ready for game two i am all right it is high tides a map that we tweaked because we felt it was maybe a little uh two one dimensional after the hidden cub three version and here we are guys we're 20 seconds in and red is looking strong uh in the blue we've got king bella looking to respond it starts off the game with the mongols nilly immediately pushing in some hunt and the zebra's trolling him oh no that's annoying oh man yeah sometimes happens all right well that this is definitely the man with the plan you mentioned picking monkeys and making use of that hunt bonus right away i'm gonna zoom out here just to show viewers the differences here so um with high tides water is still very very important and there's still an island with gold and a relic in the middle now you cannot tc the relic and gold region which makes it a little awkward and there's more land space to expand to sometimes you kind of get pushed into a corner on high tide and hidden cup three now there's more room to expand to the back there's more room to expand to the front and in the south there's additional stone and gold and some relics more room to expand to though i don't think we'll see farms there how do you think japanese match up against the mongols here nearly because this is a pick that we saw all the time on high tide and we see it here for high tides i think japanese feel really strong and general on this map simply because they are very reasonable when it comes to water and land play that's why we so often see them on maps like cross as well but you kind of want to have fish and mongols are so good at punishing you and they're so good at going for early aggression so i think it's easy to be too greedy here as a japanese player okay and we'll see a japanese i put in my top five for this map personally and i'd maybe put them top five on a lot of these hybrid maps it's just how good they are what i lost fella lost a villager are you second ahead of me you're a second ahead of me no spoilers oh my god wait a second wait a second no tc trick it's all right i thought we were sync too we could figure that out but no tc trick to weaken the elephant and after losing the first game lose the villager underneath the tc now according to the video i made which might not mean anything at all yesterday there's four players who are not using the tc weakening trick you got mbl who people said we saw three times yesterday a doubt who said to me that he would never do it uh who is the other one here barles and then dogal occasionally does it but does not do it with frequency so just something to keep in mind here but that's a massive loss nearly with the mongol hunt bonus especially you want that villager to be bringing in food for you oh yeah and well also a setback when it comes to your mindset right you are playing a massive massive tournament game number one didn't look too pretty for you and now you're starting off with the will lost not nice yeah both players going to the middle and both players i think are prepared for this map now is there a shore fish next to the dock for king bella ah no it's not oh that's not the best spot then no it's not so the way we've made this is there's there are some shore fish but the shore fish are always going to be towards the middle and not towards the sides and you can drop resources off at your dock with villagers now so i feel like even a small advantage there for evalio to have that 200 food with the villager and fishing ship out already um you know i'm i'm going to watch how the elephant is brought in over at evalio's base but i'm really not liking king bella's position here let's start a game too huh shooting with villagers as well so you know it's going to be so funny if there's like six or seven players that don't weaken the boars with their tcs because i i said there were four you know so it's like barley's first barrels doubt first doubt you know i think we had one yesterday who would not do it one of which we thought was maybe mbl uh with master of templar i'm excited man i knew that video would come back to bite me and viewers in the butt later on uh scout engagements could be really important here nilly ah we already see very low ones eight and five hp so can't really go for it the question is what are we going for villagers still at the top seems like the mongol player wants to drop a second dog yeah yeah it's hard to kill japanese fishing ship so i'm curious to see how long that takes do you think that maybe a value has got a i understand you've got the fishing ship bonuses but do you think that value needs to double down on water with japanese or just expect that mongols are going to overrun you in a way that's so tricky right only now going on to gold you don't really have the intel yeah they did go for the scout fight so you're always super careful with your scout and now you see a lumber cam not giving you too much info didn't really see the gold yet therefore i think it's too risky maybe to go for a second dock you could face many arms you could face scout you could face archers yeah it looks like king bill is scouting the shoreline to see what evalua is doing now in this case what you don't see would tell you what's happening here i think if you don't see the second dock from the japanese player you gotta expect something on land and now you see the scout doubling back this is good play from king bella and there is a barracks up nilly so suspicions will be confirmed if he scouts the front of red's base and japanese men at arms deadly and look at king bella's response immediately walling up this woodline area this is not something you'll see every game on this map but this is a really cute way to defend and expose an important resource and so this is the two militia if he was actually looking now he is for sure and uh probably has to run away scout doesn't even chase down preemptive walls i think bella should be coming out ahead quite nicely yeah you look over to water japanese fishing ships still out there these things are tanks man but it is two docks against one and that i mean the math adds up nearly i know you're pro pro math so you understand how how good that's going to be for king bella here in a second i guess king bella might be thinking about a barracks and maybe an archery range follow-up at some point and yeah there's the barracks and archery range will probably follow soon and that's a tiny problem if you go for militia or metadams right your opponent is already pretty much set up yep to go for archers all the their villagers are on wood and gold yep you're definitely right uh 60 seconds of tc idol time for king bella 60 seconds whereas three seconds for a value so not only did the villager die in dark age which hurts a lot more than losing a villager at any other time um but and not only is he on two fishing ships but now he has not produced villagers consistently and it's 23 eco versus 27. so i think you know in general if japanese are able to just weather that that early punch that mongols can push out with all that hunt food might prefer evaluates position evaluate checking for a hole there's no hole there but can't break through archery range relatively late with lots to see maybe even pulling a second village on that one to get that arch out will be quite some annoyance those matted arms well with the attack bonus against the walls of the repairs coming in yeah pretty i mean i like kavalio's position as far as the pressure he's putting out right now and it's given him time look at what do you think of all these house walls on the front right now a lot of players might go for palisades lots of households there for value now mixing in some palisades oh three what what happened how are they in here king bella's falling apart nilly oh and a hole at the wood line as well oh this is brutal this could end the game right here honestly oh man everything's dying japanese men at arms probably the worst man in arms to face in this position the scout getting some hits look at the losses now and now an archer arrives but it's too late archer it's too late and i guess that villager just didn't just didn't repair nearly we assumed that units would have never got in there yeah valor did a nice job of switching the target right so you basically click okay villager repair that wall but he will just stop after it has 100 hp again so nice switch and got in got like four villagers yeah i mean six eco killed um and the fishing ship number is at least growing for king bella but i'm not sure i think he might have lost one or two but you can see there's still fishing ships for japanese in the field japanese are just so insane here yeah very low hp though what is happening there oh goes for three fire galleys himself uh oh i think our japanese player might even take water back while archers are arriving yeah archer's arriving and it seems like valeo just like in certain moments of the previous game is just step above and if he's able if you're fighting with equal archer numbers and you have demanded arms i think you're going to be asking constant questions of king bella on this woodline let's see how this micro goes nearly yep look at this not too well not not well at all fletching's not in yet for red but i don't think it matters too much when you have the hill still should get some more villager picks uh some players might choose to get fletching fast and try to take out blue's archers to stay here even longer nearly but two villagers killed the idol time's insane and then on water the fires have come out this is brutal for king bella bello even did a weird thing adding a stable very early on in a spot where we felt fletching is the better thing but it did not matter okay so game one game one was a stomp in a boomy way right game two was a stomp in an aggressive way and what was unique about it is that mongol should have a pretty big edge here due to their hunt bonus now king baylor didn't do himself any favors with the dock position and losing a villager to elephant but and you got to say that should really never happen at this level we're looking at the top 16 probably some nerves there but evalio is looking really really strong i'm getting some flashbacks the viper acm set we did cast in hidden cup three it it feels like even though we're talking about the top 16 it feels like a skill gap here now i can agree that there's a skill gap i just think it's very hard to know without knowing who king bella is and without seeing more because we haven't seen much diversity it's hard to know who this is hidden cup four we've got quite a few players who would be able to smash some of the competition so we're going to go to the statistics here but nearly truthfully not a lot to talk about i guess you look at the economy value was ahead in every single aspect and just snowballed it with military on water i guess navy on water and military on land unfortunate though something we did mention but actually is something we should point out again not having a shawlfish next to your dog there it's just delaying your feudal age timing is delaying your villager production you could easily have another villager there if you just had a shawlfish next to a stock yeah honestly i feel as though if like it looked like there was one on the right and there was one in the middle so script wise there probably should be one on the left but i find it hard to considering everything else that went down to really come back to that small disadvantage right because it ended up you know having two docs versus one still not winning water you lose villager in against the elephant and then you fail with the repair because the values switch targets and you lose five villagers right i think in a closer game it's 50 50 right and it's like the finals game seven that small detail matters a whole lot nilly here i think there might have been some other aspects that uh unfortunately ended up hurting king bella yeah well you're three volts down going into feudal age that delays your archer range so much if he gets like two skirms out two archers out earlier yep it's interesting what that barracks opening can do though right because if you commit to the second dock like king bella did you're choosing not to have a barracks and then to get archers out you need barracks and archery range and the units themselves and it takes a lot of time the walls are really the only defense there and also japanese is probably one of the only sieves that can do everything at that pace because of how cheap their their buildings are um and that combined with all the other bonuses makes it so clean nilly so you know value has looked strong and we might not have many questions answered about a value if he continues to keep up this pace because we have potentially just one more game might be the first sweep we've seen in hidden cup four and king bella's got mud flow you mentioned that chinese and khmer which were both picked on either side for the player drafts might have been drafted for this map uh they were sniped however so what direction do you think the players will go for civ wise game number three i would say frank's feel very natural now probably malay for bypass italians for islands and leave out persons on the other side it gets a bit more tricky probably turex for bypass portuguese for islands and these are the lithuanians and goths now the question is what do we want to play against franks i think it i got tricky and you can go for some laming but balo he realized okay it seems like i might be the better player here i think victor anders is the safer pick okay yeah i'd like to see it too um so at least for my because we haven't seen too many games right at least for my investigations and just a theorycraft for the future i'd kind of like to see that match up um and let's go game number three shall we nilly because i just sold sims and now i'm just like who would pick his civilization in a draft and who would actually play the civilization besides winchester we've talked about it for years and we have goths against franks here might be a case of a really big name picking this because they realize they're up 2-0 and they want to watch right now and confuse the audience but goths on mudflow not something we would have expected nearly oh well and now the big question is is it just for minute arms is it for laming and you can see how the scout is running to the other side this is expectability to go to the other side pretty soon okay now this is the only map um and we make sure i'm correct in saying this i suppose islands it doesn't matter but this is the only land map where the bores or rhinos are not always on the backside simply because there's so much food um i feel as though it might even be a big disadvantage to lose your scout or attempt to take lame if you want to do it with your scouts so you see a value of passing up opportunities here there's berries there's two rhinos there's the fish you start with let's see here here's the viper player profile he's done all right and you see king bella going to the middle wood line and that you called it villager going forward with the goths goth villagers do more damage to bores uh oh never mind i got excited he's gonna make a lumber camp the viper 20 best player in the world as you can see on the elo there uh he's trying his very best i i think it's such a fun stat viper does not care about ranked at all it's such a fun stat oh my goodness oh boy well you think maybe men at arms is is the option that makes sense for god's then because goths are a tricky sieve you know they they don't have an eco bonus like frank's do especially on a map where there's double berry bushes i feel like goths are going to be at a disadvantage if they're not very aggressive well the instant lumetech gives you another extra villager so actually you have an extra villager which is kind of underappreciated and if you get into a stable game get some infantry out i think franks could get some problems okay frank's maybe a little one-sided i do think that on arabia games going into axeman maybe hand cannon could be realistic against the goth infantry we do see the babe running forward right here wrong color based on our emo on twitch sorry i should have pulled the value if he was gonna do this to change his color but wow villager's just gonna wall in the berries and that's a late mill right because you have so much shorefish next to your tc you can delay that mold you need it as a second building though but while you will be happy get some value out of this wall okay so at this point the response is to fight this back but evalio has researched loom already which makes this villager stronger uh king bella does not see this yet it looks like evalua is noticed and it's just going to be annoying here now i know a lot of players could do this but the the lamy forward villager the picking of goths you know many people said winchester yesterday this has been something on winchester mo for many years nelly let's see how the villager quick walling is going that's true we haven't seen a crazy quick wall nerd yet this tournament right we haven't even seen a single instance the villager being quick walled ah true oh by the way did we mention the ball name right hand side of the screen what what what where wait where inside right right hand side right hand side further right my right your left your left my right hold on what oh god oh okay dude i thought yeah thank you i i really i honestly thought that you were talking about another villager going forward i was looking to his his uh base well i think that this villager will not be quick walled in the end because yeah no attempt to quick wall that that's really unique but i guess when you're laming you want to make sure that that completes at least yeah so so not got your macro at least in this situation right yeah not trying to wall in the scout though only took what is that two hits 30 hp one hit um one downhill hit probably all right i could see this i could see this being yo or two uphill hits i don't know how many hits there were nearly but i know the lame has completed here we've got a barracks for a value of value on the way to feudal age still slower than king bella and king bella will have the food king bella has the berries to work with but king bella uh going to gold right now is frank so maybe seeing the barracks and expecting some type of man at arm play oh yeah but are you playing matted arms against minute arms i think it has to be archers right there's no barracks up i think this will be an archer defense from a frank player don't do this at home guys it doesn't feel natural does it and i see a value with one villager trying to go forward now these woodlands can be really awkward it is not easy to get a villager behind the current wood line that king bella is on and also as far as things to not do at home if you're ever going to play this map i don't think you should try and wall this much i've not seen players had success with wallowing this map this much in fact i think the player who walls the most has always died on mudflow where's billa's barracks am i not seeing it what's happening he doesn't have enough on wood right now nearly because he made two mills for food so he's got the food but he just has not been able to prioritize the wood control 25 wood no barracks no archery range no what upgrades no dock no fun no no chance i i don't know where to go next after that nilly but i'll tell you this much right now goth man at arms they're no joke there's four of them here and they're attacking the palisade just feels like minute arm opening and now with the sneaky villager going to the left that there's some crazy potential for valeo 3-0 this quickly to start off the day yeah okay finally we get enough wood should drop the archer range now i believe but just a tower behind this wood line could be lethal but it has been spotted villager's been spotted now if people have been saying viper for the last 20 minutes here oh viper confirmed nope not viper but i will say those two palisades were really quick they were really quick it didn't work out something to think about certainly playing on the same server oh you think that was you put so much stuff crazy yeah okay okay i tried to quick with that with 140 ping yeah 140 ping is it definitely makes things a little more complicated i i really like archer follow-up honestly the tower is great but i kind of like the idea of an archer follow-up in this spot because one archer even behind that wood line would be sick yeah most of the time a skirm could be a really good option as well because your opponent most likely is going for the archer defense here but oh god there's just so so much pressure against baylor and oh oh oh repair my man just destroying palisade we're watching it here because it going up or going down it's slowly going up somehow those villages can really build archer gets pushed back to the tc villagers into the tc but not firing and it just seems like the pressure is insane but let's talk about a follow-up because the tower hasn't worked out the it's just been meant at arm spearman do you think avalia's thinking about something other than the infantry well he's building a sneaky archer range at the top which is taking some risk i have to say is safe archer range at home could have guaranteed him more of a stable game in the long run this feels like he feels like really far ahead and knows okay if i control that gold i might win the game and how unfortunate for king bailey who has an outpost there but still cannot see it look at that look at that yep and now the skirm's gonna show up and he's gonna think where is that coming from i built an outpost oh jeez well that will make life awkward oh the spearman getting a big hit in there before going down too so now the scout's very weak for king bella and that was his best response to skirmishers and scout goes down archers will be pushed back and you have the frank player it's a top tier pick for this map milly just on the defensive and feels so awkward especially when a player of value is quality we know he's good is untouched at home economically on such a an open map well surprisingly enough velas actually obey is actually three villages ahead did pick off two and we have wheelbarrow on the side of valeo yeah so he did reasonably well have to say yeah reasonably well now has the food in come adding a stable to get some scouts out that should be fine we all know how good franks are with their farms with their forging and with their scouts if this villager survives looks like she will but does have to abandon the gold and could take more losses before then and again king bella with solid defense yeah i like this very calm scout is now doing some damage made arms have to stay alive otherwise the scout will just get it easy to clear up yeah yeah this is what i've been saying for years about forward archery ranges too you lose this position and then your building is useless it just gets walled in and then you don't have defense at home and and we are talking about god's a civilization that tends to be really strong as we see a tiger attacking that villager uh in late castle age when they get to infantry other stages probably early feudal which we've already seen nearly so this is where frank's really start to grow strong and we're seeing it right now well now dropping a defensive tower goes for a dog so maybe transition here but transition ah look at that pulse villages away from gold this will be mass tower defense i won't be surprised to see like four towers in feudal age some galleys and then probably drop a castle for huskalls okay yeah maybe the defensive approach water certainly packs a punch a one demo can take out three archers you can't say that about men at arm or skirmisher or spearman or any other option here uh galley probably the safe play though and the galley's there and here come the archers for kingdela now he's not careful he could lose them all galley's still a bit on the way so he'll i think see the dock there he did see the dock and so he knows to avoid the amphibious terrain here uh building getting walled in for valeo as well so that range is pretty useless i'd say and i'd like to see the scouts come over for king bella oh well he's trying to find some damage that tower at the gold should probably not go up three archers here should disrupt that yeah and let's see what the confidence looks like for avelo foreign whatever um now the villagers fought for a second but realized they need support and now suddenly doesn't have gold and then scouts will come over too so i'm not sure this is going to go up nearly let's talk about this approach you think maybe with the way the draft had looked and maybe with uh the scoreline being 2-0 that this red player was a bit over confident going goths or do you think it's a legitimate thing that we'll see more and more of i think that looked like a plan yeah yeah with the militia or the minute i'm opening with the laming or tower yeah i'm looking a lot of different areas right now you've got that one galley that's actually on the wood line for king bella and that's a big concern because king bella does not have wood in the middle if he doesn't get water control so he's waiting for the fire galley that should be good but the food count is certainly looking good for both of them the towers not up everywhere for evaelo but uh we'll get tower up on berries now as gods interesting another tower still not on gold though so that could be a bit problematic for him in the long run not sure how he tries to get that this is just you know it's it's partially due to the fact we just have not seen this map a lot nilly but it's such a unique game we've had here we've seen the lame so i think king bale has gone through a lot both mentally because layman can be tough there oh god the scout's going down now but in terms of the losses early i think the castle age time will be better for our king that kings have always done semi-decent in hidden cups they've always been pretty good players so i kind of want the king to put up a fight here um what's the follow-up if we think we're playing against us cult shouldn't we go on stone if we are frank's now to get some x-men out i i personally like the approach of going for knights let's go knights first and then okay here you see the stone mining so you called it nearly but keep in mind that you're going to need some defensive castles and a switch later on because knights have speed so you can at least damage the enemy if you just go defensive axemen you can't counter attack at all so i like the idea because i still feel like the economy is better for frank's to use some knights and then eventual axemen that would be sick to see well fields like stonewalls in the center will buy some time but where's the next tc as well for baylor if we try to imagine the game in like five minutes or something yeah he needs some water presence i think some players have had different approaches here some players go for double docks um maybe on the right side where that lumber camp is it's four villagers you normally use four to build the tc so maybe that's the spot even without axemen i think having cheap castles would be great for frank's i wanted to ask you though before we see what will be crossbow burvalo okay um i wanted to ask you just real quick why you think this map of all the new maps has been chosen so frequently for home maps because it's actually been the most frequent pick and it's also probably the most unique in terms of how the game plays out you see a mix of everything and the meta is not established at all you already answered your own question yeah okay it is it is simply because there is no matter so preparation wins your games here if you come up with a good strategy it looks so good and tristan you have to track that demo at the bottom line emma which woodline nearly out there it is so i think people just play it and if you feel somewhat comfortable on a new map it's a likely pick for you as a whole map okay yeah we had a lot of pics there even you know who many people thought mbl yesterday uh who was mbl yesterday excuse me picked mudflow and i was reading so much speculation people been speculating based on a character that someone accidentally typed their keyboards like that's a norwegian keyboard it's gotta be this person people been going crazy and um you know to me it's just so cool to see all that of course and there's lots of reason for that speculation it looks like that demo is not going to land nearly and both players start off castle with tc's king bella actually going for two tcs one on the left which is a concern long term if that gets ranged and then one in the very north which is i guess protecting gold there okay monastery so knight aggression it will be expected and the goth player plays it relatively slow tc's first lots of pikemen and yeah the army of baylor not doing anything bailout taking out fires with knights right now and has another demo now if that demo hits the wood line what a big moment this could be will available he over chopped as well the demo can go right in there demo what what a quick wall what a quick wall there to save those lives man that would have been five or six villagers dead and available noticed it big moment but you still got some nights around we might look back at that one though as the moment that was important for avelo to keep himself in this game he's going pikeman defense and he's trying to get a boom going to take this imp with god oh and avalo he lost eight villagers already in this game monster trying to hold there was a raid at the right hand side at the gold finding another kill and now nice nine village elite and this is why see this is why i really like the night opening and i think that king bella has done a mix of what we discussed you get some villagers on the stone so you can make a castle eventually and you get some nights out to get some raids in and when the enemy is forced into pikeman monk you start dropping castles securing your base with good economy and another demo i don't think this demo is going to land just yet nearly but uh yeah i mean you could even consider dropping a castle behind that wood line pretty soon more galley speeding at it now monk in the center that's not the first time we've seen this man there's been more monks dying to demos in hidden go 4 than any other tournament i've seen i guess three times over the last 32 hours as the knights hit the farm area in the back but great reaction from vilo just to hop into that tower does lose the villager so it's still just not ideal nearly yeah but race at three different angles right now right right hand side stopped by the pikeman though at the bottom reaction so devil is doing a good job defending it but bayla is making him work for it yeah seriously i i i'm so torn on who the players are right now because i feel like you know we had victories yesterday where as we see these nights go down all right good defense there um we had victories yesterday where it was hard to say uh who was who because we felt like maybe the person that lost wasn't the strongest player in the tournament but i i just have this feeling despite the scoreline that king bella is a probably a pretty big name here nilly hmm yeah yeah i can't rule it out either unfortunate games there to start it off for sure i'm getting some the less vibes maybe okay getting some unfortunate openings but actually rock solid all right well we have 69 villagers and important moment here is you see king bella coming forward to drop a castle and that really can't be denied easily and also secures that stone so i think that if the castle goes up the navy that ivallo is looking to use is going to be it's not going to be very successful in the middle or the left side of this map we will see multiple castle drops even bella gets another one the question is where is he getting oh but will he even go up yeah wagon is on the craziest thing against villagers ever i think it should go up there comes a demo just a delay i guess and get some damage in the monk did get a conversion there for vilo i mean it should go up but losses are being taken here nearly down not down okay there you go and and still 10 villager lead for the king also as the ships retreat they will some will die to the castle so good damage there and wheelbarrow on the way all right good text uh i'm looking forward to the imperial age in this one i'm curious if it'll get there yeah it feels like it with how they are setting themselves up right 40 c's for the goth player hmong war galley defense just like he wants to play the long game but as we mentioned earlier x-men could be a great option maybe we could even see cavaliers paladins yeah i mean the knights are working well if they can out run and the goth player has not been able to pressure at all he's actually attacking an outpost so i'm sorry i'm wrong he's attacking an outpost right now but that's not that's not considerable amount of damage here um do you think wood control is is going to be the most important thing here or or maybe gold control because gold is on the outer ring hmm there is not that much gold and i think god can work with very little gold franks need way more gold luckily both civilizations don't happen to rely on wood uh i think i will give you a third option and i think it will be the rates and whoever keeps the best food you go up okay there's food which might rely on wood in a sense and availa got some kills there on that wood line now stone could also be important guts need cast at least one castle to unlock their strength uh franks of course need castles to protect the base but also make the axemen you see his second castle in the middle now for the king who's it really uh it's just been relying on demos on water seeing more and more demos now but not any fire ships and we see a raid now on the back side nearly villagers back inside the tower again great reaction time uh from both really but waiting to see those resources climb a bit both players with only around 20 on food because of everything that's going on yeah pikeman actually rating quite efficiently we have to say they're at the top but x-men now come in there should be really easy clear up and now you see why x-men are such a great unit against goth yeah and a demo here now someone who loves his demo ships would be someone like tatto tattoo's done that so many times even saw a clip of him as that gets denied of him demoing enemy water buffaloes and water nomad like 20 of them or something but the demos i i like the addition nilly but maybe maybe not worth it if they're not landing maybe it's better to make fires and now you see some fire ships here from the king also ted would be a guy that picks mudflow and high tides as his two home maps yeah it doesn't feel too unlikely obviously would be a big big loss if it was actually him on the arabia and the high tides game yeah definitely tattoo made it to the semifinals hidden cup three and had an incredible tournament and a name that you were constantly bringing up when it comes to preparation and strategy i think tattoo probably does better in hidden cups than some other tournaments which might focus more on just one map uh thinking like king of the desert which is the main one and maybe red bull two nilly different maps but different settings and another castle here and now this would be huge right behind that wood line where there's 20 some villagers where where is the value getting wood then i don't really see it yeah he will be up to him but still no castle doesn't have to go for bombard cannons to clear those up probably and he cannot mine stone right now because he doesn't have control of any of it in the middle nearly so the stone denial and the wood denial keys to success for the king here and evaluates about to get relic number three but evaluator is going to lose this town center has lost a lot of control ah bought himself a cast and now builds it on the left-hand side quite defensively probably mainly for the production of the traps to deal with those two castles in the center good call with oh oh demos if the demos get next to the tc ah i think the tc will probably shoot it down never mind i got excited but yeah that's a good castle position to trip down the middle castles and it almost feels like king bella might be overmaking axeman right now i think he should cancel axemen production and just go up to the imperial age yeah 19 on the field four more in production indeed what are they really doing let's see wong will get killed there as well so yeah he's finding some kills but not the greatest raiding unit as you said earlier yeah keeping an eye on the eco that's spreading out around the sides look at this we even have a stable from red now if we start to see goth hussar hera confirmed like you don't really need to raid with like cabot fields like with goths in most cases normally you could just raid with pikeman or champion or whatever um i'm i'm curious what direction this is going to go but finally we see king bella on the way to imp nilly but i do have some concerns over the the long-term state of the middle area i think those castles could easily get trapped down hmm anarchy checked first that's the upgrade to allows huskers to be produced out of barracks is huskar really the unit that you want to go for to me it feels a bit more like champion harbor the direction but chemistry first upgrade but he might even go for harbor dear hand cannon i think he canceled anarchy did he um i think he did as well yep to get the trebs out i guess we'll know when the husk girls come out of the barracks but yeah treb's coming out i mean at the very least bombard kane is a good call here making the bomber cannons huge oh yeah monk's getting conversions and again i'm just i'm impressed with evalua's ability to use the goths up against franks like this and and just keep this competitive and just react every time that there seems to be some type of a problem and look at the barracks on the left side now nearly oh this is like something that's so sneaky and this is this is giving me some viper shadow fields now because this is so common in deathmatch games as well yep to just have goth wars those sneaky barracks and huskar production is starting and if you don't have enough x-men your tcs aren't really dealing with those husker rates yeah now defensive castle is in a perfect spot for the king who will see his first husquarel here in a second so i guess anarchy did complete huskers are not really the ideal unit to fight axemen straight up but with all the farmers being exposed i could see those husk girls doing damage and this is as siege is starting to push the castles in the middle in bella must be really overwhelmed now and if we if we get more barracks on the right side which we're actually seeing so much of this economy is exposed and will go down to hospital rates let's see oh that would be an ugly one but be great at the right hand side yeah big raid indeed and i actually really like going into nights now because knights are faster and they can deal with the husk girls better than the axemen can and evaluate doesn't have any defense for this goths cannot defend against knights and axemen it's just not in the cards for them yeah would be a weird composition indeed as we mentioned maybe how about the hand cannon here but so tough to micro it's so tough to mess up and not really how you want to typically play yeah look at this king bella time and time again is like what he's here too how is he on this gold too he's everywhere and if you don't react to one of these raids nilly two minutes later you could be down 20 villagers oh yeah oh yeah so easily look at the mini map they're fighting at like eight different spots right now yeah it is a death match game it's a death match game at this point it feels like and we've got trebuchets from both in the middle but look at that it looks like these castles are going to fall for blue this tc could fall for red but i don't like this fight i think the tc is doing enough damage tc has fletching uh and now hand cannons are coming over and yeah a lot of knights and and axemen went down there nearly that was a bit wasteful what a weird game to play this is just pure macro right now yeah trapped in the center still doing good job for a golf player obviously hill advantage is helping quite nicely and this is fighting at seven different angles and suddenly well goth player he was 20 pop behind now he's slightly ahead yeah and it's pretty wild right you wall in one barracks you find another one if you're in king bale this position and and that might be the cycle that continues here and i think if you start to see how the deer and this is why i said raid with habadir albedieres could take care of the cav when they patrol in oh and the barracks at the left-hand side was tried to be walled in but the house got squeezed out their last second oh you're kidding me oh no king bella this is obviously an amazing player here but he just can't keep up with the pace this is crazy map control from evalio left-hand side is being cleared up but losing the traps in the center i wouldn't be surprised if we see some raids there eventually pascal's not being produced center or some x-men being thrown away and the ggs just called the gigi's just called the score was 2-0 already and the king says i'm not gonna fight on any more i can't beat this player what in the world was that game nearly the most you well not really the most unique mudflow game we've seen because every single one has been unique but probably the longest and and craziest when it comes to raids what a performance oh yeah oh yeah and i think we will see more from ibelio for sure in this tournament and king bela likely to be looking back sunday evening when we reveal the [Music] identities and we'll be like damn i got unlucky yeah and it's it's hidden cup it's hidden seating it's what makes it fun if it wasn't random seating it wouldn't be hidden cup anymore um how if you were to give uh if you were to put a value in a spot right let's say top five top ten or top 15 or i guess 16 where would you rank him just based on what you saw here i would think top four okay those maps yeah okay it's not crazy to me okay and in your top four you have viper and no particular order of course viper leary hera and yo i would have like i get so many tattle fields here as well yeah in there we could say top five to include mr yo but it except game one it didn't really feel like mr yo okay so that's that's what nilly has to say about that and king bella are you thinking uh just a slight step above that like possibly someone in that top eight that made it without having to qualify or possibly someone who did well on the qualifier hmm maybe someone with nerves game number one i wanted to play super safe some misjudgment there this game looked solid as well just got smothered in the end hmm it's trickier for me i would probably rule out a top eight player okay so someone who qualified i'm i'm going for less or balls here it's funny you know sometimes you know velez i i i refuse to think it's velez because velez i mean he's such a good comeback player and he showed that in the qualifier he falls behind and he gets it together and so i'm not sure about that one but i'm with you nilly certainly just not up to par against the player of the values caliber and let's just review this game slightly here we're going to go back to a moment that i felt like was pretty key uh granted there were many very there were various moments throughout today um and capture h pro is going to take us back to this this is the key moment of the game the quick wall from evalio but really i think that really what that did for me is just it was one of the many small details that a value picked up on that it showed his caliber would you agree yeah that's that's a quick wall like something you don't really look at and suddenly he looks there he checks it gets the quick ball in and the ball were while trying to lame metro and map awareness absolutely on point sure yeah and and you can see that reflected here uh the wood control which is rather funny because king bella had so many castles in the middle wood control was huge 19 000 wood collected on that map for evalio uh was behind in food was behind in gold even behind in stone did not matter if goths get to certain points in the game they can destroy and i think if value had the perfect strategy to try and go for the sneaky barracks and uh dave in twitch we even have him on the screen here says vivi versus yo okay dave all right dave will be here over the weekend we'll be able to talk about that one well game one feel like vivi though on arabia is vivian's a top player um but is high tides and mud flow i like how you said allow i'll allow it i'll let him i'll let him speak his mind um you know what nelly i want to hear what viewers have to say about this one right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 81,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, round of 16, day 2, Ivaylo, King, Bela, IV
Id: ajsGLB6dBBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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