Hidden cameras 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

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Helen smoke is pouring into our apartment is it a fire just relax everybody go down the stairway wait in the courtyard the fire department is on its way Miss Lynch I'm coming [Music] in there's no fire she left that in the oven where the hell was Megan Oh Donna please will you go downstairs and [Music] wait this Lynch Miss Lynch are you here fting sh driving light to BL So It Begins we Face your head on at the first that [Music] you with crystals it's the pr car I did not forget about [Music] you Jody are you going to help me get ready for my show [Music] tonight no wonder I'm single okay uh so I want to let you all in on a little secret I love Secrets yeah I bet you do seriously though uh My secret is that this is my first time on stage I've been doing comedy for a while now you can see some of my work on YouTube Facebook Tinder I bet you are on Tinder okay look uh sir obviously you're very excited that a woman is giving you this much attention but uh just have some fun okay I'm about to reveal some very interesting things about myself like I am from Jackson hle Wyoming I know what you're thinking shut up no honestly I I moved to LA because there was a weirdo who wouldn't leave me alone yeah yeah I had a legitimate online stalker uh wait you're not him are you oh yeah how long have you known him you trust him he's actually my husband oh you poor thing uh just for fun can I uh look through your phone sir um I don't know are you serious yeah what do you had a data or something what have you got to hide yeah honey yeah come on yeah thank you okay how did I know your screen would be cracked okay let's see nice anniversary pictures what a gentleman you took her to a bed and breakfast oh okay oh hey Jim I air dropped you a picture can you put it up on the screen please what do you a politician yeah who'd you send that to me he only sent that to me he was away on business yeah we don't we don't need to give them Exposition just it's cute we think it's cute right all right come get your phone you've been a good sport everyone give him a round of applause please all right you guys have been great um I'm Melissa haraldson you can follow me at all hair 3 L's uh thanks so much that's my time thank youton everyone what did you say jerk expect that really funny by the way thanks man great set can I get you anything I heard drinks were on him ha I'll just have a bottle of water so what happened well let's see we were laughing at one of your jokes and then I quite innocently asked her if she had any scandalous photos on her phone and splash splash best Tinder date ever so uh what do you do when you're not getting drinks thrown in your face I install highend home theater equipment but actually uh things are really taken off as a realt trip oh really yeah why need a 4K TV no uh I'm in need of an apartment though tche uh your girl 6:00 oh she's burning a hole in the back of my head isn't she I'm woring for your safety so go apologize it's nice talking to you hey Alyssa I'm Oliver by the way you're not creepy At All by following me out here how'd you know my name you announced it from the stage like three times no I'm not being creepy people look you said you need an apartment and I know of one in a great neighborhood that it should have been gone in a hot second but the landlord is picky he's rejected like two dozen clients in the last month but I can get you an interview and if he likes you then maybe I can get you a break on rent or a low deposit if you're looking to buy that's really kind of you but there is no way that I could afford anything in any decent neighborhood we can hardly afford this flea back motel that we're singing now I went for work so we me and my cat all right oh look it's a great apartment and I actually live in the complex too who knows maybe I can convince the landlord to like you you actually remind me a lot of The Last Tenant well it's getting chill um thanks for the offer but I got to go hey Oliver go apologize to that girl she's cute she sure is [Music] cute [Music] okay hey I called the police you better get the hell out of here 911 what's your emergency um someone's trying to break into my motel room okay relax uh it's going to be okay I need you to tell me where you're located um Miss Miss I'm showing multiple calls coming from this line uh in our syst system are you [Music] okay Miss are you there hello hello honey please honey let me in this are you in danger you need to let me know if you're in danger yeah I'm fine I'm sorry to bother you everything's okay wow this place is gorgeous I know right I live in 5045 bacon apartment is 2013 there's no way I could afford to live here I don't know I know the owner and her brother helping F vacancies and each place has free wi-fi and an HGTV courtesy of me so they owe me big time we'll see this just too good to be true too rich for my blood we going mean right here okay remember Robert can be very judgmental if he comes off cold don't worry about it it's just how he is the last guy brought in he wouldn't even look at him he just shook his head if this doesn't work out I have plenty other places I can show you no I should probably tell you about the apartment Don't You Worry Oliver we'll tell her everything she needs to know hi Miss fallsworth Robert this is Alysa Haroldson the new tenant I was telling you about pushy isn't he the EV I have to go on an errand so my brother Robert is going to show you the apartment I'd be delighted Alyssa is it yes what a beautiful name thank you it is isn't it okay Robert I'm off don't forget to show her the new tile I had you put in I won't I'm sure that Oliver's already told you about all the technical upgrades we've made yes very impressive free Wi-Fi and so much more this way what a drink the elevator is right here oh uh second floor right you guys go down I'll take the stairs okay hi do I know you no no no I'm going to uh 2013 to meet Robert to look at the apartment oh yeah 2013 right yeah can I help you oh no that's kind of you walking up and down these stairs is how I get my steps in well if I take this apartment you'll be seeing me a lot I only take the stairs too well that'll be really nice well have a good one me too sorry you're going to need one of these if you want to open the door we're high security here yeah shall we look at your apartment miss harelson your apartment well here we are okay this is a master fob yours will be personally coded to open your door the stairwell doors and the front door and of course the garage gate we have recently painted the apartment comes fully furnished any all of it is yours if you want it and check out that [Music] HDTV this place is stunning why did The Last Tenant leave well uh I'm I'm obligated to tell you that the previous tenant passed away on the premises they didn't get murdered or anything right no no no she was a wonderful young woman just very sad she had a lot of emotional issues and she took her own life yeah in the bathroom but we have completely gutted the bathroom it's been cleaned from top to bottom so there's nothing to worry about there oh guys I just had a showing over the other side of town it got moved up so I got to go Robert take care of her give her the family discount Alissa hope we can be neighbors call me [Music] hello so now that he's gone tell me what you really think of the place it's wonderful uh but can you tell me a little more about the Last Tenant Megan mhm well I really didn't know her at all I'm sorry look would it help if I just start you out with the friends and family rent rate it's a good deal why would you do that for me well if I'm being honest you uh you remind me of my daughter Jane oh did she live here with you no no she she went away to college not my idea believe me I I was hoping she'd stay somewh close to home yeah yeah I get it you got to get out and explore and find yourself at that age you know okay what's the verdict and I'm telling you with our upgrades this is the most secure complex on the west side and I will make you a promise I'll make sure you're as safe as if you were my own daughter it's amazing I'll take it [Music] wonderful going to tell the world again oh you're so beautiful I just can't hold it in I think we started something I hope it never ends I hope hope it never [Music] ends tell me that the good old days are the keys to your new Castle ah great you know I think I forgot to mention there's an emergency button on here I know you're concerned with safety so you press this from anywhere in the complex and the police will be called I've fallen and I can't get up what oh it's from an old commercial oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I remember that's funny can I uh help you carry some things oh sorry I'll get her you can just get the suitcase and the flow oh some flowers yeah I love fresh flowers they can make a morg seam charity well not that this is a morg I'm I'm just saying MH security cameras oh yeah we um we have them strategically located throughout the proerty say cheese cheese you had a cat named jod I used to have a fish named Dave he wasen would you just get off my back about that's all I hope we're not interrupting something ni hi Robert hello hi hi Bron fo well shall we move you in yeah please hey how about I put these in water I have a vase in the car there's one in the kitchen you know that couple Katie and Adam that you met they're your upstairs neighbors he uh been trying to get pregnant for a few years no luck yet you sure know all the dirt these are all public knowledge I assure you the real Secrets I can keep to myself s well ibly should have remember that you want me to uh go get the rest of your things no no no I'll go get him in a second I'm going to get Jody acclimated um but thanks so much for your help so far it's my pleasure look I didn't tell you this but one of the reasons I moved to LA was to get away from a stalker really yeah he found out where I worked in Jackson sent me something disturbing when I packed for La that night I've changed my number like five times but he always seems to find me it's no use I just know that nobody gets in or out of this building without me or my sister Helen knowing about it you're safe here thank you okay I'll let you get settled and if you need anything please call me I will okay take care you too all right Jody come on come on what do you think what do you [Music] think [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God Oliver you all right yeah yes sorry sure okay yeah I just lost my bearings for a moment oh that's fine you heading out yeah I just was going to grab a few things at the store do you know one that's nearby uh yeah actually I do in fact I need to go too if you want I could uh show you around it's pretty wonderful sure all right let's [Music] go well I got to say thank you this has been wonderful well if you like we can make this a regular thing look going to the grocery store no yes um that that's not what I meant like uh like a real day oh um it's very sweet of you but I'm not really looking for anything right now you get it right can't blame a guy for trying Oliver s oh my God what are you doing here you know I called don't like tight spaces huh excuse me sorry I didn't mean to be nosy I just I never see you take the elevator so I figure you don't like tight spaces yeah I guess I just don't like elevators it kind of cre me out it all makes sense now hey I'm Katie 3013 and Melissa apparently you're directly below neighbor oh my God such a tragedy would happen to Megan I hope you don't hear us fighting only the one about the underwear no that one my husband Adam and I are trying to have kids ah hey um if you ever see him could you maybe not mention you saw me smoking your secret safe with me have a good one kitty you too [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Jody Robert how do you like the flowers yeah I'm I'm a little freaked out your new mattress was delivered I I couldn't leave it in the lobby it's a fire hazard so I got rid of the old one and I had your bed set up the comforter and flowers are a gift from Jane and I listen I'm not comfortable with this oh don't worry I would never go into your bedroom I was telling Janie about you she ordered the comforter for you said it was your favorite and Helen made you bed don't you worry yeah I can't accept this I got to go Alysa no Robert sorry [Music] [Music] bye [Music] no you never me whated woo good timing right you have no idea come in oh well looks like everything's all right I'm sorry no no it's fine I was just making the quarterly rounds checking on the smoke detectors yours works that is good timing oh no your beautiful flowers are drooping yeah got to throw those out look I wanted to talk to you about that I'm a bit uncomfortable with anyone coming in here without my approval even if it's you or your sister I'm sorry it's just I'm not okay with that I'm sorry won't happen again yeah it's just this is no look I'm sorry I'm embarrassed I didn't mean to offend you thank [Music] you hey you know what just to show no hard feelings why don't I take you to lunch for the quilt no you've you've had enough of me no come on I'm starving well I I do know a great little place [Music] nearby wait you were in the service sure was I served in Desert Storm oh my God so did my father anything else I can get for you guys Alissa why don't you bring us a couple mimosas yeah sure you got it yeah oh I don't I don't I don't really come on W anyway when uh when I got back from the Gulf we decided to start a family that's when Jane was born Y how about your dad he died in the war just after he was deployed his Convoy was targeted he was honored as a hero very touching Alysa Robert what's up guys hey why don't you join us I think that's a great idea here are your mimosas okay can I get you a drink another great idea I think I'll have one of those to start it's almost half the hour well you know why don't you just have mine I I've I got to get back oh no don't don't go now I I can go no no no no please you to stay enjoy it and dear I'm so sorry to hear about your father thank you thank [Music] you what was that about um I told him that my dad died in the first schl war I think it just touched a nerve I'm so sorry oh it's totally cool he just seemed so lonely without his daughter around really I didn't know he had a daughter mhm what I did know is that his wife left him the divorce cleaned him out then he moved back in with his sister to help manage the build it Robert are you home yes Helen I'm home about time come here did you finish the chores I gave you almost I will just take your time it's not like I got building codes to abide by did you eat yet yes Helen I ate who with who with the new tenant in 2013 Alyssa she's young enough to be your daughter shut up oh did I Bru your your little feelings I'm going to go to my room you should either eat something or go to bed cuz that booze is making you a witch again oh yeah yeah well would a witch go and pick up your medications from the pharmacy why would you do that they called they said you haven't picked up your prescriptions in over 2 months so what you talk about a witch oh we know how you get when you're off your beds just ask your exwife don't the door me okay [Music] [Music] hey this is Jane I'm not here right now but you can make a message at the be hi Janie it's your dad I got all your favorite things for Thanksgiving it just so happy that you're going to spend it with us instead of your mom this year and and I I have someone that I I want you to meet she's amazing you're going to love her I can't wait I miss you babe love you bye-bye Robert I'm going out take your medication yes [Music] Helen [Music] [Music] [Music] you need to stop I don't want you to get the wrong idea about this wrong idea about what like coming home to my apartment well I can leave if you want no stay I promise you wind in food and that's what you're going to get wonderful but I'm not making you any more promises who says I want in [Music] promises I'm really glad I met [Music] you yeah I'm really glad I met you too you stay away from her Robert what are you doing Helen what is that what is it nothing I want to see it no give it to me hen you're insane you're not just off your meds this time you have just lost it it's not what it looks like it's for Alyssa's safety her safety her safety you ought to be ashamed of [Music] yourself Helen don't call Jane don't tell her don't call Jane oh I see now you know what that's exactly what I'm going to do please I'm begging you I'm going to call J don't do it she won't understand oh no no she is going to understand and she's going to love what I've got to say stop stop no I'm going to call James Al Jam this is your St [Music] now Helen Helen Helen get [Music] up Helen get up you did this I asked you nice please ever I you did this you did [Music] it please you made me do [Music] this [Music] jie he's going to love Alysa you'll see you meet to psychiatric offices of Dr John Valdez if this is a medical emergency please hang up and B 911 now I'm sorry I'm not I'm not sorry I promise I'll be good I'm just not used to this of rejection yeah you said that I did not say that I did um okay I'm going to get another bottle oh damn it what great cook bad smaller you mind if I rinse this no what what why why are you laughing huh no no my 15-year-old High School boyfriend did that exact trick you're done out get out okay he really did that yes did it work no get out okay get wow oh hey Robert what's up spill wine I know your apartment has a revolving door for women you stay away from Alissa she's a good girl what are you talking about we're just friends Rel you make sure it stays anyway where else [Music] ready for [Music] [Music] bed comfortable comfor hi you've reached Alysa I can't come to the phone right now so please leave a message and I'll call you back or maybe I won't hey it's Paul from the bar I know you wanted more set time for your act but just had a bartender quit and I wanted to see if you'd be interested in bartending before and after your sets make pretty decent money as Ender plus I'll give you more stage time if you're up for that you come by tomorrow so we can talk I should be there around noon so come by whenever okay [Music] [Music] bye Mo on Mo [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] EX [Music] n [Music] yeah kitty [Music] kitty Katie oh my God what's wrong I'm fine you sure yeah I'll be okay talk to me just another fight with Adam oh it's not a big deal it's just it's all my fault really dug myself into a hole I don't know I'm so sorry I'll be okay how are you settling in I'm good yeah um I got a job too actually it's great yeah and everyone's been really nice here and Robert's been really welcoming of course he is why what do you know I don't know if he's being really nice to you that's great no no tell me Robert was really close with the former tenant Megan Megan was severely depressed so she really latched onto his company the Friendship seemed good for the both of them but when she killed herself the apartment sat empty for months before he could rent it that's interesting he implied that he didn't really know her has anyone told you that you look exactly like her what do you mean we should call I know and this is just a rumor so I don't really know but when Robert and his wife got divorced I heard she got a restraining order and that's why he had to move in with his sister but divorce sucks so yeah I don't know Robert's been a complete gentleman I think he's just lonely no it's a harmless old man but just establish your boundaries you know yeah Jody Jody Jody Jody Jody oh my God Robert what the hell I want you to tell Alyssa that you were mistaken what you said about me my wife never got a restraining work got it the hell away from me obviously listen listen you will tell her that my wife and I had an amicable separation you are going to make this right you understand do you understand or I will tell your husband and not only for that you had an abortion how Howell could you know that I know a lot more secrets let's just say the walls are thin now do what I say you fix it or Adam will receive comprehensive D on you and your ability to Bear children good luck in your Fallout appointment I hope you've healed hey I just saw this I wanted to say I hope you find jod yeah thanks I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her no you're you're going to find her I have a good feeling about it I hope so and I wanted to apologize for acting stupid the other night oh it's okay and and maybe I could help you find jod really yeah I've I've got enough showings today it it'll be fun and what do you say frenzy yeah yeah I'd love that all right meet you downstairs in town sure yeah let me just go grab some more flyers and I'll meet you down there all right cool thank you Melissa hey I saw you on YouTube you were have you seen my cat no why I left my balcony door open I can't find her anywhere oh no I'm sure she'll be back is there anything I can do to help yeah can you put this in the elevator here tape okay I'll make sure the rest of the residents know can you let Helen know yeah uh Helen had to leave town abruptly is everything okay well our 92-year-old Nana fell and broke hip oh no I'm so sorry no I think she'll be all right Helen's going to stay with her for a while but you know um before Helen left she bought these tickets to see this comedian Wendy lebman and you know she can't use him and I thought you know maybe you and I could go wow I'd love to thank you but I can't Oliver and I are going to go look for Jody oh you're you're going out with with Oliver we're going to go look for my cat yeah can't believe you're going with Oliver he's no good not that it's any of your business but he and I are just friends he's no good you know that you know I can decide what's good for me jeez you're acting like my dad or something and it's not cool no see you later sorry Janie [Music] sorry hey hey you okay you know I don't want to talk about it but let's go find jod all right all right why' you jump [Music] in call this number if you find her thank you you we are going to find her we're not giving up but I know this great place it has the best fish tacos in the world you should really eat [Music] something where could she be Jody's a cat cats love fish maybe she's buy the fish tacos we should probably go check come on something and yeah see you some hey can you hold the door please uh yeah sure thank you so much no problem hey do you know what apartment Oliver Hall lives in ready yeah oh my God so good right mhm seriously jod is going to come back she probably went to the comedy show with Robert they're going to come back best friends oh yeah okay you know a move to avoid a stalker and and also get away from my family they can be a bit clicky but it seems like Robert's desperate to be my new father doesn't he have a daughter of his own right I mean no wonder she only comes back from the holidays he told me not to go out with you that's what dads do they control their daughters yeah I tried to you know what happens when dads try to tell their daughters they can't see someone [Music] what your B drink something how you really want you oh come on what what I told you not to talk oh come on I really like you too but we got to take things slow well you can stay and we can still take it slow yeah if this was slow for us then fast is out of control I'm going to go home will you be back thank you for today I look forward to getting more fish tacos me too I thought we were taking it [Music] slow oh I'm sorry I thought she was hot is that your new girl um sorry what you don't know I don't know I well you're thinking about it I'm here no strings attached [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Oliver it's for you great Alysa really I can explain that don't just [Music] don't Alissa oh hi hey have you found your cat no she'll come back they always do she probably just found another house to get double the attention I hope you're right look I um I wanted to tell you that I was way off base with what I said about Robert the other day oh yeah I was pissed at him for fighting and I wasn't thinking straight um Robert's actually very cool with me and he's he's done a lot for me and a father figure eway yeah well I'm glad you said that because the other day he gave me some advice about Oliver acted like a child and it turns out Robert was totally right it's great look I'm doing stand up tonight if you want to come I wish I could but I'm really slammed anyway I got to go I hope you find your cat thank [Music] you [Music] hey you don't mind if I look through your phone do you yeah I I don't think so okay uh how about you can I look at your phone don't do it man yo you are killing me okay does anybody know what I why means in a text message love you I love you too thank you so much um uh you two are a couple something yeah if you don't mind me asking what's that's my daughter I'm seven years older seven years yeah yeah seven years that's like one she great is she right yeah there's nothing wrong with that what do you guys think is like the most acceptable age Gap 3 or 4 years 20 20 o someone said 20 God that's gross yeah no I'm not down um yeah so I have this like Father Figure type in my life and I think he's into me uh he's actually my landlord awward yeah actually that was probably him who said 20 maybe it's just me but I'm not going to sleep with you if you own more than five pairs of khakis old men think it's sexy to be a father figure type but like dude no you're literally father figured go to the gym like I'm not going to be attracted to you just for some sort of validation unless you're like a parking attendant and like validate me um yeah I mean there has to be some sort of age limit right you can't be a sugar daddy and have diabetes just like doesn't seem safe um yeah old men are gross they're gross I me but like [Music] [Music] on you killed it tonight thank you yeah your dad must be proud what yeah he was here earlier older guy dressed nice this is Robert can't take your call it's about the building leave a message Robert hey it's Alysa I just wanted to say thanks for coming tonight and I hope you know that my jokes were just jokes and then it's nothing personal so yeah I just wanted to say that um give me a call Elissa it's me I'm i y you no but you and Oliver I did that for you for us he's not good enough for you he's lucky I left him alive I am the only person that will stay true and loyal to you I love love you [Music] Alissa Oliver was going to break your heart I had to show you [Music] that you're insane no they've been waiting so long for the right moment to meet you when I I got your email I knew you had finally realized what email realize what we're going to be [Music] [Music] together it's okay you're safe now it's over I just I saw the knife I grabbed the closest thing to me and I hit him her how do you think she got in well I've been leaving the balcony door open because my cat's been missing and oh my God this is all my fault no dear this is not your fault he's right it's it's not your fault it'd be best for everyone to keep their doors and windows locked when you're not home but it takes a criminal to break into someone's house you're lucky now you say you don't know this Sam well I thought she was a girlfriend of Oliver Oliver Hall he's a another tenant in the building we know who Mr Hall is it seems that this Sam this Samantha Barry she's the one who's been stalking you she followed you from Wyoming it's not coincidence that you ran into her is Oliver okay oh he's fine a detective's with him now is there anything else you're going to need from me detective we won't be needing you any further thank you thank you thank you good day you okay yeah thank you so much for everything I don't like the idea of you being home alone hey you know what I almost forgot Thursday is Thanksgiving and and Jan's birthday so we're going to have sort of a combination celebration it be so much fun if you could be there Janie's flying in well that sounds wonderful I don't know with all the stuff that happened I was thinking of laying low for the holiday but if I'm feeling up for it yeah I'll let you know understood just know you're invited either way thank you you you're going to be all [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] for all right guys thank you good night tip your bartender it'll be me show some love for Lia Herold and everyone come on that was really really funny got to start our next comedian has also seen those shows he's what you can call an up and coming Legend some very talented I came here to apologize would you like me to throw a drink in your face to make this completely ironic please don't I'm just sorry I know it's [Music] okay I hope we can be friends your lost F in the dark just [Music] breathing just breathing Robert what happened oh silly me I I woke up on the wrong side of the bed literally I slipped and sprained my shoulder I'm sorry no I think I hurt my pride more than anything Helen's going to help me with the turkey she's old I'm broken between the two of us we're almost whole Jane's cake I just don't know how I'm going to get it all together in time let me bring a cake are you coming yeah I'll bring a cake what kind does she like it's cake I mean she likes any kind of cake who doesn't just bring your favorite please and dear it would be delightful if you were there [Music] Happy Thanksgiving Oliver Happy Thanksgiving what are you up to today uh well I was going to go home but Robert invited me to spend it with his family his daughter is coming home from college and it's her birthday and he did save my life very nice yeah well what about you where does Oliver spend his Thanksgiving oh uh lonely guy Thanksgiving I'm afraid oh oh no don't don't feel bad I uh actually you think it's what I need um I think it's a good thing for me and uh feels feels right for today but uh I don't know maybe I can invite you for tacos next week yeah I'd like that have a good one you too hello oh come in Alysa wow this place looks amazing thank you uh why don't you find your place and have some wine it's white okay yeah White's fine great I have the cake oh put it right in the center of the table okay just give me a minute I'll be right out oh I brought flowers too doesn't look like you need any though can't have too many right might be too many can I help no I'm all set make yourself at home go ahead and nibble if you want the turkey won't be ready for another 45 minutes is everyone here oh my goodness that cake is amazing I hope Jane likes it oh thank you did you try the wine I did it's delicious where is everyone well it looks like it's just going to be us tonight why what happened did I tell you that Helen was helping AR Nana she had an accident right she fell broke her leg she's 95 and it's just not healing like they hoped it would so Helen's going to stay until she gets back on her feet I thought it was her hip hip right you've always had such a good memory Jane I mean Alissa speaking of where is Jane oh you're not going to believe this her flight was cancelled you're having white I don't have red I see the gifts why do we all have one well everybody gets a present on a birthday in my family go ahead open yours there nothing special but it is from my heart wow it's it's very pretty but know let um [Music] that looks so beautiful on you thank you cheers do you want to answer that what if it's Jane [Music] right what can I do for you Becca Robert I'm in the garage it's an emergency the gate won't open and I can't get out I have to be at LAX in 20 minutes you better get down here if I miss my flight you're going to be responsible right all right I'll be right there is she okay yeah she's fine she's stuck in the garage have to go help her I'll be right back can I help you stay and enjoy all of this I'll be back shortly Jay I promise [Music] it's [Music] Alissa order to go for Oliver please it'll be another minute if you'd like to take a [Music] seat Katie oh hey Oliver Happy Thanksgiving not really Adam and I are separated talks of a divorce wow uh really sorry to hear that I hope you guys work it out what are you doing here C the sandwich to go you too alone yeah I thought you and Alyssa were a theme yeah with all the everything that happened with the stalker I don't know but I think things were looking up so what she didn't want to spend things Thanksgiving with you she's having it with Robert and his [Music] daughter [Music] daughter mhm Oliver Rob Bert doesn't have a [Music] daughter well not anymore you mean [Music] anymore what she died his daughter Jane died like six or seven years ago that's when he split up with his wife and moved back in with Helen why would he lie I don't know I just thought he was being creepy because Alysa looks so much like [Music] Megan yeah it's weird but so what I mean I don't think he's dangerous do you know Robert threatened me he threatened you how he knew some Secrets some very personal secrets about me I don't know how he did but he knew he told me to stay away from Alysa he told me the same thing but I thought that was [Music] different [Music] d [Music] Jordy [Music] [Music] [Music] is Happy Thanksgiving Oliver Happy Thanksgiving what do you have do today uh well I was going to go home but Robert invited me to spend it with his family his daughter is coming home from college and it's her birthday so I am baking a cake right now Happy Thanksgiving Oliver Happy Thanksgiving what are you up to today uh well I was going to go home but Robert invited me to spend it with his family his daughter is coming home from college it's her hey hey relax no Megan you're safe I'm sorry I know you can't help that you feel this way I wish you could have been stronger be strong just relax be strong strong you won't feel a thing if you just relax be strong Jody Jody Jody oh my God I never see again get St out of here oh my God oh my God oh my God no oh my God there you are oh good you found jod no you stay the hell away from me oh honey you're a murderer you killed Megan and you killed your own sister I did it for us sweetheart I had to your Aunt Helen almost ruined everything she got what she deserve and Megan Megan Megan's a long story stay away stay away you just got home Jan can't we get along for 5 minutes before we start picturing no I could DWI you druged me it's for your own good J [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there honey she's awake sorry I started without you but you know how much I love Thanksgiving dinner what did you do to me cleaned you up for your birthday don't go anywhere not you went um I also still have Judy Judy yeah she's fine she's fine I'm right back [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Jamie happy Birthday [Music] to You Make A Wish and blow your candles but don't tell me the wish cuz that won't come true you don't want to hear what my wish is what did you say J shut up be nice [Music] [Music] remember okay make a wish and blow out your candles I'm [Music] waiting I'm waiting [Music] now let me in Robert Robert open this door pain in the ass you say one word he dies Robert Robert open up open this door [Music] Robert Jane Jane Jane Jane J you open that door right now come on J you can press the emergency button all you want how you figured it out it doesn't [Music] work don't move shut the door where is Alysa you mean Jane she's here oh Jane Jane honey your man friend is here sit down and I suggest you come out now unless you want something really bad to happen to him I'm right here J [Music] honey you know that's Elissa right Jane and I are going to take a much needed fatherdaughter trip up north I love how your favorite dress makes you look just like your passport photo I packed the car oh and I packed the suitcase for you that's very kind of you father but where are we going [Music] exactly do you remember that that little cabin north of Vancouver I used to love it there when you were a kid yes Alysa and you Oliver you were going to pour yourself a nice large glass of white wine and then when they find your body in your suicide note and a host of other things implicating you with the death of Megan and Helen we're going to be scot-free dadddy Yes dear why did you kill Megan she fell in love with me her desires were impure she had to go I thought I'd lost Jane [Music] forever and then you came along you're insane sit down you pour yourself a drink now I won't this next bullet's going to make a mess Dad yes I really like the necklace you gave [Music] me good Jamie where is it it's right [Music] here you stare with [Music] my are you [Music] [Music] okay you excited for some fish tacos so [Music] [Music] excited oh this Alyssa Alysa you all right [Music] yeah two okay make it in the coverit by Pink
Channel: Rahi Gaming
Views: 247,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Lifetime Movies 2024, LMN, African American Movies, Hallmark Movie 2024, Hallmark, romace movie, Lifetime Uncorked, Lifetime Movie Club, Based On True Story 2024
Id: -_0Q_M9IQ6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 43sec (5263 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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