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[Music] uh Tony I need to pick up some extra shifts you and everyone else is everyone else being evicted I can work launches split it shifts whatever you've got what happened to the day job I got laid off I'll see what I can do thanks my land lady and I appreciate [Music] [Music] it [Music] h [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] here do you know what time it is I always skape this late I worked it out with Walter and Skipper well Skipper didn't tell me well don't worry I'm leaving well I think that's a good idea till I talk to him do you have a name yeah do [Music] you [Music] hey there's a woman here late last night she was skating alone you know but like a professional better be Amy she works at a restaurant downtown well I was about ready to knock her head off with the hockey stick I hope you didn't that's not the kind of first impression that would bring in what business she said she had a uh an arrangement with Walter they were friends well that would have been really good to know Skipper well now you [Music] too she's got a key would be hard to get in without one does she pay for the ice what she can when she can that explains a lot of things I was just wondering what things what things um just you know minor minor things like you know maybe why this place never makes any money ever we always squeaked by no actually you didn't if Walter wanted to put his Social Security and his Navy pinion into this place every single month it would have it would have gone Belly Up years ago skip are you saying Walter was paying me with his own d he should have told me welcome to the Ventura club classic figure skating competition please give a warm welcome to our first competitor Karen [Applause] Brown oh we'll lick who's [Music] back please welcome our next competitor in the intermediate ladies free skate represent presenting the mid city Figure Skating club Nicole Lon [Applause] [Music] yay D girl now you still have to get that algebra homework done I'm not going to let you get away with that excuse me hi I'm you're Randy Garder you won the World Championships hi I know you didn't win today but I wanted to let you know that I think you have more natural Talent than any girl out there on the ice really who's your coach we're kind of between coaches right now well get one we want to see you at regionals thank you but what about what about Dad he could he would help out I'm going to call him as soon as I get home you know what let me talk to him Human Resources hi I'm calling about the receptionist position you I've listed right that job's already been filled it's been filled mhm well do you have anything else um not at this time we don't sorry okay thanks Amy I know you're home I saw your car outside hello Mother hello well this is a surprise if you'd return my phone calls I wouldn't have to drive all the way downtown to see if you're still alive I'm sorry I've just been really busy busy is good doing what looking for a new job oh Amy what happened this time the economy do you want some coffee black no milk I know I thought this was the job the one you could make a career out of I was in retail let's face it mother after all the money you spent on private tutors I'm hopelessly unskilled you were a world class figure skater it was your dream and your father and I supported it do not go there mother are all these bills I'm a little behind it's fine let me help no please I want to I can take care of myself your father named you as the beneficiary into a large sum of money that's what he wanted that money can rot in the bank for all I care your father ran that light Amy not you but it was for me God forbid I miss one second of practice in my precious ice [Music] time [Music] H Amy [Music] Clayton [Music] [Music] [Music] that was awesome good work no whoa no I didn't I didn't mean to startle you I'm sorry wait I thought that was sick that was I'm okay I'm good okay are you all right yeah nothing but a bruised ego I'm Tim King I'm Walter's nephew the new owner you're Amy Clayton yeah are you skating professionally no wow you could have fooled me I don't escape publicly anymore too bad it's our loss look I didn't mean to disturb you I mean where where are you going what's this the key I lost my job and I can't forget it you pay what you can when you can I mean that was the deal right thank you for letting me skate Tim [Music] anytime well how much are the lessons of there a half hour instead of an hour oh I'm sorry I just can't afford that much no I me I understand okay well thank you byebye coach hunting huh they all want so much money I don't want to let Nikki down do you know anyone did you know about this that's our Amy you know her yeah she stayes here really does she coach uh no absolutely not I'm not a coach I've seen you skate you can do this it isn't the same thing I realize most parents say this Miss Clayton but Nikki really does have talent well then she deserves a real Coach I'm sorry you wasted your [Music] time I'll be right back look I'm sorry if we ganged up on you we didn't mean to how dare you who settle down I just thought you could use the money look I appreciate what you're trying to do but I can't help you I told you before I don't skate publicly anymore so please just leave me alone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Nikki wait tomorrow morning 5:30 on the ice [Music] [Music] you warmed [Music] up were you watching me I wanted to see how you'd handle it if you thought I was late how do I do impatience is a weakness it challenges your focus and takes you out of the moment okay show me what you [Music] got I thought she turned him down she [Music] did what was that I've landed on before you have no business trying to land a triple still working on it you don't even have good technique on your double again show me your double toe why don't you show [Music] me [Music] you're not competing against me Nikki if I'm going to coach you you're going to do what I say when I say it without question okay Mr King I know it's early but the old guy out front said it was all right to come up I take it you're not here to skate marur name's Nolan Nolan is that a uh last name or a first name last makes me easy to remember maybe I should try it King huh what do you think I think that's the perfect name for a rich man maybe I better stick to plain old Tim and maybe my offer will change your [Music] mind make sure you ice that knee I know rice rest ice compression elevation listen to me for a second competitive figure skating is one of the most challenging Sports there is physically emotionally and mentally if you want to win you're going to have to work harder longer and more intensely than anybody else what are you trying to say it's going to get tougher well all I've ever wanted is to compete so bring it [Music] on Nikki how old are you 17 when did you start skating since I was five why did you stop training my parents got divorced we had to move away from my club and he couldn't afford my coach anymore that must have been hard do you still get to see your dad not really he's really busy with his job and he has a new girlfriend I bet you miss him we talk on the phone every now then I know how it feels to lose someone I have to go if I'm going to make the bus see you tomorrow all these property [Music] taxes it's a lot of money for a piece of dirt Timmy Walter left you the rink if you wanted it left you the real estate if you didn't you were the closest thing he had to his son he just wanted you to be happy Amy it's it's your mother I'm standing outside your door I don't know if you're at home or not I'm leaving you a little money please take it I love you [Music] honey [Music] m [Applause] I'm sorry I didn't see you there I didn't mean to scare you jeez well I wasn't expecting to see you either L up what isn't that why you came here skate come on there's enough room for both of us you still play I washed out in college you miss it the head banging or the fighting the game that is the game what about you I never played hockey that's funny [Music] [Applause] [Applause] h why did you take on Nikki I needed the money I'm not buying that I'm not selling it have you ever heard the definition for Insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result are you saying that you're insane I'm saying it was time for a change isn't that why you're here oh I don't know yet I just [Music] arrived what's the DAT for every year Walter would take me to get a new stick and he'd date it and then the next year he'd measure the old one against the new one just to see how much I'd grown so where is 86 that's the year I stopped coming why' you stop I don't know I turned 15 and I guess it just wasn't cool anymore let me try no this this sticks way too long for you maybe I can handle it yeah I I doubt it I love this place why it's unpretentious it doesn't try to be anything more than what it is a rundown drafty Old Barn is what it is no a quiet dignified old lady just sitting here waiting to make people feel [Music] good are you going to sell it I don't want to then don't who watch out for [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go testing my patients again no my car is testing mine I worked at a training schedule running starting tomorrow morning we need to improve your endurance suicide drills focus and [Music] stamina How many pairs of kids hockey skates do we have huh like maybe uh 40 or so okay what about gloves uh pads helmets I could dig up a few great buy everything on that list how are we going to pay for all this plastic you know Timmy I could probably be a little more helpful if I knew what you had in mind what would you think if we started a couple of neighborhood hockey teams kids around here aren't going to have any money for coaching or ice time I'd coach yeah we Supply the skates the equipment the ice yeah was that won't bring in any money no it'll bring in bodies hopefully the money will follow well you want to do the hockey thing yes well can't me in I want to see you in skates try me again again take it straight through keep that skating leg bent again step it up higher make it [Music] bigger yeah sure thanks you got to get it up a little more to the left pull it up a little to the left yeah well when you get it up there it's going to be it way over to the left you want me to come up and do it myself are you going to eat all my pizza sir [Music] [Music] delicious [Music] cool let's go yes sir all right good work all right we're going to do something called crossovers okay do you know what a crossover is no cup no no okay I'm going to show you all right we're going to go right leg over left okay just watch me let me show you how it's done [Music] it's [Music] wow all right dudes huh easy see how easy that was yeah all right you want to give it a go all right go give it a try good job looking good whoa watch the stick all right good work whoa okay you fell falling as part of the game that's good looking good do it again but I've done it 100 times total element points are half your score if you fall that's a 510th deduction I want you to get a plus three on your grade of execution so so I should do it again [Music] right those skates fit they're a little [Music] small [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that I don't know why don't you open it up and find [Music] out I noticed we wear the same boot size thank you you deserve it okay out of the double axle com into the layback come around backwards crossover setting up for the double Luts turn and into the death drop to finish got it we're going to play a little keep away okay yeah [Music] ready good [Music] job [Music] [Applause] [Music] out I haven't seen your mother much lately how's she doing oh she's been working a lot of overtime hasn't been around much well I've got a double shift today so we'll pick this up in the morning okay I can't it's Sunday I have church you're right get some rest I'll see you [Music] Monday [Music] [Music] [Music] oh sorry sorry good everything good sorry I didn't see you there I didn't mean to I'm all right are you okay I'm good I'm okay are you sure yeah all right okay all right is Skippy here uh no he ran to the hardware store oh is there something I can do for you I can't thank you enough for the ride I just can't afford to lose another job is the food any good Define good well I guess I'm just going to have to come in one of these days and find out oh why don't you give me your car keys I'll see if I can get it started oh no you've done enough already it's fine I don't mind really okay can I at least pay for gas you really want to pay me back yeah I'd feel much better about this skate with me [Music] again thanks again bye it started raining oh perfect I'm walking uh some guy came here and he left these said it was a bad battery [Music] what can I help you I was hoping my daughter Amy was here oh she's probably at the ice rink the [Music] what hi I'm sorry we don't uh open the rink till 10:00 on Sundays I'm looking for my daughter Amy Clayton she's on the [Music] ice [Music] [Music] your m my [Music] mother why didn't you tell me because I knew you'd react like this well can you blame me I just saw my Amy out on the ice again doing what she was born to do no mother it's still the same me but it doesn't have to be I remember that routine you were doing wasn't it part of my Olympic program yes I'm working on it for my student you're coaching Amy that's wonderful I just don't understand why you haven't told me any of this I'm sorry it's just that I don't want you to get the wrong idea about this and what would that be that I might have been right about something that's it that's the one what are you so afraid of that you actually might have to show up for your life do something with your [Music] talent sounds like a good plan you like that yeah that you do it thank you anyway hi I'm Amy can I get something to drink before you order no but I love the middle school kids they're still a lot of fun before they turn into teenagers and I love teaching I just never saw myself putting on a dress shirt every morning with a pin protector and now I'm just sort of stuck there what do you see yourself doing I'm not sure but uh hopefully I'll know it when I see it it's not the rink uh maybe I'm actually excited about getting out of bed every morning I just hope I can turn it around before the bank gives up on us closing the rink is not an option thanks no pressure Nikki would kill you how's she doing she's working pretty hard she have a shot if she wants it badly enough why did you stop competing it's okay that's you know what that's it's not in my business I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that it just didn't work out for me okay you made the United States Olympic team I'd say things worked out pretty good for you my father died in an accident just before the games I was in the car I didn't know I'm sorry I after that I I just couldn't skate anymore I'm [Music] sorry I better help Tony close up will you go out again with me sometime we didn't go out you came in I'm pretty sure this qualifies as a date we had dinner together this definitely was not a date I guess we're just going to have to go out on one sometime [Music] whoa I'm sorry about that Timmy it's okay it's okay that's pretty good thanks where'd you learn how to draw I dated an art teacher for a while she taught me a few things too bad you didn't date a banker yeah right hey hey that kind of looks like Amy no it doesn't Okay the kid's right no she's not it does not it's you I swear I forgot something in my car [Music] so uh what do you think uh it's yeah the hockey player is very lifelike [Music] don't do it Nikki don't do [Music] it keep it up Nikki and you're going to be watching the competition on television in traction it's that third rotation I need more speed you're not ready I have to be ready I have to do the triple it's the only way I can be Karen whoa who's Karen Karen Brown she wins everything if I'm going to advance to Nationals I have to beat her okay the best way to lose is to add a move you're not not solid with your program is locked you understand Amy I want to win and if you want to coach yourself then just let me know and I'm [Music] gone okay good [Music] luck seriously I got it no big [Music] deal it's just a block [Music] are you okay what happened between you and Amy got a fight I screwed up I'm sorry how you feel we're doing good if I ask you a question will you give me an honest answer try me I know you decided to coach me just for the money how do you feel about it now very proud me [Music] too stop he's kind of hot don't you think yeah I noticed he probably has a girlfriend all the cute boys do well how will you know unless you go and talk to her maybe I should say the same thing about you Tim why don't you just give the guy a chance I don't even know if he likes me he painted your face on a building it is me isn't it yeah it's open [Music] hi I'm just warning you I'm not much of a dancer on or off the I do you know you always apologize for not being good enough at something I do hockey teaching [Music] dancing [Applause] [Music] you're a great dancer you're a great liar you painted my face on the side of a building yeah I did didn't I yes you [Music] did [Music] hi is my dad there it's Nikki hi Dad I just wanted to make sure you knew what time the Regionals are on Saturday Oh I thought you knew I was still skating yeah I'm competing again no it's okay I understand sure I have to go though [Music] bye [Music] Amy called a hey Amy called she said you missed two practices today so okay okay you want to talk about it well I talked to Dad he didn't know anything about my training or my competition mom you lied no I never said I spoke with him I just let you go on believing something that was making you happy were you ever going to tell me I was going to tell you afterwards Nikki I am so sorry it's okay it's not your fault he doesn't love me baby listen to me your father left the marriage not you the truth is he never figured out how to be a good parent but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you he just feels so stupid mom why cuz you love your dad and you want him to be proud of [Music] you Mom I love you so much much and I love you too [Music] [Music] baby nice nice shoulders [Music] [Music] back I've let everybody down You' done the best you could Timmy no one can say anything different yeah it just wasn't good enough call him it's a lot of money and Walt would have wanted you to have it's open thanks for coming by I take it that new property tax evaluation was quite a shock look it's not just you it's the entire neighborhood you're sitting on valuable real estate it's the buildings that are worthless right have seat sentimentality can't stop progress Mr King let's just get this over with just start signing where the tabs are [Music] located um something wrong I just want to read it over first no problem I'll leave it with you and come and pick it up when you're ready you're about to be a very wealthy man Mr King how does it feel out of character you'll get used to it how soon would you like to close soon soon as possible I'll be expecting your call [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome back you smacked your head pretty good you have a slight concussion and a few Stitches the doctor said they should come out in about a week would that be before or after you leave for Denver Amy honey what happened how did you know I was here I just kept calling your cell phone and and finally this nice young man answered it fell out of your cat it kept ringing I thought it might be important well thank God he answered you shouldn't be alone I'm fine aot well I guess I'll be [Music] going just stay right there just for a second okay okay it's good you don't need to help me anymore it's okay would you like some tea no you've done enough it's it's all right I'm all right I'll just make some for myself then okay have a seat do you have any rubber gloves what are you doing the dishes what I thought you were making tea I don't want to look at them well then you don't have to those are my dirty dishes and this is my apartment don't be ridiculous I don't want you to touch them mother just stop it what I'm sorry I just I really think I need to be alone right [Music] now fine I'm sorry whatever you need [Music] I love that rundown old rink and I think I could have loved [Music] Tim but you're right about going for it and giving back what I've been [Music] given I just need you to stay close dad watch over Nikki don't let her heart get [Music] broken maybe we should have measured the old one first to see how much you've grown I owe you an apology I had no business judging you especially after all you've done for me I was a jerk at the hospital and I'm sorry I don't blame you for being upset you helped me find my way back you helped me find a new life [Music] I wish things had worked out differently me [Music] too keys keys of all the days to lose my keys [Music] Tim we have to talk I can't do this now mother it's really a bad time it's always a bad time I can't live like this anymore I agree you do yes but I can't talk about this right now I have to go peace no you're not running away again when you're father died I didn't just lose my husband I lost my daughter too I've run out of ways to say I'm sorry sorry for your loss sorry for your pain sorry for not fixing any of [Music] it I never wanted you to fix me that's what you wanted I don't blame you for anything no one could help me mother I had to help [Music] myself so if you'll excuse me I'm sorry but I've got to get to Regionals my girl is skating today and I'm already so late well don't you think we should get going then you want to go of course I do we'll take my car what's wrong with my car it's not a car deare it's a casualty come on hello everyone and welcome I'm Rick Newman and I'm Barbie best and folks we're about to see the best skaters the western region of the United States has to offer now successful competitors here will then go on to the US Junior national championships so sit back and enjoy what should be a fantastic competition today hi it's Amy you know what to do hey she's not inside she's not answering her cell phone either don't worry honey she'll be here what am I going to do exactly as Amy taught you okay okay I have to go good luck okay hey hi Karen hi I'm Nikki we competed together a couple months ago I remember I won well I just want to wish you luck today you know what I always say about Karen I'm so glad I'm not her [Music] so [Music] all right good work come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on that was the most technically solid performance so far she is going to be tough to beat de please forgive me okay this is my mom hi this is meet you okay wish us luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck let's go and here's Caren Brown's score 5452 folks I think that's going to be the score to beat today [Applause] [Music] Nikki I'm so sorry everything's okay now Karen didn't make one single mistake though okay this isn't about Karen it's about you you just do your best and nothing else will matter 1 minute please now forget about Karen forget about me forget your mom your father forget everything good let go now just go out there and Escape for yourself Escape for the sheer Joy of it and just have fun honey you can do it [Music] okay and here she is the final skater for the day Nicole Lon and she's a new phase to the competition this year you know Rick it is always exciting to see a newcomer perform and you never know what to expect I'll tell you what to expect Knuckleheads expect her to [Music] win [Music] well I have to say she's looking really good so far she is up to a great start I really like her presentation that's right that's [Music] right slow [Music] down that right there was amazing amazing a perfect triple toe loop absolute perfection and the thing is her routine only called for a double lot but you know Rick she knew she needed something special and so she threw in the triple toe loop unbelievable come on come [Music] on [Music] [Applause] yes that's my [Applause] girl aesome oh good you are so amazing I'm so proud of you that was so good I can't believe it you did it okay okay let's sit down and wait for this car fine [Music] okay and here's the last score of the day Nicole last my goodness 5881 gentl you did it we did it [Music] we my daugh is Nikki's cold [Music] [Applause] congratulations you really great you deserve it thank you so much do you think you can like introduce me to your coach sometime yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure oh you deserve it as much as I do I'm so proud of love you thanks so much for being here Mom not bad for a rookie coach Miss Clayton yes are you taking any news students do you have a card do you have a waiting list which rck do you SK just one minute okay I think I need a rink yeah it seems like it you own one not anymore you could if you [Music] want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh
Channel: স্বপ্নচাকা
Views: 56,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর, মজার ধাঁধা, বাংলা ধাঁধা, বাংলা মজার ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, নতুন ধাঁধা, গুগলি ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা উত্তর সহ, ধাঁধা বাংলা, বুদ্ধির ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর বাংলা, ধাধা বাংলা ধাঁধা, মজার ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, বাংলা ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, গুগলি ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, ধাঁধা ও ধাঁধার উত্তর, নতুন মজার ধাঁধা ভিডিও, ধাঁধাঁ উত্তর সহ, কঠিন ধাঁধা ভিডিও., নতুন ধাঁধা 2022, নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা, দুস্টু ধাঁধা, ৬টি নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা., গোয়েন্দা ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা ২০২১, ইমরান ধাঁধাঁ, আজকের ধাঁধা
Id: lTc8tsYYMzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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