The Bad Seed 2024 #LMN movies | New Lifetime Movies Based on a true story 2024

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[Music] oh [Music] breakfast in five honey bear okay Daddy I'm going to steal one of these want some more eggs no thanks this Ellis showed us this year Citizenship Award it's a medal it's really big like the Olympics really well not that big it's pretty big I'm going to win it it wouldn't surprise me a bit if you did it's given to the person who exemplifies s alden's values Faith honesty Grace and compassion I just don't want you to be disappointed if you don't win it when are you having another date why does it bother you when I date no why would it bother me hey hey an Angela hey hey honey bear I found your gal em and I were just talking about me dating not a date I found you a nanny wasn't that the assignment I mean new babysitter I know you don't need a new nanny I don't need a new babysitter either stupid she's still upset about miss levia you should babysit me an Angela it would be an honor my queen but I think my patient might object don't worry M we're going to find you someone you like oh she also says she's going to win another award this semester she's got drive you should be thrilled right Emma Emma there's a dead cat in the [Music] fountain don't be sad probably happened very fast I don't think it felt a thing did you finish your homework wonderful work there good job is so much better calm down everyone I guarantee you it's more afraid of you than you are of it Emma Grossman [Music] thank you Emma you're welcome Mrs Ellice you get yeah sounds good how did you do that we have a nest in our backyard my dad says wasps only attack when they feel threatened it's nature Milo I hope you're not allergic to dust this probably isn't the best place in the house to have a meeting but I'm on a deadline no worries do you make everything here no hardly anything anymore I have two factories going but this is where it all began cool so tell me about you your resume says you were a professional snowboarder yep right up until I blow up my ACL hate to hear that it's for the best I still hit it hard I just try to avoid the dangerous stuff sure so you've been a nanny for 5 years that's right seem to like it I love kids there's no BS they're not complicated if they're sad they cry if they're happy they laugh it's refreshing so is there anything else I need to know your references all seem to love you I make a mean grilled cheese you all know the secret ingredients sure pickles and mustard boom done well um can you start next week Emma's about to begin her spring break sure I can start whenever you Mr Gman here are the steagle plans and you have a materials call in 5 minutes thank you is there anything else no is there anything you want to ask me what's your daughter like and is very focused she's a normal little girl but she can be very focused I don't know how else to say it she's smart Straight A's never gets into trouble loves hot chocolate my kind of girl mine too and your wife should I meet with her too she died just after Emma was born I'm so sorry thanks so it's uh it's just the two of us and um we manage well I guess I will see you next week looking forward to it your watch is sick right I got it for my birthday I got a lot for my birthday too I don't careful there you're it out my God Katy are you all right you okay so sorry didn't mean to hurt you here let me help you out I'm so sorry who it you're still in let's go [Music] awesome [Music] [Music] rer your favorite thanks Daddy you want to read together you don't have to Daddy I know how B you are what would you give me for a basket of hugs a basket of [Music] kisses basket of kisses basket of kisses basket of kisses basket of kisses basket of K [Music] kisses you look like a movie star don't make me late dad it [Music] won't [Music] our eyes [Music] nice suit Milo thanks he has been counting down the days oh tell me about it and now our final award the St Alden citizenship Medallion every year we honor someone of character someone who truly embodies the values that this school was founded on this year I am proud to award the St Alden citizenship Medallion to Milo [Applause] Curtis good job here you go Milo good job wow I'm sorry I missed our parent teacher conference I had a big installation in the city no worries we can reschedule how is Emma doing I mean not to put you on the spot right she's fine she's um I have to say I've never met anyone quite like her in my 20 years of teaching why does that sound like a bad thing no I didn't mean that in any fashion at all Emma's never had one Mark against her and she's one of our top students she can be a real leader when she wants to be but Emma lives in her own particular world and I'm sure it isn't anything like the world that you and I live in I mean she has many remarkable qualities that are great in a child her courage bridge is most unusual she's almost without any physical fear and she really knows how to come across when she has to she could be an actress I bet please not an actress right Mrs Alice hi excuse me sure mm I'm proud of you honey bear I know you're disappointed that Metal's mine I deserve it IO can't even talk in front of the class come on everybody has something special to offer Milo's a good kid yeah well he's an awful public speaker and he can't spell [Music] Emma you're right sorry Mel's my friend I'm really happy you got [Music] it PR you guys [Music] are W right this place is [Music] cool we should go back [Music] now [Music] Emma what's wrong what do you want I thank you know one two three oh it's good I'll email it to you hey Dad can fre get going sure has anyone seen Milo I haven't seen him Emma have you seen him um last place I saw him was by the bonfire help help [Music] quickly oh my God Milo Milo come on come on baby breathe somebody do something call 911 Milo come on Milo yes somebody help us that poor kid he was lying there on the rocks for hours before they came and took him away was horrible how is she she's okay I think she's in shock I think we all are she's up in her room reading I'm sure it'll hit her later yes I'm sure it will [Music] for Emma morning Dad morning hun you want some cereal there's just enough left no I'm okay thanks how are you feeling I'm all right hope it doesn't rain today I metant about yesterday you must be pretty sad right if you want to talk about it I'm here for you right do you need someone to talk to I don't really think there's anything to talk about give her time kids process differently don't make her feel self-conscious you're probably right she's just so strong you know I mean even her teachers are talking about it just hope she can take some time and feel look who's here great job by the way she seems perfect Miller said she was great with Sam professional Head Hunter that's me you're going to finally take my friend Leslie out God you are Relentless yes I will call her hey there let's get this party started washer dryer obviously wow this place is amazing thanks it was a fixer upper my wife and I bought right before Emma was born was this your wife oh yeah that was um our Christmas card one year there she is Emma this is Chloe Chloe this is Emma hi Emma it's very nice to meet you I like your necklace do you want to see my medals we have to finish the tour first anyway emergency numbers here all the keys go in that uh little place there um fire extinguishers under the sink we have a couple upstairs in the [Music] bedrooms [Music] I want to watch a movie the wind was blowing a window open I'll be down in a minute [Music] [Music] Elma now I don't get it this is stupid what stupid Shirley Temple come on the woman was United States Ambassador can't imagine she was very stupid I meant the movie when's my dad coming home soon he has a meeting so you sad about the kid that drowned I don't think it matters from sad he's dead anyway sides my dad said you don't feel anything when you drown you're all warm and fuzzy aren't you so what are you into music horses I'm into everything what's the deal with your dad got a girlfriend no why just asking no biggie he had one for a while I didn't like her so he dumped her yep you're sort of something else aren't you and you're sort of a thief excuse me and you're smart so you take the pills from my dad's bedroom but not enough for my dad to notice don't worry I won't tell I think I'm going to stay up past my bedtime tonight now go and get me some ice cream you little [ __ ] bring me a couple of cookies while you're at [Music] it [Music] it's okay it's okay it's all right to [Music] C thank you I'm so sorry thank you thanks for coming hi Emma oh don't ask me how I am I don't want to lie to you it was a beautiful service he had a good last day a really good last day I mean he has never won anything before and he was so proud of that medal I just wish I knew her was you don't have the metal well I think maybe it sunk to the bottom is there anything I can do for you if you have any pictures of that day I'd like him just pictures of him playing Happy it really does help [Music] [Music] dad what are you doing in my room just picking up a little it is picked up it's always picked up anything else [Music] no [Music] s us believe me nothing like this has ever happened in our 95y year history and we're using every resource we have to make sure that it never happens again but there is a legal issue that we have to contend with sure we're reaching out to all the parents to gather whatever information we can well okay I I don't really understand so this is an insurance thing or well that's one component yes well what did happen no one's given anybody an update how did Milo fall off that Cliff that's what we're going to find out are the police involved we're not at Liberty to share that obviously if and when the authorities are involved we may share that information with the families some families excuse me but is there something you're not telling me please don't misunder understand we're just trying to get to the facts but if Emma heard or saw something we need to know that boy couldn't swim and he was afraid of water why was he out on the Rocks you little [ __ ] any information would be helpful as it seems Emma was the last to see the boy I'm sorry at least three people saw her near the rock face now we're not saying Emma did anything wrong well I should hope not listen I'd be very careful what you insinuate Emma Emma Emma what happened are you okay we'll show ourselves out yeah sure you see this arm you see this all right let's get you cleaned up okay you're were lucky you didn't cut yourself worse honey bear I'm sorry Daddy it's okay accidents happen do you know where Mrs Ellis was here was about Milo I bet is there anything you want to tell me about that day anything at all nope you're sure you weren't ever out on that rock face were you no Mrs Ella says you were she's lying I why would Mrs Ellis lie because she hates me she never liked me I don't know why why would she say that I I don't know what's going on I'm just just worried about you I'm sorry Daddy I don't mean to get upset I'm just sad about Milo you want me to read to you I'm not really in the mood Daddy what would you give me for a basket of kisses a basket of hugs [Music] for [Music] [Music] hi sorry I was just checking on you and Emma and we're out of [Music] milk hey um I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you last night I probably could have waited to do the market list yeah so what's up um hey do you mind if I like smoke in here I would never do it around Emma but out here I thought maybe you see everything against that wall it's all flammable so no I don't think this is the best place for a smoking area ah got it so how can I help you Em's arm seems good I'm sorry I should have been paying closer attention to her I was with her 1 minute and when I turned around she was gone yeah I understand stuff happens stuff happens hell yeah it does so let me ask you how are things with you and Emma everything okay oh she's great such a cool kid it's good to hear she's so fun and smart and funny I never would have thought of Emma as funny oh not no weird way she's funny like I don't know like different in a good way most girls her age are pretty lame purple leggings and Princess posters everywhere but Emma's like a lady you know I do know oh I was looking at more pictures of your wife she's pretty hot yes she was thank you got to get rid of these wasps well I better get back to Emma she wants to go on the scooter great anyway I love my job here I just wanted you to know thank you I appreciate that I'm sure Emma does as well yeah we love each other your dad thinks you have major issues curly suit what do you mean he knows what's up he was grilling me about you what do you ask wouldn't you like to know don't worry I told him how great you are I got you girl just don't mess with me why is Mrs Ellisa Milos you must be [ __ ] bricks gross why' you say something like that cuz they're closing in on you now babe building their case what do you mean why day the police will get involved and you'll have to come clean about what you did to Milo I didn't do anything to Milo sure you didn't anyway you'll see you better get your story straight you're going to get busted yeah I'd be worried too if I were you not worried about anything you're just being a [ __ ] look I don't know what you did to that kid on the Rocks but I know it wasn't good and I know you're lying to everybody and you still from my dad's room well I guess we both have secrets to keep for each other don't we my dad says it's not good to keep secrets you see something you should tell you threatening me honey bear do you know what they do to kids that go to jail not really well if it's something like stealing or hurting someone you get sent to a hospital where kids yell and scream and cut themselves you never get out but if it's something really bad like maybe if someone dies you get sent to the electric chair you're silly nobody would put a kid in the electric chair sure they do do you know what happens in the electric chair it Cooks you your skin crackles and shrivels like when we make bacon in the morning I don't believe you kid wouldn't even fit in that big chair they have a special one for kids St painted pink and they put PE PE pads underneath it for when you piss yourself God you're disgusting Google it [Music] Emma [Music] M Emma Emma you out there Emma [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] hello there she is how's your day you do anything fun well I don't know if it was fine exactly but I had a good day what are you doing oh nothing what's in your hand nothing ohma where did this come from Emma how did Milo's metal get into this house I don't know where did you find it it was hidden under the bed I found it cleaning thank you Chloe I need to talk to Emma alone you thing Emma how did Milo Curtis's metal get under your bed I don't know how it got there I I know how it got there were you ever at any time out on that rock face yes Daddy went there once so Mrs Ellis wasn't lying when she said you were there guess she wasn't lying yes daddy were you with Milo for a minute and what happened Emma this is very serious and I can't help you if I don't know the truth Milo and I were playing a game we made up it was kind of like Capture the Flag but with his metal instead I won so Milo gave me his metal to wear so he gave you the metal out on the Rock no I got it later on I don't know where Milo went after [Music] that Emma do you know Mrs Curtis has been looking for this she wanted to bury Milo with it I'm stupid Milo wouldn't even know if he was buried with it or not Daddy what's wrong where are you going just need some air hey an it's me listen I need the name of a good child psychiatrist for Emma there nothing urgent I just think that she needs someone to talk to okay I have the perfect person oh okay good thanks um I'll call you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr and Mrs grman there's something wrong with your daughter I'm [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] I think I saw something in the [Music] fountain who did [Applause] [Music] this pretty happy with yourself aren't you what do you mean you know exactly what I mean nope really don't oh you might I [ __ ] booxed you with Milo's metal you're so gross eat your eggs feel bad for you I wouldn't want to go do this and I don't want to I would say anything nothing good can come of this for you forgot who I was dealing with you'll be just fine a little psycho Emma we have to go it's good to see you Emma anytime I see one of Milo's classmates it reminds me of how many friends he had and what a good person he was how's your school break going fine thank you Mrs Curtis we have something that we want to give to you where did you find that apparently Milo let Emma wear it for a while and and then when he didn't come back she kept it she knows it was wrong and she wants to apologize isn't that right Emma that's right I'm very sorry I shouldn't have kept it I don't understand Milo gave it to you to wear why it was a game I was going to give it back buddy I never saw him [Music] again well I don't know what to say I'm glad you brought it back to me this whole day is I'm still in shock about Mrs Ellis I'm sorry she's dead she rolled her car on glenvale Avenue and she was just here talking about Milo I didn't know I'm really sad daddy Mrs Ellis was my favorite teacher do we know how it happened on the TV it said there was a wasp's nest in her car it was a science project or something and she was stung I don't know it doesn't make any sense to me Daddy I'm not feeling well can we go home sure so now we don't have to talk about Milo ever again right H going to run daddy Chloe and I are baking cupcakes today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey we got to leave soon for a doctor's appointment I'll be ready Daddy I was thinking you're right think something good will come of this I hope so [Music] Emma I have some magazines on the table you might like while you wait I'm just going to have a little chat with your dad if that's okay oh of course Dr March so how can I help you and Emma I don't know um well what is your primary concern Emma has always been different very very much in a good way but also there's a coldness I don't know how to say it um a lack of emotion I mean she has emotions but uh she laughs and cries and all that but it can be um I don't know she's lying to me and I don't trust her anymore well it's very common for children her age to lie most kids struggle with their emotions they very often don't know how or what they should be feeling at any point in time it can be very taxing on a parent Mr Grossman everyone thinks their issues are bigger than they are more unique and obviously there are the rare cases and I've had them of real psychological illness anyway I'm looking forward to talking to [Music] Emma so I'm not the kind of doctor who operates on people or things like that I'm what's called your shrink wow you know that term I watch inter vention oh yes well I'm a psychiatrist which is a fancy word for someone to talk to who can help you sort things out I don't really need anything sorted out really well why is that I mean most people have something that they would like to be different I don't I see I understand that your friend Milo recently passed away that's right how did that make you feel pretty sad I bet I cried for 2 days oh I understand was that is that the first time someone you knew died no oh I see Dr March why do people get so upset when people die it's going to happen to everyone sooner or later it's a great question Emma we all do know it's inevitable and we grieve anyway you to feel or to have empathy for others is what it means to be human you have ability to than you Emma I'm going to tell you a secret I did the ex exact same things as you when I was your age well you two seem to have really hit it off oh we had a great talk didn't we Emma yes um Daddy can I go outside sure Mr Gman I have seen thousands of kids in my practice and Emma seems 100% perfectly average in fact I told her she reminds me of [Music] myself hey there hey how'd the appointment go fine Emma's up in her room well I guess I better put on some clothes head up there hope we don't mind me taking advantage of the sun no you got to take advant of it got to take advantage yep don't you have any friends what do you care clearly everyone thinks you're mental whatever Chloe now that everyone knows you sto that dead kids metal it's just a matter of time time matter of time until what until they find out what you did to him I don't know what you're talking about maybe you'll end up in the little pink chair I'm going to have my dad get rid of you go for it he won't do it your dad and I understand each other you can give me that psycho St all you want but the fact is this your dad's a d d i LF okay and he single and he was totally just scoping me out you wouldn't mind if he and I hooked up would you the poor guy needs a release let me just look at him stay away from my dad or what wouldn't I make a good stepmom you don't scare me little girl I don't care if you stood there and watched that little kid drown or even if you pushed him in where I come from a spoiled little princess like you ain't nothing believe me it's not nice to threaten people but you and me we're not nice are [Music] we oh Emma you scared me do you like Chloe wait what she said that you like her that you understand each other she said she could be my stepmother someday whoa whoa whoa wait hold on a second first of all that would never happen and why would she say something like that you tell me Emma I don't want to step mother ever everything's going to be okay I have a meeting but I will be home early okay and we'll talk right I'll wait up have fun on your date so you never remarried nope like playing the field that much huh yeah I love it it's so fulfilling I mean you know especially raising a young girl to but someone [Music] freaking when I first opened the store I had about 4 months I was really worried but then business picked up and it's been really good for six years now [Music] [Music] [Music] Emma damn it Emma Emma [Music] Emma Emma let me out of here this isn't funny Emma Emma Emma let me through it's my [Music] house Emma are you the homeowner are you the home yes yes I have a 9-year-old daughter her name is Emma she's here with her nanny sir your daughter is fine she's in the house with one of my deputies now unfortunately there's been a terrible accident The Nanny Chloe was in the workshed when the fire broke out I think she's in shock and hasn't told us much but apparently the young woman would sneak a smoke in the [Music] workshed I will give you two honey bear it's okay Daddy I think happened to [Music] me Emma I know you're awake I think we're in trouble I think we're both in very big trouble we needed talk and I need you to tell me the truth I'm your father I love you I'm going to do anything I can to help you you hurt Milo didn't you didn't you he was going to tell me that I took his metal I didn't mean to hurt him I pushed him he fell he kept on yelling and yelling that he couldn't swim I didn't believe him he always OV exaggerated after a while stopped yelling and I couldn't see him anymore I'm so sorry Daddy I didn't want to get into trouble won't do it again and Mrs levia your first nanny what happened to her she should have never grabbed my arm so I kicked her she fell down the stairs I didn't do anything wrong she's the adult she should have protected herself better like Mrs Ellison of wasps and tonight what did you do to Chloe Emma the sheriff will get to the bottom of this eventually so don't give me the [ __ ] story you said [ __ ] Emma do you know what could happen to you do you what could happen to us yes daddy they're going to take me and they're going to put me in the little chair little pink electric chair I really don't want to go there I don't want to be myself and what are you talking about said she knew about Milo and one day everyone would she said they were going to take me to this little electric chair they put kids in she told me she was going to be my stepmother Emma calm down I don't want a stepmother Emma she stole pills from your room I watched she fooled you you weren't going to do anything about it no what so you did isn't that right someone had to [Music] this is Dr March I am out of the office for the next two weeks if this is an emergency please call 911 or you can call my associate Dr me at 914 55511 this is David oh hi Mr Gman this is Sheriff Peterson uh sorry to call you so early just checking to see that you and EM were doing okay yeah yeah we're doing okay thank you good good also I was wondering uh when would be a good time to talk I don't want to intrude but there are some questions I need to ask you in Emma if that's possible uh yeah Emma's very sick she's upset about the accident as you can imagine and I have a a big day at work could we postpone maybe for few days how's Monday you and I'll come by the house sure that'll be great I'll see you then Emma pack your things we have to [Music] leave where are we going the lake housee why you ate it there I don't eat it there that's what you said once how long will we be there I don't know what are we going to do there I just need a place to [Music] think there he is hey look at you we hav changed a bit well cold air hard work no cable TV and you two could live forever hey is that who I think it is it can't be cuz Emma's just a baby and you're a full-grown woman it's very nice to meet you nice me to you too you look just like your maom well I'm glad you finally got to come up here your sister's been bog guarding the place Angela would live here fulltime if she could well if you need anything you let me know and I'll be right up and it's uh good to see you after all the years Emma you too thanks it's Brian I'll call you if I need you all right you still should have called me David good would that have done and I wasn't thinking straight still not thinking straight Chloe that poor girl how could such a thing have happened what did the police or or firefighters say they're investigating well how's Emma did I come up to the lake house I can take off work no it's fine we're just taking some time away look I got I got to go hey call me I'm worried about you David hello we found the source of the fire it was deliberately said do you know who did it not yet but uh from what we've sent to lab we'll know pretty soon okay all right keep me posted we'll do yeah AR you going to answer [Music] The Killing started with the family pet but as Timothy grew so did his crimes Dr michowitz an expert on violent child sociopaths EXP ples the violence seems to be inside them buried like a bad sea eventually it grows and once it starts he doesn't seem Emma I don't like you sneaking around like that how long are you standing there we snooping on me thinkk you were snooping on me I told you I didn't do anything wrong I would never heard anyone for no reason would never ever do that do you think I would do you Daddy I don't know anymore that makes me sad [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] why why would you do that to me I'm the only person you have no if something happened to you I live without Angela at least she thinks I'm nice oh my God for e e e e e e e e David what you're saying doesn't make any sense you're talking about Emma you don't understand she's 9 years old 9-year-olds don't kill people listen to your son you need help let me come she needs help but I'm not going to let them take her away she's not going to live the rest of her life in some institution or prison it's done night night [Music] Daddy you're alive yes daddy didn't drink the hot chocolate you made for me you did when I switched [Music] them 911 what's your emergency help me my trying to kill me I'm sorry can you say that again what youry and I'm a grossan I'm at our lake house em Emma [Music] Emma Emma I know you're in there Emma open the door Emma open the Emma just come out I'm not going to hurt you we'll just go to sleep together we'll go see mommy [Music] Emma stop right there David what the hell's going on help he's to kill me don't listen her she's not right there's something wrong with her put down the gun I have to do thise I have to protect her from herself they're coming for I will not let you hurt that girl that's just the problem nothing hurts her forgive me [Music] [Music] for [Music] he was going to shoot that little girl no question just wish I got here [Music] sooner I'm so sorry daddy sick yes yes I think so I think your daddy was sick everything's going to be okay Angela let me go home can have ice cream you can have whatever you want [Music] w [Music] [Music] n [Music] w
Channel: الطوخي - Altokhi
Views: 55,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HijiY_E9hGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 16sec (5176 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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