A Nanny's Revenge | Full Movie | Lifetime

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(school bell) - See you later. - Bye! - Bye! - Wait for me! <i> - What are you doing?</i> - I'm quitting! - Come on! - Principal McKay fired him! - Look, I like Todd took, OK? He's a great teacher. But he knew better. What he did was in violation with the school board! A teacher can't give a kid a ride home in his car alone. What if something happened? - She missed the bus. He went out of his way to take her home and make sure that she was safe. - But there are rules for a reason. - Screw the rules! - You're being selfish. You have responsibilities. We have a two-bedroom apartment together. - There's a million teaching positions out there. I don't have to work for a principal that won't go to bat for his teachers. It's ridiculous! Anyway, I'll be staying with my parents tonight. - Mm, these noodles are great. - Dad, you know, I was thinking maybe I could come and work at Randall? I can be an electrician, I could be your apprentice, I would take out my nose ring all the time. - I wouldn't let most of those guys come within 50 feet of you. They're a bunch of..... - Aw, Dad. You know I like the white collar boys better anyway. - Hm! The suits are even worse, especially Randall himself-- that guy's a real piece of work. - That guy has bed more women than the dorms at Vasser. - Mom! What a weird thing to say! - What? - That's where I get it from, right there. - What? It's true. - Well, you know what, I guess I gotta get another teaching gig. Hey, I'm sure McKay's gonna give me a really good reference! - Ha! - She does get the weirdness from you, you know. And the impulsiveness. - Bah. - Thank you. - You're welcome.<i> Mangi.</i> - How do you know how many girls he's bed, anyway? - I don't. I guessed. - Oh, oh. All right. Sounded pretty accurate. <i> - Hello?</i> - Gina. It's Todd.<i> - Oh, hey, Todd.</i> - Look, I just heard a rumour that you quit because of me. Is that true? - No. No, I just needed a little attention. (He laughs.) - You're crazy, you know that? - You know, you were one of the best teachers at that school. What they did to you is horrible. - Wow. I'm flattered and I'm stunned. By the way, I heard that you and Mark are getting divorced. Why didn't you say anything? - Well, I haven't really told anyone except Vanessa. - Well, listen, I wanted to thank you for being the only person to stand up for me. - Oh, self-sacrifice is my speciality. - Well, maybe we can get together next week for a drink or something. - Yeah. OK. Call me next week. - All right. Good night, Gina. - Good night. (jackhammer) - (man): Yeah, yeah, just let me finish up here. Yeah, yeah. (saw buzzing) - (man): Yeah, what do you want? - (man): We're finished here. - (man): Level? - (man): Yeah, I can get it. - (man): Looks great. - Ryan. You checked that, right? It's not live? - Transformer's off. (zap!) Ah! - Ryan! Ah! Ahhhhh! (crash!) - Oh, my god. Call 9-1-1! We got two men down! (alarm bell ringing) - Get a medic! - Oh, no. - Someone call 9-1-1! - Mom, what are you doing? They don't put the good jobs in the paper anymore; they put them online. - That's not true. Here's one. How about a nanny? You'd make a terrific nanny. - No, don't get me wrong, I love kids, but until the bell rings. Twenty-four hours a day? I'd have to start shooting heroine. - Let's avoid all roads that lead to rehab, shall we? - Mm-hmm. (phone ringing) - Hello? - [Marcella, it's Ray.] [Tony's been in an accident.] - What? - Mom? What is it? - Oh, my god. Yes. Yes. We're on our way. - Mom, what happened? - They said that there was an accident at the site. They're taking your dad to St. Mary's. - Oh, my god! Let's go! Mom, let me drive, OK? - I'll be fine. - (man): And just so we're all on the same page, I want to break ground on this in two months, OK? Two months tops. No delays. - I spoke to Councilman Connors Monday. We may not get the permits before May. - Well, then we need to apply more pressure. If I need to go above his head, I will. - Mr. Randall, I need to speak with you. It's urgent. - And I need the permits by the 1st. Understood? Good. Excuse me for just a minute. - (woman): Randall Construction. Yes, he is. One moment. - I finally get a moment alone with you. - What is it, Jenny? - There's been an accident at Shelvan Heights. Two of the workers have been taken to the hospital. (He sighs.) - Give Carl a call. Transfer her to my office. - Will do. - Thanks. Look, we'll have to finish this discussion later. We're gonna stay on top of this. Good. - Mom, how did it happen? - I don't know. They said he fell off some scaffolding. - (woman): Charging. (defibrillator charging) - Well, how far did he fall? - Four stories. (flatline tone) - Well, Mom, do you know if he-- (vehicle honking) Mom! (crash!) (defibrillator charging) - Clear. (flatline tone) Let's get ready to go again. - (man): Let's get them out. - All right, get ready again. - Charging. - Clear. - Call 9-1-1! - I've got a phone right here. (flatline tone) - Oh, we've lost him. - Yes, yeah, she's... yeah, no, she's not moving. - Gina? - (woman): Does it look any better? - (man): Well, the swelling's gone down. - Mark. - (woman): Would you go get me a soda, please? - Where am... where am I, Mark? - You're in the hospital. - How long have I... have I been here, Mark? - A few hours. - Phew... - Vanessa's here. I'm gonna go find her. - Wait, wait, wait. - (man): Excuse me, nurse? - Mark, where's my mom? She's OK, she's OK, my mom? My mom's OK? - She's awake. - Vanessa. - Hey, sweetie. - I'm confused. Vanessa, where's my mom? - I don't think I can do this. - I'm not... I'm not hurt that bad. So my mom has to be... OK then. Did they... did they discharge her? There's... Oh... No, please, please. - She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, sweetie. - But she's O... OK, right? She's OK? She's OK? - She wasn't wearing a seatbelt. - (crying): No, no, no... No. No, no, no, no. My mom is... my mom's gone. My mom is gone. Where's my dad? Does he know about my... my mom? - Sweetie... they tried to save him. His neck was broken in the fall. - No! No! No! No! No! No, Vanessa! No! No! No, no, not... Vanessa, my mom and my dad both... No. No, no, no. No. No. They can't, they can't, they can't... - Listen, Kroker, I've already heard from Mr. Randall. He just wants to make sure that the inspections logs are court ready, should it come to that. - They've both been backdated to April. Your lawyer should receive them today. - Today? Wow. Speedy, hmm? And safety inspectors are notoriously slow. You're a credit to your kind. - Look, I can't keep covering your ass. If there was ever an audit... - Don't second guess yourself. Parker won't let that happen. (He sighs.) - Mr. Randall. - Mr. Randall, good, you're here. - OK, so, where do we stand? - Look, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I told you before, the wiring from that Chinese company doesn't even pass inspection in China. - Do you have any idea how much it'd cost if we bought it from North America? - We're not here to discuss changing our supplier; we're here to deal with a situation we've all dealt with before. Now, what's the problem? - I'm just warning you guys, the agency's going to cover its own butt if people start pointing fingers. There's only so much I can do to help here. - Don't worry. Mr. Randall will ensure that nobody gets bit. - Rodney's right. I don't want to hear about that anymore. Nobody's going to be pointing fingers at anybody. Now, what I want to know is are we all on the same page? - Yeah. - OK. Electrocutions are the fourth leading cause of death on construction sites. You need to make this look like operator error. - That's not a problem. Consider it done. Call me if there's any problems. - OK. - You ready? - Yeah. I just, um... waiting to sign the... discharge paperwork. Know what I realized? Being an orphan sucks. - I'm really worried about you. You've just been through so much in such a short amount of time. - (woman): Mrs. Jensen? - Oh, great. Can you tell me what to sign so I can get the hell out of here? - Right here and you're all done. Thank you. - OK. - (Marcella):<i> How about a nanny? You'd make a terrific nanny.</i> (phone ringing) - Hello? - Hey, Gina, it's Mark. - Hey, Mark. - How are you? - Never better. What's up? - Uh, some flowers came by the house for you today from the Pearsons. I guess they th... think we're still together. Can I bring 'em by? - Yeah, I'm... I'm just at my parents' house. (insects chirping) It's weird, huh? This is the last time... I'll ever eat anything that she cooked. Hm. - I read some articles in the paper about the accident. - Oh, yeah? What do they say? Or do I even care? - There's one in particular-- today. It struck me as odd. - Mark, I don't feel like reading. Can you just tell me what it says? - They interviewed Parker Randall and some of his people. They imply that your dad might have been, uh... - What? - Under the influence when it happened. - Are you kidding me?! They said my dad was drunk? "Company officials are still investigating, but Di Salvo did have a history of intoxication on the job." - That's what you're up against. - What a bastard. (door opening) - Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. - Oh, oh. Shh... - Hey, Gina, honey, can you help me get your dad to bed? (Tony coughing) Come on. - (man):<i> It gives me great pleasure to award this</i> <i> to Tony Di Salvo, who is five years sober today.</i> (applause) - (man):<i> Right on, Tony!</i> - (man):<i> Congratulations, Tony.</i> - Ryan, I am so sorry, but... I just need to ask you something about the accident. My dad... ...did he seem drunk that morning? - What? No. Why... why would you think that? He's been so proud of his sobriety. - The company implied to the sentinel that he was intoxicated. - Liars. I heard a rumour Randall's been using cheap faulty materials for years just to try and save a buck. It had nothing to do with your dad. - So... you're gonna sue them? - I haven't done anything yet, but yeah. I talked to a lawyer this morning. I'm 25 and I may never have full use of my left side again. If that tarp hadn't broken my fall... - You were very lucky. - Listen. Your dad was a hero that died trying to save my ass. That's the truth of it. Me and my family will remember what he did forever. - Walter. - Hey, Gina. - Hi. Hi. - I'm just... I'm so sorry, sweetie. - Thank you. What's up? - I called your place, and your roommate said that you were staying here. I just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. - Thank you. - Oh, I brought this back too. - Keys to the cabin. - Yeah. Your dad was nice enough to let me stay there for a few days. - It was his favourite place. (She sighs.) Come on. I'll get some coffee on. - You're the reason he quit drinking-- he didn't want to embarrass you at your wedding. - You know the kid that was in the accident with Dad, Ryan Hollist? - Yeah. - He said Dad was a hero. - I heard he's messed up pretty bad. - Yeah. You know, he's thinking about getting a lawyer and suing Randall? - Well, that'd be brave, or maybe just crazy. - Why do you say that? - Parker Randall's untouchable. Last guy that tried to sue him, he dropped the whole thing when his lawyer unexpectedly shot himself in his car. He's connected to organized crime. - Surely a jury... - I was working for that company 10 years before your dad even started there. I've seen Randall get away with everything short of murder. - He's not gonna get away with letting the world think my father was at fault for this accident. - Gina, don't for one minute think that you can go up against Parker Randall. It's a fight you can't win. - We'll see about that, won't we? - Can I help you? - I'm here to see Parker Randall. - And you are...? - Gina Jensen. I'm Tony Di Salvo's daughter. - Mr. Randall? - [Yes.] - Tony Di Salvo's daughter is here to see you. - [I'll be right there.] - All right. - Miss Di Salvo. - Mr. Randall. - I am so sorry to hear about your father's death. - No, you're not. Otherwise you wouldn't be telling lies about him. - Oh, my god. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just hold on a minute. I never lied about anything. - That's the wrong answer. (Jenny screams) That's for my father. This is for my mother. (gunshot) - Ugh! - And this one... is just because I feel like it. (gunshot) (knocking on door) - I'm not surprised they're trying to pin this on your dad. Construction's a dirty business, and since he's not here to defend himself. (She sighs.) - Can I tell you something creepy? I keep having dreams about killing Parker Randall. - Really? - Anyway, in the dreams, I want him to confess that it's his fault, and he just won't do it. - It doesn't matter what this Randall guy does or doesn't do. You know that your dad's not at fault. - What if I need him to admit it before I can get better? - You don't. You don't, and waiting for that to happen could mean that... that... you never find a way to get through this. (insects chirping) - (woman): Jackson, settle down. - I'm sick and tired of this place! I'm sick and tired of this stupid homework, and I'm sick and tired of you! - Jackson, stop it. You're acting like a little animal! - I hate you, Mom! I wish I was never born! - Lilia. Just leave it. It's fine. - It's OK, sweetie. It's OK. (Jackson crying) - Really? Again? (bell tolling) - Bye. - Melissa, thanks. - Take care. - Thank you. - I am so sorry, Gina. If there's anything you need, please call. I can run errands, or make dinner, or... just be there to listen. - Thank you. I think I just need some time. - I'm not gonna go anywhere. - OK. - You ready? We should probably get back to the house. - I need a minute. Is that OK? - Oh, of course. - OK. Mom, Dad... ...I know I wasn't always the daughter that you wanted. And... you may have mentioned a few times that I'm impulsive. But I have thought this one through. Bad guys are not gonna win this time. I don't know if you can hear me. But I just wanted to let you know. Just wanted to let you know. - Hey, Rod. - Another day, another dollar, huh? - Make it a million. (birds chirping) (Jackson whistling) - Come on, slow poke. In you get. Have a good day, honey. - You always say that! But I won't! (She chuckles.) - Oh, I like him already. - (woman): If it wasn't so wet. - (man): This lousy weather. - (woman): I know. They always have everything down at the road there. (insects chirping) (birds chirping) - I'm warning you. Parker Randall doesn't like to lose. He'll intimidate, berate, lie, and charm to get what he wants. And when that doesn't work, he'll threaten. That's why attorneys don't want to go up against him. - Then why are you taking my case? - I'm sick of watching him get away with it. - I want him to pay. - Listen, I know him. He'll offer a ridiculous settlement, and when we don't take it, things will get ugly. Now, we're in for a long fight, but if you trust me, I'm up for it. - Yeah, let's do it. - In the meantime, get better. I'll be in touch. - Hi. Do you take walk-ins? - Sure. Right this way. <i> - I got a call</i> from Ryan Hollist's lawyer this morning. - Oh, yeah? Who'd he get? - Jarrett Michaels. I know. I know. - That little creep just lives to make my life miserable. - Yeah, well, I think it's time we started making his a little more miserable. - Larry, we need to make sure that all our stories are air tight here. We don't have any problems here, do we? - No, but, uh... - But what? - Kroker. He's nervous. - How nervous? - I think he needs some reassurance. - You tell Kroker I want to have a sit down with him and to shut up until then. Have Jenny set it up before the end of this week. - Jackson, if the teacher says you can't draw in class, then you can't draw in class. No arguments. (Jackson shouting) Would you stop throwing a fit? - [It's not fair!] You can either go back in the class and do what you're told, or no TV--your choice. - [All right, I'll go!] - That's what I thought. Goodbye. - [Bye!] - Kids, huh? - He's having a bad day. - Haven't we all? How old is he? - He's eight. Sometimes you'd swear he's 12, and other times he acts like he's four. I wake up in the morning, I never know which one I'm gonna get. (She laughs.) - I could say the same about my ex-husband. - I know how that feels too. - Larry's convinced that Jarrett Michaels will turn down any settlement offer just to get me into court. - Even if he does, Kroker signed all the paperwork. He's been at the agency longer than any other inspector. Nobody is gonna question him. - I'm surprised to hear you say that home schooling is a good idea, because most teachers, they think that the classroom is better-- you know, with the socialization and everything. - From the little bit that you've told me about Jackson, I think he'd respond really well. You see, in a classroom, the teachers have 20 students, and they react to negative behaviour in a way that deters other kids from joining in. One on one, we can focus on what he's doing right, guide his behaviour, make learning a better experience. - My husband wants to send him away to boarding school. - No offence, but I think that's the worst thing you could do for him. - Listen to me, Carl, I cannot and will not go to court. Do you understand? - So, would you be interested? I mean, it sounds like this home schooling might be a good idea. - Yeah. I... I have to meet Jackson first, but... (laughing) ...then I bring you my teaching credentials. - That sounds great. And you're right, you need to meet Jackson. Um... can you come by around 3:30? - Yeah, absolutely. (birds chirping) (car door closing) Holy crap. Whew. - I don't need any stupid teacher! I hate school and I hate you! - Jackson, you are going to do schoolwork one way or another. - Hi. - Hi. - You must be Jackson. - Go to hell. - Jackson! - No, it's OK. - He has every right to feel that way, every right to express it. No big deal. I brought for you teaching credentials, and then I brought you some work from the kids in my class. I think they're really good. They're just about Jackson's age. You know what I like about this is the artist's use of perspective-- the houses that are closer are larger, and the smaller ones are farther away. - That's easy. I've done way better than that. - Really? - Wayyy better. I can show you. - Well, I'd love to see them. - OK. I'll be right back. And this one, I used three different colours of green. See? - Wow, that's beautiful. You know, I love how the different greens gives this picture texture. - Totally. And then this one, I did the same thing with the water and the blue. - Yes, you did. That's amazing! - You're hired. - This one I drew when I was kind of getting lonely. - I can tell. You look very lonely in this picture. - Yep. - Are you sure it's a good idea to be going up to your parents' cabin all alone? - Yeah. That's kind of the point. - What are you going to do there? - Uh... I don't know. I'm gonna... stare at the lake, I'm gonna think about my childhood, and I'm probably gonna drink. - I still think you should be with friends right now. - I'll be OK, Vanessa. - How long are you gonna be gone? - As long as it takes, I guess. I'm OK. Really. I have a lot of clarity now about this whole thing, and... I know what I'm doing. I have my cell phone. I'll see you when I get back. - OK. I'm gonna miss you. - Mm. - Jackson hasn't been able to stop talking about you. - Oh. - So, I'm off to yoga and then the golf club, and... you have my cell phone number? - Yes. - So, yeah. - OK. Oh, Brynn, what time does your husband come home? - Um, he usually gets home at around seven, but I'll be back by then. I told him all about you. He's looking forward to meeting you. - I'm looking forward to meeting him too. - Hm. Bye. - Bye. Lilia, can I ask you a question? - Sure. - What happened to Jackson's father? - Oh, uh, he was killed in a car accident when Jackson was about two. - Is that when Brynn started working for Mr. Randall? - Well, soon after, I think. She doesn't talk much about it, I don't ask. - OK. - OK. Uh, Jackson's in his room. - Thanks. - This is a picture of Parker. I call him bunghole. - Bunghole? - That means butt. - I know what it means. Why do you call him that? - 'Cause he acts like I'm invisible, and whenever he's around, Mom acts different. - Different how? - I don't know, all she talks about is vacations and stuff. - Hmm. Well, do you go on these vacations? - No. - Do you ever do anything fun with your mom, just the two of you? - Well, sometimes I go to my grandparents' house for the night. We're going to go see them next week for my grandma's birthday. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. - Where does she live? - I forgot the name of the town, but I know it takes at least two hours to drive there, and they have a pond in the backyard with a duck. - That sounds awesome. - Yeah. - Well, what do you think? Should we do some schoolwork? - No, I hate schoolwork; it's boring. - Not so boring when you do it at the park. - We could actually do that? - It's a free country. Why don't you put on some play clothes, and I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes? - OK. Yeah! The park! - Jackson? - Yeah? - Does Parker have any hobbies? - Why do you ask so much questions about him? - Well, I ask questions about everyone. I'm a curious person. Aren't you? - No, not really, actually. - No? - Not at all. What is it? - A toad. You see him? - Oh, yeah, I see him. - We'll go get him and we'll take him home. - OK. - Go ahead. We'll keep him for a few days and we'll write a report about him, OK? - OK. (cell phone ringing) - Hey, Vanessa. How are you? - Good. I just wanted to make sure you made it up to the cabin OK. - Yeah, everything's great. - [Well, it's been a crazy day here. One of the kids] pulled the fire alarm, and-- - Gina! - What was that? - Uh, there's a TV. I just un-muted it. - Look at him. - It sounded like a kid said "Gina". - Um, I'm watching the neighbour's kid. They just ran out for a minute. - Is that my mom you're talking to? - Can I call you right back? - OK, fine. Bye. - Look at him. You're funny. - You're funny. (She gasps.) - Hey, Mom! - Hey, guys. How'd it go today? Sorry I didn't get time to cook, but I got a little tied up. - We found a toad, Mom, at the park, and we named him Cornelius. - Wow! - And tomorrow we're gonna look him up online, find out what kind of toad he is, and we're going to read all about him. - Mm-hmm! - Hands-on learning. I love it. - Always works. - Do you want to stay for dinner? - I think I'll leave that up to Jackson. - Yes. Sit by ME. - Of course. - Yeah, why don't you go gas up the car and meet me back at the house in about a half an hour? That'd be great, Rod. Thanks. Hey. - So, you're going back out? - Yeah, I'm meeting a client for drinks. - Must be a very important client. - He is; he's in from San Francisco for only a day. - Honey, this is Gina. - Oh, yes. Jackson's new nanny and tutor. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Hey, sweetie, why don't you tell Parker what you did today? - Found a toad. - So, uh, you live nearby? - No, I'm in Harborsville. - Harborsville? That's an hour away. - Yeah, if there's no cars on the road and it's not raining. - Well, very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - I'll be in my office. - Why don't you get started? I'll be back in a minute. - Do you want to have a chopstick fight? - Yes, I do. Gimme a minute. - OK. - OK. (She sniffles.) - Hi. I don't want to be intrusive, but... are you OK? - I'm fine. - Fine as in good, not great, or fine, "I'm going to cry, and I'd prefer to do it alone"? - Probably the second one. - You want to talk about it? - What's the point? It's not going to change anything. - Maybe not, but I am a really big fan of venting. - I don't know what to do anymore. I mean, everybody thinks I have this amazing life. It's not what it looks like on the outside. - It never really is. - Parker is a really good provider for me and Jackson. Probably shouldn't say anything bad about him at all. - OK. You want to trash my ex for a while? It might help. (Brynn laughs.) - Why did you get divorced? Did he cheat on you? - No. No, he didn't do that. He was a jerk in just so many other ways. Is that what you're afraid of? Parker's gonna cheat on you? - I'm pretty sure that he is. And I can't prove it, but... I'm pretty sure that it's Jenny, his secretary. Which makes me feel like a complete idiot since I was his secretary and that's when we started sleeping together, but... I thought... (She sighs.) I don't know what I thought. I guess I thought that I would be the one he'd be faithful to. - "Spotlight on Parker Randall. "Will Parker Randall Revolutionize the Construction Industry?" Only if he's doing it from prison. - Yeah. No, whatever you want to do. - Hi. - OK. I'll check back within an hour or so. Take care. (phone ringing) (insects chirping) - They both loved you so much. - She really does get the weirdness from you, you know. And the impulsiveness.<i> - Mangi.</i> - Thank you. - They said that there was an accident at the site! - Listen, your dad was a hero that died trying to save my ass. (insects chirping) (water running) - Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you. - Where have you been? - Meetings. Just got to talking is all. (He sighs.) Hey. I was thinking. You know, maybe we should go ahead and plan that trip to Aruba. Would you like that? You and me on the beach, no cell phones, no meetings, hmm? Why don't you work out the details? Let's go at the end of the month. - I'll call the travel agent tomorrow. - OK. So... how's Jackson doing with the new nanny? Does he like her? - Yeah, I think so. He's a lot happier than he has been in a long time. - That's good. She seems nice. You know, I was thinking. Maybe we should offer to let her stay in one of the guest bedrooms. - I thought you didn't like strangers in the house. - I don't, but that drive she's doing, it's ridiculous. - I did that drive when I was working at the company and living in Walteria. - I know, I know. I'd just hate to see her take something else because the drive's too far. You might lose her. - Why are you so concerned about me losing her? Are you attracted to her? - Don't be ridiculous. Look. Never mind. Forget I even mentioned it. - Well, are you? - Actually, I was thinking what would be best for Jackson, all right? - I'm surprised you even have time to think of Jackson, you're so preoccupied with Jenny. - Brynn. I'm not having an affair with Jenny or anybody else. Look, if you want to invite her to stay, invite her to stay, or don't. I couldn't care less. Turn out the light, please? - I'd love to stay. I really appreciate the offer. The drive has been awful. - Well, I know Jackson likes having you close by. So do I. It's nice having somebody to talk to. We'll have you room ready in a day or two. - Wow, what a collection! OK, so what's the difference between a frog and a toad? - A frog's a type of toad? - That's right. And also a toad is uglier. No offence, Cornelius. (doorbell) I'll be right back. but finish reading so we can go do something fun, OK? - I know. I know. - "I know." Hi. - Who are you? - I'm Gina. I'm Jackson's nanny. - Ah. I'm Larry, Parker's attorney. Is he around? - He's in his office. - I know the way. <i> - He turned down</i> a $2-million settlement? - Michaels has him convinced he can get five times more if we go to court. Plus punitive damages, of course. - Then raise the offer. - Fine. But we both know he's not gonna take it. - Well, then, we know what needs to happen. Because we don't go to court. We never do. (kids talking and laughing) (cell phone ringing) - Hello? - [Hey, Gina. Ryan Hollist.] - Oh, hey, Ryan. How are you? - Uh, I'm not so great, um, but I have some good news. I'm building my case against Randall. [My attorney...] Uh, I think I mentioned him to you before--Jarrett Michaels. He wants to meet with you. - [Why?] - He wants to ask you some questions about your dad. - Uh, of course. Ryan, have you given any thought to the possibility that this might not work out? Parker Randall has an entire team of high-paid attorneys. - It will, it will. Can you come over to my house tonight at 8:30? I'll text you the address. - Of course. See you then. - Great. Later. - This... is for you. First-class air for you and your family for two weeks to my vacation home in the Bahamas. Go. Have some fun. Forget about everything that's been happening here. I'd let you use the private jet, but, uh... that might not look too good. - Thank you. Really. Thank you so much for this. Leslie and the kids will be thrilled. - Well, Kroker, I appreciate all you've done and all you'll continue to do. You're a friend. And I take care of my friends. So... excuse us. I need to have a word with Rodney. - Of course. Sure. Thanks again for this. I'll be in touch. - You realize what needs to happen now, don't you? - Just waiting for you to give the word. - I just did. Let's eat. (cars honking) - Here you go. - That sounds good, Rachel. I'll see you at the club tomorrow. OK, bye. - (Jackson): I liked the climbing the wall best! - (Gina): Hi, Brynn. - Hey, you guys! How was your day? - Gina took me to the fun park. And I got all my math questions right the first time. - Wow! That sounds terrific. Now go put your PJs on. - Fine. (Brynn laughs.) - Can I get you a glass? - Oh, no, not tonight. I'm gonna drive home and pack. - OK. Lilia's got your guest room ready. - Great. - Ladies. Come here, beautiful. Good new today regarding the case. - What? - The toxicology report came back on Tony Di Salvo. Drunk as a skunk when the accident happened. - So he was responsible for the accident? - Sure looks that way. - What about the young guy, Hollist? 'Cause if he doesn't want to take the settlement, then you'll still have to go to court, right? - Don't worry. We're not there yet. - You OK? - Actually, I'm not feeling well. I think it's all that junk food. I'm, uh... gonna head out. I'll see you tomorrow? - OK. Good night. - Good night. (insects chirping) - Whoa! What are you doing here? - Forgive the intrusion. I'm sure you know who I am. I work for Mr. Randall. - You can't intimidate me into taking the settlement. - Are you sure about that? - Yes, I'm sure! Look at me; I can barely walk! - Yeah, I did notice that. And I noticed your arm too. - Yeah, well, take a picture and send it to Parker-- cheap-ass bastard. I'm gonna be like this for the rest of my life! - You say that as if you're gonna live a long time. But you're not. - Ugh! (Ryan falling down stairs and grunting in pain) (radio chatter) (officers talking) - (man): Not that we know of. - (man): Signs of foul play, signs of foul play... - Excuse me? - Mm? - What happened? - The guy that lived there, apparently he fell down the stairs. It's a terrible accident. - Oh, my god. - Yeah. - Thank you. - Yeah. (She sighs.) - Yeah! (kids laughing) (phone ringing) - (kid): Take it! - Gina: [Hey, Vanessa.] - Hey. How are you? - I'm OK for someone who has no idea how to stitch their life back together. - That's not very convincing. - What's up? You calling to check up on me? - Yes. Well, and to see if you heard about Ryan Hollist. It was on the news this morning, but I didn't know if you were getting TV up in the cabin. - Yeah, I heard. - I guess his lawyer's announced that he's dropping the case. Without Hollist as a witness, he doesn't think he can win. Randall victorious again. It's sickening. - Michaels may have dropped his case, but Randall is not gonna come out on top. You can mark my words. - What do you mean? - Um, Vanessa, I can't hear you. Can I call you back later? Y-You're breaking up. - OK. Bye. (school bell) - (Gina): Hello? - (Brynn): There she is. - I'm so glad you're staying! - Me too. I really appreciate this. I just have to unpack, and then we can go to the park and take Cornelius. - OK. - OK. (Brynn laughing) - OK, sweetie. - Are you settling in? - Yes. This is terrific. - I'm glad you like it. You need any help? - No, I'm OK, thanks. I'm just unpacking. But thank you both again for inviting me to stay. - Well... actually, it was my idea. - Oh? - Yeah. You seem to be having such a positive influence on Jackson, and... you're a very interesting girl. You remind me a little bit of a girlfriend I once had. - Before Brynn? - I'm not exactly sure when it was, but she had the same look as you-- very attractive. Well... you need anything, anything at all, you let me know. - OK. (birds chirping) (doorbell) - Hi. - Jenny. - I have some documents here that Parker needs. He, uh... is working from home this morning, isn't he? - I'll give them to him. - They're confidential. I should probably give it to him myself. - I'll do it. - (Jenny): Whatever. - Jenny. Jenny. What are you doing here? - Uh, you asked me to put your environmental reports on your stack of stuff last night, and I realized this morning that I forgot to print them. Jackson! You remember me? I'm Jenny. - I'm Gina. - I think you need to get back to the office now. Thank you very much for bringing them. - You're probably right. I'll check in with you later. - You do that. (insects chirping) (knocking on door) Come in. - Hi. I was unpacking upstairs and I accidentally dropped my necklace behind the dresser. Do you think you could help me? - Sure. No problem. I'll be up in a little bit. - Thanks. I know you're busy. - Voila. - Thank you. - This is a beautiful necklace. - My ex gave it to me. Do you mind? - Not at all. Your ex... what did he do for a living? - He was a teacher. - Teachers don't make very much money. - No. That's why the diamond is so small. - So, what happened, hm? Why is he your ex? - Honestly, I just... I wasn't attracted to him. - And what are you attracted to? - I like my men dangerous. A little dark. - Yeah. You seem like you got a little bit of a dark side in you as well. (She laughs.) - You have no idea the things that run through my mind. - Oh, yeah? Like what? - Just thoughts... that could get me into trouble. - Well, sometimes... it could be very exciting to do things you shouldn't do. - Yes, it can. - You get more interesting by the minute. You know that? You know, Brynn is taking Jackson to his grandmother's this weekend. Maybe we can continue this discussion over dinner--alone. - Coincidentally, my weekend just opened up. - And I love coincidences. Good night. (kids laughing and talking) - (man): Going down, Bobby! - Hey, stranger! - Hi. - What are you doing here? - I have a meeting with Principal McKay. He wanted to talk to me. - Is the school board reconsidering your dismissal? - Ah, it sure sounds that way. Hey, you haven't spoken to Gina recently, have you? I left some flowers outside her parents' house, but I haven't heard from her. - Yeah, she out at her parents' cabin, so I doubt she got them. - Oh. I didn't know. - Hm. - Maybe I should go back and get them. I don't want to advertise that nobody's home. - Don't worry about it. I'll go tonight. It's on my way. - OK. Thanks. Well, enjoy Gina's flowers, I guess. - Ha! Ha! Ha! I will. - Just, if you hear from her, have her call me. - I will. I will. And good luck with McKay. - Thanks. - Dad... please help me do this. I just need him to admit what he did. That's it. - It was an accident, you stupid bitch! They happen! - Tell me the truth! - I'm telling you the truth! I had nothing to do with it! What, you think I want people who work for me to die? It was a tragedy. But it wasn't my fault. - I know you killed Ryan Hollist. I know you paid someone off to alter my father's toxicology report. So don't give me your BS about employee appreciation! I'm giving you one last opportunity to tell me the truth. One more chance! Before I put a bullet in your thick skull. - All right, look, I had the report altered in case we went to court. But I didn't kill Hollist! - Liar! - OK... OK! I ordered the hit. I couldn't take any chances. OK?! You happy?! You happy now?! You got what you wanted?! I really wanted her to meet Gramps and Grams. - Mm, I know, but she said she has to help her friend move. Remember? - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, you're gonna see her in a couple of days. - OK, Mom. - OK. Get in the car. - Well... you guys have a... have a great time. And I'll see you on Sunday. - (Brynn): We're gonna miss you. Remember you promised? - And I keep my promises. The only thing I'll be doing all weekend is working. I promise. OK, let's go. You drive safe. Let me know when you get there, give me a call, OK? Have fun. Bye. (door opening) So... finally, just you and me, huh? - And Lilia? - She'll be gone by the time we get back from dinner. That is, if you still want to have dinner with me. - I would. - Good. I'll have Rod pick you up at, uh, 7:30? - OK. (dog barking faintly) (ringing on other end) (cell phone vibrating) - Well, that is very nice. And they're all talking. What are these? That's very good. Oh, very pretty. A rainbow. Excellent job. (vibrating) (birds chirping) (traffic noise) (cell phone ringing) - I need to take this, so give me a minute, will ya? - (with annoyance): Sure. - Hey, honey. (subdued voices nearby) Any place in Aruba is fine with me. You and the travel agent just figure it out and book it. I'll see you when you get back. Have a great weekend. Bye-bye. (ringing on other end) - [Hello?] - Hi, Mark, it's Vanessa. I got your message. You said you have some papers for her to sign? - Transfer of title for our car and a few other things. I don't wanna just drop 'em off at her parents' place. I thought maybe you could give 'em to her. - Uh, I can. I don't know when she'll be back. I honestly don't know where she is. - What do you mean? - [She said she was] at her parents' cabin, but... I don't know. Something weird is going on with her. She's been evasive. Like, every time I call, she either doesn't answer or she has some excuse why she can't talk. - Now you got me worried. Do you think one of us should go up there? - Well, I'll go if you tell me where it is. - Even if I gave you [the address, it's impossible to find.] How about we both head up there after school? - OK. That sounds good. Um, I'll be done by four o'clock. - [Fine. I'll pick you up then.] - Great. OK, thanks. - [Bye.] - Bye. <i> - So, uh...</i> according to your schedule, you're free tonight. - Actually, I promised Brynn I'd be home for dinner. - Look, if you don't spend time with me, other men will. - I really don't have time for this, OK? - Look! Make time! I'm not just some worthless doll that you can throw back into your toy box when you're done! - I am married. And regardless of whatever fantasy land you live in, that is not gonna change! So if you think that the dinners, the jewellery, the weekend trips to five-star hotels, are me treating you like some doll... that could all end right now. Poof! Is that what you want? I didn't think so. So, since we are on the subject, let me add one more thing. If you ever--and I mean ever-- pull a stunt like you did the other day... - What stunt? - Come into my house uninvited! If it ever happens again, our "relationship"... will take a serious turn for the worse. Do you understand? (phone ringing) It's Rod. I need to take it. Hey, Rodney. What'd you find out? Really? That's interesting. (birds chirping) - Isn't this game fun, Grandma? Gina taught it to me. - It's the best game ever. - Come on, Mom. It's your turn. - Sorry. Do you have any threes? - Go fish. - Ah. (Grandma laughing) - Why would she lie? I mean, what could she be doing? - Who knows? Gina never thinks anything through. Everything's on impulse. - I know, but she can't help it; she's wired that way. - It's frustrating, though. - Yes, but... is that really any reason to leave someone? You knew that about her when you married her. - When we were dating, I thought I could handle it. It turns out that I couldn't. - Good night. - Have a nice dinner. - (Vanessa): Glad I let you drive. - (Mark): No sweat. Here we are. - (Vanessa): Finally. - Something wrong, miss? - No. Everything's fine. - I don't think she's here. (thunder rumbling) - Hey, it's the neighbour. Maybe they've seen her. - OK. - Hi. - Hi, folks. I saw your car lights drive up. Can I help you? - Uh, we're looking for Gina Jensen. Her parents, Tony and Marcella, owned this place. Do you know if she's been here? - Brown-haired girl with an earring in her nose? - Yeah. - No. Haven't seen her in ages. Nobody's been in this place since Tony's buddy Walter was up here... about a month ago. (Mark sighs.) - OK. Thanks. - Ah, you're welcome. - Screw him. (earpiece beeping) (cell phone ringing) - What happens next, Jackson? Keep reading--I'm intrigued! - "Then the black bear opened his eyes." (cell phone ringing) - (Grandma): Carry on. - "The last thing he ever..." - Hello? - Hi, Brynn. It's, uh, Jenny from the office. - Yes? - I tried to reach Parker on his cell, but, uh... I just need to ask him a quick question. - He's not with me. - Really? Well, he said he was leaving the office early to have dinner with you. - He said we were having dinner together? When did he say that? - Look, uh, could you get him to call me as soon as you see him? I'd really appreciate it. (lounge piano music) (subdued conversations) - Well, well, well. You look stunning. - Thank you. This is a beautiful place. - Glad you like it. Please, sit. - Hey, Jackson, there's been a little emergency at home, OK? So I'm gonna go home. I'll come back and get you tomorrow? - OK. - OK, Mom? - Is everything all right? - It's just something I have to handle. OK. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Did she say anything else about what she was doing? Where she was? - No. - But you had a hunch she was lying about being in the cabin. Why? - I don't know. A combination of things. I called her one day, and there was a child in the background calling her by name. And it doesn't sound like anything, but she was weird. A-And then I went by her parents' house to pick up the flowers that Todd had left, and-- - Todd? Who's that? - Just... a guy we know from school. Anyway, it was like she was there. She'd been there. The-the flowers were gone, and the mail had been picked up, and... (She sighs.) - Well, let's go see if she's there. - Italy is so beautiful. You should go there sometime. - I'd love to. I've never had anyone to take me. - Well... now that you're Jackson's nanny, maybe we can work something out. - Gina? Gina? - Vanessa. Maybe we'll find something in her emails. - Everything all right? You don't like your steak? - It's lovely. I just have other things on my mind. - Really? I'd like to hear about some of those other things. - Actually... I'd prefer to show you. - Waiter? - Yes, sir? - I'd like to box these up and take these to go. Thank you. - Right away. - Check this out. - An article on Parker Randall. - And in her search history... Wow. Lots of articles about Parker. Pretty much every day since she got home from the hospital. - Randall has a stepson. - Does that mean something? - It might. When I called her... there was a kid in the background calling her name. And when I asked her who it was, she said something about taking care of somebody's kid. - She wouldn't do something crazy, would she? Like... try to get close to Parker's kid? - She holds Randall responsible for her dad's death. I know that much. - Really? - And she said something about... dreaming about killing him. No, no, no, no. This is insane. - What-what are you thinking? - How do we find out where he lives? - We're not alone. - He's paid not to look. - Let's just wait till we get home. - I'll try. - Finally. I'll be right back. - I'm not going anywhere. - Damn you. - Do you want me? - You know I do. - Do you think you can handle me? - There is not a doubt in my mind. - Spontaneity is overrated. I'm in control. - You asking for my permission? - No. - Is this what you're looking for? - What's going on? - Gina Di Salvo. I hope you don't mind if I call you by your maiden name. I take it you were gonna kill me in retaliation for your father's death? - I didn't want to kill you. I just wanted to make you confess. - There's nothing to confess to. I didn't do anything wrong. - You got away with killing Ryan Hollist, but how do you think you're gonna cover up my death? - Your death? No body, no murder. You're just gonna vanish. No one will know if you're dead or alive. Since you have no immediate family, no one will even care. - How did you find out about me? - We can thank Ryan Hollist for that. <i> He left a private email wide out in the open.</i> <i>You see, Rod was always curious about who you were.</i> <i> So he did a little investigating.</i> He called me this afternoon. And we know that Jensen was your married name. So I had him do a thorough investigation of the house while we were at dinner. Guess what he found? - Parker... no one has to die. I promise, I'm not gonna tell a soul. - You mean forget all this ever happened and, what, let you go? Let me think about that. Nah, sorry. Can't let that happen. But since you are in my bed... I'd hate to waste a perfectly good opportunity. (She gasps.) - No! (Parker and Gina struggling) No! No! No! - (Parker): Don't be a tease, you... - (Gina): No, get off! Get off! Ah! - Is that want you want? - Get off! - You want this. - No! - You've been wanting me so bad. - Get off of her! - Brynn. (Parker panting) Now just h... This is not what you think. - The hell it isn't. - This woman, she's not-- (gunshot) - I'll call 9-1-1! - Don't. - He'll die! - I know. Is this your gun? - That's my gun, but I can-- I can explain that gun. - You don't need to explain. He had it coming. All those affairs. All that humiliation. - No, Brynn. Brynn. You'll go to prison, Brynn. - I'm not going anywhere. 'Cause you're the one who shot him. - What? - Sorry you're gonna have to take the fall for this, but I don't have a choice. You thought you could rob us went we went away. Then Parker came in and you shot him. When I came in, you tried to shoot me. Somehow, I managed to get the gun away and I shot you in self-defence. - Brynn... Brynn, that's insane. Don't, Brynn, please? - Sorry. - Brynn. - Ugh! (both grunting with effort) - That's it. California Street. - That's it. - That's her car. - Yeah. She's here. (gunshot) - Damn it. - Was that a gunshot? - I'm calling the police. Please... hurry. - What should we do? - Stay put. - What if she's been shot? - We have no idea who's doing the shooting. The cops are on their way. - I'm not giving up, Gina. I have worked too hard and waited too long to lose all of this. I know you're in here. - We're the ones who called. There were shots inside. - Get in the car and stay there! (door slammed in) - Drop the gun! Put it down! - OK! OK! OK! She shot her husband! He's upstairs in the master bedroom. - She's lying! She... she's the one who shot my husband! - Check upstairs. - There's a tape recorder. It recorded everything. - (Brynn crying): No! - Cuff 'em both. - It's in my bag. (Brynn crying) - Everything's going so well. - Yes! - It's amazing. It's so nice. - Oh, thanks. Hey! These just arrived. They're from Mark. - (others): Aww! - You can just put those in another room. - Ah. (people laughing) And next. - Who's this from? - From me. - From you? - Jackson picked it out himself. - Thank you, Jackson. (She gasps.) - (others): Aww! - It's Cornelius! Thank you, Jackson. - I told you she'd like it. Hey? - This is a group gift from a bunch of the teachers. - Oh, my gosh. (applause) Thank you. - You're welcome. - I just hope it comes with instructions. (others laughing) - A hundred bucks says you'll lose the instructions before you ever put that thing together. - Well, that's true. I lose everything. - Yeah, you do. - (others): Oooooh! (others laughing) - No! More presents? - (Gina and others): Aww! (applause) Closed Captioning by<font color="#00FFFF"> SETTE inc.</font> (train horn blasting) (train horn blasting)
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 355,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime movies 2024 new release, lifetime movies 2023 new release, lifetime movies 2023, lifetime movies true story full movie, lifetime movies 2024 new released full movies, lifetime movies 2024 new release true stories, lifetime movies, lifetime full movie, A Nanny's Revenge, Parker Randall, death of both of her parents, Watch Lifetime Movies
Id: 9HTU1-aAVcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 22sec (5362 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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