In The Face of Nightmares 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Stor

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[Music] my name is Chloe I'm 20 I'm an art student at Wells College in Bradford New [Music] York I don't remember the first time I picked up a brush and tried to paint there's a lot about being little that I can't seem to remember my first day of school when I learned to ride a bike my eth birthday all things that I know happened but I can't seem to access [Music] them I've lived in this town my whole [Music] life I've walked cross this bridge maybe a thousand times but I don't know many people here it's hard to tell who to trust [Music] sometimes that all changed when the dream started the dream began to unlock [Music] [Music] everything huh what I'm about to tell you is the story according to me and It's Tricky when you don't know if your own story has a reliable author today we are going to discuss the works of post-impressionist painter Vincent Van go the dream was just the start of it emotional honesty it felt like a warning and there was really no one I could talk to about it who would understand suffered from what many experts believe I couldn't trust anyone with it of no one except my friend Rebecca durings of pain she didn't understand everything it's happening more and more it's always the same truck I think so but this time it is chasing you maybe it's a premonition or maybe you're worried about something your fall showcase project perhaps right like the truck represents my art professors just looming in the shadows waiting to run me down with their opinions don't laugh you do put a lot of pressure on yourself you're right that must be it first semester anxiety thanks for the diagnosis H not so fast what else what else what how have your headaches been headaches are fine you tell me if they weren't fine though right of course I tell you everything you [Music] better like many of you I have a few [Music] secrets and I've become good at hiding them he had secrets too there was something about him that seemed broken the walking wounded can sens in on each [Music] other something happened to him his confidence there Serenity where Faith there were definitely scars under his [Music] skin and they were leading him to me about 10 years ago they started a restoration but they ran out of money you can see good number of them have cracks and no longer secure to the floor oh the woods fine and there's some cracks but me the structure is good overall good cuz we don't have the budget to replace very much I wouldn't do that just get somebody in here to swap out these uh angle IRS maybe didn't replace the cleats too as far as the cracks just throw some colored epoxy in there it's going to look better than fresh wood patches when do you want to start me n you got to get yourself a pro um thing is I sort of already told the trust that You' do it and that you give us a great deal it's not my problem Big Brother Josh You' be doing me a huge favor we both know you can do it never met a more gifted guy in my life yeah nice try look you got a church full of people ready to help you out say the word right okay thank you Josh o almost forgot calls are still coming for you at the house got one from the global missions Institute theyd love to set up an interview thanks you going to call him probably [Music] not have a nice day thanks I moved out on my own a few months ago with school it seemed the right thing to do but really my mom and I hadn't been on the same page for some time her need for me to need her and my refusal to do so it had us moving in different directions two strangers living on different frequencies hey Chloe mom I know I know showing up at work is not cool but I've been trying to get a hold of you and well I get worried about you when I don't hear from you I'm fine Mom see all in one piece how's school okay well maybe we could grab a bite to eat once you're finish up I wish I could but I really have to work on my showcase Project tonight well I'm glad that everything's going okay maybe you could come by this weekend we could do something together I miss you miss you too Mom [Music] hey Josh I woke up this morning and I just had this song in my head and it made me think of you and me so um do me a favor and just never stop seeing with your [Music] heart all in my life I've waited for this to move out and grow up and not be my sister died doing something that she loved helping people in a country where walking 3 miles for 3 gallons of water was an everyday occurrence she had such an amazing Spirit her infectious smile caring personality and her Devotion to God impacted all that knew her and now through this scholarship she will impact many more for years to come thank [Applause] [Music] you I always like this one my first year at Columbia I like your speech it's really difficult to talk about but it honors Hannah and it will make a difference which is what she always wanted to do got to keep looking forward right yeah did you really cancel an interview with project hope it wasn't the right timing timing you loved interning with them last year I always get the sense that you're still trying to figure it all out it's not your fault yeah I'm still Hannah's annoying little sister especially when it comes to [Music] [Music] [Music] you you saw what's wrong with you you saw what happened St me [Music] [Music] you no no sender your UNC your heart hey Josh it's Mark um you snuck out before I could catch you but we're having a cookout on Saturday I asked Hannah's sister Brooke to come by let me know if you can make it hey hey my go are you okay my you sh did somebody do this to you freeon listen my name is Josh look at me is there somebody else out here okay I'm going to call 911 everything's going to be okay we got to get you off this road what is your [Music] name I'm going need to ask her a few questions in a minute that shouldn't be a problem okay Josh I'm Sor in Stanford you're the one that found her yeah she's an Arts student up at the college it's pain all over not blood you know the last thing she remembers is working late one of the studios up there so what happened she knows she's not saying did she say anything to you no nothing that made any sense excuse me yeah stord hey I'm so sorry I tried to get over as soon as I could how did you know I was here you called me don't you remember you said you'd tell me if there was ever a problem there hasn't been I've been okay you're okay for for a little while but it's getting pretty clear that these blackouts aren't just going to go away think it's time you talk to your mom about this it's heartbreaking to watch this happen to you I can see that you're scared but I won't leave you if you talk to someone about this I will stay with you through all of it no well you're going to have to think of something or they're going to keep you here you offer a few more questions I'll be right outside campus security gave me a call so the art room you were in was pretty messed up what happened up there I didn't to anything wrong let me ask you something if we were to run a drug test what's going to pop up I didn't take anything okay I'm not on drugs you're going to have to give me something the doc's here want to put you on Mental Health arrest chlo I'm on your side W you let me help you I've been working late a lot I haven't been getting much sleep so you're telling me this is sleep deprivation nice try this school is just so competitive that I need to be my best all the time because everyone else is so perfect and I just I just don't think that my work measures up you on a scholarship I am and it was really hard to get and I really don't want to lose it it's a challenge finding the right balance to stay one step ahead in moments like this there's always some real truth under the truth you tell but even if I could understand what happened even if I had the words to explain it I couldn't trust anyone with it it's a mess in there campus security talk to you [Music] yet I really just need to get my project back your project it's [Music] [Music] ruined [Music] [Music] she went to Bradford in your class the year after me she's always kind of a loner by choice I mean she just didn't call too much attention to herself I don't remember at all I bet you won't forget her now how's it looking like I'm stuck doing all the cooking sounds like Josh didn't get much attention today Mark you better give baby brother a hug just got off the phone or gave your cot a thumbs up start the benches anytime I know what you're doing Mark what's that the benches it's not going to work you think that with me spending all this time in the church that I'm going to start coming back into things go on I don't want to disappoint you brother you can never disappoint me I just don't like seeing you hurting like this I don't care if you don't like it it's not about you Josh you're right I'm sorry dinner's ready Lord God we thank you for all the gifts you give us each day we thank you even when we can't understand things are still in control give us Faith to hold fast to what we know is true amen a lot of people tell you to let your secrets out so they don't have power over you I don't know maybe I just never knew anyone I trusted that much more often than not when I gave myself away it came back to hurt me when a Secret's out then a part of you is out it's something that belongs to others now and you don't control the darkness anymore you so you saw what happened you sick [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] I think it's a premonition stop I think this is saying that something bad is going to happen to you it's just a bad dream yes a dream about you okay I'm listening I think that these drawings are saying that something tragic is going to happen Okay well then we need to talk to someone who I think I know and just hear me out he's one of the pastors at my church his name is Mark he's a great guy he's a great listener he's helpful are you serious like that's what you came up with I get it but haven't you ever wondered what it' be like to feel safe to feel like you really matter just think about it either it helps or we're back where we started I'll meet you there after my shift living out your faith is so important it's not easy never forget that when you're going through suffering nothing can separate you from God's love put your hand up if you've ever been sad before look around everyone's hand is up everyone goes through hard times know that in each one of those times where you went through difficulty God was with you each and every one of you always especially during the most difficult times remember that know that take confidence in it I should do it's [Music] hot have you ever wondered if God was really out there like I said things usually ended very bad for me when I put my faith in someone else and that's what led me to my wall I've been hiding my secrets here for so long but my situation never seemed to get any better maybe Rebecca was right maybe it was time to try something else if can please wash away these days [Music] us hey hey how you doing good everything okay yeah I am just um I'm waiting for somebody I'm glad you're feeling better Josh yeah do you know Rebecca Rebecca I don't think so we're meeting with pastor Mark what tonight oh there's no one left in the Church Pastor Mark's not here no he you have a phone maybe you could call her no no it's fine I think I know where she might be what help you honey yeah uh is Rebecca here um I'm not sure there's a table of kids around the corner maybe she's back [Music] there uh did she have to work late who's that Rebecca I'm sorry sweetie I don't know who you're talking about is she not back there with this kids no she she's a waitress here are you sure you're at the right place uh yes Rebecca everything okay she's looking for someone named Rebecca that she says works here ain't nobody named Rebecca work here okay did she set you guys up for this will you tell her that they went to the church okay I waited there honey there's nobody here named [Music] Rebecca will you stop saying that of course there's a Rebecca here she works here I don't know what you want me to tell you sweetie there's no one here stop calling me sweetie okay either you get out of here or I'm calling the cops you know go ahead look maybe we better go outside they won't tell me where Rebecca is okay and I'll help you find Rebecca Lola do not call the cops Josh you know her yes you need to get her out of here you need to relax Chloe Rebecca's not here and they're going to call the cops and I'll help you find her you need to get out of [Music] here Chloe we don't need any crazy people in here you call the cops hey hey slow down get away from me I'm just trying to help you I don't need your help okay I need to find Rebecca and Something's Happened to her and they all know it I told you that something was going to happen why don't we try this tell me where she lives we'll go to my truck and I will take you there she um wait why can't I remember okay look you're confused it's okay to be confused not confused okay stop treating me like a baby I'm not treating you like a baby just tell me does she live in town cuz wherever you want to go I'll take you oh know Miss hold it right there we got to call you were a little upset so this is her you I talked to the owner of the diner he said nobody named Rebecca work there right now she was at the hospital the other night when you came in she was she was in the room when you came to talk to me Chloe no one was in that hospital room with you how long have you been seeing these I've been seeing them in pieces for a while now what you going to put me under mental health arrest that's not up to me I'm just here trying to sort through all this right now I'm going to show you a picture I want you to tell me if it looks like your friend Rebecca Cole that her yes where is she just calm down no what happened to her where did she go one thing at a time how did you meet Rebecca do you remember at the diner my mom and I used to go and she would wait on us girl in that picture yes you're positive yes you became friends where is she GL you're right Rebecca worked at the Parkside Diner that she went missing 12 years ago it can't be true you were a little girl maybe you don't remember I'm going to take you over to the hospital and some doctors are going to take a look at you you mean the psychor you been there before once when you were little yeah I want you to sit Ty you can hang on to that if you [Music] want sorry to keep you waiting I thought things were getting better for her you kid yourself she hasn't been returning my calls so thinking she's so busy you know caught up in school so this is the first time something like this has happened no this is more Progressive when she was 8 years old she she started having these episodes she called them blackouts the doctors they said it was a some kind of Amnesia maybe um maybe stress related or triggered by some kind of food allergy you know something that she eventually would grow out of all the things the doctors say when they don't know what else to say right and you want to believe them because you don't know what else to believe you don't want to believe that there's something deeper and darker going on with your daughter did she ever get extensive professional help yeah but she didn't want to open up to him she became more and more guarded over the years years you attend church at Riverside yeah so Chloe would know Pastor Mark from there sure when Chloe was a little girl um it wasn't a really good time for me there's a lot of things that I did that uh that I'm not proud of and actually there's a lot that I really don't remember it's [Music] okay hey hey my friend Julie works at the hospital she said they took Chloe over there do you think she's hallucinating all this I don't know Rebecca Cole I remember all that like it was yesterday I completely forgot that she worked at the diner oh it's Julie hey what wait what no hang on you're breaking up okay I didn't do anything wrong I was just trying to find my stop moving for me okay have you taken anything tonight no tell me so I can help you I just need to find he hey she's just a little confused hold on please help me I'm not going to believe this Chloe ran off they were holding her at the ER and when no one was looking she just slipped out the whole police department is on the Sur [Music] when I was little I used to live this fantasy story I'd play in a field of wild flowers feeling free safe imagining I could be like that someday but really the feeling never lasted very long there's always something pulling me [Music] back [Music] I know it's crazy I can't explain Rebecca even now it's impossible for me to [Music] understand but there was a reason she came to me a reason for all of it and I had to find out why before everyone found [Music] me [Music] [Music] you okay why wouldn't I be after last night just thought I'd check in yeah [Music] fine hey a lot of people are looking for you I used to go to church here yeah me too they told me Rebecca vanished yeah I know I don't get what's happening to me and I don't understand what happened to Rebecca is it really true yeah I don't want to go back to that hospital you don't have to go to the hospital why don't we just do this can you sit and talk for a while can you you do that I'll stand here you can talk okay I want to be someone you can trust Chloe I don't know if I can do that come on on do you know what happened to her no not really Nobody Does she just disappeared don't you remember it was a big deal in town when it happened I don't feel very well where's the bathroom it's just [Music] downstairs [Music] [Music] come [Music] you you saw what happened you saw what he [Music] did you you saw what happened you saw you you saw what happened you saw [Music] Happ Rebecca [Music] [Music] Rebecca Rebecca wait Rebecca [Music] Rebecca you're I'm not done talking you just leave me alone you're you see what happened you get off me this is the place [Music] you you saw I [Music] saw Chloe hey this is where it happened maybe we should go back I saw I think I saw it happen and I just didn't remember well then let's go tell them they won't listen to me here somebody killed her Chloe you should have called me the minute you saw sir I have no real excuse other than I think there's more going on here maybe she's connected to Rebecca Cole's disappearance somehow what do you mean maybe she saw someone kill her Sergeant Stanford all I'm saying is maybe you should get someone to go to the woods and search them the ones along the river did you know that Rebecca Cole came from a pretty tough situation no yeah foster kid bounced from one place to another ran away a lot didn't stay in one place for too long she was arrested a few times spent a year in juvie the job of the diner she got through a work release program set up by the state sir don't all runaways eventually turn up someplace not all the time Chloe is a TR troubled girl Josh I don't think she knows what she's saying half the time if you see her again you call me okay I'm [Music] serious [Music] [Music] [Music] mom Chloe I think I have some answers I think I know what happened to Rebecca honey no I I think I saw it happen I just blacked it out okay let me just take you back to the hospital okay and we'll get it all sorted out they're they're not going to believe me you don't even believe I just I just want to help you but I feel like you don't want me to anything that I do I do because I love you and I just want you to trust me that's all just just trust me it hurts me to see you hurting okay let's go home no Outsiders if that's what you want we can talk about all of it come on Chloe I can't I can't Chloe [Music] stop [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] hi hi are you from the cable company Miss set Josh Griffin we spoke on the phone earlier I told you there's not much I have to say right I was just hoping that maybe if we talk face to face I'm waiting for the man to come and fix my TV must have my programs already today maybe we could talk while you're waiting do you know anything about cable when Rebecca's caseworker approached us about her she said she'd be a handful she had a lot of trouble in her other homes she never gave us any trouble though she kept to herself a lot yeah you know the news articles never said anything about her parents well they wouldn't she never really knew them I had a lot of kids through my house in those days and they all had their problems but she seemed at peace with herself that runaway business just never made sense to me I kept her stuff do you want to see come on you're doing no good back there I tried it I never knew what to do with this I never had one of my kids leave and not come back made friends at work they had a Bible study at school one of the girls in her class invited her to the meetings man there he is excuse me I read somewhere that your mind protect protects you from certain things especially when you're little and sometimes it only lets you know about them when you're ready the curtain drops and memories can come flooding [Music] back it was that thought that led me back [Music] here this place and I are forever connected now come on Rea let me give you a ride are you drunk no yes you are you're drunk again get BEC leave me alone but I'm not good enough to give you a ride I'm not interested okay I'm not done talking you just leave me alone don't talk to me like that get off me what's wrong with you get off [Music] me [Music] [Music] h hey Josh hi Lola I hear the cops are looking for your friend yeah you know I had no idea that Rebecca she was talking about the other night was Rebecca Cole yeah you knew her huh sure some of us around here are lifers you know thanks L yeah hey you find your girl yet nope U police told us to keep a lookout for her but she ain't been around what's wrong with her I'm not sure thanks thought that was your truck I understand you've been searching down by the river going have to let this one go Josh why please afraid I'm going to find something easy brother but ain't healthy plus I can't let you dig out there it's Tom land hey Pastor hi Lola coffee sure I stopped by Rebecca Cole's Foster mom's house just out a box of some of her old things pictures jewelry books her Bible she said Rebecca had just joined the Bible study at school okay Faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen that verse was highlighted in her Bible that's a verse of Hope Mark you know that there were dozens highlighted just like that so what are you saying she was healing not hurting she was having the best year of her life sometimes you don't see the whole picture Josh you could be on top of the world in one minute and the bottom could fall out the next you of all people should know that don't don't make this about Hannah Josh I'm sorry but I can't help but wonder if it is about her here's the truth the police gave up on Rebecca they saw her as a trouble kid and they filed her way Josh please sit and talk a bit what's the point sometimes when you decide not to give up on something it drives you to pursue it obsessively it makes you risk everything you look for answers you look for hope there's probably a million lost explorers for everyone who finds an answer then something comes along that you didn't expect and suddenly you realize you're on the right path Josh you okay I was up on the bridge and I saw you what happened somebody somebody came up behind me okay okay can you can you stand I'm fine okay okay sit still for a sec my watch don't move just you know you should go to the hospital no what were you doing down here I believe you [Music] Chloe it's got to be the one you sure it's the same what about the guy you think you can recognize him I mean if he was right in front of you could you pick him up hell [Music] no hey what's up got to ask you something are you okay yeah I'm fine look I was with Rebecca's foster mom she gave me this old photo of you too I remember this look at Rebecca you see that old truck in the background you don't know whose truck that is by chance do you a customer maybe looks like Matt Barnes old truck I'm not sure why you asking who's Matt the night cook he was there yesterday when you were in I'm pretty sure he had a truck like that before he bought his bike is he at the restaurant no he's got the weekends off he's sleeping does he live in town out on trimmer Road where on trimmer greyh house past the tracks are you sure everything's okay what do you want with an old truck anyway it's a long story thanks Lola Josh you okay they say God can heal your broken heart but I've never never felt him he's always seemed so far away I think someone hurt you very much is that true you can trust me I know you trust me chlo I know [Music] I never knew my father as long as I can remember it was just my mom and me she dated a few [Music] guys some of them were very nice some of them weren't so nice I didn't like being around when they were home especially when my mom wasn't there so I would go and hang down by the river under the [Music] bridge did your mom know that is not on you how do you know it is not on you how do you know you did nothing wrong that is not on you no it's [Music] not it's [Music] okay you listen to me I think I know who drives that truck so I think we need to take right okay do that for me this probably would not make sense to most people visiting the house of a man you think murdered your friend when you run out of options your choices become more desperate you sure you're okay with this if you want to hang back back it's [Music] okay let's go see if there's anything out back [Music] I don't think anyone's [Music] around looking for something look I knocked no one answered what are you doing here all I wanted to do was ask you about a phone go over there [Music] what the cops looking for you who was you what's she saying I saw you what are you saying you killed her what you killed her killed who she's just a little confused no I'm not confused what are you saying K her I saw it go I saw you it was you you it was you get off my property I'm going to call the cops don't never come back [Music] here well I think it's Sam he told the police you think you ready for that [Music] yeah sge yeah this kid Josh Griffin's on his way in he said something about how this girl Khloe morray just identified a guy named Matt Barnes as someone who killed Rebecca Cole I got this got people scratching their heads Josh Sergeant Stanford I can explain save it C out of the truck look this Barnes guy he had something to do with Rebeca Cole's disappearance you got to listen to what Chloe's saying Chloe doesn't know what she's saying that's the problem Josh she doesn't know what she's seeing either don't you get that by now don't make me ask you again get out of the truck come on interfere with this again in I'll arrest you now go [Music] home I heard what happened I forgot how fast news travels around here Josh Josh I'm not really sure what to say [Music] anymore I'm trying to [Music] understand [Music] you ever feel like God failed you if I'm honest yeah sometimes I feel that he has especially when it makes no sense we're all human Josh it's okay to be angry I'm so beyond angry brother Hannah wasn't keen on Tanzania but I convinced her to go overseas when she got sick weever we were too far from anything to get her out I just don't get it we were doing good work God's word I get it but I believe that help turn turn this into a greater purpose for [Music] you but not in our time [Music] Josh in his [Music] time it's [Music] time [Music] you hungry can I get you something to [Music] eat you want to tell me why you ran [Music] off hi I'm going to take you to the [Music] hospital are you sure there's nothing more you want to say there's somebody here who wants to see you hey [Music] baby we don't have to talk about it if you you don't want to no matter what I'm not going to leave [Music] you okay part of me wanted to tell her everything I knew I wish I felt safe enough it's a powerless feeling when you don't trust your own thoughts even if I could figure out the exact mix of fact and [Music] fiction I wasn't going to tell [Music] anyone but just when I thought I was about to lose it all one more thing happened that I can't explain and it changed [Music] everything it saved my life is everything okay Matt Barnes that's a name that hasn't popped up on my radar in years but it popped up once back when he was younger before he started working at the diner sexual assault challenge God it was 14 years ago even then he had that that lost Soul Tattoo why don't we take a ride to the bridge you can show me what you think happened are you up for that yeah what you [Music] doing looking for something same thing you were looking for my property earlier nope I found that looking for something else that girl she got you all twisted around yeah you're here you worried about something maybe I'm worried about you a lot of bad things happen in these Woods you fall down slip hit their head real hard real easy to end up face down in that River yeah I'm sure you know all about that there is nothing out here Josh she saw you she's an eyewitness she's crazy and ain't nobody believe what she says please Josh go home I believe her as soon as as I find Rebecca wherever you put her a lot of other [Music] people hey what's going on down there you're not going to find nothing is that bars yeah yeah dispatch this is Stanford I need a couple of units out of a trimmer Road Bridge need to track down a possible suspect that [Music] ran [Music] [Music] but if think I'll find her they'll find her maybe it's time someone else knew the truth Mom I need to tell you something okay Josh was right I was punishing her with my silence and it needed to end come so that the healing could begin this where used to come sometimes this is where I felt safe safe from what [Music] Chloe you can feel safe with me I want you to feel [Music] safe I never said [Music] this but there were [Music] times while you were away [Music] all the pie of my heart pie of anything nothing yet what they doing [Music] I didn't want to hurt you hurt me I let you down oh I let this happen please don't say that don't feel that okay you didn't know you didn't know oh Chloe I'm so sorry I'm soorry guys I got something over here something's got them [Music] curious with pieces of my [Music] scar [Music] found something where's [Music] Chloe does this look [Music] familiar [Music] Mr be I'm so sorry I didn't believe you I'll see you later I got to go find Matt Barnes it's a good thing you didn't give up our little brother [Music] you going to be okay [Music] Chloe 2 days later they arrested Matt Barnes for the murder of Rebecca Cole her remains were found just a few feet away from her [Music] cross the psychologist and interviewed me said that I'd probably been Gathering clues about him for years that while my mind blocked out the memory of what happened it was also taking inventory of everything about him they said that my testimony would make it an open and shut case I hope that's [Music] true rising up from the ash it's a place that I never thought i' get back from it's taking everything I had to find my way back home something's telling me because I've stumbled I'm unworthy all the things I've done I am still and I can't over I've got to make a [Music] CH hey Mom [Music] hey thought you might want some company for lunch sure is everything okay yeah I'm all caught up on my schoolwork um look it's an invite to the student [Music] showcase hi how are you doing Mom I'll be doing better once I know you are I'm not there yet and I don't know how long it's going to take me but I'm not going to let this own me or Define me and I don't want it to own you or Define you either we need to make this new start for both of us I want that too [Music] shall we go I think this is going to be really good I think so [Music] too everybody's loving your work [Music] Josh really really nice that's good here's the rest of my bill sticking around for service I got a date with a shower tomorrow then Josh I was wrong to push you so hard to open up as a pastor I supposed to take the I'm here for you if you need me approach but it was hard seeing you hurting like that it's okay I get it you're my brother same rules don't apply time for you to do your thing Pastor Josh thought I might find you here how you doing you look good I feel good thank you you're welcome no thank you for believing in me you had the eyes to see the truth when no one else did who was it who taught you to see with your heart like that I'm beginning to understand that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can see the top yeah you really think faith can play a part in healing [Music] someone yeah my name is Chloe I'm 20 I still have a hard time letting people get too close to me the disciples each day I get better God wasn't there it wasn't working and I'm open to trusting more trusting that things will work out for me that all my scars will start to fade no matter where you are and then perhaps dark may seem as they fade trust that God is there I'll be set free I'll finally feel free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rahi Gaming
Views: 63,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Lifetime Movies 2024, LMN, African American Movies, Hallmark Movie 2024, Hallmark, romace movie, Lifetime Uncorked, Lifetime Movie Club, Based On True Story 2024
Id: tLW4N5sVHxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 15sec (5235 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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