Terrible secret 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

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[Music] Mother's Day is a very special day what could be more special than a mother The Giver of Life so I can only pray that Brenda gek has brought along her famous apple pie for after the service Joey go in CER turn around okay everybody everybody stand up straight stand up straight okay all right what do we say when we take a picture what do we say we say chees you keep track of the bows please oh my oh my wow wow Jo thank you Joe you're [Laughter] welcome oh look at this it's expensive my son has a taste nice Joy thanks Dad happy Mother's Day well thank you Gary and Carol thank you you're welcome oh that's nice thank you guys it's on sale and a sweet deal at that Marie you got a gift for Mama you forget what the day is Marie only the most important day of the year around here it's fine Mother's Day is about a lot more than just giving [Music] presents [Music] FY mayor Haynes Philip Rothman my wife Joyce it's very nice to meet you too my wife Shantel nice toet I know who you are best damn Assistant Attorney General we got well thank you I'd like you to meet my good friends Ken and Brenda geek how you how do you do big supporters of this event my pleas Mr and correct me if I'm wrong but haven't you won every single case you've ever prosecuted well yeah and such a lovely wife you two have kids we have two two how old are they the other thing I believe is people love to haggle I mean look at this everybody loves the almighty bargain Brenda Will you organize next year's Church sale I will nurel munchkin Jimmy's had enough cookies come here offer the Reverend of cook by Nel and I made these last night yeah I like it guess what what the sweetheart I know almost every swear with now oh my god oh dear oh where do children get this stuff JY shame on you listen up everybody the Reverend gets 50% off of anything he wants just 50 hey Brenda I got some more stuff for your sale where do you want me to put it uh just put it right here and I'll go through it there's lots of stuff here oh thanks Paul you're a prince it's not a problem at all oh help yourself to some cookies cookies I love cookies his wife and I co-chair the PTA they're just wonderful people let's see let's put a dollar on that's too much dollar maybe you supposed to be at 8:00 thanks for bringing this stuff where were you probably out with the boys again I told those two they were too young to get married that's great that's really great thanks for help can you sort of break this up relax no that's fine now the kids and I are going to be fine just go hey knock it off you two knock it off you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago sorry I'm sorry where have you been Carol would you do what you're supposed to do Gary come with me we got some stuff in the house come on right now good morning now make me an offer and they're yours they are mine my wedding my baby really my birthday someone broke into my apartment I oh you poor thing but how do they get here that's a good question Joey you here yeah where did you get this box of tape I yeah the kids from the school donated them school I don't well that makes it sound really great you know what honey help her to the car with these yeah sure they're actually hers oh my God okay you know what put them in here I want you to take these as a gift from us these are brand new darling little picture frames why don't you put these in your bedroom or anywhere in the kitchen and and God bless you thanks yeah I love did you decide to help us out with the yard sale no I just came out to get a cookie oh honey you know those are for the customers I'm sorry what am I going to do with you too no no no no no put the little ones on the bottom and the big one on top or you won't have any room [Music] God morning I'd like to oh my your nose does that hurt only when I pick it you need help yeah my kids got me all this stuff I don't need and I just thought well why don't I get a refund and buy myself something I really do need what don't like any of this stuff Mother's Day is about family whatever got the receipts yeah that's the other thing about my kids you know they would lose their heads if they weren't screwed on but I do have all the uh price tags will that do whatever yeah I got it h blue tennis sneaker size 4 right I'll meet you outside the dry cleaner yeah ah there you are I don't stand by the trash did you get anything Excuse Me Miss don't you have some things you haven't paid for I beg your pardon take your hands off her are you her mother no did you just Foster mother what's the problem ask her I saw her stealing what is that true whose is this the stores are yours mine oh my God don't believe this I am so sorry I the police don't have to get involved do they I'll give you all your stuff back in I'll make sure she never comes in the store again is that it is it all of it yes please she won't come in the store again she better not she won't are you happy now up you you made yourself look good didn't you cuz that's what counts right God I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you it's easy money time the Easy Money show where everybody win mama what n can't sleep it's too light out I know that's the bad thing about summer today's light so late come around here lay down sit by Mama maybe you'll get sleepy hey Deo M wants to talk to you okay look mama told us what happened what you said it's not very nice after all she's done hi Mama you think you order an apology I'm sorry Mama babies are so precious they need you nothing more basic than that or more fulfilling if you're a good mother come to bed Jeremy good night dear Jeremy's sleeping with me tonight love you do you want some popcorn baby boy yeah [Applause] yeah look at this mess Susan Carter is white trash oh this G Mr G hi is this all your stuff out here oh I was going to pick that up it's about the rent it's overdue by a month again my mommy yeah oh look things have been tough really looks to me like you can still afford toys I'm good for it Monday I promise Monday don't make me Chase you no oh that cockroach thing I called the city today cuz I what you called the city honey it's okay we'll have Helen fix it it's all right come on sweetie Monday why do you never use a calculator calculators take away control of the Mind Helen I don't like them and I don't like cockroaches so what do you want me to do you've got me handling so many buildings now there's bound to be some cockroaches I just don't like complaints to the city fix it [Applause] it but I live here you have to let me and you live here can you tell me how did it start I don't know I wasn't here I just got here Kim can you take Emily sure I don't I don't know uh I work late what have you done now what done here this I officer I I'm the person who owns this house what did you do here do anything this is horrifying I mean where is your baby looking for somebody else okay ladies ladies I need to get some information your child this is [Music] horrifying [Music] let's [Music] go come on no oh my God they're gone she took him she took the baby well do something all right [Music] jeez here let me look at you here okay while you cry where are we going I don't know yet Mommy's going to figure it out okay okay okay here take [Music] this might help if you stop crying just tell us exactly what your complaint is I already told you those people the DCF they didn't believe me and you you don't believe me either do you any experience references no um do I do I need references yeah would help oh sorry uh some advice if you want to find a job clean yourself up you look like crap okay so the job is 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 5 days a week okay and I'm going to need you some Saturdays and Sundays okay you okay with that yeah look the job comes with a trailer too if you want it thank you thank you so much thank you very much the trailer okay and that's it and I've been to everybody uh the DCF the police nobody believes me I inent you I'll check it out you will yeah I'll have someone look into it that's great that Maria has always been trouble lying stealing you name it this I just can't believe all these horrible things she's saying about us look there was a there was a complaint so I had to no no no no no what you're doing no absolutely this is your job when she left she didn't say anything and frankly I'm so worried about the baby oh the poor baby honey you see this I brought this to show you reporter did a story a few years back about how we're all this helping out so many foster kids we're licensed by the state do a lot of good work I mean my wife just gives and gives no this is the thanks we get sorry to have Disturbed you that night no not at all oh and here please help yourself take some more cookies them for your buds so yeah you uh you have a nice day you have a nice day too you okay mama where you going you go down to the basement a minute listen you guys just go on [Music] without dear dear Mr K my name is Marie deah and now in his award-winning weekly series on issues affecting our city Douglas Kane in our ongoing series of how the state's foster care system is failing those it's supposed to protect I want to tell you about Marie Deo who recently wrote me a letter she's making serious allegations against a prominent family yet no one including the department of children youth and families is doing anything about it she claims to have received death threats and before anything happens to her she wants it all to come out it's quite the drama that you've set up going to the media like that what was I supposed to do I I never heard back from you isn't it your job to put bad people away my job is to prosecute not to investigate I can't go on your word alone I need corroboration and I didn't get it from the police report do you have anybody who can back up your claims there might be [Music] uh Gary kandle Carol G's husband Brenda's son-in-law and why him cuz he left Carol cuz he finally got out of that house all right Mr crle you've wasted enough of my time you don't want to talk suit yourself from what my witness tells me you'll be facing charges of arson robbery all right [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Music] stay please [Music] go this is the Bas rest get some clothes on hey hey hey what going on here what's going on [Music] get dress right now and come downstairs just calm down I [Music] calm get some clothes get some clothes on theid we got to move out of here just do whatever want right now don't touch me going be fine for God's sake guys let's take him out on the porch get that out of my face take them outside read them their rights Mr rman Mrs GE what a surprise Mr rman we're going to the basement the B there's nothing in the [Music] basement is anybody in there is anybody in there cut it off [Music] [Music] [Music] lady Deo we're here to free you did you read them they rights yes sir good take him to the car hey hey M stop you can't go over there oh Maria got you forgot about me no never and I won't ever leave you again I promise you're I thought you forgot about me hi Brenda hi Kenny where are you going it's okay honey Mommy's going to be right back Jimmy call my attorneys make sure the kids get breakfast Marie I'm sorry that I doubted you it's okay it's over now no now the hard part begins making sure they stay behind bars let's go where where are we going we're going to get you some we're going to get you some clothes and then home home na what are we going to do here you haven't paid rent in 3 months and the baby's daddy just left I don't know what to do I don't have any I don't have any money it's okay baby hone hey grab a diaper maybe she needs a diaper changed cannot live like this when you have a baby naen just give me the diaper and I'll change her I don't have anymore you don't have any diapers for your baby I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry like an idea mean this is crazy but listen what if you and Marie moved in with us for a while you know just till you got back on your feet you could help around the house with the chores and things just do something like that sound good to you oh oh Brenda oh God you're such an angel you are such an [Music] angel [Music] I don't think of myself as a landlord I don't even like the word what I do is about helping people and building a community you know whoh what about what about the woman who lived there naine she's fine she lives with us now do you have any kids no I just honestly I just don't understand why the newspaper would be interested in somebody like me it was the mayor's suggestion oh he's a wonderful man isn't he yeah well it's it's not everyone who takes in the um so many foster kids how many four five five there's um little Marie and um four others whose parents have passed away and naine who I just um sort to help out what makes you want to give so much I believe that we were put here on this Earth mhm mhm to help others and in doing so okay we help ourselves do you think that'll be in the paper yeah yeah um oh and this one this one Marie is uh turning 12 today so later on today we're going to go on a shopping spree for her birthday so the most important part is that you don't attract attention to yourself okay no fast movements like all right what you do is you pretend like you're looking at this oh oh or that or this and then you very carefully slip something into the slit I made in the lining of your coat right there easy understand yes Excuse me yes Mama I'm just not sure I can do it well you know Joey and Jimmy they do which Carol too you want to be like them don't you come on it'll be fun let's make it a game I just love this color but I don't know do you have this in a size 14 uh yes let me just check the customer needs help in home electronics customer needs help in home electronics number oh my goodness my back what happened my I oh God I just spped on these no Madam what's wrong with you people Che fun where'd you get it's good good very good it's a good girl do you know what good girls get remember [Music] that Marie got you some stuff at the store today socks underwear you need to change your underwear okay thanks Brenda I will oh um Brenda um do you think I might be able to get some food food yeah I haven't eaten in two days well you're right you do need to eat and you also need to learn how to fold towels right you fold them in half make sure the tag is on the inside then you fold them in thirds you know the funny thing about this is I have told you how to do this over and over and over again don't you think I have anything better to do with my time than to teach you how to fold a damn towel you're you're right Brenda I will'll try really hard to get it right next time good I'll send Ken down with some food Ken no I'm sorry I'm sorry okay that's fine I have to go to bed my back is killing [Music] me you do know that I lock this at night for your own good don't you oh yeah just you know like you always say you got your hands full with those kids of yours don't let the bed bugs bite [Music] Ken [Music] [Music] better now you know who I am what I do a social worker from the D you see why I am that's right department of children youth and families it's our job to make sure that foster kids are in good homes and are happy I'm glad we can have this private chat so you can be as candid as you like are you being treated well yeah sure you've been missing school quite a bit what's with that I've been sick oh that's too bad you feeling better now what's that Mark on your room I tripped outside okay Marie are you happy with the gex do you like it here the Gs are nice people they're my [Music] family hey why don't we sit out all [Music] right well I'm going to go get some drinks yeah get Carol the juice and uh okay I'll take some all right Scotch excuse me coming through Miss is GE this is gck you know under the circumstances it would be fine if you called me Mama now than you okay Mama I like that so I hear you're going to be working with this uh yeah yeah um doing what oh Lord we have so many buildings that I couldn't tell you what we do from day to day but it's an adventure yeah and speaking of adventur is this new baby oh excited I want you to have lots of babies m you understand all right yeah I I'll give it the old College try now that you're a member of our family there's really no reason for you'd ever see or talk to your family again you're kidding right you need to get used to a GE sense of humor yeah um you know what they say till death to us part uh see you son naen eats when I say she eats have you ever heard of a [Music] brush so what's the deal This Time same as before move the stuff you get your cut 30% all this stuff from tenants hey if they're late with the rent it's our right as landlords 40% hey that's not that's not the deal watch Dad coming through clean out Dave down here okay it's always something Mama thanks baby bye baby cute kids we got coming Mama babies love me they adore me you remember where mama told you to put these [Music] mhm L [Music] Dean officer please my daughter and I need your help because there's there a woman in there Slow Down slow down my daughter and I need your help Nadine Nadine are you okay is everything all right I can take care of this okay Nadine where's Brenda look at me are you here by yourself where's Brenda 18 we have been so worried about you where have you been my God are you okay is she okay I think she's fine oh thanks Mom it's okay how's Jane and the kids um the kids are fine look are you sure everything's all right because she's to move the I know she's confused she's always confused but we're going to take her right home and give her a little snack honey you did the best job with that gardening today I in trouble with again byebye thank you so much say hi to Jane and the kids for me no one leaves this house now no one right Marie right Marie hey yes Mama we're all family we love you and you love us that's why you need to call the police and take back what you said otherwise you know what they'll do no they'll send you away they'll take you away from us away from Marie that's not what you want to happen is it no Brenda you know the only thing I'm wanting here is to help that's that's what I do I try my best and I just hope that you see that yes Brenda I'm sorry I won't ever tell on you again [Music] then don't cry Brenda I'm sorry I won't tell I won't tell don't cry okay thank you because if you [Music] do I'll kill you I'll kill you [Music] would you put this in the drawer where it belongs you know you took the time you could almost be beautiful when when how was your age I didn't have anyone to look after me do you know how lucky you are D [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretend I'm someone you [Music] like make sure my eggs are over easy and don't break those yolks and Jimmy wants bacon crisp after breakfast you and Gary need to get over there to Baker Street and clean that up seems there was a Breakin poor woman you should have seen her face when she walked in there and saw that mask it almost made me cry mama look at this the mayor's under investigation oh my God why don't people just be grateful for everything he's done for this city two Insurance checks this morning needings disability check welfare and [Music] hello yeah we're having breakfast here do you think you could go do the laundry or something oh okay I'm sorry I'll get right to that does this look crisp no naine come here a second does Maria look like she's getting fat to you no seriously look look doesn't this look like a girl who's just getting fat what do you think doesn't it to you it's because I'm pregnant no mama mama no she she's carrying a baby mama me mama no it's not Ken it's Joy's it's it true is it it's Joy that's the truth get out of here na now now go find something to do you listen to me the second you dropped this kid you're getting your tubes tied got it yes Mama good if you ever kiss me again sorry Mom what are you doing I told you go do the launderings then why don't you just leave my mom I'll kill her well I don't know how much more of this I can take I'm leaving tonight what about your babies they're coming with me oh what about Carol yeah I don't know she's she's too scared I don't want my baby to live like this I don't here he is everybody the newest addition to our family Jeremy Joseph gck here I'll take him nap no I hav't no it's okay no no I want you to be able to mingle and everybody to congratulate you yes oh my okay everybody let's go out in the yard for a family photo come on yeah let's take a picture come on he is beautiful I took some food from the hospital oh thank [Music] you Brenda is just going to love that baby what what did I say a no don't be sad what's the matter this is a happy time well I what am I going to do with you well you just were going to run over to your mommies and leave Carol alone nobody abandons my daughter no I mean what were you thinking man and then she tells me that you're thinking of taking full custody of the children no I mean you ever stopped once to think about my sister huh huh you think you can take my babies away from me they love me they need me and you will never leave this house with my babies you're all sick you demented o you're a tough guy ooh that's smart you're such a tough guy you see this this is today's paper you see this guy I mean simple you can make front page tomorrow Gary I mean you want to be on the front cover huh you want to make front page huh you want to make front page hey what's going on shut up you want to make front page then you go home you grab your stuff and you come back where you belong okay hi sweetie I was just thinking about you how's Jeremy good he's asleep you I was thinking that maybe uh maybe Gary could help me with the the fire tonight because I've never done one on my own and I don't want to screw it up and I guess it's possible she's finally got a brain in her head Gary what do you think about that idea H Carrie so you're okay then you'll be able to lift everything yeah I'm fine are you ready yeah well he probably Sav my life okay for now all right [Music] Gary uh can you play that computer Gary what what nothing okay come come on get a move hun let's get out of [Applause] [Music] here this is how Brenda likes it it's [Music] slow and it looks like an [Music] accident you ready to go huh come [Music] on come on let's [Music] go [Music] just stay here do not move mom we're leaving Maria what's wrong oh I can't find the key mom we're leaving I can't let Jeremy stay here I won't I can't let him live this way take me with you please put the key I can't find it Brenda must have [Music] it Brenda's going to be mad I will come back for you I promise I'm I'm going to get some help and I'm going to get you out of here I love you [Music] Mom I love you too baby I love you baby byebye come on no [Music] used to see nine in the yard R can leaves all by herself now does that sound like a prisoner to you I mean Branda used to chair our neighborhood watch committee I always figured something was going on in that house yeah and I wondered when someone was going to do something about it did you yourself ever do anything like maybe call the police um the Gs are good neighbors never any trouble keep to themselves I don't know anything about anyone being kept as a prisoner in the basement hello will you accept the collect call from the correctional institute yeah go ahead it's nice to know I might still have friends lero thank you hey I don't believe everything I see on TV innocent till proven guilty I mean this is America right anything I could do for you Marie Deo has problems understanding I just want to reach out help her understand do that understand yeah understand all right [Music] [Music] hey you're not thinking of putting a Dean on the stand are you no she's probably too damag to put on stand thanks can I ask you a question why didn't we use local cops for the raid we work for the state what's the real answer the geks have a lot of [Music] friends here we are home sweet home this is all yours ours mom ours I am so proud of you let me just unlock the door where's Jeremy oh he's at a neighbors across the way she Babys said she's really nice I'll go get him hello hi this is Marie no this is naen who's who's this naen oh that's a real pretty name you feeling okay today okay you're looking a little bit down why don't you come up here let me have a good look at you okay oh okay when you see her you know what you say you say hi Grandma Hi Grand but I don't know her well I know but you you're going to say hi Grandma anyways okay so you just say hi Grandma yeah okay come on Mom [Music] Mom Mom you don't have to do things like this anymore what am I supposed to do hey Jeremy you are so big grandma why you are a big boy yeah let's play oh um a friend of yours called you answered the phone who was it I don't know you didn't say they just wanted to know your address what and you gave it to him no silly I don't know your address he said to call back don't answer the phone again okay okay wohoo here we [Music] go okay who's hungry for uper me are you a hungry m h okay if you want Ean you remember you don't call na mama anymore okay you call me Mama come on come on say Mama come on say it say it say it [Music] [Music] Mom [Music] God help us please keep my family safe I'll do anything amen top of the fourth Jones at back and it's a line drive into the Gap at left Center Thomas rounding third he'll score standing up don't say too much let me do the talking okay let's go stupid Mr Petri Bill thank you you're welcome nice to see you young man Mr Rothman what can we do for you you here to admit your folly or do you want to deal I'm here to give you a client a chance to confess to come clean Savor the public humiliation of a trial in the state the cost of one confess I'm innocent sir arson assault theft fraud imprisonment kidnapping I think there's more never broke into those apartments is that right you know I never said my children were angels and naen you have seen her if she wasn't locked up she would be a threat to herself she was raped repeatedly by your husband and by your son Joey what do you think she is the only responsible one there who's keeping a lid on everything she's innocent I'm old school you know spare the rods spoil the child I'm sure in this crazy world that there's not one parent in that jury that would disagree with that but assault no sir the word is discipline the word is sociopath Mrs gek you're incapable of real love you're incapable of any kind of feelings you just go that not me I love my family I have always done everything for my family there's no one to testify F against me I am their mother and no one can break that Bond not you well you're not Gary Crown's mother sorry no don't be I'm I'm glad you mentioned Gary Crandle yes yes your key witness not only is Mr crle an admitted arsonist and Thief he kidnapped my client's daughter and raped her excuse me oh and Marie your other star witness can't believe a word she says you know she failed a mental competency test don't you oh Scott Phil what are we going to do with you boys on the gate Hi how are you smile it's beautiful [Music] day no sir I am not going to turn on my wife all she ever tries to do is help people that's the truth she is innocent so am I now let me get this straight just a sec here e want me to testify against my [Laughter] mother you stupid son of a joy joy sit down go to hell things weren't going so well between the two of us but I had my hopes so he calls and he says that he wants to see me and the kids like for a visit instead he takes me to a motel and he ties me up and he rapes me right in front of my two little babies all deals are off when it comes to kidnapping and rap what is that what Carol told you yes and she's very convincing yeah well that's not what happened well in court it's going to be a matter of he said she said and let me tell you J's have a tendency to side with she are you forgetting that I was the one who was kidnapped and beaten yeah well once Carol starts crying in court the jury's going to forget all of that and my two star Witnesses may not be able to convince anyone of squat she's lying all right my mom has a tape that can prove it what yeah all right she never really trusts her can you bring me this tape yeah then you find me a new witness you find me someone who can testify and convince a jury Helen I'm Philip Rothman with the Attorney General's office this is Scott Mathers you sure you don't want your attorney present I'm sure I'm one of the victims here okay Ellen you worked for Brenda geek all this time taking part in countless crimes let's keep the word victim for those who deserve it you think just because I did something that I did it willingly after my first fire nen's place I was a mess I called Brenda I told her I quit I can't do this [Music] anymore I'm glad you guys arrested me so this nightmare can finally end can you put this woman away for good you tell me what I need to know I can tell you about all the fires the break-ins Insurance scams lawsuits against stores over fake injuries disability scams welfare fraud shoplifting naine and threats against Murray's life Brenda's yard sales everything was stolen all she's got like cars buildings whatever it's all from crime I kept notes dates times amounts I prayed for this day to come so what are you offering no comment will you be attending theil sir did you know about the woman locked in the basement I'm not must bearded finish your breakfast I got to go to work uh no to a bail hearing what that I'll explain it later oh I love you I love you too are you sure you can do this because I can always get my neighbor Mar I can take care of my own grandson for a few few hours okay thank you be good say hi to Ken for me say hi yeah Ken loves me he does that's what he used to tell me when he would he would come down the stairs at night Mom he was raping you he used to say if anything ever happens to Brenda I am going to marry you shut up hey would hold my face shut shut up he would hold my head in his face and he would look he loves me Shut stop it stop it I'm so sorry I am so sorry oh are you all right I'm so sorry sorry oh honey I am so so sorry I'm so sorry I I have to go I'm sorry [Music] I say I can't for me is deo can I have an interview later all right I'll come and get you then all right [Music] [Music] thank [Music] you you have it there [Music] [Music] excuse me is this he taking honey are you all right Joey Joey are you getting enough sleep calm down give you letter take your seat loosen thep I fell your honor we're here because of hear sayian flimsy evidence from two unreliable Witnesses who have a grudge against my client one is a rapist and the other has a questionable IQ Brenda geek is a respected member in this community she is a mother she is a grandmother she has never been arrested she has no record and she's not a Flight Risk so I urge the court to release her in her own recognizance thank you de honor Brenda Geck her husband and two of her children are charged with 10 counts of arson Kenneth Geck is charged with three counts of sex sexual assault the state has uncovered 13 areas not crimes your honor areas of criminal activity this family is a criminal Enterprise Brenda gek and her family are a danger to this community I know this is difficult for you but I'd like to ask you to go back to that day when you say Gary kidnapped and raped you that morning did you call his mom your mother-in-law no I haven't spoken to her in a few years I hate her Carol I want to remind you that you're under oath here I know I'm telling the truth I see are you aware that your mother-in-law had an answering machine and that she taped every call that you made to her house um no where's the transcript your honor of permission to play the tape tell Gary to call me please I can't take my mother anymore that is crazy I I love Gary the babies they love him he has to get us out of here away from her please please your honor of the state charges Carol G Crandle with perjury and request all four of these people beh held without bail suck it up so be [Music] it mama don't worry cuz that Rothman guy he's never going to get me to testify against you huh no matter what could you have said all those horrible things about me I want you to turn around and walk away don't ever talk to me again don't go this morning another GE was arrested son James on 26 counts of Welfare fraud and the troubles keep piling up for the gcks a state Superior Court has blocked the sale or transfer of all the gex's properties their bank accounts have been frozen their vehicle seized thanks to the state's RICO statute usually reserved for racketeering and the mafia this this is the first time the RICO statute is being used against a private family if convicted under Rico the geks will lose everything and in other news the governor has announced various belt tightening measures that will have a you have just like me State Department including the Attorney General you could be my [Music] daughter so how you doing shouldn't I be asking you that look I'm not making much Headway here oh come on Leroy I know her trained her like a good dog all you have to do with her is give your bank account's been frozen details we've got grand jury coming up you are a man of clarity be clear make sure she hears you is that too much to ask ready out okay no why don't you let Grandma help you I'm going to get the door get not [Music] get back in the car we're moving what why did we do something just get back in the car quick we have to call Mr [Music] Rosman Mr Rothman may I speak with you for a second I did take a mental competency test and yes I did fail Brenda said that if I didn't she would kill my mother he said you needed some more witnesses the aleris the other foster kids uh their parents died and they went with the gex just so that they could Stay Together Brenda beat them she kept them out of school she made them shoplift if they wanted to eat that is her name is Sarah this is Mike Brenda would make him clean out the places before the fires and if he refused she would threaten to burn him in a fire whenever Steven wet his bed Brenda would wipe his face with the soiled sheets and she'd make him stand naked for everyone to see and and laugh at Patricia Brenda would get her to hit my mom and the reward was a cookie when I was little she' get me to do it too and to call my own mother and the reward for that was two [Music] cookies Patricia was 13 when Joey started raping her and everyone knew about it everyone so there you go you have four new Witnesses not one of them has ever had to take a mental competency test okay now I need your help wow that Mr Rothman he's a nice man yeah oh wow oh beautiful oh thanks so much what was your name Teresa I managed the building James G's attorney just called you know she's not normal she's not capable of of real love she's sick so so what was I supposed to do huh how about say no calling the cops interceding on behalf of naine and those foster kids well mama says jump there's only one answer how I well I'm the one who saying jump right now and what's your answer going to be you don't need to look to her for that I'm not going down with my mother all right all right Ro sir oh yes I'm I'm very confident our list of witnesses keeps growing and I'm pleased to say that we've added one of their own as a state witness James gek if I were Brenda geek I'd keep in mind this thing known as the Domino Theory and I I'd be worried I'd be very worried thank you m here you go honey I'll help you thanks all right here we go th but it looks to be just perfect perfect weather right on into the weekend so the numbers look like this Saturday high low 44 Sunday a bit cooler low near 40 housekeeping oh Marie what am I going to do with you huh huh Marie your car is on fire your car is on fire oh no well you must have really pissed somebody off huh like what did you do you don't want to ca me to get that trailer cleaned up now you give me this we run a family business here okay might as well just find yourself another job you fire me and I will sue your ass now I am going back in that room and I'm going to finish my job you like [Music] you now what we have here is a failure to communicate if you testify to Grand Jury tomorrow it won't be just your car that goes whoh you feel me think about your boy mother of yours they like their fans in your apartment [Music] yeah don't turn around where's Jeremy she's having his nap where's my mother I no idea she asked me to watch him for a while what's up Mom are you all right oh the sun feels so good isn't it a beautiful [Music] day yes it is [Music] you okay you okay did you're not ready yet a grant and jury always is slow L of wheels of Justice you know thanks for finding the apartment for us they're ready excuse me are you Susan Carter yeah I have some photos for you uh I thought that you might be here and I I saved them for you all this time oh God I thought these were lost in a fire thank you did you start the fire you yeah I used to believe that people were good and that all changed when I was old enough to realize that my life had been taken from me by Brenda gek and it was beyond the beatings and the threats and the rapes she did something far worse she made me believe that I was stupid and that my mother and me were less than and I go to bed every night wondering what I had done that was so awful to deserve all of this and I beg God please send someone to save us and God sent my baby and I couldn't look at Jeremy and believe that he was less than and I couldn't let him grow up the way that I did Jeremy saved me I'm not stupid I am not less than thank you Miss Den Brenda geek forced me into becoming a criminal or else I wouldn't have access to my children when it comes to Children my mother has a sickness she sees them as Angels but somehow she turns them into Devils I worked for Brenda gek for all those years because I knew if I left she'd have me killed I knew that and him her husband when I was about 5 years old my mother began teaching me how to shoplift and how to steal and I became really good at it because I wanted her to be proud of me the grand jury has delivered an unprecedented 158 counts against the geek family they beat me 71 of the charges levied against Brenda geek the sadistic ring leader of a criminal Enterprise and I feel bad about Marie as attorney general I am proud of what this office has accomplished even in the face of severe budget constraints now I'd like to pass the microphone over to the man who is leading this fight Assistant Attorney General Philip Rothman thank you sir the most serious charges against the geks include arson rape extortion Sol itation of murder insurance fraud and robbery and theft related counts all file under the RICO statute now while an apparent economic motive exists for many of the crimes perpetrated by brinda gek there are others for which a motive may never be fully understood maybe not even by brinda gek herself a sociopath has no conscience no sense of guilt yet Brenda gek is guilty and I will prove that in court at trial Joseph gek how do you plead no contest Kenneth gek how do you plead no contest Brenda gek how do you plead no contest you understand that no contest is akin to a plea of guilty in that you're not contesting the charges brought against you by the state yes do do you understand Joseph G yes your honor Joseph gck I sentenced you to 6 years on 11 counts and order you to pay $80,000 in restitution Kenneth Geck I sentence you to 25 years on 31 counts and order you to pay $16,000 in restitution and to surrender all properties shared by you and your wife to the state government brenek I want to tell you it gives me a great deal of pleasure to do this I sentenced you to 30 years on 24 counts and I order you to pay a total of $165,000 in restitution to the insurance companies that you have defrauded and to the federal government for cashing Social Security checks made out to others by the time the state is done with you Mrs Geck you will be one of two things very old are very dead get them out of my sight how are the kids are you people D what am I even doing in here I get it now you watching me oh God didn't get a big enough piece of me reveal yourself you freaking coward you took my babies babies you took the only ever been anything to me you took my baby I've seen enough and now that Brenda gek has been locked away the state has made a decision about what to do with the gek house on Hamilton Road it will be demolished and the property will be turned into a neighborhood park and in other news the governor has announced various belt tightening measures that will I'm trying to find a soft one grand grandma got some cookie oh hey you give me a cookie I'll give you a cookie how about that okay hey what's this I don't know a pineapple you know where they come from yeah Hawaii love you Grandma I love you too
Channel: Rahi Gaming
Views: 355,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Lifetime Movies 2024, LMN, African American Movies, Hallmark Movie 2024, Hallmark, romace movie, Lifetime Uncorked, Lifetime Movie Club, Based On True Story 2024
Id: Q9-B8vM0nD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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