Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Holiday 2024

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yeah oh there's my favorite second grader how'd your big test go I did okay yeah be a it 98% hey modest Abby that's amazing you must have worked so so hard clearly she gets her smarts from Trevor well I think we should celebrate how about a trip to page Turners really you're always talking about how much you love it let's go and soe theyve everything you're going on love it like almost everyone you can imagine yeah [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] display huh yep you know it looks remarkably similar to the last one what are you talking about it the books now sit horizontal huh changes the the whole feel of the window does it now listen I know I might be a little traditional but it works and if it ain't broke yeah yeah you sound like a broken record Samy boy our patrons want something that feels familiar well there's familiar and then there's old and that's coming from me hi thank you after you so you're really serious about this yeah it's brilliant I I don't know so Mr Christmas not for the farted Trevor said it was harder than his time at culinary school okay now you're just being dramatic I'm not Sam Abby how you doing did it come in did what come in Sam the new magic Quinn book oh that yes I did get a delivery of those this morning now I can't put them out until next Tuesday it's Publishers rules that long I'm afraid so but I can't help if one just happens to fall out of the box into the hands of a certain 8-year-old really was this the book you're looking for no no what I ordered that just for you what are you talking about hey who's that him Sam that's not good maybe more information please what's the book about so it's Sam who owns the bookstore how come I don't know him oh you don't travel in the same circles actually I don't think I've ever seen him leave the store he's um reserved shine AB lights up around him that's cuz he loves books almost as much as she does well for I kid like Abby that is [Music] impressive could definitely use a haircut that's for sure some new clothes glasses from this decade a he could do Nick oh no [Music] Nick P Turners is a staple of the community right yeah I'd say so super popular when his parents were at the store huh local business owner courti of the community that's a good luck and uh his personality you said he was a Wallflower wait are are you interested actually depends do you think he's interested I don't know I don't know if he's single I'm not a deal breaker but would be better if he was unless could be a looker underneath all that scub I mean he's not your usual type but you know what I think that's a good thing than you so do you think he likes Christmas is that a deal breaker wait what did you mean by my type what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about Mr Christmas could be my guy so there's his girl named Abby Abby Sam no al Ally okay and what does Ally do Ally falls in love with a boy named Victor Victor she falls in love with a boy named Victor yes wow Ali and Victor but Victor falls in love with another girl drama yeah that's why so no yeah this is very complex yeah very complex all right go run off to the children's section okay no okay bye Sam bye [Music] Abby can I help you with something um no I was just looking for this here comic book I'm good [Music] thanks oh hello Abby was wondering what was taking you so long I think Sam would be the perfect Mr Christmas traitor see don't bring my daughter into this MH and why do you think that Abby because him is the nicest he cares about people and books and he's always honest and he never treats me like a little kid well I think those are the perfect Mr Christmas qualities they are for Mr Christmas I don't see it that's the whole point of an underdog okay and what are you going to do when he says no to you no one says no to [Music] me okay [Music] okay how do we do you want the good news or the bad news it's not a great sign what we're up from last week it's not saying much is it well how does it compare to last year this time and the bad news more about half of where we were a year ago really how is that possible last year was our worst on record so we're doing worse than our worst I told you it was bad news so at this rate we'll make it to New Year's Eve closing is here I can't let that happen this was my parents store yeah I know Sammy I know I've kept everything exactly the same since I took over they never had this problem what am I doing wrong oh it's different times we can't go under Mark what do you want to do what would my parents do well hang in there for one don't give up and let it defeat you easier said than done uh what else you know call me old fashion but I've always believed that Miracles can happen in the most unlikely of places wish I had your faith [Music] oh hi you well I would prefer to be called Zoe rather than you weren't you creepily watching me eat my sandwich yesterday would we call that creepy that's unnerving for sure well then uh you're right because that was me uh I'm I'm really good friends with Trevor and Nick Abby is practically family and she she loves his place Abby's a great kid the best you're staring again do you do that a lot well I was just thinking how much I would love your help are you looking for something in particular yes I would love if you could help me find a Christmas gift for Abby follow me okay so Sam it is Sam right yep don't you just love the holidays you fan of Christmas sure the commercialization of Good Tidings capitalism of cheer candy canes that's kind of cynical to each its own you're kind of like Santa's helper you're matching books to people helping them pick out gifts do you celebrate the holidays with anyone special uh a girlfriend or a boyfriend no girlfriend I'm single great I mean who wants to be tied down for the holidays is the season for jingling and mingling that uh vintage sweater sentimental to you I'm sorry it's it's been a while but are you flirting with me right now oh oh wowz this is me flirting then no wonder I haven't had a date in months uh no no this is strictly professional I own my own PR firm and I would like to represent you for Mr [Laughter] Christmas that's a good one do you know the Mr Christmas competition the Pretty Boy pageant that has sad single guys doing ridiculous games all for some silly title the highly reputable competition where eligible bachelors compete in Holiday themed activities in a festive manner it's a good spin I'll give you that what's this about Mr Christmas you know with some styling and new clothes and attitude adjustment I think you'd be the perfect candidate okay hold on who are you Zoe Deans it's on the card hi I'm Mark Levy pleasure you want Sam to run for Mr Christmas it's hilarious right I think it's a great idea oh you do I knew I had a good feeling about you Mr Levy ah please call me uh no I I do not love this Sam this could be our Miracle is Dean Zoe please Zoe this competition comes with lots of great press right store would get publicity bringing in lots of new [Music] customers wait is paig turners in trouble no it's a slow time of year it's Christmas it's the time for shopping uh did I mention that there is a cash prize for the winner even better I'm not going to win but you'll compete I did not say that what's in this for you we just met and now you want to take me on as a client which I couldn't pay for it just so you know no no no no it'll be completely pro bono see I I just started my firm who it' be really great to have a a big campaign to get my name out there win-win I don't even like Christmas yeah that's a weird hurdle we're going to have to jump over has he always been a grinch not always seriously why are you so determined on backing a guy you just met who wants no part of this okay look I I saw you the other day with Abby when that kid is a really good judge of character and yeah your exterior could use a bit of a Polish but I think the title should go to someone who really deserves it not the most popular the most handsome gee thanks the person with the biggest heart you know someone surprising someone people can really root for and I'm willing to bet that someone is you keep the faith right what have you got to lose oh don't answer that think of what you have to gain fine just hope I don't regret this big risk big reward how attached are you to that facial hair okay yeah no baby steps totally get it you are going to thank me when all this is done I like [Music] her [Music] W hi oh oh you seem extra energetic yes that's because I just had a major breakthrough at work congratulations sweetie what is it I will be representing the newest and most unconventional contestant in this year's Mr Christmas wow that's so exciting an inspired idea yeah uh um sorry uh how are you how's the big case good but exhausting our client has really insisted on getting this settled before New Year's oh does that mean that you're going to be working all the way up until the holidays again looks like it I'm afraid me too it seems the big Mr Christmas celebration is on Christmas Eve and it's just Event Event Event until then and lots to do to get this guy ready does that mean you'll be working on Christmas Eve well you know me anything to get the job done but you're okay with that right you know more than anyone how important work is I'm so proud of you Zoe I hope you know that we starting this brand new business all on your own I I just hope that you remembered wow uh we just got a bunch of new followers on the account and I haven't even posted a picture of Sam yet oh that's great honey um I'm I'm so sorry Mom I got to put out a fire I promise I will make this up to you next time always remember I'm just a phone call away if if you need anything thanks Mom okay off I go okay I just think we should wait into the waters instead of diving in face first and then that way I would feel way more comfortable with this whole competition if everyone just kind of give me like a I hear you so when you say that you hate Christmas what you really mean is that I hate Christmas okay but like everybody loves Christmas Even the Grinch game around okay Christmas is more of like a state of mind um people spend that time with their families Community they celebrate through hanuka um Quanza or hatu winter solstice none of the above is there not a single day in the whole month of December that you like to celebrate okay look uh Mr Christmas is all about embodying the holiday spirit marment generosity good cheer I need you to get on board with that whether you like it or not fine I can hear the sleigh bell ringing I can feel the snowfake tingling this Christmas Eve all my dreams are waiting under the tree dreaming of the fireplace crackers in dreaming of the street lights GL but all this Christmas I'll be dreaming of [Music] [Music] you [Music] how do I [Music] look perfect okay stand right there and smile what are you doing it's for social media it's a big part of the campaign oh I I don't really have a social media presence do we really have to post anything that has to do with meet Sam Parker your perfect Mr Christmas at page Turner downtown oh do I detect a hint of a smile there you're already advertising the store yeah of course I guess that photo isn't half bad that's because I know what I'm doing okay let's go mingle and check out your competition okay you got this let's go it's going to be fine it's [Music] fine okay Josie hi uh I'm sorry do I Sam Sam Parker the one and the same wow you look different I I know you you look great well so do you I mean you look exactly the same you you've always look great really great um so what are you doing here uh Mr Christmas you're trying out for Mr Christmas yep no way it's me Mr Christmas contestant over here hi hi Zoey Dean Dean PR is my client oh wow you have representation that's fancy well Sam is just really doing this as a favor to me he really is the perfect Mr Christmas well I'll be the judge of that literally I'm one of the judges for Mr Christmas yes I'm Josie Henderson hi thank you so much for volunteering your time oh yeah no I'm happy to I love Mr Christmas Pageant you know Sam was just telling me how much he loves this time of year really this is true yep well Sam and I went to high school together no way yeah um an old friend Anda judge Sam isn't this great yeah no it's great Sam's new favorite work um you know what I should actually go get to meeting the other contestants it was really nice to meet you Zoe and uh is good to see you again Sam Parker it was it was great to see you great we'll see you both round great [Laughter] okay this could not have gone any better than if I planned it myself did you do date in high school cuz I am really picking up on these romantic Vibes Josie oh no she was popular back then she didn't know who I was well she knows now okay come on follow me wait we're going to have to come on you want me to flirt to get a vote I'm not asking you to propose to her Sam you two are adults you clearly like each other let the harmless and playful banter I'm not swaying the judges with underhanded tactics it's just flirting you do know how to flirt don't you I'm not doing anything in ethical period Josie doesn't see me like that anyway so it doesn't matter what that supposed to be no personal questions okay sorry jeez starting to get the sense that you are stubborn if you me I boundaries no it's good I'm getting to know you better I'm here aren't I yes and it's a good start what's this it's the calendar well you can be serious you have something basically every day yeah for the next few weeks you're mine you do want to win don't you this is a lot the the clothes the Josie thing and now this I just yeah I I think we're good for today I'm I'm going to go head back to the store now no am I'm going right right what am I supposed to do [Music] now okay how about now H just a little little left okay yeah Noe too far get smid keep keep okay there perfect okay yeah 32 minutes I think you beat your record from last year look I got to have a straight tree otherwise Abby is going to say something when she comes over to decorate oh nice blame the 8-year-olds oh Mr Christmas Duty mhm we're getting great traction on socials and how's Sam doing H he's great he's awesome he's fantastic everything I thought he'd be okay fine may have walked out on me on the first event oh well that is a great started he's got all these rules and he hates change not you said he was supposed to be nice no no no I said he was a Wallflower not a pushover well honestly I'm starting to second guess my choice and don't say anything you know what it's a good thing it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't hard and the greater the risk bigger the fall okay remind me not to come to you for motivational speaking hey I am very motivational I'm going to motivate myself to the kitchen I'm going to get you a candy cane thank you grumpy put it in a hot chocolate for me I will definitely put it in a hot chocolate for you right thank you and you better try to find a new Mr [Music] Christmas [Music] Zoe hi hi Mark happy third day of Hanukkah how'd you know well I saw them in Nora and since Grinchy MC Grinch face doesn't celebrate anything I figured it belonged to you jelly donuts from Nick's Bakery Trevor's Family Recipe thank you these smell delicious soe oh hi there's my favorite contestant Zoe hi so how'd the mixer go Sam's been tight lipped yeah about that it was fine we mixed I'm going to go put these in the back now wait Sam can you not walk away again again look I I know we got off to a rocky start but I'm willing to put all of that aside and get back to work look you should find someone else I'm not KN it out for this Sam sorry Mark it's just too much you you can't why not I'm sure you have tons of other options you can have the clothes back no Sam it it has to be you you're the only one who can do [Music] it you don't have any other options do you it's why you chose me we made a deal and I think you should uphold your end of the park in so you kind of need me and therefore what I say ghost this is a partnership it's a partnership where I tell you what to do oh there you go again okay fine I can make some tweaks to the calendar but look I made a promise and I'm going to honor that what's that oh this this is a peace offering it's very christmy yeah well you are going to win Mr Christmas so I figured the place could use a little holiday cheer what do you say you in we'll see wait what what kind of answer is that I don't know I think it's the kind that says you don't get to call the [Music] shots Zoe hey hey Josie that's a surprise to see you here oh well I am one of the judges so yes it it was it was a joke it was a bad joke um so where is your man of the hour uh he is just warming up yeah he um he's he's he's got a very specific set of rituals that he likes to do he just he the other contestants to know about his technique wow yeah yeah he's very committed to this ohol well um I'm looking forward to seeing him yeah me too all right well we'll see you around mhm yeah just vote to him you're up Sam Sam where have you been actually don't don't answer that where are you right now are you close actually and why didn't you show up to the a lesson I set up for you we said fully committed and then you just don't show up I mean are you even taking this seriously because because I am putting myself on the line here this is the first event of the entire competition and I really need you to you need me to show up on time I am sensing a pattern with you and lateness well I don't try to change the subject where were you for the lesson thought you said I supposed to fake till I make it there's a difference between Cockiness and confidence all contestants to the stage please okay you better go even if you come in last place at least you competed what happen to believing in me you still need to put him to work Mr Parker go ladies and gentlemen here are your contestants for The Mr Christmas wood chopping contest first up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] joshman next up Rico [Applause] [Music] suab next up Marlin [Applause] Parnell [Applause] you okay and now we have Sam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] per [Music] ladies and gentlemen the winner of our first event Sam [Applause] Parker wow [Applause] yeah do you have something you want to say to me congratulations I'm beginner's luck oh you can't be serious didn't you see my skills yeah I saw them they were pretty good but you know but but if you want to win this entire competition and not just one event I really need you to commit to our routine and not blow me off fine got any other Secret in talents you want to share no that's it would you learn how to do that anyway or is that too personal a magician never Reveals His secrets you hate the holiday you're a professional axe wielder you Mr Parker are a mystery an annoyingly tight Li so mystery so kind of you yes thank you thank you I love you guys you're so kind okay let's go come on my people casan NOA keep [Music] walking wow yeah this is quite a setup well Mak and Trevor take their business very seriously you know it almost feels like we shouldn't be in here it's just so fancy are you afraid of a little kitchen equipment I don't know how to make gingerbread let alone build it into some amazing structure well here we go this is what we're aiming for there's no way I can do that oh you have little faith perfect right on time please tell me Trevor and Nick are here to save the day no we are not allowed to use professionals it's against the rules and I know what a stickler you are for following the rules so instead we have reinforcements Sam this is my mom Helen Deans how you doing Sam it's nice to meet you and Mom I see you've met Mark Levy he works at the bookstore with Sam he's practically family it's good to make your acquaintance Mark and you as well okay Jim this is what we're building all right let's get to work that's a very interesting technique you've got there yeah I admit I'm a bit of a novice at this kind of thing let me show you a trick my grandmother showed me think of it as a clock 12 o' 6 o' ah you've done this before just a handful of times I'm not much of a baker but I know my way around a kitchen more or less yeah I'm afraid that eating for one doesn't give me much incentive to cook very often I know what you're saying it was hard to find the time to cook when Zoe was growing up I made it single parenting and all now she's on her own and it's just me left in that house well I'm afraid take out as my go-to I don't really bake but I love to cook I just don't get many opportunities to do it I think you have to make them I just might my mom and Mark are totally vibing Mark hasn't dated since his wife passed what about Elaine well being a high powerered attorney and a single mom didn't really leave much room for the dating scene I'm you know I I worry about her sometimes I just I don't want her to feel lonely she works so hard and she's phenomenal at what she does sometimes I worry that work is all she has you don't say no and we never have work it would be nice for her to find a new friend or something more if Mark goes on a date I might have to rethink my stance on Christmas miracles well that would be the day yeah really it looks I haven't heard Sam laugh this much in ages same for my Zoe do you think they might I don't know I'm always hoping she'll find someone special she doesn't put any time into her love life I'm exactly the same way with Sam maybe we should plan something for them to do together a dinner perhaps oh I love that idea you could cook [Music] [Applause] [Music] o [Music] o [Music] O It's Christmas oh it's Christmas at Christmas [Music] you that is spectacular it really is something it's nicer than my house all in a day's work thank you both so much yeah we couldn't have made something half as nice without you guys you know Mark was just telling me how he loves to cook Zoe I told him about your home's fancy kitchen that you never use and I thought maybe we could have a little dinner yeah I'll cook everything today is maybe you want to jump back in the kitchen again I love that idea right yeah a dinner for four that sounds like a really nice plan Mom it's settled we'll meet again soon looks like the Grinch is coming [Music] around Find Your Mark get set go okay I was watching YouTube tutorials on this actually last talking we're rapping got it right oh does that a lot actually okay okay that's it you're really over time Wow have on guard but I think we have a lot of work to do come on well it looks better if you turn it around really Rudolph Rudolph the the Red-nose Reindeer Papa Noel Santa Claus uh ulog that's me it's a grinch get it the Grinch oh really you are so mean oh my [Music] go one for the chain one for me hey 3 2 1 oh no that is definitely going on the socials cuz it's good [Music] right let's put one right there okay okay come check it out see it what do you think okay if you're going to be Mr Christmas this is not going to work candy canes like too close together spaced out if you lifted a baby up with an ornament he could do the exact a baby could are you're saying a baby could do yes if we just lift them up the highes they [Music] can Zoe hey hi Josie you surprised to see me here oh you remembered my really terrible joke yes I did um I'm actually glad I got you alone um do you have a second yeah of course okay um well this is pretty forward of me um I know that Sam is single um officially as a contestant of the competition I was just wondering if you happen to know uh if he's seeing anyone oh you don't have to answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable no no I just I wasn't expecting that question I'm I'm not asking as a judge obviously that would be a conflict of interest what would uh if I um um you're going to make me say it out loud if I ask Sam out on my BH you know um Sam is actually seeing someone oh unofficially oh I didn't I didn't know no it it's new it's brand new but but not that new because it's definitely a thing yeah um we're just trying to keep it under wraps until after the competition oh it's you I'm so sorry wow well Sam is a really lucky guy I can tell you you must just care a lot about him I am a Christmas monster okay here I am hanging up the silver light streaming you are here tonight sitting right here by my side next Christmas y'll be here with me putting up that Christmas tree just have to wait and see till next Christmas I miss you by my side tonight hanging up these Christmas lights under the Moto all along and I'm waiting for you to come for time for first that's unbelievable oh okay well uh it's not that unbelievable we only have a few more events and you got this in the bag I honestly didn't think I had a chance at winning do you know what this means for my family store thank you Zoe I mean it hey did I see you talking to Josie any chance she was asking about me you know that um just just kidding a I I don't know why I asked that you know that you're a catch Sam and you always talking about how great Josie is and and and I'm sure she is no doubt about that but don't forget that you are too where did that come from I don't know holidays make me sentimental just forget it uh let's go celebrate eggnog come on okay [Music] okay how about here okay um are you going to text him no he's always late it's just par for the course and it doesn't bother you I mean you make me show up for everything 5 minutes early or you tell me that I'm late okay it's just Sam okay uh and how are things going with just Sam any more walk out um no actually it's pretty great really yeah yeah he's really stepped up to the plate he's complaining less he's actually kind of sweet you know he's not questioning my methods okay so there's hope for him yet is it possible you're perhaps becoming oh I don't know friends oh okay don't have to go that far okay well how about you you lightened up at all what's that supposed to mean it means maybe Sam is good for you challenging you and your workaholic attitude maybe proving that you're not always right all the time okay now you've gone completely off [Laughter] base late late I know Sam is late again always late I'm coming I'm coming [Music] you guys talking about me no yes sorry Zoe it's fine it's fine whatever I'm I'm I'm chill you can be late it's cool okay okay now get to work so what exactly is today's task you were very cryptic over the phone well Nick has generously offered to provide you dancing lessons I don't remember there being a dancing event no well because there's not uh but there is dancing on the last night at the big party and the winner has to do a victory Walts with whomever he chooses Do You Waltz No I don't Walts so this isn't really mandatory okay look hear me out it is expected and important and I happen to know that the other contestants are very good at dancing oh you think that's going to go me into this I was hoping so yeah yeah you're [Music] right out sorry I've never done this before CHS I'll go up I'll go this way Sam don't be so nervous not [Music] nervous kind ofense [Music] right slow down D it's not a race what bring Zoe in more oh oh okay why don't be afraid to get too close though I'm not I'm not afraid try it again I'm going to go forward with my left okay you're you literally are stepping on my foot really gripping my ear sorry it's better thanks I guess I should Zoe I really do want to thank you oh you want to thank me okay don't make this hard on me hey I'm sorry go ahead sales have really picked up at the store and despite my hesitancy oh that's one way of putting it okay reluctance you keep pushing me to try new things and sometimes I find I'm even having fun really yeah you know I've seen a change in you too it's the glasses no it's not the glasses it's not the clothes you're not hiding anymore you're allowing people to see the real you and honestly I I think that's really Brave right just take the compliment thank you do you think people like what they see what do you mean I guess what I'm getting at is this is harder than I thought it's okay you can tell me do you think Josie likes this new version of me oh um sorry Josie [Music] right yeah yeah I think she [Music] [Applause] [Music] does he look at this I've never seen so many people here before this is all for the contest must be we've never had sales like this oh I hate to say I told you so but you're far too classy for that that I'm going to go to my section and just like that I have lost her to books uh do you need any help here this is busier than I've ever seen it uh yeah um we're a little behind on [Music] stalking Sam have you ever thought about maybe judging up a place a bit you're really in the makeovers aren't you to be honest I've kept everything exactly the same since my parents left it to me oh but did they retire no they passed a while ago I'm I'm really sorry Sam do you uh have any family to celebrate the holidays with I have Mark oh that's why you practically avoided the month of December you found me out this time of year is really hard for me I haven't really celebrated since they passed I've just been guilting you this whole time Sam I'm really sorry for how insensitive I've been no Zoe you have it all [Music] wrong for the first time in a long time I feel the reason to celebrate and it's because of you and I think well I know it's time for a change for the store I I I just wouldn't know where to start well I think you should start with the best person and and uh I happen to know just where to find her okay meet your perfect consultant Abby how would you like to be in charge of giving page Turners a makeover really I think this place could use a new look if you definitely I hope I can afford a rat reath all the way along there all the way up there y change the LI in oh definitely chandeliers here chandeliers I like I can't afford chandeliers could do ooh a Christmas tree next like the shelves maybe like a pink or blue you mean like here would be like blue with like maybe like clouds hidden from it I like that like from the ceiling a little bit I love that idea that's a good idea I think I got everything she's tough w I taught her well you know I'm really looking forward to the date wait what what date or dinner I guess with Elena Mark he loves building a menu right that what were you talking about ready kiddo you have you have great timing all right did we get everything yep you know I'm uh I'm happy you came of course it's the tree lighting yeah but it's not a real Mr Christmas event and I barely had to tost your arm it's good to be seen as a contestant you know it's such a christmy event yes it's all for the contest of course okay smile come on come on you should be in it this is all your work anyways come on [Music] okay Luc see that's the one you should put on social media no it looks way better with you in [Music] it okay come on nice right I love it Christmas you do no way oh fancy running into YouTu here well it is the Christmas tree lighting ceremony everybody's here aby's going to be sad she missed you both she's had a sleepover tonight oh I love it your first child free night in forever and you end up here Trevor is a former Mr Christmas we had to be here oh and the hot chocolate is addictive okay now tell me something as a professional is the best topping marshmallows or whipped cream well you can look at it a few multiple ways uh are you going with just a regular hot chocolate are you going to do mocha what are my options how many hot chocolates do you can do the peint uh hot chocolate on top of the marshmallows on the Swiss hot chocolate that's the move that's what you're saying 100% yes and if you're you know a little SP give me your most interesting hot chocolate idea you got nutmeg caramel well you sold me hey how about I grab some hot chocolates for everyone oh my treat I wouldn't see n of that coming up isn't he just the nice what is happening I believe Sam is kindly going to get us some warm beverages you and him practically walking in arm in arm okay we didn't walk arm in AR Trevor yeah I don't really remember the you have feelings for Sam you like him wait what no stop no no no no it's great it's great when was the last time that you felt like this I mean you were obviously super cute and really really well matched you and Sam were together muzzle no no no we're not together we are just friends new friends I would never date a client Zoe you never date anyone that's the problem look at you you're so happy you're calm you're enjoying life outside of work yes I am happy because I am at work Sam is my work I don't understand this this isn't like you you normally go after everything you want you just need to be honest with yourself you like him okay let's take a beat here just because you say it doesn't make it true just cuz you're vo voting it doesn't make it not not true okay you are completely out of line right now just simmer that no no I don't need to simmer I'm I'm advocating for you as a friend you forget to do that for yourself sometimes I'm going to go help Sam with those drinks no Zoe we're in the middle of chingate bye Zoe what well hey there hey happy Christmas tree lighting same to you getting some hot chocolate well actually I am more of a apple cider girl really yeah why I just would have bagged you for a marshmallow and chocolate fan well there's a lot you don't know about me Sam Parker I guess so so you go first I insist um I don't really remember you being like this in high school you were always kind of a nerd I was going to say a quiet guy well I can't even imagine you remember me from back then you were well we didn't sit at the same tables what do you mean you were popular and cool and pretty and I couldn't get up the nerve to talk to you well I'm glad this competition brought us together again it's been really nice to reconnect make a new friend yeah yeah Cheers Cheers yeah yeah that's what I'm hi there's my Mr Christmas just going to help with the drinks well I I I could have gotten them no yeah I'm here to help okay yay Josie hi oh hi hi that's nice just really in the Christmas spirit you know mhm it's really cold out huh this guy's really great at keeping warm I I actually didn't think it was that cold out yeah it's a beautiful night out tonight it's really beautiful actually Sam is doing great in competition hey yeah he's the greatest MH you get that's not true really yeah of course it is wow that's that's so nice it's been very entertaining well I mean with your help of course oh she's the best oh yeah that's why I hired her yeah hey hi I came to help we're good thanks hi hi I'm Nick Zoe's best friend and you are I'm Josie I'm one of the judges for Mr Christmas Josie and I went to high school together oh uh where's Trevor he's fine Nick's husband was Mr Christmas a few years ago back when he was single which is helpful in this competition right Josie I mean isn't it preferred that the perfect Mr Christmas is an eligible bachelor unofficially of course well I mean there is no official rule or anything um but I'd say ultimately yeah it does help especially when it comes to the dating auction at the final event right because if we're honest nobody wants Mr Christmas to be just their friend right okay why don't we we stop harassing the judge you know you should join us for the Christmas tree light up we've got a Primo spot right up front I'm sure she's here with her own people so much room that's actually really nice of you but I should be getting back to my sister and her kids but it was nice to meet you and it was good to see you guys we both look really cute tonight you two do look really cute together what did she mean by that it's just something girl say you know like you look so cute uh you you want to get Trevor a a warm drink and we we'll bring up the rear uh sure [Music] yeah what are you up to Sam and Josie and you in the middle okay okay I might have told it Josie that Sam and I was the thing we knew it no we're not we're not okay Sam likes Josie and Josie likes Sam and if he knew that he would drop out of the competition and ask her out what you li to keep him away from a girl he actually likes who actually likes him back okay I know it looks bad but Zoe it is bad you intentionally mess with Sam's love life for your own personal gain and for his that bookstore really needs him to compete no don't you think he should be able to make that decision for himself not if he's going to make the wrong one look I will come clean once Sam wins and he will win why do you always have to you can never be wrong H why can't you just admit that so it's starting buy thanks for giving me a reason to [Music] celebrate that is [Music] so [Music] okay the table's all set you sure I can't help you with anything we're all good here sit relax ooh show time Mom hey uh Hi Sam you sound surprised I I I just I can't believe it I learned from the best oh no I'm not late I just happen to be early well come on in you two uh Mark's cooking up a storm ladies first [Music] okay I wasn't sure which to bring so I got you both that's that's really sweet thank you but uh this should really go to Mark he's been doing all the heavy lifting you cooking how do I look you look fantastic be honest you do this is the first social engagement I've been to in ages good thing it's low key right it's just a dinner wow you really are nervous aren't you is that obvious okay look those guys in there they're never going to catch on you got this okay come on let's go hi Mar right Mark this looks amazing yeah truly it's a Christmas miracle that all this came from in there yeah I'm guessing that you share Elaine's habit of going for takeout get guilty which is why this is really amazing Mark yeah no no no that's not necessary it was nice to have a reason to cook how about what a speech okay the man has just cooked us all dinner now you want him to give us a speech actually I would like to say something see okay i' just like to say how proud I am of Sam he's really put himself out there for this contest I know that's not easy he takes care of the store and he takes care of [Music] me very honored to have you in my life Sammy boy mark okay okay let's eat let's do it Che Chin Chin oh eyes she Sho us oh who even uses the word Sho I've never heard of that word in my life actually I guess they're really hitting it off yeah hey you know Mark told me that he changed his shirt five times before coming over tonight no yeah my mom is wearing lipstick I don't even remember the last time she did that you know elain is great it must have been so cool growing up with her as Mom yeah yeah I'm really lucky she's my idol I mean it was always just her and Me Against the World somehow she always managed to make things work no matter how many plates she had spinning and as a woman with a very successful career there was always a lot to palent she gives 110% that's something I strive to do too is that why you work so much even over the holidays okay and this is coming from someone who is a certifiable Grinch you sound like Nick just he's been on my case a lot about work recently you might have a point well don't tell him that I'll never hear the end of it okay like I know I give a lot to my job but just because I love it I don't think there's anything wrong with that I guess it depends on why what do you mean well you were so insightful about me hiding in the bookstore maybe you're doing the same thing but in your work H I guess I never really thought of it like that I love how close you and your mom are can I be honest about something y with the work hers and mine it's been really hard I just don't see each other nearly enough it has been nice having her help out with all this Mr Christmas stuff just wish it was more of a regular thing it sounds like you grew up quickly yeah I feel like that's me too when I lost my parents it's nice to have someone who understands oh sorry we didn't mean to interrupt they don't no they're interrupting nothing yeah I think Mark and I are going to head out I have an early day tomorrow yeah I don't have that excuse I'm just old well it's true well if you're old I'd hate to see what that makes me you have nothing to worry about elain I should probably go too rest up for the big day right yeah that makes sense you'll do great Sam you have this in the pay well I hope so thank you for bringing Sam back to life tonight felt just like old times thank [Music] you Sam uh hi I'm I'm so sorry are you okay I'm fine I'm fine I just got caught up with another client you're running late that that's impossible you're never late you'll be fine you don't need me Zoe please tell me you're joking you you can't be serious tonight of all nights I I look I need you here you've been there the whole time I I just can't now you know how it feels say something you can't actually be mad at me you look amazing [Music] um I'm shall we [Music] [Music] yeah I have one more piece of advice for you lay it on me coach relax and have fun you are the perfect Mr Christmas no matter what the results say you should dance with me tonight are you asking what yeah will you I I don't know if you've heard but I've gotten really good at it I almost never step on my partner's feet oh well in that case um yes okay okay go mangle give him the old Parker charm your night go have [Music] fun very sweet thank you Zoe you look amazing thank you Trevor you too love the badge they consisted that I wear it he's much more proud of the title than I am can you believe they still do the bid on a date with Mr Christmas event I mean I guess I can't really complain technically that's how Nick and I met Nick are you uh here to apologize here we go for what you're the one in the wrong Trevor knows Trevor tell her she's in the room you want my opinion no I'd like you to tell Zoe what she's doing is wrong I think both of you have done or said pick a side oh so now you're telling him what to do no okay I'm going to go get a drink you're both adults figure it out Trevor so is Josie here tonight I assume so is she is a judge it's kind of a requirement well aren't we salty okay look I don't understand why you care anyway jie is fine and after tonight she and Sam can go on as many dates as they want and be a cute happy perfect couple you you think that's what I want Look Tonight is about Sam okay I really don't want to get into it with you again just he will win I will fix this and a discussion where you really haven't been listening to me at all this whole time have [Music] [Music] you oh hey jie you look uh let me guess great yep hey um I was meaning to ask would would it be okay if I bid on you tonight all the other judges are doing it too it's all well above the board of course that that's really nice of you Josie you would bid to go on a date with me yeah I mean it's strictly a Goodwill just Dr Zoe are seeing each other I just just want to support you as a friend Zoe and me oh I told her that I wouldn't say anything the auction is about to begin o looks like you're up Sam it's totally fine just get over there break a leg thank [Applause] you oh my god wow [Applause] oh wow wow thank you so much thank you [Applause] guys thank [Music] you Sam you were amazing everyone loved you you must be so proud of yourself you're are you okay are we dating no no of course not then why does Josie think we are why did Josie tell me that you told her we are um you know this is a really funny story and you're going to laugh when you hear it um Josie asked me if you were single and I told her that we were dating you lied no it's just Josie was interested in you and I thought that you would leave the competition if you knew you had a shot with her so you made sure I didn't have a shot with her no I I just I was just going to put it on pause until after until I did everything you wanted me to so you could win a stupid competition so you could win Sam I I did all of this for you well thank you Zoe I I really appreciate that I don't need you to get sarcastic with me right now do you have any idea just how wrong you were for lying to me and that's why you're acting so weird at the tree lighting I thought what did you think no it doesn't matter what I thought you knew how I felt about Josie and you still inserted yourself I was going to fix it Sam I promise no it shouldn't have been broken in the first place Sam come on please I don't want to do this anymore I can't and the winner is Sam [Applause] Parker come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Abby why don't you open yours from anzo yeah Havey open I was looking at this at page Turners how'd you know that little birdie told me no I didn't even know she wanted that one thank you Zoe I can't wait to tell Sam tonight mhm hey Abby why don't you go open that big one in the corner over there I have a feeling you're going to like it okay don't you have someplace to be yeah right here with you zo we the Mr Christmas celebration it's the big finale somebody special is going to be giving out gifts and everything besides you basically masterminded that entire thing this is as much your celebration as anybody's oh it doesn't really feel like that you know I I just thought if I could I guess that was the problem Sam's life wasn't mine to fix or break in the first place am I the worst person so you are the very best person I have ever met you have the biggest heart and you bring joy to everybody that you were around sometimes your methods are a little awful extreme but I love extreme but it's because of the size of your big heart it's why you care so extremely much I just wanted somebody to bring you the happiness that you bring everybody else well I I'll go next year Zoe no you you can't go next year Sam's not going to be Mr Christmas next year exactly okay will you come with me so I've got everything I need right here including my very own Mr Christmas I think it's time you go and get yours I guess I could just check out the festivities I do really love that part it'll be it'll be busy I'll just stay in the back thank you go okay okay I'm going I'm [Music] going [Music] moms you're here is that okay yeah yeah it's it's more than okay get us some [Music] popcorn are you [Music] okay no you're welcome guess who hey congratulations Mr Christmas I guess I should be thanking you since you're the one who voted for me well you had a lot of votes the entire competition actually not just from me so uh you didn't vote for me I didn't say that of course you had my vote uh is Zoe on I don't know if she'll be here tonight oh is she not feeling well look I'm not sure what conversations you two had but you should know Zoe and I we aren't a couple oh so you are single I am well um selfishly I can't say that I'm all that sorry hope that doesn't make me a terrible person um but listen uh do you have any plans for any [Music] [Music] years you should uh go I'll be fine thank you jie of course go ahead okay congrats again Mr Christmas you know you are so furiously independent and and tough smart I forget you might need me sometime mom of course I need you I I know I don't tell you as often as I should I could also ask more I've just [Music] been moving so fast I I feel like I'm missing all these these Precious Moments with you and oh you took the words right out of my mouth when you were growing up it was about making sure that you had everything you could ever need or want I worked harder than ever to provide I know and and I'm grateful for that working so hard and so much became my way of life good man you moved out and started your own life so works hard it became my way of dealing with the loneliness exactly Mom let's make a promise to see each other more this year no matter what work throws at us or how busy we get i' always be honest to Forever feeling [Music] alone I think that that is a lovely [Music] [Music] resolution I love you and I love you too Merry Christmas mom Merry [Music] Christmas go talk to him Sam I am I so sorry for everything I I I cross a line okay many many lines and what I did was not okay but you need to know that I I never meant to hurt you I am sorry for what I did but I I can't not and I will not apologize for wanting you to be Mr Christmas I knew from the second that I saw you with Abby that you were the perfect person for the title you're you're you're kind and you're warm and you're caring and yeah I I might have gussied up the packaging a little bit but you were always the real gift shining through you [Music] finished yeah you saw me when no one else [Music] did he gave me my light back that sounded not as cheesy in my head no I like cheesy [Music] yeah [Music] spe spee speech foreign [Music] speech speech spech fore spee foree fore for foreign speech foreign foree foreign foree speee foree foreign for speech for speech speee [Music] spee [Music] foree speee spee fore speee fore spe foreign foreign do you think [Music] [Applause] foree speee [Music] spee [Music] foree speee [Music] fore
Channel: The Fishing Lady
Views: 4,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 6sec (5286 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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