Drowning in tears 2024 #LMN Movies New Release - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based on a true story

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[Music] [Music] Satan have you considered my servant Joe there's no one on the planet like him he's a good man he's blameless God-fearing and he despises evil well of course he is you've given him a fortune great health and a privileged life but I bet if you took all those things away from him he will curse you to your face very well Satan he's in your hands do whatever you please to his possessions and to his family but do not lay one finger on him not one finger are we clear oh Crystal he will not suffer so much as a paper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cut thank you all honor and glory be to God I can't begin to tell you how blessed I feel to stand here and receive this honor you know for me this all started when I was just a boy hey just got the last confirmation it's all downhill from here congratulations and then Along Came May Harrison Mama May for those of you who had the privilege of knowing and working with her you know what a force of love she was the Harrison home boys is born out of that love all right and built on the foundation of May where's your brother oh you know Jason he is always fashionably late to these things he's always unfashionably absent now you know if it were one of us it would be a cardinal spotless from the world I have been very very blessed and I'm so thankful to each of you for this honor thank you thank you so much R thanks guys well we're 100% full in our Housing Development what about this new live work Community you've got in the works Midtown Mills that's a different direction for Patterson isn't it yes well Midtown Mills is my son's baby he's worked hard and long to bring this project into fruition and I could not be more proud of him Aaron son come on he's a chip off the old block this is Aaron people there he is good good well all right listen if you guys got everything you need I'd like to get some family photos uh Colleen honey Abby come on babe There You Go congratulations good all right here we go Patterson on three one two three patter how about another slice of pie oh come on come on Mr Lance and now is not the time for you to start worrying about that waistline no no no Miss Billy I think three slices is quite enough well I appreciate you guys pass out and by it's always good to have a little briefing before a busy work week absolutely but uh we didn't get to talk about Midtown Mills with the investors coming in tomorrow I was thinking a good time to pull Aaron in Aaron has been eating sleeping and breathing this project for months trust me he's ready yeah I believe that but wouldn't hurt you'll be fine LX I want you guys to stay focused on expanding the low-income housing project Gary make sure you check out that site I'm all over it Joe excuse me Daddy sorry we're uh we're leaving now gentlemen I'll see you tomorrow tomorrow but I still don't see what you can do at Jason you can't do here uh have fun daddy we're just going over to watch movies and hang out you know sibling bonding oh yeah and then after that to the strip club we won't sell too lat D Phoebe will you quit playing that morbid song and come on already hey oops uh I forgot dad that's your favorite song my bad a yes sir you uh you think it's a good idea for Chelsea to be going out like this pregnant girls go to the strip club I'll be fine so we your grandson all right all right I'll meet you guys later I got to go to the Homeless Coalition have a quick meeting a Homeless Coalition you didn't tell me you took that job there oh uh I thought Mom told you son I told you how these big Charities work they're corporations the people at the top make all the money and the folks they supposed to serve yeah but the Coalition isn't like that D and besides you know me I'll keep him honest I mean am Joe Patterson son after all right which reminds me they uh asked if you could come speak at the lunch in next week think you can do it uh we'll see I'll talk to [Music] you yo binus you coming leave her alone Jason can't you see she's practicing for Carnegie Hall ladies and gentlemen Phoebe Patterson playing Moonlight Sonata over and over and over again I'm here Daddy yes let's go can we go love y'all all right love you too well how about some pie Abby Dr Forest dial 118 please Dr Forest please stle 118 Joe this this is just too soon for a baby to be born I mean what if it has brain damage or respiratory problems look we got to do something honey we we got to call the specialist please honey I know this is scary but let's not get ahead of ourselves I mean we could be worrying for nothing Abby was premature remember and I think we can all agree she turned out just fine Sid I don't know that there's time to wait for specialist you're right Dad there isn't they're doing an emergency c section my son's going to be born tonight you know what we'll finish this when I get back I got to make this happen especially now uh Lance daddy wants to see us in his office before the meeting what are you doing here shouldn't you be at the hospital I'll see you two inside I'm going as soon as I close this deal are you serious listen did you double check the projections I always do okay what about the investors everybody vetted yes Aaron top to bottom and the soil test okay now that's not my job I know but did you at least authorize the testing phoi I need you we can talk about this later go be with your son hey there Aaron hey hey how you doing son how's little Aaron you check on him yet uh I am going to the hospital right after we meet with the investors well there uh won't be any investors today I called off the meeting I'm sorry I didn't get a chance wait what why you're in no condition to deal with this right now sir you I can run point on this until little Aaron turns the quarter I appreciate that Lance but the timing is just Dad I'm fine okay I can close this son right now your place is with your wife and your son I can explain to I do not believe this why would you cancel my meeting without consulting me first the last I checked I was president of this company Aaron son Chelsea and little Aaron they need you right now okay okay Lance Let's uh push Midtown Mills to the bag burner for now let's move the Housing Development up on schedule what about the condos that could be perceived no no no Housing Development first then the community center right now I'm going to go check on my grandson eron you coming [Music] oh [Music] me get you some juice sweetie there you go how you doing good get all those off from me okay yeah don't tell me another meeting at the Homeless Coalition yep I figured I'd get down there pretty early today with all the staff and volunteers we got coming through those meetings fill up pretty fast should I tell them now M tell me what silus [Applause] son I want you to be the new director of Harrison Holmes uh wow what about Ethan I'm sending Ethan to college this fall once he gets his degree we'll see what God wants me to put in but right now I need someone reliable running things down there and I know this sort of thing is up your alley yeah but Dad I already have a job at the Homeless Coalition I mean I can't just quit silence I'm sure there's a waiting list of applicants just dying to work for a big outfit like that yeah but Dad I son I I thought you'd be excited no I I am excited I just honey this would be such a great opportunity for you to but you know work with your dad I guess I could do both scale back part time until they find someone new there you go you could do both for now so we got a deal deal hey go all right all right all right sir right bye sweetie yeah yeah that'll be good for him oh yeah are you serious you want to move why why would we move why not Aon your father thinks he owns you Chelsea you work for 6 months on a project and then he just comes and he snatches it away from you from us and he knows he can do it because he knows you depend on him so he feels he can do whatever he wants no it's not like that then how is it do you want us to depend on him for the rest of our lives come on don't you have your own dreams be your own man if you don't break free from your father now you never will and you will always be subject to his whims and his crazy Notions about what God has told him to do and what he thinks is best for us you have to do this for us [Music] okay I appreciate you coming to bible study with me I really do I can't wait for you to meet the boys your mother dropped Abby off earlier you know she comes every week amazing girl she's always so helpful just wish she' her get a license to stop using the rest of us as a [Music] chauffeur that was the same way when I came in 15 years old and a hot mess I mean anything and everything possible you name it I did it my parents gave up on me nobody knew what to do with me that's when I met Joe Patterson I mean the man took me under his wing paided forward and I've been here ever since hey guys I'm glad you're here you want to know how I turned my life around I let go I let go and I let God you want to know what that means it means I handed him the controller to my life is see what I'm saying I accepted his friend request and um I log in every day to see what he posts on my wall wait wait wait I follow him okay no okay whenever I have a little tweet he tweets [Music] me listen that that I got to tell you I wasn't too crazy about working here but I can see how much this place means to you so you sure I mean are you sure you want to do this I just want to make you happy want to make you proud I'm already proud son that but it's all good that it's cool okay yeah yo Ethan my man you want to give me that $5 tour my pleasure brother Dad this is so exciting I can't wait until I go to college and law school I want to represent Harrison home too okay not just Patterson development are you guys going to be a while uh I'm going to run Abby by the house I'll come back pick silus up in a couple hours okay okay cool U night night Abby we didn't have a deal no papers were signed they want to sue me what wow did have a verbal agreement Gary this is the 21st century people sign contracts deals a seal by legally Bing documents not just a handshake and a slap on their back Joe we've been friends a long time I think I know you as well as anyone in your family you are family L you're like a brother to me know that I also know how you are about protecting your family but I think you're underestimating Aaron and me no I'm more than willing to close a deal with the investors get the ball rolling on this project appreciate that Lance but these guys are blowing smoke now my position stands we wait right okay hey what' he say he said uh tell your wife not to worry so much but can you blame me lawsuits are expensive and what if if we have to settle and let's not forget that we're we're coming out of our own Pockets to pay for the Harrison home expansion are you worried about money cleen well no but we have a family to provide for including a sick grandchild there's a lot of people depending on us Joe well God will provide he always has I don't worry about people's threats you know something when I first met you you didn't have two nickel to rub together you were just this skinny wideeye kid who was too stubborn to take no for an answer you thought you could move mountains but I believed in you so much that I left my job and invested what little money I had to help you start your own company one little two-bedroom house at a time but but somewhere along the way you you stopped asking my advice Joe you stop needing me that's not true Ken I missed that guy that guy wasn't very smart he had he had it all wrong maybe honey but you don't have to have it all right all the time it's okay to just be human y'all go ahead and get in the van all right I'll be right there in a minute all right fellas and y'all have fun at the movies man and be safe what welcome AB board brother it's always good to have another soldier on the battlefield for Christ right Amen to that bro amen I see you man all right man all right hey well to May Harrison home man I'm uh I'm silus the uh new director what's your name man um KJ name is KJ cool cool uh you know what we do here KJ nah I saw those dudes leave in the van do they all live here yeah until they can get on their feet you uh you need a place to stay man um look don't worry about that right now let me get you something to eat and we can talk about it all right cool let me uh make a quick call real quick give me one second man KJ KJ look at listen to me man shut up you talking man KJ listen I know it can get rough sometime but God has a plan for your life shut up ain't coming for no sermon man what is you talking about come up off that watch and that saell phone and your wallet put your wallet in the bag move man hurry up put this laptop in the bag okay hurry up playing with you zip it up no no no no Aaron listen son I didn't expect you in family to to live with us forever but why now son moving is stressful and if Dad we just need to do this well I know but KJ come on man talk to me like you know me man all right back up back up in PL yeah okay [Music] hey [Music] silus silus call an ambulance son son I'm right here I'm right here son I'm right here okay it's going to be all right you know God God is going to take care of me God is going to take care of it just like just like he's always he's always taking care of you okay you're going to be just going to be just fine no no no don't no don't don't don't don't be sorry we are going to do so much good in this community just you and me son you and me okay okay just just hold on I love you B I love you so so so and I promise [Music] God no no no no God no no no no hold on hold on it's going to be all right be all right help somebody help [Music] me [Music] [Music] the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green [Music] Pastures he leadth me beside Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and yay though I walk through the valley of the Shadows of death I will Fe no evil but thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies ano us my head with oil my cup run over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I just got off the phone hey uh they found the shooter a local kid grew up in area so much for saving the boys in your old neighborhood we could even save our own son you know honey I was thinking what what if we speed up the Expansion Project you know build more homes for these kids and maybe oh no no no no no you want to continue this crusade to save those soulless degenerates then you do it on your own but you will not throw away my children's future Cen you're worried about our children who have everything who's worried about those boys at that home I was one of them remember no no no baby we we owe this to silus oh oh so now you want to acknowledge silus now he matters what are you talking about I'm talking about the way you made silence feel like he wasn't good enough nothing he did was good enough that's ridiculous silus was all he wanted was to be like you to be respected by you everything he did he did it for you Joe everything and now now he's gone my baby is gone it is it's all because because of me you know I I thought that working for you would be good for him good for you but I guess I guess God had other plans I'm not shutting down the home no no no no Silas never turned his back on anybody and neither will I I'm keeping it open no with my money you're not when did we get this a couple of days ago why was I IED well your plate was pretty full was silus I didn't want to burden you with it until I knew this thing had legs how many 35 of the 60 Homes at least one person in Every Family suffered some type of respiratory problem and they believe there was some form of contamination before we built on the site maybe a SP we tested the land we followed procedure this makes no sense no it gets worse a little boy is in the hospital an elderly woman died last week that's what's got everyone up in arms how could this happen it could stem from the community gardens they started for the co-op it could be surface water we've got guys looking into it either way it looks bad for you well for patteron how could we be allowed to build on contaminated land how you know how this Joe sometimes people just well look the other way oh I didn't know you were busy I can um so uh the media is going to be all over this they're going to say you cut Corners because the housing was for low-income families you know I never cut Corners Lance we follow the exact same procedure we follow on every other property didn't we of course this is it's just I don't know some kind of fluke we built these homes to help people this was supposed to be a community they could be proud of I I need to talk to the fames what's that I I need to see what we can do to help I know you feel bad about this Joe we all do that's not a good idea there is legal action pending let's let the lawyer handle it let the attorneys handle it we settle it nice and quietly this isn't just about the money Lance I just buried my son you think I want to see another parent cry over a dead child Joe I know this is hard especially with everything Lance is right we get the wrong judge these families walk away with Millions it's bye-bye Patterson development all right round up the the legal [Music] team Doug get share me in the conference [Music] room [Music] baby don't let him can make you feel bad for doing what's best for our family it's not that Chelsea I just um I got a lot on my mind right now look you've never lived away from your parents before I get it they're not very happy right now but they'll come around they'll come around you know I've always wondered about you and your siblings with the exception of Jason you guys have always lived under your dad's thumb okay I wouldn't put it that way Chelsea all right no would not because my dad he's a great dad all right number one and number two he's a smart businessman why would I go work for some stranger when my dad he's the guy that everybody else wants to work for everybody yeah everybody well Jason's a construction worker he doesn't work for your dad or live with your dad oh well Jason he's you know he's different exactly and who knows I mean one day maybe he'll come around too I certainly hope not [Music] now look man you got something you want to say or you just going to stay at me all day how you even get in here anyway must got some pull or something what man what you want what what happened to you KJ what caused you to turn away from God come on man you walk into a space that was supposed to be a safe haven a place for boys just like you you gunned my son Down In Cold Blood and for what a laptop and a handful of Trinkets and now you want to stand in here all tough like you don't care acting like my pain doesn't matter well it matters KJ my son he mattered so whether you like it or not you going to sit your narrow behind down and you're going to listen to what I have to say shut up you want to know what I see every night when I close my eyes my son laying in his own blood casing for life I I can't erase that picture from my mind and I I can't stop blaming myself for what happened to him that kind of pain it's hard to live with KJ it's going to be hard for you too unless you turn your life around turn my life around I'm about to go to prison probably for the rest of my life for killing your little punk ass son how I'm going turn my life around I can't say what'll happen in court but what I can do is I can pray for you and and I can forgive you man you got to be kidding me man what you don't think it's possible I don't think it's normal Matthew 6:14 man come on if you forgive men who sin against you forgive me you going to forgive me a second ago you look like you want to crack my skull in now you going to get all religious and talk about forgiveness I killed your son [Music] how you forgive somebody for [Music] that I never said it was [Music] easy Lance I just I don't know if I can make it it's going to be all right going to get through it yeah oh Miss Bailey mastered making Bitter Sweet the best thank you Miss Bailey and you know so difficult yes but Joe Joe Where Have You Been Phoebe said you left the office hours ago I assumed uh you were home so I just uh stopped by I was at the jail talking to that young man who Ked kill Silas you were where what's up Lance three more families joined the lawsuit the little boy who was in the hospital was I'm sorry Joe I need to talk to the mother don't think that's a good idea we'll make a contribution to the family cover funeral expenses that'll be viewed as an admission of guilt that'll be perceived as a a human being helping another human being Joe listen I think we should settle this thing before it really gets out of hand Joe listen to Lance he's right you know it looks like you've had a tough day tell you what wasn't you to discuss it let me know what you decide colen Joe look you you got to face the reality [Music] Joe hey son son yeah all good so how's the new place everything's fine good listen Aon U you really don't have to be here right now I me why don't you take the day and do what sit around pray for a miracle wallow in the fact that I am completely helpless to do anything for my son I mean cuz after all I mean this too is God's will isn't it I think I'd rather be here working making myself useful if you'll let me and like I was saying I uh managed to get the Midtown Mills investors to back off really yeah and how' you do that long story but I'm afraid we won't be so lucky with the contamination case more families have signed on to the lawsuit and now a judge has um issued an order freezing our assets we've appealed to him to reconsider but in light of the two deaths deaths what deaths are legal team is trying to protect your personal assets Joe but I've tried to advise you not to use personal money to subsidize your business ventures and now it's at risk I mean it's all at risk so it's been determined that all of this is due to soil contamination yeah the tests are pretty conclusive so I guess we just have to settle our lawyers have already been talking but their asking price is pretty steep steep they want to bleed us dry well be a lot worse if they want in court plus our reputation would be ruined true Lance I want an internal investigation into this entire matter I want to know who dropped the ball yeah okay so I guess that's it we uh settled the lawsuit get the courts to unfreeze our assets and let's get back to work in the meantime I'm going to talk to the families Joe you can't Joe please don't do that we heard you've been talking to all the families yes and if you're here to try to lowball us no I'm here because I want you to understand that I understand what you're going through do you Mr Batterson have you ever lost a child as a matter of fact I have my youngest son Silas was killed recently my family's in pain just like yours our family we'd really like to help silus would have wanted that you see this lawsuit pretty much destroy everything that my family's worked so hard to build you should have thought about that before building houses on Old dump sites it was a terrible terrible oversight and I agree you say you lost a child Mr Patterson yes how many do you have left four good for you I got none my only son is dead due to your old oversight I'm so sorry get the hell away from my house get the hell get the hell away from my house it's it's okay it's okay I think you need to leave Mr patteron and we're not taking a penny less than what we asked for maybe next time you'll show more regard for the people you claim to care so much about Dad come on let's go come on God [Music] is [Music] [Music] so we're broke well um the families wouldn't budge and the settlement is huge so we're in a tight spot tight spot I don't I don't understand what does that mean no money zero no money this doesn't make any sense look the truth is we're being tried seems to be a lot of that lately this is funny Jason I never said that it was I just don't see why everybody is freaking out we're freaking out because we're on the verge of losing everything everything Phoebe we are just on the verge of losing money I know you don't care about our family business I care about our family but all of us most of us have worked hard for what we have then I guess we'll have to work just as hard to keep it or to get it back you just think everything is so easy I do believe it's that easy pH I believe it's that no it is that easy all right everybody all all right listen now the last thing we need to do is turn on each other we're going to weather this storm yeah right with God's help Chelsea let's go we have to get back to the hospital well I got to go too since I might be the only one in this family with a j o I better go home and get some sleep hey don't worry Daddy oh everything's going to be okay I know he hey hey hey hey hey hey come on now you've always been my rock you're not going to let a little lawsuit shake you up right it's not just a lawsuit people are sick people are dying I know and we're going to help them help them do what to bring their loved ones back make their children better sweetheart it's no it's all my fault no this all my fault you we thought everything would be fine it's happening so fast there wasn't enough time and you had a deadline and Phi Phi what are you talking about I never wanted this I never wanted any of this I triying to tell you I couldn't do all this stuff I tried to tell you are you telling me the evaluations on that land was never done they were done the remediation wasn't there was so much pressure to the deadlines and and and and by the time we found out that that the remediation hadn't been done construction had already started help me DOD the bullet bab it's it's okay it's all right no it's not okay it's it's what if listen to me not a word not a word about this do you understand me not a word to anyone okay all right all right all right it's okay [Music] okay [Music] for [Music] baby baby [Music] honey phoi phoei honey wake up phoi come Cen Cen baby baby for as much as it have pleased almighty God it is wise Providence to take out of this world the soul of our deceased sister we therefore commit her body to the ground Earth to Earth ashes to ashes dust to [Music] dust come on God he's lost his fortune two of his Bel loveed Offspring and now everyone is going to turn their backs on it and when they do he will definitely turn his back on you are you sure about that I'd bet his life on it you'll [Music] see come on now if you start that again you're just going to get us all started I was so mean to her she hated me she did not hate you Phoebe loved you she loved all of us well she thought I hated her she thought we all did right mean that's that's why she Abby stop it all right I think there was something going on with Phoebe that we just didn't know about something was weighing on her I could tell I should have pressed her I should have made her talk to your fault Aaron or yours Abby it's mine if anyone is to blame for what happened to Phoebe and silus it's me D no I put too much pressure on them on all of you I'm sorry I can only pray that God will forgive [Music] me Joe did you hear me the judge approved the settlement [Music] good Joe do you realize what this means it's all [Music] gone I understand Gary I'm saying you've lost everything [Music] everything then we'll start over we'll build everything up again Brick by Brick those who want to stay can stay those who want to leave can leave with God's help we will rebuild it [Music] all what's going to happen to us well I I guess we just got have to figure it out with what I mean by the time these people are done with us all we're going to have is the clothes on our backs well we started out with the clothes on our backs clean God bless sister oh bless oh is this what you call a blessing you know all you do is pray and pray and and this is the blessing that you get from God well please forgive me for not falling to my knees and giving thanks for this wonderful blessing because all I see around me is pain and and suffering and death where's the blessing Joe I didn't hear you complaining before what baby we just supposed to accept the good and not the bad honey sweetheart I'm doing everything I can to hold this family together and I need you to trust me I need you to help me colen isn't that what you have God for I don't think he realizes how tough this is for you Joe was just being Joe praying trying to fix everything and trusting that God would help us and you don't believe that I just want my life back Lance you know I I think Joe's always felt that um you and I have it's tough being the best friend of a guy who leads a Charmed Life charm life really I'm sorry that's not what I meant I know what you meant but you have to admit he's had some lucky brecks always got everything he wanted could be important hello Joe Joe where's Jason what happened well the uh doctor will be out in a minute where what what's the doctor saying look all I know is he was involved in a hit on collision a woman was driving his car one of his girlfriends I guess but she didn't make it what is the doctor saying about Jason I mean is he going Mr Patterson Jason has sustained severe injury to his spinal court it's too early to say whether the damage will be permanent but you should be prepared but he's alive yes he's alive is he going to be paralyzed it's a possibility can we see him he's asleep give him some time he's pretty banged up but it could have been a lot worse mom mom I'm so sorry I just got your message sweetie it's okay it's okay look um Jason has been injured but thank goodness he's he's he's going to pull through hi um we came to your house but it's okay I appreciate you coming by but uh my son he's uh he's going to be okay any news on Abby oh you know what I forgot to call her she um she said she was going to the mall with some friends mom she called me to come and get her mom but I was here with little Aaron so she called Jason Abby was with Jason where is she the young lady in the car with my son she's my daughter where is she oh my God where is she with the girl who was in the car with my son where where is she come God where is [Music] she not [Music] b e e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] Colleen Joe no Colleen listen Len to Honey not thinking list I can't take it anymore you're not thinking straight listen you just need to get help this is what's talking nothing wrong with me it's all about you no baby baby honey honey cleen bye cleen any man will give all that he has for his own life take away his health and he will surely curse you to your face very well Satan have your way with Joe but you are not allowed to take his life what are you watching your weight got to keep my fting weight up allergies listen I I was thinking of starting small single family houses or town homes and uh working my way up to the the commercial stuff you know that's how we did it when we first started remember I got a complete business plan I can uh Joe I I think I speak for Jeff when I say that we like you we do child but after all those lawsuits no no they' all been settled handsomely cost me my shirt my socks my company I'm I'm sorry Joe we just can't run the risk of being associated I'm sorry it's decline please take that well thanks Joe I'd really like to help you out but I didn't do it help me Wayne I was one of your biggest depositors for over 10 years I know but I can't it's just too risky you've already defaulted on the loan for the boys I can catch up on the loan I just uh I need to rebuild my business it won't take long Joe I can't we're having to be a lot more careful these days Joe are you all right you want some more water no no no no I'm fine I must be coming down with a bug or something you sure I can call a no no no fine I'm fine thanks uh thanks for your consideration why oh God son come on in you know I actually got to get going okay is everything all right look I'm going to get straight to the point okay I've revived the Midtown Mills project I have investors on board we're ready to roll I assume these are the same investors from before wait wait wait don't don't don't tell me they're willing to fund the project as long as I'm not involved well it all make sense why they backed off just waiting in the cut I was hoping you'd be happy for me that you're taking money from greedy selfish men who only care about line in their own Pockets oh yeah that makes me very happy congratulations you've never supported this project it wasn't your idea so you never wanted it to succeed no it's not the project Dar son it's your motivation you're driven by by money and and and power says the man who had more money and power than half of Atlanta you really think you were successful because God chose you you were successful because you used to be a good businessman you knew how to make money you knew how to close deals God had nothing to do with it anyone who thinks that God is going to look out for for them is a damn fool you wait on the Lord Dad yeah you do that in the meantime I'm going to go out there and I'm going to make things happen on my own Oh Aaron Patterson son of real estate developer Joe Patterson heads off the new live work Community Expansion Project called Midtown Mills in the Greater Atlanta area backed by prominent local investors Harrison greens and luron Matthews so gives me a great pleasure to announce today that thanks to the unwavering support of this fine team of investors Midtown Mills is finally moving forward I'd like to thank these two gentlemen right here and we plan to announce the start of construction within the coming weeks hey Harr of [Music] course Hey Joe hey do [Music] okay now based on these type of lesions I think I have a pretty good idea as to what this is but I'm going to run some tests see if we can't get to the bottom what's causing your symptoms okay uh what's your best guess could be shingles now you had a physical exam uh a few months ago and everything checked out fine so has anything changed since then is H I'm I'm little now as soon as I get these test results results in I'm going to contact you okay okay all right take [Music] care you're going to let me in or what you really shouldn't be here son I I can't take care of you I don't know if you looked in the mirror lately dad but I'd say you're the one who needs to be taken care of yeah you got problems on your own what this n this isn't a problem that this is uh A New Perspective you got a pretty sunny disposition for got a wheelchair and you got a pretty crap fre want for a man of Faith man who brought too much suffering on his family mom misses you Mother's better off what without you and what about you Pops H you better off without her mom lost her faith she gave up up looks to me like he just trying to do the same thing we know how much you love Tilly's barbecue come on Joey made the trip to the West Side just for you you I'm just really not hungry you know for as long as I've known you Joe you've been a stand up guy helping people going to church always trying to do the right thing but I got to tell you all this stuff it's pretty weird I mean I'm not a you know theological expert not like you but it seems to me that know God allows someone to suffer as much as you've suffered it must have a reason you know no offense Joe but I've been kind of thinking the same thing why do you think God so tipped off with you it certainly does appear that God has abandoned me I'm torn in his wrath and he hated me and you believe is because of something that I've done you too you know me better than anyone you know how I live my life oh true but we only know what we see Jo the guy upstairs he sees everything right maybe he caught a glimpse of you doing something you shouldn't have I'm just asking I don't know what you do think I've done or why you believe this is some form retribution oh come on Joe what else could it be I mean why else would good old righteous Joe Patterson suffer like a Common Center that's a good question Lance yeah it is how about an answer actually I'd like one myself hey you know what one day you'll get to ask the big guy himself you know Uncle lanch you guys have a pretty interesting take on all of this but uh I think I need to check you on a couple things you too there you look back on everything that's happened to my father and my family and you're 100% sure he's being punished in fact you guys seem to kind of like the idea of seeing Mr holier than thou Joe Patterson meet the wrath of a vengeful God and Dad you're wondering why me why is god making me suffer after all you are God's prize pupil and you Joseph Patterson have been more righteous than anyone but are you more righteous than God why you Dad why not you did it ever occur to you to to any of you that suffering is a blessing that it actually has some sort of Divine Purpose to it that sometimes the big guy chooses to show us his power through pain sounds crazy doesn't it Dad I I remember you telling us the story of the blind man you remember that Jesus's disciples saw the blind man and right away assumed he was blind because he or his parents were Sinners and Jesus told them nobody had sinned he said the man was blind so that so that the works of God might be displayed in him so I guess it just proves fellas it ain't always the blind who can't see and sometimes s we see and we simply choose to look [Laughter] away very nice Jason very nice well I was thought you were the one of all of jee's children who didn't swallow all those Pious lectures he shoved down your throat nonetheless he is not blind barus or whoever he is no no he's not Uncle L you're right but he is job a righteous man a loving father yeah maybe a little obsessive but loving honorable and good the faithful servant who suffers for no apparent reason except for the fact that old Satan just wants him to curse God a man who lost his wealth his reputation his health and three of his children my brother and sisters but my father never lost his faith never all this time I thought you weren listening in all these years I thought you were let's go Gary Gary dad everything that happened to you to us it's just a reminder that God's in charge and that we got to trust in him no matter what this kind of pain and suffering is to draw us closer to him and to each other yes yeah everything the The Good The Bad is it's all his will yeah all day every day every day I love you dad I love you son I'm going to go get some [Music] rest [Music] heavenly father I come to you broken humbled completely surrendered asking father your forgiveness in my world is crumble but even in my darkest hour I will trust you and only you and I will remain your humble and faithful servant until the day I die in your name father I pray amen [Music] go let go Jason hand me that tap measure thanks son well look who's here hey hey I wouldn't blame you if you asked me to leave but I hope you won't we built a life with nothing together Joe and I I know we can do it again I'm so sorry it's okay I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I miss you I missed you [Music] too Aaron son who's [Music] this Dad this is your [Music] grandson yeah you can hold [Music] him go oh yeah oh goodness it's beautiful it's beautiful at [Music] you [Music] hi at you oh yeah yeah okay hey Dad um you know Gary introduced me to a new team of investors for the mental Mills project that's so good good yeah those other guys they I know sir I know I could use your help there I love you son I love you too dad of course you got my help yeah well who's hungry oh I am I'll make us some lunch oh uh-uh uh-uh no Miss Bailey I'll help thank oh wait first let us bow our [Music] heads dear heavenly father thank you for bringing us all back together again we have been through so much thank you for showing us that we can triumph over it all and that we will come back better than ever as long as we trust trust in you your name amen amen let me get him don't want you get any chicken grease on him like that yeah oh take his nose AJ take his nose he likes you [Music] and the Lord accepted job's prayer after job prayed for his friends the Lord restored his fortune and gave him twice as much as he had before the Lord blessed the latter part of job's life more than the former part world I have the power for fore for for spee for
Channel: Rubel Hasan
Views: 75,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: zl970-80dlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 35sec (5075 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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