Hi I'm Mary Mary: Explained

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[Music] back in October I included a channel by the name of hi I'm Mary Mary in my Halloween special back at that point in time the series was still getting itself off the ground and so I left you with an open-ended take in order to drive some traffic over there since it's been so well done the series has very much evolved since then and a lot has played out leaving me with some theories that I'd like to share with you regarding what this actually is tonight we're going to touch on the major questions surrounding this channel what exactly is happening in each video who is each character and what is the significance of all of this I hope you're ready because it's time to dive into hi I'm Mary Mary for ease of clarity I'd like to give a preliminary introduction to the major characters and locations that we'll be referencing back to throughout this video aside from Mary we'll be referencing characters that are titled shadow Mary the shadow man the darkness Maria and the woman in white major locations that I'll be referencing are the house and the garden the first four videos that we'll be touching on will focus on character introduction and world building so be on the lookout for all of these [Music] the first video in the series is titled hello in this were basically set up with the story that Mary is living alone in what she dubs is a copy of her parents house she claims that she's unable to leave and has no capability of interaction with the outside world she's strangely alone on the internet and fully believes that she's presenting these videos to nobody at all she's quite bored and drums up various mundane activities to keep herself occupied before the videos conclusion though things begin to take a dark turn when she claims that things are different at night [Music] that ending is when we're introduced to our first major antagonist shadow Mary we'll be seeing her quite often throughout this series you [Music] [Laughter] the second video is titled dislike miss and the description reads what is so funny is it my face in this Marion forms us that the house strangely restocks itself with food so she won't go hungry also she won't smell and the lights only work at night sometimes midway through the video were introduced to our second major antagonist Maria Maria seems to endlessly laugh at Mary taunting her in the mirror with a sort of perfect mask that she will wear throughout the entirety of this series it's evident that it gets to Mary since right after we see Maria Mary resorts to cutting the head off of one of her photos Maria also seems to be plaguing Mary's mind and this is shown when she's trying desperately to sleep but is unable to do so due to the endless laughter that fills her ears the video then closes with the phrase I want to break all of the mirrors you in goodnight we follow married through some mundane activities as she tries to desperately keep herself occupied it's evident that the house is beginning to get to her since she claims that she's exhausted the description of this video reads paralyzed with fear I looked into its face and I felt empty cold and numb I felt dead I'm so tired there's no sense in being positive we'll touch on what she means by this in a second for now I want to show you this scene where Mary seems to be crafting it seems that she's making a collage of multiple people that also bear her name but not herself this will tie into a major theory that will dive into it later at the end Mary appears to be attempting to rest however is interrupted by our first encounter with the shadow man you he seems to be someone that looms over meri which strangely doesn't lunge into and harm her we'll be seeing him quite a bit throughout this as well [Music] you in this one were greeted with Mary hypothesizing that the lights will help at night she's seen traversing around the house in order to make sure that every light is on when she gets to the last room though she's greeted by the shadow man who freaks her out right after this though she claims that the light actually does not help at night and that the haunts in her house will carry out their torment no matter what the end of this video gets quite interesting as well things begin to move on their own and Mary begins to freak out repeatedly claiming no not again this is our first introduction to the darkness it seems at the end to overtake her completely before she blacks out ending the video [Music] [Music] in worse we join Mary as she explores her house in total darkness she claims that everything just got so much worse and the reason for this will be touched on momentarily Mary then encounters shadow Mary whom promptly begins to chase her you when she finally stops banging on the door Mary opens it up and begins quietly looking around once the light pans over shadow Mary once more she lunges at the camera before the video cuts to daylight and ends this is significant at this point in the series since this is the first instance of the day/night cycle being disturbed since the house is so vastly different during the day versus at night this natural interruption eventually seems to take a toll on Mary later on in the series in this one we see Mary lounging around the house again this time she's making a map with notes on where and where not to go at night time she claims that she's slowly gaining confidence to talk to us however she quickly shrugs that off as nonsense and she has no contact with anyone in the outside world at all another notable thing that we see her do is what's called her hourly check she will periodically check the doors and windows to see if they're still locked and sort of a desperate attempt to check if she can finally escape unfortunately that isn't the case since anytime she does they're always locked we then began to periodically see shots of Mary doing makeup this is highly significant for one of the theories that we'll be touching on later as well particularly the unseen that just might tell you everything that there is to know about this episode it seems that Maria is getting to marry pretty badly and the in [ __ ] shows that Mary is unfortunately in denial since she claims that I'm doing well when she clearly is not in sleepwalker not much happens that hasn't happened already we see Mary messing around with the shadow man almost in a playful way she talks to him before they begin running around the house the ending takes an interesting turn though when Mary is on her laptop after taking a rest he begins to loom over her before finally lunging into her for the first time before the video ends in discovery we greet Mary as she's hiding from shadow Mary at night we see her very eerily walk down stairs before we go down with her once we're down there we seem to gather a second look at the shadow Mary chase from earlier in this she finds her downstairs in the laundry room shadow Mary begins telling Mary that she's worthless trying to get to her before initiating a chase sending Mary sprinting upstairs and into a closet door that thrusts her into an underwater area this is when we discover the garden [Music] this episode is slower than the others for good reason the majority of the video shows Mary relaxing in an outdoor setting the captions through the video tell a narrative explaining how quiet it is and that she could stare there for hours this is the garden and this represents the only area of Solace that Mary is able to have as she endures the hell that looms back in the house everything seems to be going well until the very end when Mary seems to be thrust out of the garden and back into the house almost as if she woke up [Music] in this one we open with Mary being taunted by the demons to the phone ringing multiple times and someone banging on the door Mary believes that she finally has actual guests however there's little that she can do since she can't actually answer the door at all after this the camera seems to jump all over the house resulting in a cat-and-mouse like game between it and Mary a notable point in this video is later on when we encounter Maria once more she does something that's a little interesting you Maria is demon-like beneath her perfect mask and this tells a lot about her character she's perfect on the surface she's the best version of Mary that Mary could be however when you peel back that surface layer things aren't quite as they seemed [Music] in this Mary plays a game of hide-and-seek with shadow Mary during this though she allows married to ask questions and so she does shadow Mary seems to be throwing out dialogue clamoring about how worthless Mary is and how she deserves to be locked up in this home she even goes forth to tell her that she's repulsive and a stupid [ __ ] [Music] you made us interesting [Music] the major point that I want to touch on in this video is the very end throughout the entire video Mary's poking around the garden and it's also shown that shadow Mary is unable to enter when the video draws to a close though we see our first sighting of the woman in white we'll be seeing her again very shortly in this last upload we see Mary interacting with us on her laptop it's almost as if it's an entirely new world for her since she finally has access to seeing everyone in the outside world during this though shadow Mary enters the frame and begins telling her how we don't care about her Mary then tells us that we make this more manageable implying that we are actually helping her later in the video Mary claims I saw her again the woman in white and proceeds to the garden to encounter her who are you are you gonna talk to me hello oh that's creepy oh my god i-i can't lip-read I'm sorry what are you saying Oh God nope okay okay nope nope I'm leaving nope this is my place this is my place you're not taking that away from me while we can't hear her the woman in white appears to be saying Mary you need to get out of there Mary you're not okay you need help Mary can you hear me you are not safe Mary Mary strangely this mystery woman in white has arrived around the same time that Mary discovered us with her silent dialogue it's almost as if we bear a loose connection with her within Mary's mind after this mary has a run-in with the shadow man and a sinister Maria that causes her to pass out and there we have it up to this point in writing that's where the series draws to a halt at this point you may be asking yourself what this all means while my take isn't definitive these are my personal interpretations of all the characters and locations that were presented to us [Music] if you haven't made the connection by now the house to me seems to represent Mary's mind in its entirety the series opens up with her and what she calls a copy of her parents house thus leaving us to theorize that this is a copy of reality in her own mind she's unable to leave this and I believe that this represents the idea that her mind is a sort of prison for her leaving her tormented by the many haunts that plagued it I want to touch on the day and night cycles as well we previously established that the natural cycle of days and nights can be easily disrupted depending on the situation that Mary's enduring at the time and I believe that given their vast differences daytime in the house represents mental solace in real life she's able to be herself poke around the house and think clearly at night however things begin to take a dark turn and it seems that these are actual episodes of mental breakdowns or an overwhelming sense of whatever emotion she's feeling at the time whether it be fear anxiety depression or humiliation early on in the series Mary makes a claim that I believe supports this saying that the days are getting shorter this has led me to believe that her time of mental solace is becoming increasingly disrupted as these intense fears and emotions overtake her [Music] the garden is an interesting one I believe that it's a dream-like area of Solace for her when inside she's finally able to get away from the torment of the house her emotions fears and demons are all put to rest as she sleeps and she can enjoy her limited time there before she's woken up and jolted back to consciousness [Music] shado Mary is a prominent figure in the series she's the first one that were introduced to and she carries a major role throughout the entire thing I believe that shadow Mary given the name represents the darkside of Mary psyche all throughout each upload we can see shadow Mary tormenting and instilling her with fear this becomes prominent when she starts to directly talk to Mary telling her that she's worthless and that Mary created them shadow Mary seems to represent a form of anxiety driven by direct fear since we never truly know when we'll encounter her the Shadowman seems to always be there when Mary's already asleep or uneasy he seems to thrive off her and finds great satisfaction through simply enveloping her with dread particularly through the sleeping scenes of the earlier episodes the shadow man seems to represent anxiety in its entirety anytime that Mary's in a state of helplessness like sleep he seems to make an appearance to mess with her and anytime that he lunges or attacks her she passes out almost as if she becomes overwhelmed through an anxiety attack [Music] [Music] Maria is everywhere and her presence is given away through her sinister laugh that can be heard throughout the uploads she seems to always be wearing a perfect mask and is always dressed up in a way to tot marry mirrors are a direct way for anybody to see themselves generally there are self imperfections that might be evident to you however others may not notice at all when Mary looks in the mirror she sees herself however she bears a massive weight of self-consciousness and humiliation when looking in the mirror or at her photos maria seems to leverage that humility and rubs it in her face in any way that she can maria represents the perfect mary instilling her with a feeling of worthlessness while on the surface being free of any cosmetic imperfections [Music] the darkness seems to arrive at unexpected times and I believe that this is a combination of all of the big three the shadow man Maria and shadow Mary anytime that the darkness consumes her she passes out unable to take it any longer this could be a full representation of the plague that fills the house the same house that we've determined to represent Mary's mind [Music] the audience is an escape in the later episodes it becomes evident that Mary can finally see all of us and uses that to her advantage for feedback and advice on what to do we could all be her coping mechanism giving her the reassurance that she needs to overcome her inner demons shadow Mary hates it and constantly yells that word liars and that were simply watching her for entertainment without viewer interaction Mary would likely feel completely alone and unable to overcome this we're helping her and each comment like tweet and post helps her along as a guiding light through this darkness I believe that the woman in white represents logic in Mary's right mind she's only present in the garden her only area of Solace and as we established in the later episodes she tells Mary that she needs help and to get out of the house with this she now has an N series guiding light to help her through her troubles and strangely since she's such a new character she could have been created through the support and guidance that the audience has given her we've given Mary help and in turn her stability and self-confidence are growing allowing her to finally create a positive Figment within her own mind in hopes of fighting back Mary also has a blog a tumblr and a Twitter account in those the audience is able to heighten their presence with Mary as she post questions and extras pulling us on what she should do next or giving us encrypted Clues on her next move and with all of that we're left with now the series seems to very much be ongoing and I believe that the purpose of the woman in white will blossom in future uploads whether Mary becomes enveloped in the darkness or gains the ability to fight back at our demons will hopefully be determined in the near future but for now this is where I'll draw this to a close [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,059,284
Rating: 4.920403 out of 5
Keywords: hiimmarymary, hiimmarymary explained, hiimmarymary theories, what is hiimmarymary
Id: ALvYKnyJyic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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