What is "This Room Does Not Exist"?

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[Music] life is a franchise experience it is unpredictable even at its best of times relationships are broken loved ones are lost and in some cases families are torn apart change all of that and started you to live a life free from the unpredictability and irreplaceable 'ti of the real world with financial support from deep sleep enterprises we have developed emergent technologies far beyond those of our competitors providing an experience almost completely discernible from reality On January 5th 2018 a channel would spread on YouTube by the name of this room does not exist at the time of writing the series contains 15 interwoven uploads that all tie together a beautifully constructed an ongoing storyline taking place in an alternate near future accompanied by the name of deep sleep enterprises run by a man named Miller Vince eet has birthed a new virtual reality technology called the interior that allows you to not only experience something audio visually but with the added realism of every other sense and an entirely new and perfectly simulated world this was done with the primary goal of allowing humanity to live their life in guaranteed virtual safety free from all the perils of an increasingly uninhabitable earth the entire basis of their company operates on one simple principle your world your life your mind your way in this investigation I was assisted by discord user by the name of calcium whom really really helped me in constructing a logical timeline for the series for ease of clarity I'll be presenting each entry to you in the alleged chronological order from the timeline that I constructed so without further ado I'd like to welcome you all to the world of the interior [Music] the series chronologically kicks off with the introduction of two very prominent characters about the name of Ryan and Abigail and an upload titled archive one before we dive into the story behind this video we have to notice one major detail at the start of this upload this footage is archived and is being transmitted to us somehow from the interior system itself this is a major plot device to remember for this series as it's the basis for how this entire story will play out the upload sets us off with Ryan front center filming a series with Abigail the episode largely serves the purpose of character development and gives us a direct lead-in to the life's behind them jumping to the in here we could begin to notice that this broadcast from the interior begins to glitch and were able to observe a very troublesome scene where Abigail is running from someone or something [Music] you [Laughter] archive - from the interior takes place with Ryan and Abigail at a coffee shop we can notice straight off the bat that the descriptions of each video seemed to contain vital bits of narrative that will undoubtedly come into play later on this video we have the conversation between an L and an A who these people are is to be determined but at this point in time their conversation reads as such remote server managed to copy some more footage over slightly corrupt but might be of some use to you thank you so much I wish he was this happy now I'm on my way taking place three months after archive 1 it appears that the pair are on some sort of break from their film project enjoying some relaxation at a coffee shop while nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen outright a very important bit of foreshadowing is given by the dialogue from Ryan [Music] so there is this new there is apparently this new VR thing yeah look it's gonna be what the the Technology Expo pretty soon so we should probably go there and you can film it for like something like simulates the entire the entire body so like everything that you touch and stuff like that they're very using it I guess they're probably gonna end up using it for like military stuff isn't it it's really good we need to try that yes a new virtual reality huh interesting from here on out the time line begins to get tricky for help along the way we're going to continually reference the system interior time to give us a sense of progression straight out of the gate in this video we can see that this begins five days after the interiors time was freshly reset here were met with a rattled Ryan as he gives a monologue to a certain someone that might seem familiar we've moved again my mum says it's for the best but it's not it's really not ever since ever since Amy disappeared it's just been this constant pattern of arrive leave and move and arrive and leave and move arrive leave move arrive leave and I don't know how long we can keep looking searching for something that isn't going into the description of this video presents a bit of text from a guy named Leo and it reads copying these files from the remote server has compromised our safety but I understand how much this means to you I'm glad to see he still thinks about you now wait a minute Leo Amy L and a so these are the people from the descriptions in the archive series okay now who are they towards the end of the video Brian begins to finish his monologue before the interior becomes strangely sentient and aware of something going on that definitely shouldn't be [Applause] [Music] unauthorized data transfer detected tracking Internet Protocol address the auto broadcast sub series is for things begin to become tangential seemingly taking place in the lives of our Leo and Amy we have a side set of videos that showcase their whereabouts in Auto broadcast 0 we can see a first person feed of what seems like someone panicking and hiding from someone or something we can assume here that this is Leo interestingly though time seems to be warping as well giving us the impression that this is all happening inside the interior itself going into the description of this one shows us that this is indeed Leo and he managed to broadcast his quote live feed to Amy everywhere everywhere now what is he running from and why jumping forward in Auto broadcast 1 were greeted with a video of somebody running from something outside much like Auto broadcast 0 they appear to be panicked and are trying to hide the best that they possibly can we can use the description of this video to make the definitive connection that this is indeed footage from Amy and Leo is expressing clear concern of her running around during daylight hours we can now draw the conclusion that the in-game characters are able to transmit their feeds to one another in real-time however the question I'll leave you with here is why are daylight hours an issue let's press on if we're still going by the interior time then I believe that the media advertisement is the next video in the lineup taking place just eight days after the events of auto broadcast 1 we have a very ominous advertisement with a notable message awaiting us [Music] see earth it no longer states hmm I will get you out soon this is a video where I begin to have questions Jamie somehow escaped the interior looking at the description of this one presents us with a short message from her and it reads I can't believe it were this desperate that we would sign our lives away just to survive I've almost reached your location hang tight either here amy has escaped the interior single handily or she's actively making her way to either leo or Ryan inside of the interior in hopes of showing them how to escape with her Anna hanno broadcast to were met with an unnamed third party that seems to be outside of the interior in the real world [Applause] in the description we have Amy and Leo having a conversation about this person here Leo asks Amy if that's her and that he hasn't reached that location yet to which he denies she then goes forth claiming that they didn't touch anything except that Dr Leo --then responds saying that we need that back any missing flowers could cause a system terminal error and a cult reboot square one strangely and what begins to boggle my mind here is the idea that maybe the interior is also able to broadcast feeds from the outside world what begins to kill this for me though is that last line in Leo's response he claims that at least the system got the transport running again I'll be there ASAP this strongly implies that whatever this third party did somehow accidentally got the interior transport system up and running again is this some sort of bug that was accidentally programmed into the interior when it was originally designed it would almost make sense given that this interior universe seems to be a one-to-one recreation of the real world what if these people are finding loopholes in the system and exploiting them to their benefit the most logical way to explain this episode would be that Amy and Leo are actively trying to make their way to this location in the real world are watching what's happening on the interior and begin to broadcast this random guys feed from the inside that would be the only sensible thing that I can think of so far in this timeline without throwing it completely out of order this actually leads me to a point that I want to make for the next video in this timeline media note here we're able to for the first time since the archive series see Abigail wandering around in search of someone or something strangely we haven't yet heard much from her up to this point and can assume that she's lost somewhere within the interior interestingly here we have a message that's broadcast by the system it seems that they're finally catching on to the tampering that's been going on by Leo Amy and now this third party as they exploit loopholes within their system at the end here we can see a message that says it's fine and couldn't hear us anyway which implies that one of the three that are tampering with this are explicitly doing so with some level of outside exploitation but what an interior log - were immediately shown a girl running next to what seems like either a factory or the headquarters of deep sleep enterprises either this is Abigail or a me it isn't definitively stated we do have one hint in the description of this one from leo however he claims that I don't know if you're still alive anymore if you are I've managed to copy over some logs from their northern interface either this is a reference to Amy being in trouble and running away from something in the opening shot or this is Abigail like I said isn't exactly definitive here anyway after this we're introduced to a character named Mitchell judging by the later shots of the quote live feed he seems to be in the interior as well we can see him actively searching for someone or something and midway through the episode we can see a peculiar situation play out [Music] so somehow the interior has control over the order of how certain things play out we were just shown Mitchell exploring a hallway entering a room and becoming Ryan somehow the system glitched and before anything further could carry on the interior restored itself to the moments prior to this setting Mitchell off in the hallway once more afterwards he enters the room again but this time he's greeted by three others ah Mitchell Mitchell it's like 9:30 you said you'd be here 10:00 so what doesn't matter if a little bit early my cuz free to talk about this talk about what Ryan have you seen Ryan at all like I mean at war no so it seems that he's actively looking for Ryan as well interesting an interior log3 were greeted with Mitchell once more here the video opens with him entering what appears to be the interior facility in game after business hours strangely he's able to just waltz on in there with no issue I believe that it's at this point where he's able to rummage through the facility to successfully gain any sort of valuable insight or keys to exploiting the system in any way that he can concurrently while this is happening Ryan is being interrogated by what we can assume is the interior staff here he claims that he was once friends with the CEOs son and this right here could explain why he's such a prominent character that sadistically being experimented on and studied by this company he wanted to come to my place why don't you bet he was busy is dance the CEO of some tech company so that's a really serious about curfew smell that sort of stuff but [Music] my first day that was [Music] [ __ ] that was something the next major video in this timeline is called system love in the description we have what appears to be a few lines of code from what we can presume is the interior it seems that they're performing a system sweep and are attempting to rid of fryin entirely the video opens with him giving a monologue about the interior system and what he's learned so far within himself here he seems strangely calm at the end or shown a cut to a direct live feed of Ryan in some sort of purgatory it seems to me that the interior system is aware of Leo and Amy's efforts to get him out of there and as a result they're doing everything they can to contain him in order to rid of his file entirely a very very interesting part of this occurs at the end though within cut to a shot from what then what appears to be the interior server satellite and here to me seems to be the beginning of a total system sweep in order to start this world anew [Music] the last notable upload in this storyline lies within System Restore as we establish prior the interior seems to be prepping for a system-wide reset and well I'll just let this video speak for itself [Music] [Music] you [Music] welcome to the interior please enter your user name and desired date of birth so at this point in the timeline the server time was at over 362 days in the description of this video we have a message from Amy who claims that they're starting from scratch again and what I was led to assume here was that due to all of the buggy exploitation all of the tampering and all of the feed injections the system reached its breaking point and performed a total restore back to day zero now this is of course when we ask ourselves what exactly is going on here up to this point in time I believe that this entire series at its core surrounds the devolving normalcy of Ryan and Abigail the entire onset of this begins when Ryan mentions that there's a new type of VR being presented at a convention that allows you to feel stuff and proceeds to convince Abigail to go with them during this video we can see multiple distortions and glitches that show a fast-forward per se of what can be assumed to have happened to them after going to try it out it seems at this point that deep sleep Enterprises has put them through some sort of trial as seen here it's at this point where our characters are in too deep being wrapped up in the web of testing out this new product that we soon come to find out is already being tested as we stated this is when we reference the system interior time for story progression having taken place just five days after a fresh system reset Ryan seems to be on the move what I want to touch on here though is why why is he on the move he mentions that his mother is always wanting to change locations this is not normal behavior is she an actual person injected into the game as well is she a non-player character going by her behavior it almost seems so anyway at the end of this one we see Ryan as he undergoes torture and this is presumably due to Amy and Leo's alleged tampering early on in order to help Ryan escape Auto broadcast zero and one are direct feeds from leo and amy themselves and the dialogue presented in the descriptions gives us the idea that they're able to send their feeds to each other and inject them into the interior system here we have mentions of daylight and sunrise in the description conversations I believe here that daylight is a reference to being monitored business hours clearly take place during the daytime and this could very well be a reference to them knowing that they need to stay low and stay hidden so they don't meet the same punishment WFL Ryan an interior log one after these two uploads I firmly believe that the pair made it out of the system the next video in the chronological lineup is media advertisement which takes place at our 21 in the interior system here we see nothing more than an ordinary advertisement before cut is made at the end containing a message from Amy who claims that I will get you out soon it almost appears that she escaped with Leo found a file to disguise her message to Ryan and broadcast it within the interior system in an attempt at secretly sending a message to him to give him hope after all for all she knows Ryan is being tortured and she needs to help Auto broadcast - that occurs after this and as we stated before this third party is believed to be inside of the interior and is actively exploiting loopholes for some unknown reason it's unclear at this point whether they're an active ally or enemy since we have no other information on them however they are tampering with things and that does have repercussions Media note is notable because it presents two things one the fact that Abigail is somewhere within the interior and two that the system now actively knows about this tampering and is working to fix it the following two videos interior log two and three directly follow Mitchell and I believe that in interior log two he absolutely gains a key to the system which grants him abilities to manipulate things concurrently here Brian was being interviewed after hours and luckily this resulted in Mitchell escaping with this scot-free in interior log3 I believe that the three guys in the hotel room are NPCs they not only seem to act strangely but they also respond within the system after an error which caused a system restore wrapping up the story we have system love Ryan has heard giving a monologue about love almost in a tone where he seems to have given up on even trying to escape after a short bit of this he's shown locked up while the system performs a system sweep in hopes of eradicating him entirely in System Restore we can see that this indeed happened on day 362 which can lead us to assume that Ryan endured almost an entire year of this hell before finally meeting his long-awaited demise and there we have it I'd like to mention a few extras that were found really fast with the help of calcium from discord I was able to gain access to a secret portion of the creator's website a group by the name of Lexel studios are the masterminds behind this series and their website carries with it some vital secrets and hid bits of the story to go off of it was shown to me that if we head over to their site Lexel studios Wix site comm were able to see the creators behind this series and some information about them one hidden portion of this site though becomes revealed when you add /system to the end of that URL here were taken to a web page showing an About section containing information about the interior system complete with a full monologue from Miller Vince eat himself when we head over to the database portion though were greeted with a password screen after being granted access to this with the numbers from the interior survey side episode I was able to stumble upon something vital here a contraption with the spike and a brain scan device this is absolutely what I believe happened to the physical bodies of Ryan and Abigail they're both stuck here in this facility with the massive device puncturing their bodies leaving them as nothing more than test subjects for this entire interior operation this leaves me to beg the question though what did ever happen Abigail anyway the only time we really see her is as an extra and media note either she was injected into the system as a corrupted character altogether or possibly we haven't even gotten to her storyline yet after all to me this series seems to merely be at the end of an act what if after this system restoration we begin to follow the story of the whereabouts of Abigail for a series made by a group of friends out of Australia I'll have to say that this channel is an absolute masterpiece having been in contact with the creator's behind Lexel Studios I can assure you that this behemoth is not over Alex Tess Luka Michael and Anson have all done a phenomenal job crafting this work of art and I absolutely and unequivocally cannot stress enough how much you should follow the works of Lexel Studios not only now but in their future projects as well this room does not exist is their first dip into independent webseries creation and it's proven to be dark disturbing chock full of secrets and absolutely begging for interpretation Ryan is merely a happy-go-lucky filmmaker who stumbled upon an ad for a futuristic virtual reality technology unbeknownst to him he would end up dragging with him his dear friend into a virtual hell with dwindling hopes of ever being able to escape [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 2,046,446
Rating: 4.8917875 out of 5
Keywords: this room does not exist, scifi webseries, this room does not exist explained, arg walkthrough, nightmare expo
Id: PI7pYqMBri0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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