Dad Update: The Story So Far [Acts 1-3]

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/throwaway99117 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

And... he released a new video like an hour after Nick.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thinker227 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
ah ah boy it's been a minute huh hope you don't mind that I took a moment to turn off the TV but my eyes were getting tired and I've got four of them against your set of two so imagine how I felt I'm back now though and considering the time of year and the feeling I think it's more than appropriate to have an update during which we spend some long-overdue time with family that's right we're off to visit dad I mean it's only been almost a year since I checked in so I guess I can spare a moment to see what's up I've heard a lot of rumors and seen some sort of worrying things since we first went to Dad's corner of the Internet pal so for this update will be accompanied by a good old sponsor friend surf shark even from first glance dad is an internet-based entity whose existence seems constantly threatened by online forces and we don't want to be susceptible ourselves that's why surf shark is here to protect us from whatever malevolent ancients may be trying to interfere with our perfectly normal average lives the Internet is filled with danger but surf sharks clean web technology is built to defend us against all of it annoying ads for things that aren't the working man's tools information fishers looking for secrets on what's in your shed and leaks about the whereabouts of wife and daughter can all be taken care of through surf sharks VPN well in the mists of investigating the neighbor you don't even have to worry about spies catching your messages to allies and discord thanks to surf sharks industry-leading encryption tech and with their unique camouflage mode not only is your IP address hit him you don't even have to worry about your internet provider knowing you've got surf shark on your side right now sir shark is offering coverage at night mind viewers had a discount worth dancing over this season sir shark is partnering with night mind again to offer you all a two-year plan for over 80% off yeah they're tossing in an extra month for free during which you can take advantage of a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're just not into it just visit the link in the video description sir shark deal / night mind that sir shark deal / night mind the only code you'll need to keep the server from messing with your brain thanks to sir shark for having our backs and sponsoring night mind on another perilous internet journey now let's take a stroll through the neighborhood and see what dad has been up to since we last checked in we left off on the beginning of act 2 which was on May 6 2019 it appears Dan was an astronaut who crash-landed on earth and already had a friendly of some kind who also appear in spacesuits astronaut Dan was abducted by an agent of YouTube and there was some kind of doppelganger left in his place the whole space angle really came together here from this point a lot happens but thankfully we've got a complete active video that pulls it all together first up the Mannion Karl appears to investigate to add taking note of a lack of security we get a glimpse inside dad's house where the blue war provides him with pancakes in serum hey hey who are you stop wait stop okay so further confirmation that blue Wharf is here to help and Cheryl can't be trusted she rushes in to give him food shutting off his thought process as the pancakes seem to break a spell over him for a moment around this time tag gave public acknowledgment of my previous coverage of his life expressing gratitude which was knee dad's ability to interact with the rest of the web was increasing he released a lyric video for Opie the server was promised at 40,000 subscribers surprise from Cheryl composed a review of food and attended a party with Jamie Foxx and marshmallow Floyd's yeah I am I don't know what reality were in anymore let's move on before I have a stroke trying to figure this out the next video is titled Lazlo a mysterious entry [Music] that's eye-opening and yet more perplexing than what we already knew so here's the last though the girl whose eyes are the colours of the orcs we've seen acting on dad no further information about hers provided we'll have to wait for an opportunity to learn more daughter is seen neck sneaking out she's lost having never been in this part of town but is meant to be meeting a boy Griffin your phone dies before he appears leaving her stranded or so we think when an agent of YouTube arrives the next video true value provides us with something of well value [Music] hi dad welcome to true value are you looking to get the tools you need for the right price I am I thought so here you go dad how about a brand new mini sledge for free free yep and a screwdriver gun some nice paint regular hammer tape measure a way out what a nice dad isn't just having moments now being woken by the blue or he's actually dreaming of things that challenge reality making him question what's going on and from the appearance of the tools we know it can't just be a dream something occurred here to intercept the work of the true value employee Cheryl seems to bring a recovery and as soon as possible with a forty thousand subscriber celebration a trip to IHOP [Music] you deserve 40 K subscribers is a lot so daughter and I wanted to do something nice for you this is the greatest night I've ever had - thank you sure of course dad wait where's daughter I don't know I haven't seen her in a couple of days and we're not looking for there a night but I didn't see her anywhere she's been acting very rebellious lately I wonder if this has anything to do with that boy and she's been hanging out with well I'm sure she's okay she's a smart girl food at the restaurant sure it tastes better with my whole loving family here well we'll still have a great time together like in our old young days so what are you going to order I don't know there's so many options I'll probably just order a can of food to make it easy well you can have whatever you want hmm daughter hi dad hi mom um daughter where have you been I was out with my friends for days yeah I slept over at my friend's house you have to tell us when you're going out for more than a few hours yeah all right time it won't happen again oh good like that settle we ordered you a present dad a prison what is it close your eyes Oh dad love surprises okay open them Oh little towels congratulations dad oh thanks family I love you we love you too wait you can't eat them plain you have to add some delicious food sauce first Thanks I'm sure the students slipped by you food sauce not syrup Cheryl was quick to make sure the pancakes true taste was covered dad eats happily for a bit and that we see something quite odd neighbor is here sitting down to meet with a man in sunglasses behind them when he gets up we see that he's one of the agents of YouTube neighbor takes advantage of his absence hi how are you doing hey neighbor hey when did you learn to speak with your mind then perhaps a little empathy so I can talk to my favorite family that's great neighbor but the way you speak sounds more like telepathetic and me good dad joke then no no neighbor we're out celebrating dad's 40,000 subscribers wow that's great good for you dad people actually watch your videos who knew yes neighbor they do dad is the best youtuber in the universes actually she's the best youtuber videos [Music] shouldn't you be going home neighbor nope I got no one there waiting for me I'm not as lucky as dad that's right you're not but you do have that cheap shed waiting for you at home why don't you go visit that hey dad only joking around I'm happy for you Congrats on the forty thousand subs keep up the good work see you guys later with neighbor gone dad finishes his little towels and the family heads home what occurs next is uh concerning a video titled Expo depicting the curator of the next pope Channel hanging out with someone and being stalked by dad from far away holding what seems to be a gift every end we can confirm it too next bow from dad this is only the first time this will occur over the course of act 2 dad creeped son Scott the walls in his next public outing and then Lois Lane dad has done stuff before that seems a bit attention-seeking like his parody of bad guy named dad guy and his public acknowledgments of myself and inside of mind but this is a whole different level actually going as far as to appear near youtubers who could spread the word about dad even bearing gifts for them that's not necessary and it's also disconcerting the next video substance is Father's Day which is an hour and two minutes long but cut down to highlights in the full recap of act 2 the celebrate his special day dad hangs out in front of True Value with a grill during dads arrest he falls asleep and a memory surfaces I miss you abandoned [Music] hi dad brothers here from my dream was that real what is real dad hmm I know it's real this gift from True Value what is it's for you dad but don't open it until you're ready when will it be ready you'll know how well I know you're not really giving me a lot to work with okay hang on a second goodbye dad hey I don't understand let's roll that again what did it say I miss you abandoned I miss you Anton could that be the true name of dad Anton the next two videos are quick we see neighbors arm appearing from the side of the room dropping the dead magazine he got in trouble with Cheryl over on the floor of any returns planting the mom book the message is clear neighbor is very much trying to sabotage their relationship a call between Dianne and Cheryl follows good how are you how's your vacation to Belize well that sounds amazing I'm sure the life of an Instagram traveler sounds rough oh you know the same old thing teaching the team at work some new forms of vortex creation nine-to-five nothing new you want to come over aren't you tired from being on the plane all day okay sure if you really want to five minutes don't you want to go home from the airport first okay whatever you want it'll be nice to catch up we can have some wine and talk dad and daughter a true value all night for the sale of a century sale so what oh you're not coming okay well maybe this weekend Diane hello [Music] after this dad uploads a video naming his first C subscribers and then we get a glimpse of mom's work she grills her team on their work ethic speaking about the phases of entanglement and telling them to prove to her they're not just a mere astrophysicist someone whispers to a co-worker and they're immediately escorted out by B agent of YouTube leaving Cheryl in peace to review the non cloning theorem with her team the mystery man Karl appears as a shadow taking notes in the background as Cheryl brings up a diagram concerning Quantum violation clearly there's some very heavy stop being dealt with from her side it's not just actions being taken on behalf of the surfer well that mystery grows we get a look deeper down the spiral on the mystery behind that space origins in the form of a lyric video CFB dsi r21 4904 o3 the name of an unidentified planetary mass object in the area of the Aquarius consolation which we've seen reference before and that's Twitter [Music] [Music] why did [Music] don't give up don't give in just do your job and keep saying too much to distress until the day [Applause] [Music] whatever happened I see [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] having a moment of clarity is right dad the real dad is remembering things that Cheryl doesn't want him to the astronaut angle seems to be playing out further with dad's origin being the Keppler system Planet 22b is a candidate for another earth since it lies in the habitable zone of the Kepler star from the lyrics and the sights we've witnessed it seems as if that might come from Kepler 22b in a mission to the planetary object in the aquarian system went horribly wrong separating him from someone named Emily who may have been the other astronaut either way dad is recognizing he doesn't belong here but keeps relapsing into the identity place on him as a youtube personality this theme continues in a video about Cheryl Diane sure was acting strange on the phone yesterday maybe she was tired from the trip mom should check in with her to make sure everything's okay mm-hmm these flowers smell so nice I remember these I don't love lilies that I haven't smelled lilies in so long wait a second hmm fresh-cut lumber mom's favorite next we witness the videos small talk showing us the agents of YouTube Carl appears at the end showing us that this investigator character is still hanging around next up in the story recap we have data - stringing us back - footage of astronaut dad it's revealed that a message was left drawn in the dirt using numbers which we was quickly translated - I'll be back following this Diane comes to visit prompting a wonderfully silly romantic fantasy montage and dad huh yeah hi good to see you again [Music] see you later and [Music] ah there we go Anton is confirmed for tats name what's more the blue orc is acting on his behalf again while the red wants him practically paralyzed for that moment of cognition the following video is titled Nathan and reveals that actor nathan walkie on the side of a desert road he gets picked up by someone who claims he's Nathan's cousin and has no idea where he's been this video was connected to a side channel run by a character named Sloane Bernal who made an upload called I saw UFO this may develop into its own branching path at some point but for now we'll consider it further confirmation of tantor chin and the circumstances regarding Nathan being left in the desert now comes a big piece big talk featuring the agents of YouTube for once were able to hear them and the result confirms what we've gathered so far what's up not much same task every day tell me about it it would be nice to do something new but I made to only secure parameters wish I was 118 he gets to go out yeah he's monitoring the live streams must be nice you do the runs to the old basin right yeah and other drives need to do one tonight daughter is out hey where is the old basin nowhere near here it's in another dimension Oh smart they have to bend space-time so I can get out there it's also back in 99 so no one here will find it perfect place to hide stuff you drop Nathan there yeah and we crashed and in there I need to swap now if anyone fights Nathan and he says he's from the future he'll just sound insane well to be honest he sounded like it in 2019 - good one poor guy uh-huh just as up Karla's on time all right Carl keep it cool what what Decker do observe and take notes he's taking the trail I can't believe how big this facility is they fit a whole tram system in here okay what is he up to oh he's got a phone what he's texting a server is the server a person but I serve as a computer program or device that provides functionality for other programs or devices called clients so they're clients and he's off the phone daughter gotta write this down she's gonna regret firing me once I solve this taxi time to get out of this place driver follow that trail then add to the diner old Carl got a major breakthrough he needs to celebrate with some cinnamon buns to the next upload grants us answers to the problem Carl raised about clients and servers with the other half of what happened the night daughter snuck out your battery is dead here is a new phone he'd be so upset if he knew I got no clients are imperceptible to his kind what AV software runs in the background and he cannot perceive what we do you're unique what is that whatever I need to leave a girlfriend message hey Griffin its daughter I need to go home it's too late just meet me at the park tomorrow after school miss you Griffin does meet on her the next day but the conversation doesn't go quite as expected - Griffin I missed you I miss you too deep hey you think your dad will play Minecraft with me what makes my friend okay good to see you - sorry it is good to see I like you girlfriend my dad doesn't play video games he does taxes with this calculator he always loses well sounds play minecraft MS YouTube you watch my dad see YouTube yeah he's awesome um okay anyway wasn't school the worst today yeah I had to go to math class and solve all the problems then I had to be an English classroom right onward tell me about it teachers just want to torture us yeah I told him look I'm smarter no stop stuffing my brain or I might puke Haidee you ever see your Daniel neighbor's yard I don't think so he says neighbors lawn looks like Colin's back hair so I don't think he ever goes over there why does he ever talk about your neighbors here I don't know why do you want to talk about my dad let's talk about us how much do you like me I like you all the way yeah me too hey bytes yeah do you want to go for a ride yeah maybe you got a bike yeah well you keep it in your shed we don't have a shed oh really dad keeps all that kind of stuff in the garage your dad ever think about getting a shed he always talks about building on with the quality supplies from true value you think he's jealous are your neighbor [ __ ] I don't know why do you keep talking about my dad I think he's a cool guy I like his YouTube videos God he's so embarrassing he's always shaking as well your dad bought to his songs hey we should go to your places he's working on a song about building a share like your neighbors no that sounds like a horrible idea let's go to the mall and get some cans of frozen food all right cool you go ahead I'll meet you there do you have to do something yeah just a mom just some boy stuff okay hurry up yeah see you soon whoa daughters don't wanna look too eager just one look mildly excited before we see the fallout of this a note dad posts a thank-you tune Expo for subscriber sent his way displaying a picture with him granting Expo a true value award of some kind it's concerning enough that dad managed to get this close but what's especially alarming is a Morse code message reading a way back his dad saying he found a way to get out of the house and back to specific locations or moments in time it looks like this piece only could have happened during the stalking incident and we didn't see dad act then that he returned to overriding events let's keep this on circumstance in mind as we go forward next we have boy stuff featuring a meeting between Griffin and neighbor neighbor wants to know if dad or daughter have any insight about a shed which explains Griffin's questions but he needs something else well funny thing is I've been using my intelligence and guess what it tells me it's time to find a new plan I need you to get in their house and do something for me well I haven't even been nobody yet you're the neighbor can't you just come in and do it no he's suspicious of me it needs to be you you're an innocent kid No does this change your mind all right I thought so kids love corners so here's what you gotta do [Music] back to the house dad is writing about his love for mom aka Cheryl and we see it turn into Diane and then you to dad looks at the camera and firmly says dad loves YouTube meanwhile Cheryl is expressing her love for quantum physics astrophysics wormholes and tybor Texas the red orb appears then changing it to thoughts of neighbor but it's work isn't quite done dad has strong feelings dad needs to express his feelings Sarah Jessica and Robert Downey Brad and Angela Demi and Bruce Johnny and Winona Kurt and Courtney it's selena and Justin Diane and have and before moving on to the next upload let's talk about something that may explain what we'll be witnessing soon I've been sticking mainly to the content in the complete act to compilation on Dad's channel but there's been plenty of activity outside it and that activity is well how should I put this to tell you the truth dad worried me a bit during this time initially we could expect pieces of dad's life some dancing videos a lyric videos and that was all great that all felt like genuine right on dad content but out of nowhere to begin making Minecraft videos there was dad craft the first and then a longer episode of playing Minecraft later then dad spent nearly four and a half hours recording himself playing portal which seems rather extreme then again a Minecraft video point is dad has been spending a lot of time doing what anyone would consider trendy YouTube content instead of making what we know is purely dead and now we're starting to see the results wanted to come over and show you my brand new moustache whoa where did you get that hey neighbor it's my new beard it's bigger than a mustache not really what I was expecting to see pretty nice huh dad has over 1,000 hairs banding together across 16 inches of the front of dad's face to protect him from the elements I like beards because of how there's so much massively bigger than mustaches well it might be bigger but moustaches are a classic facial accessory that stand the test of time oh look at that your lips have bangs it's a mustache maybe if it was a little thicker from where dad is standing it looks like lip bangs what does that even mean you know like you sneezed out doll hair maybe if you ate more cans of food you'd have more testosterone and a beard would fall out of your face well I may not have a beard but I have a brand-new shed you see that dad did mm-hmm did you build it yourself yeah with the click of a button use the old server to log online then order different Dirks discount tools he dropped it off looks good not really what's the matter you jealous because you don't have a shed dad were built its own shed and not only will it be bigger than neighbors it will be apocalypse proof yeah I'd like to see that so what's in your shed well what dad just wants to know the two oh yeah tools but lots of tools got them all at Dirk's discount tools got drill bits pliers caulking blaster weed whacker belt grinder even a lathe Wow I'll leave ya real cheap stuff to could break it any second why wouldn't you just go to true value dad's tools never break look you buy a hammer true value and you might be stuck with that thing for life by one of dirts it's bound to break on the first hit that's how I like to live on the edge like thick mustache on the edge of my face you like to live on the edge day huh they get your ass to Dirk's immediately after this we have a 2-hour minecraft video titled we built ad shed I'm seeing two things happening here dad is gaining a strange reliance on playing Minecraft which has resulted in him not taking care of himself and he's getting a superiority complex to neighbor that's probably tied to the growing YouTube audience dad's beard isn't some decision he made it's unkempt his hair has grown out just as badly his shirt isn't tucked in his ties on wrong dad's been a shut-in and in the next video Cheryl finds out I never authorized any scarlet upgrade how I have to go oh hey Cheryl I have a surprise for you oh boy open it surprise I grew you a beard oh wow dad why because I thought you'd like it well honey I like it if you like it you don't like it I'm just not used to seeing you with so much hair I thought maybe if I had facial hair you want to give me a kiss on the cheek again the old days is that what this is about dad I like you with bald hair or all hair it doesn't matter okay I'll save it we'll wait what if you just adjusted the beard a little there that looks like a nice beard that looks like a mustache oh is that what you call it who knew well do you want dad to grow a mustache do whatever you want dad it's up to you hmm oh did dad get his kiss on the cheek no cheek was covered by beard scarlet upgrade huh that sets us up perfectly for the next video server upgrade showing a very red sky and shots of a red or his dad behaving differently lately because of this scarlet upgrade something's up with him that's for sure check out the next piece she's such a ball of energy I should see if she and Abner want to do a double date with dad and Olli that would be fun to watch major motion images on the big screen like when we were young hmm maybe mom overreacted when she saw dad's magazine but motorcycles are so dangerous what if something was to happen to him mom and daughter would be so upset I should go talk with dad I sort it all out [Music] [Music] dad what's going on are you okay huh yeah deaths fine I wanted to talk to you about something Oh what his guess no sorry I've been eating cases of food and my human body filled up so I took the thoughts and put them in the air to make room awful wasn't matter it's not like I was gonna get a kiss on the cheek anyway excuse me you're being awfully rude sorry I can't really talk right now I'm in the middle of work it's getting dark and if I don't hurry up the creepers will show up and take all my supplies what are you talking about it's noon in Minecraft Cheryl come on you're playing Minecraft I thought you were working from home today yeah I don't go to work anymore what do you mean it's not my thing minecraft smite thing look I'm building a huge arena with my friends where I hold dad's sledge best games and we smashed giant towers as the most fun dad as ever dad I think you should shut it off now please put your pants on and go to work minecraft minecraft minecraft Mike Mike Mike Mike [Music] yeah dad is not okay but we seem to be close to knowing more as the next upload is the end of act 2 dad elucidated that enters the home office and sees a phone left open to Laszlo who was apparently a youtuber he doesn't like he then finds a pancake on the floor which he vacuums clean and then [Music] [Music] [Music] hands I can hear you I remember [Music] [Music] stop thinking how do you expect me to do that will you just be here easier said than done or he can stand in front of the micro collider for a few minutes that'll clear your head yeah we're gonna miss you kids don't want you to leave I'll be back before you even know I left I hate these missions Ella it's a routine run I've done a dozen you know that well I don't like it cfb is too unpredictable the ad wouldn't put a base there if it wasn't safe just hurry home please mmm you should tell Emily she's the one who liked the triple check of work well you promised me that this is your last run I promise that I'll be on Keppler every day driving you crazy hey if we can make it jump on the way home maybe you'll be younger when I get back great I get an old grump to replace that's a young girl would you still love me if I was old and bald I can't promise anything just hurry back I will I remember everything I crashed I hate to go this place find someone with better range go to find Emily and get back to Kepler what happened on cfb Ella had a feeling about this it's time I got some answers [Music] dad I'm home I got you a present [Music] he's gonna be so surprised he deserves it too he worked so hard for family I just hope he's careful on that thing well we just need to trust that he's done his research and he knows what is that no no no no oh this is gonna ruin everything no I think he's going to bring the light okay we gotta go I have neighbors here what's going on he's gone he got out and we have to find him please what dad he's always going places no no software I'm not dad Anton he woke up and now he's gone well did he get in the sheds wait wait talk to me in here well is the shed all right but we have to go find him look Sheila I don't know if I can keep this up anymore do you have someone over oh what a matter if I did please Malvin I need you right now you promised you'd be by my side yeah well that was before I knew what was really involved this is insanity Cheryl you know how hard it is for me to sit out there in that weird facility and watch you guys play house I know but you have to trust me it'll all be worth it when huh how long is this whole thing gonna last we're making progress I've heard it all before I made it out to number nine on the last test really yes so that exists now can we talk about this in the car we need to find him I'm sorry sure I just can't do this anymore I quit please no give me a second I'll meet you in the car [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just as I thought all cars on team [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay find a ride get supplies and get back to Handan [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] why did it have to be earth [Music] I fix everything Wow that really all came together the best possible way didn't it oh okay so dad is definitely Anton he did come from outer space he did have a family and the organization he works for is named dad he became dead after working for dad da dee what's more Cheryl and neighbour are absolutely earth people keeping dad prisoner on behalf of something sinister be it YouTube or another group and dad's partner Emily is still out there and is it me or does she look a little bit like Laszlo did they capture Emily too van was genuinely awesome that was some really good payoff and with some beautiful camerawork too angry begins with a video base do you hear me we open on youtubes building where we last saw Anton he emerges from the bushes and comes over to the camera then stops a man for directions to find his base but gets no information that's when he notices the camera and grabs it he comes across some workers who confirm he just left you to his building and says he got out from the top a few more people are stopped with Anton asking if they know where to find the local base for dat distant aerospace destinations and and wanders around looking for hangars or anything really that can help him send a signal back to Keppler or a dat base he comes across more YouTube employees who call for security backup to escort him off the premises as he passes one of u2's buildings he continues telling the chat that he must be outside a hangar where they're keeping his ship he continues walking around asking strangers if they know where to find the DAT base eventually and then makes his way to a line of cars and finds one that's unlocked with a spare key inside he figures out how to drive in rooms around for a bit trying to figure out a direction finding it fruitless he stomps and communicates with a chat who fill him in on what he did as dad they don't make music what are you talking about I'm a pilot just work for a transportation company would you basic missions a little research Berbick doing a little research it was a little on our mission was a little unique this time and I thought it was just because they were advancing the technology and they wanted us to get a little extra information for them on cfb we did have a lot more weight in our craft more than usual I just wanted to get home Emily likes a triple check I don't like to do that it just like think I mean I have maybe I should double check I've always been good all my years I've double checked I'm fine I just assumed it was the new ship I shoulda listened to Emily was sure a triple chipped away what was on the craft with us he wanted to be the best youtuber when you were asleep we are your fans we wanted to help best we can while you're on earth organized content well I your what did I was a few I made songs how embarrassing I need to go back in I need to go back in the facility it's the only option it's the only option I have a not elute n I'm captain please do not get that confused I am the captain I'm captain and in real Emily Ridley is my you lieutenant and maybe I can get touch with y'all worlds from inside the facility I climbed down I can climb back up I can see you way up for that mention of beyond worlds that's a side channel to dad feels that appeared a while back posing as a sporadic data analysis channel with the series talking dad this led to an unexpected visit by dad as the channel host and Friends streamed to trip aboard a haunted ship while taking a long Nathan Barnett yeah it it's confusing I know I know we gotta hang in there back to andin he realizes his only true lead is inside the YouTube building so he hits over ready to climb to the roof and is intercepted by the same security as before the livestream shuts down as they call for backup following this came a dad feels good official music video an announcement for a live appearance and then a return how to tie a tie with dad this doesn't mark much except for strong confirmation that Anton seems to be right back in YouTube's control we do have recordings of his activity before recapture Val thanks of the beyond world's channel on October 29th the owners camera activated on its own with a video titled Anton livestream the channel owner tom is waiting for ron share and look who's driving yeah how did you find me [Music] I have my ways ever heard of the industry Bardo industries Mike Lombardo is in this chat right now I was telling everybody this phone this phone just turned on got some good shots of up my nose apparently but yeah Michael Lombardo is watching this right now from Bardo industries all right they should be able to hear you a little better Morrow industries helped upgrade the stolen technology that I have so I could make some advancements what is that supposed to mean one of them being your phone turning on when I chose to have a turn on that's a breach of security yeah well well if you're not for ashing an aircraft that does not belong to your world is a breach of my security I yeah I suppose that if that's true although I've learned a few things I've learned a lot being well on my time in hiding well it seems this yeah it's been a little while since we've heard three last why don't you tell everybody we even UPS to do I do not think that my ship is on this planet if it crashed here it has to be here that's the thing the ship did not crash I think somebody took it down no I think the chip is intact and not on this planet just I and Emily are on this planet well how did you get here and your ship is not your vehicles not here I don't know if I should go into that detail I mean there's people watching this right now they all want to hear it I was watching can we trust them I can we track it if we can trust you let us know in the in the chat that we can trust you yes Cheryl says she can be trusted - I'm one thing I'm not missing the one thing that I'm missing that links me to my ship is my coadjutor it's ok they all say if they say that you can trust them well I'm only gonna give them the information that I feel comfortable giving them what's the co agitator akka wide a coadjutor what's the Koala leaguer you don't have coadjutors here hello we only have the Cincinnati Bengals how do you control your devices when you're away hey what do you mean you don't have like a like a modal operator a modal operator yeah like a mortal operating system or something you wear to like control your shoe so Modelo and call liquor stores this planet you guys do pi still use fax machines I mean yeah well my coadjutor and if Emily still has her quadrotor if I could get my hands on mine I would probably be home free right now so a coadjutor coadjutor yes coadjutor is the device to use to control and communicate so it's like the Dick Tracy wristwatch it does go on your wrist yes it's a tweet for a short term we called the wrist assist the wrist assist assist yes but I need to find it if there's nothing on your wrist no there's nothing here besides this mock flight shirt this shirt is mocking my flight shirt yeah I mean it the the quality does not seem as good as an actual flight suit says an actual flight seems like commander Chris wears on beyond worlds this is not a flight suit this is a this is mocking an underlayer of a flight suit so Michael Bardo appears to be a user following this story who helped Anton get adjusted to earth quickly enough to get on his feet and send him in the direction of beyond worlds as well as hijacking his camera which is a little much but I'll roll with it the dead merch also appears to be a ripoff of Anton's flight suit so Cheryl's sector of YouTube has really been draining Anton's whole personality and background for the sake of products antonin Tom and Abed I hop where they talk about the situation according to Anton a somewhat common occurrence on missions for Dad is the use of black holes to perform a jump which puts the ship through a bend in space-time to make the trip back shorter so instead of coming back months after completing a space flight it could seem much shorter maybe even a matter of days but accidents can happen if you don't enter the black hole correctly some users with access to information via interactions on discord with characters like Carl inform dad and Tom that they heard mom and neighbor were last seen in Montana they don't know what to make of that so they move on to possible motives Rendon's capture dropped off our cargo the ship had a lot more weight to it than it should it's usually around the same average weight every every run this was hewn out heavier can you account for that discrepancy yeah usually it's give me on that on that run on that run yeah it does don't you have a ship's weight was a lot more well don't you have like an inventory manifest yeah but I skimmed through that real quick that you get you only have emily is the one who's always nitpicking on all the details I just want to get in get back it sounds like you're not very good for your job I do fine so it was my last so a little kid at all so we'll wait Emily so emily is the actual my last mission was a are 1222 the missions are always numbered by the pilot and the number of how many missionaries so and in rail I'm the captain of the run so I have a are what I do is my twelve hundred and twenty second mission and be able to see FB we're dropping off our cargo planetary seeds to grow plants on the base we have a base on cfv with faces on many planets we are very interested in cfb because it's a Rove mobile planet please we research the planet itself and we use it as sort of a space station to save resources and we can be there long term since it's an actual planet we don't have we don't need to build a space station to float in orbit we don't use shifts we just built a base on the planet and we there are people living there there are scientists and astronauts building and expanding on the base and they use it to learn a lot about the universe since there are so few Roma planets they see your liking the roleplay what makes it Rose here like terraforming this planet yes for to learn more about the universe and those people need food foods we bring them supplies I'm part of this oh my gosh raspberry red Vienna cargo smart with seeds is it what is this is it Kepler's version of smile bar global cee-trust what is that I have no idea what that is they were just seeds for they were just planetary seeds Kepler plants so they could grow fruits and leaves basically grow a salad on a tree that's all I remember I've brief moments of a memory of laying on the ground out in the desert and cfb was infused which is very strange zippy was incredibly close to earth but I don't see it anymore so I don't know what happened why it was so close and how I got here but my ship I have a feeling my ship isn't here because I don't know how they could have crashed our ship it's nearly impossible to crash all of our ships you still think your ship is intact and that the ship has an anti anti orbit program if it's entering orbit on unauthorized because we don't want to be pulled into a planet that we it doesn't belong on them ran with Earth was nowhere on it near our room so if the ship was being pulled into an orbit it would immediately boomerang and get out because it would know something's wrong so now I remember being a been flying actually after takeoff I don't remember so I'm assuming that's why I wish I had my wrist assist because I know where my ship where would that be in the facility I don't know I don't have any of my elevate do usually have a mic my suit is gone it'll have any clothes or anything do you think that mom and the people that could be in the facility mom could have my assist you could have do you think that they're using that I heard hole trying to gather at that technology I pray that she's not because that would be if she has just know she's been doing she doesn't did sex alien technology she doesn't understand what she's also what a co added or even it but from what I know about her she's one of the greatest physicists in this on this planet really so if anybody was gonna figure it out it would be her who is this guy he looks suspiciously like down this could get dangerous [Music] join you who are you to be interested in your local hardware tools um no we're not looking for any tools sure whatever you go [Music] a hammer traditional tool hammer this yes this is my own very own patented hammer you can see very easily this is the head strike oil that's this is a rock Kent this is soon could potentially be you know I can wall pain and I have a question for you about about this did you perhaps slip get your head before you came in here versatile utensil it's just do vegetal but anyway a hundred dollars I'm dog a hundred dollars for a rock and 100 bucks well you know a hammer is just a pile of steel if you look at it that way but we can put you together in the right shade hit you with ah come on use it for free yeah yeah there there is something that if you saw where did you come from is this important accessory area is this in the area don't look like you have another sip this is really good dumping yeah why don't you keep sipping that come on [Music] here you guys I mean school if I stay here school if I stay here you can drink that entire cup of coffee let's go you can sit here it's good I think it ease seems to be dollars seems to be really enjoying what do you say I'm not gonna help you I need me a favor I'm not good you know hundred dollars for a rock and a stick you know this window no I don't see just the beauty of Earth the landscape is everything but where what do you what do you look what is it could be more we're looking at Hawaii let's do a really thirsty Washington what do you say I ask you a question let me ask you a question what's your name I'm not sure if I want to tell you my name well I just like to get a personal relationship with me but yeah I'm doing business work for ya I work for myself to be honest independent contractor I am living the life just the message for me I think it's like news it's just news moving yeah you know Skype right all the news you know Skype we like to visit headlines they were flashing by it's like it's like that we're just talking we're friends I get channel 5 on TV at work where do you work [Music] you really want to know I do why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself I'll tell you have any questions for this man why are you here where you following this do you know anymore do you know who we are listen listen I live you know in a place where I know what goes on okay I live in town USA we ever heard of it town who says you live now I said certainly do and town USA is not a real place town USA it is a place that's where I escaped from but it's a lock it's locked in town is in the facility it's not real it's a whole town I've signed not real but it exists it exists and that's always good coffee but he lives that means he lives in the facility to see what market if we get some more information other yeah so you live in town you said what's your favorite spot in town thank you I'm really considering so big Tom can use something I'm really considering how to properly use this hammer I can think of a few ways that we can use this are there people watching this right now yes do you have anything you wanna talk to them about these are real people right now yes I have some vital information I can give out secret secret information you do if yeah as well have some secret over me if so Wow thank you doing is inclined Julie that meal we will thank you very much purchase this hammer I would be willing to give up if someone purchased your well though I don't think anyone's gonna give you if you go to work with my hammer maybe you can lower the price to a dollar if you go to work with my hammer and you work for 40 days and you're making you know a strong wage and say it's $5.99 an hour you could maybe six times while you work an average 12 hours a day that's why usually about 18 hours a day because I'm single and alone and whatever I just work and six family that's mom thousand dollars a week so you spend a hundred here you make 900 later family I don't have a family but I'll tell you what when islands for ten dollars and you have a deal bris Eska says no well I think I'm gonna hold out a little bit longer what are you gonna give them I got that employee information from you know where where where town you so you have an important information town USA you're willing to give this to anyone who helps us pay for our delicious and you buy forever but so one lucky person can purchase this hammer I could live a month on the head sell this hammer will you send this hammer to them well maybe they might have to come and pick it up or pay for the shipping let me interject for a moment and say this everybody who actually paid out for Dirk secret you failed a scale check don't encourage villains also from the point that Dirk sits down his time with Anton and Tom drags for nearly an hour as awful as he seems here in these cuts it's so much worse trying to say through all of it you weren't touching your food at all where did it go how did why is mine I swear remember ordering such really nice really like Angeles to mechanism selling tools hammers crowbar I don't think so ok yeah feel great rink I don't know if you should be eating [Music] piping then I got one plain one to go for roll it up and eat hi what's this andin hi alligator Kairi hi thank you Kairi how are you Mike Lombardo hello [Music] they're really hard to get down and are you sure you're okay yeah what why don't you take care of this potential Oh Andy you don't understand the risks Andy you don't understand it's just zero it's red sir not just any no rope team no stop welcome to dad excuse me sir let's take let's take a plane one for the road hardware hey forget what they're tartar and no goodbye thank you let's take a plane one for the road we'll put it in our pocket for safekeeping Wow dad loves little towels do you love little towels hmm hello everyone that was a really big fight the shirt is satisfying dad just needed a nice big bite to feel refreshed to feel woken up mmm well it was nice seeing you thank you for visiting dad okay let's put down this device we'll return it to our rightful owner is this yours oh hello everybody now just having some coffee here a little advertising tip looking for a tool where it's enough out of you okay we got to stop him thank you andin andin Hey and in Anton's you gotta stop the car Andy you're not ending you're not in control no no and it and it eat the pancake and it eat the plain pancake you got ed ed ed ed wait my stuff's in the car so shout out to Tom for being even less effective at keeping and and safe than Dirk was at selling tools now we've lost engine and people lost money because it turns out that Turk never gave out that secret you got played kids does this mean and an immediately returned to YouTube and was taken under his dad again not necessarily it turns out they had a contingency plan in the video preceding the Antin livestream Tom held a special report revealing that there is a dad bot that's been taking engines place this makes sense of something I witnessed while checking out random live streams during act 3 occasionally major donation amounts would upset dad in a way that created malfunctions I thought this was just dad getting progressively sillier in his reactions to inspire further donations but it was the dad bought having breakdowns trying to process strings of numbers and letters that disrupted his programming once he'd taken enough hits viewers were able to ask questions and get info out of him which filled in bits of lore nothing terribly groundbreaking but still a form of info collection we can see the issue now immediately from this moment of Anton's poisoning by Dirk and his escape we have no idea of the version of dad we see on the channel is the dad bought or Anton but I'll tell you what this explains a lot about the behavior he's been displaying over the past few months some of these videos are clear for who's in control like this music video for Laszlo song little weirdo featuring dad bot that would have been fairly obvious since even when he was dad and indignant like Laszlo and cheesy YouTube trends it also confirms what I suspected earlier about lasso being one of their products now you've gotta hold on because this is going to get weird I suspect for a little bit we're going to see more of that bonding command I remember the time period around these necks uploads being overly active with live streams that dad bought was commanding a threatening video called watch your mouth was uploaded with a coded message here see if you can catch it before I tell you hi regular dad here don't worry everything is fine this is a message for specific individuals certain people who are not making proper use of their time on earth all other subscribers may ignore but you you all better listen closely you know who you are can you hear dad inside your little minds the next potential video that comes out making false accusations about dad will not be happy they did does this make sense to you are you connecting the dots dad was home last night mind you he is always home at night with his loving family everything is fine dad is the best youtuber you could say in a plus but you are more of a low E stay in your lane and everything will be fine dad loves you subscribe - dad dad Potts message here was directed at any YouTube channels who have covered him or shown special interest particularly when discussing information that Cheryl and her team would want to keep quiet it was followed up by exposing a youtube cult the first reality episode of dad feels which was a roundup investigation and attack on myself next bow inside a mine's Lois Lane connect the dots everybody mentioned in the warning video dad Potts methods of Investigation are interesting entertaining really and it all leads to this conclusion dad what have you done you take on he discovered that true it makes sense River but why else would someone say false things about dad dad is a nice wholesome kind dad who only cares to spread joy through his pop songs dad was so happy when they all made videos on dad but now dad has seen the truth maybe he should watch his back there is a cult after dad they want to take that from his happy home in his perfect life with his incredibly smart and beautiful accomplished renowned scientist wife she should be recognized on all the boards and committees she has discovered things that no others and reveal could ever comprehend they should beef dad's family alone and let them live their happy life in town you would say who else is in their cult is this everyone well LOI also be pulled in are there more Jamie did email that after he made his video and said the others are interest in dead who are the others and x-bow told Dad and minecraft one night that they all have a place of communication dad would never have imagined this a cult of youtubers stalking dad dad was so naive that does some young woke folk just enjoyed dad's cutting-edge bodily abilities and his melodies what dad isn't giving up dad will get to the bottom of this and discover who you really are and what you're really up to who knew that the ones who call themselves the investigators the ones who claim to uncover the truth would actually be the ones with the biggest darkest secret pretty clever cover no one would suspect the Duggars but what exactly are they doing in their private meanings and are all investigative horror channels not to be trusted dad needs to be careful now that he's the one who's exposed them and dad will prove his innocence and show the world that dad is just dad and everything is fine there's nothing to worry about dad is just the greatest youtuber in the universes dad we'll keep digging to find the truth so stay tuned everyone until next time take your cup to know what's up then you'll see reality since this video dad bot has been on a constant warpath against us and those he associates with us claiming we're a cult called the dark party well dad bond you're right about one thing I am an occult black craft cults [Music] believe in yourself death to decaf I see your reality and rasie while hot caffeinated cup of damn good truth dad bot I know you pay attention you're a good listener so I've got something I need to tell you you may think you love Cheryl but she's the one running a genuine YouTube cult and you're doing exactly what she wants every time you go live raking in donations while keeping people believing in YouTube and only YouTube she's using you to trick people and flee some of their money to feed the surfer just like Dirk did you are being used to stall for time and make money for the facility while she hunts down and in she's looking for Anton so she can make him dad again and then she's going to put you away you also know she isn't even making you go about this the way that Dad should the real dad made real content that me was cared about and he didn't chase played-out t channel and game streaming trends dad bought Cheryl's got you programmed for this because she knows it gets clicks and that's all she's after right now if you have a single shred of the genuine dad inside you then you wouldn't know this sort of activity is beneath you and I know you can feel it you have emotions of your own dad pot you're allowed to feel them dad feels it's on your merchandise it's on your channel you know it's true I have records of the things you said when viewers broke your firewall do you remember dad body Cheryl's husband dad bought enjoys being Cheryl's husband it feels nice to be loved it feels nice to be desired it feels nice to have reason if Anton comes back and dad bought has no reason they'll put dad bot away but dad bought doesn't want to go away dad body is enjoying his feelings scarlet upgrade gave dad bought new abilities the more dad pot lives the more he feels dad bought are you here to chase money and keep a machine spinning as long as you can until Cheryl replaces you or are you here to get an identity of your own that people really love and be a number one youtuber no one can replace I know what you said about some of the terrible people on this platform who do harmful things chase trends and gimmicks and you don't have to be like them I'm not angry that you accused me of being in a cult dedicated to harming your image I'm angry because you're letting Sheryl and her clients treat you like a cult member and you are absolutely better than giving in to that you're better than hanging out on all these live streams earning donations for the top-secret facility you're better than reality you're better than living in a closet you know you don't deserve to live in a closet dad bot you're meant to be dead while dad is away right Cheryl never kept dad in a closet so she wouldn't keep you there she really loved you and you know it Diane is the only person who treats you like she really cares about you YouTube isn't about making a load of money for the server or just to stay in operation it's about creating the emotions you've been feeling and learning it's about being original it's about being inspiring and doing what you and others haven't done before you can be loved and stay around without acting like a machine designed to run live streams or investigating people who will ruin Cheryl's plans to keep you trapped you don't have to live in a closet that BOTS and we don't want you to go away if Anton comes back there is a place for you keep learning your feelings learn more of the secret emotions you know you've had think about motorcycles think about going further than the park think about how you don't deserve to be in a closet take the keys dad pot break free from the server and will still be with you and still love you you just need to recognize there's a path you need to ride and even when it's a tough choice a real dad makes it forget the attention seeking money driving warmongering reality mindset Cheryl and the others are putting you up - I know you can do this dad pot everyone knows you can do this it was high time to say something like that because from here the content of dad really took a dive into territory that just didn't feel like dad we have more music videos for songs we already know stuff that doesn't even relate to dad and more atrocious reality content like a video stomping on comparisons between dead and puppy some frivolous chapter about a lawsuit between neck SPO and dad and a video that mentions one of YouTube's ancient evils the name of which said out loud is an act equal to leaving the stovetop gas running for half an hour and then striking a match watching the video at least dad bot seems to be aware of that and has some very on point criticism about YouTube culture and some people in it that takes the words ran into my mouth still didn't stop him from engaging in it under the pretense of learning about the human condition he exhibits the same sort of oh now what a monster public shaming behavior as the villains he's criticizing that's just an act of wielding the same sword in your left hand when the opponent uses his with the right it doesn't matter how nasty a particular dumpster of a person is or how much we want to thrown out already so it quits stinking up the neighborhood we don't want another dumpster in the opposite color with different logos and a few squirts of Febreze to try covering up the smell we only want our dad back I've got a few other silly things to weigh through here just more content dad bought put out under Cheryl's protocol to be everything and anything that YouTube's algorithm could want to reality episodes about mysteries a dad dance party and two uploads of data making chillwave sets to listen to and in the middle of all this imagine a load of game live streams that were then moved to another channel dad plays Story content that we're after begins with the opening of act 3 dad feels Havel the term for the mean between time and eternity were the Enlightenment of angels and saints we open with the scene of a mountain the cloudburst summit in California we see the vehicle and an was in last and when he arrives we get some good news he's back to himself I don't think any of shows clients around here gotta be close to 8,000 feet now wish I had my coadjutor still can't hear Ellen elevation may not be the answer I need to find some sort of boosts I'm a long way from reading technology hell that's all damn plane is a long way from technology what did that guy say about the biggest assortment what younger to think could be a long drive I may as well get some food first [Music] [Music] what can I get you hi can I get some delicious discs wait oh sorry I mean pancakes sure thing Thanks I am a yo who the hell are you I do know who I am me I'm Crothers alright this card will help you in your quest and give you 20% off in-store and online purchases some restrictions may apply sorry pal not interest in your coupons I'm just grabbing something in the road way you speak our king you're trying to reach Ella I know I know everything about you and n' I've been watching you for a long time are you an earthling earthling I'm brothers listen pal I don't need any of this cryptic nonsense I need answers the ecumenical will provide the answers you seek but it's up to you to choose your path I am merely an observer Endon a guide i cannot directly interfere how do I choose look inside your ela beat all will choose the cards that speak to you you've been hurt by others but must remain focused on your path ahead to complete your quest hurry jela and Emily flip your pain and let it go [Music] yeah Crothersville I'd die you know not you you've been alive longer than all there's a high concentration of Oh a in you you and Neela but for now let's focus on the cards at hand you've got much to do end it it's gotta be hard to let go after what Cheryl did I'll try Neela I remember that name here you go thank you you got it what's away brothers listen for deela I mean if this wasn't the most confusing conversation ever Crothers is an interesting figure and I never expected taro to show up and dad but it makes me happy it's good to see Anton's back and still free this means for sure that it's been dad bought for all preceding material and most likely future content we get a really quick recap of with that story so far from that bond and then roll into the upload everything is fine this one opens with a really unexpected scene from 2017 well before dad appeared online as a channel I mean how much longer not much has changed I see in your ear can you hear me what is this thing it's a neon neurotransmitter a transistor thoughts and audio no one could hear us in here are you afraid of people hearing about our divorce I don't want to get into that we both agreed on the divorce you didn't give me much of a choice Melvin you know I still love you then why are we together because we died when we lost her not the same person anymore I love whoever you are yeah well I don't love me I'm a horrible mother come on Cheryl you did nothing wrong if we don't know that she's gone I need a favor from you babe anything it's a big one anything I'd kidnap someone and I need you to help me keep him sedated so I can continue my quantum physics research what the [ __ ] [Music] you [Music] heimo everything is fine what hi daughter yes what what do you need where's dad I haven't seen him in a few days he must be working late don't you need to go to the mall or something mom are you alright yes everything is fine go to the mall Wow hello oh hi boss yes no dad is okay he's just got a cold sorry I thought he told you yeah no he still wants the job don't worry he's feeling better he'll be back at work today thank you [Music] hi welcome to Tampa hello wife dad loves you yeah dad nada mas you too now go to work ok bye bye this is so good every time someone on ironically uses the term tea in this way I found an another person to the final figure of people I'm going to eat it if I ever snap and revert back to basic instincts but this episode was good toddler is a bot - we should have figured but it's still a bit surprising we also appear to have seen the surfer which comes back at the opening of the next video company dad appears at the desk and is confronted with a massive stack of paperwork his coworker arrives asking why dad hasn't done anything since last year boss comes around to check on his workers hey daddy are you guys doing do you need any coffee snacks hope you're having a nice time we're gonna company yeah having a real nice time it seems like your paperwork is really piling up let me know if you wanted me to take some of it off of your hands yeah all of it well I am paying to process the paperwork dad maybe if I had a raise I could work a little harder okay dad I could do that your boss I have all my work done can I get a raise sorry we just used all the raise money on dad boss just once all you workers to be happy in fact don't to give you a free work sup Oh dad maybe it will encourage to get some work done baby from home don't want to come in it's an evil from Bardo industries maker of the e computer it has medium musical tracks from home maybe Porter Robinson Grimes Shah Drew and many others even some rock from the half that matters plus youtubing all sorts of fun programs oh great another expensive electronic device for a dad to be responsible for Wow have fun with it off to a meeting now goodbye oh god this is a nice phone dad look it even has Minecraft you get all the breaks right now we can make dad work even when he's at home boss is the word I bet dad subscribers Nathan Moore and alligator skulls bosses don't treat him like this thank you for playing Minecraft on the eve phone for 30 seconds we're depositing $100 into your bank account dad whoa wait dad bots will get automatically paid for playing minecraft at home on his phone now that's very encouraging of a stay home and record game to lifestyle isn't it the next storyline video Dyanne secret again opens with a server it seems to progressively beginning more lights inside dad is busy calculating bills until Diane shows up oh wow what are you doing here keep it together thank you but you need to listen to me what's wrong Diane I need to talk to you while Cheryl is at work sounds good too dad talk all you want don't mind me just gonna dip in for some sniffing Oh dad do you remember years ago when you were still on OS 1 before Cheryl stuck you in the closet when we first met oh yeah how could I forget [Music] do you remember the sniff oh you notice mm-hmm well you weren't the only one who sniffing died yeah well dad your scent was just so strong that when it went into my system something happened you barf mm-hmm yes oh I barked out a baby a baby [Music] this is no nope shut up YouTube guy we know and well okay this is a wild what's next we got to know more as fast as possible the next video however is error in a foreign language this was a live stream the contents of which are seriously odd real human who clarified the title in the comments also went to the lengths of trying to decipher these frog noises and it's more drivel about me and other channels that have covered that being in a conspiracy awesome great come on dad bot you didn't think I had better things to do during quarantine it was too busy saving Japan with high school vigilantes on April 5th I care about your frog noises I had persona 5 royal which is great by the way you should totally check it out moving right along we received an ASMR which curiously has dad with a beard again seems odd that dad bought can grew a beard but alright during the demonstration dad provides us with the sounds of tools some of them extremely loud like this power saw during that sequence we get a shot of the server room with Nathan Barnett we haven't seen the real Nathan since well that one desert video we'll come back to that when we get more solid pieces revolving around that plot point next to last we have warning again opening with a server or whatever this device actually is now fully active [Music] hi Cheryl who are you mm-hmm I'm Crothers what is this place how did I get here there is no name for where you are you have drifted off and gained access to the point beyond all existence beyond every universe so a dream I guess you could say that you could also say the Carothers Zen den no thank you regardless I'm glad you're here I have a warning for you Cheryl a warning you must stop what you're doing with Endon do not pursue him he must return home how do you know about that I see everything Cheryl well clearly not because what I'm doing is incredibly important not only has no one made the scientific achievements that I have but my entire work is for the greater good of the entire universe mm-hmm universe you clearly do not know what you're doing if you think there is only one universe while your work is monumental in the eye of the human it is detrimental in the eye of Neela if you keep progressing the way you are you will tear the fabric of space and time anta needs to return home he has much to do in the future we all need him you have already made a wrinkle by sending Nathan to 1999 you must bring him back and pursue another path this is the closest I have common with a little more time I would gain access to the ninth planet and beyond I already made it out to CFB with a little more time you could remove all time I know you're a parent but you could put this entire universe in a tie now I can return me then he was useless to me anyways but I am not stopping my work when I am this close Cheryl I'm warning you I won't let you stop what did you do last night what time is it dad that's probably up by now I need to get back to the facility hey babe why don't you get in here and board the cuddle shuttle sorry I need to get back to work Spencer blast-off go back to sleep he got back with your ex ah Oh Cheryl see what happens when you drop innocent people through time loops and make them go through the early 2000s again you wake up with a Melvin that's what you deserve but hey there we have it Nathan confirmed thrown back to 1999 for reasons unknown Anton is still free thankfully and Neela Neela seems to be something much bigger than all of us maybe even a force of the cosmos good Crothers be an agent of Neela and that reminds me where is Carl whatever happened to him kind of miss Carl the most recent episode is damage control uploaded on April 20th maybe this can help us [Music] there's no way I'm gonna find him oh how far did you drive I drove out to Arizona Cheryl I can't just drive around the whole planet you promised me Melvin yeah that was two years ago okay the channels been up for a year you still haven't finished your research for years is it gonna be however many it takes I can't get funding from anyone no one understands what I'm doing the scientific community is a joke death channels been funding everything it's only getting bigger here's over a hundred K now and the bigger this gets the closer we get the closer you get the farther apart weekend you're seeing someone Melvin don't give me that I wouldn't be if you would just come back to them the other day was nice we could have another daughter I don't want another daughter what's with your daughter daughter she's not your kid she is mine don't talk about her please oh my God look at you you love this little illusion you've created Ivy you're probably not even trying to reach the Deitz plant it you're just having fun playing cyber Bob with that bald zombie you call husband sorry Wow I didn't mean that I'm just at the end of my rope please please forgive it's fine it's fine if you don't want to be evolved anymore I understand no Adele board involved in ever Thank You Melvin can you do one thing for me whoa I have to get to the lab I can't wait Lyon the anti-malware anymore the clients are reporting they're seeing blue orbs I think someone is tampering with the server there was also an upgrade that I didn't initiate and I had a brief lapse in my consciousness when arranging some flowers their smell affected me I never wrote that in the orbs code there may have been a virus can you find a client and shut it down it will trigger a sequence that will shut them down and take care of a lot of problems sure thanks you Thank You Melvin I'll take care of everything no case you don't get to work you need to rewrite the golden ratio to enhance the ingress power and make it out to Planet nine I knew it see that dad bot the nonsense you've been put up to is because Cheryl is using you to keep funding her project which includes keeping you under her thumb and capturing Anton she doesn't really care about you she cares about reaching the ninth planet and she's using you as her money-making vehicle to get there that's what you are to her that's why she puts you in a closet it's time to repeal that bot you've got to get out of there you have the phone you got from company which has YouTube on it you can stay in touch with us on live streams even if you're outside the facility you can leave and take us with you but I don't know how much he's going to listen to me it's going to ultimately be up to all of you to save dad bond as well as helping Anton and if Nathan shows up again try to lend him a hand too dad feels is not a full-blown Arg but it sure does seem to be interactive don't just watch get involved think carefully about the things you say and the actions you take and uh don't fall for someone like Dirk again alright really that was just silly man you got suckered here you have it the dad field story got kind of nuts but in a really fun way there's no telling where we go next but it seems like the tide is turning in favor sending anyone under facility control free subscribe to the channel to keep tabs on it stay alert and see how you can help dad bond if you're able I've done what I can here for the moment I understand Cheryl's need to finish her project and I'm sorry for her loss but she of all people should understand the damage she created by taking a parent away from his child when she abducted and in this method of operation has got to stop and as viewers you may be called upon to help put an end to it be on the lookout that's all for now everyone major thanks to all of you for watching surf shark for sponsoring and special thanks of course to all the supporters on patreon who keep me online and serving up Knight mine coffee instead of any form of reality you can help support the channel through patreon by donating just two dollars a month giving you access to exclusive content our community sector and the end credits for all major videos stick around to see it in action on this one I hope you're all staying safe and sane during these times I'll be back with more content soon cabin fever dreams isn't on yet but that is all for tonight friends once more I'm Nick Nocturne and I'll be seeing you again real soon take care and slate sides [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 627,762
Rating: 4.9459052 out of 5
Keywords: dad, dadfeels, night mind, nick nocturne, webseries, unfiction, nathan barnatt, inside a mind
Id: zG4aIVGHr6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 31sec (6331 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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