The Search Term that Made a YouTuber Vanish (ft. Atrocity Guide)

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you [Music] so you use the Internet I mean of course you do or else you wouldn't be watching this you type you click be sir you watch you listen and it all seems like everything's gonna be all right but imagine a search charm of all things that isn't alright imagine something that's so bizarre and so enigmatic that is caused otherwise ordinary people to vanish from the internet without a trace ladies and gentlemen this is the story of iran-us a 4chan conspiracy [Music] [Music] it was 2015 on 4chan an anon would make a question thread inquiring on others paranormal or bizarre experiences at work the replies promptly rolled in but for some strange reason one would stand out among the rest about a week after the original post on November 26th another anon would pop in to make a reply outlining an experience that one of their friends had while working a box pecking job for a programming company at 126 a.m. this was posted okay just a heads up I'm only 20 and have only ever worked retail jobs my whole life if I get terminology wrong it's not because I'm bullshitting it's because most of what she described is out of my frame of reference I'll be honest she's a super interesting chick during this period she was homeless and in a band her agency gave her a job at this place I was closing down all their locations in the country and basically it was well known that they were shady and generally treated their employees like cattle like they were in the process of cutting down all their full-timers to [ __ ] hours or placing them with temps and having the temps do the exact same work for like 10 bucks an hour everything was really disorganized by this points and different departments were scattered everywhere and they were just getting everyone to do whatever work they could give them before they'd fire them they had a programming department that made payroll programs for other companies or something along those lines but by the time she got there it was literally just one dude and they were giving him random jobs to do like working assembly lines and running forklifts they put her in this dude in a room gave him a couple tape guns and had them pack stuff in boxes most of the stuff there had names of their respective departments written on them in sharpie but her said errata sonnets or however it's spelled the do told her to get rid of the tape gun and not to mention it to any supervisors since apparently one of the jobs years before have been code to flag any employee that search for it in their computer system not any old word just that one and they'd fire you if he got flagged weird [ __ ] seems like this could be a simple one-off situation right well not quite about a month later on the night of December 19th another UNAM would visit the site inquiring on something eerily familiar to the story that we just heard at 8:30 p.m. they asked if anyone here have any IT jobs on the east coast between 2000 and 2010 or so I asked because a few people I know from that time and area have talked about some sort of sketchy HR related program called a rata s-- and I'm wondering if I could find any info about it not strictly paranormal related but disturbing and I believe I saw someone on X mention it before so if that anon is here please post contrary to the initial thread this one actually did pick up direct attention with people throwing info at the opie about an hour after this post went live someone jumped in explaining that quote from what I understand it was something that allowed some specific third-party company unconditional access to employee information employees who included it in their search terms or asked about it would get fired or placed in non computer departments I believe UPS Unilever and Ecolab or part of the system if what this anon is saying is true combined with our prior knowledge on the situation so far we have this elusive omnipotent entity by the name of errata this errata Stang was hardly ever if at all mentioned prior to December of 2015 the girl that initially mentioned this was in a band and working for a programming company this has obscure mid-2000s times to the HR departments of various large corporations and if anyone goes as far as to even look it up at work they're fired no questions asked now some might hypothesize that this could be some sort of virus or Trojan horse that strictly banned from any company computers and to be honest this would make sense they tend to be taboo topics to dig into on a work computer they're known for stealing your info in one way or another and are typically a large corporations worst nightmare it one Trojan horse onto your company network and say goodbye to days even weeks worth the productivity time as it's being repaired anyway this is just one small Theory off the top what about that box though what about ope where exactly does this mystery go from here fast forward another month and we're now in 2016 in a share thread on the music board yet another anon would make a reply with an obscure reference to Arad US this time though it wasn't a direct mention of it but rather a song by a band named the KFC murder chicks now get this the video that they linked took you not to their personal band accounts but to that of a man by the name of Todd Ellsworth here we're able to notice a bizarre video about a forklift an album by a so called DJ Roswell and yet another by a band named the KFC murder chicks now about their music [Music] yeah it's something other than that there's really no cause for concern here until you read the description of the murdered chicks video a really good coma records release that seems to have disappeared from the Internet's remember to support the artist mirada's or rusts interesting according to archives this initially read the rawness or bust but was subsequently changed why would this guy include this here notice how this video was uploaded on November 21st of 2015 before any mention of virata's ever came to light it's exceptionally out of place so what are we missing here you [Music] as next Boat Illustrated there was enough information available to spark an interest in aratus but not enough to form any concrete leads the snippets of evidence for an algorithmic anomaly as many were beginning to theorize were tenuous and circumstantial but this was only the beginning and the first of many new discoveries would come only a few months after the posting of the original threads in January of 2016 a thread was created on Fortune's music board by an anon looking to pioneer a new music genre which they referred to as deep Internet the mission statement of deep Internet was to create quote a sub-genre of noise found sounds and musique concrète using super obscure short and/or low quality YouTube videos issuing traditional notions of musicality the original poster added the criteria that source videos must have fewer than 20 views the idea was met with enthusiasm with many users eager to participate but once participants began watching this list of example videos the original poster provided a portion of the discussion quickly pivoted to a specific upload the first video was simply a commercial for a small-town electronic store nothing exciting the second link however was to a video entitled youtube is monitoring and controlling my life by a channel named Chronos for life Jurassic Park one of the first things you'll notice about this video is the incredibly poor visual quality which granted was part of the criteria for the deep Internet music genre but this wasn't what caught the attention of the music board the text a superimposed over images of the film Jurassic Park seemed to accuse YouTube of conspiring against the uploader and their mother although it's often too blurry and illegible to read this a non provided a transcript as the text explains Chronos for life's mother used to make videos tributing her favorite film franchise Jurassic Park but once she passed away you to begin removing said videos when taking into account the paranoia Kronos for life felt toward YouTube it's possible the poor quality of this video was an attempt to disguise the next making it difficult for the alleged algorithm to detect and although this was an interesting video with many eager to watch and discuss it was easily explained by mental illness perhaps born out of a grief for the passing of a loved one however only three hours after the posting of the original thread on the music board Kronos for life uploaded this video the description of this video reads this video is mainly a test to see if it gets deleted first time really trying to see the limits of the errata algorithm if it Flags this one that's some spooky [ __ ] although the majority of the deep Internet thread continued mining YouTube for obscure videos under 20 views with which to make music discussion splintered off with many eager to continue down the errata Slavit whole a new thread was created dedicated to this investigation and it was here that a nonce began to search for previous mentions of the term arose naturally they discovered the post on the paranormal board made the previous November with the original poster being threatened into silence regarding the mysterious word written on the tape gun they discovered the threads regarding the human resources program and the liner AUTOSAR bust in the description of the KFC murder chicks music video as next bow previously mentioned but the connection between these clues ranged from thin to non-existent what did a tape gun hypothetical Human Resources software a youtube channel dedicated to Jurassic Park tribute videos and a punk band all have in common it was clear that there was still a lot of work to do before things would begin making sense luckily for sleuths Chronos for life appeared to be actively following the 4chan investigation uploading videos in response to view spikes and providing further clues it was safe to say there was more to be uncovered with this channel and at least for the time being it was the most promising area to focus investigative efforts it wasn't long before users discovered a secret at the end of a video entitled Jurassic Park 3 tribute amidst a lo-fi rendition of a popular R&B song the trademark beeps of Morse code could be heard although the translation Hollywood astral projection clinic provided no concrete answers and only seemed to further complicate the mystery one important discovery was made the date of the upload November 21st 2015 just 5 days prior to the first dimension of errata song the paranormal board things were beginning to connect Alby --it loosely answer still seemed far away but some of the distinct markings of either an Arg or behind-the-scenes puppeteering provided incentive to keep going to see where this all might lead and it wouldn't be long until the next breakthrough days later on January 27th Chronos for life uploaded a video entitled answering questions in which they responded to many of the comments in their previous videos the video opens with the following text I've been fairly reluctant to ask anyone for help since the nature of classic paranoid nutjob ramblings algorithms controlling things behind the scenes weird stuff in that vein in the past couple years I've asked for help from friends and programming and business circles but over time friendships fade people stop talking to you as such I'm very grateful for the help people are giving and I'll try to answer as many questions as I can here the first and arguably most pressing question Kronos answered was posed in the here goes nothing video comments by user cork top who asked so with this video are you essentially trying to see if the system called errata swill attempt to take down the video because it's some algorithm that takes videos down that I don't know include the term errata sin them Cronus's response I don't know much about programming or computer systems so I'm not too savvy about how to trick them all I really know about errata is that it's used by dozens of companies they seem to use it as a copyright enforcement tool but it has its limitations and I'm fairly sure that my test video helped ferret those out maybe Chronos went on to cite manufacturing companies 3m and Unilever as those who employed this algorithm although to what ins they use serratus was not yet clear but this at least seemed to explain what the word meant aurorus was ostensibly a copyright software meant to locate and flag usages of certain words and phrases and this all seems standard and innocent enough so why were people so afraid of it toward the end of the video Chronos offered this unprompted tangent which on the surface didn't seem to hold any meaning but would be an important clue in getting closer to who was behind this budding mystery the original Jurassic Park trilogy is excellent by the way I highly recommend it this second film is my favorite in spite of its flaws although it was common knowledge that Chronos and his late mother were obsessed with Jurassic Park this aside still drew attention to itself due to how random it was in the context of the video it seemed to warrant attention while sleuths were investigating that lead another exciting revelation was being made elsewhere on the Kronos for Life Channel turning on automatic captions for the video titled here goes nothing yielded two important discoveries the line overthrow the government and an address for a location in Corbin Kentucky it's important to note that automatic captions aren't created by youtubers but are merely a product of speech recognition causing many to wonder how these two lines of text ended up in the captions and to further add to the mystery once these two Clues were discovered the subtitles no longer featured them and despite this added layer of complexity investigations chose to at least momentarily focus on the clues presented Corbin Kentucky what did Corbin Kentucky have to do with Arata korban is a small town whose claim to fame is boasting the original location of Kentucky Fried Chicken connecting Chronos for life to the noise rock band KFC murder chicks and consulting their Bandcamp page users found their hometown listed as you guessed it Corbin Kentucky as if to further reinforce this revelation the freeze the lost world was discovered to be an anagram of the name Todd Ellsworth as you'll remember next book pointing out Todd Ellsworth is the individual promoting the band's music videos links between clues were being formed and connections made the path forward at least for now seemed to have a clear direction but one persistent question remained if a road us was simply a copyright detection software used by various companies why the paranoia why the secrecy why the cryptic clues and just where was this all leading [Music] KFC murder chicks for some reason there are too many ties here to just discount the numerous references as some sort of coincidence January 26th another thread was made on the music board of 4chan this time digging into the errata sand a KFC murder chick situation a day later one anon jumped in with the reply explaining that they noticed in the description it says aratus or bust and that he was going to ask him what that meant oddly soon after it was changed to errata sore rusts like we mentioned earlier the reason behind this change is currently unclear although stemming from this was a lead the phrase in actuality is also the handle of a twitter accounts run by Todd himself heading over there brings to light an entirely new arc of information into this bizarre mystery this account was opened on November 14th 2015 just seven days before the murder chicks upload on the Todd Ellsworth YouTube channel the first post on this profile was an Erie police sketch of a 2005 Hawaiian rape suspects and the second was a tweet about the US Postal Service being quotes the deepest part of the Deep Web during this time simultaneously the KFC murder chicks had on their tumblr page made a very bizarre post outlining their reluctance on shipping physical copies of their CDs due to their lack of trust and what they referred to as a creepy postal service subsequently screen caps were taken from the ask me anything portion on their page and this is where the mystery albeit loosely would begin to converge and reference to the postal service remark one user asked what about the post office gives you the creeps I've used it a couple of years now and they seem to be just fine just curious their response this is probably a controversial view but there's a lot to suggest that they're tied in with a lot of the government's more unsavory activities spying profiling general disregard for constitutional rights all that fun stuff lots of stuff sent to us and an ornate amount really has never made it and vice versa not to say I'm in favor of the way they got [ __ ] over by the FedEx and UPS lobbies either though now normally I'd write this off as a simple hot take on the post office but considering the timing here especially in relation to the Todd Ellsworth tweets things were becoming suspect and so more questions rolled in what do you know about errata s-- like magic ukiyo-e radha's we don't know what a rata siz please stop messaging us about it it's getting weird and another hey big fan of your music quick question though you posted a link to your album cortex rampage I got to give it a listen before it disappeared and on the track get [ __ ] straight you mentioned a man named Todd Ellsworth who is he Thanks to which they responded he's fine don't worry about it this isn't lining up here they claim that they know absolutely nothing about Hirata's but also go forth to say that's a name of the one person that's repeatedly been dropping hints about exactly that is doing fine noted in one last example yet another question rolled in that acquired on the band's favorite types of movies in which they responded with the connoisseur series this ended up sparking even more interest since as we can recall Chronos for life was an avid fan of the series that karna swore was accused of ripping off Jurassic Park a bit odd considering the circumstances up to this points but another time to aratus nonetheless you [Music] before we begin it is important to understand some things this may be something serious that involves the hiring and firing practices of some corporations it may just be an alternate reality game or simply a series of coincidences strung together by whatever algorithms were involved this is an ongoing community driven investigation and therefore its validity is up to the viewer things went dark for a while in March of that year a well-respected export youtuber by the name of Xer herb and caught wind of the serratus thing and much like we are today decided to do some digging of their own having uploaded multiple videos over the topic it appeared that XAR was making some solid progress on this entire mystery documenting their findings in real-time this subsequently would result in an odd turn of events though as in late May XAR would disappear from the Internet's for good no YouTube no Twitter no tumblr no online presence zip nada gone and people lost it considering the timing hair combined with his recent and relentless coverage of this bizarre mystery people had begun to speculate that this was potentially the work of the errata Santa T itself but wasn't interesting laying a few days before the sudden disappearance people on 4chan began to speculate that XAR were the ones behind this entire mystery altogether arguing that one of the websites that they showed in their video was one that contained a lost KFC murder chicks album while a solid postulation this was eventually found to have been discussed on 4chan a few days prior so that theory I'll be an understandable was debunked as of writing only one of their Radha's videos and another over a different mystery seemed to have been archived since their disappearance the only real coverage about this was by user named toxicologist in this upload they discussed the odd termination of the accounts leading some to believe that toxicologist is actually XOR himself makes sense however only one of their videos covers this and that's it implying that this person is being genuine here nonetheless definitively proving that these two accounts aren't one in the same is nothing short of impossible so we're merely going off speculation all in all the circumstances surrounding the export Todd Ellsworth Jurassic Park Kronos for life KFC murder checks and XAR herb are jarring however there's one more instance that's had an uncanny tie to this bizarre errata situation [Music] so let's take a look [Music] as we saw with YouTube or excerpt coverage of this topic was potentially radioactive what happened to exer herb was he abducted by the errata Illuminati exer herb had been uploading videos consistently for nearly a year and the notion that his coverage of errata food be as last before performing a deep scrub of his online presence seemed to a coincidental and when taking into account the bizarre way in which Chronos were life communicated their concerns censoring the word in the video description disguising their messages in lo-fi barely legible text it's reasonable to assume that those who were familiar with aratus it to be an algorithm of eerie sophistication and as we learned on 4chan shortly following these new discoveries some of the users who weren't so careful about openly discussing Arad us also begin to disappear as the popularity of the threads surrounding aratus increased the more taboo the subject seemed to become although 4chan is occasionally notorious for their uncensored and at times controversial use of free speech it seemed there was one subject that was selectively targeted for removal it happened so often that the term are rotted was coined in order to describe this sudden and unexpected disappearance it became pervasive enough that those who simply wanted to discuss the ban KFC murder chicks were paranoid of being deleted just a thought one a nun posted should we be backing up these threads offline just in case I mean if we're actually investigating this we should be prepared for the event that it turns out to be true who knows how deeper autist goes so now the question remains are these mysterious censorships compelling evidence for some kind of omniscient program which tracks and deletes any mention of itself is erotic the Orwellian nightmare many fear and has it infiltrated the Internet to such depths that even anonymous forms are no longer safe havens but as many of you may be wondering if this were the case why does a Google search for the term yield reddit discussions screen kept images of charts and diagrams and pages of group attempts to solve this riddle when these posts also have been eroded given all that we know about this mystery let's take a look at some of the leading theory surrounding aratus and maybe we can determine what doesn't fit the evidence and what rings true [Music] now even with all the chaos that ensued in the realm of 4chan surrounding this strange mystery it's very surprisingly had flown under the mainstream radar it seemed that after the four champion dilemma mentions a virata's or even ex her herb and the murder chicks for that matter seemed to fade into the back burner of internet history so what really is it that we're dealing with for me personally a few things have stood out here that I can't seem to shake first starters we need to clear the air on something Todd Ellsworth is our key here there are far far too many bits of evidence that surround this guy and it seems as if he's the centerpiece of this entire online mystery because of this I believe that we need not brute force our way into finding out who is behind a Radice but rather the true identity behind our mysterious mr. Ellsworth I find it incredibly interesting that just a few days prior to the first ever mentions of virata's Todd Ellsworth had launched his Twitter profile more bizarrely on his YouTube channel exists a full album upload from the KFC murder chicks and that one other person named DJ Roswell more on them later anyway this has led me to the assumption that possibly this band has more to do with this than we think really think about it KFC murder chicks album is on this YouTube channel in the description of said video we see a bizarre phrase that states a rawness or bust also back on Todd's Twitter page he mentions distrust in the postal system and heading over to the KFC murder chicks tumblr page they claimed the exact same thing furthermore the band claims that their favorite movies are the connoisseur series which was widely regarded as a ripoff of the Jurassic Park series being a direct tie to Chronos for life someone who planned that they were being targeted by Arad us and lastly the nail in the coffin their tumblr replying about Todd Ellsworth when directly confronted about his inclusion in their song and their thoughts on this illusive person they flat out states he's fine don't worry about it to me far too much points us back to this strange band far too much to discount all of this has some sort of coincidence and to absolve them from any sort of involvement here I'm led to the belief that the original mentions of this errata sting was fabricated by the murder chicks themselves or at least someone involved with them just prior to this they set up the accounts got all their ducks in a row and proceeded a strange fortune along down this incredibly bizarre rabbit Hall any time the mystery seemed to go dead or stall so to speak I believe is when they jumped back onto the sites to bring it up again further directing attention to these posts and various accounts but who actually was it now this has been the subject of debates for much of the export of 4chan since the entire thing actually began but above all else one name has been the most prominent remember that other video on Todd's accounts the one with that other music album that we didn't touch on much it was made by a DJ Roswell atrocity guide had actually found a solid amount of information on this guy and apparently he frequents the paranormal board a lot as a matter of fact in 2014 he used his alias to make a post explaining that he's going to start a noise rock band called the KFC tortured chicks further on that year he made a thread asking if anyone would buy a certain toy that went pretty viral back then if we can recall there was some pretty large outrage over a children's toy wand that had a disturbing photo of a girl cutting her wrists inside of it anyway what's the significance of this well a mere two years later we see this picture again in a thread directly related to the erotic mystery specifically the one where we discovered the connection to Kronos for life [Music] speaking of them I wanted to go forward to make a claim I personally don't believe Kronos for life was involved in creating this mystery I'll explain why lexer herb and Todd Ellsworth acted as catalysts I believe that the Kronos for life situation was shoehorned into this entire situation by roswell himself as a matter of fact at this point with his involvement I would have put it past him to stumble upon this Kronos for life accounts since going by this image he was active in discussion regarding Jurassic Park notice that there's a random address thrown into the captions and error and to run with it's matching it with the alleged address of this brand-new band at their producer for the KFC murder chicks I believe that this entire thing was fabricated and run not only by the KFC murder chicks but primarily DJ Roswell himself according to the paranormal board of 4chan for instance he loves being there and numerous jokes have been made involving the possibility of quotes every post on axe being made by roswell now thinking about it this entire concept isn't anything new either we've seen plenty of companies and groups use mysteries and alternate reality games as some sort of marketing tool Nine Inch Nails did its Cloverfield gave it a shots and more recently even stranger things jumped on the bandwagon it's surprisingly effective and the darker side of the Internet's that we're all a part of absolutely loves eating this stuff up unfortunately though for Roswell and the murder chicks it seems as if it didn't turn out to be quite as groundbreaking as they thought it would [Music] with the lack of any real updates on the supposed ear audits algorithm since 2016 it seems as if this mystery or arg has run its full course what started as a bizarre 4chan story ended up leading curious minds down a rabbit hole filled with mysterious social media accounts and the uncanny sanitation of multiple YouTube personas three years later and very ironically if DJ rose balls goal was to fabricate this story for some sort of marketing Arg and I guess due to this video itself it worked unfortunately contrary to the stellar set up the conclusion left much to be desired being left in the dust as a failed marketing project that could have been nonetheless aratus has proven to be a captivating rabbit Hall appearing to have ended the careers of various YouTube channels I guess the only real way to figure out if this thing was real or not is to wait and see if my video or channel gets taken down and if so then well it's been a fun ride guys back to the drawing board thank you so much for joining atrocity gaiden I in this Halloween special this was something incredibly experimental and funded again - and I absolutely implore you to go check out her channel if you like mystery videos similar to what I do here some of what she discovers over there is insane and she's immensely deserving of some praise anyway once again her theories and conclusions were written separately from mine so if you want her thoughts on this to gain another perspective definitely go check it out at the link in the description with all of that being said I hope you've had a fun and safe Halloween thanks so much once again for joining us I love you all and goodnight [Music]
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 4,140,152
Rating: 4.9144025 out of 5
Keywords: erratas, erratas mystery, 4chan mysteries, reddit mysteries, youtube mysteries, atrocity guide
Id: zr64hUY6qlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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