Investigating the "Magic World of Ania”

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I don't know what it is with these Polish webseries they all seem to have a certain style and charm to them all of them that I've come across never failed to unnerve me today we're going to dive into a series that was recently recommended to me and I just want to say there's a lot more to this than meets the eye I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce the channel name since I'd do nothing more than completely butcher it so I'll refer to it by its English translation I'd like to welcome you all to the magic world of Anya [Music] the magic hold of Anya has a narrative that surrounds the mysterious disappearance of a charming girl named Anya slovensko throughout the uploads we become oriented with her family and friends through various interviews that occur in the series nobody seems to really know what happened Anya however the dialogue that's presented to us leaves us thinking that whatever it is it isn't good this series is very much still active and at this point in time we don't necessarily have a full picture of the story instead of calling this an explained video like I initially wanted to do I'm just going to walk you through everything and what has happened so far let's start with the channel description it reads missing person Anya Slowinski Anya was reported missing on May 29th 1993 she was 20 years old dutch language and literature student she was last seen on may 27 1993 at her flat Anya is 165 centimeters tall has straight blonde hair with fringe and blue eyes today she has not contacted her family or friends if you have any information regarding audience Levinsky please contact us immediately this description leads us to assume that there's an ongoing investigation for Anya however I wanted to point out a couple things I performed a missing people search on the Polish missing-persons database and unfortunately was unable to dig up anything regarding a real-life Anya or honest Lewinsky while this girl's name in the series was the dead end there are some other things that were shown that I'd like to point out to you later in the video the series is relatively short so far since they only joined YouTube about four months ago we have a series that so far a number from one to six was some spin-off episodes in between one quick point that I want to make is that I was able to get caught up to speed on the revelations from the series through this series subreddit and the awesome people there one of the major points that they hit was the fact that the series was previously numbered as a fraction of nine for instance upload one was 0.5 over nine upload 2 was one over nine and so on and so forth however they've only recently changed their numbering scheme which leads me to assume that there maybe 18 or more main uploads to this thing anyway the first upload is titled bone crystallization and is what you just saw let's start by diving into it the description of the video states the bones crystallize only under the conditions of real love and the upload itself is pretty cut-and-dry serving as a solid introduction to the series we initially see a crowd of people in what looks like a busy street each person in the photo becomes enveloped in red with a beat of the song until only one person is left since we've previously established at this series surrounds a girl named Anya we're gonna seem that this is her immediately after this the shot cuts to a girl in a cornfield with what looks like a wig and a mask on she's ominously staring at us until a cut where she appears to be walking away and after this we see a shot of her lying on the ground seemingly lifeless I'll get back to what I believe this girl represents later on anyway after this the video fades to a pond in the middle of the woods with Morse code before ending after running this video through a decoder I determined that the Morse code says P o mo z mi this is Slovenian for help me [Music] jumping ahead to Episode two we can see that this one is a bit longer it opens with a bunch of strange imagery and I'd like to show you some of it real fast take a look [Music] the latter half of the episode involves a phone call involving a woman named Christina with emergency services she's describing Anya as having gone missing and then goes ahead to describe various further information such as her age after this for presented with numbers which when decoded spell out the word tumbler the video then presents a narrative which seems to represent a broadcast letting everybody know that Anya is missing a hardness prevacid in your neck and moving is not advised Chariton student bigger aku feelin low give me that Lansky think you know what we distinguish event ago my editions event such as this is happening a shot of an eye polish presented on screen with Morse code before he reached the end seeing the mask or once more as she backtracks and then vanishes something that I want to point out here is the idea that the masked girl who was presumably Anya is hesitantly walking backwards this could represent her potentially backing away from a captor and trying to escape before disappearing and going missing this is supported by the male dialogue that follows saying I I couldn't hurt her also regarding the Morse code when decoded were presented with a string of text that when coupled with the previous translation saying tumbler leads us to a tumblr site with a newspaper involving Anya going missing one of the users from the subreddit decoded this and a leave a link to this in the description anyway there's still a lot of mystery to this so let's press on in this episode or presented with quite a bit of imagery as well some highlights that I'd like to point out here are the existence of a dancing doll a face on the television screen which we can assume is Anya and a doll crying with cameras in front of her take a look [Music] you following this letters are spelled out to us and after translation these are determined to spell the word hallucinations this video is titled about beautiful christina and our wonderful dream and seems to open what said dream while the background song is playing we see various imagery depicting television with Anya's face on it and cameras flashing while the girl being photographed cries following this act the video cuts to what seems like an underground cell where Christina is being interviewed I want to point out something really fast during this interview the camera shows a male figure admiring porcelain dolls he seems to be stroking them in a very strange manner and just look remember this jumping to the next act in the video or presented with more dialogue while the masked girl on screen is holding skulls Christina talks about how she believes Anya may have been abducted by a cult and that she could have been seeing somebody inappropriate also she claims that when Anya was a child a strange man tried to abduct her on the street leading her to believe that a cult was following her the next act of the video then starts with another interview presumably with the neighbor or family friend there claiming that Anya was always a good girl and was very sweet they then make a revelation that's a little strange [Music] so there was a so-called hobo hanging around the area before Anya was abducted and he lived in a hut by the forest interesting also we see dolls during this segment leading us to believe that this might have a lot more to do with the situation than we think [Music] this video is extremely short but packed with secrets one segment of the video that I want you to pay attention to is 23 seconds in where we see what appears to be jumbled words we see the hallucinations poured on top again however right below it we see another code a user on reddit named Alec L determined that this was encoded with an auto key cipher and when decoded leaves us with a youtube link that takes us to this next video titled the magic of nature take a look at it [Music] keep in mind the quote from the video human body its atoms and molecules you die and absolutely nothing changes let's move forward [Music] this episode is short but has a ton of vital information packed into it we can see that the video opens with the masked girl presumably disoriented due to the lighting and camera angles as the video progresses we see various other masked people leading us to assume that she's not the only one who's captured the scene then cuts to a cell-like area or we can resume is another spot where they're being held towards the end of the video were presented with another code through numbers and after decoding them through the cipher presented to us back at the beginning of the video we're left with the phrase kr wrz tumblr which represents a link to another tumblr page giving us some backstory on the capture of Anja it describes an interview with the Maria Bednarski and discusses an unusual event involving Anja being knocked over by an unknown running man I'll leave a link to this as well in the description [Music] this video is also short but vital to some theories for later the video opens with the hand grabbing a paper heart and then cuts to a scene that you'd be better off just watching [Music] [Music] [Music] you remember the beheading we'll get to it shortly [Music] this is a recent upload on the channel and is another long one with a bunch of secrets packed in the video opens with a man outside talking about quote temples that he has set up in the woods this is extremely important since when looking at them they have names on each one each temple seems to be inhabited by a masked person for some reason or another the captor claims in an interview that he's working on a seventh temple and this could either be for Anya or some unnamed character that we'll see in the future the main he's talking to asks him if these are his girlfriends to which he responds that he's not into such things following this scene we hear Morse code followed by shots of the city and then a girl the girl seems to lose her teeth potentially due to being beaten and captured and this is supported by her falling to the ground immediately after in becoming overgrown with shrubbery we then see a ton of skulls and teeth and some strange imagery once more take a look at it at the end of the episode we see another interview with the lady who claims that she found photos of Anya in the trash with her diary were then presented with another cipher before viewing a shot of the woods which appears to be an outdoor shower this could potentially be a point of view shot of Anya or one of the other missing persons from the series something else that ready user Olek l found in this episode from the cipher was the existence of another hidden tumblr page this page contains audio that when decoded leads to yet another video titled dot which shows Anya's diary this has been decoded on their subreddit and I'll leave a link to this as well in the description last but not least this episode is the most recent one on the channel and feeds into a couple theories that I'm going to present to you shortly to open we can see porcelain legs protruding out of the ground this is followed by shots of many other porcelain doll heads immediately after this we see a blonde woman who we can assume is the real Anya she's in a field with someone frolicking about and this is then followed by multiple shots of television some major takeaways I want you to remember once more are these dolls the teeth and the televisions that were shown now I want to dive into some theories that myself and the people on the magic world of Anya subreddit created for this behemoth while it's a massive stretch there is a theory that this entire series could be linked to a real-life abduction and murder this is due to the existence of a Facebook page and newspaper clippings that display a missing Anya slovensko the page seems to coincide with the series perfectly and could lead to some real-life occurrences however after doing some digging through the Polish murder records using the information given from the YouTube channel description unfortunately I was unable to dig up anything related to this case while this is so the channel could be loosely tied to a real-life abduction murder under a different name evidence for this however has yet to be found [Music] another theory that I'd like to present is one that's discussed in the series itself during Christina's interview from episode 4 she claims that Anja was nearly abducted by a strange man when she was a kid and this led her to believe that a cult was following her also Anja believed to have been seeing inappropriate people in her spare time which could be members of said cult she could have completely consented to her disappearance running away with these people and living some sort of fake life in the woods this is supported by the masks and imagery from episode 6 where everyone is living in the woods in a cult-like fashion major drawbacks to this theory include the scenes of the mask people or even Anja seemingly running from a captor this seems to discredit any form of consent that we may theorize regarding this cult and ultimately could represent something more sinister [Music] this is a phenomenal theory that was sent to me by user named Greenland is evil on their subreddit they claim that if we think back to Episode one we could see a lot of the color red which could represent evil this entire series could be an allegory for fashion and it all could initially be due to Anya herself we see her crying as the cameras take pictures of her in episode 3 & 4 if we look back to episode 2 however we can see her in a dress with a man who's presumably her father splashes of red cover him and she seems to be needing to keep up an appearance presumably due to a life enveloped in entertainment or attempting to be as shown in episode 7 Greenland then claimed that an episode for the interviewee states that Anya appeared to be stressed out and was losing weight potentially to keep up with her appearance the strange man that continuously appears in each of the uploads could be a representation of the world that Anya has to endure since he seems to be infatuated with capturing perfection this is represented by the dolls that litter each episode being directly related to the masks this man probably doesn't care if his victims are dead or alive since he can cover them in porcelain or even masks if they're lifeless think about the title of episode 6 disembody nosov the dead things all he cares about his perfection and he has not only Anya as a life representation but many others as well the simple abduction theory has a lot of the same pointers as the fashion allegory theory however one major difference is the elimination of the allegory aspect of it Anya could very well be someone simply depressed with her life and the cameras could be a representation of her social life Kristina claimed that she was extremely stressed and was losing weight and she potentially ran off into the woods to get away from it all not knowing that she was running straight into the same woods that the so-called hobo was occupying this hobo could be the same man who's abducting all of these people and like we said before he likely doesn't care if his victims are dead or alive he's abducting them for the sake of it and for the hi he potentially feels which is probably why nepo sewed six he claimed that he was working on a seventh temple each of these people could be his victims and their names are likely on each of these temples also being cut off from the rest of the world due to being stuck and disoriented in these woods could leave these victims to be helpless simply living under this man who seems to be the only one able to feed them if they're even still alive this is represented in episode 5 where the group holds up an apple to the Sun representing a deity which to them could be this man only to be beheaded their lives really don't matter to him and if they're real or fake in porcelain dolls he just wants to feed his perfection obsession I know there are many many more potential theories out there and that it might have missed quite a bit from this series but I just want to take a moment and say how much I appreciate it it has such a high production value for such a small audience and incorporates codes and ciphers throughout without overdoing it this is a phenomenal series with a fantastic story and I want you to go over there and subscribe to keep up with it as it progresses it seems to still be in its infancy and I encourage you to try to decode and interpret their future uploads I will be keeping an eye on it as well anyway guys thank you so much for watching my analysis of the magic world of Anya I hope you enjoyed this and boy oh boy it's good to be back here's to an awesome 2018 I couldn't be more excited for what's to come lastly I'll see you guys in the next one I love you all and good night [Music]
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,693,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magiczny Świat Ani, The Magic World of Ania, Anna Slowinska, missing persons, polish webseries, krainagrzybowtv
Id: Que2myhwr48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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