LOCAL58: The Broadcast Station that Manipulates You

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Just watched it! I’ve loved Local58 for a while but never thought to check if there was a sub. Nexpo sent me here!

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/PlanetLandon 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m here from nexpo. Love that guy and this Local58 is particularly spooky to me

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/FlatDongSirJohnson 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I literally screamed when he released that vid!!!!!!!

tho i dont really get the part where he demonstrated the experiment

stating "what if the point is your phone and faces your colleagues"

somebody explain plz?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/edward139927 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Guys, please, I'm checking the video out but can someone tell me what channel58 is? Is it a conspiracy theory? I'm lost

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Normie_O1 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This isn't real right, I haven't slept in 36 hours wtf

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/aerynnyx 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

So its alll ARG not for real...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OMGKesz 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] local 58 [Music] the brainchild of a man by the name of Chris Straub back in August of 2018 I uploaded a video titled what is local 58 back at that point in time there were just 5 videos in the series catalog and I attempted to the best of my ability to deduce and construct both a logical timeline and a set of theories that could have explained what this anthology was trying to convey since then you guys have been vocal it's become somewhat of an expectation to find comments on my posts videos and tweets asking about the series but why as it turns out local 58 didn't end a year and a half ago it never left according to this myriad of requesters they've uploaded more since then and apparently these new videos are pivotal to our investigation with this in mind I figured I'd give in you got me let's give it one more run tonight's we're tuning into manipulative television better known as local 58 [Music] you on Monday October 20 of 2015 a web cartoonist an online creator by the name of Chris Straub would give birth to a webseries by the name of local 58 taking place in Mason County West Virginia the same region as his other works broodhollow Kendal Cove and itch or Falls Straub has constructed an extremely complex narrative that appears to Center on themes surrounding mass suicide imminent danger and hypnosis [Music] the series original home was at a now-defunct websites by the name of local 58 info or curious onlookers would encounter nothing but a simple black screen with the most recent upload front and center the channels catalog encompasses just eight video spread across what they call two seasons in the mix we have contingency you're on the fastest available routes Weather Service show for children real sleep sky watching and two channel trailers a look back and station ID for brevity's sake we won't dive much into the last two as I don't seem to carry much weights in regards to making headway into this investigation but rather will hone in on the big six the main ones that carry the real brunt of what this cryptic broadcast station has to offer let's take it back from the top local 58 [Music] before you go stay tuned for a quick message the following footage will contain a full reanalyze ation of various network broadcast that have occurred on our partner station local 58 much of what you'll witness will be material that you've experienced in Prior coverage however a new angle will be taken combined with their newest recordings to ensure that tonight's viewing experience is a pleasant one if you'd like to skip directly to analysis of the new recordings please fast forward to the time shown under television now tonight's broadcast has made possible through small contributions made to patreon.com forward slash necks Bell and by viewers like you thank you [Music] [Music] contingency by far one of the most popular and also most disturbing episodes in the local 58 catalog and for good reason the reason it's up first on our list is due to the fact that in comparison with each of the other episodes this one appears to contain the most archaic video distortions the Ruff broadcast time period that I deduced from my previous coverage was somewhere in the range of the late 1960s to the early 1970s which we'll get into in more detail shortly the video opens up ordinarily taking place at around 3 a.m. local 58's wrapping up their broadcast day as normal but then things would quickly turn to our right after their conclusion message were met with a title card a contingency message reel displayed by the United States Department for the preservation of American dignity this is to be used in the event of a United States complete surrender to insurmountable enemy forces public broadcast only upon confirmed condition that doesn't sound good especially if it's shown this late on public access television personally if I were up this late I drop everything I'm doing into an in the next frame then displays the following contingency message will now begin please comply with the following instructions god Bless America and then we're shown this [Music] my prior statement regarding this taking place during the 1960's is an inaccuracy for the following reason as we can see the signature of u.s. president lyndon b johnson appears at the end of the message if we can recall his presidency took place between 1963 and 1969 but if we back up and observed the opening title card we'll notice that the background image contains an astronaut from the apollo 11 mission doing further research on that photo itself reveals that it was taken on august 1st of 1971 effectively cementing the fact that my initial time frame was entirely incorrect anyway after this message various screens showing flowers skylines and American flags are shown with the following text overlaid on to them act immediately honor liberty by taking the final and greatest Liberty of all it's a privilege to be called action you take America with you each will be remembered use the method most available to you at this time your courage will inspire others there is nothing to fear the time has come access to a loaded firearm is ideal place muzzle upward to roof of mouth thank you join your neighbors your family your god as a citizen you must act now local law enforcement has been ordered to ensure your compliance it's against the law to delay this message war peace until there are none to read it if there is time victory position remember the three EPs front lawn face up beat together infants and pets the smallest Patriots as we gathered by this points they're asking each and every American citizen to kill themselves and their children with the firearm some unfathomable power has threatened the u.s. so badly that fighting back isn't even an option they're helpless but the government's so wrapped up and getting a leg up on whatever this imminent danger is that they're preemptively telling everyone to kill themselves to avoid total humiliation remember even in defeats we claim victory and nothing's more manipulative than that to close off the episode we then see the following [Music] [Music] [Music] while local 58 apologizes for the interruption the hoax apology card that's shown thereafter cements the fact that this wasn't an accident local 58 wanted you to see this they planned it [Music] you show four children here we can observe an updated styling for the local 58 brand implying that we jumped forward in time I miss this in my prior coverage but this segment contains VHS distortions at the beginning implying that this took place sometime after 1976 interestingly the actual broadcasts that were about to get into jumps from this to a very early cartoon with film grain leading me to believe that whatever they're gonna show us is a pre-planned recording of something from the past tonight's lineup is of four shows show four children at 4:15 a.m. community roundtable at 5:00 focus on culture at 5:20 and morning local news at 6:05 interestingly show four children is playing at an extremely unorthodox hour where unless you were up all night watching Adult Swim an extremely small niche of children would be awake so who is the intended audience the next frame shows a transition card with a creepy clown head from a carnival and following this we finally get to the show a grave mistake featuring a cheerful little character known as Qaddafi now a quick side note Gaddafi in actuality is a character and Krrish drop series of brutal OH comics they're actually pretty good if you ever decide to check amounts but that's another story for another time the point I'm making here is this effectively solidifies the point that local 58 contains some level of crossover with his other works the actual extent of these crossovers remains to be seen but definitely keep this in mind so when the show actually begins were able to observe Kedavra in through a graveyard with the moon eerily smiling down at him Gaddafi me to be in high spirits with nothing appearing to have gone awry but surely well notice that over the course of the episode he becomes increasingly more disturbed by his encounters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forlán face up feet together Kadam did this and he died but it wasn't my gun shots it wasn't by any sort of direct suicide his entire body was stripped to an even more gruesome depiction of bones after the moon panned over the shots which leaves me to wonder was the moon this so-called insurmountable enemy force that was referenced in contingency yeah that's crazy this is just a cartoon and the moon's the moon surely it can't be killing people could it right right [Music] you real sleep 1983 [Music] this video opens up with yet another overhaul of the local 58 visual styling this time were shown that at 3 o'clock p.m. in broad daylight this stuff still happening the broadcast this time appears to be a recording of a personal video tape for a man named Philip Gert Hart created by something called the thought research initiative the video appears to be some sort of instructional guide intended to alter the sleep state of this individual if we back up and really observe that first slide we can notice that this cassettes is non-transferable with Philips ID number shown as being 7 5 0 1 1 7 this effectively implies that there are other tapes like this so where are these people what's on theirs unfortunately we'll never know the answer to that question but what we do know that we have a contradiction let's play it back from the beginning [Music] see that this isn't a broadcast it's a full personal feat of someone's television screen for some reason or another the TV viewer was watching their local broadcasting before seemingly inserting a VHS of this real sleep tape after being reminded to do so this leads me to wonder it almost seems like a full playback of something that a third party was tasked with monitoring that would be one of the only ways to explain why this episode plays out like a real time reaction to a reminder prompt displaying the VHS status and all with that in mind let's press on and see what we have to work with the real sleep tape is divided into three main sections the first involves a fact versus fiction questionnaire about various sleep related topics among them to make various claims such as the fact that dreaming during rapid eye movement sleep is merely correlational not causal dreaming is not necessary for regular sleep function and that eight hours of sleep is beneficial for both the mind and body however these benefits are burdened by frantic nonsensical images and auditory hallucinations we call dreaming dreaming is the vestige of a primitive mind I'm not sure about you but if you ask me this is yet another contradiction in this video the TR eye states that dreaming is correlational two REM sleep not causal but constantly goes for to denounce the necessity of dreaming so which is it the second section involves something called the climate map according to the video it's defined as an index of electric activity in a brain burdened by dream stimuli once mapped this activity can be triggered by other controlled stimuli including via the visual cortex from what I gather here they're essentially saying that they can alter your brain States with mere visual stimulation whether it be lighting imagery or hypnotic patterns they can manipulate you achieving their desired outcome whenever they need to if you aren't already weirded out by the methods employed by this bizarre organization Oh buddy just wait section three inducing your anti dream close your workbooks and watch the screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you up so what just happened there this last section seemed to be divided up into three sub sections and appeared to employ some sort of phase distortion effect in each one I'm just kidding it's a brain game I'll explain in a minute the first subsection is titled visual calibration and here we can see a set of faces that are lit up from various angles the title of this one implies that they're merely hitting your brains reset button greasing the gears per se for the real sleep exercise that will soon follow anyway the exercise plays out and you observe a few seconds of eerily lits I'll be at normal looking faces subsection 2 cortical membrane here we get more the same except we have two sets of faces instead of one this is a mind game and as we can recall from our prior instruction we need to be staring at the center of the television at all times as you may have noticed by doing this the face is on each side begin to appear distorted even though in reality they aren't this then presents the question of why they're trying so hard to distort our view of other faces are they trying to get Philip to freak out around other people to see others as nothing but a warped figments of his fragile imagination that would drive someone to insanity but I wouldn't put that past local 58 quick fun facts this phenomenon is actually a real-life experiments example coming in 3 2 1 stare at the center of your television creepy isn't it subsection 3 ablation of subconscious or in other words surgical removal up subconscious here they asked you to repeat the phrase there are no faces as a myriad of disturbingly warped imagery flashes before you this is in line with our theme of human perception and their desire to warp our view of other people there are no faces combined with the title ablation of subconscious is beginning to drive the point home that they want to isolate you make you lose control so they can gain its subsection for acceptance here we're told to read without reading mostly impossible unless you have a superpower don't worry though I read them for you and I picked out a few of the good ones only the awake may think I dream the world awake sleepers pretend I will never dream again stay out of your bedroom when we sleep we die dreaming is a cancer on the face of sleep we are not meant to dream so going by what this cassette is telling us they don't want us to dream but they don't want us to sleep by there it seems almost like a far cry from the tone at the beginning when they were telling us how pivotal REM sleep is for the mind and body so I'll ask again which is it is sleep good or not I'm sure we all know the answer to that but for a quick second take a look at this what on this screen is not like the others I'll give you a minute all right time to up its name the fonts it doesn't have a drop shadow and appears as if it was placed there in post-production with that in mind let's move forward to the third section again as the message on screen stood out to me no two minds are alike this instructional video was customized for you using your personalized kleitman map immediately after this we can notice that the font changes to something similar to what we observed with Philips name and remains as such until the very end this tape was altered whatever it is that we're seeing in the last two sections was placed there intentionally and is likely different from not only the original copy but also from the various other versions that were made for other participants so real sleep a personalized tape filled with anti dream and anti sleep propaganda intermixed with brain games involving distorting our view of other people's faces an abyss got it [Music] you skywatching 1994 here local 58's rebranded once more and has a lineup of just three shows sky watch a city council meeting and paid programming afterwards we're able to notice the sky watching show attempt to begin before it's hijacked by someone's personal recording with the same name [Music] the video starts out innocent enough whoever's filming pans over various well-known constellations such as Orion's belt and Pleiades though halfway through the video and gets a little strange after swapping out a lens and adjusting focus to the moon we observed the caption his throne and then they zoom in revealing that the moon is not in animates it's a fleshy organic and disturbingly alive body a mess [Music] clearly this person shocked by what they found and for good reason something they presumed to be nothing but a gargantuan Rock orbiting Earth was in actuality covered in artificial craters and is transferring some sort of organic matter on its surface clearly something's going on up there something sinister but once [Music] you so the moon is hypnotizing people this could have been useful last time I covered this once we get that in focus shot of the moon when it reappears we can finally see the full picture some sort of dark matters consuming it from the bottom to the top this is not a natural moon crescents something's overtaking it and as either utilizing its proximity to earth to brainwash people or the moons been this way this entire time just up until now we never knew it then again this sort of thing was referenced back in show for children why around 25 years later are people still accidentally discovering this [Music] [Music] on the back of what we learned in real sleep weather service is a broadcast that will soon be able to formulate some ties to here local 58's once again showing their channel lineup before a sudden emergency broadcast takes place before we get to that though you might notice that their lineup visual styling matches that of which we saw back in real sleep this further supports the idea that the VHS that was played back in that one was in fact a recording over the local 58 channel and not a live broadcast anyway weather service emergency broadcast let's see what happens [Music] [Music] what in the mother of God was that we just had a weather alert nothing big that appeared to be hijacked by some third party throughout the video were able to observe conflicting statements saying to stay indoors to go outside to look at the moon and not to look at the moon following this local 58 appears to regain control before being taken over once more displaying the following it's in the light the moon came in he found me through the mirror moonlight white white like eyes not white but blood I drown in if you are afraid we will look together something's in the moonlights and God forbid you look up at it this narrative essentially takes us through the experiences of someone that accidentally observed moonlight through a mirror somehow this moonlight brainwashed or drown them in some sort of hypnotic trance just like the person in sky watching interestingly whoever it is it's typing this refers to the moon as a him driving home the points that this isn't some inanimate object like we assumed it's something much darker at this points I'm led to believe that the person hijacking this broadcast is a local 58 employee that was fighting hypnosis and trying their best to get this message out and it worked we can hear it [Music] [Music] new broadcast same styling 2014 tonight's lineup it compasses just two shows the midnight movie at 12:05 and paid programming at 1:55 soon after we see this someone starts backspacing the paid programming text presumably to warn the viewer on what's about to happen proceed to the highlighted route continued on Holbrook Park Drive then in 500 feet turn right onto North 38th Street you will arrive at your destination in two hours and 28 minutes turn right on to North 38th Street in a quarter mile turn left onto Merritt Parkway you are on the fastest available round turn left onto Merritt Parkway then take the on-ramp to highway 114 north traffic ahead rerouting in ten miles take exit 17 then turn right onto quarry utility Road south over the course of the next few hours we'll cut to various parts of this person's drive as it turns out they were doing this for the better part of the nights all guided by some sort of GPS oddly this navigation system doesn't take this person to any sort of legitimate destination instead it takes them to the ass-crack middle of nowhere in some dark wooded area I'm not entirely sure that this would be a spot that you could specifically route to but hey the GPS is always right isn't it just like TV afterwards the driver that encounters the following [Music] being on it make a u-turn your destination behind you destination your destination in 250 feet periodic near destination 150 feet [Music] [Music] an alien cryptid the basis of my theorization just a year and a half ago my incorrect theorization because back then we didn't have real sleep or sky watching this person's been up all night driving for seemingly no good reason and appears to be indirectly following the simple instruction outlined by the real sleep DHS to stay awake because dreaming is the vestige of a primitive mind it's safe to say that the creature that we're seeing before us is a product of this person's warped mind a result of the hours of so-called sleep experiments that they've had to endure they're losing grip on reality and blindly obeying the various forms of interactive media at their disposal the TV the real sleep tape and the navigation system but what about local 58 why are they involved in such a complex and seemingly sinister operation that's disintegrating people's sanity you [Music] [Music] you with the warring broadcast instructions outline and weather service combined with the real sleep experiments in the sky watching tape I'm led to believe that there's some sort of widespread mind-control operation going on here fundamentally we need to back up to real sleep and take a hard look at the company running the operation the t.ri they've only shown up in one video but there are key to piecing this together I believe this organization knows that the moon is apocalyptically brainwashing people and has since the very beginning evident by their tagline in their channel trailer they've been researching this longer than most might believe local 58 is in public access it's run by the TR I going by the primitiveness of the channel trailer opening I'm hard-pressed to believe that they discovered the ill effects of moonlight on humans sometime in the 1930s and began research on this because they wanted to utilize it for their own gain for population control and for power think umbrella corporation these people are probably walled off and barricaded while they use the world's population as subjects for their deranged science experiments to subtly condition you but the early stages of their research they broadcast a contingency a way to see how you'd react to on-screen media surely if it's on TV and has to be real rights then come show for children the kids need conditioning too and then in real sleep we discover in another department of their studies they're gathering participants for this so-called sleep study that's in actuality a wild hypnotic experiments aimed at keeping you awake during the nights if you're up passed on then maybe you just might go outside and catch a glimpse of the moon in skywatching we witnessed this firsthand the moon's alive almost like it's some sort of eldritch abomination which if you're unaware is a creature defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them they cannot be described by anything inherently natural and exist as powerful otherworldly beings to me it appears that the dark shroud consuming the moon might be some sort of transformative shift from an inanimate rock into one of these beings the TR I discovered this in its early stages in our observing the worldwide effects from their barricaded research lab you might recall during the sky watching segments that I questioned why people were discovering the ill effects of the Moon over the course of decades surely if this were some constant phenomenon then the entire population would be brainwashed in a matter of days there is something I found now that might be able to explain this I'm sure most of you have heard of Tempest films No channel 7 analog archives anyway the creators name is Aiden chick and he submitted a post on May 14th of 2019 in the local 58th subreddits outlining a theory that holds some considerable weights it reads the following the story of local 58 has been right in front of us the whole time by far the most popular theory about the story of local 58 is the alien theory which basically states that an alien race is hijacking the television signals and sending eerie messages some say that the being in you are on the fastest available routes is basically confirmation that we're dealing with aliens here although this theory makes sense on the surface I don't think this is actually what Chris was going for and personally I don't find it very scary but we've never really stopped to consider Chris jobs other works aside from candle Cove we'll get into candle Cove in a bit though the first thing I want to point out is the interconnected universe the major works we'll be discussing our itch or Falls broodhollow and candle Cove all of which take place in Mason County West Virginia and that's rights local 58 takes place there as well so what can we pull out of this well it means that local 58 s another story in the Mason County Tales and a lot of the events in this series are pulled from others take it your Falls for example a town that's been abandoned for years after a chemical accidents when real estate companies try to repopulate the place they're met with fearsome creatures and look incredibly similar to the creature from doron the fastest available routes in addition the events in which they appear in is referred to the blood harvest which very well may be the same events mentioned in weather service and what about real sleep well in the candle code book there's a story about an ancient creature that can enter people's dreams all things considered the moon's probably the latest addition to Chris jobs ever-growing collection with this in mind I fully believe in local 58 seems to exist in an interconnected universe and this has been right under our nose this entire time the reason the entire world isn't brainwashed is likely because this phenomenon happens during the after mentioned blood harvest which could either be an annual events or something that occurs on extremely rare occasion I likened it to something similar to a full moon on a Friday the 13th as we can see in the attached image people that are brainwashed become transformed into ravaged monsters that they've named savages going off hand here and I could be wrong but this image could be taking place during a time frame that postdates the events playing out during the local 58 era in our current timeline we could merely be observing the very early psychological shift of these various people and their in-game just might be a full transformation into one of these experimental abominations with this in mind all of this seems to be heavily catalyzed by the thought research initiative to not only control the world's population but also observe what might happen when they undergo their conversion the thing is we've learned through years of zombie apocalypse media that this never ends up good they'll get what's coming and it's only a matter of time what merely started as an unrelated set of incoherent videos centering on a local public broadcast station has bloomed into a disturbing and interconnected foundation of lore incorporating themes centered on hypnosis disturbing broadcast hijackings and subliminal manipulation whether or not the moon is actually some sort of eldritch abomination or if this is actually all part of some extended universe I'm certain on my conjecture that the thought research initiative are the ones behind local 58 the station is an independently run and never has been it's manipulative television run by an organization that set out to control you whether or not you let it happen rests solely on your ability to resist temptation subliminal messaging and attempts at brainwashing don't look at the moon stay indoors question local broadcasting and just in case always always remember the victory position front lawn face up feet together thanks so much for tuning in I'll see you in the next one I love you all and good night [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 2,837,089
Rating: 4.9444318 out of 5
Keywords: local 58, local 58 webseries, what is local 58, local58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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