The Human Pet: YouTube's Oldest Dark Interactive Webseries
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 1,673,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: night mind, the human pet, webseries, codemaster, sam deercot, nick nocturne
Id: vjyC8TqYCgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
He sounds so disgusted by the last video in the series, it actually kind of loops around to being sort of funny again.
I remember tuning in to this back when. Watched the "Interview" video, thinking how fake the wig/beard looked. Interesting to see this ended up just basically disintegrating after a huge cliffhanger. Shame, really.
Maybe the guys in charge of the ARG were sick of doing it. If there was a way to fix it? Leave the ending ambiguous...with Dr. Reed dropping the camera, and running or something.
Have the viewers find Dr. Reed's information (he survives the incident, but goes into hiding to save himself from the bad guy), reveal more about Scott and possibly reveal demonic/evil forces working through him (Maybe Dr. Reed worked with young Scott and we find out that he has delusions of grandeur or some such). Pan out with to see Dr. Reed being on the "mug shot wall"/resume. Maybe have Eric have an escape attempt go wrong and Scott losing it....(because it was all about control in Scott's case).
The series seems interesting, but the ending just smacks of the creators getting tired of the idea...
Edit: I just realized why the "found footage" segment bothered me on another level. Dr. Reed was called to an active crime scene involving double murder and the child in question was a suspect in the parent's murder. Wouldn't the cops have a hold of the kid? They won't be chatting outside the house normally. I mean, he's a suspect and that's an active crime scene. No way the cops are going to call for a doctor without clearing the house (maybe he wasn't working alone?), and send the doctor into the house to be jumped by a possibly agitated and murderous kid?
I mean, if you want to fix the series ending and keep the cliche creepy child laughter, make it obvious that Dr. Reed's version the events don't match. Hell, have the cops have differing audio logs/transcripts of the events, and have Dr. Reed attempt to figure what exactly what was with the child Scott. And then these events might lead to why Scott is obsessing with videotaping events....
I enjoyed nickโs analysis of this and to have it end like that seems like a massive let down even for standards back then
I really enjoyed this one
Eric is fucking hot