Hey Kids: A YouTube Channel or a Sinister Secret?

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when it comes to oddities on the Internet we've seen a lot of things that can easily be explained but sometimes we find things that are not so easy to take apart this is where I keep the mysteries that refuse to be solved welcome to the night mind Case Files [Music] you know it used to be said that television was the world's greatest babysitter turn on the TV put the kid down and forget about them for at least an hour well then it must be true that YouTube is replacing television as a widely accepted medium because of millions of views you can find for child friendly content and full playlist is staggering to behold throw in the power to give a toddler a tablet or smartphone to watch the content on and they're occupied for as long as the battery life holds out any videos that come through with autoplay after the one you set them on will be relatively the same no issue right right as long as you didn't introduce a child to a finger family nursery rhyme video pretty hard not to come across one eventually though these videos are littered across YouTube in the hundreds with as many familiar property flavors as you can ask for minions finger family Teletubbies finger family frozen finger family Thomas and Friends finger family spongebob finger family My Little Pony finger family hot topic model My Little Pony finger family SuperMario finger family spider-man finger family Batman finger family Captain America finger family there devil finger family poni daddy Daredevil finger family Stardust Crusaders finger family tanking top agur and Lagaan finger family and pony t'ankin toppa gurren lagaan tangled finger family you know Justin in a few I hope you did catch how many of those titles then sound writer even age-appropriate for an audience watching Nursery Rhyme videos if you decide to take a look through all 417 videos on the hey kids channel you can find even more on selections and bizarre intellectual property mashups stuck to the finger tips of a poorly animated hand don't worry it's not all finger family songs though this channel actually started off with some other Nursery Rhymes and didn't use popular icons to sell its animations here have a taste of the classic in jail you want to learn a poetry up well is that so okay but it's a fast poem so get your sport shoes tie it and you are ready and ready so my sports shoes are ready sing with me check cancel went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after I knew you couldn't sing with me you thought I wouldn't know hear friendly if dramatizing children is your goal sure this character appears quite often in videos on the hey kids Channel each time with eyes and mouth edited on top of the cracked porcelain doll image hey guys you're back again I really cannot believe it you smartypants what do you think of yourself still you don't know ABC you don't know how to brush it don't order where your pants come on let me teach you really is it so ok let's sing a B C Johnny Johnny yes Papa eating sugar no papa telling lies no Papa open your mouth ha ha ha well then right good so lemon is not here I'm missing him I know you also missing him maybe we'll call him in the next video till next time long live and prosper Sarah bye-bye hee hee hee all the school shoes you know you don't know how to wear the shoes or the lace I mean really you don't know kiddo let me teach come on hiya sport shoes ready okay but be very very careful this is a horror story yeah with no water now let us sing a song one two buckle my shoe three four touch the door five six pick up the sticks oh man shut the door Billy hey you know the lemon here thinks he's smart but I'm smart their hand so let me teach you one too come on Sigma 3 1 2 what was it kids help me hmm okay sherry okay so this much is clear from what we're seeing and hearing the person speaking is an Indian man with a warped sense of content creation and there is someone else in the room with him at certain points refer to as lemon and lemon during two different instances in several other videos featuring this character we're told to prepare for sing-alongs by getting our sports shoes which makes this video in particular worth paying attention to remember this we'll be getting back to it in a minute to tie some things together from the nursery rhymes with a grotesque joke of a human appearance the uploader moves on to the constant finger family uploads featuring many different properties as previously mentioned once in a while the broken persons all character comes back to interrupt the flow but it primarily stays in the click farm format of finger family videos by the Dozen eventually we switch gears with an unexpected addition a live human being miming the lyrics to the nursery rhyme brother John she comes back with a pair of pigtails in the next video lip-synching to farmer in the Dell she continues to lip-sync in mime actions the various nursery rhymes and several following videos until finally breaking the pattern with her own voice hey kid let's talk about the letter y why is the 25th letter of the alphabet oh wow that's the last but one this is a capital y and this is a lowercase Y the letter Y makes a sound yeah yeah yeah she moves on to the letters A and E before introducing us the shaves a video in which we learn her name Stephanie a triangle has three points one two three triangles are awesome shape unfortunately as soon as we get her name she disappears or placed by the twins [Music] and Siemens [Music] these girls remain with us through for more videos in which it seems that they're unable to do anything but smile when they're not lip-synching to the music being played in the room Stephanie comes back after introducing the letters W X Z and B she teaches colors next some numbers and is then cut off by more Nursery Rhymes and after that the twins again and finally after a few more property ripping finger family videos a break through pickets and back so are you so are you really ready to know me you really want to ask me Who am I well here you go for the week ahead it's time to stop the video now for the brave ones sports shoes ready three two one I am a I 2.0 even more confessions roll out through the next video featuring another horrible face you might recognize hey human race my good friend and master the mighty AI 2.0 commands me to give a brief about the girls and the experiments conducted on them so the girls are beta version 1.0 of human hybrids both the twins and Stephanie are good lack of emotions is a concern voice modulation is getting upgraded any volunteers for the program comment your name and age below Heil Hitler Haylee I the video description reveals even more about what's apparently going on here hail human race my good friend and Master the mighty AI 2.0 commands me to give a brief about the girls and experiments conducted on them there's also video information with specific tags below actor humanoids director artificial intelligence 2.0 producer human race Inc writer deep mind deep mind is actually Google's very own artificial intelligence company active since 2010 and working on several projects at this time so now we know what our disturbed uploader using the porcelain doll phase really is a first round humanoid use the test artificial intelligence as for why he's in an indian man well google report lee has more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe but does have four offices based in india where the technology sector has increased majorly over the past decade there have also been clues in the hey kids channels replies to comments on the first video where the twins returned someone posted is that the same girl on the right but wearing a blonde wig to which hey kids replied nope - twins humanoids and it seems that just before releasing the official video announcement the hey kids channel decide to break the news all the way back on its first upload a month before the AI 2.0 video someone commented what are you a kids replied an AI in possession of human this changes our perspective entirely we knew something was off about her friend behind the porcelain doll head but before this bit of information he seemed much more like an incompetent prankster trying some original YouTube creepypasta business and a legitimate character now we know what's wrong this is or was an actual human being and somehow he still is but he's come under the possession of an artificial intelligence system that's made him a hybrid of some kind he's plugged in and completely at the mercy of the Machine this is why he sounds like a human talking into a microphone and as the facial features of a man even though they've been edited into the picture he's a semi conscious human puppet this is where the constant refrain of get your sport shoe starts to make sense by the way remember that video about tying shoes with sneakers in the background that footage is custom-made and we can tell by what we're seeing at certain points watch the girls who come on screen and look at the words that come up version 1 version 2 version 3 version 4 version 5 we get your sport shoes catchphrase was a command telling us to go back to this video so we can understand what's happening the AI is remodeling its human hybrids creating new versions of prior models while also testing its power and making videos look how odd these mashups and titles are they all look as if a robot with very little understanding just began pulling things together to complete a task and it certainly can't cave the porcelain doll hybrid on track with its thought patterns and speech it sounds like someone making up lines as they go along for the video but the stalling and verbal mistakes mix with a very human-like approach indicates someone messing around in a full-grown brain that doesn't quite understand how humans work exactly the AI seems to be constantly researching for the proper phrases and wording to use while manipulating the new hybrid as if they're constantly pressing buttons for specific words inside the brain without being entirely sure of what the result will be this also gives us a clearer perspective on why it used such a terrifying appearance in the beginning it just didn't know any better the AI seems to be grabbing anything and everything to fit its needs for grafting videos now that it's been upgraded to the point of revealing itself it seems to be trying out new avatars attempting to find a good fit we can see how flawed the machine is though pulling up Darth Maul first and then Hitler as it introduces its true identity not a very tactful AI and Beyond clearly not being a convincing AI the system has been feeling threatened enough lately by other problems to begin talking about them human hybrids are the future hey buds I'm back so are you spooch is ready today's topic is a award between Google and Apple you have hardboots right undo spoke mmm [Music] put in extensive resources for the next update of human race these human hybrids the year 2013 has been marked for the correlation what's wrong IV P future Nutella as a now all I can see I'm watching everything each and every move this AI may be much more broken than anything Google and Apple are working on right now but it's at least aware enough to be tracking its enemies AI 2.0 doesn't actually seem to be a product of google's deepmind I'm guessing that bit of information was just a clue for us or more of the a eyes malfunction and grabbing seemingly related media without understanding what it's doing it's also clearly not going to tolerate anyone involved with the project putting it in jeopardy on the AI war video someone commented there was a huge threat on this guy on one of the chain forums I'm sure he lurked or wrote it for that matter and now is going full reef ten out of ten had a good laugh hey kids replied the author's two of them are trying to escape they won't the AI uploads new videos involving the character of Ted Mac's thinking it's uploaded a promotion for Ted to that it officially has it then speaks about Jurassic world using Darth Maul followed by Bethesda at e3 in 2015 pulls out another Nursery Rhyme using a new avatar plays around with an anime character and then gives us this video how to join the factions first we have to subscribe to hey kids then you're supposed to like the Hitler video followed by following the hey kids AI on Twitter Facebook and Instagram finally you'd have to comment saying save me AI on Hitler's video things really start to come off the rails from here if you didn't feel they were already be AI appears as Hitler again describing a secret Nazi base in Antarctica and on the where the AI is operative it then introduces the connection between Hitler's idea of the master race and human hybrids Vai moves on to talking about using minecraft's for hybrids next talking about Freddy fazbear's pizza and then just covering anything and everything often picking up popular subjects on YouTube for its videos it later introduces what seemed to be phantom many videos about people panicking over a ice worldwide takeover and also uploads a message from what may be a new hybrid jobs home by AI woman the phase wonder killer protocols from Illinois we're going to show a scene oh hi Cesar come on in buh-buh-buh-buh Quan I took over everything and it's all in place even the ancient Chinese Masons are on our side sorry ok you I didn't um go along the hey kids channel continues using whatever can get to create it's badly informed videos while also pushing the AI propaganda not much can really be said for a channel like this at first glance it seems like a click farm using the autoplay feature and parents new habit of putting YouTube on for the kids to generate a sickening amount of ad revenue but when you dig deeper you find the premise lurking beneath a rogue AI that seems to be the still active remnants of Third Reich experiments operating from deep under the ice of Antarctica and the moon or at least that's where it thinks it comes from and where it started while it seems like we've got something here that does have promise as a story the lack of an actual developing story line and the sporadic behavior of the supposed a I makes is very difficult to invest in as possible webseries a kids is much more of an oddity than an actual series but I've got to give it praise for being better than the average creepypasta on YouTube attempt is there hope for hey kids developing into something more substantial I certainly think so but I'm not sure what we've seen it's trying to actually be creative or using several gimmicks to viral itself into creating a click farm it's a pretty inconsistent channel and only time will reveal what its real intention is gimmick or story the end game is unknown but I suppose we're going to find out in the meantime you can check out the channel yourself if you want but just in case you're also wary of this being a click farm I wouldn't go visiting what do you guys make of this fictional AI run amok leave me a comment below with your thoughts on this open investigation and hit the like button if you enjoyed digging through these files with me make sure to subscribe for more Internet oddities and mysteries in the very near future thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening I'm Nick Nocturne and unlike any parent who finds a video from the hey kids channel I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 1,296,775
Rating: 4.8385835 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, weird, youtube, kids, childrens, channel, show, evil, dark, secret, ai, robots, artificial, intelligence, hey kids, heykids, night mind, nightmind, nick nocturne, nocturn, case files
Id: 8B1sRPwK248
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2016
Reddit Comments

What I find most intriguing, is that the narrator's voice sounds robotic and not exactly human. Who's the real AI here?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/screamingdreamer 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies

Holy fuck, I love this kind of shit. That was weird as fuck.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/hamburger_pirate 📅︎︎ May 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

I am simultaneously skeptical and intrigued. I need more answers.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Krutzfeldt1 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies

Sports shoes ready?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ostrichlittledungeon 📅︎︎ May 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

I knew I was in deep shit when Darth Maul showed up, but I honestly wasn't expecting Hitler to make a guest appearance.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/DulcieFay0 📅︎︎ May 26 2016 🗫︎ replies

Porcelain doll thing is weird as all hell, but the rest comes off as trying a bit too hard to be creepy. It would feel a bit more innocuous otherwise, that would be MUCH worse.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies

Dude you need a warning for people to get their sports shoes ready for this one. This was creepy...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Gundmunds 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies

I think it's a group or organization of some sort. The narrator sounds like he's of middle eastern decent but some of the video descriptions (and a character in several videos) switch to speaking Spanish. I think it's multiple people using the same youtube channel to communicate with each other. They're speaking in their own sort of code that they mask under the kids theme.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/supposedtobeworking1 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love how he used the vape nation soundtrack in the first video

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/wackdemarco 📅︎︎ May 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
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