Hey Steve: Mom Doesn’t Like Her Man

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where's my Mandisa okay hi mr. Harvey huh I have a problem I've been dating my boyfriend for almost two years now I love him he's a great guy my only problem is my mom my mom has made our relationship really bad because they're culturally different my mom is more suburban she's more strict and conservative my boyfriend is more street savvy and she does not want to meet him she's never seen him she's only seen one picture of him and I've never talked to him about him because she brings it up everywhere with all of my friends and it's just hard to communicate with her so it's kind of a big void between me and my mom and I just want to know do you have daughters so how do I get them to meet and my mom to just give him a chance well see your mom I'm gonna have to meet the guy she's being ridiculous right now you got to meet to God get a kid a chance you know that's being ridiculous now as a mother I know she wants the best for her daughter and she without giving the boy a chance to determine that he ain't the best because he grew up on the other side of the tracks this was good people on the other side of track hello from the other side of the track my mom my mom is really conservative and I'm the one of three kids I'm the middle child so the other siblings have worse partners that I do and she loves them but she just hates him and she's made a bad reputation to all of the people at church my friends her friends and it's just really awkward to bring him around anybody that's what she's making a mistake because all this doing is pushing you closer to him yeah once you tell your kid I don't want you to have nothing to do with them then they go go have something to do with them I've had to be very careful with that with my children you know George and they friends they got some friends I don't really approve of but you got to learn that how do I get them to meet Steve like I've tried on my birthday in the holidays and she's just told me flat out she's like wherever he is I don't want to be and if I'm with him what's her what's her reason for saying this what reason has she given you she hasn't given me a reason that's the thing like she's never talked to him she's never seen him and he's tried to meet her he wants to meet her cuz that's my mom and he loves me and she what do you live in Los Angeles your mom live in LA yeah he live in LA you and your mom should come on the show as guests to just kinda talk about it I think we should do that okay that's it we're gonna get all her formation where's our Nader Nate Nate Nate Oh hi Steve my name is actually Neda ah it's Neda never yes so ever since I was what I wanted to change it because you know it's your name's very important you hear it every day it's part of your identity and it gets very frustrating correcting people so I thought who better to ask than you I know you go by your middle name and I don't even have a middle name to go by either so I thought you know let me just ask Steve what do you think about the topic okay so your name is what now meta meta yes and you want to change it I want to change it or maybe even go by a middle name or add a middle name because I don't I don't have a middle name at the moment why don't you just put another a on there and make it in EE da no but then that would be Neeta well you need a new name we'll be right back hey I'm Steve Harvey you want more of that well don't just sit there go get it press subscribe or click on this list and you can see all the amazing videos you want press it press it
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 635,087
Rating: 4.9325404 out of 5
Keywords: STEVE, steve, comedy, humor, laugh, Laugh, funny, Funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: KZK6fXhGn0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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