How to Meet the Folks: First Impression

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- So we brought in two actors to play Tiana's parents. They're behind this door. I want you to knock and then I want to just see how the process goes and I will be stopping you along the way if I see a way to correct. So let's come on over here. - Wait. Can I ask you a question first? - Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah - So, do you think I should wrap the vernacular up a little bit? I know sometimes you know I-- - Wrap the vernacular up. - Cause I don't want them to think you know I want them to know I'm an educated young black man. - Well I think you should go in there with the educated version. - Okay. - Yeah. Take that always. Take that in. (audience applause) - Alright, anymore questions before we knock on the door? - I'm good. Let's get it. - Alright. Let's go. Let's knock on the door. (knocking) (door opening) - Uh. Hey. My names Amete. Nice to meet you. Hi. My names Amete. I know this is a bit overdue but I-- I just want to come in and introduce myself so thank you so much for taking the time out to meet me Uh. Your daughter's very important to me. (Audience laughing) - Yeah--Yeah (Audience laughing and applause) - Alright. Let's come on back out. Shut the door. - I was close. - Yeah you was close. Okay first of all let me explain something to you. When you--you gotta give people chance to talk. You walked in with a speech and part of you was going (laughing and applause) Okay first of all, when you knock on the door, you don't come in till they invite you in. - Okay. - Now you want to make eye contact with the Father at all times. Put your hand out, give him a firm handshake. Introduce yourself with your entire name and then allow them to say something. - [Steve] Now you don't have to tell them that Tiana means everything to you. Not yet cause they don't need to like you right now so - [Steve] you don't have to tell them that yet and let's just take it from there. Alright let's go. (knocking) (door opening) - Hi. How're you doing? - How are you? Come in. - [Amete] My name is Amete Annecy. Hi-- - I want you to meet my wife. - Hi. Amete Annecy. - Hi. Nice to meet you. - This is a lovely home. I appreciate you for having me. (audience applause) - Now, see how the Father looked like he want to eat you. See all that's normal because he's a father. So he ain't really thrilled about this. So now, you gotta get into a little bit of warm up. Sir, how are you? It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for having me and see if that-- you gotta do something to break the ice. - Yeah. Um. Sir thank you for having me uh-- How are you doing today? - I'm doing well. - Fantastic man. Thank you. - Don't call him 'man'. - [Amete] I thought it was personal. I thought we was breaking the ice. - Then you be finna to get broke with the ice. (audience laughing and applause)
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 174,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STEVE, steve, comedy, humor, laugh, Laugh, funny, Funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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