Luigi's Mansion | Resident Luig-Evil - AntDude

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[Music] Halloween is finally here Halloween is finally here how do you guys like my outfit this year I'm going as a um as a gamer to be completely honest I've never really been the biggest fan of the spooky times but I do gaming videos on the Internet it's time to do the cliche Halloween celebration special time to talk about Luigi's Mansion I know it's pretty cliche but whenever I think about gaming on Halloween Luigi's Mansion always comes to mind I got this game back on Christmas 2001 with my Gamecube and super smash brothers melee and this stupid dumb baby was too spooked by the spookiness that was spooking Luigi so I just played melee endlessly instead the most I got out of this game for a while was oh that Pikmin game looks pretty neat but it didn't take long for me to finally see what this game was all about and boy oh boy having a game like this for a new consoles launch was certainly a bold move but it's a damn good time can we really say that Nintendo launched a system with the Mario game if the hat and shirt were colored green instead choosing Luigi as the star character that was definitely an interesting choice sure now Luigi has a ton of love and his fear of ghosts may be his defining character trait but back in 2001 he kind of was just green Mario sometimes literally the definition of player - he did write about his ghost fear and wanting to star in his very own adventure back in his diary in Paper Mario but that was earlier in the same year so it was more of a cool little wink and nudge than anything but his name would have to be in the title of this one huh yeah okay let's just let's just go ahead and forget about that other game that he starred in nobody nobody will really mind Luigi's Mansion started off as a bit of a tech demo for Nintendo's newest hardware a way to show off the raw power of the purple lunchbox all the while showing off a familiar character in a brand new and and boy did it ever send shockwaves throughout the gaming community I was thinking the same thing not much more to do here than to just pop the disc in and take on one more trip to the mansion [Music] it's good to be home the game wastes no time at all showing Luigi walking off towards a spooky mansion that he actually won in a contest that he didn't enter you know he could have just looked into it since it sounds very suspicious but I guess Luigi's been on the sidelines for so long he was just bored and wanted something to do I love this first shot - it's an angle of the mansion that you never get to see again we then cut to the rest of the lobby this is very much unlike anything we've seen in this franchise before muted colors all we can here are Luigi's footsteps only too soon spotted creepy figure holding a key with sudden and intense music playing as it makes its escape even the jingle that plays after you get an item is super unique I've always been a big fan luigi then runs into that ghost only to encounter an old man with a vacuum cleaner attempting and failing to capture it this is Professor el vengador egad for short he brings green mario off to safety and gives him the rundown he mentions that the mansion only just popped up a few days ago it's filled with ghosts and he did actually see Mario run in but he hasn't seen him since well that's no good it's time to save our brother for the first time that that one game didn't happen hey did you know that if you wait on the control screen for three and a half minutes the popular musical easter egg totalk a song plays this is a track that's in a bunch of Nintendo games from Yoshi's Story Mario Paint - Link's Awakening even the switch port pretty neat but with our new vacuum the Poltergust in tow it's time to return to the spooky mansion and do some ghost busting we're totally not ripping off ghostbusters we promise am i the only one who is genuinely a little creeped out when the painting started talking to you granted like I said I was a dumb stupid baby but I was just starting to make peace with the fact that I was gonna be dealing with ghosts I didn't - see this - you go from room to room clear it of all the ghostly blobs yell from Mario a couple times because that's gonna do something wait for the lights to turn on to let you know that that room is safe and then you move on to the next one usually thanks to a key that you receive also letting you know where to progress to next as much as this game looks like a sort of open-world one where you can explore the mansion at your own free will something more similar to say the Spencer mansion in resident evil this is actually a pretty linear experience the Resident Evil comparisons are abundant to look at these door transitions I'm telling you crimson heads got nothing on the banana peel tossing ghosts soon after the adventure begins were brought to a dark room with no standard colored ghosts but a more human shaped one you encounter a bunch of these within the mansions halls and each one is a sort of mini puzzle within itself with the normal ghosts you just gotta wait for the right time scare it to death or it's already dead so I don't know you just scare it and then it's heart pops up and then you're able to suck it away and I really like these enemies - they're goofy looking for sure but they always seem out to get you they're not just a bunch of pranksters just goofing around and before you show up to spoil the party you're gonna want to remember that bullet point most of them follow that pretty basic formula but there are a few instances where trying to shine them with your flashlight actually takes a bit of thought I wish it happened more than it did there's only like two rooms where you'll find enemies that go like this but when it does happen they're really cool encounters but for these special ones known as portrait ghosts since they used to reside within portraits before being released getting their heart to show is a bit more complicated scanning it with your Gameboy horror which I love this thing by the way usually gives you a clue on how to do so or simple trial and error can get the job done - for the most part it usually takes only one simple action based on your surroundings to expose their heart shivers though he was the only one that never really made a ton of sense to me I mean he's scared of fire and when you light up his Lantern he gets scared floats away and holds on to that lit lantern the entire time he's not not really the brightest ghost methinks the ways to get through these apparitions is far from clever but it certainly keeps things interesting especially with madam clairvoyant that actually assists you by giving you fortunes after providing her pieces of Mario's clothing hidden throughout the mansion you see Mario tends to only wear one single outfit but he did pack with him a spare hat a single glove a single shoe a letter and a star that's it and getting the star is one of the mansion's strongest moments you take a look at the moon through this telescope here and it basically transports you to space and one properly aimed shot of the moon to blow it up opens up a pathway to the item we need huh Sonic Adventure 2 released in the same year and also saw the moon getting blown up the year prior we had Majora's Mask and we all know how that went what was with the early 2000s and everyone hating moons as for the ghosts capturing process itself hoo boy have you ever captured a ghost before roughing up the analog stick in the opposite direction in such a way that lets you suck up as much health from it as possible as well as avoiding any obstacles the room throws at you oh man few things in life are as satisfying as this Austin ghosts and Luigi's Mansion just feels good like thanks to the controllers analog triggers you push them down a little bit to suck or blow lightly and then you give it a click BAM and everything comes together when you tackle the four main bosses we got unique creepy looking arenas and wildly different attack patterns than what the rest of the portrait ghosts throw at you Chauncey the big baby is a great first boss encounter bouncy balls and rocking horses as attacks nothing else could be more terrifying and it's important to get good at capturing - this isn't really the case with the bosses but for the rest of them you get rewarded with pearls by whittling down their health and you get more and bigger ones they're better you perform getting a bunch of money is a big part of this game's replayability and perfecting the capturing process so you can get some gold picture frames for them is crucial to get debt money some of them are even optional - but come on just to go and get all of them I honestly always forget that I can beat this game without getting some of these I can't run by Biff Atlas and not physically assault him I ain't no wimp here of course I'm going to do the portrait ghosts are arguably Luigi's mansions highest a defining trait they walk or float that fine line between the wackiness of the typical mario series with the darker and creepier vibe of Luigi's Mansion they're pretty cool and speaking of the Mario series boos part way into the adventure Luigi presses a button that he probably shouldn't have releasing a whopping 50 boos into the mansion as well as their leader King Boo and throughout your adventure to save Mario after a room has been cleared of the spooky new ghosts a boo will find its way in one of the rooms objects you just sort of shake everything up a bunch in a very weird way that only Luigi can do and then it could be a fake it could be a bomb or a boo ball but sometimes an actual bool pop-up and I don't know man this is fine but it's nowhere near as fun as capturing the other ghosts the boos have no resistance so you kind of just hold the suck button and hope for the best and later on when they start having 100 200 300 health and if they go through a wall it ends up being a tedious slog to just walk to the other room and get them and heaven forbid that there's no easy way to get to that new room then it just becomes a total grind it's not a tough quest to complete just a bit annoying at times but hey at least they all have cute names bamboo bodacious mr. Bojangles game boo advance that's fun you're about to find a bunch of them from exploration anyway there are a few extra things that you can do to get as much money as possible like finding a couple hidden rooms or special money ghosts so finding some booze along the way doesn't feel like too much of a hassle it also ends up feeling like a way to get you to memorize the design of the mansion so you can get anywhere you want to without having to constantly check the map the kitchen leading into the back yard the elevator leading you to the roof and then the chimney that drops you back down into a brand new room there's the billiard room that's just sitting there teasing you for a while since you run past it multiple times before being able to go into it for yourself the mansion is just so well designed and the iconic theme song that goes along with it oh man so good and Luigi humming the theme song to himself so he's not as scared as he would be otherwise it is a fantastic touch and then of course we have King Boo what a perfect antagonist for Luigi bigger forms of existing Mario enemies has been a thing for a long time it's really common but his sunken eye sockets and the magenta pupils the blue tongue his design is just perfect that other King boo that just looks like a normal boo with a crown ya know that that's not him this is my king I love the t's roughly halfway through the game to getting just a glimpse of the final threat in this secret room it got me really excited to get into that room proper and once we finally make it to the basement with enough boos captured it's time to well check for a few more gems first sorry bro just give me a second here I got to make as much Bank as I can King boo has one final trick up his sleeve to capture us and put a Luigi portrait up next to the Mario one Bowser well more specifically a Bowser doll the game doesn't really clarify that it's a Bowser doll when you first encounter it so younger me when Bowser's head flew off I gotta tell ya I really enjoyed sleeping up until that moment I couldn't do that peacefully for a little while this is such a cool fight though it's not tough by any means but I loved the aesthetic of being on the roof with this almost fiery bubble surrounding us it made this fight feel a bit more intense unlike the muted tone of the rest of the game eventually King Boo is captured just like the rest of them and with nothing else in our way we can finally bring Mario home the King would then go on to technically show up in Super Mario Sunshine and every now and then I just remembered that this is a thing and I wish I hadn't all we got to do here is use the portrait fication device that we've already been using but in Reverse and with that Mario is saved the credits roll with one of the funkiest beats to ever be in a Nintendo game and based on the amount of money that you earned you finally get a mansion to call your own Hey look at that I'm pretty good at this game it's not really that long of an adventure it only takes a few hours to go from start to finish and collect a ton of treasure along the way but try to go for as much money as possible or an even bigger challenge go for as little money as possible makes this game highly replayable there is the new hidden mansion a sort of new game+ but all that's different is the enemies deal twice as much damage and your Poltergust is more powerful it's not really different enough to make it a worthwhile playthrough in my opinion it's just kind of satisfying being able to suck away enemy's life super quickly besides it turns out that Europe and Australia's hidden mansion mode got a lot more changes to make it a really fun second quest good on you guys but as an American that's pretty lame well that's where the 3ds version comes in releasing to such critical acclaim such as wiesen out on the switch the original game found its way onto Nintendo's handheld with a bunch of small changes firstly I think this new version looks a lot better like Luigi looks normal now that's nice this includes his crying animation during the ending always thought it looked really weird in the original Bowser's lost a bit of weight I'm proud of them King Boo looks way more sinister here and the ghosts may not be as transparent we are on weaker Hardware here but on the whole I definitely think this looks superior even though it's at a lower resolution it's kinda like the DS version of Super Mario 64 we got a lot of graphical upgrades on a console that inherently looks worse egads gallery was a nice portrait showcase on the Gamecube and now it also acts as a way to refight bosses and better your strategies instead of needing to play the entire game over from the beginning the controls are a big difference here especially on the original 3ds the right analog stick on either the new 3ds or the Circle Pad Pro kinda imitates the precise aiming of the C stick but the most efficient way to do it is with a bit of motion controls it's not ideal but hey it works kinda there's also a brand new flashlight mode with the strobe bulb a feature that was introduced in the sequel probably implemented to offset the arguably more crippled controls but after so many playthroughs of the original game that was actually welcome to this new style and hey it's still an option so if you want the purest experience that you can get on the 3ds that's still there for you also we now get to see the bottom half of gameboy horror finally there's also no Pikmin trailer as sad as that is it was to be expected I was kind of hoping for a hey Pikmin trailer to be thrown into compensate even though the game was already released at the time it would have just been a cute little throwback but for the most part it's the same adventure just now in a handheld and as such I don't know man I I think this may be my preferred version of this game I don't need the map on the screen at all times but hey it's convenient there are achievements now I mean why not the game is already pretty replayable multiplayer was added to and oh god please don't ever play the game this way to be fair the world was introduced to GUI G here which cool but please don't think about taking Luigi and green Luigi out on the field at the same time it runs really poorly I don't know how they thought this was a good selling point even in the trailer the frame rates bad and then there's the brand new hidden mansion this time with a bunch of changes in every region there are more poison mushrooms that pop up to hamper your progress more powerful ghosts appear way earlier than normal bosses are a lot more difficult with a modified attack patterns this is what I'm talking about this is what I want out of an enhanced port especially if it's of a 10 plus year old game worthwhile new content remember when they kinda just added a floating JPEG to Kirby's Epic Yarn called it a hard mode and then shipped it boy how exciting Luigi's Mansion is still a classic after all these years now I know the purists are gonna live and die by the GameCube version but hey if my recommendation means anything to you definitely give the 3ds version a shot as well I was a big fan of what they did here and if anything once again you got to commend Nintendo for launching a brand new console with a game like this the Gamecube had a lot of experimental titles going on and it started off with a major one I'm sure it worked out really well for them oh wow it really is Halloween after all those numbers are terrifying [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 454,275
Rating: 4.9550915 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Review, Video Review, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Luigi's Mansion remake, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, 3DS, Nintendo 3DS, Luigis Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3, Luigi's Mansion 3 Review, Luigi's Mansion 3ds review, Luigi's Mansion review, Luigi's Mansion Switch, Gooigi, Mario is Missing
Id: Wsl6pqE2ZEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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