Dream's 19th Minecraft Livestream [FULL] | 1.16 Speedrunning

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Oh you you you yo how's it going you all right area microphone activated microphone muted all right all right everything else good all right everything's set up perfect we are ready to go now he's got away a fuel to show up hello everybody I love you too hi aughh hello how is everybody doing I'm no stream I know it's 4:00 in the morning right though you hello hi everybody we're gonna try some 1.16 speedruns I haven't really done many at all so I've only done three or four and my keyboards also broken so that's not a good sign but we will see what we can do my keyboard my new keyboard comes in today though is Heber J hey thank you for this table so the gifted subs all right here we go I'll get started why not bad dream not found thank for the sub 1.16 is so interesting to say the least with speedruns it'll be an interesting challenge for sure I don't know if you can hear my space bar you might more than usual because it's broken you don't need a savanna village or it does a temple really so you only really need a village so you see a village at the beginning then you're good but there's nothing here so welcome everybody aaaghh yes pong indeed desert spawn I didn't end this all right timers off by a little bit but that's fine there's a ruined portal room portals are interesting as well oh yeah guys there's sub badges and there's um emotes but they're under review stuff let's see what happens with that Brewin portal our first ruined portal together as a as a team and there's no well there is a chest but interesting sharpness 5 or 4 sharpness for fog got Apple hmm 1 iron I don't mind that I don't mind that that's fine I'll accept it it's acceptable you you all right thank you sexy ramen boy for the sub dream it's 4 a.m. I understand it's 4 a.m. I have a clock okay I understand I happen to be up and wanting to speedrun so why not I need a village otherwise this for nothing I don't I didn't get would either I probably should have gotten would since I'm in a desert um I guess I'll head over here I have a feeling there's just a village right over there and I just turned around right before I was gonna hit it thank you nugget at some for the sub another rune portal a sec in the ground bare chest alright whatever there probably is one but why he she went like for him that's so late well oh there's a village right here a epic meme I happen to be up and I want to see one and I've never eaten 1.16 yeah one more you know I need less there to have sticks okay so there was a lava pool right over there - alright bowls dude thank you for the solder I think these are all stuff from and gift itself I'm not sure though I'm drunker now have fun running you're gonna kill it Bob you got this I love you thank you I love you too well if I need more than a that's it okay there you go got to get used to crafting a hoe along with there's 4:00 in the morning and you're you don't think yes that is what I'm doing you have you've caught me I need to get used to crafting a hoe because why not oh god I'm gonna run out of food I'll kill you for nothing just like an how to spread the blacksmith wrangle them it's one of these this all right so I'm not I'm not that well-versed on the new 1.60 mechanics yet didn't have to give me a little bit of a break well where I am go to bed rest no I see cables over there so or okay well you got a little bit too much but whatever that's fine you love you dream thank you or DRAM DRAM we don't love drama that should be fine all right here three okay I didn't notice all right fine by me got wine I think from him need some beds that's not a room that has beds ooh I need to do the trade before I forget I'll be good look on the runs thank you where you running off to late in the day no no we should be fine somebody yeah I need arrows buddy oh yeah oh I can get about whatever we're fine I'll remember that next time if I want to get the blacksmith and then I want to head to that lava pool we're a little behind on time but whatever we'll play it it's in here all right that obsidian could potentially come in strong if we get good drops with the big lens any buds okay hmm all right that's fine whatever this is our fur is the first seed I think this is the first seed the first seed first attempt 1.16 let's go let's do it it what happens try to dig around and see if there's a chest here but I was obsidian it could be really killer I'm gonna do it worth the risk if I find it like right away if I don't find it it's gonna be a very annoying to me but I'm right around here the bottom level okay this is the bottom level not gonna be here is that there was obsidian in this chest that could be extremely helpful but I don't see the chest at all is the one around here though I love you so much say it back my name is men love you too thank you for the dono ooh okay please yes okay and gold boots that was I'd say worth it all right maybe not that was a lot of time but whatever we're fine okay we have we a seven obsidian seven obsidian I don't have a iron pick I wouldn't mind the gold I don't have an iron pick all right seven of Citian that's pretty good that's pretty good cuz we only need three more if we want to confirm trading we might get three that could be that could be big I can't get the gold block guys all right cool don't be that you're streaming right now so much stream I love me - Jalen this is the worst biome great that's not fun all right whatever I will pretend that it is fun and I'm like in a wall alright well we'll go up to that cave and hopefully something's there this is dead I dream of you literally just started streaming right when i zoom class started that sucks I'm sorry that was unintentional maybe it wasn't the day planned it all right wall this runs done lass come on get lucky I'm really high all right I'm just gonna dig down I'm probably gonna fall in lava but it's really the only chance I have so yo lo you know what they say hi Jim my friend jasmine I've loved you since the beginning it being the world to us so you can say hi and I love you I I love you thank you for the good luck oh come on I'm definitely gonna just fall into a lava pit I'm calling it but I don't then we're good fine we're fine I dream it's been so long since dream did you know that when frogs ever need to grow a new layer of bone and you can tell their agent like counting the layers I didn't know that but I'm pretty sure you don't either that's a gorge so I heard it or something I've definitely heard that before I was like yesterday or something because I want a stream okay that's why I'm digging straight down cuz why why was so high now it's kind of low and I was just hoping to get out of the cave because I was in a really bad spot look what I found guys what the heck what a hog POG never write another right stream a hug come on I got like the worst bond possible in a ravine I don't hear anything you're kidding me all right you don't have to watch my stream vods are saved you can you can watch it later thank you for the dono feel free to watch it later this is a bunch of baloney I have a feeling this is gonna be how the stream is gonna go we're just gonna get terrible nethers over and over that was prob I was pretty good seven obsidian gold boots for gold and in at nine minutes that's pretty good that's I'd say that's it's good I just want to see I'll go to another couple minutes just cuz I want to I'm not I'm not going for world record right the second thank you for the doughnut thank you for the sub are you kidding me where am I all right I'm done with this run where am I game of its back today yeah I was not gonna else me I wasn't mining for like ten years that was the worst place I possibly could have spawned like where am I I'm nowhere Mojang fix your game you're sure you hit the perfect time today yes I know it's the perfect time every time is the perfect time because it's my choice actly fortress okay it was a thousand by area home well jank fix it I'm gonna fix here your your junk you can finally catching the stream your amazing sex much for you to boast about your murse for you thank you so much I love you all right that's a shoreline door line donor ISA I'll run along it for a second thank you for the cheer all right yeah this kind of sucks all right new world yeah do it you thank you so much Galen welcome back to the stream as the plains how's going away all right no yeah oh let it run portal I think 116 has such a variety that you can you don't necessarily have to reset right away even if you're on like a terrible looking seed they're really rough night your stream stop me from okay well I I'm pretty sure I know the rest that said I'm very glad that I can be helpful and I hope you feel better that's really all right and I was bunch of baloney Emily where do you live I live in the United States that's a huge ruin portal it's a 5% chance of that all right well that's a small chance as well spawning in a Mesa mm-hmm yeah I'm gonna check something no timer I'll probably reset but that's what I would see for the meme I don't get it moving book right here let's go looting book everyone speak it into existence right now looting book looting three book mad strats I don't he definitely can't so I don't even need to ask him thank you for the Dona right here oh do iron that's fine you heard of this crazy thing called sleep I do sleep I just don't sleep at the same time you sleep that's something people need to understand all right um probably reset but oh come on skeleton I'm even drunk my brain said give it your money so here you go legit $50 Wow thank you thank you for the donation don't don't I feel if like that's taking advantage of you in a drunken state that is not good do not donate put your money away what's the please powder 1.16 strat the blaze powder 1.16 strat what do you mean by that what strata are using keepeth Soto's on when you reset please yeah there you go um I I'm just using the nether pickling trading strat that's a because in 1.16 you can get eight pearls for one goal but potentially it is absurd and I don't know they must have been they must have been drunk when they were writing minecraft let's village over there nice I wish you look on the speedrun I will start all started to hoard food because of your videos which is good yes very good get your snacks and you watch my videos take it cool thank you for the sub alright go get a ruined portal come on ruin portal I know you want to give it to me game it's so useful all right don't work pretend we got one I love you I love you too thank you for the cheer I love you back they get that torch I don't want it all right I didn't get it I'm a pro cacao nine-nine I'd say you were going to do a speed run through skeptics and snare beating the game has no clue how to that'd be fun yeah I'd love to alright for the no promise as I read your donation if you donate guys I'm sorry just speedrunning keep that in mind I did raise it for that that way thank you for all the donations you still donate and I might say it I just want to make sure that you guys are you kidding I could have got me one more that's fine that's perfectly fine I wanna hear there's a good day I just wanna say that and watch me movement that's like it for reading anything that's gonna prove so much passionate small thing that following it certainly so impressive now thank you I try and do my best get better my keyboards also kind of messed up right now so I with my shift key you know you ants with dream not today I guess I will rants about Oh Jane you need to make another fortresses less rare in this version it's but looking forward to get it have a nice day thank you I hope you enjoy it come on give me one more finger yeah all it takes is me saying come on like no it's ridiculous game you wanna come on and then they'll do it because you love me clearly where you going you're going to be doing well I am thank you come on no no no no come on come on what we saw my sister Joanna you love her I love you Joanna thank you for the Dona come on you stupid villagers you are ugly please give me what I want Oh sir Sir sir okay thank the Lord all right all right this this run is scuffed but all right all right that was my foot that's all right this man is so loved that he can scream for the movement of attention no I just need some food because I'm very low and you can scared I'm gonna I'm gonna all right uh is there any more hay bales come on now I don't think so this is so annoying I just need like two batches thank you for the tone oh thank you for the good luck I see like two batches of of stupid whatever I'll take the potatoes because I might end up needing them because of how trash I really not forgot my crafting bench whatever this run is totally scuffed so much how you're doing what's your favorite thing about 2016 update your changes speedrunning a lot my favorite thing about it is the ruin portals I think they're really cool I think they're well balanced probably thank you for the dono much love from the spaghetti bean squad I betcha oh yeah this this is I just reset maybe I don't know I guess so I don't find like a lava pool I'll reset because I don't have that much food and ego might be worth the reset nightmare maybe maybe and the way I did that all right yeah all right somebody is there any mods in here if there's a mod run a poll should i reset or not reset well we'll go with the chat Adrian foods you're gonna play somebody have pudding mm-hmm I mean she makes she makes banana pudding she doesn't she doesn't think in cracked it did not fool me to go to my YouTube and click on show business you know should be there alright you find a lava pool maybe maybe I won't but doesn't look like anytime soon grad son George beat me but it's okay because I used to be him all the time and then we I didn't haven't played chess and so long he's like you gonna play and I played and then he beat me he was beating me so badly and then like it ended up with he had won one queen and a king and I had a king and that was how closer it was but before that it was he was like totally destroying me he had like a ten-point advantage which is a lot and chess and I haven't I used to play chess one point in time I was in a chess club but for a short period of time you could go ahead and review Twitter teams where it's disco bus I will do that I do it every once in a while I'll do it you I was only in a club because a family member of mine was I wasn't actually that interested but then I like chess uh I was like oh cool that was the one year in Macau after me and milk what the hell no you you awkward silence not awkward unless you make it awkward all I had to say that's eight need eight take a peek over here okay yay desert I probably go in the desert I guess I guess unless it's just a small desert please check the entrances for it I hope that as your morning going it's going great all right well it's only one more flight for whatever oh that's a shipwreck um should I have gone not done this way maybe I don't know um yeah you can go on a guy already answered this but you can go on my my youtube I should be there more desert I had two choices I could sleep I could dream that's true I'm guessing you made the right decision alright I don't I don't mind I don't mind that that's pretty nice actually I want the food chats just in case alright alright whatever I'll take it why not I probably wasn't worth it but there's not a village right away guess I probably already said anyway so I probably should have not gone to get food you Thank You Maude no more much kind of interesting I wonder if I just go to the nether before finding a village just to because that'll help us determine if we Charice it or not Thank You Lizzie I have a oh this village yeah why don't I go first cuz it's lava pools pretty far and it's right here I'll just go enough food I should decide comes around flat I'm just going another screw it you know what we we go we go hard or we go home so yeah alright perfect timing quickly we're good we are perfectly fine you didn't see anything at all nothing has happened that was great that has never happened to me before one needs to clip that say you create Keeping Up with donation so you can teach George thing too I should George's and the new so you guys didn't know every five minutes and minecraft during autosave there's like I've said five seconds of lag or something that's what happened there and it happened that the perfect moment cuz I walked back into lava on accident and I was able to just walk out and all not taking damage and that was great that is genius I planned it beforehand actually that was the plan all right this doesn't really look that amazing but don't judge another by its bond big fan man I'm looking at to be able to be easy mate season micro championship not sure he's talking about alright I have a bunch of guys on me or girls they're okay boy get away from me you need gold in the noon out there alright on the right side that you weren't digging for years in the nether that's true this nether does not seem to be that good though it's okay because I'm constantly on the run from these dumb little gold guys alright this is a this is a total reset there's no fortress that I didn't see any didn't see any that's a trash biome for milk thank you yay subscribers don't stick around to watch the streams 3:30 and good night thank you for coming alright I don't get this gold why not I'm gonna get me actually please don't this guy is powerful all right because I'm up at weird times that's why mister they're just everywhere what is this madness all right well that works that works just as I planned it all right is there anything down here I love you too all right now let's just crap with these Nuggets right now I have a little bit of a you know what I'm making boots don't even care okay thank you I already ordered the keyboard it's going tomorrow I mean I am the half a heart master okay that's why I survived on half art because I am the half a heart master it's just that's just what happens all right just this seat it's so dumb already almost out of food yeah I mean this is dead you can sleep if you want the vod's are saved I just watch it on the time if you want all right all right whatever nether sucks the nether sucks okay the nether is pretty cool but it sucks kaitlin $75 Wow as a large donation thank you so much that's crazy I'm doing someone less than a year is insane thank you so much what's your favorite drink and snack combo I don't know why I kept my anymore that's a good question what ombo I don't know I have no idea actually I feel like there's me somebody really good don't worry about us we heard this is me taking advantage of myself oh my gosh come on thank you for the dough no need to put your payment information away that's a village hog Lu I'm the ninja I didn't get to read the rest but yes that's very funny my reply was genius okay what can I say I hope it didn't say like your reply was disrespectful I'm just you're like yeah it was genius I didn't see it's that on that all right we have a lot of a lot of hay to iron not bad and over here ooh that's great thank you yeah it does look awesome yes the best way to start a day what do you mean perfect all right so I need there you go um I have all the tools just as planned you know what why not Illumina had a to death run we're gonna have a we're gonna have a one death run we're gonna have a one death run oh come on I was he's got stuck in water that is so broken he can't even move and he can one tap me from across the ocean that's stupid man such as we heard you know after I'm screaming yelling I don't know why Bertha I'm sorry they give her the dough no mr. tough guy I'd like to see you kill me again but you don't have it in you what you gonna do that's right you're stupid you're an idiot more dumb Hey yeah thank you the don't know where's my flint and steel I made one didn't I promise yeah I made ha ha disgusting yeah yeah yeah and another pretty quickly if I already just go straight to like a biblical you can get in pretty quickly the fastest up I got is like four minutes that wasn't I was just doing a speedrun I guess but um B yeah the fortress the fortress does suck like it's so bad far away it's annoying interesting oh I have no armor I'm dead improv Oh improvisation that is what I am best at okay I had no blocks put above my head I have grabbed the book blow my feet that was that was perfect alright um and I please trade it with you I think I've plenty of we I just need to trade you I need a farmer farmers gonna be a way up there aren't there how do you make one of those dumb thingies I'm totally boned that's fine whatever we'll go up we'll hope it's up here and if it's not then minecraft need to keep up yeah pretty sure one of you guys oh no all right we'll resort option - I didn't get bad - that barrel not a barrel it's like a pasta or whatever it is I should just reset it should no not hold play it will play it what if the net is really good and I can just I can like beat aluminous best timer saying what's his what's a lose best not right now and then one for 1636 like that are you kidding me this guy was right here minecraft fix your game born a dream do you know the Twitter account incorrect you're in tune codes I have seen it thank you whatever you don't want to go there alright I get it you're excited to give me the incorrect trades what's that big man what's up thank you for the cheer all right there you go all right bingo good change one thing about Minecraft makes me easier would it be fortresses uh less rare or strongholds cloches lon probably one of those all right I don't need that you want to get more wood though 1.16 is 24 yeah you gotta have a really good run to get 24 uff oh really good another of course I have so much extra wheat that I can I don't know in feed a whole family I don't know all right well just use hay bales as blocks why not lava pool team I watch this here we go I do it can I do it okay well oh I did it okay I thought I didn't for a second desert okay give me a lava pool how did my friend Sarah for me where's the Sabra hi Sarah hi Sarah just in case rune portal OGG the rune portal it's a tree how does it feel to do the chat of Minecraft I'm not the chat of Minecraft okay that's disgusting place that give you the dough no okay no chest is there I'm talking to reset unless this chest is really good for some reason it's very unlikely there anything I don't know if this like a pattern to these where the chest bones I need to oh there we go okay babe Citian doing I'm used to support oh no I just want to say you're so much for does it love you thank you so much for the dough no WI should do that mm-hmm what did I do this is upsetting to have beds I have one as you ever love you in your content Google come speedrun thank you not going so well so far but that's okay all right I can feel this seed right here it's it's calling to me okay well the next seed that I run thank you so much for the donor and not this one that one that one's trash okay we can go thank you all right village yes boom I was gonna I was gonna stay right behind me and then I was there alright there's some hay bales this is a good sign looking stream against icon tired good night thank you for coming thank you there's so much it mean so much say it back my name is Evelyn I love you Evelyn thank you why my all right sir you have the correct trade let's go hey sir finally I use for the Ho Hos it very useful not actually like very useful thank you so much for the donation I love you too everyone portal over there I like that I have to do six because I have to stick to trade because there's no moment without a lot of wheat I think I will at least enter that early rather than finding out later laughter I've collected a bunch of wheat what I need except there ain't a for two stacks of sticks it's just this back of planks which is 16 right by math off where's it 32 oh yeah stack of things no Sacko plain skits okay any two sects of planes which is 32 little more thank you the don't know I don't gravel though I mean crab come on not a single Flint yeah I need three thank you yeah hi Sydney i Sydney think through the don't know all right there's two a little bit more one more there you go that took so many that was not hog let's hand out a little more wood thank you for the demo oh yeah I'm glad I make you smile alright here we go boom this is gone decent whatever oh oh no you're kidding me oh that was okay I'm gonna go way over here actually no not a villager please don't give me a terrible trades one all right you didn't give me terrible trades we're friendly you love me we're fine all right eyes we'll make it an even hundred you know good luck there and thank you Kalin the dono um okay well I messed that up whatever I'll get another one we're fine we're fine we're fine I didn't hit a villager what do you mean sir you need to please oh dude the villagers like coming from Antarctica to get to the stupid fletching table when I'm sitting I'm standing it from putting it right in front of this man sir I'm gonna kill another villager come here please get it get it get it I swear if some guys coming from Africa bro I swear to God are you kidding me is this guy coming what sir you were I couldn't even see you I loved you here you go in cara cara I love you Carrie I love you Cara boom what the better just play I can't mind the gold guys I don't have iron alright well I'm at the same place I need a lava pool the desert okay it's a desert boom that's pretty good probably a low pool then maybe friends but off the glove all right there I swear they liked the villager pathfinding is so dumb that guy came from I don't even know where build your outpost over there that's not where I should place that over there I didn't have the five-minute log on my side that time all right all right we're in yeah okay we didn't spawn in the trash biomes that is the good thing so far it's weird you can mine gold in the nether with a stone pick but you can't mine it in the overall the stone pick like that some backwards the logic Mojang like you need to fix your fix your game they're gonna get mad at me for just touching their gold okay yeah I'm not gonna do that right here I would rather be friendly with them they're my friends I love them did the best there's a okay well let me know fortress because there's a Sebastian right there let's just say let's try our luck room all of you get it let's get it give me some goods give me some goods okay well that's a whole bunch of baloney I've been saying that a lot baloney no way alright yeah that was nothing Bastien netherrack is softer than stone yeah but it's not it's not the stone that matters like you mind stone with the don't pickaxe obviously it's the gold how can you suddenly just mine it it's like huh you're in the nether therefore you can mine gold because it's cuz looks like the Nuggets but you would think it wouldn't matter hey man I'm shooting this to him for me you should be very happy you're welcome give you the don't like gold nuggets or like that like little soft emoji and the gold ingots are just much harder I feel like that was emoji I get a fortress there's an open area I don't like this area honest I can't believe that mining gold is now a speedrun strat I'd sir do you want some gold I'll give you some gold I am the deal what am i doing I am the deal maker I'll give you some gold as long as you give me eight ponies and I will defend you as well take some that too don't walk away or obsidian crying obsidian why is it crying what did it what did we do to hog hog POG don't mind Eve's idiot actually keep giving me me me eight pearls this next one and then give me some obsidian it's the crying obsidian that's what made him do it I placed it come on Cole sand all right in come on King King give me some more pearls okay I don't mind that that's obsidian you know ed now he's mad u mad bro you over there or obsidian I got two more obsidian then I just don't even need a portal back oh come on just give me two more obsidian and eight more pearls you know I won't be greedy you know I won't what is that another brick I won't be greedy I only want six more cards come on Dix more pearl four I'll take four I'll even take four I'll even take four pearls you know I'll take four I'll rescue for the biskits it's you know but I'll to obsidian give me a more nether brick hog come on I just want two more sitting that would be this this would be genius this would be it's crying obsidian you idiot give me okay you only give me one that's fine if I find in fortress chess okay sir that's not what I asked for it's fine we're fine know what I can do so I have no idea I live one iron alright we're fine we're fine we're fine I don't know why I dropped that gold whatever we're good all right Boop sitting in the which way do they come from that way open area all right well this is that's the worst biome okay this is not looking good actually let's go this way I don't like those things okay be careful my shift key in my spacebar don't really work we're Tris give me a fortress come on I think we'll play this one through on a side I might as well get a PB on 116 um I don't know I like random seed glitchless honestly I like it a lot ah that's the worst buy him again where do I go up there I'll go up here it's me right over this hill okay no that's more where do I go I don't like this new now there are you kidding me this is the worst trade in the history of trades alright if you go across up and across okay I'm not gonna do that with my keyboard broken I'm gonna stick to normal bridging you know spread bridging with my key word broken this is this is a this is scary what I'm thinking and your man up there hello sir I don't even need you you're disgusting you smell that you're tall I'll hit your head a lot come on just give me a fortress you know you want to give me a fortress there's a ruined portal over there in the middle of the lava but there's no fortress that's what's wrong with this nether they need to make fortresses more common so I tweeted out that poll a petition disappointing yeah I can do the normal speed regime because my shift keys are in diagonal Street bridging cuz it's fine but when I'm jumping up not working all right well definite not definite record but this new nether is definitely not my friend you know what screw it boom I ain't no I ain't no scaredy-cat we're not gonna reset shut up this is one of my first runs and 1.16 we're gonna go with it for a little bit see what happens all right come on fortress right here right here like it'd be funny I want I want to what is Illumina it's 36 right so we go check the luma this time like if luminous alumina is like 20 something then I'll reset but if this is 30 I'll just keep going cuz beat Illuminata be kind of funny let's do it come on come on you know you know it'd be funny where is this fortress I've been in this nether for a million years oh you you're scary I don't like you you came out of nowhere a wrecking ball Miley Cyrus okay that's yeah let's do that I don't like this at all it's another parable all right these things are stronger half a heart survivor again there's a there's like a 50/50 chance I'm pretty sure that it's like a vast Sebastian or a fortress and I've seen two Sebastian's this this time and I hate Sebastian's okay they're they're not my friends I can tell you that sir this is a Walmart all right that's a fortress we'll go we'll go the whole nother is against me reset guys the fortress is right here what are you talking about am I gonna die till I got blades or something no please oh it's gas is gonna get me you're doing manhunt for one 4:16 yes at some point all right yay we've made it to the fortress let's go it only took us 20 minutes in the nether and I don't have I don't even have this is so scuffed a lot of food all right this is gonna be a no food nether let's do it all right okay well I don't like this at all what it caught my wood on fire you you I died with dignity I didn't died a fire okay I did not die to fire I am NOT a wimp fire did not take me out I went of my own accord screw that screw that is so dumb that never was ridiculous I had so much food going into the nether I was in the nether for like 20 minutes what was it 20 minutes there's something like that I was ridiculous all right this is this is fine this is fine I feel like that mean this is this is okay this is fine the blacksmith this is fine this is fine we're okay the POG I had food that wasn't fine I had food if I just had like ten bread we would have gone in there it would've been awesome we swept through the blazes and then we we pop out in our portal right then in there without even had to go back and then thanks for the tow no and then yeah I would have been perfect whatever we would have beaten aluminous time if it's 36 which i think it is maybe not it would be napping it would've been great all right in the beds give me the beds I guess I'll make up here there's not really a place to but I reach all right okay cool this is fine I died with pride I died to myself okay I I didn't I died to me throwing an ender pearl and I didn't think I was actually able to do that but they were just that was my keyboard okay I promise you my keyboard screwed that up you don't bother wait oh I already quit I can't can I I don't know if that I don't know if they allow that I didn't glitch or anything all right well calm down calm down the village sure got revenge that villager just came up and pushed me into the iron golem like there's nothing worse that could have happened in that situation I just ran back I was right by spawn thought it was fine there's a blacksmith too what if I had like 10 obsidian I just don't remember if in the rules they say you can't even exit I'm pretty sure you're on the rules as you can and exit the world and go back into it but I'm not 100% sure Kharma I didn't mean to I didn't mean to do a kill the villager in the suffocation like I just was breaking hay bales in the sand fell on the villager it's not my fault can't blame me for that you can however blame the villager for pushing me in who the iron golem to be killed there's a ruined portal up there it's not a village right here I reset but this is a village like right here and that's a big one again no balls to finish your sentence I was gonna say you mother of a wonderful child that I murdered with sand what I was going to say yeah so I was gonna say I don't know you guys why you guys are saying cap it's true but I don't know what else I could have possibly said other wonderful child yes you all right your chest positioning arrabal means this is chessick right here and positioning is it as like last times I guess maybe it's not these chests always have to be like in the wall or something they can't just be right out where you can see them and go oh there's a chest like oh let's just throw it in a mountain like this make this hard mmm really it's not on this side means it could be like here there's always a chest as far as I'm aware there's always a chest so much time though it's not even worth it I don't find this chest in the next 30 seconds I'm gonna quit but I'm gonna see where the chest is before I quit that's gonna really aggravate me if the chest is right here so I need to find it that's terrible arable what if I has like a looting three book or something though come on I mean not look at your book of looting three uh sort of employ Hooters I don't know what that is all right where was this I just know I don't even know where villages we're fine roses chest let's say are you kidding me like right the the path I was mining I have nothing anyway this is fine I had nothing it'd be cool to finish a run and be cool that's what I'd like to do this dream my goal that's when I finished one run with a decent time but may not happen depends on luck I guess EADS that's a swamp swamps are terrible they have no useful anything that he'd had swamp villages and jungle villages if he died like the coolest thing minecraft could add is like a village that's like in the treetops of like jungles like that like you know on the trees of jungles like little jungle houses that'd be so cool but minecraft doesn't know how to add you you you you oceans you you you yeah I understand pathfinding for the villagers would be really weird because there that's why they surround the whole village with like fences and they make it like up in the air in us in a jumble boom and then a swamp they just like make it so the ground and there's like I don't know like my cross just gone yeah I mean we're too lazy to add pathfinding so let's just not add anything at all like instead of going up pathfinding is difficult let's try and do something different and thank you Karissa and I did not see that but that's cool good luck to him yeah jungles are pretty hard to path fine for villagers let's just not ad jungle villages make up for it we'll add this crappy little structure that has like some redstone for you which most of time is useless the only time I've ever found a use for it is in the middle of a death swap so thank you for furthering y in my video is mojang yeah bull chat is just found with air you you this is a lot of nothing they've a lot of nothing you why is there rabbits and deserts that's a good question one for the sub you you did you ever try fun is impossible impossible mood um maybe uh I think quasi already um wait was it watching yeah I think was watching watch the already right you and to be honest the first one didn't look that difficult the second one seems more difficult but it's definitely not impossible other vids dream keep it up road to form oh I already hit form oh I mean five note are using Internet Explorer it finally is just a chest here laptop is is amazing I got a cold the ho let's go I was village where awesome that's awesome thank you and don't feel bad about spamming me on Twitter I don't care my way I'll see it so please bear me whatever is the only way I check you could potentially I don't know Twitter is the only the only real way that I check just make a Twitter account with no if nothing if you want oh yeah nothing there there I dream thank you those are so useful now that's actually one of the best things they did is eight they can use the fasted ray can be used and also hay bales that's really good like even just not for speed running very good make you want to keep it on you use it as a slot this guy a guy already let's say yeah I know stone yet even sub thank you yes it's growing pretty quickly thank you for the donor road to five mill already how about the Flint the gamer enrollment where's the iron golem don't know what the angle is it's fine where's that villager I have that baby or them I'm gonna bow what everything I'll get the max all right go in the desert I need a iron golem though thank you for the Saba lava pool hmm as it was small another Savannah village takes approximately 10 seconds to kill an iron golem might as well kill another one Oh save me much more time mining gold again the consistent dream artisan chitters what I have to try to follow I guess I just kind of coincidence if I notice you or whatnot I wish you to follow em I made my second Twitter so I can interact with you guys more retweet stuff more that's the goal ed please defend me I'm sorry if you things I I'm not trying to like trust me I want you to spam me either I see it and I'll let you in or I don't see it so the more like if you're if you're spamming me about getting in look and just for those who will go and spam me right now don't go and spam me if you're not trying to get into the merge discord but if you're trying to go into the merge discord then in spam may in another village a lava pool should I what do I have all right I'll go with another without getting the rune portal what could possibly be in there that I would want bold you out of the way though and they might not even be a chest I don't see one woman made spaghetti yes Gettys good I could use some spaghetti right now pretty good that was perfect that just fell one that I ruined it I ruined it and I would have been it would have been great I always mess this up when I do it on the website because I'm used to doing it from the right side but I didn't do it that time all right they want to make a pic and I'll make a shield because I can oops alright some gold here it's fun to do the nether though in this version is definitely more interesting than other versions where you just run in and then you just run around and in like one biome hey do I go this way I guess wins the technical in manhunt coming out I don't know I don't know if we'll do manhunt maybe let's see give her the tone oh um okay well there's no what I might as well kill him that a fortress no I have like no armor they could potentially end me I don't see anything I don't see anything useful all right all right wait wait these biomes suck I don't even know my portal cords I don't know how do you like my portal t-shirts around here though oh let's get mad Amer yeah I got a pearl that's not bad um I just use it right now where do I go wow thank you so much for the Dona big brain yes big brain love you so much I think first one started in Trevor Project welcome I love you too thank you for the don't oh all right come on fortress right here I take a little babies now let be child labor I always use XD i use it ironically mostly but oh you can't what the babies give me stuff I didn't get anything good fire charge but useless all right that's whatever oh they steal they don't actually give you anything okay yeah well then I probably should've dropped my gold to the baby but that's fine that's fine it's fine yeah it's fine whatever he stole from me I'd away with it Oh against me are you kidding me I would not go down well it's like the fortresses are so rare that you can have these huge open nethers like this that are beautiful and then there's just no fortress and you're stuck there crying about it because what else are we supposed to do other than cry in wish that had a different fortress you had a different that that fortress lame run this it's always the Sebastian so I don't want you Sebastian go away I want a fortress I'm about to fall asleep no runs done I just called Sebastian as a joke I think we first time we saw it we said that on this oral stream ok runs dead let's get a new one I'm not gonna fall asleep somebody said that in the chat I'm assuming they're meeting because I'm so incredibly entertaining at all times even during veto and after speedrun you you you it was rats fake you you mmm this dream is fine I've shown another that's true I think the runs are spent 90 times another though because you just be looking for a fortress I don't know I feel like you probably should be able to get out and like before 15 minutes if you're not out before 15 minutes then you're not thinking like the world record problem is that you probably will spend 15 minutes looking for a fortress on the average seed alright go to the desert village you inspired me my brother's YouTube and twitch you're more than grateful thank you so much for the tone oh good luck keep it up great moves what's the name it's like eight moves Ethan keep it up I this tether this desert Who am I this desert desert was crap is what I was gonna say and then I missed my I missed my jump that's a hard jump though I wonder is it was there anything over here another found anything anyway can I make this jump now I'll make this jump now all right that's unfortunate that is unfortunate that is known for okay well I thought I've done this it there now I did well oh well call George George is sleeping probably numbers off I don't think the seed is good at all but before I run off into the planes biome I'll get wood they're gone that way but this way it looks more promising you you you Wow best seed hog you can beat the elder Guardian let's go the seeds gonna have nothing I sure you name the world for good seed okay next time I'll name the world that's no yes doesn't seem promising but continue for now there's beats Battlestar Galactica Ayers eats Battlestar Galactica I didn't get right down to your question thank you for the donor you that's they forgot on your runs rights flashy Thank You splashy that's know a mountain there's no good thank you test Eagle LaDonna possible all right well is there anything over here did I waste my time that's the question of the century like a forest so probably time waster do you guys think I saw some waste of time time waster guy there's a village right over here we not it's gonna be the most not waste of time thank you so much yeah thank you or so for the sub alright that's the time waster village right it's all that don't mock me village right now watch you might see it in five four three two one are you come on come on there is no village this is a massive Plains biome I could have kept running for and I went to okay there's one right away over there I didn't name it I'll leave this one in all right all right I'm gonna name it please not a jungle thank you actually you know that's kind of done with name it um good god seed let's see this is a Godsey guys this is the God seed all right God seed God seed guys everyone ah God seed you you I just confused myself there all right is the god seat I can't screw this up guys the god seat has nothing to do with luck so we only got one flint and all that ground ball which isn't controlled by the see that's just controlled by pure chance does that'll even though we have the God seed we do not have the God luck maybe next time I will name it God's law all right um farm boy you're not what I want not my idea of a contest that agency can do between manhunt where you hunt George shortcuts outside to you I'd be really weird I don't know how that would work exactly hey bells epic all right when you become a farmer and this the guys gonna come from like so far away and there is here comes yeah he was wheat so on nothing to complain about or that's enough back of arrows I don't need that there's a blacksmith I'll check it out because I need it because the nether is very annoying no need bets ask that's okay good yes Warren question is where do I go should I just stick down get a love poem no problem I probably won't find one just running around what makes you blush I bet nothing does I blush I definitely blush but I will refrain from saying what makes me blush all right I say we dig down because digging down may be the most lucrative strategy the highest highest return dig down or look for lava pool that's the question I'm asking myself right now this biome lava pools there's a decently high chance if I dig straight down that aisle I'll find one but also POG alright alright that was good that's pretty good and it's what's the Godsey this was supposed to be ain't gold another fortress is gonna be right here this is the God seed you have to remember the name does not lie there I don't want to go into a cave and get lost buddy basically zero zero I want to mark this just in case I'm gonna kind of make it a thing for him towards it there you go all right we'll go down all right another fortress right here gonna happen buddy I don't like this red forest just do many of the big beasts that just like attack here it's scary make me you wanna run that way because there's more like left seems to be some kind of openness here the Rouen portal I go there should I go over here - okay should I fortress all right is the Godsey remember mr. Godsey I just need I need good luck because I'm not capable to find my way back probably I need obsidian but I was sit in then I'm gonna take forever to find my way back there's like 0-60 or something like that somebody put that somebody remember that 0-60 you want chess that's needed trading - doesn't great time that's fine shoot ah okay almost just got myself killed Gil Stratton how I have almost four armor and I can do this with no armor and fire I push the old in almost four more in armor and I'm struggling all right I want to see I want to sweep what oh I don't know where I wasn't another I was gonna say wait oh that's a bummer that's a bummer there was a lot of spawns that normally would be good but I just got totally destroyed all right I wonder if I can that was bad or performance for performance down left there's no way I get back without dying it's the I was blocking my shield and underneath me maybe I should just I would probably die if I just ignored my shield been doing a lot of fear runs down my ship without a shield or something which why I didn't go on hospital runs yeah set the block underneath me on fire it is the god seat it is the god seat I can't give up on the God seed that cult that'd be that'd be a poor poor judge and move I'm gonna I'm gonna name the next one the luck seed and then we good if only the fortress had been right by the portal that would have been the actual got this wasn't the god CD the title definitely lied to us okay I'm actually back pretty quick that was quick I wasn't that wasn't bad oh god yes please shoot me that wasn't I'm gonna died uh where's my stuff we're late I we're here okay this is I'm gonna just keep going because why not alright there's another spawn over here that's in clothes yes siree this is so much easier when they can't fly away is much easier I do need I don't even have any of the ender pearls so I do need to do trades but yeah now it's easy I didn't even hit yet but before it's just it's so hard and apparently alright buddy okay mad and one more how do I find the little guys there's a blades right there I want to break that spawner take little blaze how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop chess you have gold around thought this would be quicker but I was wrong fine guys I'll go to the blue forest it's fine I'm just looking for a chest because I'll get more gold eat really quickly all right um I just pill under me no that's I'm not gonna be able to get enough from just killing Enderman and they teleport what and then the nether they just teleport around so weird there you are have one pearl I'm not gonna believe at a time without dying any day what biomes do the alright where is where is the guy who punched me I want you I want I want that guy what's the best biome I believe are you kidding me I got shot from so far okay I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine that blaze knife me I didn't even hear it fire I just want to die if I die did I make boots there's a lot of on making boots is worth it the blaze are you kidding me where would the where was the please where was the blaze they spawn mainly in the red biomes you have to wear some cold armor yeah I know I that's why I put on the boots I woulda been fine I would've been fine I would have been fine if the blaze didn't shoot me for a million blocks away I just go back again should I just go I'm going back again this is I mean but my portals right here I was right alright you know what you know what we're finishing okay maybe not finishing this round but we'll say I mean it's I didn't bring any box this time right is it possible to get there without blocks about to find out that that made it harder on myself but I know our core master my friend my buddy my pal there were so many like guys buy my stuff oh yeah okay dodging we have those that's great yeah oh my gold might have dropped and maybe they maybe they would have picked it up and traded with it it's when I come back I'll have some is that my guy self booting put on gold boots there's like they're on my tail where were my they have picked them do they pick up the armor gotta have to that kind of sucks making gold boots twice not the blaze is gone thank God they took all my stuff they robbed me how many gold stuff they're mad at me again we're taking their gold oh the blaze rods did they burn or something there's my gold boots I did that but those are not the blaze rods though hey there all right this is not a fun this is not it this is not a fun experience right ii thank you I should have reset after the first F and then I wouldn't be going through this but the funny thing is I could still I could still be a luminous I'm still be the luminous time right now let's do it let's do it come on come on this is a god seat how are we not gonna how are we not gonna do well in the god seed like actually actually the world has named God see we have to do well in it there's just no gold around here okay it's all open the ceiling I don't want to fire charge alright Nicole I guess I'm sitting they're mad at me you can mind gold to the wooden pickaxe I don't even know if you could old I also need to kind of keep in mind where I came from I think is over here this is so slow this is what we've resorted to all right next time yeah next time I'm putting luck see that's what you really need like obviously you saw the second time around like with the blaze it was so easy but the first time there was like 15 blaze they all spawn at once they shoot you from everywhere and then you're just dead and there's nothing you can do about it you need the good luck if you don't have the good luck and you still think the seed then you're dead watch watch My Luck you ready come on okay I don't want that that's fine you're next to me you're giving me tons of pearls pearls april's all I ask all right I have some gold for you would you like to take it ago you gave me some gold why thank you I swear if this blows up I mean if this if this if you don't give me anything you know what you're gonna die I'm gonna I need like all their glowstone where's the other Goldstone um how you do that is that with crying I'm sitting oh no what's the thing where you can like make it blow up yeah I'm gonna give it another like two minutes because technically nah right reset all right this one we're naming luck seed luck seed this is the luck seed how can we possibly lose with the luck seed all right kind of a trash seed so far but it's okay it's okay just I'm supposed to put God lucky lead seems trash but this boat has nothing this boat it's it's fine it led us this way maybe it's it's trying to point us where to go and there's a vehicle village right over here or there could be an ocean yeah either one that works for me all right we'll go with we'll go with lucky seed God look did you see you need the Word of God in there neither word God in there yeah I didn't I didn't say bad luck or anything I didn't specify I have to specify all right you know which way to go there's a swamp that way I swamped that way I guess the most reasonable direction is this way the timer's not working again falaka seed you what a composition on God not we need to have capital G okay go ahead this way up this way this way best luckiest seed ever given or how about next time I'll just name it penis okay to go along with my previous speedrun world record and then that will solidify thank you wacky Jackie cracky for the you you the pumpkin patch pumpkin patch seed pumpkin patch seed let's go hagh Thank You starring me for the sub I don't like getting these doors all right I'm still down there my dad doesn't seem like the God look seed so far thing as I can't get the I just assign a row it's like shut up buddy you're gonna see the look later I should make some bread but there is no more hay bells this is bad luck come on well why just not I only get 32 arrows sir all that and he's not even the type I want all right whatever at 32 arrows we're fine yeah I only got two beds how do we go across the ocean let's go let's go across the ocean did I take down 65 that's kinda why 11 next seed put trash see it alright I'll do that we'll see what happens once I get coal other pops I I had purposely mine three and I didn't even get the third one that flint again so snuck over there- it spaces your zero fortress they jump down and nearly died it is a fortress Sebastian so I okay I have extra problem this time just time have extra cobble I didn't have a crafting bench I want to get cold armor old boots poops give me a do that before that doesn't come back to bite me somehow good time right now we say good luck we just need good luck just in time be mad at me though for mining this pearls POG for only let's find though all right get those first trade roll second trade pearls second dream oh yes sir yeah that's it away from you for now another brick I don't want that anyway all right there is gonna be coming up to me check the alright alright we're fine nothing there we need chess probably now I'll block you off it's a dead end probably a nice wanna give me a blaze spawner another spawn over there once closer though so I'll stick over here only one out of that come on six come on one more actually Shay I'm going with this I'll kill blaze in the way maybe there's a gas there whatever there's so many please they're my keyboard spacebar is broken I am getting a new keyboard I just almost said something very bad oh my god that is so annoying that is so annoying that annoys me so much oh that that would have been good that wouldn't there's no way that would've been a record that would have been good though that would have been good sure why do I even do that I remind you of the like my first speedrun when I like jump I tried to jump around like a another thing and I almost died my first Peter on record I mean no the fortress is right there I wonder let me see I just wanna this is done with me to do but I'm gonna be I'm gonna be pissed with myself if not but I just want to say two things one or was I I don't know where it was so I'm gonna locate can we have a reveal for the new keyword it's the same keyboard I have it's just my spacebar I spelt I spelled apple juice on my keyboard my keyboards coming today my new keyboard and so my spacebar like it gets stuck and it also like it on the left side on the right side if I press it it doesn't actually activate like right now I'm pressing my spacebar okay now what's going but now it's not now it's not and now it is so that's what happened there I didn't jump because my spacebar is trash that's alright that's alright not a big deal locate stronghold go tell me eyes are that is one eye I would allocate litter here and then I would have gone right there that's wrong look how small this stronghold is what this would've been the easiest portal find ever oh no I'm so mad oh no that is so aggravating look how small this stronghold is there's nothing here is there like a pearl or something on this chess game with creative okay no pearl at least at least that this would have been the easiest thing to find in the world yeah I would have been so easy you that is so aggravating that's alright that's alright it happens it happens I am mad about my spacebar that that is very annoying who knows I would have gotten luck with the the pearl trades but if I had if I had gotten pearls in the next like minute and then I ran like I probably would have gotten I don't know who knows what what who knows what would have happened you can't speculate that sucks that sucks should have not placed the water came back to PI it did not come back to bite in any way whatsoever um oh that sucks do I give it another go do I go again or do I wait until tomorrow stream again with my new keyboard what do idea I mean cuz it's fine most the time it's just it can fail me in important moments clearly as that as shown Allan omen streaming almost three hours on the dot okay I'll end it here I'll stream again that sucks whatever nothing I can do about it my keyboards screwed I haven't done in a while so high and also TOI forgiving a heart attack saying you care about me on Twitter with that stupid little red heart oh well I do care about you I love you and thank you for the dono good night guys I'll probably end up streaming later tonight and later tomorrow or maybe I'll do some offline runs but I'll stream after that just for practice um yep goodnight no sleep goodnight guys bye or good morning or whatever wherever you are bye love you guys see you soon wait who should I write it anybody I don't know if I know anybody streaming just because it's so late let me see let me see minecraft is a lot of people streaming minecraft actually I want to go to something with like zero viewers or something just because that'd be that'd be cool I always have a fun time when I do that we're like very few viewers all right it's somebody new new in the community you let's see let's see find somebody very good okay a second or two not speak English you yes alright guys good you all right I'll read this guy no he's from Australia all right how'd I do this okay you guys bye love you guys good night you soon I'll speed run get some get a good time let's do it together bye love you bye you
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 1,113,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream minecraft, georgenotfound, dream and george, minecraft challenge, george and dream, minecraft but, minecraft, dream and george not found compilation of screaming, dream and george not foudn compilation, dream and george laughing, dream and george screaming compilation, dream minecraft livestream, dream speedrunning, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream livestream, georgenotfound livestream, dream world record, dream twitch livestream, georgenotfound twitch livestream
Id: 0fpDcHLic9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 55sec (10675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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