Hermitcraft 7: Episode 47 - INDUSTRIAL DAY PASS!

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well this is incredibly exciting i've been wanting to play decked out for a little while now but i've just been i've been terrible at finding the keys i haven't been able to find a single one i occasionally look around the shopping district nothing absolutely nothing and every single time i've been on the server someone has been afk in the afk chair which means that they get the right to the key that drops out every couple of hours but today there's no one there and the timer is actually almost at the end which means that oh i guess it might be my chance so i'm going to plunk my bottom into this iron box and and chill out for a little while i'll see you soon oh and if you don't know what decked out is i would highly suggest watching the video that is down in the description if i forget to put it in the description i i really apologize nice the buttons opened up i can press it and where do i stand have i i got it yes all right i can play decked out and that was very very almost very almost grabbed my mystery supervoid ah could have been sniped oh well i'm a total i had absolutely no idea that the starting kit that you get actually comes with a decked out key this is incredibly embarrassing oh well i guess it means i've got two decked out keys so we can do two runs in today's episode that's not exactly a bad thing is it i'm quite happy about that actually i still don't know how i didn't realize that though i've watched tango's tutorial like three times and it's very clear right at the start he mentions that you already have a key it's uh just what am i a spoon a gigantic spoon basically a ladle at this point anyway let's stop faffing about i guess it's time to do it this feels incredibly scary so i've got my compass all right i guess i've got to reset my spawn chuck all my items in here and we can get going so oh goodness gracious me okay so i have got to just try and find my way um i'm being sober that scared me that scared me man i am so bad at reading a compass in minecraft this is not a skill that i have perfected at all it's been so long oh okay so it is in this direction right i mean as i say this is not a skill that i've really done much i mean is it is it is it here oh oh we might no okay let's try walking around so maybe i'm above it but maybe there is a kind of underside to the room potentially that could be the move yes yeah look here we go here we go so i was clearly in the right spot but i was too high up so it's now pointing backwards oh oh there it is there it is so i actually managed to get loot this is good that's that's one of the bosses okay we have to be very very careful i really should have remembered how i actually managed to make my way in here that would have been the wise thing to do that would have been the wise thing to do why did i why did i why did i not take note of where i came in okay i seem to remember this i do remember this i remember i kind of remember this yes yes i actually managed to have a successful run guys i'm not bad at minecraft this is good when you have completed your dungeon run press this button now the only thing that i didn't get is i didn't get any of the upgrade books that pop out into the droppers at the end and you have to make your selection choose which attribute you'd like i didn't get any of those which i genuinely thought meant that i'd broken the system i was terrified i thought i'd broken decked out and ruined the fun for everyone but apparently people have just been playing way too much decked out and the droppers run out of books tango is aware and he's working on it anyway i need to put my loot box token into this hopper here and it has popped up from the floor so let's check out what i got i have managed to get myself four coins so that's good i now have eight coins in total i've got an end set okay wow so i got unique and a bunch of comments that is that's i mean i guess that's good i can 100 understand why people have been playing this like crazy i specifically haven't watched anyone else playing it because i didn't want to get any spoilers as to what to expect i wanted my first experience to be a genuine first experience and it's fun there's gonna be many more experiences but for the time being back to regular minecraft and of course because decked out is in the shopping district i should probably check up on how oh dear is doing i mean the website was a huge success you know we had over 200 000 visitors to it which is a little bit bonkers so i imagine we've made some serious sale we've made some we've made some serious sale i imagine we've made some serious sales really two hundred thousand visitors to the site two hundred thousand and no one was a hermit buying something none none am i doomed to fail in the in in this world i think maybe it might be a good idea that i diversify a little bit not only do i have oh dear but i also have a second business that could potentially bring in some money and you know i've had this idea in my head i've got the industrial district eventually that's going to have pretty much every single farm in minecraft there's going to be tons of items coming out of that thing surely we could like sell access to it and in fact no i think about it instead of selling permanent access i could actually sell a day pass so someone buys a day pass off me they then come into the industrial district they take as many items as they would like so for example if they want to make a ton of firework rockets than they can we've got sugarcane we've got all the gunpowder and things they can do that they can leave they've got a bunch of stuff i've got a couple of diamonds i mean it seems it seems like a really good deal i've just been to the end render all right i haven't reset my spawn from the beds i've found a way in which i don't have to have dungeon keys so my industrial district now has a nether portal i should have done this ages ago but i've just been using iskall's ones for like the past four or five months and obviously if i want the industrial district to be visited by other hermits i'm gonna have to make it easy to find you know i'm gonna have to make the nether portal easy to locate and i've just gone over to where it's meant to be located it's not easy to find it's like inside a gigantic netherrack block it's yeah it's gonna be a bit of a struggle so i think it's time that we set up some form of nether tunnel type thing i've got a bunch of soul sand i think we should be able to keep it quite simple what what was that an attempt at an attack from above by that magma cube that was wild i've had a slight change of plan on the nether tunnel front i quite like the idea of it going across the top of this tunnel and then continuing onwards from there so that's what i've decided to do i'm still not 100 decided yet whether or not i'm going to do a fancy looking nether tunnel or just leave it looking like this i feel like i can't leave it looking like this it makes me sad so the tunnel is now done the nether portal is in place and i'm hoping everything should be fully connected i mean all the maths is correct and that has worked nicely i got so lucky by the way that the nether portal isn't located inside a bastion it's literally right on the edge i was expecting to have to battle to get in place so the first step of beautifying our nether tunnel is of course to make it a little bit bigger so i've gone all the way through and i've made it i guess a three by four area with the soul sand in the center and i'm thinking design wise we just have some slabs on the floor we put golden pressure plates on the sole soil to stop things from spawning and then maybe put some bits in the walls but nothing crazy this is going to use a lot more golden pressure plates than i was kind of expecting i've run out and i've only got to the first corner but there's no sound more satisfying than this it's probably one of my favorites 100 levels later i'm hoping that this should give us a decent number of gold pressure plates at least enough to actually finish up the build it did in fact i gathered way too many so now i have these which i don't know what to do with to be foul i really enjoy covering stuff with golden pressure plates so i'm sure i'll find a use for them and just like that our nether pathway is now all complete i decided i'm not gonna bother with doing a bunch of progress updates on this one because i'll be honest it's not exactly the most exciting of projects you know if we actually look at this thing it's it's a little bit repetitive it's quite long there's a lot of resources involved but this this is it so this takes us through to the industrial district and i guess actually i should probably build up some form of room here so that we can actually give the hermits access using redstone so i'm thinking we have a little by three piston door right here and that will take us through into the actual nether portal itself then we have this little room where we can send through the day pass into a redstone system that will detect it open up the door and give people access yeah that will make sense now i'm thinking for this room we go for a kind of black stone vibe especially because we have so much of it available to us with that remnant thing next to us but obviously mixed in with the black stone i'm going to be using plenty of gold you know i did this in my gold farm and i just this color combination it just works so perfectly it looks so so cool especially when you're building in the nether but that does mean that i'm going to have to do a lot more afk at my gold farm because yeah i've spent all my gold on pressure plates quite some time later this is the room that i've got now i have gone through a bunch of different iterations of this and i recorded a bunch of clips talking about what my plan was and then i would change the plan and i've ended up with zero clips talking about what i'm doing so i've just ended up with a room all right but it looks good it looks cool it looks cool i've got the gold i've got everything here and then this chest in the center is where people are going to be putting their day passes now the idea is is that you chuck your day pass in and then obviously it gets eaten by the system so you're not going to get your day passed back because it's kind of a single use thing but this three by three piston door will then open up and you'll be able to pass through into your nether portal the only thing is is that of course i need to have access to this thing constantly so we're gonna have to add some redstone logic in that will detect my own personal pass my permanent pass and it will do something slightly different like it will give it back to me maybe on the other side of the door not entirely sure just yet well the plan of action is actually pretty simple so we've got the hopper line which runs from the chest that goes through an item filter which will detect a day pass if it's a day pass it will go into this chest if it's my personal permanent pass which is a difficult thing to say it will go through into this hopper line and then up into an item elevator which will pop up on the other side of the nether portal and i'm going to build a little room in here that has a chest for my permanent pass but also a button so that players can actually open the three by three piston door so they can actually get out of the industrial district because otherwise they'll be trapped there forever and that's yeah that's that's not exactly brilliant i think i would struggle to get repeat customers if i just keep people there anyway let's see if this little item elevator works if i chuck a gold nugget in here that that was not i that was not ideal that was not what i kind of hoped would happen but that's more like it there is honestly no better day than when you make a very subtle adjustment to a redstone contraption like changing the repeater timings or something and it just works yes i was getting increasingly frustrated and not being able to get around my inventory is just filled with junk it was driving me up the wall but that happening that beautiful repeater right there that has actually brightened my day now let's build up a 3x3 piston door and that involves using this wondrous machine which i absolutely love i i could i could use this all day if i didn't have hermitcraft episodes to make this is probably what i'd be doing i've just thought all right so i've got a lot of the 3x3 piston door in place but i haven't cleared out any of the area above what are the chances that lava is going to pour in and destroy my redstone contraption i'd say they're pretty high i really can't see what's happening here but i'm going to give this thing a test regardless i mean that that looks it looks promising i mean let's see i'm just going to fly around the room a little bit our doors open okay that's good and then if i look deliver again door is closed all right sweet from there is a very fiddly process of hooking up a bunch of pulse extenders and just doing a bunch of frustrating tiny little bits of redstone but now the system should in theory be working so i've got these two passes right here if i just chuck this one in you can see this is an industrial day pass door opens up everything is working properly that is looking good and the door stays open for a long time so the hermit has plenty of opportunity to actually get through the door if they don't manage to get through the door in that time all right that's on them okay they're gonna have to buy another pass then if i just grab my perma pass and chuck that into the chest you can see that the system also works then you can also hear that the item elevator kicks into action and my perma pass is given back to me so yeah i mean this this system is now ready to go i've also got the exit button as well i mean it's all it's all up and running it's all functional which is obviously fantastic but currently my industrial district doesn't really have too many items in it because i've kind of been neglecting this place so i'm going to activate some things cool and i'm going to pop off for the night and hopefully when we come back there will be thousands upon thousands of resources waiting for me well i think it's safe to say that that was a huge success in fact it was arguably too successful you see i came downstairs around about one o'clock in the morning and i checked up on the farms and things and i saw that the storage system was already beginning to overflow so i decided to switch off all of the farms just to save the server a little bit because there are thousands upon thousands of items flowing through this system i mean look look at how many melons we managed to get it's completely bonkers we also managed to get a decent number of sugarcane holding zombies i mean this this is quite the army now what i want to do today is i want to work on a new area of the industrial district so originally i had this space here marked for a bamboo farm but i'll be honest i don't think i need a full full-length bamboo farm like that might be a bit ridiculous i don't even know what i'd use bamboo for so instead i'm thinking we segment it so we have one half be the farm that i want to build today the other farm is going to be the bamboo farm on that side the farm that i want to build today is a tnt powered tree farm and we have got plenty of space for it so stage number one is to get the actual water platform in place because of course all of the water needs to push all of the items down into some form of storage system now it probably doesn't need to be as big as i'm making it but it will look quite dramatic and it will look incredibly cool on the map that we have of the industrial district i was right this already looks cool and i haven't even got all the water in place and i haven't actually got the farm itself in place i hope it's not going to be we should be fine i mean the tnt explosions are going to be happening in the middle area so yeah we'll be okay i just really don't want to build this thing and then activate it and just completely obliterate my storage system that would be a bad day in the office the next stage of the process is gathering up a bunch of glass that i can use to surround this thing now i'm gonna be honest i don't know if this is gonna be enough oh no it was bound to happen but oh that's actually super depressing and now his friends turn how many creepers are there in this system i'm gonna deal with that situation in a little bit because it's it's a frustrating situation i don't want to think about it for now water is in place so now we can actually start doing the interesting bits we're gonna get some tnt exploding in here does this actually work it's been a little while since i've built one of these that is good hopefully it shouldn't blow anything up that is also good i mean obviously we're going to have to add in like a little holding chamber type thing to keep the tnt up so they explode somewhere in the middle here but this this is stage one and already i'm excited oh and just so you know i've been doing some thinking the reason the tnt is in the center is because i want to have one tree farm on this side which is going to be for say oakwood and then on the other side i want to have another tree farm which is going to be for a different type of tree and they're all going to push towards the center that seems exciting to me i always get super nervous when building up these chamber type things because i know that if i get any of the redstone wrong like if i get any of the timings incorrect then the tnt is just going to sit and demolish everything and that's sad i accidentally activated this thing i placed in the redstone torch without thinking and now it's going but thankfully it all seems to be working so yeah our tnt is dropping it's exploding in the sky everything is good that could have gone south very very quickly so now it's time to actually start work on the tree farm itself as i say i'm gonna get the oak one done today because i know what i'm doing there and then we'll start thinking about the other one at some other point with that being said i don't know if i know what i'm doing here it's been so long since i've built any form of tree farm i've honestly forgotten really how to even do it i don't think it needs to be seven high that's the first thing i think it needs to be six height and then i still come back to me double piston extenders pushing across the leaf breakers bud switch underneath everything happens quickly yeah okay i it's kind of coming back to me i'm just gonna see what happens if i try and build this because building something that you've forgotten how to build and not referencing a previous build that's never gone badly in the past no that's never gone wrong right let's see how this first element goes so this is the tree pusher that all looks remarkably good apart from that top piston up at the top there other than that that's all working i am rather surprised at this information so now i'm working on the leaf crushers we've got all the pistons out the back there they smash all the leaves the saplings drop down into the hoppers so that i can continue actually farming the trees i don't run out of saplings and have to go out and gather some more what i find funny is i always used to think of these tree farms as being relatively big industrial builds look at the size of it in comparison to my industrial district these days that is actually laughable you barely even notice it was there oh my goodness despite its relatively small stature i do believe it is now all done yeah that looks that's about as done as it can be so there are all the leaf crushers we've got the push across everything everything's now up and running so now i have to feed the wood across and then feed it into an area where it can all be pushed across into the range of the tnt and i'll be honest i don't think we need to do anything particularly complicated here i mean in theory we just we just run it along the side of the tnt and then all the wood will get exploded and it will end up in the water the only thing that i'm a little bit concerned about now that i'm looking at this have i built this too close to where the tnt drops i mean those pistons definitely look too close it all looks a little bit close i mean do we just activate it and see if things start exploding maybe it's a perspective thing because now now it doesn't feel too close oh let's just let's just see all right well that's oh that's so not ideal okay so all of the pistons got destroyed thankfully though our tree farm seems to be okay so that's far enough away all right i was i was gonna be very upset if things started getting destroyed all right okay let's let's let's move these pistons then i actually don't have to move anything because the tnt completely destroyed all of them so i suppose that helps the disassembly this is still too close that is alarming to me i was not expecting that i totally thought this would be far enough away if i'm not in the clear now i'm gonna be incredibly incredibly upset i mean it's kind of difficult to tell because everything is encased in obsidian but it doesn't look like we're getting any breakage so this is good i think i think i might have finally come up with a solution here so i guess now we give the entire system a while and see what happens this is always a tiny bit nerve-wracking okay the first activation of a tree farm i mean that that looked pretty good that was good that's good that's good nothing seems to be breaking is it making its way to the first the first smart piston has that pushed across i mean that looks good and now it's managing to make its way over to the next set of smart pistons but to be honest with you it looks like it's being exploded way earlier than i was expecting it to be i kind of thought it would go across the side of the tnt but it doesn't even look like it makes it there but that is good it's kind of good it just means that we're never going to run into issues where the wood doesn't get exploded all of that is working it's all dropping down into the hoppers everything should be functioning i have to be very careful that i don't get blown up here but look we've got 42 bits of wood already so our tree farm is an absolutely massive success everything seems to be functioning nicely i'm now going to go and play decked out i've been thinking about it all day i want to do it right now but first i got to feed the old base because clearly it is struggling well we are that was close we almost killed this thing anyway decked out time let's do this and checking into my little decked out box it looks like i've actually got myself a book so tango has replenished all of the books in the system and he also handed out books to people that needed them i managed to get myself beast sense one which is pretty handy means i'll be able to see where the beasts are inside the map every now and again when a little bell rings i am getting nervous i am getting nervous but i'm also getting excited there's my compass as chuck got all the items in that doesn't sound good well that sounds like it sounds like it's right there okay this could be an incredibly short run that's all i'm gonna say all right so to activate the dungeon place the shulker deck against the sea lantern and then press the button above boom okay i think we're good to go yes that is bad that is not good the boss is right there so we have got to be oh man oh man i totally locked that out i didn't even think about how i was meant to do that what was i thinking doing it like that what was i doing that was unwise okay i mean i kind of need to go where do i need to go here there is the ravager boss and he's now running for me so probably shouldn't have got his attention probably not probably shouldn't have done that probably oh no wow ah decked out is difficult and i didn't set my spawn i'm a terrible human being i think i think this clearly proves that i got very very lucky on my first run of decked out because normally as you can see it's pretty brutal yeah it's a it's not exactly a forgiving game right let's hit the button we'll get our decked out box back and also okay i think stealth stealthy seems like the way to go yep 100 oh oh oh no one no one's afk at the thing i just got myself another key all right i'll play that in the next episode i hope you've enjoyed this one it's been a lot of fun i'm excited about decked out i'm excited about everything that we did today but i'm more excited about decked out to be honest with you i can't stop thinking about it i just want to win i genuinely have so much respect for tango for building such a complete and just just well-engineered game in minecraft it's amazing this should be a real game but this should the game mechanic is a fun game mechanic it should exist in an actual game but he's managed to make it work in minecraft and work well like it's proper good
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,703,898
Rating: 4.9729357 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7: Episode 47 - INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS!, Hermitcraft 7, INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS!, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 47, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mega industrial farming district, industrial farming district, farming district, fully automatic wood farm, redstone tnt duplicators, Hermitcraft shopping district, Hermitcraft decked out, TangoTek, DECKED OUT, automatic wood farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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