Hermitcraft 6: Episode 9 - END BUSTING IS BACK!

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Clearly, the name of the Mumbo and Iskall musical should be "Bumbo Mia".

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/urbeatle 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone this is member and welcome banks on the episode on the Hermit crown server this is episode 26 episode 8 I don't even I think I've got 26 diamond I was literally just looking at my dot how funny is that my brain just totally stopped working there anyway the reason that I've got 26 diamonds is because well I've heard that there is a new shop in the shopping district which has me very very interested now I am I mean I'm curious I apparently I'll be able to tell what it is as soon as I see it yep no I yeah definitely now I have my fingers sososo crossed right now that they are in stock and they are so there we go boom we've got ourselves an elite shred now the reason I have all this stuff is because I'm actually going to need to get myself a mending book because I don't want to run out of that but also he has Rockets two stacks for one diamond what look how rich tango is gonna be holy mackerel what just happened there has someone put has someone put a puffer fish down underneath that thing I just got hit by something thank you to whoever painted this chest with my stuff on the inside I was really upset because I thought someone who used all of it but now it's just been so up here so I now have my own chest brilliant okay so we've got ourselves a mending book that is right there and now we just need our unbreaking two books which i think oh hey that's I'm breaking two so one two and then here we go and then we can combine why I suppose I can if I'd trade sugarcane maybe hopefully replaces its trades nope oh and his brain trades gum I don't really have enough I mean I can buy one bookshelf just be a nice villager yes okay there we go I'm breaking - let's do it and then that is I'm bracing three and then we need some more levels do I really only have that how many diamonds left I currently have it this is mine do you feel that very fancy I got the arrow it's not it's not an unenchanted ball yeah did you feel the full force of it oh that was my first time ever shooting above or hitting something anyway well I don't know I mean I'm not very talented at this minecraft thing I could've had it all season I'm probably silly just get that job that advancement and busting mumble yeah I'm I'm I'm excited and also mildly terrified because last time they didn't go so well for me did it really I mean we applying the same type of rules yeah I can't remember the rules what were the rules well I think it is yeah we loot individually then we split all the loot the winner takes any Elijah yeah but we split the shelter boxes right yeah and should there be a part I think I feel like this is the first one of the season I feel like we should not have any punishment should we have a punishment oh yeah I forgot about punishments sleep yeah watch out for that good the Trident dude he's actually he's actually dangerous did you see me hit me midair yeah spectacular I really need one of those trident but they're they're definitely expensive so I'll have to I'm not buying one I'm trying to trying to murder a guy till I get one yeah yeah but no punishment wise I hadn't actually even thought I mean obviously we discussed them in my recent episode you know we discussed like shorts sleeveless suits off underneath jackets well that I mean I feel like that would be very funny if we went for like the full lot so like vests but I basically only like jacket sure only all your knickers left yeah boxer shorts no cuz that could be inappropriate I feel like that could actually look inappropriate I feel like maybe or unless they were really obviously like jokey boxer shorts now you have to be they have to be white with red hearts on them all Pournami on like neon flamboyant boxer shorts or yeah I don't know I think I think maybe we could leave it up to the comments that could be something that we could do I don't we generally hadn't thought about this is yeah yeah yeah no okay let let let the let the guys out there decide yeah the first thing we need to do before this is we need to take care of some business so yeah I'll just go through the backstory right yeah as you know there's this there are a lot of blocks that are associated with you you think in piston yeah pinky piston yep I'm thinking repeater yeah comparator redstone block redstone yeah if you use them you're copying me yeah yeah I'm basically yeah yeah yeah correct there is one block only one block that I considered more as my block that is a scallion it sounds like a skull it's like a Scalia my skull yeah weird that way yeah it's funny and for three seasons now I've been on her miecraft you've always sort of created a shop around this right we didn't create an action shop last season but I do remember you being the guy with slime right yeah yeah I did have quite a big slime farm by the end of the season yeah yes yeah so this is I was like oh okay it's like four I did a big one a mega one a triple one triple your size yeah and so now I have a lot of slime you're already selling slimes and I've been I've been getting a lot of suggestions from my comments saying we should join forces instead of fighting over this and I think that's a good idea that actually sounds very good considering I also heard you you've having issues yeah we have some supply issues demand is outstripping supply quite heavily and I don't you know I feel wrong putting the prices up for the slime because I mean one diamond person I actually thought the one diamond purse like slime stack and she was quite expensive when I first made it but it turns out that yeah people really need slime so so we yeah I mean it sounds good I just took out yeah we I all of that was just sold this is this is this is probably gonna go quite soon so it would be quite handy if we kind of joined forces and then I mean we're sort of what sort of revenue share are you thinking here are you gonna try and slip in with some horrible deal no I think you'll like this so okay I mean realistically I'm producing three times as much slime as you are which yeah in a realistic world would mean that I should then have 75% of the profits yeah but I'm a good guy you know we have a good guy so I say we do 50/50 I will undertake the fact of restocking your slime shop you because you have a smaller stein form your extra job will be to keep the prices so that we sell stuff right okay and and and one more thing yeah one last thing yep oh why - stinky shop what I don't know wait someone done a business deal behind my back I'm selling off a store that I don't even have steaks anymore yeah sure you yeah let's go to partnership yeah go no but I I was thinking the name was something like what was the name uh well it was mumbo it was mumbo sticky shop originally okay so what about mumbles is scallion shop yeah no I'll accept that yeah I'll take that one that sounds good to me great should we do the honors should we change the sign right now we'll kick we'll kick Python off so mumbos I I guess I could start breaking this one ask a Liam store what's the name of this one wait can you say that again wow that's fake tacular how many of these are there now there's got to be like a Wikipedia page that carries everyone I mean otherwise someone else to make it at some point yeah yeah yeah yeah oh man this is the base anyway and then I heard that I had to have an area where there wasn't water just because like you have to sleep somewhere and some farms don't support water of course yeah she made an airlock yeah that's the word you know you've got you've got this someone's perp but pufferfish in your base what does that the sound oh yeah I didn't know what that sound was how good am i with a bow oh yeah but that no one would have got him did you not see the Pew of her curvature on that shot yeah it was pretty good but you know a little bit too late so this is that's how bad I am at this game that I celebrate almost hitting something right here's the hub I'm so scared to do any form of I don't trust these new flying mechanics I like that the slowness of it it's horrible it's like it's like I'm jumping in sponges I think it's this way I don't know I don't know why I'm fairly certain I saw n blocks here the other yeah okay okay good because otherwise we would have been it we would have just been nether busting yeah a little bit just just exploring okay yeah spawn island plus end portal we are set yeah say goodbye to the gear right yeah I'm just carry I'm sure my diamond chestplate just to you know lose everything when you're running super low on diamonds as well aren't you I have zero do I've just thought so you know normally when both of us die somebody's put a pufferfish who is doing this it's not a pop there is a part for this year as well oh my goodness well there is oh and you've got a silverfish about to get yeah yeah yeah I'd say kill it yeah we have to cuz I don't have another bucket no if you've been killed by a pufferfish and silverfish come by myself I don't ever want to die for pufferfish one of us dies we only have one only we only have one Electra exactly we don't have any backups this has gotta go horrible let's just do it yeah well I suppose they see what's the point in saying our spawns cuz there's no way of getting back to ourselves anyway right there's no way of getting back if we are like a best-case scenario the other guy can pick up some of the stuff but most likely everything is lost we've got no ender chests oh my god no ender chests besides you can't send stuff to each other through ending some idiot thought that last season and oh my god it was so funny that was what not my finest moment when I was I was just your own shouting at you like no just looking by enderchest I put your stuff in my ender chest where are they okay I I say we actually you know what we should we should take one of these portals because I think all directions have been looted right so did you bring around a purse no no I don't even have an enderpearl it's the same here okay that's good okay this is I who wants a bet that I miss this somehow even though I'm a block away and just shoot myself into the end into the book but you can't do that though can you know does it just end opposed don't thank activating the void oh well that's that's nice otherwise it would be horrible and a brother okay I made it I made it you've come true I too have gone through yay we're here I can't believe it and busting extravaganza where are you going I am going to grab myself a course routes why do you need a course fruit don't really need it it's just no actually we do need I do need these n drops man have you seen the new textures no oh they've removed the stupid purpleness did you want to know something really embarrassing I've you know never happy I've never had an N drop that is yeah okay oh oh no not like this not like this I can't play is he gonna be angry at me or just you know just me why did he get so angry man he probably said I a mate I probably did mate let's get out of here man where are we okay where are you I'm right above you I think I can't see cuz I have a stupid Enderman my angry okay East I'm playing easy are you liking as much as me probably this is just not gonna go well it's taken so many rockets it took me ten rockets to get into the sky oh dude we are so we are gonna so dead yeah this is basically gonna be us like communally this is just us communally just saying good bite way over a stack of diamonds though in terms of in terms of what we're doing right here we are just sacrificing ourselves to the diamond gods basically and we are making a massive pledge I give us a 10% chance of coming up with this with anything yeah yeah it's plus I mean even if we do find an city it's probably already raided by although by all the super pros right yeah that's true how are we gonna get home by the way how do you know how do we normally do that cuz I can never remember do you just find one of those little portal things yeah that's easy did we bring any wood no why but there are chests here I mean we could always do the trick if we find an end city we could always do the trick of making make it a takin the ender chest that's in the end City yeah making some chests or taking the chests that are there making some shonky boxes and you know just jumping jumping into the void yeah okay well that that is that is an option I'm trying to follow you do by the way you are not being the most communicative in terms of your directions you're not really following any form no I see I saw a torch and it's like okay so we got a switch directions you're like a little blue pixel you're a pale blue dot at this point in time oh dude it's going great thing has begun the end busting has begun it's got to be raided hey I don't think it is no it's got shirkers yeah yeah remember that this is a race I've I've almost just died straight away I fell to the bottom did you die nah I'm almost dead already I'm stuck in a corner you know II love you love don't go down like that you can't you can't die immediately that would be embarrassing it's already quite embarrassing I can't even remember how to kill these things no there's this this is like you you learn how to walk again right yeah okay I've actually killed one I've killed two and I've got a nearly three extra oh I just said it like you know what am i doing ah do you have said the falling no okay yeah that's that's that's not gonna be good times you telling me mate I've I'm struggling so much already I'm you know what I'm I'm lowering my expectations here to just be happy if I actually make it out like that that's kind of I that's kind of where where I am at this point because yeah I just don't have high hopes really well I look at these end rods doll spend some time to look at these ndreds oh they're very pretty yeah I mean they are like a zoo moths texturepack so I've seen I've seen them before but now that's standard yeah whoo textures I wonder if any of your inspiration was taken like they look to exhume burrs taste packing they're like they do a lot I mean yeah they may have I think I think they follow a few of us right so yeah cuz the purple I mean I get it I get one example is the end but it just wasn't helping many people yeah just because there is such a nice to have like a nice light source and then for them to just kind of just completely just add that little line like a purple a purple there's not much there's other than the end stuff obviously there's not much this purple in Minecraft I'm just concentrating so much that I can't laugh [Music] have you heard that before I'm concentrating so much that I can't laugh [Laughter] my face was like I've just eaten a lemon as well that's how hard I was concentrating it's like I'm actually laughing so hard that I kept constantly okay okay yeah it's not it's not wonderful I mean I'm just kind of I'm chilling out up at the top how many do you have so I have how many's not many well how many do you have I have I have 16 Wow 16 yeah is that good have you been what has happened with you between seasons did you take lessons did did one of your fans go like okay listen Rayleigh and before this next season you're gonna have to improve on our short grunting because we know that Swedish guy last week with the British accent he's gonna challenge you yeah no I have 30 oh you got my hopes right up as well the start I was like he's winding me up and then when you kept going I was like you know what he wouldn't oh okay I got an Enderman after me so I may die well I think so he doesn't mean nothing if you're dead what we've done with this place I can't find any salt there's there's one more that I can see which as I said might be good if you would help me out okay all right I'm coming I know it's all a race and everything but I'll help you oh I see one yeah hang in said this guy yeah the dude up at the top oh no it's not the same oh I got him you know what I'll let you have those shells up at the top there because I'm not gonna be able to get them in time I've kind of a notice that the end islands have stopped yes there's nothing here it's very difficult to judge how high up I am yeah you've got a use f7 what's have seven or f3 f3 why is there nothing okay we got it okay turn turn school around oh if we get lost in just voice I mean this is where the fifteen stacks of rockets are gonna be important I'm scared because I can't tell would you remember which direction we were flying in originally no I'm going east now okay okay it's generated back Oh how's it oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay I'm way up let's fly it's really tough to take off with these new mechanics yeah maybe they're trying to fight that because I don't think they like people taking off from the floor whatever they don't huh yeah weird there's some weird things that Mojang doesn't really like do you remember the I remember back in the day when they wanted to get rid of my XP grinders yes I remember that in 1.9 yeah just like well it's clearly you are not playing in the video game are you we've helped all night oh wow okay okay we'll go for south am i heading south no I'm heading north crap I'll turn around alright and it's not been rated ooh sweet okay where is it it is dope I missed the ship Oh oh good good no I'm truthful Oh nobody matters because the winner will get their life is anyway I just oh yeah oh yeah whatever the soul curse dude that is I realized that I don't think I looted the other ships chest no news we are terrible at minecraft as we are really bad oh and I just okay on that note I just shot myself yeah no I've done that a couple times already today oh okay okay right now I'm so stressed out put my inventory man you know when your inventory is just that mess yeah there is a shocker that is just going ham on me he's not putting himself down how how did that happen he was had his head open the entire time I go here an enderpearl an Enderman oh no yeah I've been chased by two Enderman what that you're really bad at this man I am this is really gonna put me back down because dang it well I've just been fighting Ashoka box multiple views well to be fair they are kind of chalica boxes sort of I mean it's a bolt I suppose either shocker that looks like a box okay I finally killed one I don't want to be that guy but their motto flag I have is just oh yeah here it comes the lag get the lag okay I'm taking off the biggest room here yet see I stay away from those that there's nothing good for me there this kind of chaotic isn't it yeah other than just pain and suffering that's that's all that's all is there for me in that room okay right and then the end of - here can you still chased me this far though it's incredible can you still hit those choker boxes when they're they're closed no but I've noticed that some of them bugs out sometimes if they if they are shooting they they may look close but they're not actually close so weird right oh I'm dead are you dead probably are you serious no maybe see okay both the Enderman teleported into me when I'm just standing and as small as the various geez maybe okay I hate them teleporting away is so frustrating yeah yeah they don't even take the fight no I can't find that dude I'm giving up giving up on that one okay I killed off both my underman whoof how'd you do that like a Viking I can't even generally when we do this the Enderman are angry at you not of me yeah I'm just more talented minecraft player these days you are you've outgrown me you know I'm a bit concerned that I don't understand how my skills haven't improved at all I've been playing this game for how many years how do I still struggle the basic things it is kind of weird yeah but I mean you're not alone ran dog is the same yeah me and Rayna I just I don't know who'd reckons worse mmm I mean you're really good at redstone you're better than most people of redstone so you're not bad at the game maybe yeah and rendell is really good at telling stories and she's really funny telling stories yeah that's true which doesn't have anything to do a personal skill less I said yep he's really gonna test here so that's good news yeah that is that's handy I put their life cause that we found so we're gonna get to keep the lighters that we found okay that's good that's good right okay oh they fell all no who's this are we done with this odd are you dying I hear you triggered an Enderman take to the skies young yes yes I just opted out I just go yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna unload and then gonna come back and hope for the best others a guy up there where have you been looting this temple because there are Schalke guys everywhere I think I'm I really angered one yeah they see by the way not to met not to raise any more concerns for you but they seemed way worse this season that I've ever seen them before who and amendment yeah really yep yeah there's a dude down there who's super not happy to see me why are they so ashamed of being what looked at I know he pride in your beautiful face Enderman I mean you know like I can kind of I can understand like I I also suffer from having really long legs and a short torso but it's nothing to be that ashamed about [Laughter] did you see how close I buzzed the floor why was it why was the floor broken here that was me trying to like get a choker box there teleported somewhere and I didn't really know where it was so I just thought I'd stop wiping out the entire room okay okay yeah I don't know if that's a good technique or a bad technique by the look of things that was a bad technique because it almost killed me I killed the guy and took the shells so yeah that was the guy cool alright I think this one is done as well yeah I'd say we're done and city and city got him I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in I could good good do you say that oh oh oh you it has got some serious gear such a full inventory I didn't see what it was I just picked up some diamond pickaxe and stuff I'll be totally honest it's only like a it's a sword with bane of arthropods and a diamond chestplate which we don't need anymore cuz we got Litro but diamonds blue things were these gel what were the gems by the way I don't I'm I'm lost on them I yeah I think they're really pretty but then I started deciding with them and people were like oh my goodness what are you doing you can't place them down there for trading and so I've been trying to find a villager that trades them yeah I'm found one yeah and I realize that it's a custom thing that a zoom is doing later this season I knew all the things about this season apart from that and then I saw them into yeah I thought they were in Minecraft first I made a whole episode about the events in Minecraft but I think it's great though we're gonna have like a hermit currency I guess yeah but you can only buy like decorative stuff like skulls and stuff like that that's cool I like that the funny thing is that yeah so Oh No thank goodness for lag I look straight Endemol and he doesn't even care about you yeah maybe he's he's embracing the long legs he's like he's like yeah I'm fabulous what is wrong with me yeah I think the server's have enough because we have TPS issues this season because of the 113 updates yeah 113 is is very brutal to service yes very very poorly optimized it just it seems like I mean it's always been a thing that having lots of entities in Minecraft has always been like a thing to not do and it seems like they filled the entire world with entities yes which yeah it seems like um is good business decision no you may be yeah it's difficult do you have so much other when you land I do have said that yes there's an enderchest here and I wouldn't mind having one for myself would you mind yes so touching one for me cuz I don't have so touch of the minute yes what are you doing in that okay small room good and I can give you the present as well okay I think this will help you out OOP oh these what are those they are so good aren't they did you find them yeah they were in our chests the Hank please oh well thank you so much now that is a days genuinely gonna be like an actual lifesaver if you ever fall and survive with three hearts you know it's the boots that saved you yeah hey it's Kyle 85 let's say you know you mean business when you add the actual numbers at the end of your name yes then it's a genuine thing I heard an Enderman dude oh my goodness so I've just thought yeah yeah I saw I picked I probably should have put my stuff in the end of chess before you came along and broke it cuz you you broke it and then what I did was I went our thanks you gave it to me I then put it down okay I'm waiting for you again don't worry to put my stuff back in it yeah don't worry I just got okay gotta clear this out yeah another smartest man like it's just things like that make me confuse as to how I can well I mean we are we are the same there we can be dumped together because I'm sometimes I get so confused specifically when you're editing a video after you record it yeah you look at what you've done you're like what was I thinking there yeah well rather was I not thinking there yeah what exactly was going on in my brain box to allow for that to happen watch out for this big room I'm killing them here Thanks I just see me popping there was just some show cut yeah that's more there's more down there too oh my goodness this guy just stood here for ages murdered them all I only picked up two I only picked up two we're heading continue to add salt we yeah with time check time check how are we with time we're on 56 minutes so probably around about 40 minutes because we had like a mini break again yes yes there's a shop books under there but we went who won't worry about that he gets to live to fight this isn't looking good I think oh here yes oh wow it's a massive one holy mackerel oh my word this thing is huge that's what you okay let's go how did you I don't know don't ask I don't know I'm blind there's so much iron in there how do I not get that the light rock what that's insane oh nice and I got the shoulder shells from that one okay well played this is a absolute no you go in my room I always get that guy okay whatever I'm leaving you to it gentlemen our style yeah thank you I I had my bowl loaded when you broke through the wall just above take the shot I'm lucky this is probably the biggest density I've ever seen this is massive this is this is huge okay I've had I've had to change my field of view to be able to see it but lovely aquatic has been really really good in terms of like cool features added into the game yeah I agree I think that mo Yang's strength to keep in minecraft so good is that there are so many modes to this there are so many obvious things that you could add yeah and they come up with shulker boxes yeah and it's like oh okay that's like completely just absolutely different yeah so that that's a good that I think maybe that is the problem because people moan that they don't add things like backpacks and things like that but obviously they're they're so obvious and if you want backpacks just get more to kind of thing yes yeah I have said though stuff I mean I do think that maybe we might be read I know that the sugar boxes are great but I I'm kind of airing on the side that the inventory is still a little bit too small for the number of blocks that we now have yes I love red logs idea with chunky boxes keeping schalke boxes but as long as you if you put them in your hand you should be able to open them without placing them or something like that that would be yeah that would be amazing yeah so it's not like an extension of the inventory but it's kind of like yeah backpack like that purse yeah that's a good idea like a handbag yeah no that's so that's a wicked idea that's much better than anything that I've come up with in terms of in terms of potential ideas but yeah it's just it's one of those things that we I mean the inventory was kind of invented when there was about nine items in Minecraft and now they exactly there's hundreds upon hundreds especially with all the new update aquatic stuff and yeah it's just it's a little bit difficult to manage sometimes it is an interesting question though because making the inventory larger doesn't necessarily solve anything if know about it know exactly just it just extends the problem exactly it extends the problem so yeah it's an interesting interesting thing for sure it's all a balance I'm just happy it's kind of like the whole redstone thing like what I want I always love it when they add new features but I don't want them to add any features that change the essence of what redstone is so it's a real life hard that is for our development yeah like yeah balance the community that is large and yeah oh I bet I bet it's almost impossible I thought that was you then it's been hit by one of the pufferfish those things illegal though it's still the most embarrassing death I've ever seen oh no man right under your nose I hit that guy 3000 by sword and killed it with a bowl and then you're on an intake the stuff yeah yeah just so you know we only have like four minutes left it's gonna be perfect for finishing this this temple I think yeah I think so right is this one done are we out of time I think we might be I just killed what I just killed a guy and he's not dropped his things I did really bad in this place my goodness well you probably did more than me for this right I'm not in double figures what is double figures like you have less than ten chakra shells all in all well that even possible you had 40 no but I have I'm in less than double figures for this entire temple and it was huge good like for suckers yeah yeah for four actually yeah exactly that that is that is wow that is terrible I don't even know how I only killed four I don't having what no you have to know you have to have another stack or something that it's like so you have 64 and eight schalke shells yeah I have two stacks and fifty yeah Wow that's pretty good you you've done all right I guess we should probably just head I want to get out of here as fast as I get out of here I want to survive oh my goodness I don't even care about the competition I just want to survive now okay you might see here's the thing where's where is the nearest end thing but more importantly I now have to jump off of this to get my Electra working I suppose I'll get us high up as you possibly can they're not actually activating at all finally I'm actually flying well that's a lot of gear cheese oh and the gems I have okay that's all the gems I've got oh and I've got some iron as well does iron count as good stuff yeah you pile in there we go I should put the gold in as well I see you trying to be sneaky there just ah oh oh oh those considered good is it oh I don't even know why you'd hold anything back you're obviously gonna get it maybe that's why I'm holding your bags like I don't know why am I gonna take put it in a chest and bring it back into my inventory dude you're you're pulling out of control in terms of Elite RZA's well I that's the amount of chakra shell sigh gods oh you gotta be joking there's no there's not even any contest we even if we double and I've played the double yeah even if we played the doubles I still wouldn't have I still wouldn't have beaten you guys so wait hang on hang on am I remembering correctly that so the first time we did it I've just remembered something now this is this obviously we were playing by different rules this none but I think the first time we did it Elektra was worth like 10 or something I still won't have one he's still a little off were they oh yeah maybe they were because that's why we went for them so much oh yeah cuz we enough has to be that that has to be the rule next time yeah because we were fighting for them and things like diamonds and chess plates and things like that counted towards stuff dude we totally forgot a really fun well I mean look at all the gear though we look at that looting three sword Wow no looting three no oh no that's not on so I think that make ax as well ah you're it's a curse of banishing but yeah well I even forgot I forgot a thing there you go you a bane of off put sword now as well first things first I'm yeah screenshot this just because it's such a beautiful yield because the honesty looks like a real treasure right yeah I'm screen Shana to that okay and then let's split the shulker stuff so you get am I losing out surely you are by pooling our resources you've lost money yes that's ridiculous oh yeah well that's a good grab of schalke shells I gotta say like I did you know we are we are rich with chunky boxes yeah we finally know you know what we've done pretty well there what do you want from this chest cuz all of this is technically mine you know game wise but yeah go on then yeah I'm a good guy um okay let me have a look so I want imagine it'll be so annoying if I broke the chest under here as oaks it would all just float up and go everywhere no I wouldn't mind I wouldn't might actually still stolen I wouldn't mind a spare elite roof that's okay alright so an elite here's what I'm gonna give you a light you are looting three sword because I know you didn't have like looting three yeah the mending boo-boo are yes oh I want these boots that I want the protection boots yeah that seems like a fair deal I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind one of the dragon heads and one of the shocker shell head yeah show her skull heads with a be nice and yours stupid vain of octopus odd no one wonders let's just split let's just split these gems this one okay and the gold and iron I mean yeah that seems fair let's just split the light rose as well this was fun you do the diamonds oh my word you take nine and the emeralds there we go thank you all thank you ever say my mean I'm just impressed that we actually managed to make it our life how did we manage I can't believe we managed to actually get out of here but it was just it was and I I yeah I I was a hundred percent convinced that we were dead I was putting on a brave face I was like I was like yeah we'll be fine like at the start it's fine you know we can do this so I was like no we are we are dead we are we are 100% dead so that has been yeah hugely successful first end busting of hermitcraft season six probably the earliest and busting episode we've done and it's been hugely successful and we'll have we'll have to get together and do another one with the actual rules so we totally forgot about we should we should try and do these like with an interval of like 20 episodes yeah yeah and then we'll be stocked up with good resources and and yeah it's just it's always a blast still in them this has been great fun G freaking G her mum ball oh by the way yeah did you meet him you did meet him me I did meet him I did meet him but I want to hear you say it one more time in fact you know what okay here's the deal you can you can sign off you can sign off the video by saying it meet mr. bramble frost on I [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,269,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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