Hermitcraft 6: Iron Farm Villagers

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hello um I live that is the question I've never used this software before so this is new for me I've also realized my live stream isn't muted on YouTube Oh something's happened we're good we're up picture is up we have got we've got an image we've got things going on oh my goodness the chat okay it's it's so difficult to follow exactly what is happening here wow this is cool so I'm using stream lamps for the first time I've never used it because as you guys know I'm a total streaming amateur right I'm the worst I'm the world's worst streamer but I just I do it very very occasionally and I'm always totally lost generally speaking the start of all of my live streams is me kind of scratching my head like an old man going we live this can you hear me is like you know when you you Skype you Skype an old person and they kind of like peer into the microphone they get it real close you can hear them fumbling around trying to grab their headphones and things you know that's what I feel like every single time I start live streaming but it looks like we're live it looks like we have nearly 7,000 viewers already so pressures on to actually do something entertaining people are saying people are saying mic muted people are saying it's so quiet you're oh oh goodness oh goodness okay apparently I'm in I'm only in the left ear alright let's see if I can fix this I don't I don't know if I'm gonna be able to fix this let's see okay yeah is that a fixed that's hopefully now fixed cool cool and then if I'm a little bit quiet I can crank myself up just a tiny bit and now hopefully it's all good cool okay whatever all right I I mean we we can we can hear what's going on so this is good it's so difficult to tell yeah so I'm assuming I'm assuming I've fixed it I I'm not sure I'm honestly not 100% certain I think I I just swapped it over to being mono as opposed to stereo so now hopefully it is all going through one mm-hmm all right give me a alright should now be fixed whatever if it's not if it's not fixed then your left ear you can just enjoy the live stream that's the way that I'm gonna do it really it's still that is the weirdest thing I can't there's no there's no way for me to actually that is weird so I have got all of my ah okay right we are ready for action this is it I am I am I am now coming out of both speakers whoo cool okay all right so yeah apparently I had to I had to I had to to restart all of the the software and everything like that I told you I I warned you okay as as I was saying whenever I do a live stream I am I'm the the most hilarious person when it comes to live streaming and things because I'm like an old man you know I don't fully understand how they work okay I literally I click a button on the live streaming thing and then it somehow ends up on YouTube and then somehow people can hear what I'm saying and see what I'm doing from across the world it's bizarre alright and I don't understand it and I just kind of leave things to it alright okay so that's that's it that is all all right this is it we're ready to go okay so the plan for today's hermitcraft livestream it is is pretty simple I have got this massive massive iron farm well the plan number one is to not die okay there's that that is that is as paramount that I don't die because as you can see I'm still in the land of the living and I'm still doing okay well though you can't really tell from my lovely my lovely I've got quite a desaturated skin already you can't really tell that I'm alive but I think might I might I should do the trick anyway I'm still alive okay I haven't died yet in the demise game which is pretty going but there is one very big plan that we need to work on today and that of course is filling up all of all of the iron farm we've got 30 villages that we need to transport over from my base into this thing and it's gonna be it's gonna be doing it's gonna be difficult because I was thinking to myself I was like I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder how long is this is gonna take you know I was trying to work it out in my head I was like I reckon I don't know maybe maybe three hours then I thought to myself if every single villager takes ten minutes which is highly likely it's way more likely that it's going to be even more than that then we're gonna be looking at around about 300 minutes which is five hours so I don't know we might have to split this up you might have to do this in different times we'll see I really don't know what my stamina is like for for live streaming at the minute because as I say it's been so long since I've done it and it's one of those things I can live stream for about three hours and then I tend to hit a wall and I kind of collapse I fall apart so um so yeah we'll see what happens it's just good to be here and it's good to be chatting I'm so glad to see that yeah the the chat is absolutely sure it's it's going crazy it's very difficult to keep up it's very difficult to keep up with what's going on I'm trying my best to read through everything and yeah it's it's basically impossible so I'm just I'm gonna leave you guys to it I did see people people have been telling me to restock Sahara yeah I need to restock the observers that is definitely one thing that I definitely need to do also we've now got 10,000 people watching and wonder how many people saw me mess up what happened when I messed up because I put that I put the live stream up and then took it down about three or four times did you guys get notifications for that every single time are there gonna be like five different videos on my youtube channel that are just me scratching my head because if that's the case that's hilarious they'll stay there forever and I'm making my quest to turn them into viral viciousness over the most viewed videos on my youtube channel mumbo-jumbo scratches a head for 15 seconds trying to work out why only the left ear is working I'm actually gonna check because I am curious I'm assuming it's all down as being one session I don't even you know what I don't even know I don't even know yeah yeah doesn't look like it alright okay well this is gonna be the only one then that's it just means that this live stream is gonna start off when people watch this back on my youtube channel it's gonna start off with 10 minutes of me just being confused maybe I can trim that together or trim that out I don't want to trim it together that's for sure you don't want to be editing any of that in right let's let's restock this and then we're gonna grab some boats and things and we're just gonna get to work I mean there's nothing you know this this felt like a good opportunity to do a live stream much like the much like when I was digging the hole for the perimeter just seemed like a fun thing to do it seemed like a more interesting way of doing a really boring and repetitive job is to make lots of people watch me do a really boring and repetitive job you know I thought I would let you guys enjoy the experience of me spending well as I say at least five hours just moving villages in boats I thought I thought I'd bring you along for the ride it'll be a thrilling ride gonna be a world one let's get to it whereabouts my villages you know I've never so I've been we've been playing in this in this hammock craft world for nearly like a year and a half now and I still to this day will always without fail go out the wrong side so silly i-i-i-i've I'm yet to work out the directionality of my bass okay do we have any any good you i we have a situation here in that oh hang on so is that boat still in my inventory what all right so I've got no boat then nope okay right well let's let's go get the fresh boat then I mean this is not a good start by the way this is this is not a good start in the slightest my boats disappeared I can't take off and that is because I've got food in my in my hand man I really can't take off what has happened I think we might be due a crash I think I think the game's about the crash this will be just my luck so I spend I spend I spend X amount of time however much time it was trying to work how audio problems and now this right I'd say weary log boom and I've got my boat back what a time to be alive dude we have got ourselves our first villager now I've put I've put a little bit of time into into creating a little boat path that these guys can go more not obviously each one of the villages is going to be transported by boat so we this is the way that we're gonna do it this seems like the smartest way to do things so we're gonna cruise a lot do we actually have that yep okay I just wanted to make sure that I hadn't just jet it off without without that dude okay so then we're gonna bring him through into here I actually don't have any blocks on me but look at this look that we're pre-prepared we have Pistons in play the whole nine yards is he gonna suffocate on that and does this need to be slightly wider probably all righty then so bring him through there okay and then I'm guessing he can't go through into the nether when he's in a boat that's that's not allowed okay just block this off make sure that you can't get out and then bunk boom bow and villager gone through into the nether now I have done a little bit protection work as well to stop look how far steeds just he's straight off he knows invisible boat again he's serious I'm gonna have to read long about 19 times in today's Hermit craft live stream cool oK we've got him now this is where things get a little bit precarious I must admit I haven't tried this this is not something that I've tried yet I haven't killed him oh I should probably take that roof down a little bit okay yeah so so what do you reckon then this seems like a stupid idea now that I've got everything in place oh okay I went too far oh gosh oh gosh there's love underneath me why am I doing this okay okay this seems so wrong okay alright let's back it up I'm gonna hop out now I there's a block that I feel we need I feel like we need a block here and we need blocks surrounding it to make sure that nothing bad can happen because otherwise bad things might happen you know and this would be a terrible way for me to die in the demise game that's for sure I definitely wouldn't want that okay so we're gonna try our best to be sent here let's get ourselves some dirt and things yeah I literally started off this livestream by saying that my goal is to not die and then as as a lot of you have pointed out down in the chat that it's not looking likely remember we have to do this 30 more times the likelihood is is that I'm gonna be a goner Phil feel free to place bets on whether or not you know who you think is uh how long I'm gonna last we've got 16,000 people watching this live stream that is nuts totally nuts oh yeah probably should have a tournament of undying but you see I feel like that is I feel like that's a bit of a em you know I feel like if you're gonna die you should die heroically there should be no you know no takey backsies kind of thing and it's totally not because I'm too lazy to go and get one that's not the reason at all who said that I need an a movable object don't I yep oh well we could put we could put a a movable one there for now I also need a better I need better button placement where I put my redstone box this is the beauty of a live stream is that I can ask you where do I put my redstone block where did I put my redstone box that's it is it over by the other items did I put it in the chest tell him $10 on Mambo dying in three minutes in inhale how long was it 10 minutes I think it was 10 minutes 1 hour to death people are actually placing wages I appreciate that I appreciate the commitment that is hilarious AHA yes cool thank you guys I should have you around all the time you would make what you do you have no idea how much time I would say at least 5% of my play time on the hammock craft server has been me looking for my redstone box because I've left in stupid locations I would say that's at least 5% of my time I would say there's another 5% of my time is having to craft and afk for gunpowder and sugarcane because green keeps taking all of my gunpowder and shoe cane that's another one yeah you know there's a few there's a few things that take up a lot of a lot of my time on the server okay I'm saying we have we have a button here and let's just take it easy on a redstone line around I also now have access to a movable objects which we can we can do as somebody just asked are you worried about the YouTube changes I'm assuming they're talking about like the copper thing or Coppa I'm not sure what it's actually officially named okay see with YouTube you always have to be wary of certain things like that and they've made changes in the past that that have been scary and this is another one that seems a little bit on the scary side I see if we can launch here whoa look at that good grief it did I really only put one landing block I made that ridiculous oh my goodness all right I've got to be really careful then this is such a precarious road good sweet I definitely need oh no no no I was gonna say there's no way I only put one landing platform all right so this dude's on his way fantastic yeah about that the copper thing or the coppa thing so I've been doing a little bit of research into it because obviously you do have to just double-check things and it by the sounds of things so there's this hole made for kids argument and what's made for kids in YouTube and obviously with with me making minecraft videos it's it's kind of is it's it's a difficult this is gonna be so fast all right I think it might be smart for me to replace the ice on the corners before I never built this with boats in mind but yeah as I was saying with the with the coppa thing um so obviously I make minecraft videos and for some for some people for some people that would be pointed towards making videos for people who are under the age of 13 for some people for people that don't understand Minecraft and they don't understand the YouTube community that surrounds it there would be some people that could just blanket minecraft videos as being for kids whereas that isn't the case and I think anybody who add she looks into it for any significant amount of time would know that that's not the case and I think no okay okay I think we're safer down here anyway oh yeah and I think YouTube erm actually tweeted various different minecraft youtubers and things saying don't worry about it just because your content is family-friendly which mine obviously is and just because you play the game minecraft it doesn't necessarily mean that way it doesn't mean that your content is specifically made for children the sort of content that is being affected is things like you know chill nursery rhymes or like you know even if it's like young toy reviews but even toy reviews is a bit of a gray area because you know some some toys adults enjoy so where do you draw the line at toys it's difficult I I mean I don't feel sorry for YouTube in the slightest that is there's a difficult one for them to define I just hope that they don't take like a blanket approach to it because that would be really really bad news for content creators but as I say I'm honestly maybe it's my naivety but I'm not stressed you know I add the copyright thing I didn't stress about that and we managed to get that resolved partly just by brute forcing things but yeah I'm sure it'd be fine the issue is is that YouTube released these really vague statements a lot of the time without giving too much context to them and they just say hey this is the thing that we're doing and you're gonna have to comply with it and then a lot of the content creators on the platform like what do you mean I don't know if I'm right or not I don't know what you need so I think that's the reaction that's been had so far anyway that is it I'm not gonna talk about YouTube politics or anything like that any further because it's not exciting stuff I am curious though you know how many of you who are watching this video right now actually create YouTube videos because what what happened my villager what did when did that happen oh no that's not fair that I didn't even hear that happening I can't believe it I didn't even notice that happening I was talking too much about YouTube and things he must have suffered in the blog this is a terrible start oh for goodness sake alright okay so we have to go back how long has it been how long have I been streaming so far we've been live for 20 minutes we have our first villager in place that means that it will take 600 at 600 hours 600 minutes for me to get all of the villages in place if if this time is anything to go by which is 600 minutes to 10 hours oh no this is not good all right well at least we've got our boat back okay you know you have to take the positives here at least we didn't lose our boat so we've got that oh if you lose your boat you can right-click on the slot that your boat was in that's interesting I didn't know about that hopefully that is okay there's all sorts of you know minecraft has always struggled with boats for some reason yeah minecraft has always struggled with boats do you remember when boats were genuinely really broken right now they're great you know they actually work reliably you can get two things in a boat which is pretty interesting that was never the case they're actually easy to control and they don't break every five seconds boats for a brief time in might not even a brief time I'd say like four three four years of of Minecraft history maybe I wonder when they fixed boats I'm trying to think probably would have been [Music] what 20 2016 they'd probably fix boats yeah but probably for about two to three years before that boats were just a mess that you you would never take a boat anywhere you would if someone said I'm gonna take the boat you'd be like are you joking yeah you can't be going in a boat in Minecraft it's just not the done thing oh I'll know I've got too many villages in my boat it's really difficult when they clumped up like this just one of yeah that's it we've pinch-run I wonder if they notice whenever the villagers are now talking to themselves like gossip in the spin I wonder what Barry's gone little do they know he's going probably to death unfortunately you know this is definitely like a learning experience 70 something that I'm gonna get better at so obviously do you know the first one it was likely it was likely that the villager was gonna die 1.9 apparently was when when Burt was when boats got fixed so when's that it's now 1.14 cuz a long time ago was 1.9 the combat Update 1.9 was the combat update wasn't it pals and that would have been a long time ago I'm honestly terrible with times you know to me the redstone update when they added hoppers and droppers and things I still feel like that's quite a new update that was like what seven years ago now how did these villagers dude oh my goodness oh my goodness stop this I can't believe you used my register and choker box as a way he's honestly doing it to win me up I think he's great great this is this is why he this is why it's rust rating working with villagers because they just do things look at this this is hard to deal with seriously get in the nether you big four-headed big nosed mono Brown silly coated individual get in there seriously I'm not messing around now where is he trying to go I always trying to get to the village a trading halt is he I don't know it could be making that up just move these end rods aren't helping either I place those to stop any zombies coming in but to be honest I would quite like a zombie infestation right now because I don't have to deal with this guy okay we're going through alright where's he gonna be now he's there he's there he's there do not go back through the nether portal that's it get in the boat alright now we have to do this again which is always a bit precarious and there's more where this came from as well it's like a roller coaster ride wait did he take damage then I feel like I might fired him into something alright we go and we go Oh woah woah woah woah are we all going up today alright this is gonna take so much longer than I expected it to whose silly idea was this what a ridiculous thing to decide to do build an iron farm with 30 villages in it where you don't even have villages where the iron farm is I could build a villager breeder that could be the good thing to do but I mean there is something entertaining about transporting these guys and I think when we get into a rhythm as well I think we'll be flying alright because we are currently so this villager has been on the move for 3 minutes and 37 seconds oh my goodness oh my goodness I've really hope that gas doesn't see me because that is end of days all right easy does it easy does it oh gosh a bit of Tokyo Drift oh come on it's one of those things it gets out of hand alright oh no we were we were on a good path what was I doing honestly I I could have made this more I could have made this safer I definitely could have done a better job but we did make it we crashed through the safety barrier that was meant to stop us so that's not a good sign for our safety barrier I've also just taken some pretty serious damage that means this dude will probably take some pretty serious damage - if I pop him out the roof I don't know why I seemed like a really high ceiling he's gone through oh no I didn't put I didn't put a wall on ah yeah that's an issue how does he get here so quick right you can in the boat mate there we go that's it we start there he's starting to get it okay alright this is not an easy process you know I wonder when not created minecraft did he envision this being in its future oh you go so high when you're in a boat I need to I need to take out some of those blocks because that village it just took some damage from the cliff I can't actually look at it right now but now we're on the path this is it so this is taken five minutes and 40 seconds that means that to get all of them in place it will only take 150 minutes is my maths correct there yeah 150 minutes which is two and a half hours that's not that's not so bad full speed ahead boys full speed ahead let's go this is not fast really is it we're getting there we are getting there I almost I was paying attention to the chat then imagine that fall off the edge oh I forgot they haven't finished my path yet okay all right hopefully we don't knock him off so if I just push them into here at least I mean it's annoying that the bows are so slow but it's also quite nice that the boats so slow it means they're quite easy to control hmm what are we reckon here then I'm assuming the problem is with this trapdoor all right oh yeah nice ticket whoa all right so if I've placed this in he's now there we have a villager and he's become a fisherman okay that is one of probably many I'm also gonna break a little bit of this path because otherwise zombies might come along and that would be bad news what do you reckon is the smart way to do it do you reckon Oh maybe boat in from the from the front maybe boat in over the beds yeah we got boat in over the beds all right okay so first villager is in place it took 8 minutes nice nice nice it's quite cool this is quite fun because what I've done is I've started recording a hermit craft episode then in the middle of the hermit craft episode I have to do something really dull and boring which is what you're watching right now by the way in case you're under any confusion I know it's been while and and it's been a wild ride so far but this is the darling this is the dull and boring stuff I thought while I did the dull and boring stuff I would just do a hermit craft live stream it's quite a nice way to be able to also you know because it when you're making videos and things sometimes you can be put off doing certain projects because you know that they're not going to make for a very good video and although I tend to do whatever I want on hermit craft really but then I do have to be conscious of the fact that if I constantly do projects that are really boring for viewers to watch then people aren't gonna find the series very entertaining so you kind of have to juggle that whereas these me just transporting 30 villages that would make a very boring video but if I can turn it into a live stream as well then then that's good it means it just means essentially more content for you guys to enjoy it means that I can then take on projects that do have slightly an exciting elements to them straight in look at that that is that was that was quite the acquisition of a villager there people are saying turn them into zombies not actually a bad idea because then I could yeah I mean if I turn them into zombies then they would follow me but then that's there's so much likelihood that they would despawn but I guess I could give them items maybe it's not bad move we can we can mess with that we can mess with some zombie turning you know it's not outside the realm of possibility not at all right let's go through I'm trying to minimize all the areas that the villager takes damage that's the one thing that I do want to do okay let's see if he starts doing goofy stuff now yeah he's done something slightly goofy but that was only mildly goofy so we're all good there ah you would be on that side of the portal wouldn't you okay if we put him in the boat and then take him through in the boat he Oh how's he done that okay I need to relook cuz my boats disappeared he's still there come on just let me place it oh for goodness there we go that's it we got there in the end boats are still slightly broken aren't they all multiplayer servers at least right what are that he's probably taking damage on that on that bit there that it's crazy how powerful that is though I don't know why I've never really thought of doing that before but I don't think I've ever in my entire time having villager launches and things and transporting villages I don't think I've ever had the idea to use slime blocks this is cool though people are saying use mine carts mine carts might actually be a smarter idea it might be it might be wise to actually use yeah it might be it might be wise to actually use a used mine carts just because then it's a lot more predictable you don't get things like that happening where my village gradually takes damage but you do have to deal with me moving along see this is another thing my grants would be a lot more predictable but using this vision using this this ice path does provide some entertainment ah I've fallen on the opposite side now oh dear oh my goodness there's lots of noises here that I don't like this dudes on the move oh my goodness I try and pick him up no that's is that not how boats work oh what a nightmare all right well maybe he will walk his way into being in the right place no right I'll just do what I want you to do there we go we're away there's so many zombie pigman I just need to try and fight my way through them and not fly off the edge those are my goals they are simple and this is how they are I should not read the chat while I'm on the ice path because it leads to drifting which is not something I'm good at maybe speed is just the answer maybe it's just go flat out hope for the best I know people are asking me to build the villager breeder in the industrial district might be smart once I get a handful of villages in there we actually have the option to do that because I can easily move them over so that's probably what I might end up doing because this one has taken me it's only taken me six minutes so far why does he go in there every single time now strangely he's just chilling out on those scaffolding blocks now we're going literally two miles an hour and now I can't get out of this room I'm gonna gradually dismantle everything in the industrial district just to make this iron farm work come on I should also say actually a big big thank you to Mike em one two one three nine four for the hundred dollar super chat that is that really is much appreciated that's that's a huge huge amount of money so thank you ever so much I saw you did that earlier on in the livestream but I was trying my best to sort out all of the things that I was doing wrong because I was doing plenty of things wrong and to the person in the chat who said this will not work this will not work it will I can promise you I mean this this will definitely work oh there's a few things I still need to do on the iron farm I wonder if we can actually get this set up so that is producing iron straight away once we get six villagers in there then it can actually start producing iron which is quite interesting gradually here we go we are gradually making our way now to the corner hard left and pootle now I still haven't worked out an easy way to get these dudes in here as I said I wonder if it is to do something like this where we have another piston thing alright if I just leave my redstone box there then we can you just use redstone torches so then we have another thing like this way I have all my levers gone did I did I put those in there in the chest at the start all right we come in here boom and then we park up I mean that's got to be the way to do it surely know if we pop this guy out yes yes that is clearly the way to do it amazing okay so we have got two we've got two in the module that one took 9 minutes so we're actually getting slower somehow I've been live for 37 minutes you've got two villages in place but they are looking cool and that is that it's a good this is good this is excellent news right let's go grab the next villager and then ladies and gents will be three will be will be will be 10% of the way there 10% we would have done 10% which when you say it like that it doesn't sound like very much does it wouldn't it be great if you could just you could fit villagers with Elettra and you could just shoot them off and they would travel to a location that you decide like you you could go you could give them you give like a cartographer you could buy a map off of a cartographer like a special I don't know guidance map or something and then you could mark a spot on the map and the villager would just it doesn't he doesn't even need to fly there he could just walk there if he just wandered there it would taking them a long old time maybe you could just hire in like the help of the wandering villager and just sit on a llama and just chill out and move his way over there it would make life just the best you know oh yeah what's a good way to breed them the problem is I probably don't want to breed them the issue is is that if they start breeding we might end up with more than three there whoa well this village a breeder is working well okay we have to be super careful with that all those villages then because they've got they've probably got no health I'm gonna take this guy over there oh the thing is is that I don't want I don't want to breed up those villagers because there's a chance that if I throw food into the system they will breed too much and then we'll end up with too many villagers in that module which wouldn't be good use a lead on the boat why why should I use a lead on the boat you'll have to explain that one to me one to Punk you out there no would see what you're doing why are you going over there so wait they don't oh oh okay okay oh so they don't breed any more than they have beds is that the case I genuinely I know I'd forgotten how the new villager breeders work let's see they only breed when they're no because there has to be a spare bed for them to breed alright okay if that's the case then I'll take some carrots over and we can do it we can get this ball rolling because then that that reduces well that makes life a million times easier bed and food that is all okay I'll grab that then that's easy-peasy if we if we can do that then that reduces the number of things that we need to do by like twelve it takes it down by a third so it stays down to 20 villages which means it is now only gonna take 200 minutes which is like four four hours which is a huge is a huge improvement over the original five hours that I originally said now I think I have some carrots some potatoes over here what did I use up all of them up now I just got loads of Emeril's it's a genuine problem I have too many emeralds and I don't have I literally have nothing that they can use [Music] how much food how much food do they need they need they need a lot more don't they oh good point good point to the people in the chat so the issue it one of the issues is is that the baby villagers will escape so that's kind of a big problem because yeah we don't want any villagers just running off [Music] not a hundred percent certain yeah no there yeah I think I'm just gonna I think I'm just gonna move all of the villagers over we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way whoa that was a super one did you see that oh we see use a lead on a boat to carry two villagers at once that makes a whole lot of sense all right okay we'll try that out next time we'll get this we'll get this all sorted and then and then yeah we'll um we'll try that out you know I'm new to this I never said that I was gonna do good in it I even said at the start of the live stream this is gonna be a mess this is gonna be this oh geez you know I even said that the live stream that this the reason I'm doing this live stream is because this is nowhere near entertaining enough to make a home at craft episode but it's gonna take absolutely ages so I thought why not do a live stream so that you guys can can can can almost observe the pain with me you know you can you can enjoy watching me suffer and slip and slide on my boat path which ah we almost made it oh so so all the people in the chat who just play on Minecraft Pocket Edition you don't realize that yeah leads don't work on boats so there we go leads don't work on boats in Java editions so this is the thing oh the chat is it's it's one of the is one of the few it's something that you really have to adjust to when you start streaming things because I have a tendency to listen listen to everything the chat says when you kinda have to take into consideration that there is a high likelihood that a large number of the chat are wrong yeah I definitely need to uh I definitely need to do something about this both paths though that definitely seems like a a good way to go alright so apparently leads work on boats in Minecraft 1.15 but I don't know if you've noticed if we're in Minecraft 1.15 I definitely would not be doing iron farm related things right now I would be playing with honey blocks but we are definitely not in Minecraft 1.15 we are firmly in minecraft 1.14 and as I say if we were in Minecraft 1.15 I would not be doing this I would instead be building with honey blocks whereas that dude gone again he shoots all of them go straight into it okay oh gosh oh goodness me oh he's there this game this game if it wasn't so absolutely fantastic and absolutely brilliant I would be scratching my head as that how it is the the most is it one of the most sold games of all time it has to be by like a long that I mean it's got some unimaginably large number of players doesn't it I don't really keep up with that stuff I remember I remember when they sold 20 million copies of Java Edition that was pretty wild I think I can't remember when I I bought it so if I bought it in okay let's there's I'm gonna set you guys this one hopefully you get it right I imagine there'll be at least one person in chat who does get it right but then it's gonna be surrounded by people who get it wrong much like when I asked people how many how many calories are in one meter cubed of honey blocks I got I got answers ranging from like mmm like nine nine thousand through to like twenty three million you know four point three million came up quite a bit so I'm fairly confident that that is the correct answer but but the number of different answers I got and the methods that people used to get to them as well they're like well yeah I wanted to work out one meter cubed of honey so first off I worked out how much there would be in one square foot of honey and then I multiply and it's just what you do what are you doing what are you doing but what was I just talking about oh yeah okay so I started playing in in minecraft beta one point it was just just before Pistons got added so I think one point six how many how many copies of Minecraft have been sold then there's got to be like a graph somewhere Shirley has to be it has 154 million downloads that's a lot tetris has got 500 million though that's pretty crazy that is wild and then 500 people buying something you've made what's the real that must be really weird but surely you know are they counting all like the free apps on the App Store there as well if there's a lot there's a lot of Techdirt there's a lot of tetris knockoffs lying around all right fellas goodness me I've become an iron golem I think we can all agree that that was a pretty smooth move on the old the elderly try flying there okay ah ah oh gosh he's right there okay all right let's just take this easy I'm assuming no I can't can I not push him under there no that's kind of the point isn't it oh I can I cannot okay let's let's just let's be smart about this he is not going in is he hey it's so weird what do we do about this then okay I believe the boat here that's it I crash it oh my goodness all right let's let's make our way back around if this doesn't end in death I don't know what will all right easy does it that we go right can I break the boat one I'm in it no I think I just broke some redstone dust which that redstone dust is actually quite important what is a good strategy here what is a good strategy here well that guy's got in a bed how did he get there okay whatever we'll let it slide so maybe when they just go to bed if I just place them in like the area I need to make sure that they don't respawn out of the beds so if I if we just now okay yeah because I suppose that they will then part yeah look they're all in place so all I need to do is I need to make sure that I get them kind of onto these platforms then they'll go to sleep and then the only place that they can pop out of the bed is boom is there it's amazing I haven't died it's amazing I haven't I haven't died so far all right so we've got three villagers in place it's taken us 52 minutes I count as being good progress fifty-two minutes to get three villages in place at that speed we're in trouble because that is and we've only done 10% now it's impossible to take off you know what whatever I'm just gonna cruise on I'm just gonna keep on keepin on I'm just gonna chill out we're gonna chat about stuff I don't even know what we're gonna chat about there's AM there's a I actually car there's all sorts of stuff going on at the minute I know that minecraft Earth has just been released over in the u.s. how's that all going how many of you got that installed it's pretty wild isn't it it's pretty wild it's not without its like there's like it's it's just it's really strange to play in terms of it makes your head hurt because you start to think that there is actually minecraft in the world that you're in I actually showed it to my mum the other day I was around my mum's house and I was like oh yeah you know this minecraft Earth is now officially released and she was a little bit confused she thought it was like the sequel to Minecraft which is yeah it was very sweet but yeah and I was showing her and she was she was she was very impressed you can't believe how how cool it was that I could just start building things on the table in front of me people are saying they have it just downloaded it I love minecraft Earth pretty cool pretty cool and yet have it this is the thing see I don't I I genuinely don't know if it's been released in England yet because I have like the pre-released version of Minecraft earth because obviously we got we got to go to that that thing in London to just do like a first tryout which was wild it was so strange because I'll be honest I hadn't really seen much I had only seen as much as everyone else so it was really really cool to be able to actually go there and experience playing it for the first time and actually see what it's all about and it was super super interesting you know walking around Hyde Park picking up all the resources then being able to go into the hotel room start building things deal with like the attacks do all of like the full-scale builds and things it's so surreal when you build something of full scale and you can actually stand within it really really strange see people are talking about Pokemon in the chat and I I'm gonna say something here that's gonna offend some of you I have never I've never really played a Pokemon game before yeah like I'll be honest okay so apart from Call of Duty which I know is yeah I haven't played that in a long time but apart from Call of Duty minecraft is really the only game that I have fully like dived into in my entire life but that oh maybe Grand Theft Auto for a little while GTA 5 but even then I didn't complete the campaign I enjoyed playing it with my friends but yeah even then I I really it really was only it really was only only minecraft my minecraft has been obviously I have been playing minecraft non-stop for like the past how long I have my youtube channel now probably nearly eight years yeah be eight years April how crazy is that you'd think by now I'd be better at it you'd think by now I'd actually be able to play it effectively I'm sure it has a lot to do with me pressing shift with my thumb I'm gonna blame that for all the things like that that was to do with me pressing shift with my thumb oh this is not a good situation are you right back there my dude you know I really need to sort myself out with a bow oh he just took a direct hit I have to be super careful here maybe hmm I'm trying to think what would be small do you reckon it would be smart to do a minecart rail here I reckon a mine Crowell trail would just be faster in general I think there's a pretty high likelihood that a minecart rail would actually be faster in general and I've got quite a lot of rails left over so maybe when we get them to the nether we then transfer them over to being in mine carts and then we shoot them over with mine carts and then when they get over into the industrial district we also shoot them over in mine carts then get into a holding area where we then transport them by boat yeah that's that's er that's probably the smart move because this is not a fast way to move villagers in the slightest this is just it's painfully slow isn't it I'm just very gradually just slowly sliding along this is a mate it's amazing how slow this is actually at least you're not on sole sand I suppose okay all right here's the plan we're gonna set ourselves up with a minecart rail I hope you realized that this this is gonna be crazy expensive actually even if I just set up a minecart rail and then run behind it and push them that actually might be the best move because then I have like control over the villager he doesn't go into scary places yes that's smart that's the smart way to do it because powered rails is gonna look it's just gonna be a little bit all over the place another question is how am I going to get the I'm going to get the dude into the minecart I will worry about that once I have started doing it right here's what I'm thinking so we get how many regular rails do I have I have never cleared out for this part of my storage system okay we've got loads of powered rails though that's good I can start chucking some of these things out as well that's that's probably handy cool cool cool cool cool right powered rails and then yeah just regular regular rails so that means that we're gonna need how much iron probably a decent amount it's worth the investment of iron because it's going to repay Lots upon lots and lots of iron that's the this is the reason why we do it if we if we if we invest the iron and we make sure that there's tons upon tons of iron then we are then then yeah we're gonna be positive we're gonna be I am positive by the end of it all right because if we if we invest loaded loads of iron you know into this iron farm project then the iron farm produces loads of iron then we don't have to worry about the iron that we invested that's just our business 101 first first day we're gonna need more than that though we're gonna need to buy him I for some reason I have loads of iron I don't really know where it's all come from I did have iron blocks kind of lying around I probably stole them from suhara almost all my good stuff is stolen from Sahara I'm joking by the way in case s Cal and grant are watching what we think in surely that's enough I mean it's quite a long way why do I need black concrete you can get rid of that and that a single stone button oh my goodness those they're probably pretty handy and then that and the three iron I kind of want that button no I don't need that button because we've got loads loads of stone okay it is quite hilarious how bad I still am minecraft but I forget my inventory and skills like it's like day one is almost like day one you know I I genuinely I have the worst inventory management skills on the planet should I sleep come on see this is what I mean people are saying people are saying that that I can't place I mine contrails and ice but that's that's not true I can place my contrails and ice as long as it's packed ice which has packed ice so I'm not the only one that's wrong here finally you had rails in your villager trading show because that's a good point it's right as I say I have so much iron the only thing the only thing there's no consumables there because there's sticks and produced by the witch farm so I have thousands and thousands of those and iron is going to be produced by the own farm so I could literally spend all of my iron finishing up this project and by the end of it I would still have loads of iron because it's a nine farm project it's all about return on investment all right let's do this then let's do this I mean I guess I I probably should put powered rails in place down here there's not gonna be much kind of method to where I place them I'm just gonna place them I'm not gonna measure things out I'm not gonna find the optimal the optimal route I will just place them every now and again I don't really have any way to power them other than redstone torches but when I go and get my redstone shocker box then I can get some levers and things I told you you could place rails on things I was right you were wrong in the chats well people are telling me about traps on the hermitcraft server I feel like I shouldn't actually be reading that because that's kind of unfair you know part of the fun of a trap he's not knowing that there's any of them you know one thing that I've noticed is that one especially while I'm doing live streams and things I moved my legs a lot I would honestly like to know how many steps my Fitbit would register if it was ankle mounted I suppose I'm not really taking these steps my legs are all over the place like I literally sit here like swinging my legs around I always feel like forget a facecam I should just have a leg cam you just see now that that's probably that's a dangerous path but um but yeah I feel like I should just have a leg cam where I'm yeah I'm just flailing about I'm really doing like yoga underneath my desk but not very good yoga and it's very repetitive I'm just a big fidgeter I've always been one of those people that I I'm always doing something with my hands I'm fiddling with pens I'm taking pen lids off of pens I'm snapping things you know every single one of my pens has had like the clip snapped off it because I just fiddle with it and then I think this clip and I and then I do it and then I regret it because it looks really ugly there's like a little plastic nib up at the top it's just bent bent and broken away and it's up well now I've ruined my pen I actually used to be really into pet this is a weird thing about me so I get like strangely obsessed with things as you probably know to be honest with you like the honey blocks has been a bit of an obsession with mine obviously classic cars as big session with mine filming is obviously a big obsession with mine as of recently Brazilian Jujitsu has become like the latest obsession of mine but there was a time when I actually got really interested in fancy pens which is like the stupidest thing okay no I'd like that that sounded rude because you have to remember I was one of I was one of the people that was stupidly interested in fancy pens okay so I'm allowed to say it I really got into like pens and which pens are nice to hold in the hand and the best the best ink cartridges the smoothest ones which makes no sense because I don't really I don't do any writing I can understand if I was like a writer and I was constantly using pens I don't I barely other than I write out all my YouTube video ideas and things like that in my youtube notebook that's the only writing I do it's not like I'm some kind of like someone that's writing all day I don't know why I put so much time and effort into doing research into various different pen types and which ones were the best and which ones had the best heft but I did because and this was also this was not like you have to remember I'm quite young I'm only I'm 23 it's my birthday in two weeks and I'm gonna be 24 but this was when I was like 18 when everyone else is like getting really interested in you know going out partying and everything like that I was at home looking up various ink cartridges and witch ink cartridges will fit my pens and which ones are recommended by pen aficionados which is I mean you do you you know if you're into that sort of stuff you far away but all I'm saying is it was just a strange strange part of my life you know I once also it was also a little bit embarrassing because there was this one time there was just what this is embarrassing I once bought a ridiculously fancy pen and it was a really it was quite expensive it was a it was a obnoxiously large amount of money to pay for a pen we're not talking like thousands of pounds I didn't come in in like it with a diamond-encrusted pen but it was over a hundred pounds to spend on a pen which is like a hundred and thirty dollars and this is when I was in college and I it wasn't I wasn't earning I wasn't earning crazy money I just thought that that's what I wanted and I bought it and I just thought I was at college at the time a sixth form college and I used this back in class right and I was sat there using it and I was looking at this pen and it was like made of like fluted wood and it had I had like it was it had it had really shiny like glossy metal and and like a really beautiful it was pure it was beautiful but I was sat there in my hoodie in jeans and my vans with this just ridiculous ban the stupidly ornate pen in front of me and I was writing just doing my physics work in it and I was like at that point I was like this is stupid what am i doing I felt embarrassed and and though I you know I got plenty of comments on my pen that day and then that evening I was like I can't be having this so I sent it back as I can't do that I can't I hope me using a pen like this do I think I am it's ridiculous so yeah and that ended my pen obsession so that's it that's the story of my really nice pen I'm you might even be able to scroll back on my Instagram I think I've got a picture of it it's called a graph on favor pen there's quite a famous type of pen anyway what did I come here for I came here for power power things no it was not that it was not a fountain pen it was a rollerball pen or yeah ballpoint it was just a nice one it was made out of all sorts of wood and and and shiny shiny metal but it was so it was so obnoxious just it was a ridiculous thing to own so yeah and I don't know anymore I I got rid of it I still I you know it's funny because I I still do use if we're gonna talk if we're gonna talk pens now alright which clearly I'm still continuing this on I don't know how long I can continue talking about pens until I run out of viewers I'm just sat here on my own 17,000 people too now but I still use like okay pens I have a Waterman Paris that's the one that I tend to use right now and it's it's a right it's quite a nice pen it's nicer than just using a regular biro but still is um yeah I'm not going back for the days of of serious expenditure on pens okay I've got everything I might actually grab some redstone blocks there's probably not a bad bad move Hey look there you go I'm 22 and I never write but I still love fancy pens and mounds and pens fair play to you more power to you let's grab ourselves some firework rockets and then I'm gonna have to shoot over to my redstone box and we gonna have to pick up gonna have to pick up that do I not have anymore Rockets where do I put all of them did I put all of them into the thing who knows yet this is the okay this is the last this is the last pen related thing I promise the good thing about having a fancy pen is that a I mean okay like you don't lose it but you always know where it is which is nice okay you're aware of it even this pen that I've got right now which isn't overly fancy is fancier than most pens you know it's like a nice like brushed aluminium design with a little bit of like I guess it wouldn't be Chrome but it'll be something else summer nail shine II and it's a nice looking pen and that means that whenever I want to write something down I look for that pen and I know where I put that pen so you don't lose it whereas if you have a hundred by rose you know the map the amount of money that you probably spend over your lifetime on a hundred how many by Rose directing you loose probably like three hundred how many by Rose drinking you've lost in your lifetime if you're like a frequent biro user how many by Rose directing you go through and this is that even talking about the environment or waste I'm stuffing I'm gonna stop talking about pens now is it this is this is a subject that maybe nine of the 17,000 people who are watching are actually interested in but you know sometimes you know you have to talk about you have to talk about stuff you can't just talk about minecraft the whole time because that does get you know I'm playing Minecraft I know if I'm talking about Minecraft as well then that's just double minecraft going on you start getting square eyes remember when that was a thing oh this is a good question so there's a lot of you who are probably watching who is slightly younger than me so when I was when I was younger there was always this threat it's like don't sit too close to the TV because you'll get square eyes and don't don't watch TV for so long because you'll get square eyes and things that was always a threat which obviously is is a lie hey I want to know is that threat still around so anyone who's under the age of 18 right now is it still a thing that people tell you you know you can't can't see I mean I don't know what I was doing to sit that close to the TV I must have been like nose to the glass but is that a thing so that's that's the that's the first that's the first question and B what happened to that like now the whole world has changed it used to be back when I was a kid that I would very rarely do anything that related to me looking at a screen I didn't really watch TV because TV other than like cartoons and things I didn't have Cartoon Network when I was a kid so other than the occasional cartoon that I could catch on like CBBC which were always a little bit childish and they weren't as good as the ones on Cartoon Network apart from those now I didn't care about TV I don't watch TV it was all like adult programs like EastEnders and Coronation Street which I've realized now I only things that people from England are gonna know about but it was all like it was all like yeah just stuff that wasn't interesting so I never really watch TV I only had a Playstation one and games you could complete them within like four hours back then or at least a lot of them so I kind of played that very occasionally I had Colin McRae Rally which I did enjoy but it was very very difficult I just enjoyed the fact that in Colin McRae Rally and also like burnout 3 you the damage of your car showed up so I also had like Need for Speed and things like that and that didn't show damage at least Need for Speed Underground 2 didn't but then I think most wanted you could damage your car cause he had to pay to pay to fix it yeah I think yeah I think you did but those are the sorts of games that I played but yeah outside of that I didn't really pay them that often most of my time honestly I can't even remember not okay so this is the sort of stuff that I used to do this is how bored we used to be as kids because I feel like I'm gonna say a really old person statement here right but this is uh I'm gonna say kids these days I can't believe I'm going to saying it they don't feel I feel like you guys don't get bored because there's so much to do but you like you can watch a live stream and you can watch it for five hours and not bored and then you can you can hop on your xbox when you get tired of that and you can meet up with some friends and then you can start watching you your videos and then once you finish watching YouTube videos you can whip out your phone and play candy crush and then you can do minecraft Earth and then you can do this and then and then like there's no opportunity to be bought you can browse Instagram for a little while tweet your mates snapchat everyone put some dog ears on some filters and things you know just do do things to entertain you whereas when I was a kid okay there were you know yeah yo you ring your friend and his mum answers and then you're like can I speak to it can I speak to Liam please can I speak to Jack please are they around and then they would either say yes or no or they can't go out today because they're doing their homework and things and then you would you would then you know you'd meet up you'd play down the road for a little bit if it was raining you'd be stuck indoors and literally if no one was around if nobody picked up the phone I love the okay boomers by the way that's hilarious I'm not a Boomer but that is funny these are probably my statements but yet and I'm not even that much older than you guys I'm 23 I'm 23 so I'm not even that old but it's still a different world because as I say when I was a kid I would get bored I used to make like marble runs right out of toilet paper tubes do you know a marble run is you probably don't is it literally it is where you put a marble into it and then it runs down like a slide for a marble okay that's the stuff that I used to do and I used to make it have I used to make it out of masking tape and toilet paper tubes and things that was what I did for entertainment I don't know and as I say I'm not even that old I remember getting broadband for the first time probably my statements here I do though I remember it because my mum my mum got it for us for Christmas and I remember oh yeah I remember it was my yeah it was Christmas and my mum was like look we've got this and it was like a broadband box and I was like this looks terrible but why do I want that well that is it was just had green lights on it and was like that's the internet you know you can connect to the internet I don't know well the internet is you know when I was like five or six I wish I still had this file I actually wrote like a mem memoir of my life I came back here for some reason I can't mean what it was firework rockets maybe oh yeah I wrote a memoir of my life and all the things that had happened in my life so far when I was like five that's how bored we were all right to the point where I literally used to use Microsoft Word for fun so ya know there we go you know hey at least there's some people in the chat who have made marble runs somebody just called me a fossil which brings me onto another thing that I used to I used to go fossil hunting now that make that sounds exciting okay and it does it does sound exciting that sounds like that would be an activity that could actually lead to some interesting stuff you find in fossils that's crazy you find actual old dinosaur bones that's pretty nuts yeah it would have been nuts if I was actually finding fossils and not just rocks that maybe look like bones you know this is the stuff that I used to do just pretty much it okay anyway aside from me being an old man I feel like such an old man saying all this stuff it's crazy cuz you know I'm as I said I'm only 22 that date and to some of you that that's probably seems super old cuz I remember when I was like 15 16 I was like do they know what's going on imagine being 22 imagine how grown-up you'll feel you never feel grown up I can promise you that I've come to terms the fact that you never feel grown-up and that's great you know how you feel right now I'm sure there's a lot of you watching this right now who I I'd say at like the age of 11 to 12 that's how she probably the most grown-up that you feel because you know 11 to 12 year olds are always they think they know everything it's really funny it's funny how you go through the ages and there's certain ages where you feel like you know everything like when you're when you're the highest year at school you're like I know everything I my parents no nothing like no nobody older than me knows nothing like you you think you're the you're the one and then you quickly realize that actually that's totally not the case I look back at some of the things that I did when I was like 16 15 when I thought I knew best and I did not it's just how it goes I'm sure in ten years time I'll be like what was I thinking then what was I thinking then what was I doing I'm sure I'll look back at this live stream and be like what am I thinking right now what is he even looking for come on get yourself together I'm looking for grass I want to use some glass because we need to transport the boat up into the minecart that is what I'm doing by the way okay yeah let 26 here can confirm so you let people nobody knows what's going on I can promise ya and by the way okay I want to warn you of something if you meet someone right who thinks that they know what's going on right who thinks that they have everything worked out stay far away from them because they're they're the people that you have to be wary of because they're the people that aren't open to growth like seriously that the best way to be like AHA what a good functioning person is to think that you don't know what's going on and be very very open just not suggestion because that's not the right term but be very very open to change your your beliefs and how you feel about the world when presented with new information because if you don't do that then you're really going to be in trouble and you know I know we went pretty deep we weren't pretty deep pretty quick there but that's that's honestly that's how I feel about it if you meet someone who says that they've got it all worked out and stay away stay away from them that is scary they're probably a cult they're probably a cult leader be wary of that stuff if someone comes up to you and says you know what I have all the answers I have everything worked out I know what's going on you joined the cult yeah stay away from that all right if you meet someone who's like I don't know wondered you know I'm just I'm just I'm playing it by ear you know tell me what to do and I'll think about it they're the people that you want to chat with all right anyway that aside let's try and get this worked out then so we need to take the dude over by boat and then put him in the mine car I guess you should probably do the other minecart rail as well actually say that we don't have to faff about on the other side I'm glad I'm glad that there's other people there yeah I'm glad that there's other people who did unsuccessful yeah fossil hunting in the past I'm getting a lot of people they said they used to go fossil hunting yeah I didn't really used to find anything imagine the craziness of actually finding a fossil if you're liking it if you're if you're 11 he just got out fossil hunting normally you find stones I bet actually there's probably a high likelihood but I picked up a fossil at some point or some form of old old bone of something and I threw it away because it didn't look quite as much like a bone as the other white rocks that I was picking up that's that's probably the highest likelihood I've been pretty dangerous got someone asking what's my birthday my birthday is December the 1st so pretty soon actually as I say gonna be turning 24 that's not really a big one I actually forget how old I am all the time genuinely you when you get when you get to the age that I am you genuinely start to forget how old you actually are okay do you reckon we boat the dude up to here it's a boat him up to there and then put him in a minecart I know what I'm doing I'm a professional this stuff been doing this for years I've been moving villages for years probably have actually we've meant to be like an overstatement but I've yeah I genuinely have been probably miss when was the first time that I actually did religious stuff I think it was homemade craft season for because I told this story in the previous hermit craft episode I used to just literally ignore that villagers even existed in Minecraft didn't even think about them didn't care for them it's not I didn't care for them I was just I was intimidated by them I found them confusing I didn't understand how their mechanics worked I just didn't get it so I never used to do anything with villagers and then I did the iron foundry which was one of the the tango tech iron farms at the time and that and that needed villagers and then hilariously yeah I I actually got red eyes who was a member of the Hermit craft server to move the villagers in for me because I was I was too scared to even touch them so I think the first time that I actually did anything seriously village of related was having craft season for I don't know why I went through the nether portal then I thought I needed to do something but then I've just realised I still need to do the entire minecart rail I was gonna pick this dude up we were gonna go straight through but yeah also I see I see all of this okay I see you writing in the chat that I need the observers I'm aware I need to stock the observers at some point don't you worry I will get to it it's powered rail rails it is interesting though see look this stream has been going on for an hour and 25 minutes this is actually something that I I don't really talk about too often but I always find it interesting because you know if I keep mentioning it in video videos and things then it sounds a bit it wouldn't sound complain me that's not the case but it would just sound a little bit with these live streams and things I think do a really great job at highlighting just how long it takes to do things in Minecraft like a large scale and you really well I think with YouTube videos and things you can occasionally lose track of how big certain projects are and this is by no means this this is genuinely quite a small project like this is not a big thing it took me one episode to actually build up the entire farm itself and then it will probably take me another one or two episodes to actually get everything fully working that is not that's not particularly big project in the grand scheme of things but as you can see we have been live streaming for an hour and 26 minutes so far and I have moved three villagers into place and I did stuff before the episode getting everything mapped out and getting all of these these these lines in place so that just shows you just it it's like in a video if I had spent I don't know because I I mean normally it takes about between probably starting around about if if I only spend six hours on an episode that is a quick episode for me to do and I always I don't really like doing those because it feels I know they feel a little bit they just don't feel as good as my other episodes where I really I feel comfortable when I spend between kind of 10 to 12 hours on a hermit craft episode that's when I'm like that's a good episode and then anything past that weirdly enough at least for me now this doesn't apply to some of the other hammocks I'm sure but I've you know I'm speaking from personal experience here weirdly enough for me I feel like it's kind of diminishing returns in that the episode weirdly gets worse because you start to lose you start to lose any idea of how much has gone into it you know like for example I would say right if I spent say like 18 hours on an episode and three or four or even five of the hours were spent doing the villagers because that's not very interesting content you would see in the episode I'd be like right I'm gonna get all the villagers in place and then in the next clip it would be like all the villagers are in and in that time I would have spent five hours getting all 30 villages in place and I feel like you lose some of the magnitude there but as I say different different video styles for different people you know it's kind of like a sweet spot for everyone really there's some people that can literally hit record play on the minecraft server or there's not many there's not really many people on the hammer craft server to do this but there's people that do it successfully they literally just they record everything and they will make like a 20 minute episode of them playing minecraft where it's just 20 minutes of uncut minecraft plan and they don't really make too much progress but that's not the point of the episode you see what I mean there's there's all sorts of different styles of playing like the way that I play on a hermit craft and the way that I make Minecraft videos is I like to make at least some decent progress in my episodes there's some people like the side craft guys for example who will make tons upon tons upon tons of progress in an episode and you'll see like an entire enormous project get completed within one episode and that's that's cool in itself and then there's some people that are just entertainers and they're just there to just chill out and chat and they'll chat for 20 minutes while doing some digging or creating a hole or something and then that'll be it that'll be the episode done now don't get me wrong I do sometimes wish that I could make episodes like that sometimes because sometimes you know making a hermit craft episode knowing that you have to spend like the next 10 to 12 hours working on something especially if I'm running late now if if I'm like I really wanna get a hermit craft episode done tomorrow and then I know that I have to plan out the episode get it all worked out and then I have to spend all that time doing it because that's one other thing about making YouTube videos and things dude if you only knew how much time I spend planning out videos it's honestly I would say it's about 30 70 I I would say I would say that nobody spouts from 40 60 I would say that's 40% of my time is spent actually coming up with ideas genuinely just sat there right like staring at my notebook just trying to think of ideas for videos it's a lot of time that gets spent there and the way that I the way that I come up with ideas for videos is just that this is just a tip for anyone who's great in content and things and the way that I come up with ideas for videos is that I will write for almost every single video that I do unless I literally write down a video and I go oh that's fun that is like oh that's a hot video I want to make that unless I have that feeling oh gosh oh how did that come about what the heck did he hit the roof all right whatever yeah if unless I come up with a video where I'm just like oh this is the best amazing I'm good to go unless I come up with a video like that then I will generally write out about 10 redstone video ideas for every redstone video that I make you know because it's almost like it's like it's like the theory of over sampling you know if you come up with 10 ideas there has to be at least one half decent one in the mix that's kind of how I go I don't want sometimes I make mistakes you know sometimes I put out a video and I'm like what I think that was a good idea that was terrible that's how it goes see you know you're not gonna hit everything I've done like nearly 2,000 videos now so yeah there's still there's still some pretty pants ideas out there but for the most part that's that's kind of a strategy that works but that doesn't mean that I have to come up with 10 redstone like unique redstone ideas for every single video that I do which means that a lot of time gets spent ingot of ideas basically and then it's the same with hermit craft you know the reason that I've been doing far more honey block based content lately the hermit content is simply poke because honey blocks are brand new in the game I have all sorts of crazy ideas of things that I can do with them and everything like that it's really easy to come up with ideas because it's a totally new technology some flying houses you know self building bridges but I blog do this and all these ideas are firing off in my head in my notebooks just overflowing with redstone ideas where I was on hermitcraft it's pretty chill at the minute and I've finished quite a lot of my large-scale projects that I was working on so it means that I'm kind of in that transitional period where sometimes ideas for episode can be a little bit tricky to come by and that is why I just made so much honey block content and that's kind of the change that I've made this year with my content in that before I would force myself to stick to a schedule of doing three hermitcraft episodes a week and three redstone videos a week and when you're sticking to such like a kind of a way of a brutal schedule in that that's a lot that's a high volume of content sometimes you would have to roll with an idea for a video that you kind of alike good sometimes you'd have to roll with that just because you have to get the video done whereas now I'm a little bit more kind of relaxed on my schedule I'm much more happy to be like you know what actually I'm not ready to make a video today I'd rather try and come up with some ideas and then put out a really really solid video when the idea comes that's actually great so that's kind of been my logic for this year and I think it's done it's done really really well and I think the content that I produce has been like a gazillion times better because of it and yeah I don't know how we got onto that really but I thought I would talk about you because it is interesting you know the process of being a youtuber is a bit of a weird one because it's quite a new thing you know even still like the oldest the most original youtubers have only been doing it for like you know 10 years at the maximum so it's still quite a new kind of platform let's see if this will will this even work does that dude literally holding that in place like I'm crazy here that's powered the village here isn't moving and he's definitely not in the minecart okay oh oh oh we saved it I don't know how I managed to save that so I think I need to I actually can't remember how to make a mind can't pick up station how crazy this I mean I've done I obviously I know how to do the ones that I always use all the time it's nothing to do with a glass cuz that doesn't that doesn't affect the movement of the villager let's have a look then you know it's funny like this is the UM so Vicki and Kubo have gone out today I was planning this live stream regardless it but they then yeah Vicki went out the house and she took Cooper and I have to say there it is it's so much easier the thing is Cooper is so distracting because he's so adorable and he's just the best I love chilling with him and the thing is he comes into my office all the time like he'll bang on the door and then you know I can't just not Peyton so I have to do I have to try out with him for a little bit but what you're in a live stream obviously I can't tell Cooper my dog hey live stream mate you know I'm live I can't really do this it'll just it'll be confused so I'm quite glad that he's actually out the house as adorable as that would have been you know you would have hear you've heard him yeah but I got to say like what an experience it's been a dog you know that like what that is something that forces you to grow up pretty fast seriously like this is it's so wow I left that stone now I'm such I'm a useless minecraft player I really have but yeah like what I think that forces you to grow up quick you have literally a an animal that is entirely dependent on on yeah on you looking after them and you know you have to feed them you have to make sure that you allow them to go out the toilet you have to look after them we can't leave them alone for too long it's a huge huge responsibility more so than I even really expected I knew it was gonna be a large responsibility but as I say it's like even more than I than I expected but it's also been one of the most rewarding things that I yeah I've ever really done dude would you just stop chilling out in that hole it's literally like he teases me there we go yeah and I'm well there's lots of people in there chat saying wait till you get kids I'm sure I can I can imagine cuz yeah Kubo's nightmare enough that dude just stole my bed all right come out of the Shocker box maze please there it is we're getting good at this I feel like this is still way slower than the original but we are getting there all right Oh I can't believe how crazy this launcher is sometimes right was i planning on going round okay I'll go round goodness me I genuinely think this is slower than just going on boat alone and I'm serious he's half in the glass and he's also not going to he's not gonna get in that minecart so we need to do something like this so this is the problem when you're going in and out of the nether and things like that is the transitions okay I guess you could place a redstone block here whenever we want to do it and then we drop in the minecart we give it a nudge and he gets stuck hmm he's gotten stuck bear oh he got stuck because that's unpowered all right okay that's a good reason to get stuck I was gonna say there's no way it's to do with the glass that doesn't make any sense okay so that's not powered so if I push him now and then we replace this glass because we need him to stand there and then I give him a push now oh where does this go where does this go I don't know if I finished it how I did that might be a little bit too quick though hey this is working though so if I get him to just chill down here ah I mean I couldn't have planned that better I could not have planned that better so there we go we've got a villager in place so he's cruising wicked all right so then we just have to do that how many more times 26 26 more times this is silly yeah no I I mean I've I've been reading through the chat I have seen that apparently the trade portal is is not a good place to go so I'll keep that in mind I also really need to use glass for all this stuff that's probably smart all right eh then let's go go go go go I'm doing having quite a fun time though this is like I'm enjoying the fact that I can just chill and like we can literally just chill out we're all chilling together just imagine we're all in a big room you know we're just we're chillin now I think that I have been watching gaming content before watching gaming content was a thing because I I tell you what like I I was always that kid and you can let me know in the chat about this because I don't know if I'm weird here I'd probably am a lot of the things I say people like no dude that'sthat's weird mate you're weird alright but whenever I used to play games with my friends I would never want to be the one playing the game I always I was I never wanted to be the one who was actually playing it I always wanted to be the one that was watching it which is funny because now I make content obviously of me playing games so it's kind of like the total opposite but yeah I always wanted to be the one who was yeah who was who was watching I didn't I didn't care about I didn't care about playing I just wanted to watch I'm curious is that something that that was the same for you or what all of you like [Music] my turn it's my turn I want to play that I was the most chilled kid I was like no no you can have another game I don't care I'm happy to just watch used to do that all the time of my cousin my cousin would have games like Red Dead Redemption I'd watch him play left 4 dead and actually go to the point where it was annoying for my cousin because left 4 dead which is a zombie game is that way better when you're playing with more than one person right it's way better collaboratively and I'd be like now I have fancy playing like I just want to I'd rather watch you and he's like dude no it's more fun if two people play I'm right now I'm good watching he'll be like no dude you're ruining my experience it's not like you know you're not making this better for me you're not giving me more game time but I'm I'm I know what I'd I wouldn't I wouldn't play with you together I was like dude no it's fine I'm happy watching we'll just watch so yeah yeah it was actually to the point where it was yeah it almost took it too far some would say I took it too far cool what on earth happened there did you see that oh my goodness I got so lucky then I'm watching it back on my own live stream here how did that happen that was that was bizarre I've I don't even know what happened there that was like okay oh I did not know that was a thing I'm being pushed into being in cruel mode and that's just entirely due to the bow is it that it's pretty crazy I had no idea that that was a thing but like I genuinely didn't realize that I could be oh goodness me that's so strange so a boat actually puts you into crawl mode wild I'll have to look into that that could be useful from like a a redstone perspective you know this does not make my life easier though all right let's grab the glass so we literally have to do it very much step by step I genuinely am wondering if the time saved I mean not being in a boat almost gets lost to the fact that I have to faff so much it's literally non-stop faffing that I have to push this guy properly in there he's not properly in there so I can't close him in its not to go even further almost died right there we go pop them out the mind problem at the boat shut down a minecart that shoots off pickup boat I don't know if it's faster I mean it's definitely it's definitely a lot more like it's nowhere near as acts is nowhere near as accident-prone you know like there's there's far less opportunity for me to just completely blitzkrieg myself and the villager but it's is is it's broadly more frustrating it's more hassle we're gonna have to time the next one when did I start this one I would say we're probably on about five minutes already but I would say that my blood pressure is lower you know I'm not stressing quite as much as I was so that is a positive you know I don't have to be like panicked like oh gosh and now I'm not using a I'm not using a term of undying because that's for our amateurs and I'm no amateur if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die like a man also I genuinely am quite excited to be dead but I know that's not very sportsman leave me okay I'm well aware of this but I would rather be dead than alive in demise all right so we've gone through grab a boat how have you this is what I don't get about villages when they go through portals how do they get to the places that they get to so quickly like you come through the portal it's been it's been four nanoseconds since the guy went through the portal and then you come through there and he's on the other side of the room [Music] ah look at this well this all worked out I got this all worked out there's no reason for me to have a roof on this okay when in doubt just use Rockets can you can you can you imagine playing Minecraft without the Electra one nightmare experience that would be pop him out did I not pick that up my full inventory those two can go it's so have you seen how much muscle memory I have here every single time I've tried to get back into this room I've tried to go through the door despite the fact that I know I know for a fact that the door is like there's a massive gaping hole there you know there's there's I don't have to go through the door but every single time I try and go through the law it's ridiculous my up we pop then we need the minecart we need Oh see this is what I mean I'm just a useless minecart placer minecart boom villager on the move I'm not sure how long that's taken that feels like it's probably one of my fastest ones I'm actually gonna time the next one once this dude is in place you're there with your mate pop get your minecart yes okay so that's the way to do that that's smart so now that we understand that mine carts are way less finicky than boats in terms of getting the villager in and out that's that's one thing's for certain but then once I get back over to my base I'm then going we're going to start counting up how long this takes and then we'll calculate the total amount of time that will need to be spent on this project to get it working and whether or not I should just build a village breeder over there which may be smart I mean now that I actually have enough villages over there to actually build it that might be an intelligent thing to do but I still feel like oh oh what we could do is we get we could cart the husk over all right how about this what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna finish up what could I do so I could I'm gonna finish up this module because there's two of the villages in there and then we could actually go out husk hunting because then if we do that then we'll have one module in place and it will actually be producing iron will only be one module but it will be producing iron which is um that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so our little iron farm will actually have started producing things and then we can look into the potential of getting more villagers or potential of yeah not this the case may be right okay are you ready for this this is gonna be like a speedrun so I've got all this I can know I can throw that out and I can throw that out they can be my things that I need and I need okay redstone torches we don't need as much all right here comes the speedrun all right so we've been live streaming for one hour and let's say 52 minutes just for ease all right so that means that yeah if we if we finish this at two hours and two minutes then that means it's taken ten minutes but I am aiming for five minutes I would my goal is to get it down to five minutes how many villages have we done so far we've done five out of thirty all right so it's taking 16 seconds so far it's taken 16 seconds so far how it takes 30 seconds to get over here this is this is the bit that I thought was lightning fast but that's actually quite a long time all right boom boom I'm very curious as to what oh did I kill my no I didn't kill the villager that would have been a rubbish start wouldn't it right pop out push push push in he goes okay this is good then we've gotten off to a really strong start here so next up villager he's there actually makes life a little bit easier can't place my boat know where I can place my boat my boats got invisible okay he's in I've killed him no I haven't he's taken so many hits he's taken so many hits in return for good speed okay alright alright boom boom hop out use firework rockets or break glass pop him out of the boat pick up boat I'm thinking can you tell how much I'm concentrating right now it is ridiculous alright we are two minutes in this is this is lightning fast actually to be honest with you if we can keep up the pace here we might be in for a five minute err what did I say it was 1 minute one hour 52 that we had been live streaming so this is yeah we're now two minutes and five seconds can't take off all right there he is so I'm gonna hopefully beat him there so that I can be ready to get him out of his mind cart that's my goal where is he Oh arey gums okay so we are approaching three minutes he's just shot through boom okay so we've got him we've got him into the industrial district we are now at I think about three minutes that's that get in the boat no no the first oh gosh the first error if we can get them in the boat there no no no this is really costing us some time where do you go seriously where'd he he's just gone through the nether isn't he I'll know I think we were doing so well as well we would do really really well okay get back in get back in the get back in there go in now is there a cooldown time is this some kind of sick joke go No we've burned it okay okay so we've ruined we've ruined a little challenge he's really is it like a minute what is this or is he broken how could this get any worse seriously no what okay no what is going on with this guy it's not four minutes no it's not it's not four minutes it can't be four minutes that's I mean that's that is hilarious if that is the case but it can't be has he gone through oh he's gone through let's keep going all right so we are now at five minutes we've still this is still a good time all right this is still with my boats gone invisible you just have to laugh you just literally just have to laugh right okay so we're still with the the thing is we're still onto a winner here all right if I can just nail this next bit oh my goodness oh the redstone bro Oh make it stop make it stop I don't want to be a part of this anymore alright backing up backing up going under okay firework rocket we know the drill boom boom minecart boom boom you choose not to work now the system that I've been using there it is he's off he's gone alright oh I mean goodness me things could have been smoother I've land on the wrong platform things could definitely have been smoother he almost went off the edge I almost went off the edge I said things could have been smoother alright we're at six and a half minutes if I can just learned and pop this if I could just learn and pop this guy off his wife then that would be great okay okay well we did it we did it in seven minutes not the not the worst you know bad is bad it's not good I mean it wasn't good and but I feel like we could have done that wait like a million times better like probably about at least a million times better I I mean I'm actually in Bao I'm embarrassed by my performance there I feel like I let not only let myself down I let the viewers down I let I let my team down I don't have a team and then you know what that's one thing that I've never had on my youtube channel other than like Vicky so Vicky Vicky works me and she helps me out mainly on the filming stuff to be honest with you but also is helping out on some merchandise stuff in the future yeah I've never had like a team you know you hear youtubers is I'll get my team to her to work on that you know my team will get in touch with your team it's a team yeah yeah it's me I don't know maybe I'm the one that's there's not got it sorted out there because I you know what I am The that has to I do everything I have to do with everything on my youtube channel but you know that to me weirdly enough is like that's part of what makes YouTube a cool platform is that it is just as YouTube isn't it it's you find it weird that that youtubers and it's not I find it weird because I don't judge anyone who has a team it makes total sense I kind of wish I had a team so there are some days where I'm like dude I wish I had a team how nice it would be if I didn't have to no no see this is everything I say I say things jokingly and this is as a joke imagine how nice it would be if I didn't have to build the redstone contraptions for my videos and then a team just built them for me like just how crazy that that's like that make their big life a lot easier but I don't and then that means that I spend 15 hours working on redstone contraptions and things with walking spider legs and things but that's what I enjoy so that it's kind of you know even though it does take a lot of time like I loved the process of doing it and I also I like the fact that when I upload a video you guys know that this is something that I've worked on that I'm interested in that I've I've toiled over I like that I feel like some of the essence of the videos would be lost a little bit if if yeah if you--if I uploaded a video and then you found out that actually you know my team they're the ones that had put in 15 hours building it and I had just sat back and then when it was done I then came in and recorded the video I feel like some of the essence would be lost there but maybe you know I'm old school you know I'm old school I'm super averse to anyone I have like total I'm bit of like a control person oh by the way okay so two hours and two minutes so it actually kind of takes ten minutes because it takes it takes a certain amount of time to get back and go to the other one I suppose I read it an entire minecart rail though so that's a little bit different yeah I mean yeah like I it seems like people in the chat are kind of agreeing with me here and so I just I don't know I I get I get the feeling that that part of the fun of my videos and the thing that a lot of you enjoy about my videos is the fact that you are literally watching me I tend to like be pulling my hair out trying to work out solutions to redstone problems and things and I think that some of the enjoyment of my videos is knowing that I'm the one that's doing that you know I like it is me it is not a team of people who are doing it and I'm not just turning up and just recalling what they've done it's like this is this is my thing and it also means that I have creative license to just build ridiculous stupid things that I think are just really daft like for example you know imagine if I had a team and I came up with the idea for the 30 things that you can't do with honey blocks that is so deadly but like that was a total goofy video it was it was a joke like that was the point it was a silly video because I had done so many videos about things that you could do with honey blocks and things so I just came up with this silly idea about that no I think I think if I had a team they probably were to tell me no Wow how did that happen no yeah no I want you to get in the boat mate I wish I had a team to help me move these villages though after all that please who wants to join my team all right that's break place Papa mount my boats brilliant there's no boom shoot and he is on the move he's on the move we've spent three minutes so far I'm losing my marbles oh gosh everyone's joining it wanted you on my team sorry guys I'm not I'm not due to all the men it's so funny isn't it I say I say all these reasons why I'm not having a team and I don't have a team on my YouTube channel and then I joke saying that you know does anyone want to join my team and I'm sure there's at least some people out there who are applying to this right now who are very deadly serious they're like I'm I want to join let me in it's like when I say you know the way that you get onto the hermitcraft server is just by sending in a scanner to sending a scaler tweet the number of tweets that unfortunately this car would then get it's quite high as the problem sarcasm just doesn't really translate over the internet sometimes does it the dude is on his way oh gosh what on earth are you doing you absolute Wasik that's it that's it make your way back no no I mean it's my fault I totally should have blocked that up I guess I could just stand him wait I mean he seems to be getting further away all right okay if I block him off so you can't go any direction other than all right I like him a little bit more now because that is comical that he's just done that oh you've got to be kidding me where are you going dude oh I'm gonna have to hide that all right we had to cut our losses on that one okay I think because the villagers the villagers they just think they're just not getting the mustard right now all right I reckon I reckon we go out we go out a husk hunting because as I say I'm kind of kind of done with transporting villagers it's way more frustrating than I thought we are 1/5 of the way done which is good but still it's not fast is it I mean two hours that gives us that's 10 hours of estimated time of villager moving so I say we head off to the desert and I say we do a little bit of as I say husk hunting and we just try our best to get one of those because we need one of those for the design so I have to give him something to hold and everything like that we'll have to get that words how it shouldn't actually be through difficult once you get me into the boat it should be fine even so we don't really need to get me into the boat all the only thing is is that he's gonna burn is that gonna be tricky Willie I thought that dude hit me that really threw me off is he gonna burn or uh-huh okay the husks are okay don't they because they don't they don't burn in sunlight my same thing is correct I'm not sure I honestly I don't I don't know how easy is it to get villages on lead because a lot of people are asking about that if I could get nine villages on a lead then that would be the mood that would be the move husks don't burn good stuff we shall find me boot hmm listen to that get bored of my own livestream I'm joking by the way along I learned are you on very obnoxiously okay let's see if we can see I mean it would be really nice if there was just a husk just chillin wouldn't that be nice by imagine that's probably not gonna happen honestly doing that yawn has made me need to yawn even more tasks only spawn on on the surface or do they spawn anywhere we gonna have to wait till nighttime I feel like we might have to wait till nighttime I'll say no sleep please buh buh buh buh buh yeah we're gonna have to chill alright I'll just try my best to her I'll try my best tip - I don't know in reference to me I'm just gonna make life III really hope that human Cleo doesn't die and turn into zombie Cleo I love the fact that she's done that by the way that is hilarious it should only be one day here what's that I'm looking like oh my goodness that Sun is moving slow alright okay I'm gonna read through the chat for a bit then we will chill out so just make everything rails I mean yeah I see the thing is you kind of can't because you need to get the villager in and out of the rails that's the problem otherwise I would do that and I am I'm considering doing I don't know I'm considering I'm considering doing something a little bit different yeah I might I might get set up with some minecart rails or something that's probably a good probably a good move but yeah once you get once you get this husk in place that should actually start the process of the iron farm actually starting to work which is pretty wild so we will actually start getting iron from this thing which is gonna be nice so then once that's done then we can look into maybe improving our village a transport system so that then things get a little bit smoother or potentially look into the idea of getting ourselves set up with some form of villager breeder I go I say my arm is absolutely killing me so I as you guys know I do like I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I I got in sir I got on board the other day but in a way that I'd never seen before and I didn't tap because it is so funny you know you thinks you said when you start knowing what moves are like when you get into an armbar you tend to tap pretty early because it's like I don't I don't want to get my arm yanked but then if you don't know what I move is you're like oh this is hurting but I don't know if I should tap and they do like a panic tap and that's what I did and my arm it's are all stiff it's my right arm it's not good I've always wondered what this is does anyone want to tell me what this is because I genuinely I could probably read the signs are those scores on it I genuinely don't even recall what this is I never remember seeing it in episode but I see it all the time I mean this this is like my standard place to go and get large quantities of sand so this is why I chill out and do that I'm still amazed by the way by the fact that I like I literally did this live stream pretty unannounced and it's not really it like an optimum time to do a live stream in the slightest I started at like 4:00 p.m. which for a lot of people is way too early and a lot of people are at school I can't believe how many people have turned out to watch it that is pretty wild I was the tango killing contest I remember hearing about that yeah I remember that one when was that that must have been called that must have been early days of the server that must have been like the first couple months yeah pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool that's the one good thing about playing on a minecraft well for so long is that you are yeah you end up you end up with so much stuff throughout the world that is just dotted around and so many little memories and little bits and nostalgia and things like that and there's so much you know there's there's so much content on the server it's so difficult to a is difficult to keep up with what everyone's doing that's that's for sure but also more importantly it's like you know there's always curious stuff you'll be flying around Buller oh what's that what's this you know and I tell you what you guys know a lot more than any other people playing them at grav server because the thing is we spend so much time on the hermit craft server that a lot of us you know you kind of you you pick up the things that you pick up for you here you hear I guess it's like it's you walk into things and then you're almost that and then you'll be chatting someone you were you know you'll chat to one another and you'll be like I'm so I've started work on this and then you'll eventually see it and things like that whereas some of the people who you know I mean how many Hermits do you guys watch just put in the chat I'm gonna spam the chat but you know the chats already flying past this isn't gonna make much of a difference but just put in on the chat how many Hermits you actually watch so if you watch me green in a scowl and that's obviously three habits if you watch exhume avoid Cub fans Skaar Zombie Cleo Joe Hills and that's five I lost count so I don't have that was five but I'm just curious six all of them you legend five two two two two there's a lot of ones I'm curious other ones me but if it's one is it me or have you just stumbled onto this stream is that I only watch one and it's not you I don't know why I'm here just you all over them twelve all of them because you know it's funny like before I actually joined the hermit craft server I was a mega fan of the hermit craft server like a serious serious mega fan of third that I'm at craft server I used to watch all of the hermit's I used to watch every single Houma craft video that came out and it's so funny I imagine if I watched the the footage or the content back now you know I'd be like why was I so obsessed for this but at the time that was kind of so that was mine crack and there was the hermit craft server and the thing that I liked about the Hermit crossover is that it had a lot more of the technical people on it there yeah it just had a lot of technical people on it for some reason I just fell in love with the hermit craft server I thought it was the coolest and I loved watching Exuma void work on large-scale redstone contraptions I remember Jenny generic B had like the Hermit her in hurdles Fanny satin that's what that was and yet he had those and they were like a series of games that could get you into into his base I remember there was hypno who had like a mob spawner in his base in the middle of it that I thought was pretty cool BIF air had Biff is Bowl which was absolutely enormous it's a huge project but that's another one though I imagine if I went back and actually looked at that now I imagine I'd be like honey it was big he was pretty big but like that was like a season long project like throughout the entire hermitcraft season Biffle was working on this bowl yeah you know like it's so funny how times have changed so much over the time of the homograft server because nowadays we we eat massive projects like if you look up pretty much all the hermit craft projects from this season they've all been pretty enormous you know if you just look at the civil war that in it in of itself is a massive project and that was like four ten episodes and obviously my base isn't almost the biggest one I've ever done all of the industrial district ridiculous project if scales got all of his insane projects suhara there's a mad project that all of these things are yeah it's crazy crazy how how much things have ramped up in scale I have located a husk I'm going to put a villager right ahead on him I can't pick it up oh I forgot they do that I hope this isn't the death of me okay right I'm gonna have to concentrate for a second I'm actually I I've been waffling on without really thinking too much so if I place a rail none of these guys seriously not interested in picking that up are they nope oh okay one of them's got one no way oh I need to get the village ahead on that zombie give that bag he's good he's got it he's got it yes okay this is our dude this is our dude all right okay get him in a boat okay I'm gonna have to use a nap oh oh no no no hang on hang on all right okay well we've got weave it's not the one that I was expecting all right oh there it is there it is okay so we have captured a husk okay I'm gonna have to say sleep now sleep now oh you can sleep cool we nailed it we have nailed it this is getting a little bit hairy that guy looks ridiculous this is hilarious let's not look at that Enderman it's not white so this is the dude who is hopefully as I say if he doesn't die so much appreciate goodness me what is it Karen oh the Phantom's as well all right maybe should I just go back to my base okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we made it we made it we made it whoa okay now he won't be spawned and he should be fine oh that makes me feel ill all right my dude kai this is the silliest way to transport something I guess I mean I can just get him to follow me no I mean I could transport him by boat and he'll just injure me okay let's break the boat okay we've got this so we'll walk him to the water and then when he gets to the water we're just gonna have to deal with the fact that he's gonna try and punch us okay come on then son come on come on come on he's so ridiculous looking isn't he what is it we're putting like heads that don't match the bodies in Minecraft there's something just truly unnerving about it yeah but it looks horrendous you know if I saw this if I didn't know what minecraft was I just clicked on this and saw what was happening here I'd be horrified please don't die that was crazy I went back to your puberty then by the sounds of things yeah crackling my voice went all right here we go nailed it all right we're gonna have to be a lot of food on this trip hey what are you doing some damage do me if this is the way that I died and this is the way that I die okay I guess I just have to kind of hop out and take some rain checks every now and again all right my poor armor is gonna take a right beating so yeah the reason that he's not burning because I didn't know this but yeah husks husks don't they're not affected by sunlight which is actually a really useful thing to her to know okay that that's just silly we'll just have to transport in by boat this feels even but even more illogical than what I was doing earlier but this is gonna be what's going on now look how much my armor is taking a beating as well see people are saying lead on boat okay this this happened earlier on people always commenting lead on boat you can't do leads on boats in Minecraft 1.14 you can only do it minecraft 1.15 and Pocket Edition so I imagine a lot of you even claim either been playing the snapshots a lot or you play on minecraft pocket edition you know I could do which would be wise I actually have golden apples in my ender chest whoa whoa gotta be careful see yes thank you to everyone in the chat who is telling the people who are misinformed in the chat that you can't fit leads on boats in Minecraft Java edition you bunch of noobs I'm joking but it is funny the amount of misinformation that you see in the chat is hilarious you almost need to livestream you almost need to do a live stream to see how much just yeah I'm gonna bring a boat you know what I'm gonna bring a lead with me we'll experiment with it because I'm gonna have to I will literally eat my hat I'm not wearing a hat I will buy a hat or go out and buy a hat and I will eat it if this lead sticks for this boat that was so embarrassing all right let's get these golden apples then anyway how many do you reckon I need probably that money oh yeah chestplate might be smart that probably would mean smart but that is that cheating in the demise thing I don't even leave him I've forgotten okay let me pick up let me pick up to the handful of firework rockets as well actually while I'm at hit but I've forgotten what I've left him like as well so that was pointless one it was everything I was in fire what is in the Rockets chest funny enough yeah now I put it in the sorter right let's get that sorted and then he should be he should be up here I sometimes do I sometimes do think I might be the least efficient minecraft player ever just in general I'm really just slow you know it takes me nine days to do anything alright where is he then he was somewhere over here yeah he's marooned I might just leave these guys I might literally just get a bunch of husks based on all right nope I cannot do it there we go that answers that question alright so now that we've we've quietened the chat for probably about four minutes beautiful I am no longer dying or I'm dying no I'm definitely dying whoa oh okay the golden apples were not the solution that I was looking for god it's just stupid there has to be an easier way Oh a potion of invisibility potion that's not bad idea people are saying hold the lead in my hand I I mean how much how much more gonna hold it in my hand just face the fact that you're wrong guys seriously I'm on my way out this is a slow brush when men bomb designed this farm yeah and envision an invisibility potion could be the way to go how do you make that in visibility potion how to make a potion of invisibility you make it right you need one fermented spider by which we have loads of oh that's it it's literally a fermenter spy right okey dokey I can do that I have got loads of this I thought they made potions of weakness but I am wrong no that definitely doesn't create a potion of oh yeah one potion of night-vision and then one spider I sadly make a potion of spine I own the spammy estoy ever right now what a terrible instruction on how to make it not only do you wanna know it was really funny I clicked on how to make a potion and night vision potion and it took me to a website that sells night-vision goggles there's an ad for night vision goggles so what do I need I need set right let's start again know what and then we need a golden carrot I'm assuming and then a fermented spy right well wonderful that's easy I don't mess around I've got such a full inventory that I'm gonna have to do this one by one but he's found a slot right take this this is my life this is my life right do I have any nerve wall in my sorting system I don't know why I always go to my random items chests whenever I want to check for things and there's very rarely anything in there because funnily enough dis sorting system is mewho Civ and it actually sorts out most things that's not right I was a friend of the war I mean it doesn't sound like something that I would do why is there a section for gold as well that seems strange oh well alright never walk never walk never walk never walk never walk never walk never walk netherwart another wart nether wart another water never walk never walk never walk never walk walk no what no what no what no I wanted to see how long I could do that before before he started breaking down into a word that didn't sound like nether wart but then I'll be honest I'm just so good at it I'm so good at it that it never actually broke down it never stopped sounding like nether wart so I thought I'd stop before I should drive all of you Gracie use a splash potion Oh bril thanks guys I've just realized that you all right you might be wrong again do I need to oh I need to vet whatever the chat says because yeah it's a good point well made by people other people in the chat who could be smarter who are saying that actually don't be ridiculous mumbo you idiot alright don't be silly an invisibility potion doesn't work on such a small range make sense I believe it totally believe it why would it you're basically on top of the person I could if I if I like you know invisibility pungent I wouldn't be able to punch someone with an invisibility potion unless they were one foot in front of me and then I could probably punch them and it's the same with a zombie or a husk you know he's chillin out is that I can't see anyone and then he's like what's that what's that weird thing brushing up against my chest I'm gonna give it a tap like that and then that's it yeah people are wrong whatever happens people are wrong either way I've now got people to be angry at because there's two sets of people that are saying two different things right yeah there's two sets of people that are saying two different things so either way some of you are wrong and I shouldn't be listening to any of you don't you be doing my own thing partying up in my own office talking about self 8 minutes of invisibility I mean we can have some fun with this if it doesn't work we can have some fun with it who's online just our spook and peeps all right let's get on with this then let's let's find out oh it needs to be smashed potion doesn't it I mean idiot I'm gonna feed it here you go drink this please thank you we really help me out oh no I'm drinking it no what am I talking about I'm an idiot I make the husk invisible right let's see what happens L don't I can't see him he doesn't exist haha it's genius oh it's been a long day how long have I been streaming 2 hours and 33 minutes I'm losing my marbles where's he gone then where's my marooned [Music] I don't know how to use a walls because my arms go upwards I can't get my arms to go down Oh ladies to love you idiots the law of you all of you seriously oh I can't stand the sight of you if I die now if I die now because of you I would blame the chat I would blame the chat I would say I haven't actually lost in demise funnily enough I'm an invisible man now I'm I'm invisible for eight more minutes ridiculous oh alright okay so people in the chat are saying something take off your armor and have nothing in hand sounds like a big old risk but you know what alright I'll do it for you chat just because you're wrong again alright and if I die because of this then I say it's on you alright in the demise game we will literally say mumbos chat killed mumbo he wasn't killed by any traps he wasn't killed by anything he was killed by his own chat here goes it I'm gonna drown imagine that alright the lead can get out that's another one of your stupid ideas get out of here alright let's see told you I told you I look I'm as invisible as the day is long I don't know why I listen I don't why I don't know why I dedicate time alright goodness me just abysmal you know there's 18,000 a you're watching right now right not one of you could come up with a good idea unbelievable I do wonder all right let's try it this potion you know I'm gonna keep trying your ideas you know what this stream can be called this stream can be called frost Walk is not a bad idea all right I'm not gonna give you credit because you're in the Chazz well alright this this stream is gonna be called doing student chat silly ideas and potentially dying weakness potion let's do it far away I've got nothing to lose I've got nothing to lose I'm scot-free scotch free scotch tape I don't know is this course free hi I'm Scott tree and I released got to my house I don't even know what scotch is weakness the boom boom ba boom boom exactly I celebrate every firework for me great in a weakness potion don't know how many accidental fireworks is you fire no no no see you're wrong okay me turning off my particle effects that doesn't work guys GE o it's frustrating me I'm gonna shout out my wall we're gonna walk to the corner and shout my wall in a second if I turn off my particle effects right the zombie doesn't also the zombie the husk is not controlled by someone at home right the husk isn't on a computer go in ari's turned off his particles any that's not the case guys he's an AI all right if I'm invisible I'm invisible even taking my armor off I'm still invisible to him frustration pouring from my veins pouring from my veins come here then let's go time for another silly chat idea episode 3 today we're going to be trying the weakness potion as suggested by some people in the chat I personally think that this has a potential success rate of fourteen point nine percent yeah look it's not looking good we shall see what happens when I put the potion of weakness on to the man in the boat when I can find him this is episode three of me trying silly ideas that chat has suggested because they think they are good in fact some of them are not great work team Great White team night I had you back all the time guys nailed it I knew you were right you know I had faith in you the entire time I have faith in you the entire time I actually thought that this was the better idea and I think you nailed it he's not dyed no no I thought you might died but no like you know you you guys in the chat you're fantastic you know what you're doing so this is great cool well we've got a husk [Laughter] [Music] that's embarrassing sure someone's gonna clip that or something arrogant mumbo arrogant mumbo says that his chant doesn't really know minecraft that well and then quickly changes his mind when he realizes actually they kind of do sometimes know things that he doesn't yeah I mean that I this is a good time to mention that I was all done that for comedic effect I actually I believe everything that you guys say and I think you're great okay let's shoot this dude through the portal oh oh he follows me oh that's really helpful actually booth see ya into the nether with you oh he oh let's calm you down mister can't be the weakness potion on ya ah this is glorious guys I'm so glad I thought of this what an idea by me blimey what an intelligent individual come on in get in your boat we're on our way all right boink boink that's always so risky all right all right all right all right all right feeling good feeling good feeling positive he's out the husk is in a minecart I repeat the husk is in a minecart I repeat the husk is in a minecart this is great news this is actually working this is all gone well get in their boat there's what people are shouting I don't know why I have to get in the boat I'm so glad I was smart enough to come up with that idea for posting a weakness so glad I was smart enough it's times like these I am beyond hungry by now Oh what do you mean cure him no I don't want to cure him you nutter I'll defeat the entire object of what I'm doing you crazy fool he gave me a little tap as he goes past I like a drive-by punch can you imagine that now would that hurt more yeah I mean depends how fast the person was going I actually think I probably would hurt the person that got punched more just thinking how much would hurt your fist if you if you drove past at 70 miles an hour and punched someone at the same time that's not a good situation it's not a good situation for anyone involved it's not a good situation that you would even think to do it to be honest with you that's a bad situation already Oh guys am I still invisible nope thank goodness the aint minutes are passed right come on fella Oh get out your mind can't make Jesus you're really cozy in there aren't ya oh gosh I don't know what to do all right nice Oh where's my boat okay this is this is the perfect situation because this guy will follow me whatever I do so that means he doesn't actually walk off he's actually easier to deal with than the villager which is just the best the only thing is I only have a very limited time of potion and weakness left because I didn't bother to extend it because I was so certain that wasn't gonna work which is really embarrassing now obviously than it does work and I know a lot of you are gonna start crying about the flower just waste a redstone block and it's fallen into the abyss but I am literally stood next to my witch farm the source of infinite redstone so we're good there guys we're good oh he's flown out he's in the man with the four heads the size of a moon is in place that's actually more insulting to the village of the Huskies like dude I'm wearing a mask that's not an insult it's in my real face I do think I would get weirdly insulted even if I was wearing like a mask if someone said oh your mask is so ugly I'll be like oh no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we send him your we sent him off to a module no stop it stop that ask stop him now should we can get him straight into place junga junga junga actually we should start seeing villagers not villages oh we got a panic new iron golem absolutely none all right we should actually start seeing iron golems now come on stop you little protests get you anywhere he's not hitting me now I should have just put me in a minecart the whole time wonderful all right let's see if this actually works then really frustrating if it doesn't Oh alrighty then seems as though he doesn't stop oh I'm such a I'm still surprised by the fact we haven't really got an iron golem yet though I totally would have thought that we would have an iron golem by now how weird maybe it's just not enough time oh yeah yeah yeah because he's kind of shooting through at the minute right let's see what happens here here we go here we go golems [Music] they need to sleep first all right okay I guess you're right maybe they haven't been to sleep yeah that's a good point so you know yeah you know I am Donegal I'm down dumps here oh my god why is it when you need to sleep when you need things to sleep it's the middle of the day always I've never once had a moment where is like ah I need something to sleep oh it's night time no it's always ah I I need something to sleep oh it's morning good morning your alarm clocks going it's so annoying ha ha what um I mean people are saying this because he's fine a bit ahead I like that idea though all the villagers are like oh one of us keeps wearing a funny outfit he's looking slim and his arms are looking a bit worse for wear no it's not it's not to do with a village head don't worry hmm that's right I'm yawning in my own stream I do what I want god this is taking all day yes is departing is the point right okay so I guess we can do some clear enough and things while we wait I really would like this thing to start producing some iron golems just so I can have some iron from this because even like a single module will actually produce I could there's like a crazy amount of iron that was a weird noise that was a very strange noise yeah it's not a crazy amount of iron but it's a decent amount of iron it would produce a decent quantity of iron well what's one fifth of 4,800 about a thousand five nine hundred pieces of iron an hour dude we only need one module what are we doing bothering with the other five seriously uh-huh aha nobody pointed this out in my YouTube video and you know what okay okay only because the chat got it right last time all right you guys are spamming weakness potions I tried to take credit for it but no you were the ones that came up with that idea only because you got that right last time am I going to listen to you here it could have something to do with the fact that golems probably can't spawn on class that's actually seems logical to me it seems logical to seems logical to everyone reading so let's see if that because if it doesn't then I cry and I cry and I cry and cry and then I cry some more and then I cry into my puddle of tears and then I bathe in it whilst crying more do I pick up the pickup do I leave the water good grief oh good grief okay I really don't know why I have no compulsive thing when I press tab a lot I just check I just check out what's going on just press tab all the time cool I was looking by his Ward's by the way because I don't want to break those okay we definitely don't need any minecart rails at the minute let's get this sorted now as I say the only reason that I'm doing this I'm humoring you in the chat is because your logic makes sense I'll give you that and also because you were right last time if you heard also I'll know make an end I just water log something thank goodness I didn't break my extremely efficient mushroom farm produces a whole 16 mushrooms per hour that does I wouldn't want anything to happen to it because then we might only have 21 mushrooms as opposed to having 28 right see what happens then if an iron golem spawns as I'm building it that will be the best ad ever for this being correct but as we know the chat four can occasionally talk nonsense so this is Episode four of the chat occasionally talks nonsense what was the name my episodes again I can't remember what I called it for awful chats doesn't really know sometimes what it's talking about I would say this has a likelihood of 21% functioning not looking good for the chat they're looking good because there was the husk fair and did not spawn on these stone bricks I have changed my voice as well I think I think last time it was a little bit softer and smoother alright let's see what happens here then come on do your worst mr. husk and what's called a mr. musk then go on Elan these guys don't seem fazed totally did not seem stressed those guys seem perplexed whoa oh no why they do that come out bro [Music] Oh oh no oh gosh the town may have been right again he cuts through me like a knife oh I don't know what to say to that Oh No how embarrassing my honor aah I have never been so embarrassed I was that another one now it wasn't pause alarm oh gosh now now now things are all going wrong oh I guess they-- i guess they-- they also had to sleep oh yeah oh yeah thought about that sorry guys I was blasting the chat saying it was to do with the glass it was also to do with the fact that they hadn't slept yet well at least we have someone got them spawning now at least we have some iron golems flopping out I don't actually have any item collection systems at the minute so we're currently chuck it yeah it's working iron golems be falling out of the sky that's actually quite cool ok so we've actually got working on gone farm this is fantastic news and it's quite fast - did you see we had a whole three iron golems already and we only booted it up literally like 20 seconds ago what on earth has happened there Wow someone's done something in the super chat thing okay this is this is how little I know about live-streaming and things how does someone managed to do that crazy super chat thing with the crazy like animated logo that looks nuts I would like all my super chance to look like that get down the whole you big iron rust-bucket dragon that's really insulting me calling him a rust bucket so I'm not rusty I just need a little bit of wd-40 occasionally leave me be he's not rusty - very is pretty pristine he's a pristine Gotham a brand-new Gollum wicked all right we've got myself set up we are golden we are golden iron farm is done iron farm is cool and that is that is it that's all I'm gonna livestream today I'm chillin I'm done we've killed it I'm proud of myself we managed to get an iron farm done that we managed to get some villages in place so yeah pretty pretty cool it's a shame you know we planned on getting thirty done we bout plan on getting 30 villages done but in the end we only managed to get six so not the best but we did get the husk in place as well so that's pretty well anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed at this livestream it's been a lot of fun it's been coaching on out as a man with the chicken head and yeah I'm out I will see you later I don't know how to end these streams very well so bye I guess see bye bye
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,340,584
Rating: 4.9033422 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mineathon, Hermitcraft, Season 6, Hermitcraft Season 6, Witch Farm
Id: lvRolkerFN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 51sec (10971 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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