Hermitcraft 7: Episode 71 - BACK TO THE MANSION!

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you've been tricked you've been betrayed and you've possibly been bamboozled we are back to the mansion but we are not building the back of the mansion you know i was hanging out here and i thought about it you know i've just swapped back with zeddaff right and i'm back at the mansion so i thought ah title of the video perfect back to the mansion but then i actually got here and i was like do you know how often i come here only ever to joke about the back of the mansion i literally never ever come here to do any work anyway the back of the mansion is meant to be made by scar at some point because i won the turf war so there's no point in me doing this and i i haven't been back here in so long that someone set up shop i don't know why there's cows here three diamonds i'm pretty sure this wasn't me but i feel totally justified in not working on the back of the mansion because literally the only time i ever come back here is to joke that i haven't built the back of the mansion but that is the title of the video because we are back here and we are going to be doing a little work i would really like to see this project get firmly completed and i'll be honest with you there's not an awful lot left to do in terms of the actual build but there is a lot of work to do here and that's probably where i want to focus my attention today is getting some of this done now for some reason this collection system likes to just stop there's a bug where mine carts just halt for some reason when they're on a chunk border this is it just messes up there's just some weird bug and there's not a lot i can do about it unless i want to make a new system but you know what it doesn't even matter because there's so many slime balls and no one's actually buying slime from the barge so i am also not going to be doing the same farm here because this is producing more than i could ever need but we'll come back to that later because i do want to do a little bit of work here possibly get some of this part built and then we'll start to be able to call the mansion relatively complete there is ah there's remnants here might need to swap this out again that's better and there's one there as well zf really did make himself at home and we might as well use our new fancy elevator uh-oh uh somehow i got pushed out of the elevator that is so cool i saw a few people saying that we i saw a few people saying that oh man green and zed have swapped back so fast you do realize we had swapped for like four weeks we were in each other's bases for a month that's quite a long time and also i just want to point out i don't want to swap forever i did quite a lot at zf's space and he's done quite a lot here at some point you do need to swap back and four weeks seems like an awful long time anyway i think it's time that we crack on with making this look a bit more presentable than it currently does otherwise the end of the season is gonna be hurtling towards us and we're gonna leave some things unfinished so let's hop into a time lapse and get this thing built [Music] so i didn't manage to get a lot of the detailing done that i said i would however it is at least covered up and not looking too bad there's still a fair amount to do i need to add some vegetation some trees but that's just the case overall but we've got a basic shell and i think this has made it a lot nicer but what i have done is i've made it not a very nice place when it comes to mobs yeah it's a bit of a mob heaven see what i mean let's take a step back and look at the overall effect now this is probably going to annoy some people i have made the mansion from day one very symmetrical so everything that's on one side is the same on the other now the exception of course is the slime farm which is there because the slime farm is there there's nothing on this side so it's symmetrical apart from that one bit so i don't i don't think that's the end of the world especially when the greenery gets put in but overall we're starting to look a lot more complete than the start of the episode which is really really good i can't wait to get to the point where i can say yep i am finished i've just noticed that someone's come along and just shaved the top of my birch trees this is really odd why would someone come along and just take off the top layer anyway i've had a message from our friendly sewer cats telling me that it's time to tot up the scores so what we're gonna do now we're to fly over to cleo corrales base and we're going to meet up with the sewer cats which one of you looked to ender bro no it wasn't me it wasn't looking at him now all right we can't get in the boat anymore because there's a stinking kelly in there yeah did you see what i wrote skelebro likes his personal space you cannot get close to these guys because they yeah no no it's it's it's out officially out of bounds um so i haven't been in the sewers for a little while and it's now chock full i'm not sure we could actually fit much more in here so should we do a point update yeah yeah i got a lot going on guys you're forgetting your cat heads oh you don't want to yeah we go oh oh he's got one now i lost mine wow you lost yours i lost it with my current skin i look like i'm here to do your taxes so who wants to go first show and tell time right traditionally i will start okay right over this way what's the tradition the tradition is i start i like it he started tradition now yes today's the first day of that forklift of course right that's that's one thing i had before i also got one two three four and five air conditioning units nice from one of the buildings and this light the street light right here nice very nice big shine thanks sign from the bank nice the best of all i took his entire wheat field it's all oh i love it yeah i love it you harvested it okay okay all right okay what do you got oh the oh okay we're not deliberating on points yet okay yeah let's let's see i've done quite a lot i've done quite a lot look i got the most expensive rotten flesh and i tried to frame b dubs for it by putting his head on his place this is the this is the rotten flesh i sold him for two stacks of diamonds i thought you would like that i also look at this this thing this ambulance or whatever it is it's very detailed i took that it took me quite some time and then looking around the corner over here yeah we were running out of space i had to tuck stuff in look at this nice okay so i i feel like i made the mistake of going first because you guys knew exactly how much do you mind you guys knew exactly how much to to be able to one-up me in a way so i kind of revealed that because i took this took this i took this crate um the um gas station sign or the petrol station side these are cool uh and i took this container and i think i took that tree that was that was annoying to remake i took a tree so yeah i took a few bits but i feel like i made the mistake of going first to be honest with you yeah i knew exactly what i needed to do to top you yeah yeah scott what did you have you you've done some bits and bobs apart from that i have i have and to top you all i have gone to the top of the city to retrieve a plane that's right we now have a plane to go wherever please where we want scotland i don't know it's cramping on it i've got i've got more here come flying with me over here we've got the south park mural should have started with that one buddy this is worth like maybe half a point now no it's a double sided because up on top i replaced it with the sewer cats now you guys don't want these sewer cats anymore but anyway the sewer cats up on the top so double points right because brought it down and replaced the graffiti right above i still think you should have led with that one because you built an enormous plane down here very yeah very wise yeah it's all downhill from here do we even need to tally points at this point because did scott just win i feel like it's pretty obvious i think so i am dude good job buddy nice imagination that is audacious are you telling me that no one noticed that that's gone [Music] oh no well it was a fun game guys um very fun it was very fun it was crazy like we've been rumbled well it was a matter of time we have um run scar did it it was scar [Laughter] well i think that might be the end of that chapter we had a good run and we got absolutely busted now i did blame everyone but us but i'm we we didn't get away with it that's that's the end of that now i did ask corrales straight after that happened does he want us to put everything back and he explicitly said no don't touch anything he's going to replace the lighthouse but he genuinely he wants the sewer he loves it he genuinely he loves the sewer he doesn't want us to touch it he doesn't want us to put anything back which obviously massive relief to me don't have to do anything back but he loves it he loves the sewer he thinks it looks amazing and he wants everyone you know when the season ends if they have the the world download he wants everyone to like you know go and enjoy it so he wants to keep it there which i have to agree i think it looks pretty cool but now that that's over i'm feeling a little i'm going so fast oh no i'm not i'm feeling a little bit lost the base swap is done the corrales base thing is done i've hit the end of the road quite literally but that's the great thing about hermitcraft over here we make our own fun now my next project and i don't know whether i'm going to start it today is going to be barge hq now scar actually messaged me saying that he's willing to sell me this property that i tried to get before i left him signs oh he's right here he said that i could have it at cost so i don't even have to pay more he said i can have it b dubs is here as well now the reason that scar wants this isn't he doesn't actually want the property he just wants to get rid of this sign the the billboard he wants to get rid of b dubs lovely face why would you want to get rid of that i see i see no problem here and and if you go in here there's something there's a there's something about the other side of this billboard that's just hi there so i can't wait to get my hands on this property and i can't wait to get my hands on this because i have prepared a bunch of blocks that i'm going to be using to build up barge tower oh he loves me oh yeah he's there he's just waiting for customers he bdubs really wants to cut my hair but there's no way i'm letting him touch this fringe or my amazing waffle there don't dead open inside oh don't open dead inside just like my soul why is everyone afk just gonna take screenshots with all my afk friends what is going on with scar's face oh he's a hideous amalgamation of mumbo and scar's face and night independently very handsome put them together not so much look there's mumbo's suit and then there's scar's face and no this is so wrong scar no please don't do this what is this base swap done to you you're never safe you're never safe if you're afk come on scar you should know better off we go down we go how far do you think we can push scar before he realizes he's okay i'm just taking my scar for a walk maybe i could get him into bdubs barber shop and we could give scar a haircut walk-ins are available for the next ten minutes he's on his way it just takes a little while here he is got yourself a fresh customer he has no idea there we go come on on the chair on the chair that's it he just right-clicked he just right-clicked he's easy back oh he's back he must be so confused this man wants a waffle in the back of his head like mine you see he he wants he wants one of these one of these why is that pete what's going on i'm not sure what's happening anymore uh this this was an afk prank i pushed scar in here to get a haircut and now we've got an audience there's like there's six people outside five people outside what is happening that scars no this didn't go the way i thought it would i'll be honest this hasn't gone the way i thought it would at all i think i'm gonna leave it's it's it's getting officially got a bit weird i figured out what happened there it after i left i tuned in to some of the herbs i thought we were on a mushroom island oh no we're going back i'm not getting off this llama i am not leaving this llama okay so it turns out that i tuned in to everyone's live stream and everyone was using the proximity chat mod which is kind of a new addition i haven't actually played around with it myself but i do want to give it a go which is i think a really cool addition but um i can't try it out because i'm the only one on the server it's i'll be honest it's been a bit of a lonely ride i've been on this llama for about half an hour it's it's kind of therapeutic to be honest with you the only issue is danger so what do you do on the hermitcraft server when no one's watching well i must admit not a lot and not a lot i did find a few easter eggs that i didn't know existed i was just i was all wandering around having a little mosey and i was like i bet there's something in this in this dumpster right and there is it's my hopes and dreams it's my hopes and dreams there's lots of little things like that on the hermitcraft server but what there is a lot of on the hermitcraft server is profits in the barge and that's what i want to take a look at so let's take a look see if we've got oh yeah we got some we got some diamonds and it looks like my stock pile of sand is also running out oh i this is two hours worth of like grinding for sand and it's just gonna be gone again you know what that's the first time i've sold any barrels here's the thing i sell chests and i sell barrels now they are really expensive to make which is why it costs two diamonds it costs like six stacks of logs to make a full stack of chests so this is really really efficient way of purchasing them but people would rather spend more on the logs and then craft it themselves but we have had a pretty good day on the profit front add eight more diamond blocks check that out i need to figure out what we're gonna do with all of these diamonds but i'll tell you something else in the barge do you remember barge quest all the way a few episodes ago first place prize all of these boxes of goodies absolutely everywhere i believe that scar and b-dubs won but they haven't touched it i don't know who this belongs to anymore look there's so much here that i'm tempted to just stock up the barge they've probably forgotten about it to be honest scar has so many items i don't think he needs it so my next task is probably to start tackling a project that i've been putting off for a while because of other storylines going on but it is the barge i want to focus on not restocking it i mean you know there's not a lot of shopping going on that those profits that we just pulled out the barge are probably like two weeks worth so it's not an awful lot but i do want to do the final expansion to the barge project but it isn't going to just sell goods that's what's really different about it it's actually going to be kind of a mini game um and i haven't actually made any mini games this season apart from like in the turf war so this will be quite a unique project and i think it will be quite a lot of fun and of course we can uh upgrade the impulse buys i mean this has been sitting here a really long time i haven't checked i think impulse has probably been looking after it so that's my next project for next episode and of course building up barge hq so it's going to be a bit of a barge heavy episode next episode but while i'm in the area i also want to check if sedaf has done anything to his base since i was here because the thing is the the contraption that i made up above here well it didn't really work oh wow okay he's done his own elevator he loved the elevator so much he made his own a chicken's life this thing here it it didn't it didn't really work very well there are some chickens there i wonder if it's actually produced anymore it has i don't believe it i don't know whether zf has placed them here himself but there was 56 and now there's 64. that is the most productive chicken farm never that's that's the it's the worst chicken farm ever and speaking of said af i feel like i need to give this another go i i have a feeling that it's just broken and won't work but i just i just feel like i have to give it that one more try i've just realized that i've ended up resorting to watching the clock tick on hermitcraft at the moment come on why is it always night when you don't want it to be right we're gonna have to just try this manually here we go well i managed to go through i don't think this works i think zf has generally genuinely just made a cow killing machine that's really unfortunate well that was a little bit of a disappointing end to the episode but i'm afraid that is all we have time for today we did actually get some stuff done today we have made some more progress on the base and unfortunately the cleo corrales games have come to an end because we were thoroughly thoroughly busted however i do want to say a huge thank you for watching so far and i shall see you in the next episode good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,325,834
Rating: 4.9653063 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 71, season 7, hermitcraft grian
Id: tjiFagKm19k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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