Hermitcraft 7: Episode 58 - MINING, ON CAMERA!

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also, 17minutes in he shows a clip of etho glitching out riptide.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/smallfact 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Torpetho lol

always love seeing etho cameos in other vids

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/ykepoh 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
we're gonna start today's episode where we left off last episode i have been afking at my very inefficient gold farm which is why it's taken an entire evening to get just a small amount of gold so i've been steadily crafting these into bars and feeding them to the pigs which have then been giving me a lot of stuff so check it out i mean the black stone's probably the best example we've got nearly three double chests full and the reason i've been doing this is because this is going to be a huge bit of stock for the barge expansion that we are working on at the moment but since this is a bit of a long-term project it's something that's going to have to happen predominantly off-camera especially as you can't make any content out of being afk unless you're mumbo jumbo so we're heading back man i've i did not miss this tunnel we are currently heading back to the shopping district where we need to make more progress on our mini game as the clock is ticking to get it finished to discover who's going to win the turf war there we go our still very wingless airplane do you know what i actually saw a comment which i loved and potentially could be something that i'd change about this design so what they said was why don't i make it an airplane that's like crashing or like you know something's on fire and that's why you have to jump out of the plane so if i can do that i will but sorry can we just all agree that i was gliding very slowly but goodness i was in here i feel like that did not deserve a death so the first thing that i want to do is lay out the square that we're going to make and we're going to start the biggest grinding dig you've ever seen we've got to go all the way down to bedrock so this is this is not gonna be particularly enjoyable but it's something we gotta do so let's get into another hole digging as if i haven't done enough hole digging this series okay let's go [Applause] i've been digging for so long i'm now in my christmas skin if this video is a little bit late and by a little bit i mean by a few days i think you realize why this was nine straight hours of building and someone's someone's written hello in there and i think we can all agree it was nine hours wasted because this is one ugly hole but don't worry i have a plan you see over here i have a nice gradient to surround it that's right even more work for me so i've gathered up some blocks and starting from the bottom i'm basically going to layer this up bit by bit chunk by chunk until we have a really nice looking inverted dirt cube it should look like man i realized for the sake of 60 blocks i wasted two days so people really better appreciate the extra depths i went to the puns to get this to work i also have to shout out to tango because i uh i have and died here i lost some stuff he went ahead and collected up all my gear so that i didn't miss out so i mean it's quite a long drop now in theory i have to skydive through things and then i will plunge into water that little bit of extra space does make a difference i'm just not sure whether it was worth the nine hours i spent losing my marbles and it's not even over because now we need to go into another building time lapse of making this look a little bit nicer so yet again let's go and lose some more marbles i mean i've only got a few left they're rattling around in there i wonder i can't see anything as stupid wall normally i'd say let's go let's go we're done but there's something a little more important that i've just found an afk oh they're holding a totem as well it's like they're asking for it hmm what can we do here as a matter of fact i actually happen to have yes i have i actually have a bunch of obsidian so i mean it's the oldest trick in the book but why not the old obsidian cage there's no easy way to get out you just gotta kind of accept your fate i know he's on my team but you can't afk around me it's just the rules he's properly afk you know what let's make this even more interesting the more time that i have the more interesting that it gets i think ren's cottoned onto what's going on here just remember this is for doc's own safety nothing to do with prankage it's it's it's for his own good everyone's everyone's in on it we're about to make this a whole lot more interesting a whole lot more interesting it's like an unwritten rule that if you go afk like that you're kind of fair game we got two layers of obsidian a layer of lava in between i guess we'll see how he reacts to this and it shouldn't be too difficult for him to get out but it definitely is going to be a bit of a shock and now we cap off this obsidian cake with another layer mwah the worst rubik's cube you've ever seen and i can't actually see that there he is somewhere inside there doc is gonna get a nice surprise from one of his teammates and he won't even know who did this i'm gonna i'm not even gonna i'm gonna blame hep stir the pot a little bit this was this was this was hep's doing but anyway we just got out of a time lapse and i got distracted by the very afk person so i have completed this and i've firmly and i mean firmly only have one more marble in my possession i have lost my mind making this stuff this serious amount of time and just i don't know like not a lot of benefit but at least it looks pretty good compared to how it was but i think we need to acknowledge just how insane 24 hours have been on this server so yesterday i had just completed the big hole and look what's popped up a giant maze which is i've got to say doc not the best positioning it's kind of raised out off the ground a little bit odd but i at least you've decorated it really really nicely got my mini game popping up ethos game which i'm not even sure what it is and a couple other minigames like loads of minigames have popped up and been decorated really nicely the only issue is that the rest of the island looks like a massive and i mean massive eyesore the amount of activity around this area has been insane but i guess it really does fall to me to try and make this look a little nicer than a giant square scar's made his game over here i don't know what he's doing but look at this crazy crazy stuff so i can't wait to see his episode with that being said there's a lot to do all work in progress including mine which we're going to come back to a little later on because like i said this place is an eyesore and if you don't believe me that i've been mining for 13 hours straight just look at the chest of materials that i have i mean they're all going to be stuck in the barge but i mean look at this nonsense it is just never ending stuff actually struggling to find free space in it now the reason i point this out is because it's about to get worse you see because this is such an eyesore i'm it's kind of my responsibility to do something about it so you see this here i'm going to mine all of this back and i'm going to try and make like a backboard to this whole thing just to try and tidy it up a little bit because it is close to the shopping district we do want this to look nice it's just a lot of work and i'm i'm guessing it's going to be down to me what on earth are all these shulker boxes for why is everyone got buckets of green here sorry did i just say buckets i think i just invented a new word box buckets buckets spot on who's left several boxes of green come back come back he's making a bid for it all right well that's probably one of the weirder finds of today but either way we need to get into making this place look a little nicer i'm hoping some of the other hermits might help me but i kind of brought this on myself in all fairness so for the third time today and the reason that i am going to call this episode so i did a little mining on camera it's because i've done nothing but mine on camera so i'm gonna say it again let's go [Applause] and we are done we've got a nice backboard to this whole area i'm gonna say right now that it's not absolutely perfect but you know what for the time that i had and the blocks that i had available i think it's a real improvement you don't even realize that the mesa is literally on the other side of this so i think i think overall a massive massive success but there's also been another success ow you see last episode i tried to make an airplane in the sky and it didn't go well just kind of looked like a floating cylinder so a friend of corrales is called fifi actually gave corrales a design to put in the game and i woke up today and what there's a there's a fresh plane i i don't know what kind of plane an amazing plane this is so much better we gotta go and have a little look at this this is so much better than anything i could have created so massive thank you to not only corrales but fifi on his server that went ahead and made this because i can't believe it i i really like it looks absolutely fantastic and so this is now the launch platform that you come out of i'll probably add another one on this side as well so you have a couple of options and i still need to make the rings but that's the last thing i need to do and then this game is done so check it out you gotta fly around and try and get in as quickly as possible and i actually need to check very quickly whether this kills you or not i haven't actually bothered to see whether one block of water is enough i i think it is i think one block of water is enough for you not to die but we're gonna find out that doesn't make much sense does it if this was real life i would be a green pancake on the floor so physics aside i think this has gone pretty well you're probably wondering what this scaffolding is all about well this is me planning out all of the rings the bit that you actually have to worry about flying through the rings in the skydive and this one was just to find out where the center is of the plane so we can get rid of this one oh man oh it's still going hey it's snowing well actually this is this is the closest i'm ever gonna get to snow for christmas in the uk yeah it's not quite the same is it man it's it's still coming so today is officially the deadline for the games to be completed we're not playing them today but they are completed and we're gonna start arranging for everyone else to get involved in the games this week and it looks for the most part like games are pretty much there from what i can tell most of them are ready to go maybe scars needs a couple more minutes on it but overall i think we're pretty much ready to go and i might even add a couple of surprises i'm not entirely sure but i'll tell you what i've had enough of this area for a very long time i'm i'm i'm sapped of energy i can no longer mine on camera that took 13 hours that took several hours i am out i've had enough oh wait i forgot about the mess the fruit of my labor is here and i tell you what i don't know what to do with it i really don't know what to do with it it needs to be collected up in a sensible way i've run out of shulker boxes you know what that's that that would be a nice break we're gonna go to the end not been to the end in a long time because i need shulker boxes and i believe last time i checked the chest monster was completely empty yep wow stock is low maybe did did anyone hear that open i def i 100 heard one of these barrels open is there a villager in here so many animals have been stuck in here what on earth there's a villager in here i can i can hear them why hello there how long have you been hiding in here oh my goodness it's from all the way back you have saved me this is from all the way back during the mayor campaign when everyone was running for mayor you've been stuck under there for like eight months and you smell like you've been stuck under there for eight months that opening of the barrel was your way of saying oh please please help me well i have liberated you from your cage and unfortunately i must liberate you from your head or rather liberate your head from your body we've had a particular issue with lag in the in the shopping district recently so all of those stray mobs they've got to go but i do feel kind of guilty now actually because that was uh the lone survivor right i'm all ready for a little bit of solo end busting just realized i don't actually know where the end portal is at all but i have just found a christmas district we are 100 gonna visit that oh my goodness is that what i think it is very whoa check it out i knew they'd made an advent calendar but i didn't realize how big it was this is enormous doesn't that just fill you with nice warm fuzzy feelings i wonder which number is for me anyway i just wanted to check this out what an amazing build and what a snowball no but let's not get distracted because we need to try and find this end portal turns out it's down here and i've never actually used one of these guys before striders i can't actually figure out what these look like it somehow both resembles a jelly bean and a 40 year old man hey now we're wobbling this is not the most efficient way to travel i believe but it's certainly pretty fun ah we're here man it took me like 20 minutes just to find this place whoa that is bright okay so i feel like we're kind of ready let's go and get ourselves a few shulker boxes uh it looks like this end city has been more than just raided it's just gone straight up gone so while we're looking for a real end city i need to tell you about something really strange that happened while while i was on the server but i wasn't properly recording so i was making the turf war sign and etho comes up to me and he says like do you see oh there's an end city no he didn't say there's an end city he said take a look at this and i was like what and look at this footage the man is i've never seen this bug before i've been playing minecraft many years and this is a very strange bug he is constantly stuck in riptide and just spinning he could crouch while spinning fly while spinning do anything while spinning i would i would i would love to to know how to make this bug work but i i just thought i had to share that so we are here and we are here to collect these guys for our shulker boxes what is going on oh some nice diamonds and an elytra now hopefully i won't have to spend too much time here but at some point i really need to do like a proper end busting session okay one end city down and nearly a stack of shulker boxes i don't think that's even enough i think i've got to keep going how many endermen can i make angry hello oh i guess they can't see me from here can you see me oh yeah you see me this is a terrible idea i don't want to alarm anyone but i can't see where i'm flying it's not loading finally another end city i've been flying for like 10 million years and that's not an exaggeration i never exaggerate oh someone's already been here it's like finding out that that slice of pizza that you left in the fridge it's like someone someone's taken it and eaten it there's nothing you can do about it but you're still angry can't believe they ate my pizza if this one's raided we're calling it quits looking good so far potentially yeah there we go a couple more of these at the end of this one we should have enough to be able to take the fruit of our labor from earlier in today's episode and organize it and get it out of the way because there is that's just an obscene there's probably more stuff where i just did that mining project than my in my entire base and i think that might be a fact all right let's get out of here i think that's more than enough shulker boxes i thought i would enjoy today's end bus but i must admit i did not it took me a really long time to find end cities that weren't raided and it was uh not quite as exciting as i imagined now we need to do is find one of those ender pearl flavored tic tacs to get out of here i think that's the best description of these i've ever come up with because that flavor right there i would describe that as ender pearl and we go back straight back i don't think we could have taken a more direct route okay this may take so long that i may even need to i may even need to time-lapse sorting out items that's how many there are this is gonna be not fun okay let's get this let's get this done and check it out pretty much spotless and clean i'll let you decide in the comments how long you thought that would take because i bet none of you will actually guess how much time we waste searching through chests and stuff despite my complaining about that for the pretty much the entire episode we did get our game pretty much finished we'll have to do probably just the the rings at the start of the next episode give it a test and hopefully next episode will actually get people to play in the real thing the the mini games begin however despite me complaining about the many many hours almost a day that i spent mining stuff check it out i have tidied it up and put it all in the barge now i started this whole thing a while ago the second layer of the barge but this is selling it by the box and you can see we got stone six six diamonds per box so that's a mega deal a mega deal that is that is amazing both cobblestone and stone six diamonds a box but then i looked at this like there was loads of boxes missing and i looked and people have been buying it i know it's a good deal but what what that is they basically bought all of the stone all the cobblestones so i think we're on to a winner here there is a serious amount of stock that has gone into this now i have done slightly more nine diamonds for andesite granite and for diorite as well as mixed terracotta like i said there is so much stock here if all of this sells or sells even a little bit i am in for some major major profits another casual 18 diamond blocks but it doesn't end there because there are even more sales it's a slow burner but it does so well and with that i think i'm gonna have to call it a day more than a day it's been a very long week in fact i'm so tired this episode has taken it out of me so if you don't mind i'm gonna go to bed and i shall see you in the next episode where we will conclude the turf you
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,661,088
Rating: 4.9685478 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft
Id: kxkjJcGsMuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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