Minecraft - HermitCraft S7#31: Welcome To The RipZone

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I love love love this minigame, I can't wait to see everyone play it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amethystair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hadn’t really looked at the thumbnail before starting the video and holy crap, the moment Etho revealed the completed arena... so much more detailed than I expected. It looks fantastic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 106 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tospringe1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a great video! Etho reallly knows how to make thirty minutes feel like 3.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 84 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rbr4d3851 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched the ep and had to come here just to say: these are my favorite videos on the internet. The sheer amount of dedication to quality blows me away every time. And its moments like when he shows the beaver blaster firing TNT for the first time or jumping to the completed RipZone arena that leaves me so impressed, and it makes those moments so memorable. These are few of the reasons Etho is my favorite creator by far.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SweetSideOfFries πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

These episodes are absurdly dense, in the best possible way.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dizzyfingerz3525 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Leave it to Etho to build a fully automated tree farm... in the first 7 minutes, and then use the materials to build an entire mini game. The quality of this Hermitcraft season has been unreal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BonarooBonzai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How is Etho going to combat the issue of losing items upon death? I can’t imagine he’s going to be able to farm that many riptide tridents.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ReplEH πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't believe he slapped together such a nice minigame so fast. his noteblock skills are great and that tree farm was nice. And as usual I learned a few new things about the game like the honey corner and the nether trees growing through stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedHeadGearHead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] so hello everybody this is etho and welcome back to another episode of the hermitcraft so i am uh super excited to check out this nether tree farm been working on it the last few hours and we're ready to take our first test give it a try let's see what happens here i think we're gonna call it the beaver blaster now before we check out the beaver blaster let's just take a look at the basic mechanics behind it so as many of you know if you bone meal nilium you can use a dispenser to do it even uh you have a chance of getting the little fungus to grow which grow into the nether trees it's kind of rare though oh look we just got one over here so if one of those grows on the nylium and you bone meal that it'll grow a tree automatically but you have to get lucky and get it and a lot of times you don't so if you don't get it what you got to do is get rid of the plant above here so we use a piston to push up and that breaks the plants and then we try again and every so often you know we just reset and whoa we got a tree now eventually if that trunk is on top of the nylon here this is going to revert back to netherrack so what we also got to do is make sure we can grow nylon back to this block so we also have bonemeal in this dispenser and then what we did is we just took that basic idea added as little redstone as possible to fully automate this thing and uh scaled it up so i came up with a fully tileable design here so we could have one tree farm we could have two we could have 36 like we have here all combined together or we could go even greater we're gonna have over 100 if we wanted just every two blocks we have a repeating pattern this is what controls it at the end here so we use a sticky piston to push an observer in front of this one that creates an observer clock and then we also have observer going down to the pistons below here the first one set at four all the other ones are set at one and then between each of the dispensers we have an observer going this way and then these chests up above are for extra bone meal that goes down to the dispensers so i think we're ready to start growing things let's flip the lever here and see what happens oh my goodness oh we got some giant trees there interesting oh wait a second i just thought of something we might have a problem this isn't really tested by the way we're kind of testing it as we go okay so check this out some of the pistons are going up and down still some of the trees have grown and there's over 12 logs above the pistons can't push those anymore so they stop moving and also they stopped using bone meal i believe yeah this isn't running anymore okay so the problem i just realized we're gonna have is these trees grow very tall and they grow through blocks like look at our redstone right now some of the trees are starting to grow in our wiring um that's fine they're not going to destroy any of the redstone but what they will do is clog our dispenser things here so this is where the tnt is supposed to go i don't have it loaded just yet we also have water here which i have to cover over because we're in a cold biome it freezes but the netherwart will destroy water you can see it happened already and if that happens our machine is going to blow up if we lose the water so what we got to do is put a waterlogged sign in there i think then the netherwork can't destroy the water block and also we got to fill these two airspaces here they can't be air spaces but what we're doing here is we're dispensing the tnt in water and then we use the travel time of the water to control when it blows up and also the height of the dispenser awesome all right check it out so all the trees have fully grown our growing mechanics seems to work okay and some of the plants shot up through the hoppers that's intentional so we're gonna collect some of the the drops some of them get lost down there and some of them are going to go in our composting system here this is optional just added it because it does collect a few of the drops and you can see we've already gotten some bone meal from that but yeah most of the plant matter and the wood and our shroom lights and stuff are gonna end up in these barrels and we're gonna have to send the plant matter to composters and then separate the wood and the shrew mites from it uh all the hoppers kind of merge together in the middle here from both sides what we're also going to do now is add some water above the barrels so that when the tnt falls down it doesn't blow them up and it doesn't blow up our hoppers so yeah we're just going to run along the middle here now and get a bunch of water and add some crying obsidian on the ends here we don't really need to build out a crying obsidian i don't think i just did it to be safe so just for now we're going to manually trigger the tnt eventually we'll hook it up to a hopper clock though and it'll run fully automatically but i'm a little too scared to do that so let's give it a go okay so the tnt is going to fall down okay here we go here we go whoa oh my goodness that is amazing that was actually really cool all right yeah that went uh that went good right oh creeper all right now assuming nothing blew up down below we should be able to grow the trees again here just leave the lever flipped and then every so often just hit the button or have a hopper clock trigger it for us and uh yeah every time 21 tnt falls down let's go again here it's looking okay it's looking okay some of those are probably out of bow meal though okay we get more all right none of the hoppers are blowing up i think we're good i think it worked it works it actually works the beaver blaster is amazing i love it but yeah we spent way longer on this than i was planning this episode so i'll finish it up hopefully between episodes and uh we'll check it out again later just uh quickly here the way we're gonna do the collection system is have uh hopper minecarts run underneath the barrels and they can pull items out of them super quickly [Music] now here's the thing that actually isn't our main project for today no no no no i got a massive project planned and we needed warp stems and crimson stems for it i did not want to farm them up manually so that just is part one of what we're doing here another thing we're gonna need a ton of for this project is smooth sandstone so let's fire up our super smelter yeah yeah okay he's uh helping us out we gotta buy some prismarine and sea lanterns here too oh man i wish i made a guardian farm this season impulse has made a fortune off of me you have no [Music] idea cool cool well we just about got all the materials we need for our project i just went and grabbed some soil as well from the nether and uh i talked to hypno he said it would be okay if i used his drowned zombie farm here to collect some tridents we need at least 10 tridents but uh yeah it only works so i'm the only one online it's that's like the thing on this server i can never find a a moment we'll come back to this later for now i think we just got to get started on building because we got a lot of building we need to do uh check this out this is my hole over here it's a pretty impressive hole i gotta say uh it's not quite as impressive as some of the other holes around here but uh it's my hole and i'm happy with it aha so let's get down to it here what are we actually gonna be building today well uh we're gonna take a little break from hurting hermits to start a brand new minigame because uh the other day we had a run-in with the hep members again uh somehow pwo moved our ender pearls in the emergency meeting thing and he teleported us into a prison hello there gentlemen um beat up sent me a message and i had no idea what's going on i don't even have my moccasins on for the day and then i've come in here and i find you all in jail and look at this there's this switch and it pulls on you guys you're just kidding [Laughter] oh [Music] you know scott we should maybe time out take this take this somewhere else and we'll we'll chat about this negotiate parlay should we meet up in the llama the giant llama the crimes against hep the llama okay we'll meet up in the llama all right okay hold on i'll just kill you guys out of course [Laughter] stop it [Laughter] well i was thinking we said all this like real human beings through sports what if we like made some mini games like each team made mini games i've been thinking about this it's been brewing for a while you see we each make mini games and then we have a few rules surrounding it that we can work out later but the the winner of the most mini games who gets the most points wins the war bingo bango and we'll probably like i don't know what the consequences here consequences the loser has to restore the island this is what's posted about the event by the way you can pause and read it if you want but the thing that really caught my attention is the games will begin on the 11th of december which is like tomorrow so we really gotta get this done today uh there's no slacking on this one um yeah and then there's gonna be consequences for the losing team i saw b dubs snuck this in etho has to make a super unique fast smelter for b-dubs if uh if we lose oh i got a good idea i think how about i leave it up to you guys to decide what happens to b double o uh what what consequence should be dubs face if his team loses the minigame event let me know in the comments i'll try to pick the best one the evilest of one and he'll have to face it also i made a deal a tango for for what happens if either of us loses the loser has to use the exploding rockets for a month instead of your regular rockets for flight for flight yeah yeah let's go outside for a sec are you kidding me well actually we can just fly around in here probably so after the firework goes it explodes it's like it's just like a really bad car just backfire oh man i don't have any armor i'm gonna die but the great thing about it is you can color code it you know you know you can personalize it a little signature trailer yeah you like red you can have glitter at the end of it you know you can do whatever you want but get a little flare bling it out i like that i like that you got to use them for a month how's that sound i'm gonna be like blast eat blast eat yeah blast eat yeah oh my gosh that sounds hilarious i'm on board i'm on board and this is this is for the whole contest right not an individual thing or anything right yeah which whichever team wins so okay so if i can't believe i'm doing this there's no way that we're going to win the result if resistance wins tango must oh yeah i do it here only uh yeah you do on the other side must use only exploding rockets to fly oh does blast resistance armor work i bet you does oh yeah yeah right yeah i'm gonna stock up on blast resistance i don't think you take much damage though it's more of like the more of the embarrassment i took a heart from that yeah and i got nothing but my christmas outfit on here so it hurts oh yeah if you're not wearing armor you're going to be right yeah yeah yeah oh that is such i love it i love it i don't care who wins i just this is going to be hilarious now we are back in the magnificent hole here we're starting to do some building and uh you can see we got a layer of soul soil down already we're trying to build a very action-packed mini-game here uh and uh i want soul soil down so we can zip around we might use the speed 2 beacon as well and we'll just be all over the place here so the actual plan what are we doing we're gonna be building a mini game called the rip zone it's a pvp arena so we gotta build it in a day otherwise the server's gonna reset on us but rather than using swords and bows like most pvp the plan is to use the trident so check this out if we put down slabs you still get the soul speed effect uh and then you can waterlog those slabs and you still get it as long as you have depth strider now the cool thing is tridents like if you if you hold right click in the air nothing happens but if you have the riptide effect and you're standing in water this counts as standing in water you can actually throw it like that and uh if you hit a player it's going to damage them you see where we're going with this so we're going to make an arena flooded with water kind of like this and then people will battle it out with tridents and try kill each other yeah so that's the basic idea behind it but we're also going to be adding in a lot of other mechanics to try spice things up check it out we got the arena all flooded now and we can zip back and forth with a riptide no problem and when you land in the water you don't take fall damage either so yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun i think so i'm hoping this is gonna be a three versus three game maybe up to five versus five it's supposed to be a team game so we need quite a bit of space and i think this is uh this is good we're also going to build it pretty tall because as you saw we fly really high up aha so we're going to have two teams one of the teams is represented by the warped stems and the other team by the crimson stems and this is our dividing line down the center but this is also serving as the timer visualizer for the game very simple just a comparator running along the lamps here and depending on how many items are in the chest once all the items flow out of here that's going to represent that the time ran out in the game and the game's going to stop so as that counts down the lights get closer and closer to the middle they disappear from that side and this side and merge to the middle so i think that's a kind of a cool effect so if we take some of these out you'll see only five lights are on now and uh yeah once it gets all the way off game over okay so let's talk game design here for a second because it might be a bit of an odd decision to go for a timer in a pvp game like why don't we just make it first team to 10 kills wins i thought it might be better because we're planning on doing a youtube video on this right it's nice to know how long the game's going to be because then you can plan a certain portion of the video dedicated to it but if you go for 10 kills you never know how long that's going to take so the plan is to have a scoring system you get points for handing in other players heads but there's also gonna be another mechanic involving uh these guys these will also be worth points but before we can really explain that i think we just got to do a building montage here and build up the arena so that some of this will make more sense so let's get to building [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh snappers welcome to the rip zone everybody we just about got her all done here and uh it's taken uh not gonna lie it's two days now i i guess that deadline for december 11th wasn't as strict as i thought it was so we got a bit more time here if we needed it but uh just got a couple things left to work out on it just a few little details the bulk of this thing is complete now and boy i tell you it's been a lot of fun actually i i'm loving this project so i never really use riptide too much like just in general i usually will go for channeling and loyalty and that sort of thing with it but it's a lot of fun just zipping around places you know i love it it's so cool but yeah let's start talking about some of the details and how the game works here so for one thing you can see a lot of our walls are made out of water i just wanted it to be nice and easy to get around here pretty much the whole floor and all the walls are water i decided i was gonna maybe try to put water in the roof as well but decided against it i we would have to hold the water up with chains or something it wouldn't really work too well um we got like platforms all over the place here that are also waterlogged so it's pretty easy to go wherever you want on the map here i'm probably going to add a couple of like obstacles on the ground level here as well so you can't just like zip right through you'll have to maneuver around them uh check this out we got honey walls these are actually a pretty important feature so there's a cool trick you can do with honey uh if you have a bubble vader on the other side like in the corner then you can actually touch the water because honey doesn't take a full block and you can get teleported up like that and that works really good hand in hand with our trident here because we can just zip into the wall like this go up and then like bam get someone in the middle or we can just hover in the middle part of it here and you know just wait aim our shot and bam get somebody okay so this is definitely a pretty weird game i'm gonna try my best to explain it to you guys so these two things on the end that's the spawning rooms for each of the teams we still haven't built those is this gonna be like a bed uh a place to get your armor your trident and probably like a ready switch to start the game but that's where the teams are gonna start out um the goal is to sort of fight over these contention zones there's three of them and uh we have these weird gizmos above the each contention zone where let's just flip the lever here they basically spawn in cod and they fall in the water below like that uh each of those cods is worth about a point right uh so the idea is you can see the bucket of cods are getting dispensed here and then the piston pushes down to break the water and then they fall straight down into the water below and any empty buckets get collected together here from an item filter like so and we got three of these things set up is probably enough i think uh there's also a randomizer attached to each of these that can control how often they get spawned in we'll turn another one on here all three of these will be running during the game though so people will will spawn in and they're going to be fighting over the cod actually a lot of them here we might need to slow it down and you're going to be rip tiding into them i think i'm going to make a rule that you're not allowed to left click because he can also kill him that way i think that'd be kind of not as cool people are going to be fighting over the cod because they're each worth of points you collect them and then there's these three gates on each side each side has them you're supposed to go up to these and throw in a cod that activates the gate over this one um there's going to be four people on the team though i think so they're you know there's gonna be a lot of tasks to do but when you break it up between all the players it's not gonna be as big of a deal but then once you activate all three gates it opens up the big gate down here for a brief amount of time and this is where you actually throw in your fish for points and your player heads and that and they get added to your total of points and then after a certain amount of time it closes again those all get reset up there and you're supposed to uh decide when you want to actually trigger the gate because you have to sacrifice three points just to open up the main one there and as you're doing that as you're putting your your cod in you're vulnerable your back's turned on the enemy and they might try to kill you and steal your fish and your your player heads and if you hold on to your points for too long you know you're a big bounty when you get killed and other teams allowed to steal your points so it should be pretty interesting i think yeah we definitely have way too many spotting though i think i gotta slow that down and yeah it's a bit of a goofy game but basically some players are gonna just be focusing on hunting fish because each one's worth a point right but then other players might uh you know they'll see the guy hunting the fish down there is like that's kind of an easy target and bam they'll get you instead and if they kill you you're gonna drop all your fish they'll steal them and then they'll get the points for them and that's of course assuming the player that steals the points is able to enter them into their main gate here anything in people's inventories doesn't count towards their points it's only when they submit them here and player heads are probably going to be worth five points but not from your own team just opposing team player heads but you'll still want to put all player heads in here so that the other team doesn't steal your teams from you you know when you die so just throw all player heads in here and all cod and you're doing good is the general idea then once all the time runs out the team with the most points wins anyway that's our general game idea here so if you have suggestions let me know was my explanation clear i sure hope so because i gotta explain it to the hermits before they play as well and it's like how do i say this how do i explain this in as few words and like as detailed as possible because there's a lot of little details to consider with this i might just need to write it down and read it or something i don't know uh but yeah i'm gonna work out the rest of this game off camera probably there's not much left to go here and uh before we end this episode though i did do one other side project another noteblock thing for tango we're here for amazingness i i hear no pun intended right like uh it does it's all finished it's complete it's right it's retro it's uh it's amazing okay i mean so did we just start the game or do you want to show it to me or how are you go to that uh up to you well let's go check it out is it is it right below the floor here or something here i think i put it down here somewhere i kind of covered it all you lost it i know i got it hooked up to your game so you just like hit start and it'll start but uh here it is post is clear no creepers oh my okay so it's like does it loop or i assume it does it loops and it's got some controls to like replace sections i think uh over here okay all right i can't wait i can't wait the the maze okay i'm gonna hit it go for it i think it's this one oh my gosh oh that's loud [Music] it's like ah it's perfect oh my gosh so there's a i was expecting like the one note version you've got like the super corded up version yeah four notes at a time there's like three or four at a time always yeah and there's a lower section look at that down over here look what what oh my gosh you're like we're like the into the chorus and stuff yeah and then it starts over oh my gosh but it plays this part twice and then it plays this part once see that is that's what makes you so so good at this because not only are you incredible with the music blocks but you you apply redstone and logic to it as well so that you can actually like make the songs dynamic and that's just amazing it saved so many note blogs too yeah because you could just kind of like weave in extra layers in real time like this is incredible oh my gosh the other thing i did is i added in these pistons here so if you stop the game uh it won't have to play through the whole song and stop at certain sections of the song wow all right so there's like one stop point over there like emergency stops yeah yeah yeah yeah and there's like one up up here too so it'll stop like after 20 seconds or so this is absolutely insane so like remember when when i first brought you over here i was like oh maybe like some textures or something what did you say what did you say so i i looked at it and like a lot of the notes a lot of the ones i saw have like huge octave ranges but i found one that was a little bit more perfect for minecraft yeah yeah cause this is non-trivial and you just knocked it out of the park you were like yeah tetris oh that's too hard maybe something else and then you did this and you didn't even do the simple 8-bit version you did the real deal like unbelievable unbelievable stop button wow there we go just like that uh-huh uh-huh i just have one question for you are you like a wizard or something on the side do you actually like the weaver of arcane arts or anything like that because how do you how do you do this um i cheat a lot do you know i i didn't make the so don't get confused i didn't actually make the song i just copied no no no i know but to translate music i'm the copy ninja i'm the copy ninja but you still know how to apply like written music into you convert it into note blocks is what you're saying right i can't do that yeah that's one thing i did that's crazy do you have them you don't have a musical background do you no it's something i've been learning like in the last couple years here what's the damage there boss oh yeah i gotta pay me i forgot let's go for two stacks of diamonds oh yeah pity payday people be happy thank you very much alive yep yeah alrighty all right good stuff so that's pretty much all i got for you guys this episode i hope you enjoyed it oh i checked this out i did move our portal down here by the way so it's no longer just up in the sky randomly we had like an extra spot here and uh at first i didn't like it too much but i really do like it now i think it works okay i put magenta terracotta next to it's a little bit more purple compared to like the pink we're using in the room and it kind of blends in pretty good that way and tried to hide the obsidian as much as possible too uh-huh anyways yeah thank you guys for watching hope you have yourselves a wonderful day take care bye
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 509,441
Rating: 4.9872732 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Hermit, Server, Season 7, Minecraft 1.16, Minigame
Id: U6Yu-Ane9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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