I gave Copper Ore an Update for Minecraft...

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we're getting copper in minecraft and it is literally everywhere but there are only a few ways to actually use it so i decided to change that by making copper the best it can be with a copper update let me show you what i did eighty percent of the people watching this video are not currently subscribed and that means that you could very well be one of them so if you enjoyed today's video please consider subscribing it would really help my channel out all right back to the video all right my friends you know what time it is it is time to find some copper oh no okay well all right so this is copper we have officially discovered copper in minecraft and you want to know why it's because it is very easy to find in a minecraft 1.17 world already we've obtained two different veins and there's actually even more over here and it kind of makes you wonder what all can you craft with copper since it's so available okay come here give you a little dude not a pro so let's see you can basically take copper ingots to create a load of different copper blocks making it great for building but what about other uses well first and foremost we've got a lightning rod and also we've got of course a spyglass don't get me wrong these are both awesome uses sure you could tap into the power of lightning in your minecraft world and you could spy on weird salmon that are doing a dance in unison but is that enough i've got a couple of ideas that could definitely make copper even better let's start with a new item called a copper wrench now i actually showed this off in a recent video all about adding magnets to minecraft but i wasn't able to give it a proper spotlight so let me demonstrate how exactly this would work as you could see this allows you to essentially rotate blocks which as a builder i could see this as being incredibly handy i mean how many times have you accidentally placed something in the wrong direction if you're watching this video and you are into redstone then chances are you know exactly why this would come in handy especially for blocks like the observer where you could easily rotate it around how amazing is this i could definitely see how this could come in handy but it's not infinite if you've noticed i'm actually using durability as i rotate just like flint and steel as you use it it will eventually break meaning you will need copper to replenish your copper wrench i mean come on this is amazing but it doesn't stop there okay back to the caves but for this one maybe we take some precautions depending on how you look at it copper i mean it's a new ore in the game so it's not surprising that a lot of people would expect it to be able to be used to create tools and armor but of course as you know it cannot be used that way which is kind of a shame i mean when you think about it we've already got plenty of semi-useless ores gold being one of them of course copper now kind of being that way depending on how you look at it but i've got an idea that could take both of these and turn them into something fantastic okay before we continue let's take note of the golden pickaxe which as you know is incredibly fast in fact it's the fastest pickaxe in the game however the durability is not so great so for that reason a lot of people never even craft golden tools but my idea allows us to do so with copper so that both of them become very useful alright for this idea imagine that you can take all of the golden armor and golden tools and combined them with copper ingots in the early game to produce something better than iron but not quite as good as diamond and for this example we're going to need a smithing table which as you can see i managed to have one right here totally didn't place this as you could see we can basically combine gold with copper ingots to create none other than rose gold armor now this is actually scientifically correct if you combine copper and gold you get rose gold now in this case it takes on the properties of essentially iron and gold meaning you get the durability of iron but the strength of copper meaning you can get faster pick axis before actually getting to diamond now of course this still means that there's still a reason to go get diamond i mean it's definitely going to be more durable in the long run but the idea of mining up large areas with the rose gold pickaxe i mean honestly it's amazing just watch this but first let's suit up in style looking fantastic just for comparison i've got an iron pickaxe and a rose gold pickaxe now if we use the iron you could see it's generally a good speed i mean anyone who plays survival minecraft is definitely familiar with the speed of an iron pickaxe by the way yes green lantern a little bit more on that momentarily but as you can see if we switch over to the rose gold pickaxe it's actually a lot faster and it's definitely something that would come in handy in the late early game of minecraft if that made any sense at all and of course if you enchant it it even goes further beyond this actually gives good strategy because it's essentially faster than diamond while not being nearly as durable so depending on what you're wanting to do whether it be have a pickaxe that lasts a long time throughout all of your survival adventures or just simply mine out a large area there's gonna be different pickaxes that are better depending on what you're doing and perhaps one of my favorite reasons this idea is amazing is the fact that it adds more to the smithing table in the early game of minecraft teaching you all about it before you ever get your hands on netherrite not to mention the armor is looking pretty snazzy if i do say so myself and before we move on depending on how you look at it this would be the progressional chain of rose gold armor it would basically be right after golden chest plates requiring gold to even craft it so it actually gives you a reason to go through all of the different sets of armor until of course you can get diamond and then of course after that netherrite this next idea is actually really cool and you could kind of consider it a bit of a chemistry lesson even though i'm definitely no chemistry teacher so if you combine copper and fire you get green fire but it actually gets really cool let me explain why this works okay for the sake of adding some danger to the video let's put the crafting table there so for this particular idea i've added copper nuggets and whenever you combine that with gunpowder you actually get copper sulfate which is a chemical that actually does produce green fire so yes of course green fire is cool but it actually continues to go further and they actually have functionality so to give you an example we can actually create various different copper sulfate items so for example i've got copper sulfate torches which of course as you guessed makes copper sulfate lanterns which i did show earlier and i gotta figure out how to do it but i'm pretty sure we could also create a copper sulfate campfire which is definitely really really cool and i mean these blocks look awesome green is definitely something i would love to see as far as lighting goes but it actually has functionality hey who turned off the lights in here as you can see i have found a dungeon and i totally found it legitimately and not through spectator mode but that's okay that's besides the point so as you can see here i found a dungeon and as you know if you light up a dungeon mobs don't spawn well that's where the copper sulfate lighting would come in this is the first of a new kind of lighting that i think would be really cool for minecraft where essentially it doesn't actually stop mobs from spawning in fact mobs love green lighting creepers you could say would even be attracted to it this would be very useful for mob farms where you want to still be able to see but not keep mobs from spawning by the way what is going on here this is this is kind of weird not to mention in the setting of a stronghold it actually looks really nice so in the context of building green lighting would be very cool plus the functionality would still allow mobs to spawn so it would be just as dangerous with a little bit of style i definitely would not complain not to mention why aren't vines in cobwebs part of the stronghold yet hmm oh geez okay all right so there you have it for my idea will this ever end there we go sorry about that uh so there we have it for my ideas on copper don't get me wrong copper is great and i'm incredibly grateful for the caves and cliffs update but if i were to add anything these would definitely be the simple changes that i would do and i really really hope that you enjoyed them this is a bug sorry about that i modded this myself i'm proud of myself i finally made something on my own but still shout out to my team because they answered a lot of questions i had but as you can see the cobber wrench the rose gold tools and armor set the copper sulfate it's all really cool and really science friendly and that is what i love this is definitely something i would love to see in minecraft 1.17 well would you look at that you made it to yet again the end of another video and i very much thank you for watching if you click to the left you can watch the video i made about magnets in minecraft and to the right you can watch my video on archaeology and how it will work in minecraft but anyways thank you for watching
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 1,398,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, copper, 1.17, caves, cliffs, update
Id: 8akoM1CjB1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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