Mining for 12 hours in Minecraft

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All of the HermitCraft youtubers are putting loads of work this year. For example Iskall85 is placing around a million leaf blocks from what I heard of. Absolutely mad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheAutisticSnail 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
today i'm going to do something incredibly boring so you don't have to ever since i first got minecraft way back in the day i've always asked myself what would happen if i mined for just 12 hours if i spent 12 hours mining how many resources would i get obviously back when i first started playing minecraft mining was a little bit different there were no enchantments the fastest pickaxe you could have was an unenchanted diamond pickaxe so to get a large quantity of diamonds was really really difficult like 12 hours maybe wouldn't even get you this much whereas nowadays you have efficiency five we've got haste two beacons we can essentially insta mine we can clear out huge areas it's probably gonna be a decent amount isn't it i mean 12 hours of mining i'm i genuinely don't know which i guess is why i'm making the video i mean it would be a little bit pointless if i knew if i get enough diamonds that i can put them up in my trees like this then i'll be very happy one two three mending books it's just one diamond per book that's not a bad deal a little bit of efficiency five action that should do the trick one two three i'm breaking three and of course fortune is required as well you know you've got to spend money to make money here is there a more horrible noise in minecraft from the sound of many endermen dying it just goes right through your eardrums but despite that horrible racket i am now fully kitted up i've got all of my pickaxes sorted so we can cycle through those i've got all of the iron sorted for the multiple beacon pillars that i'm going to be creating i've got all my torches sorted so now i just need to find a place to build this thing and i think it's probably smart that i do it somewhere near ish my industrial district oh and i probably should mention yeah i'm playing on the hermitcraft server right now this is where i do survival minecraft along with a lot of my friends you should check out the series if you're interested location has been found now it's time to set everything up and we are good to go i would say beacons on haste two activated we have got the insta mine goodness let's get to business and of course that involves one super fast time lapse now the key to good mining and the key to getting as many resources as possible is just to uncover as many blocks as possible and to do that i'm literally just whizzing my pickaxe around basically i mean i've got my hay still one i've got my efficiency five and i just kind of just shake my mouse about and just uncover as many blocks as possible now could i do it in strips and maybe do a little bit more uniform that might be better but honestly this is just more fun and because i'm going to have to do it for 12 hours i mean fun making it fun is actually quite important we are now one and a half hours down and things are going decently but i have now reached the maximum distance away from the beacon in all directions so everything is slowing down so i guess i should move this thing over and kind of just i'm just gonna snake my way across across the landscape here hopefully by the end of this video we're just going to have a huge clearing and it is it's going to be huge i'm not entirely sure this is smart hopefully we don't get hit by any gravel it's a good way to do it this does that seem yeah that's actually god i feel yeah look at that it worked although i don't think it will work if lava balls down if lava falls down and that could be the end of me thankfully i've managed to stay pretty lava free and we should be seeing the beacon beam ah gravel and also incredibly wonky beacon we're only an hour and 46 minutes in and i'm already doing silly stuff like this imagine like the 11th or 12th hour that's gonna be a real problem i've just realized how close i put my other beacon what was i thinking i've given myself like 20 blocks of extra mining for 20 minutes of effort what what am i doing with my life what an idiot i hate mining in extreme hills it's just terrible they're terrible silverfish that where why go away leave me be finally some diamonds i was starting to lose hope a little bit there and that is a solid vein but my fortune has failed me totally failed me it actually wasn't that bad i was being quite dramatic there wasn't i wish you ill oh deary me i'm on fire lovely juggly lovely jumbly is that it is that really it i've decided i don't want any more junk i've got a bunch of junk shulker boxes here we've got enough cobblestone we've got enough dirt now we can just go for the pressure stuff i want to increase these this is what i care about this is why i'm mining i'm not mining for this stuff in case you're wondering why i'm not picking up gold it's because i have a pretty mega gold farm this this is pointless i'll just throw it this way and if you're wondering why i'm not picking up iron it's for the exact same reason oh and emeralds two you know i really i only want diamonds oh and on the top of diamonds that is oh it's an eight it's an eight stay away from my diamonds stay away from my is this another eight oh my goodness christmas come early well that was an incredibly lucky and accidental find i wasn't even meaning to mine here and yet we managed to get ourselves 14 diamonds from it i'm now going to continue mining here because clearly it is incredibly incredibly lucky 15 minutes later and we have found zero diamonds so must've been wrong on that one that's must have been wrong we are just about to pass the three hour mark which means we are one quarter of the way in and i must admit i don't know if we're doing well or not i don't know if this is good so if we get four times that amount i suppose that's but yeah that's not bad i mean 16 stacks of diamonds it's not terrible i don't know i just expected to be overflowing with them i think i know what the problem is not enough time lapse in let's get to it if that accidental mining of the roof had uncovered a diamond then that i would have quit just there the video would have peaked right seriously let's get to it and just to warn you this one is not a particularly long one i mean everything was going well you know i was knocking through we were picking up all the resources and things i was getting a little bit confident i wasn't really paying as much attention as i should be and then i am in a bit of a situation i'm in that lava i fell in there and i've just logged out but there's people online i wonder if i can get them to come by and and clear out the lava for me so that i don't die please so it seems like stress is on on the way um this is this is great news i was about to cry i'm holding about a stack of diamonds there she is savior my savior [Laughter] stress i don't know what to do [Laughter] you fell in right here yes oh okay i'm ready i don't have a fire assistant splash motion i'm so scared look there you are okay okay that's good that's good being on fire is fine i genuinely thought i was still in love oh nice well thank you thank you and stress the absolute dream team managed to save me in the end anyway let's get back to some time lapsing and this one this one is the big fella i would say this is an important one because we're an important stage of the mining process you know we've gotten through the cobwebs at the start we've managed to we've managed to knock through those we're starting off five hours in and i'm gonna punch it right the way through to the tenth hour ten hours okay because that means that for those final two hours that is our home straight so this is like the heart of it right this is like the middle of the race and things going pretty well i mean i'm still weirdly finding it enjoyable but it's kind of like a strange sort of enjoyment it's like it's a it's it's fun in a i don't really have to think about this much anymore kind of way you know what i mean so i think it's safe to say that was a pretty monstrous time lapse but we're about to hit a pretty monstrous milestone 10 hours 10 hours has been passed we have done 10 hours worth of mining so far and my hands have gone a bit numb and my my eyes have gone a bit fuzzy to be honest with you it's i'm starting to not see i'm starting to see reality as minecraft and minecraft as reality they're kind of merging into one things are going decently well though i think i mean this is some of the resources that i have i am actually quite excited to see them all totted up at the end that's going to be pretty interesting but we have just two hours left to go two hours left two hours left of mining and i think i've just about exhausted this location right here so i'm going to move on to a different one where do i go next i'm honestly i'm honestly not sure um i don't even know where i am i've got myself totally lost it turns out i'm actually a couple hundred blocks away from example void's base so i gotta stay clear from there after a little bit of poking around i would say that this seems like a pretty good spot to go do i have everything i need because i'll be really upset if i don't have everything that i need if i can go for the full 12 hours without losing anything i'll be incredibly happy because i am the absolute king of accidentally leaving things at previous mining locations also if you're wondering why the time has jumped up yeah i had to go to the toilet i mean you know this is all part of the 12-hour process okay this is looking promising that is not bad what we only got 12 from that seven block ah i must admit although it feels like we're on the home street right now it's kind of like doing the last few hundred meters of a marathon it's like it feels good that you're coming towards the end but it also doesn't feel that good don't get me wrong i've played minecraft for 12 hours stints before in the past but i've always been doing something quite creative with it whereas just doing such a repetitive task for 12 hours it's a little bit mind-numbing a tiny put it this way you won't catch me doing this again anytime soon oh but seeing this sort of thing makes it all worth it let's see let's see let's see oh that's coming quite quickly though but is it man i'm having a very lucky 10 minutes right here oh we are approaching the 11th hour and i have just found myself a handful of diamonds i mean i don't even really want those only three you may be able to tell i've become a proper diamond elitist at this point at this point it's just it's eight diamonds or bust oh but i will take sets of diamonds in quick succession is it another three we are now in the final hour 11 hours down one hour left to go home straight time one two three four five six one two one two three four one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six one two three four five six seven eight the counter is ticking down we are now into the final five minutes and i'm just kind of running around at this point not really doing too much extra mining but i'm picking up all of the redstone and things that are in the walls i feel like i can't possibly leave this place just completely filled with resources so i'm doing a quick run through and just grabbing everything i'm also working incredibly hard not to get killed because this place is looking very very dangerous indeed right redstone blocks redstone blocks let's do this man there are so many items everywhere i've almost fully repaired my pickaxe just from the mending five four three two one 12 hours 12 hours has been spent mining now it is time for me to get out of here because i probably spent the last three minutes just trying to fend off all of the mobs that are attacking me i have got to just look over my shoulder so much for doing this i need to get out of here i'm terrified everything has all been nicely stacked up into one single double chest and i have to say it's pretty wild we actually got a lot more than i thought you know when it was split up between all the shulker boxes i was like oh gosh you know i don't know if we've actually got that much stuff but no we've managed to get over 10 stacks oh no way over 10 stacks hang on so that's 9 10 11 12 13. 13 and a bit stacks of diamonds 854 diamonds that's not bad 854 diamonds and then we can combine that with all the diamonds that i have in that chest over there i've got like another five stacks so i've got way over a thousand diamonds on the hermitcraft server that's nice i've also got tons upon tons of redstone blocks so plenty of redstone contraptions to do a little bit of lappies and a bunch of coal as well i mean this this has been majorly profitable majorly majorly profitable i'm now an incredibly rich hermit there you go answer to the question that nobody really asked apart from me apparently 12 hours of mine and this is what you get hopefully hopefully that satisfies you if you want to do your own experiments please do i'd love to see tons upon tons of 12-hour mining sessions all over youtube but this this is what i managed to come up with anyway i hope you enjoyed catch you in the next video see ya this video does beg the question though i wonder if it is less efficient in one long stint because i have to say for those last three or four hours my mind was so elsewhere that i probably wasn't being that efficient at mining i wonder if it would be faster to do 12 one-hour sessions like you get more stuff not faster but you get more stuff yeah i definitely think that's probably the case
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,399,043
Rating: 4.9579082 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: 2o1nzp5qaUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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