Hermitcraft S7 Ep 48: Turf War WINNER?

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ooh hello there my fellow miners and crafters good times with skyr here and welcome back to the wonderful worlds of hermits and crafting and we're flying right over the top of our brand new now complete mini game here in the turf war mini game tournament and this thing is looking amazing a huge thanks to mumbo and b devs for helping me put this thing together because in this condensed timeline to get this massive project done i could never have done it without them and they made it so much better than i could have ever of dreamed of so once again big thanks to bdubs and momo [Music] mumbo not not mama or whatever i just said i i feel so embarrassed i'm i'm so sorry mumbo it it's a service i provide people come from far want to hear me mispronounce their names oh boy anyway i have been doing a ton of work off camera here and the biggest thing is just cleaning up the area and get everything all sorted up and that is building out more crossbows getting the moo pop in the chest for the food because this game is sponsored by moo pop soda and of course getting all the rockets sorted out the same setup for green team they have the uniforms and the chests full of green and of course the moon pop and all of the crossbows so yeah wow this has been a lot of work and i cannot wait for the others to play which is going to happen today and today is going to be a absolutely wild episode we have mini games to play ourselves we have this game to run and a whole lot of other things but before we do anything else there is a pressing matter that occurred in our last episode that we must attend to so in our last episode we wanted to show green our baby yoda that was given to us by bee of the double of the o and well green showed his true colors and that whoa no what in the world oh i'm going down all the rings i'm going down all the rings oh my gosh i think we won the game basically you see how many hoops we accidentally went through unintentionally won the skydiving game oh oh shoot now i ran out of rockets oh no no no oh no these are the big boom rockets oh oh are we gonna die we're gonna die aren't we we're gonna die oh we're not gonna make it oh gosh how is this going so poorly do you think we can make it i'm gonna try to make it in here without dying come on oh we no we're going down again oh my gosh oh well this has been fun okay finally oh come on what in the world oh wow we are uh finally back here in one piece and as i said a moment ago green showed his true colors as muff greedian and he stole baby yoda and we went on a chase and this plane is amazing anyway we went on a great chase and he made off with baby yoda and every one of my comments and tweets right now is that baby yoda is on this plane and i they said he's flying the plane i oh great oh she's not in here is he behind the toilet no okay that's not a toilet sorry sorry captain i think that's the captain's chair um oh no if you want your baby boy back you will have to play a little game with me i'll be in touch oh will you g maybe i'll be in touch oh we've got him now you may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of but you do not soon he will be back with me he means more to me than you will ever know scar this is a pretty good easter egg you gotta admit that's a pretty good easter egg but anyway as those signs say he'll be back with us soon if you don't know that quote is from the mandalorian and it's what uh mando told moff gideon in the last episode anyway it looks like from this board here that hep is winning the turf iv at the moment so we're going into the final stretch of minigames today in the lead which is amazing the games are just about to begin and i feel like a skin change is in order biosuit now dawned and we're ready to play the games in our protective hep team suit which is absolutely amazing first game of the day is gonna be with b-dubs we're going up against doc and ren in tango's escape the mycelium game all right so this is a like kind of like an escape the room kind of game where you're both gonna be doing the same puzzle it's a 2v2 you're gonna have to like go in there communicate work together and uh the first two like accomplish three rooms and get to the end and eat the cake and press the button we'll win well well there's cake there's cake there's kids only for the winner drowsing over here for a second you say cake i got excited couple rules you can't break any blocks that you don't create or place um you know you'll kind of figure it out as you go this is this is where we're at right now you're over there you have the water flowing that is going into my section right here and it is flowing under three cobwebs into four hoppers and two chests um we have grass on the ground and dirt on top and we have a chest with one iron 30 bone meal eight ice charcoal redstone one torch and the goal is to put a cooked cod in the barrel i might have really messed up too because i put two cobblestone up oh hi i messed up yeah i see that you got some cobble up there are you feeling christmasy tango do you want to i'm feeling helpless i'm feeling christmassy okay that was a goof that was a big goof man all righty thank you very much it's up to me to get it back myself i can do that thank you very much okay carry on um okay tango what what why does the one torch what do we need the torch for melting ice you can melt ice with that are we gonna become dehydrated you might you might you might want to make a little small campfire and sing kumbaya i don't know yeah i mean scar if i if i just make like a lake in here will one spawn is that how how else do you get a car i don't know beat ups i think we were the worst people on our team to do this challenge what if okay this is this is crazy take the boat meal can you bone meal the water bone meal the water i don't know if that makes coffee i i'm gonna try to grow the tree grow the tree what what will potentially fall from that is sticks and saplings okay okay okay okay we have a tree all right i'm i'm doing some work finally i'm feeling good birch burst trees don't drop apple what is the redstone dust for dude wait we can make a redstone torch now for a what well i don't know i was just throwing it out there how's it going gents oh we're good we've got it figured out the clue i i if i could ask you to sleep i'm sure it's night time that would really do the whole server a huge favor it's daytime yeah but can you keep an eye on it it keeps the stress levels lower i know i know it gives them the shakes yeah i'll keep my eye on it they they're doing fishing over there so you need to get that kind of you got to break the cobwebs we got a fish oh my gosh wait we don't have a string or no a wooden sword why god because to break the cobwebs and get string oh my gosh jeez wait no no no you have to do it you have the crafting bench and then you got to pass it to me hey you stop your little mocking up there mister i'm sorry i'm coming together guys come on bye what a clutch move if this is enough to make an afk fishing arena i think we have to make an afk fisher there's the fishing rod you you just make like take the wood a one by one um water source and you should be able to fish in that okay okay next question um how does one cook the fish wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how do you make um how do you do the campfires don't you can't you put meat on them wait yes that's not good charcoal and sticks charcoal sticks and log yes dude smart okay okay first of all duck just died so rip on that first step of the season um yeah that means that they moved on look look at b-depths can you give us props look what we're doing look at that pro fishing well done good and then make that campfire up oh i can't you have the crafting bench you can make a crafting bench you can make a crafty bench i'm panicking over here i forgot i could do this me too okay i think we've lost no we we never give up okay i got a fish coming cod it's cod um how do you um three logs on the bottom sticks in a pyramid coal in the middle oh dude oh dude oh gosh okay we're not far behind we're not far behind where's the where's the camera where's the okay come on we believe in you his name's fantastic oh of course it is it should be done in seconds it pops off when it's done oh okay okay okay oh my gosh okay i'm passing it passing it passing it okay it's packed got it it's in the barrel here we go and bang heat ups come on quick i'm coming quick through the door okay okay um okay nether another nest uh what is this okay we have dark oak plank one gunpowder bamboo and seven acacia slabs a water stream that activate the target block okay okay what do you have in your chest everything's coming over that's that's everything i have except for the paper note hey tango hi how's it going oh good um once again is this time for the clue we've just been waiting uh oh okay okay uh okay so you don't have to give a clue you gave a clue on the last one we're fine yeah we're we're really good um there are two things that we could use to shoot we could use a bow or we could use a crossbow and we could use snowballs crosstalk you know how to craft a craft crash bow here you have the crafting bench so i'm going to send this all back your way i feel like there's something to do with my area being what what's on the floor uh i just haven't figured that out yet oh the bamboo hit it with the bamboo smack it yeah i'll just smack it with the bamboo here we go bang there we go okay that worked out worked okay okay i'm sending the bamboo back over okay bamboo coming back plan it on anything oh yes the gravel right try it yes yes okay so we'll be able to get sticks from that what can you shoot with a crossbow um well i mean you can shoot fireworks and and arrows hello hi hello it definitely has to be a crossbow but what's the nether wart block for that doesn't decraft into anything does it craft into anything no i mean what what what other materials do we have we have like 64. mother ward or something 64 nether warts seven slabs acacia slabs which is odd oh dude oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh plant this plant this we need the paper we're going to make rockets wait what makes it oh wait we don't need to grow it because it's enough for paper already you just make the paper you're throwing it your way we're just fun we're having fun time this is great this is really fun yeah yeah go away tango gun powder firework rocket i made it the only thing we're missing is three sticks the seven slabs what are the sizes for hi welcome back hi is there anything we could kill him with don't he's on our side he's on a heavy guy i want you guys to catch up but i got to keep it fair feels like it's night time uh i don't know good we got rid of him okay you have slaps what else do you have slabs tons of nether war block the rest oh my gosh you can make a composter get out i'm making it oh dude no how do we not think of that sooner oh we're way behind this was easy oh okay okay okay bone meal coming over dude dude we're catching up come on we're coming back we're coming back with a vengeance bruce willis style i'm gonna load it here we go here we go we're moving on scar oh i'm ready i'm ready oh i'm ready i'm ready nail oh look at this you nailed it i'm burning look at him go okay oh so here's the deal they won i'm sorry to say oh you guys should really do the last puzzle because it's the best one where's that look at look at batboy and grandma hair over there jeez grandma hair i mean i'm not wrong five planks in this box and it is put enough put a cooked chicken in the barrel okay we gotta cook the chicken on a smoker i'm on a crafting bench um this is a chicken pen over here tango what's in that chest can you reach that chest i'm doing so i'm doing some some maneuvers oh tango really good is the worst wait can i reach that hold up what in the world i got a barrel over here i've got i've got the planks okay so we need to put a cooked chicken in the barrel view of the barrel are you in a so i'm i'm entirely boxed in here my ceiling's open but i i can't get up two blocks i need like a block somehow um can i pass you anything can i make these sticks into something so i can make don't make sticks okay okay okay what if i made a boat tango i mean some would say that would be brilliant really it's my middle name i'm trying to figure out brilliant oh oh oh oh oh i did it oh my brain oh once in a while he comes through boom bam wow look at me look at this go okay all right um okay i have eggs i have 16 eggs here's my thought i make the chickens become become sentient and i put them in here really gotta get lucky here no no stop why don't there's a big one is there a hole back there you don't want the chickens back there where do you want the chickens to go there's there's somehow i need a block can you oh you can pass to me check that out see what you got see what you got give me a block i don't have any blocks you don't have any blood no i built the sweet boat i hate the boat i love the boat get the boat up here yes oh darn didn't see that hopper yeah all right and all right okay what happens when i push this button i got 64 seeds for breeding chicken i'm gonna good job okay so so we just need to to um uh spam the chickens and i need the seeds as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh careful he's gone he's gone oh he's gone it's fine okay he's gonna grow grow big and strong grow [Laughter] just down his throat there he goes is he a big fella i got chicken head as well oh bang dude we got something for oh bonus dude you look absolutely ridiculous do you think we won dude i think we i think we want some second place cooking all right well congratulations team stinky fungus well done well done gg batboy gg grandma hair you guys better put your point on there your one and only point yeah yeah let's go put it on the board tango that was a fantastic game though you did so wonderful i appreciate you guys playing does anyone have a lever we need a lever it did come on doc let's sail off into the sunset my friend bro smell you guys later gg winners goodbye goodbye celebration fireworks grandma hair and batboy roasted us more than we roasted that chicken in the last puzzle room they destroyed us but i have a good feeling we will come back with a win from our next game which is impulses whack-a-mole game and once again we are teaming up with the beat of the double of the o welcome all to whack a stand are you guys ready to compete we're ready we're even more ready oh yeah is there favoritism going on over here look at them courses favoritism there has been the whole time the whole time they're kind of my teammates so you know over there but the game is not rigged it is definitely equal in fact we are going to split things up today so that it is definitely going to be equal so each one of you will compete individually to see how many points you can score by whacking the armor stands that come up in one of these holes it's definitely random and yeah just try to hit as many as you can before the game is over and that's it so we'll go one by one tally up the points and maybe end things off with a two at a time scenario which could get a little hectic this definitely is not scar safe no scar just stay away from the steps you do not want to go in the hole you're not going to get a lot of stands if that happens in fact you'd probably be stuck in the game forever oh man but this is exciting i never had quarters to play this kind of game so i'm very excited okay whenever you're ready scary just hit this button right here in the ground spectators feel free to mock him openly they'll be mocking i wasn't prepared no more you can do it scar you're gonna be trying drown them out we're outnumbered here b-dubs we're outnumbered okay okay here we go i'm nervous it's broken it's broad it's busted oh you missed your first one no no no no oh that's your i got this i got this this one's for sure okay just pretend they're baby yoda you're smacking baby yoda no that's horrible that's horrible that's horrible you're a horrible horrible person for saying such a terrible thing oh you've got to spam click it yes though you got a point he got a point i heard it yeah what [Music] you had a slow start but you definitely picked it up at the end okay so let's take a look and see you got 29 points i mean yeah it's terrible a lot of naysayers out in the audience over there pretty good scarf specifically my team i said i was proud of you i heard i heard words is each armor stanworth 29 yeah oh very funny you you take those four i take these we just do circles oh okay okay okay wonderful that's right you saw i got the big brain helmet on over here look at that look at this this ledge this ledge is gonna are you ready okay here we go three two one go two okay yes okay did you do it did you push the button the answer yes they're so dense okay i'm waiting on my side still nothing here okay got it got it nice scar's got it down now i think i got a strategy as well doc no you don't i'll tell you after this though are you getting stuff on your end yes this is like i'm here i got okay i got one got one okay that one okay i don't think they've missed a single one i've had a couple guys fly by hey man got one uh-huh we're doing well we're doing really well yeah oh points are just flying out of the arena aha okay oh they are perfection so far okay i'm redeeming myself from the previous round yes no wow that's a lot of points that was four points at once okay okay got another one man they're racking them up interesting yeah i think i know a strategy doc would you stop it with your strategy whispers you can send i think you're you're getting way more stands than i am i'm mostly just spinning in circles over here run like the wind daddy missed that one oh come on look at this look at this beat up look at this i can see i can't look i'm busy 53. oh whoa wow wait so he's got every single one on his racquet as impressive in the 50s you know wow very impressive run very impressive so what's the strategy yeah you had a good one hey he's got baby yoda oh i love the fireworks that's great um let's find out first and then go get him oh my gosh that's the first time i've seen more than a stack seventy seven one of those unique points what a beautiful number indeed well done well normally i would say we should take a break and tally up the scores but i i think uh this is gonna be an easy one if i'm not mistaken scar gets to do his first round over and then then we'll add it all up and see what happens make sure we give b dubs his bonus three points it was hep with 123 and my ceiling resistance with 165. wow baby i loved whack-a-mole impulse wonderful job on it and i just wish i knew about the spam click a little ahead of time but i don't think it would have helped because of ethos big bray moments seeing that there is a double armor stand opportunity absolutely genius he roasted us but we're on to our next game and this time it's mine last night we did a little bit of play testing and made some modifications to the game and i want to go through real quick first of all you can see that there are more platforms on the map floor to hide behind and the goal is to slow the game down a little bit and be a little more strategic instead of just continuous death and that's how the play test went it was pure chaos so another thing is that the crossbows are now single shot and non-multi-shot and they have less particles in the safe houses here where you respawn there are two entrances coming out and there is a respawn delay here where you have to walk across honey blocks and each side is timed to be about the same amount of time it takes to cross and that would be the same for grass now when you come out there are barricades to protect you along with barricades over here when you push the buttons that you're not getting attacked from the spawn you have a little bit of protection right here and the biggest change is that when you retrieve the source block from the volt you don't have to put it back into your own volt but you have to work your way up these vines so if you are the uh the mycelium team and you've got the grass block you have to work your way up to the top place it on the pedestal winning condition goes off and yeah so those are the changes everything is filled back up um potions i put i put leap in there for for fun but yeah a lot of work went into this from mumbo b dubs and myself and i am so excited to finally play hermities welcome to showdown this is a bit of tower defense captured a flag and a bit of paintball mixed in and as you can see you are on your appropriate teams the mycelium team excuse me that's something gross in my throat steam and the beautiful luscious greatest team of all time the grass team over here so right the goal of this game to win is to take the other source block and bring it to your base can we talk about this for a minute oh well oh yeah that's what happened it was fine i'm only an aquatic spectator this is the most dangerous island of them but as i said the goal is to get the other source block the other source block is kept in their volts same on each side you have to have two players to push the button open the vault take your source block and bring it up to the top of your preferred mushroom or tree place it on the pedestal winning condition you win the game there are spawn houses in each side and uh yeah that's about it also i feel like a flight attendant right now i'm like and here and yeah yeah wave into each thing and behind us here you have attack and defend so you can use this area very strategically so say you know you might be grasping but you might want to detonate the tnt in the grass area which will not destroy the land mumbo's nature of that i hope pretty sure and uh and the same with mycelium so you guys ready ready ready all right head to your head to your houses and i'll give you to go [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so team hep is victorious here at showdown which was really cool to see and yeah take that resistance but anyway it's just good to get a win on the board today but big thanks to the resistance and team hep for playing hope you all enjoyed it was really fun to watch so now we are going to all get together and calculate who won the turf war welcome turf war participants we have fought long and hard to create these mini games and then we fought long and hard to win the mini games and we are going to reveal who is the winner i think we already know who the winner is but we're gonna do it anyways so the viewers so hep finished with three whole points they won showdown stars minigame grass jump and my game rings of death and the mycelium resistance won so many games that i had to make the scoreboard bigger so absolute landslide we won dodgeball waka stand escape the mycelium rip zone a maze and floatage meaning the mycelium resistance take the win and sky you've got to build the back of my mansion [Music] whoa yoda pack [Laughter] farewell pumpkin pie hello course fruit how's that chorus tasting so all wages are now final if you made a wager then that you have to do whatever the mycelium resistance tells you to do however you did it i think bdubs is a delivery boy now i am yeah does this mean that genuinely the shopping district is going to stay as mycelium though because it is really ugly no no no no war part two if that's the case war part two the agreement is that the losing side has to restore the shopping district back to the grass and make it still better it was never about the block let's be honest in summary in summary we we ruined the shopping district and we made you fix it so i think it's just been a win-win-win-win-win well done resistance we we we did it we beat city hall let's have a hurrah for the winners here yeah [Applause] hey [Laughter] and so that concludes the turf war can i just say a huge congratulations to team resistance your games and playing with all you guys has been an absolute blast a massive high five to my team team hep of course in all the work they put into their games and playing with them couldn't have been any funner and this whole turf war really shows the power of hermitcraft and its creativity and its ability to create amazing things when we all come together and i couldn't be more happy to be a part of such an amazing group of people so that concludes the turf war it has been a roller coaster of fun and i want to know from you what was your favorite part let me know in the comments and as i've been sitting here i kind of realized that we're still sitting on the throne and soon we will repair the shopping district back into its beautiful grass environment and that was basically the point of hep in the first place so secretly won secretly one end credits right there scene and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed my favorite part of these stories is the unintentional builds like our heb tower that well fun potentially became a llama but our factory here making mushroom soda are definitely not evil laser beam but definitely powered by the environment so it makes it all good and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed and see all these cool builds and all the fun that we had with the hermits and until next time this has been good times with scar and i always request you guys taking the time to watch an invisible scar and until next time we'll see you later and don't forget to subscribe because you may just become scared for life
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 458,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 scar, hermitcraft season 7 scar, hermitcraft season, hermitcraft season 7 shopping district, mycelium resistance, hermitcraft 7 mycelium resistance, hermitcraft 7 hep, hermitcraft season 7 hep, hermitcraft season 7 turf war, turf war, hermitcraft 7 town hall, hermitcraft 7 mini game, hermitcraft 7 winner, hermitcraft 7 winner minigames, hermitcraft 7 mycelium vs hep winner, goodtimeswithscar, scar
Id: DrSTnZxpqSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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