Hermitcraft 6: Episode 93 - NEW HERMITCRAFT GAME

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Hermitcraft: battle royale

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/budlechum123 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

i didn't actually see the video posted, but the dozens of memes it spawned. Mods, feel free to remove it if it turns out that I'm blind.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Grian has made a game out of a Tontine,

I'm curious to see what rules clarifications they need to make.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Another_JT 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
well well well looks like someone and that someone's name is stress monster 101 fell for our little hot potato prank at Sahara welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft and it's time to leave her punishment here for her to read and for some reason I'm not really sure what has been going on over at stresses base but there there are mushrooms floating around this is really weird this was a bit of a shock when I came over anyway let's not get distracted what we need to do is write down her punishment high stress looks like you got spotted your punishment is this where the skin and resource pack I send you for your next episode quack please turn over if it gets too much you can take it off any time after two minutes in your episode because this is a little bit weird this one yeah because she has to wear this skin Yanis it's a little bit strange it's it is a little bit strange because I've completely yeah she's a she's a duck she's a mallard duck she's got to wear this skin and she's got to put on a resource pack and this resource pack is gonna make some noises that go a little something like this it's just it's gonna quack at random intervals which is why she's allowed to take it off at any time anyway we've got to crack on with today's episode and the first thing we need to do is actually head on over to Sahara where we've got a few more bits that we need to do we started doing a lot of the concrete that is necessary for stocking Sahara but the concrete machine needs a bit of work oh it's not just my my walking noise it's everyone's I'm gonna take I'm gonna change my skin back this is stress as punishment and not mine there we go so what we're going to do is we're going to improve this thing we're gonna give it a glass top I think that a big glass don't not dome but big glass cage on the top will make it look like a redstone brain kind of thing because of the way this is built just to cover it up a little bit to make it look I don't know just a bit more at home so let's pop into a time lapse and get this job done this was a proper architect project because s Cal did the crafting bit mumbo did the T and T bit and then I actually did a lot of the work making the concrete and then I've decorated it as well so it's a project that's worked out pretty cool and now I just want to meet up with mumbo and disk out and show them the whole thing check it out dudes I have made this look a little bit neater it doesn't pretty cool actually I'm a thought for a second you can say I made this this is mine now this looks absolutely amazing on this I love what you did with the yellow here to do box I I wanted to like keep it looking because it looks a little bit like a brain like a redstone brain so I just sort of put and that's it and I've actually I've actually been using this machine and I've got to say it's called-- some it don't work properly oh okay here's the information for the information for the viewers he did this the other day and he broke the machine I had to rebuild the clock nice dude with all the stuff you've just spat down have have you actually throw on the floor check it out I've actually made a bunch of concrete they're using the machine oh so the machine is working yeah we can take those working we can stop oh I've made it yeah we should however take a pretty big price because if you think about it there's a lot of sand and gravel in these yeah so long week yeah seriously no no I agree respect to diamonds person at minimum yes because they believe yeah this two stacks of sound two stacks of gravel the work and the dice we should take this to the meeting room anyway yeah yeah okay do you appreciate the fact that I've put in loads of these entrances and exits here everywhere so you can just fly it yeah so you can fly in and out yeah that's smart yeah there should be no more roofs no yeah just remove all the rooms you don't need them well I just before we start this meeting I just want to take time to appreciate how beautiful it is in here all of a sudden yeah we do that this is this US car the average Sahara customer in the stash is the average I've got a nice where's your button get back on your button yes you've still got your still really dented no no the buttons that whoa I don't know if you remember I put it I put it back on top of your chair so yeah yeah have you guys had a little look at the green yeah no before you get onto this actually yeah back onto my chair can you make sure that my chair is decommissioned I can't remember if I decommissioned it you just have to give it a press decommissioned yeah make sure I deactivated my chair yeah oh really [Laughter] memberships I've got to be totally honest with you so I'll catch you I'll catch you in the next meeting boys it's been nice [Laughter] I just cleaned up he just said he had no more roofs he was he was having a song just to get out of talking about is let's be honest we all we all know that he's lost en Isolde - and one of them was to himself you know oh no you did I did I did I saw one more than you to be fair to be fair with the last voice that I have with this cold illness I will say you deserve it with that blimp I don't know when I was thinking about that earlier yeah we haven't really set any price or anything that is crazy and [Laughter] that's what that was okay I did notice the piston earlier well we may be home same amount of diamonds if we actually pop all these together yeah how many see how many we have that is what 1,100 diamonds right there I feel like we need to show these off like a vault is too hidden over there we should like put this out in the open maybe outside the front of the shop and just say like yo yo yo yo yo we got so many diamonds oh yeah I like that I like that we are definitely better than Kong Corp now yeah thousands worth so yeah hundred percent it's cow you want to you want to find a nice location for us to plant all of our diamonds and show off especially awesome is to make it just so the scar can see it from cherry we have to make it tall enough scar I love this I love that we've not made over a thousand diamonds and the immediate thing that goes into your head is let's show it off unfortunately this is Sahara land out here and I'm thinking that this is actually the best place for it so I think we're gonna have to take this down in the Sahara Gardens and make this our diamond vault you think yeah I like it I mean this this was only here for opening I thought I'm gonna start chopping it down this was here for opening Sahara and Sahara is open sorry Saul we don't need a tent in the cow yeah sorry I'm sorry folks but we we need this land we need our garden back we could pick out all the dispensers as well they look kind of weird yeah this has been a neglected part of everything for a while so here's a little time lapse of myself and iskele putting together the big diamond case and I'll be honest we cheat a little bit but I think it looks pretty cool this is to show off and show everybody particularly good times with scar how many diamonds we've got and I think that's pretty cool I just started recording it and I'm genuinely stuck happened look at this help why does this always happen to me what is going on I'm stuck in fly mode I should probably just wait for someone to come and find me but this is so strange Clavin fly this is oh there we go okay all right we're off so that's quite a lot of the chores we had out of the way look at this we have got one big pile of diamonds to show off high impulse check it out we got ourselves a pile of diamonds Sahara is officially rich but not that rich you might have seen if you looked closely at the time-lapse that um let's just make sure that don't know where he's gone but if we go inside you'll see that there's a little bit of bamboozling and trickery going on the exhibits it's yeah it's it's completely hollow on the inside maybe one day we will fill these full of diamond blocks but for now I think we're gonna have to just let people believe that this is legitimate because at the moment it's hollow I think what we should do is actually make a little secret room in there I think we should have like a secret hideout to hang out in just the architect guys but imagine this when we get even more diamonds this will become even more full and impressive so this is a big hey everyone Sahara has made some diamonds at last we officially broke even and then made some profit check it out but that's not the only thing that we need to do today we actually have a few other things to do the biggest of which is to found my new event this is going to be amazing so I just need to choose a spot to make it before I explain exactly how this is gonna work and I've got to admit the shopping district is getting pretty full it's not easy to slot anything in in terms of build anymore I don't actually need that much space for it it's not particularly big this is just somewhere to sign up however I do need it to stand out since this is an event maybe I'll go and find somewhere in hermit land to make this on earth someone's made it to hath a jingler jingle land I don't think so I don't think so baby Isis does their the renaming of all the shops now that's not very original I think the jingle is just more annoying than anything else at this point so let's find a nice place oh I thought that was me okay just hadn't loaded in I thought I was just floating that okay right there's a clear space here right next to dig straight down let's build it right here and not even have two thoughts about it so is this new hermit event this is a game for everyone and anyone to get involved in it's gonna be awesome okay so this game is called demise and the game is actually pretty simple but it's gonna take a few months to play out so I'm gonna do a little bit of an explanation of this game instead of just talking at you like this I'm gonna explain it with a bit more of an infographic and explained the rules of the game the goal of the game is simple you need to be the last permit alive now everyone automatically starts off alive and they go about their daily hermitcraft business eventually someone will die whether by accident or not who knows and when you die you have officially lost the game and you are out and you have to change your skin to be monochrome so that everybody knows that you are dead however the game isn't over for you you are now on the dead team and it is your job to help the other lively Hermits to join your team and you can do this by laying traps and definitely not PvP once those people have died they are then also on their dead team and they can help everyone else to join your team as well eventually everybody ends up on the dead team and has to work together to get the last few people that are alive this is the ultimate game of cat and mouse and it's going to be a lot of fun so now that you understand the game I think we can all agree that this is going to be extremely extremely fun but I now need to make the sign up area and it's actually not going to be that complicated I just want to kind of make a big skull here so it shouldn't be too too away skulls are actually really tough to build I'm not gonna lie skulls are actually really difficult and as I go for like pixel art this is gonna be tough unless unless I don't go for a skull I go for more like a skeleton hand that might that might actually be easier copying out of it cuz skulls skulls are really tough so here's the sign up chest this is gonna be super simple and then all I've got to do is make some spooky skeletal fingers that go over the top of this board and that should make it nice and spooky and themed around this whole this whole thing to be honest with you this is literally just the list of who's signing up so it really it's really like not that important it's not gonna affect anything this is just to get people to try and sign up and we'll see what happens from there turns out hands are actually pretty difficult to build as well yeah just anything like building a human or organic that's like meant to look right instead of just you know Minecraft because building a Minecraft character is pretty easy but actually building a real hand not so easy not so easy it's definitely not the most beautiful hand in the entire world I am I genuinely have tried to make this look a bit more realistic but it's a yeah it's it's not been easy actually I've really really been trying to make this work so I think this is what I have to do either way I don't want to take up too much space here in hermit land I just want to get people's attention and this should do that this should do that I mean even if people go what the heck is that oh wait is that a hand it'll still have worked now I just need to do the actual admin part of this game and get people to sign up so all we need now is a quick lectern and then make this area look a little bit better I think I now have like three vases where I can get items from and I still have to come over to hippie land to get stuff and this game has come just in time for Halloween although I think this game will actually last much longer than Halloween it's still pretty cool nonetheless that it's come just in time for October which is often refer to as a spook Toba okay that took an awful long time to write but I'm gonna take you through anyway new hermit event starts at the 15th of October noon GMT I have to do that because you might die before or after or whatever you need to know exactly when it starts this game is called demise this a new game where the goal is simple as you guys know don't die pay 50 diamonds add your name to the list and then proceed to live as long as you can in Minecraft there's a cap though if you die you lose but you are not out of the game if you die you join the dead team and must change your skin to be monotone or dead your new goal as part of the dead squad is simple you must help the people who are still alive to not live anymore however there is no PvP allowed so you must think of another way traps to help the alive folk everything else is up to you some final points this game is dangerous and you may lose your items you must be ok with this when you sign up I do not want to see anybody getting angry because a trap accidentally or intentionally got some items rid you need to be ok with that when you sign up which is why you also have this good armor which is what all of us are wearing in the game that's that's this stuff it's goddamn look how many enchantments there are on this you can't do this anymore so this is this is really unfair armor but the point is the god armor makes this game too difficult and unreliable etc so when you sign up please take some armor from the chests provided you can enchant them in any way you please so basically you can't wait you got armor you've got to wear either eye and gold or leather it's up to you if you die to a bug the death does not count everyone starts alive the Dead may team up if they want to the alive may team up if they want to go about your business as usual if you die when you are not recording record a funny rendition of it to show in your video good luck and stay alive and if I forgotten something I'll add it later this you know it's quite quite a long book so here we go it will pop that down there now I need to actually set up a bunch of chests with some armor in which I actually did not think about at all man this is gonna be good I need a I got my fresh book for names alright so what we've got to do is craft up a bunch of the gold stuff and then that's pretty much the game complete and then in three days time it will begin whether people are ready or not and hopefully we can get most of the hermit's to sign up before then but they can't sign up too long after it starts once it starts it starts and that's it so we'll have to make sure people sign as much as possible I may have made I think I made one too many gold boots I'm officially the first one to sign up and just because it's my game doesn't mean that I don't have to pay so here I go I signed up there's my fifty diamonds that is the prize pool for this game and demise is officially open for well for everything so I've got to get rid of my I've got to get rid of my armor and it's time to start being very very careful now I'm gonna opt in for the gold because I think it's hilarious I'm only gonna need that stuff and then I need to get this stuff enchanted right away oh my good this is gonna be a different look to get used to this is what I'm gonna be like while I'm still alive in the game of demise although it doesn't really matter if I die now because the game remember the game doesn't start until then so even if I die now not a big deal so I don't have to actually put this on until then however as soon as it hits October 15th the game begins and then we have to keep a lookout for anybody that dies in the game so hopefully we can get every single hermit to sign up so I might as well actually go straight back over to the shopping district and get this armor enchanted out the wazoo so I'll be ready excuse me I mean that's perfect for with that if you could just like fly around here circle this that would be awesome and also I'd like to hear in the comments who do you think will be the first permit to go I think is gonna be scar or mum though not sure who but I think I think I'll put my diamonds on scar for this one he does have the most deaths in the game so far so now that we're here let's go and pick up some books to make this happen and it is done I think we should probably get used to this new armor although we've got a few days to prepare ourselves for this challenge I actually want to see how easy it is to they died cuz I'll need to be very very careful oh just a tiny bit of flying damage really really hurt basically everyone's gonna live in fear of this game for a little while I bet even flying down this tunnel becomes difficult because if you just hit yourself once yep yeah now now we know I'm not I'm not on the dead team I was just testing the armor the game hasn't started yet it's not starting for a few days but now I know now I know this is not going to be easy I think quite a lot of people will die quite quickly everyone will have to be careful can I change my vote to me to die first this is gonna be a lot of fun well that is actually it for today's video we did a lot of stuff we have made this we have had a meeting we have shown off our diamonds and more importantly we have just set up the coolest game in hermitcraft history so watch it I can't say that we set up a cool game so thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode and do let me know what you think of the game in the comments down below and who you think will make it all the way to the end and who's going to die first thank you very much for watching and good bye I'm he's gonna get my stuff back now I need an ender chest my stuff doesn't despawn
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,148,549
Rating: 4.9652972 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, episode 93
Id: ItIqn0MURqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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