We Have Big Problems :: Hermitcraft 7

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/liamgosss 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Vote scap.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/cykotica 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of hermit crab there's beef there's beef this is where you should vote right here for scar support scar uh-oh Oh No did he remove it Oh No why I can't support someone that likes to lick diamond blocks it's right here in the news what is this what's this news what is this oh no oh that's bad okay okay oh goodness please oh this is bad oh that's a bed we got bad press oh no oh boy okay okay oh goodness all right that doesn't bail the worst way to start this episode is he hasn't lost my support forever just asked him to stop licking stuff Oh No hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry get to the hermit town hermit Harold this is the news this is the newspaper that puts out two news unsanitary scar why this is bad oh no a steam blow to his campaign oh we've got damage control we've got we got to control this how can we fix this oh boy oh boy I've got to talk with scar pronto oh and we've got false advertising on our shop oh boy like I was coming over here to check something aha 38 diamonds that doesn't ease the pain another great great haul from the red zone today and I think yes we're all out of dispensers so I should probably restock those let's split those with him there you go xB there's five diamonds oh I've got to restock the dispensers I got a save scars image he they are saying that he licks he's unsanitary that's not good at all but I've got very good news for you guys boomers merch is now available for you have you ever wanted to become a Boomer are you good at redstone and/or good at getting blown up in Minecraft you might be a perfect fit for a Boomer do you like sleeping the night away just as I do to make sure that no Phantom spawn on your friends you might be a boomer have you ever accidentally blown a hole in the side of your building you might be a Boomer so check it out in the description below or there might be a little tour tray right below this video you can get your boomers merch and join the Boomer Team sweatshirt hoodies and well not sweatshirt just a hoodie and a t-shirt available for you right now Oh check them out guys there the design on this bike oh it's so cool they look so awesome I'm so excited so check it out pick up your boomers merch today and join the Boomers we need more people we're getting so much business in actually speaking of so much business false we've got a job for false today that we're gonna do that we'll do that in just a little bit actually I'm very excited about it it's gonna be a huge job we're gonna make a billion off of it I'm so excited but before we do that we gotta head back to the base here we fly to save the day back at our base we got an interior done last episode on the flower shop and it looks great I think and I also just yesterday know two days ago put up a little bit of a tutorial video on my interior thought process getting a lot of good feedback you guys are saying that you liked it a lot so I'm glad it's helping I'm getting a lot of tweets from you guys by the way if you pick up a Boomer shirt tweet it at me tweet it at the Boomers because we want to see you wearing it there's always a super fun thing hold on a second that profile is looking a little strange what in the world now is this pair it go bathroom look at all this shuffle shuffle shuffle is this impulse shovel shuffle your problem now and did these flowers waha this is not oh not cool shovel shuffle death from impulse good we got free shovels out of this is this a good one it's a great one it's a wonderful shovel oh I'll take that but this I was supposed to work on this today oh boy okay well today one thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take this bird down make it not my problem now second of all we're gonna work on this cliff side this is something I've been really itching to do I really want to get this thing done cuz I think it's gonna be beautiful I don't know if I'll get it done today but I'm definitely gonna get a good chunk of it worked out because I got an idea how to kind of tuck my portal away and store my diamonds in there potentially I think it's gonna be really cool but it's time I'm talking really fast and I'm going really fast because we got to get this job done for false I'm gonna meet up with the boomers right now and I think we're gonna play pretty secretive about this I'm gonna act like I don't even know anything because stealth you know I - tell them just play it off okay off to the Brewers again the boomers are here and we are ready - boom sweet take a number there right yeah yeah we're really sorry about that but we're ready we're ready to roll so as far as what you need from us can you get BJ's a quick rundown just a little bit of it I mean it is pretty simple you see you see this land in here yes yes gone good make it disappear you just just flatten it like the the hills and stuff get rid of that just no you see this butt over here down to bedrock [Music] okay then that's quite a few blocks yeah haven't counted that's a that's a big boy that's job yeah okay last job for sure Wow I mean first of all it's an honor to be considered for something like this and certainly I mean we can do it we can definitely do it and and your your money situation is good probably I would assume I mean going down that far you probably collected some time is down there I mean okay okay okay okay well oh I say false you're very smart Barger that's really smart because sometimes people say well how much you got you know but you're not doing that's smart okay I like it so okay I I'm the chief negotiator and so for example Cubs job we blew up some big mountains for him and that was a stack of diamonds for each of us that was three stacks of diamonds and this is feeling at least three times as large but at least we're not going to charge three times as much we're probably I'm thinking twice as much so two stacks of diamonds he's got six XX of diamonds not blah yes very good to do it I mean those diamonds at some point in the century no in it's a prepaid prepaid yeah yeah yeah thank you up front yeah well I only have just just on the tea snacks you have two stacks okay well I yeah yeah I know I don't think we can do it for that guys unfortunately we would love to but we you already put a lot of time though didn't you yeah I mean look at guys I've been going to town full of TNT now there's no way that TNT would even be able to blow up like a dent yeah right so I was thinking you guys would you help me get more if we were gonna do we're gonna do the job right what for good stack your diamond I mean maybe maybe just use like when we got here and work something out here false like maybe like a partial deal or into your budget so for this let's say one stack what do you think one stack yeah what's that work so so we know what's actually basically oh yeah good good yeah good point is it is this just one stack for us to split yeah three ways but we don't want we're not in the business of robbing people we would have cut we want to help we want to help and I think that uh I'm comfortable with that deal if false oh yeah if you're comfortable I'm gonna talk to you while I'm preparing for night time to think about this so I mean the TNT is already collected that job's done we might as well put it to good use and whatever it destroys it destroys and you'll be happy with that right at least at least it's helpful yeah yeah you know that's pretty good no maybe save up for the future okay gonna sleep on that okay I agree I think that's a wonderful deal if you're happy and we're happy it's a deal two sugars of TNT definitely absolutely tomorrow's right uh you know what for in the case like this since you're being so kind to let us guess up something like this will collect it after so okay we know where you live I thought we weren't gonna have a job today but now we do now we do that's great do my shovel yay boys can we come in come come in come in just a little bit closer you mean just a little closer yes meeting meeting and I brought us here because there's something very important that I feel like it's a big missed opportunity for me as you know I am the campaign captain for scar 13 yes yes yes and if you look all of these are really really easy clothes everyone is within like wooden block yes yes yes the brace is getting tight and that is me doing a bad job so I won't need him I'm looking for any opportunity I can to kind of help scar and and promote his brand and promote him because I think he's gonna do great I don't know who are you guys support him oh I voted for scar already yeah oh good yeah okay because I think I mean we're doing a little smaller job for false but I feel like we've got a really good opportunity to do something to help promote scar would you guys be interested in some alternative methods we're still please yeah we'll still clear stuff out you know but yeah maybe in a different way well that's a lot of redstone we've laid out oh yes days whole thing in place and it's all primed ready to rock nice and we got this job we put the boot but we always forget this I brought it up this time yeah yeah yeah oh there's no mistakes just happy explosions yeah that's right because we never make mistakes that's right right because tango and I are on it man look at this tango and I have been working hard putting all the restaurant in place to ensure that this is gonna go off swimmingly hold on what I okay just you you guys are part of it the bread stone of the genius but I did a lot too I did a lot of digging down there I get smart-aleck redstone guy that was a lot of digging Oh smooth canvas there now right because right let's face it right the Boomers we had our job that was about sheer destructive power yeah our job that was about precision yes yes and now we got a job that I think is a little bit about artistry that's right show our artistic side yes yes you idiot what is SCAP votes cap how did that happen Oh votes cap clearly not supposed to stay say SCAP right there is it no no no what is this gap this that's it super super crazy awesome Oh pancakes seaman Gracie House of Pancakes no yeah totally Rosen for mayor the pancakes pancakes running for mayor now okay who's responsible you Jewish is clearly tangas mistake he no no I did the first word you danced to do the second that is vote or mistake vote was perfect great job impose thank you thank you I appreciate that recognition tango SCAP please this is not the message we're wanting to portray I think I found the problem oh you did it's obvious right now you missed a redstone dust right here that was not in the blueprint no the leg of the are is completely missing yeah I think it's a simple fix if we do that oh okay there it goes it's blowing up I'm just a keep rested because we had a lot of boom-booms on that that's what it was tango did you do that on purpose okay all right now that it's a little messy but you keep tell I'm gonna die okay I did I was on more repeater you can't shift on a repeater that is true no I'm okay yeah whoo close one I think that's deep enough though it's a beauty yeah I suppose an R is better yes it is vote Skaar I suppose that's a little bit better I don't know yes yeah you know we wanted to say it's yeah so we did it now we have I think oh I think it's gonna do an amazing job this is me yeah I am I am campaign captain for him and this is a big sign I'm an amazing campaign captain hey you are scars gonna love it the pat on the back I think my I think my fig is broken hey I just slept you killed me if this makes you feel better I'll give you a shovel oh thank you can do the shuffle yourself if that makes yes I can okay I can't watch it it's a beautiful thing that makes me feel better thank you right good you're welcome you're welcome I will make sure you get your stuff too soon but do it I oh I can't wait to see falses REI knows oh dude we definitely definitely got the message across vote scar no I still want to vote for pancakes I'm actually glad for this delivery this is nice you guys know me beat up love diorite i'll make something fantastic out of this this is going to be wonderful building material I think that's gonna be awesome and I think we did something very good for scars campaign yes his name is soiled slightly because of the whole licking the diamonds thing that came out but now we've done something nice and big that's gonna kind of recover the whole image hopefully you know people will see oh look at that Oh vote scar never thought about that though so hopefully that's gonna work out great but here we are we're over here there's a big cliff I forgot a piece oh my goodness okay but I've got to get the rest of this material cleaned up there's wonderful delicious perfect material and then get started on the cliff and I think it's gonna be amazing oh I gotta clean all this up it's gonna do we need this get rid of the shovel perfect thank you so much perfect okay let's get to cliff building [Music] and a whoopee yeah baby oh my goodness oh this is gonna be a project in a half oh my goodness what a huge huge build this is gonna be big but impressive I think you can see I haven't got it all finished it's not all done but oh man my neck is killing me this is just to two hours just on this but anyway we got all that to do all that to do but you get the idea right it looks really cool so there's some features that I want to add to this those little cracks there you'll see what that's all about in a second but I want to do something with a waterfall oh man I don't even make it up with a single Elijah can I make it over here and with a single rocket I got to use multiple rockets to get to the top of this thing okay I have a tutorial to show you guys all right water source you put one in that corner one in that corner boom infinite water source you're welcome for that free tutorial so amazing did you buy the boomers merch by the way yet because it's limited hello speaking about speaking about boomers merch it's limited time so you have ten days go go go now wait wait wait what is this new tutorial I made what's this new tutorial whoa guys I'm making dough brah I made that tutorial that's me I'm that's mine that's custom I did that okay let's see how this baby look oh we're gonna die okay careful careful careful ten days guys some of my old shirts that I've done in the past people missed out they missed them and I still get messages to this day of people saying are you ever gonna re-release it we don't there's no rerelease this is it take it or leave it but boy that looks sick I love this there's some things I can do there's a lot of timing this is a big project lots of decorating I'm gonna do to kind of spice it up and make it look really nice we'll add a bunch and there's gonna be a lake down here as well right in this area but you see okay here's what I want to talk about this is what the acacia was for it gives this kind of darker color on the bottom and then it's a very top that's mainly andesite you start to mix in some stone in the middle that's mainly stone but then bottom the darkest area acacia pretty cool I think that looks really cool and as we as we expand out and we kind of clear these trees and stuff you'll see it on a bigger scale but boy I love it oh it's all worth it when you do this and there's little land masses right little pieces of land where you know the cliff kind of rose up in a weird way and we'll do that all throughout there's gonna be lots of cool areas but okay these little cracks right here this is where I think I'm going to store my excess diamonds hello mossy so over here I've got some diamonds yes a decent amount okay okay wonderful so I'm gonna get up there put these diamonds in place I mean the blue sky kind of looks like it but I'll show you what I mean boom and boom okay let's get some of this scaffolding down let's try to shave a little bit this is a trick here's another tutorial back up slowly and stay close enough to where you can look they all pop in your inventory wonderful okay so in that little crack I've put some of my diamonds so this will be not only the place where that holds my main big large base but it'll also be Oh it'll have these diamond veins in it oh that looks sick I love that doesn't that look cool and I still got ten diamonds left so I'll have to do that crack over there this is motivation for me this is sometimes you need motivation to be driven to make your shops worthwhile this is motivation for me to really start making some cash so I can bring these things into the int maker well you know diamond cash do you bring these things into the cliff oh I think it looks awesome okay now yikes now portal II portal it's gonna go right in there behind a waterfall okay so here's another tip and trick and tutorial for you okay we're gonna go down here and this is kind of the spot that I've reserved for it okay so I'm gonna take the coordinates down here 17:07 negative 872 remember that everybody wait a second what is this why does this say why is there already a portal here and it says beat ups cliffside Manor hold on where does this go to I built this whole cliff I got a porno this is underneath wait wait a second my clip is over there this is a pretty good location though I'm breaking it wait what's this co2 it's not a bad spot oh okay that's cool let me go back in let's see if this actually works I had no idea no idea did impulse do this beat ups cliffside Manor I think this portal has been here for a long time because I've seen I was like oh I wonder what that is this is the one I normally go through that goes to Doc's house okay let me try this other one and see if I'll have a couple portal options accidentally built look how he actually built a square okay we're gonna gotta make it just a wee bit bigger and of course in the nether up here on the roof were slobbing any sort of blocks just so things don't spawn on him but here we go here's the big test is beat up z mm beat us the genius he thought he was a my gonna be in my waterfall place let's check it out oh I hope so please I did the math sure enough it's true I am in my waterfall place why is this here block this off I can't get through okay we've got two options now to get to our place this will get us to this side oh I love that but I really like the idea okay it's up to you guys what do you think do you think waterfall portal or the one over there close to my house that was a gift but ladies and gentlemans that's gonna do it for this episode I have no idea how long it is this one has been all over the place but don't forget ten more days and Boomer merch goes bye-bye check it out a link in the description or in the little tray thing right below the video you can grab yourself assured and be calm a Boomer with us but ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching I love you to death and we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 880,548
Rating: 4.9712534 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, gaming, minecraft
Id: -1NeDgWcWuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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