Hermitcraft 6: Episode 32 - WHO WON THE HEAD HUNT?

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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Who's Head Is It Anyway. Where everything is made up and the points don't matter.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/v4por 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Lol, Cleo was the best.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/TotoroTheGreat 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

I was worried this game was becoming too competitive and that a couple of events seemed in bad blood, but overall I actually like the way this game turned out.

The hermits all did what they were best at through and through, they all got to show off their personalities and skills really well in such a short space of time.... Scar made an epic facade with his building skills, Cub used his influence to raise an alliance, Tango lived and died by the thievery, aaaand Joe was bad-luck-Brian incarnate...

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Anthan 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

See, this is why I'm proudly Team Cleo.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/waxfutures 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Note to Reddit: In the comments Grian admitted that he made a mistake and that it was False's idea to use the Chorus Fruit to get into Iskall's base, and said he'd correct the one true winner to False for next episode. Still, Iskall had a really nice base and did get a lot of point regardless so is getting a runnerup prize.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Anthan 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

It took me a bit to realize, but the games Grian has implemented are like the impromptu games that kids play. You know, where there are a very loose set of rules and the players just make up more rules on the fly. The final "count" is an excellent example of this, as the game more resembles Calvinball than any sort of organized competition. Those games are fun, as long as no one (organizer, players and spectators) takes the game too seriously. I think the Hermits in particular have that last part down.

As far as not taking it seriously, I think Joe was the real winner. No one took this head hunt less seriously but got some great stuff out of the contest than Joe.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Another_JT 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

When he went to go mine the end crystal, I was like "Nononononono!" --

Grian blew up.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

if only joehills's vault didn't get stolen from :(

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/RoyalAlchemistYT 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why the convex didn't just count their heads as one

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Pixelistdd 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is gray and I'm welcome back to another episode of Herman crafts as you can see oh that's it's raining it's meant to be Christmas as you can see I've got my new skin on oh good we need to sleep there we go thank goodness for that so as I was saying I've got my Christmas skin on now I've used this Christmas skin for years and it is so cute now it's that they're mad at me because I made it stop it was raining it's meant to be Christmas logo look how cute this is but unfortunately we're only going to be wearing this outfit for a tiny tiny amount of time because today's the day we are going to be judging the they are really mad at me I didn't mean to I just wanted to do my intro we are going to be doing the green head finale so everyone the green head hunt is officially over the results are in and now it's time for me to go and judge everybody's performance and their score but I can't go wearing this I need to put on something much more suitable so and now I'm ready to judge I look fabulous look at these little glasses no they're not braces and now I'm not wearing sup look it's difficult to work with my eyes okay so I look the part I've got my little notebook here my book and quill and this is what I'm going to be taking notes on now we're gonna do a quick montage cuz it did take a while to judge everybody's entries into this competition and it was a lot of fun so let's get started with the convex guys they've done something complicated that I had no idea what they were doing they've made like a conglomerate like a lottery ticket buyers kind of thing can you guys explain what you've done I can't each other like I don't know it's very confusing you see there's a gentleman up there on the wall that's the VEX knows that's his glove of wonder and mystery and cake and magic oh I thought it was high fiving me oh no he's swatting bad people okay well you know he decides these things so what we did was we put a dispenser down right and when you eat a piece of cake it launches up and then from that you got like 10 points 20 points 40 points 50 points or negative points I may point out and for every one of those we kind of divvy it up between the Kalama at peoples so beautiful Hermits you had a conglomerate of cub yourself and who else was involved Jevon assumed ah yeah joe hills and TFC see all joint drawin forces get quite a lot of people get involved here and then you've divvied up the green heads based on a randomizer which is the giant high-five over there where are the green heads are they in a vault somewhere they're all perfectly organized that may point out for easy counting all right are these accurate do I have to count these myself that is that is indeed 70 heads although this one looks a bit dusty haven't been looking after them hmm so gonna put X down for 70 heads all right so we got Jeff in with a hundred heads oh my god he's counting again there's no trust here zero trust okay yeah so that's 99 plus one all right okay so we put Gemma now for a hundred now I'm Jevon Kevin actually did have a nice fault I will say he had a giant green head both oh that's interesting I'll write that down check the vault okay all right and wait this one is a bit of a tragedy what do you what do you mean what do you mean Joe Hills has minus 40 green heads yeah we had to burn 40 green heads for half of Joe Hills that's what vex nose told us to do so we did it yeah we don't make the rules why did you why did you even put minus figures in it it's just it's just how it turned out man like Joe Hill's got all - numbers he got to two times consecutively here at minus 20 yeah I will say Joe does have a very nice vault there he did have a very nice vault until it was broken into by tango and then yeah ruined by gas there's a lot of fire up there now using I think I think I'm have to write is in depth unbelievable I mean it's physically impossible but he's managed to do it when I did this competition I never thought I'd actually find someone that managed to lose 40 unbelievable all right now this strapping chap over here like in a British way do I get an extra point for saying it British Li and British Li it's not a word but okay there's now um all right so you go 70 heads it's really disrespectful really why is he using why is he using a book to count stuff I never piece of paper to write down what kind of adjudicator would I be if and not and I'm wearing glasses if I didn't actually count them come along scar 70 plus one for British affiliation you've already lost two then I mean but it's your it's your vote that we want to see and a couple more people over here we've got curb 9090 heads okay okay man there's really a lot of green heads just just in this one place we have TFC with a hundred oh no oh oh okay all right don't take points off for this points offer thanks yes he's gonna lose some points for this 110 heads now that is an impressive amount of green heads alright do you guys want to take me to your to your vaults because at the moment we've got TFC quite a long way in the lead by nine heads so your vault was here the whole time scar right in your ways yes so Grand Inquisitor follows in here mm-hmm all right so you look around here and you see this just beautiful secret pirate cave but there's one thing amiss and it's this block right here so if you all stand on the elevator please stand in here in here it's a little cramped okay this is a professional elevator here we go we all going down no is this is this seriously down here by the way there is love in the walls so you hear the lava so this is how I ensured an exit of my thing to make people think I was leaving the nether so in your video people genuinely thought it was here mm-hmm brilliant I mean yeah I like that I like that a lot you won't know your final score until I've adjudicated everybody but I do like what I see here go back in can you throw your banished to the root of the realm of another come in come in this way come on this way so I had a riddle that people could try and solve to steal steal heads this one of those is to put a smile on your face which is what that skeleton is doing okay say you look through and then the one at the part of the stash was back here alright see okay interesting so Cubs gonna get some points for being old school okay so you've gone for or trickery which I like but you've absolutely no effort into keeping your green heads looking and in a nice-looking place I mean they've got to look at something nice say so I was one of nine one of nine by the way yeah I know it's at all it's all on it's all in the book it's all in the book alright so thanks guys this is gonna go go down on the record you'll know your final score I'll um I'll post it to you or leave a sign or something best of luck to you both all right enjoy your accounting so you have made your vault out here in the end like quite a significant way out in the end yeah yeah yeah I mean we can even reveal the chords now is you know we're out at negative 2013 yeah it's a long way out jeez okay so CUDA so I'm gonna hold on let me get my book out let me go sorry plunge in here yep now we both know what happened here right yeah all right bye ready green heads tango let's yeah this is this is this the vote uh it was somewhere around here until tell us what happened go on go on spit it out wait some people already know let's let's just yeah hold and people oh listen to people that don't very well then my heads were secure out here so I thought mm-hmm until Cub fan and his con but decided that they needed to relieve me of my skulls and normally I'd be fair game because let's face it I was I was a thief myself that's how I got the majority of my skulls but it's more of the methods he used to acquire my skulls that I yes so Cub fan decided to use his camera account which is in game mode three meaning that they can fly through blocks very quickly and look around the server now kudos to curb for spending hours in each world that he must have looked in the nether he must have lived in the overworld and he must have looked in the end well unless he already know you're in the end he knew they were in the end cuz he washed my life right so he did put some clues together and I gotta give him credit he was pretty smart but yeah using the camera account is a no-go zone for me that I said like gentlemen's rules and that is not gentle just terse guy my pinkie is out and I are must say this is not happy yes so it's gonna go down on his record I'm afraid so yeah I did have I think like 300 skulls in here like that yeah now unfortunately because of the way they've distributed all the green heads I can't really reimburse you that amount but I can take it into consideration very well stealing's did you do and who did you steal from oh let's see I stole a ton from Joe and his little Pacman based on top of the nether I stole quite a handful from false they stole quite a handful from scar and a a few more from cub just recently over by Jack Sparrow and his little parrot so it was it was revenge that they got on you yes and I solved the first two riddles indeed and you solve the riddles so basically in this competition it's not just the amount of green heads that you managed to find and keep safe but also how you played the game and how you hid them now I didn't tell anyone about this because I wanted to see what they would do naturally so I see people that made a very fancy vault or have significant protection they'll get extra points at least you've you've got points for the extra effort in hiding it somewhere and you solve some riddles so there's points gained there so it might not all be lost yet okay I will cross my fingers all right thanks a lot then tango oh thank you okay Cleo you're up next your volt isn't even a volt it's just no your ship and are you sure that you found green heads I have found legitimate green heads legitimates what oh wait no there there's one thing do you really is this a joke are you taking the Vick like I found them that you found them they don't even look like me hold on hold on are you telling me that you can't tell the difference between that and this no hold on I gotta take notes now I'm gonna take notes for the competition Cleo says I look like a wet fish has one agreein head meanie do I get bonus points for being mean no oh okay all right fall see you are next on the list I've got a list here it's it's very messy now after talking to everyone so I'm gonna I'm looking at it yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna count the heads that you've got and then there's actually extra points depending on what your vault is like and how you played the head game that's not gonna get very well then right for me yep let's see where it is so so you were quite risky and putting your vault very close to home right you need to try and see if you can spot it look maybe to the left a little bit okay so I clearly have to throw an ender pearl in there's gonna be like a tiny gap oh oh oh it's right here there you go can I just have it oh wow this is this is creepy it's a little bit creepy in here and it gets super super dark oh my goodness it keeps going down yeah it does so good luck Cantonese how am I gonna count my everyone else was nice and like a sign of how many they've gone water generally helps have you have you done this before ah ah good idea good idea there you go yep so nobody nobody found this I don't think so Wow well that's that's a start cuz everyone I've spoken to so far has had their vaults raided at some point Wow okay well you're in the lead already I can tell you that rightly yeah okay you have you have 100 200 250 272 green heads that is crazy 272 green heads uh-huh and wait you lose any points well wasn't broken into mm-hmm you had a risky move which I I like that I like that some people went and made vaults far away that there'd never be found but you actually gave people a fighting chance and they didn't get it oh wait I need to ask you a couple of questions actually mm-hmm did you steal anyone else's did you manage to break into any vaults yes yes I broke into Cub fans okay I still like five of them not all of them out no fight just five so why needed and then I also broke into iskills and it scales how many did you steal for Misco five as well okay and did you solve any of the riddles uh yes two of them were already solved right but I did get the one in your Tower which was the hardest one so all right that will that will be it then thank you very much I will let you know in the post where you ver where you've come okay thanks Cheers unfortunately miss cow wasn't able to make it here for the head hunt counting but he told me how to get into his vault and I can do it without him so he told me to eat the course fruit right that is so clever right there and then I end up in his vote when there's actually a bunch of green heads now oh let's go you're here oh hello orion i'm here to show you my vault oh that's very nice of us Cal you're looking very very slim today I thought you weren't able to make it oh yeah I'm just here sitting in here being Swedish oh that's that's cool let's go Thanks so you want to show me what you got oh yard rien so this is how I get in with the chorus fruit as you see and I am a really risky person so I am made a glass roof very nicest hour I'll put that on them put it on your notes I am really good today I really hope that I win this competition because I'm Swedish and I totally don't speak in this kind of Swedish accent all the time well I can tell you this is guy you're gonna get some points here so I haven't even counted your Korean heads yet but you've blinged out this vote it's so cool it's loads of gold these guys are sitting in style this is by far the best-looking vault that I've seen oh yeah I put lots of effort into it and money as you can see oh yeah definitely so now I just got to count them up I wish I could help you but I don't have any hands or feet at the moment so I just going to stand here and watch you but that's like that's okay a scale is fine I might broken a few things in the vault I don't mean to steal anything so is Scalia you only got 47 green heads I'm afraid that's that's not many I'm gonna have to write that down on on your list here but don't worry cuz there are other things that we can do oh don't worry about that I'm just happy that such a handsome man has come to see my vault oh that's that's nice of you a scowl and did you do any robbing no I didn't do any robbing but I did protect my vault from a tango okay well that they'll go and defended vaults that will go in your your book anyway I just wanted to say thank you for making the Greenert hunt I had lots of fun yah well that's uh that's it for me then hiss cow thanks thanks very much and I guess I get out the same way that I got in do I stand in here oh yeah just eat the fruit there I'll join you when I grow some legs and arms alright the Boy Scout oh now that's got to be the cleanest entrance and exit that I've seen out of all of the vaults I really like that I really really like that so that's gonna get him a lot of extra points well that's kind of everyone now so time to go back to the base and decide who the winner is all right it's judgment time let's make a little wall here and we're gonna do some mathematics and hand out the extra points that I mentioned okay so it's pretty simple we've got all of the contestants at the top here now we're just gonna treat them all as individuals for this we've got their head count so Joe Hill's had minus 40 false had 272 and she is way in the lead Jevon had a hundred Skaar had 71 Cubs seventy TFC 110 X had seventy tango had zero and iskele had forty seven so now we're gonna go on to the bonuses and their whatever I decide Joe Hills so Joe Hills gets 40 pity points for somehow breaking the laws of physics and has a final score of zero false has minus 40 for the cramped conditions in her vault but plus 10 for the risky placement she also did a few riddles but her audience did help her there so gonna cool that evens on that one and she was actually a terrible criminal as well as my notes say here it's poor criminal extremely poor criminal she could have taken more green heads but she didn't I only only give points to the best so that leaves her with a final score of 192 now Jeff doesn't get any bonuses cuz I didn't get to see his vault so he ends up with a final score of a solid 100 Skaar gets plus 54 good good trickery he managed to make people think that he was in the nether but loses ten points for damage on exit leaving him with a final score of 111 now cub gets minus 100 for use of he has minus 100 for use of a karmic I don't like that one bit but he's going to get +44 multiple volts giving him a final score of ten green heads TFC I didn't see his fault he decided to go conglomerate and just make it easy so he gets - one for that phantom that we had so he gets a score of a hundred and nine and X I also didn't see his fault and he did exactly the same thing so he ends up with zero as well tango had his very cleverly put vault raided so he's going to get plus 100 also pity points so he was also very creative and he managed to steal a bunch of people so I'm also gonna give him plus 50 points giving him a grand total of a hundred and fifty and let me check my notes here I forgot to add Cleo Cleo had one Korean head and she called me a wet fish so she's gonna get - 1000 green heads leaving her with a total of - 999 + s Cal Ghetts + 120 points for the best vault in the game + 10 points for defense because he he defended it with vigor and + 10 points for the compliments that he played paid me he also had the best entrance in the game so I will provide him with ten more points now that leaves him with 197 green heads you might ask yourself why would you bother even collecting green heads in the first place if you're just gonna make up the score at the end well shut up it was a fun little game and I'm taking these scores very seriously I wanted to see how everyone would end up playing the game I wanted to see if they would care about their green volts how much thieving they would do and how well that they would protect everything now there's a bit of a clash here so we've got 192 points for false and 197 for s cow now this guy was up there because he had by far the best vault out of every ones he actually put a lot of effort into it he didn't exactly try to hide it but he had a very clever entrance there with the chorus fruit now if I were him I would have hidden a bit better but he also defended it he actually killed tango on his stream and he had a great Swedish accent and complimented me when I was doing my accounting false on the other hand had a lot of green heads and she figured out one of the riddles but the audience did help with riddles now she actually didn't steal as many as she could she just took five and I guess that's that's all well and good but she could have stolen more so she got a lot of minus points there for some poor decision-making during her time playing the green headhunt not to mention her vote was very well hidden and it was riskily placed but those green heads were suffering and I just can't take that so I think what we should do here because it's so close I think we should split it I think we should split it down the middle and leave it up to Eskow and false to decide who gets what out of the box so I'm calling it a tie between Eskow because he had the best vault and decorated it the most it had the most creative entrance and false who did a lot of thieving use the riddles and collected a lot of green heads so because of those two very different ways of playing they're both going to win this round and everyone else unfortunately has lost especially Joe Hills and Cleo who have very bad schools indeed thank you to everyone for playing this game it was a lot of fun time to take this down now so just because the points didn't match up exactly I'm calling it a tie for sure and hopefully everyone will agree with me if not it's my game anyway so I've been slowly hacking away at this build I kind of regret making this extra circle because we're talking stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks you get the idea of concrete powder but I'm making my way round ever so slowly this is gonna make the base look much better when it's complete it's just about tearing my hair out and actually getting it done you can see I've made very little progress in the last few minutes you can see just how long this takes so every now and again I just log on when I'm not recording and I slowly make my way round and I'm gonna basically match this so what I have there but I'm definitely not gonna make the aquarium it said at all I need to breathe also mumbo is introduced a ante shop whatever that is I think this must be it because this looks new and I don't recognize it there's just a path here what do we do ah instructions walk Juke round the course hit the button once done have a nice day okay oh do I really have to push him so I really have to push him all the way round cuz I can't actually walk in and I don't have a lead do i I don't really have to push him do i I know I've gotten him stuck oh why does everything I touch get ruined I can't actually get him out of here I've ruined it yep got a diamond alright thanks mom oh that's a nice sward wasn't it Juke oh dear I also had an idea now somewhere in this pile of mess I have some gasps to tears maybe I must have kept them unbelievable I could have sworn I had to dust tears oh wait there they are I found them now if I understand minecraft well enough no not like that I can make an eye of ender and I can craft one of these absolutely brilliant end crystal now they're very expensive to make because of what you need but I thought I could make something really meet with it maybe I need to find a good place for it but I want to make like a test tube where it's sitting on top of an obsidian and floating there maybe up here where there's this giant gap because this is where I hang out all the time right so I want this to look cool so this is the middle what I could do I can make it look like there's obsidian coming from the bottom and then it goes like that so it's like it's floating in between the two I think possibly more like that and then we get rid of this down here now hopefully this isn't a one block Center it's too but in theory if this is lit up properly I really don't want to have to change that because I really should have checked before placing that Dallas is super expensive to make let's take a look now I don't really like that now it has to be placed on top of the obsidian I kind of like it that it's floating but it's kind of a drop in the ocean like that it doesn't look right does it it doesn't look right at all now can I harvest this back how do i how do I do that or is once I've placed it is that it right let's just give it a go with the old silk machine Oh oh my goodness oh no oh what a tragedy it was a you okay bud just my pride hurt I should have really known that that's how that works what I didn't expect is how much damage it does I was wearing armor I think oh maybe I wasn't you know what I think we should scratch the scrap that idea completely Oh what a complete mess that was absolutely spectacular oh my goodness there's my light trip wow it really went everywhere all right let's fix this up just a patch job will do for now guys I'm not gonna lie I think I'm gonna scrap this idea altogether something tells me that messing around with this stuff just isn't a good idea oh that was such a good takeoff if only I could think like I fly that what we're gonna do is we're going to take this pickaxe and we're going to destroy this and pretend that absolutely nothing happened hmm okay so nothing to see here oh my goodness I cannot believe how stupid I am sometimes well anyway I I think that's it for today's episode thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed it and good bye you
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,636,417
Rating: 4.8118863 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, episdoe 32, xbox, pe, pocket edition, ps4, hermitcraft 6, grian head hunt
Id: vdTV-Os7xks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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