AFK Fungus/Tree Farm. New Custom Design! - Hermitcraft 7: #38

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I guess I miss paid beef for the album there was one maybe two comments letting me know of this injustice so let's fix it ac/dc back in black alright let's fix this okay so yeah there's my five diamonds so apparently it's it's blocks we have to pay in so there we got we paid him in blocks debt paid pyrotechnics doing well as always a little bit of the iron shop I'll take it and color complete Oh with the big wind bringing in what is that eighty eighty two diamonds right now mostly the great light gray and the black poppies over there just make it a killer I guess with this with impulse so today is gonna be amazing alright and I know I say that a lot but I am very very excited about what we're gonna do today we are gonna build two new farms in the nether one is gonna be the hog one farm which I told you about last episode I think and it's gonna be that thing is just ridiculously overpowered it's super simple to make everyone needs to make one in their world the second farm we're gonna build right inside here and it's gonna fit just barely this one I am incredibly excited about I think I've spent about eight hours or so designing this thing in a creative world and I want to build it in survival today it's gonna blow your mind so let's do this months well get started let's do the Hoglund farm first and to do this one now I gotta go find the Warped jungle crimson uh crimson warp this is the crimson forest I got to find the Warped one I know there's one here we go here we go this this green stuff here which is great okay I gotta get a whole bunch of this stuff right here hi piggies are we cool I'm wearing gold you like me I know some of these new blocks like the hose the way to go okay it's the it's the the levee stuff there that use the hole on this stuff is still just good old pic okay I'm okay that was get like 30 or 40 of this so back here at the gold slash barter farm of supreme amazingness this thing is just as the killing in here watch check it out check it out it's like oh you need some some crying obsidian how about some regular Citian how about how about five we went for double chests of nether brick gravel you need gravel how about five double just a gravel maybe maybe some quartz for free maybe maybe two and a half double check this is ridiculous the things been just crazy pumping out gold here like nuts I'm and I also let me show you what's going on down here well two things one I extended the farm because I wasn't exactly hitting mobcap so I extended it out the back here a little bit which sadly is a little inefficient because the guys that spawn back there have to walk like all the way over here and they get mean they get bored before I've on their way here that's like a long journey and stuff but anyways it works fine and it definitely increased the rates of the farm so this thing is just absolutely killing it and I cleaned up the desert I cleaned up the disaster in the back here that was that minecart shenanigan pickup system of extreme failure yeah that's all fixed now and we're basically just back to a normal hopper trading system and I just slowed the trading down a little bit the rates are perfect now it's trading at the rate at which hoppers can pick up in other words the the output of bartering is exactly what hoppers can keep up with so and that's fine because getting gold is still your limiter here but this thing is great hey little guy those are some shiny little boots you got there who'd you steal those from oh he fades not anymore so now you remember the last episode the reason we built this here we got the giant gold farm up there the reason we built here is because we wanted to do a double farm and and this right here is the boundary between crimson forests on this side you can see by a little red floaty bits there and the nether wastes on this side another waste is great for gold farms crimson forests is what you need for a hog Glen farm so I'm gonna build a little slice of it up in the sky so we now have a way to get essentially one of the best foods in the game that being cooked pork for almost free like this is the extent of the farm all you got to do is take some of this or pungi right here and just place a little bit like that some of this over here like this like that some of that okay hog wins now spawn in the crimson forest which is what we are in now okay so we'll spawn anywhere on these iron blocks we'll even spawn on this this here okay they are afraid of these warped funghi things remember an hour okay and they're just like I gotta get away and they run and again with the trapdoor trick which is just so insanely useful they try and cross over this bounder here and they just fall down okay all we gotta do now is put down a little lava catcher because ha Glenn's even though they spawn in the nether are not immune to lava in fact they are very tasty when dropped in lava so I'm about to do a little live stream action over on twitch TV slash tango Tech and I think I'm gonna build this out extend it down a little bit putting these little funnel things put in the hopper collectors and the lava burning fication and all this stuff so they can eat their tasty flesh now there's one other thing I want to do here today and that is get some ancient debris how do I I am lost I'm gonna die there's a way now there was a spot I pick let's oh maybe it's down here and then schwoop yeah I don't know where it is I'm lost there it is there it is okay so there's this little hmm okay anything in there nothing garbage we got one of these little abandoned ancient portal things whatever those it kind eight right below me down at Y fifteen I did do some ancient debris dhikr for Kaeding let me see if I can that unlike flood through all this okay I think it's right over here let me drop down here deploy the wings Oh some cleaning okay yeah this is all me all these tunnels I did just basic strip mining one block apart well I need some health because I'm gonna die okay and I got what did I get where was it let's see I got valuables yes right there some of this that thirty five ancient debris that's pretty good alright but I want more and what I want to do is test out the TNT theory right there's three theories there strip mining which a lot of people subscribe to they say that's the best one there's laying down just tea and tea like every seven blocks or so and then just blowing up a whole thing I think I'm gonna try that Etha promises me that's the best way to do it and then there's the bed technique but that's just crazy sauce and I only want to try that because that's just too slow even though it makes the biggest boom-booms beds are just too slow so what I'm gonna do is get a whole bunch tea tea and just light up these areas and see how much more debris we get then we're back live streams over just like that we had a lot of fun and let me show you what we got hey let me show ya I got like another weird like 3035 another for almost forty more ancient debris doing the TNT thing are we good I opened two chests a few seconds ago are we cool we're cool alright yeah check it out look yeah he's like just massive tunnels all the way down here we got one there we got one here oh hi Auggie's but we're gonna go we're gonna do what we're gonna do one more cuz I'm gonna show you how this works it's pretty amazing it's a lot of fun it's definitely better than the bed techniques you could just light up a whole tunnel right away so let's find a new area that we haven't really we did a little bit right here even let's go are becoming fast in this Lobby years did we get their ears Zuzu's whopping in the breeze there oh he's changed his mind little guy oh he's sad now he sank as he took an arrow in the face come on everything's fine ya see okay anyways their ears are great okay let's find a spot right here after much sciences I this is the area right here we're gonna dig all the way this way Oh dig in gold and yeah kids don't do this at home because this is dangerous running through the nether on super takes Pete we're gonna do a long tunnel here we're gonna get it all lit up with tea and tea and we're gonna prepare for the boom booms here we go light hopefully we should just get a good chain reaction yeah I've been playing with the spacing here I'm not sure what the best option is all yeah I think I think my spacing is too close believe it or not when they're too close it kind of blows out the netherrack of the next one that it falls Thank You totem well that was fun okay so let's count it up in this tunnel we've got one two three four that's a nice little three cluster there five and six six it is not bad and back to the Hoglund farm now this thing is like this simplest little farm you could build this in probably 10 15 minutes this thing is great look they don't on it they can't figure it out there you go in and don't this is so good I don't think I originally put light in here because I thought light was gonna stop pigments from spawning but there's still spawning entries but that's okay that's okay this farm really is not about efficiency because you just get so much food from it more than you could ever possibly eat so that's it you basically got some work fungus over here the double trapdoors here the the pig legs are a little bit too fat like I said so they they sometimes have to go back and forth a few times but if they make it across then they're just scared of that one fungus over there and they come right back but this is it this little simple farm here and check it out look let's see if we can see how much we climb climb okay we've already like I think I might have Kate here for easily less than an hour already and I've already got just more is ridiculous so say goodbye to the water tower splat egg chicken farm because I have turned it off I killed all the chickens up inside here so we shouldn't be getting any more chickens coming out of here because obviously obviously pork is better all right let's get to the good stuff here and the big project for the day the two blocks in front of me here these are the two new fungus blocks in 1/16 and another update and they're amazing basically these grow up to be big and strong fungus giant fungus things but they're basically trees okay and when in the trees make fungus stems but they're essentially wood you can make anything you want out of them that you can make wood out of and there's a whole new plethora of block selections and everything from these stems so they're basically amazing okay you've got your work fungus and your crimson fungus obviously I'm partial to the Crimson fungus but I love them both they both provide a new amazing block palette but what's amazing about these things is that we can make a fully and I mean fully afk automatic tree farm out of these things we don't have to stand there and plant we don't have to run any rightclick macros we just stand there and watch so for starters let's grow these guys up okay they grow when you hit it with bone meal if they grow between four and twenty six blocks tall okay generally they're in this size range right here though you got your your stems right here you got your fungus whatever this stuff isn't right here I think I'd only say what does I know does this this is oh that's the Warped wart and then the Crimson wart these are nice-looking blocks and then of course you got the shroom lights inside there which are fantastic too we want to harvest all this stuff so there's plenty more magic with these little blocks here if you have a plain old vanilla piece of netherrack and it is adjacent to or diagonal to one of these funky source blocks the ore is called warp 9 Liam or crimson eye Liam it'll turn into its own BAM no problem hit over here BAM no problem and that is important because like if you plant a tree on top of this obviously just like it work it works just like grass the grass will eventually turn back into dirt as just like this will turn back into a regular netherrack but we can repair it by having another piece next to it okay now the other magic is if you just hit this just like grass it'll grow some kind of like little funky things on top of it okay and if you keep hitting it long enough eventually you're gonna get wait for it I any moment now so there we go you get a little fungus plant okay and this guy is magical because now if you hit him with bone meal he obviously grows up into a tree so what this means is we can have a dispenser facing against this block and a dispenser facing against that block just firing bone meal and it will turn the block into nollie him if it needs to it will grow stems on top of it occasionally and then it'll grow those stems into trees all fully automatic I almost forgot I need lots of obsidian for this project you know should I make this all out of crying do I want a purple glowing tree farm that might be a bit obnoxious I think we'll stick with a regular I'm sitting here right now go away stuff are you ready for more magic are you ready are you ready for more magic because check this out alright here's another thing we got going on here BAM right obsidian any block you want place it right there this tree this tree don't care just we don't care at all BAM we go right through anything at you place it goes it just it just keeps on going he's like yeah that's fine I'll ignore those blocks and keep going right through and we are gonna totally use this to our advantage because we're gonna have a collection area up here and we're gonna grow the the the stems down there and the trees and it's just gonna be amazing I know I know you're probably just absolutely blown away by the fountain of knowledge I'm spraying in your face right now okay you're thinking yourself wow tango this is amazing knowledge you're giving me here I had no idea these things existed about 116 all right and if that's not the case please pretend it is because we got one more thing now that I think this is the key to this whole project alright I spent quite a while trying to figure how to make a good tree farm and I you have to say I have to give credit to raise work if you guys haven't checked out raise work I'll try to leave a link in the description to his channel he's brilliant he's amazing he makes pretty much all the best stuff he does a lot a lot of streams and stuff he's great guy I was I was inspired a lot by his tree farm in mind but the one I came up with is more or less all my own here and there's one magic thing that that we're gonna do here then I haven't seen done yet that is introduced in version 116 now you remember previously in the episode like a whopping two and a half minutes ago or something we went and got a whole bunch of this ancient debris stuff right and you're thinking wait a minute tango you're not wearing any of that newfangled nether purple byte is stuff right now and again I knew that all right because we got this nether right not for armor not for tools no we got it for redstone hold on hold on hold on tango did you just say you're gonna use ancient debris in redstone yes yes we are lots of it because check it out check it out all right this is incredible this is groundbreaking this block right here other than being super fancy hard to get and you'll make fancy armor all that stuff ah blah blah no one cares about that stuff right it has it is to my knowledge the first block in the game that has two properties one it can be pushed by a piston and number two it is completely completely indestructible and just to clarify real quick when I say push will by a piston I mean attachable to a sticky piston and retractable obviously like an anvil and stuff you could push by piston and stuff but I mean it's fashionable to a sticky piston like that so this block is amazing okay and we're gonna use this to do something pretty interesting here which is blow up the trees from the inside out okay I you guys know me right I refuse to use TNT duper's I hate them I think they're broken and I don't look kindly upon anyone that uses them to be perfectly honest alright so I had to redesign a farm that was gonna be much more conscious a much more efficient with the TNT uses okay I can't drop TNT like five TNT around the outsides and everything just to blow up one tree I have to do it just right with precision so we're gonna do is we're gonna grow four trees just like this and this pattern here okay and these guys you know they're gonna grow all that war and all their leafy stuff area it's gonna get everywhere okay so it's basically just a solid massive block but what we can do with this now is we can once the trees grow up we can push it like that okay BAM and now what we have here is standing right here all the way up 26 blocks is a column where we can drop tea and tea right down into it and boom from the inside so what I built here is kind of like a mock-up of the the heart and soul of this entire tree farm here okay and I'm gonna try this all down in a second because this is obviously there's a tremendous amount more redstone that's gonna go into all this but I will spare you guys but I want to I want to try and show you guys how this thing works so you can better appreciate what's going on here so inside here you can see we have the four you know the four deny liam's that we're gonna grow the fungus on and again this works for the Warped green variety as well as red I'm just gonna be using red for today you'll see each one of these has two dispensers one pointing into the 90 block I want pointing into where the fungus will be now as the trees grow up obviously sometimes like I was saying that's gonna turn into regular nether brick again but this block in the middle here will allow it to turn back to Nile and once it's hit with with bonemeal okay so these guys here are just bonemeal all day every day alright now as this top dispenser is spitting out bone meal a super crazy fast rate it's gonna be growing some of those other weeds and some of that crapper once and all so what we got to do is we're gonna be like tick tick tick tick tick like maybe three times or so and on this block right here will pull downward okay and that will break whatever junk fern is on there that we don't want what we're waiting for is this guy right here when this guy comes then those one or two three takes a bone meal we'll turn this into a stem and it will grow upwards okay and you'll notice now there's all hoppers above there but that's because we can grow the tree right through the hoppers and make an amazing collection area up there okay however that does mean we also are gonna have some stems we're gonna force them where these for fungus are right now the actual stem of the tree will be there and we obviously got to get those out of there so that we can grow more on the next you know the next round essentially so what we've got is some pistons here okay these guys right here are going to be extended okay so when these guys grew up and they turn into solid blocks after that these will retract and then these these guys right below will push up so that'll push the stem block up through the hoppers you'll notice we have four holes here one two three and four and that's where the used stems or the old stems are gonna start coming up so as more T&T as falling breaking the the trees we just made it's also going to be breaking stems from the previous trees and that's pretty much it so I mean obviously there's also gonna be a tall stack of sticky pistons with the ancient debris on them and that's gonna be to push like an air block and air tunnel or an air column right here for the tea and tea to fall down and blow up the for trees hopefully there's four trees it depends on timing and randomness there could be less and stuff but it's gonna fall right down the middle we're gonna blow up the trees from the bottom so chop to TT one right at the bottom and one we're gonna time just right to explode kind of like right around there so so now I'm gonna tear this down and build a real the real thing and I will spare you guys all the tremendous amount of redstone and all those details that go into it and we'll see it working when it's done behold the fungus treetop applicator third it's done it's done I've no idea if it works yet but oh man I am pretty proud of this thing well we'll see how probably I mean if it works or not but the only thing left to do here is put in the expensive stuff you see right in here we've got I'll kind of go over a little bit of this here and buy a little bit probably mean all of it we have this is the blow up application chamber here okay the TNT will land on the anvil and blow up and the reason the intervals there so you get a little bit of down blast and maybe blast some of these logs these four blocks is this is where the trees get pushed up through the floor and the actual new trees will grow there there there and there okay we're gonna put the ancient debris right like this okay and all the way up so this is gonna push a block out and basically make an air column right here you can see the TNT is gonna fall right down there and again we're gonna have one blast right there which should blow out the whole bottom part and then another one blow up like right around this height up here we should take out the tops of the trees obviously if we get like a 20-block tree or whatever it we're not even bother because they're so rare it's just gonna build up over there so down on the bottom here ninety percent of this is just timings and everything to make everything run at the rates and stuff you know how long two how many times to pulse the the bonemeal how many times to pull the floor out what's the delay for a tree to grow all that stuff just you know getting all those too weak tom but you'll see we went with a hopper collection floor for a couple of reasons one I think it kind of looks cool but two you get so much extra like growth of the the stuff in here that if you try and do a water flow the water flow just constantly gets disrupted and everything so we go with waterlogged slabs on top of hoppers obviously the waterlogged air to keep the demolition down and then we split the hopper output you can see right here by based on the arrows on my hoppers half the items go out that side and a half the items go out that side that's because if we try to put it all off through one system it just overflows the hopper so we had to split it up so we have basically a sorting system there and a sorting system there for the summer up there is the the stems which is essentially the logs and the shroom lights or light if a caters or whatever they're called these things yeah shroom lights which I really like those who are being saved everything else is being dumped over into a composter which is then being put back up into the system so I don't know if it'll supply enough to keep it going but it'll definitely help it's gonna provide at least half the bun meal I need and we even have another little bone meal maker down here I'm a pipe this one up eventually but inside there we have hopper mine carts that are picking up a lot of the debris that is you know that's because pulled out when this thing pops up and down there so I think we're ready to give this thing a try up top here is all of the timings basically to fire out to or to drop to tea and tea with just the precise timings I hope so that like I said the first one lands on the anvil and the second one is a little bit above it I want to test this out first time before turning the machine on because there's a good chance that this might blow things up I got one stack in there now and well let's just see what happens I suppose I hear sizzle it's being held it dropped Oh that did not look good at all that did not look good at all okay let me see let's see around there into that that should do the first one it should also that does nothing that goes that okay I think the second one let's see here well watch these repeaters here pull out oh oh oh oh what's going on I got issues figures problem number one had nothing to do with the design that had to do with my test button I put a wooden button instead of a stone button and I think the pulse was down too long and it kept this blah blah blah blah all right here we go first one drop should write on top Dan little second one should be a little bit higher stutter stutter that was weird like falling objects don't do well but I think that one was shorter I think we're probably good and more importantly nothing blew up and I should mention of course in case it's not obvious this is where the ancient debris is helping right if I drop TNT there in that block there was anything other than ancient debris or a block of ancient whatever the composite thing is whatever boom blow up all that it's just sadness everywhere and this whole concept wouldn't be possible by the way I forgot to mention I was going to put it inside the red tower where the sugarcane farm in the bamboo farm work it basically just didn't fit it was like four blocks too tall so that's all we brought it out here with the concrete maker and stuff but anyways you guys have been patient how about we turn this thing on and I cannot tell you how terrified I am because you know not that the rates might not be you know I'm just afraid that this entire thing is going to blow up and that would make me very very very sad well we got turned on sooner or later so here we go I'm gonna flick the switch then we're gonna fly up there to try and see if stuff is growing and if it gets blown up and all the stuff go go go go this is literally nothing test you oh ok grew that's good that's good tangey fault our heads still growing hmm TMT should have fallen by now I think oh there goes okay and drop there it goes oh that's weird it should have made it to the bottom the second piece okay there it is BAM oh okay there is a line I got the stresses there is a lot of waste and there's a lot of stuff gets stuck on the blocks get stuck on the anvil and that's okay that's totally fine okay here we go wave to drop I think that's hitting on the anvil and I think it's just a visual glitch yeah oh look at that the timings are perfect I am very satisfied with that tree distribution death right there I don't know what I just said there but that that killed that tree very well here we go here we go dropping yes come to hmm I might need to I don't know missed a lot in the middle that time why it's oh look more trees are growing it goes good a lot of stuff collected there a lot of stall this is so good okay let's see how the happy happy is doing here like you okay yeah see this is my concern here's all the items coming in here I have to make sure that this doesn't back up and I think it might how we doing oh that because they loafers haven't filled up yet okay logs should be coming in shortly like literally the next log once this log gets is but let's just scoop a doodle there and that those large there we go okay this oh the filters working and let's put the stems out there that should be filling this up yep when the hits 41 those will flow down okay so trees are actively collecting and hold on over here now this is this I'm amazed okay there's a little bit a little bit of nonsense falling off the bottom here but that's okay look if you could see inside there bonia lachen happening closes off booms come down all the titles are perfect okay now you can watch this composter here and this is just cranking out bone meal every item that comes to there all that all that wort or whatever it is it's like an 85 percent chance of making compost and then it just right back up through the dropper here and back into the cyst okay down here underneath I wanted to show you guys how this things work you'd see all four deny Liam are trying to grow trees you've got two three right there all of a sudden real fast we're still trying to grow a fourth one over there it's not looking like it's getting a fungus and that's the case we rarely get four trees the bone meal stops the TV is dropping one two and then you'll watch all these trees boom pulled out and lift it up and now we're trying to drill more we got one there on the front right trying to grow some in the back and you just waiting for those fungus to pop up who've got one in the back left slightly generally you get like two trees per wave then the bone meal stops there it goes wait for the TT to explosions and then the trunks will get pull out and push up again to start the next wave like an hour or so later and well let me just show you what's going on here we got we got a little something going on here we got all kinds of shroom lights we have crimson stems and that's just half of it because the other half is over here with more crimson stems more shroom lights and just this thing's more I love it I did have to tweak some of the time exactly because they I couldn't even with dual hopper output I could not keep up the hoppers were just getting overflow so I just I just turned the system down a little bit which is fine it's fine it's fine right it's fine so there we have it that will do it for two now that will do it for today guys I love building these kind of things I had so much fun doing this one hope you guys appreciated this video if you do hit that like button as always I would appreciate that and live leave a comment let me know what you think let me know what questions you might have I will do my best to answer them but until nice there guys goodbye [Music]
Channel: Tango Tek
Views: 485,597
Rating: 4.9624639 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft afk tree farm, minecraft automatic tree farm, minecraft cooked porkchop farm, nether update farms, minecraft 1.16 farms, best way to mine ancient debris, ancient debris farm, ancient debris minecraft, 1.16 tree farm, minecraft 1.16, minecraft 1.16 lets play, rays works, hermitcraft season 7, family friendly
Id: kTfwLmhWKbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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