I Played Minecraft for 700 Days.. (1.16 Survival)

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in today's video we're going to be playing minecraft for 200 days bringing our world total to 700 days madness i've now played this world for 140 hours which is nearly six solid days we get up to a lot in this video and it's taken a long time to record so if you fancy hitting that subscribe button then please do as the next time we'll be on this world we'll be hitting the 1000 days mark so we're back in our lovely world i said hello to gerald then i got making this book here and i called this book predictions and i've made a lot of predictions right of what's going to happen throughout these 200 days i'm gonna have a look at this book at the end to see how many of them came true and then i spent the rest of day 500 just gathering some xp in case we needed any throughout the rest of this video and then on day 501 we went to check out our creeper farm and to be honest it's terrible so i thought let's improve this i went to the never and got some cod you're wondering joel what on earth are you doing well to make the creeper farm a bit better we need some cats so i went to this nearby village killed all their horses and then looked for cats but couldn't find any so went up to another village where i killed their horses and then i spotted some so i had a quick sleep and on day 502 i tamed my first cat but luckily there were two in this village there was this one here and then there was the sort of gingery brownie one as well so i managed to tame that after chasing it through the entire village and then i set off home with our two cats in tow after killing you know some horses and stuff and the journey home took quite a while as i had to walk most of it so that the cats would follow me all the way home and then on day 503 uh they just didn't breed they were being really dodgy i don't know what was going on i think it's the beds underneath for where the villagers are or there's a crafting table down there i know they try and get on top of those things so i had to manually push them away from that area as you can see here which is quite painful but finally we got them up here and we got breeding them we're going to be needing 14 cats in total right that's a lot of cats i then went and lit up my old creeper farm as obviously i didn't want any creepers spawning in while i was doing this and then started clearing out where all the new parts are going to go and after i'd cleared it all out i went back through again adding in all the trapped doors the carpets etc that you need to stop spiders of a mob spawning and i was breeding cats this entire time as you can see here we've now got an army of cats and we have as many as we need one cat actually spawned in there because of the villages nearby so i had one in there already so i needed 13 now but i had this funny system where i dropped them down into some water push them in to place etc and i did this with every single cat it took quite a while about a day or two and then we got working on the killing chamber system bit but i noticed that gerald had made a friend this skeleton here and this is not okay gerald's my friend all right skeleton you can't have him but we got the killing chamber complete of this creeper farm and then i had the task of taking out all the torches which is kind of scary because creepers could spawn they're very unlikely to if you're this close by but it could happen but finally we got all the torches out we escaped we headed up to our afk platform where we slept and then afk'd for a full day and i was so excited to see how much more gunpowder i got on my way down i heard some explosions that's not good not sure what's going on there that shouldn't be happening i went and checked my chest and what we had like four gunpowder what was happening i was so confused so i went into my replay mod to just check and looks like creepers were spawning so i was very confused uh but this is what happened with the explosions right some creepers had spawned over here and then eyeing a golem i decided to attack them and then they exploded obviously and then they let all our villagers free yay thanks iron golem for protecting the villagers and then obviously i had to go and you know check the damage make sure that the villagers didn't escape and then i worked on a new afk platform as my one before was rubbish right it was too high up meaning that the creepers on the lower levels just didn't spawn in and uh yeah i also realized that the lava was actually just burning all the gunpowder so i had to go and change the lava to these fire pits as well did some more afk and as you can see we got a couple stacks of gunpowder but that's not really how many i was thinking i was getting after you know like a full five minutes and i was just checking on the replay mod and i noticed that all these mobs in these nearby caves are spawning in stopping creepers spawning in our creeper farms right to go through these caves here and light them all up with torches to hopefully improve the rates and that took quite a while but after we'd done it all we went and spent the next day on top of our afk platform where we afk'd for like just over a full time of daylight you can see here the sun goes down for quite a while and oh boy it's working good now look at all that gunpowder beautiful also i accidentally put some arrows in my automatic sourcing system it started shooting them which is quite funny but either way i made some more rockets with our gun powder and put them in our shulker box to put in our ender chest for if we ever run out i always keep end of chest on me i also put a bucket of lava in my sorting system which turned that into a yeah obsidian there so i had to go fix that as well and we got it all fixed and working nicely however it's time for some change look at that look how ugly that looks we need to fix this castle we need to finish off this side here as i didn't actually finish it in the 500 days video so i went and collected the load of grass i found that moana lisa had escaped and i got distracted so i had to lure her back to her pen which i don't know how she escaped from but she's back in there now and then we set out on our first biggish time lapse of this video and what we did was we fixed the terrain here we also cleared a load of jungle and then we got building another tower because when i designed this castle before i completely forgot about my smelter so that's why i had to build a tower here to make space for that as otherwise the wall just didn't come out far enough and you'll notice i didn't finish it that's because i ran out of wood so i had to go gather some wood so i spent a day gathering wood as you can see here and then using that wood i could start our next time-lapse where i finish the floor on that level there and also finish the tower itself adding a nice roof onto it and it looks quite nice if i do say so myself and i didn't end this time lapse by going to the nether in fact i went and checked my creeper farmers it had kind of been working while i was building the castle which was nice and then i grabbed some shulker boxes and did heads than ever where i quickly killed this iron golem because i was still a bit salty about the fact that they'd blown up part of my world by attacking those creepers earlier and then i went through my never pothole as i was heading over to a desert as i wanted to get some sand this desert is the same as the one with the desert village where i yoinked the path from in the 500 days and i collected a shulker box of sand and also filled my inventory up as well before heading back home i didn't need this much sand right now but if i ever needed a sand in the future and then i didn't have to go all the way to that desert there so i thought i'd just gather a load at once but we've switched over to the other side of the castle now and on this side of the castle i'm gonna get working on a bridge i mentioned this before how i wanted to bridge over to this land here however the bridge is quite high so i thought you know what i really hate how the terrain looks around here i'm gonna make my own terrain so i set off on this massive project here adding in loads and loads and loads of grass and dirt terraining it all myself and just completely changing how the landscape looks i just went till i ran out of dirt and then i thought you know what my shovel keeps running out from mining all this dirt so i thought let's get some more never right so i used some of the sand and gum powder we've been getting to use some tnt for a bit of fun ancient debris mining normally if you have to use beds it's painful this is so easy and we've got six ancient debris in no time it literally took about like five minutes normally this would take me forever to blow out this entire tunnel it is expensive however and we would have to afk our creeper fan for a long time to be able to do this consistently but on the way home i spotted this iron golem here and still salty about my creeper farm i decided to push him in the lava it's just fun i don't know what it is about it i just enjoyed it for some reason but i crafted our new never ingot and made a new never shovel added some enchantments on it of course and then we went to the end to fix our other tools as well quickly and of course i forgot to set my bed spawn so had to fly all the way home from spawn which was quite far also i don't know what to do with all these ender pearls i have way too many ender pearls but either way i used our new shovel the next day to gather a sugar box and more of grass and then we did some more terrain you can see here we're not just doing it completely flat we want to do like different levels and stuff and i'm also making sure it fits in with the rest of the terrain and goes down over there etc and of course i created a massive mob farm underneath it because i hadn't lit it up as i went along and you can see me here trying to just light it up afterwards before of course heading to the never we just finished the time lapse we've got to go to the nether to collect some resources of course some basalt some blackstone etc which we're going to be using for our bridge here i didn't want to go for an extremely complex bridge just more like a sort of simple arch design i say it's simple it's not super simple it's quite a nice you know sort of architectural bridge etc with a lot of lanterns i don't know why i keep using so many lanterns but either way look at this what's going on here gerald my best friend gerald has made a stupid friend but seeing as they look so cute in the boat together i thought he could stay for now and as i mentioned earlier we needed more lanterns so i made some more lanterns to finish off the bridge before thinking you know what let's do some mining so i did some mining i spent an entire day or so just mining as one of my goals is to get a lot of diamonds and this is probably the most fun way to get diamonds as you can see our pickaxe broke halfway through so i had to go back to the end to fix it but luckily i saved my bed in the mine which meant we got back to mining straight away and we did another few days and we didn't get too lucky to be honest we got 25 diamond rs which i feel like is not very good for how long we spent but it's not bad either we managed to get stack and a bit of diamonds and we also got a lot of coal as well because i kept running out of coal as i had to light up the entire area under that new terraform bit i'd done and speaking of terraforming it looked like it was floating at the moment and that's not okay so i decided to add in a little cliff face on this side you can see i've sort of terrained it down on the left there but this side i thought a nice cliff would look quite good so using some cobblestone some regular stone we did it all along this edge it's not finished because i'm not sure where i'm gonna take the terrain on the other side just yet but we got a lot of progress done then you can see here the bridge everything is looking good i celebrated by killing every single chicken in my chicken place oh isn't that fun now you're probably wondering what is this whole area for you'll see a bit later it's all to come don't worry but i thought this castle needs a gateway entrance so i built a gateway entrance as you can see here nothing too complicated just a nice little sort of tower gateway and then after this time that's on day 551 i challenged myself how many horses could i kill him one day and what follows is what i call the horse symphony yes listen to them squeal we've got a high-pitched note coming up oh lovely and to answer the question how many horses can i kill in one day 62. that's how many are killed so i celebrated the next day by killing some more horses and with the blood fresh in my hands i went and told rupert how lucky is i then decided you know what this is looking kind of ugly i should probably fix this so i went and gathered a load of grass because we're gonna need a lot of grass to fix that and i gathered about two shulker boxes well exactly two shulker boxes full of grass and then we got placing that grass however we went a bit overboard and spent like seven days or eight days doing this i placed a lot of grass and i also placed a lot of stone just terraforming the whole thing but you know what it's so worth it look at it i had in the little waterfall there for something you know a little bit extra and i finished off the entire thing i was just on a roll i was playing minecraft i was having fun and look how much better it looks it looks so good it's still not finished mind you there's still some stuff i'd like to add but i decided to stop for now and focus on something else and that thing was going to involve a lot of materials some of those things being turtle eggs so i went to get some turtle eggs this guy gave me one egg and i was like fine you know what i'll breed up homer and marge and finally we got enough eggs to take with us to the never as that's right we're going to be building a wither skeleton farm well kind of you'll see what happens a bit later but what i'm looking for right is a never fortress in a seoul sand biome which has a crossroads i went to about 18 different never fortresses before finally i found one not this one no but this one here you can see is perfect it's got the cross section however it's massive and i need to spawn trap the whole thing so i guess we better get to work the first thing i did though was make another portal so i could sleep on the other side in case i died and i also completed the subspace bubble achievement because i'm about 17 000 blocks away from my base i then got to work placing down a load of these pressure plates here to spawn trap the base when um this happened so you know i was just placing them down blazes were everywhere and yeah i got hit by that skeleton and all my materials that i brought to make this farm went to the lava i went back died again of course why not die once but hey you know what they say third time's the chan i gathered up a load of my stuff well a load of it as uh this wither skeleton here seems to have taken all my other stuff tried to kill him but he's got my never arm on so he's quite hard to kill and then that other one just ran out of nowhere and killed me and finally i managed to get all my stuff back and uh run away nearly died again got down to half a heart there quite hard to see but i wasn't half a heart and finally i had to pickaxe the two river skeletons to death and i managed to get all the stuff he had stolen off me including my never right side he probably would have one hit me there and uh i got all my stuff back however a lot of my stuff had fallen in the lava including my shovel my axe i think my other pickaxe was in there as well a lot of stuff so i used my fire resistant potion and i went hunting for them and i actually managed to get all of my never right tools back luckily they don't burn so we were safe we were fine however i did lose every single material i just gathered to make the farm and this kind of demotivated me a lot and i was getting so annoyed when this skeleton started shooting me you have no idea if i had fallen in that lava not been able to get out i'd have been so sad but we left through the never fortress and i was like oh my gosh all my rockets have disappeared i've got no rockets left i lost all the ones i had in my lava so i thought right there's only one way to do this i'm just going to put everything in my in the chest leave my in the chest there and then i'm just gonna jump off this bridge and die in the lava to go back to spawn because i'd rather travel 2 000 blocks in the overworld than 4 000 blocks in than ever so i managed to get all my stuff out my underchest which i'd left there luckily in the 500 days video and we got boating all the way home killed this chicken out of frustration but we made it home on day 5 6 9 and i instantly went and made more rockets and i was so annoyed by the lack of rockets i decided i don't want this to happen again so i afk to my creeper farm for a long long time like two days and then i completely filled my rocket chest while not completely but i used up a lot of the gunpowder also this creeper fan is really disappointing i thought it'd be a lot better than it is it's a lot better than it was before but it's still not you know amazing but i gave up on that with a skeleton farm project and instead started a new project on the new land we've been terror farming not on top of it just yet but no underneath it and you saw me look at my villages there my villager breeding is terrible at the moment so i thought you know what let's uh let's improve that and make a new one which is much much better automatic and we don't have to worry about it i had to get some slime as well which is why you can see me getting some slime here but on day 571 we started clearing out underneath all the land here because i needed a flat space to work in also i was getting annoyed at zombie spawning in so i went and lit up the other section up here before finally clearing out this section here i should have put my beacon down but didn't think about it instead this took quite a while but we got it all cleared out and i also forgot to just upgrade my lytra so i did that as well and then we got working on our villager breeder this is an automated villager breeder i followed a tutorial from logical geekboy i'll put it in the description i'm sure and the basis of how it works is you get two villagers in this little area here one of them is a farmer one isn't they trade carrots with each other as you plant a lot of carrots in here and then they breed with each other which means you don't have to do anything you'd have to feed them bread they just do it all by themselves they then spit out some baby villagers which come along this bit here and i sort of altered this design to fit my knees as i didn't want the villagers coming out down here oh no no no we're going to be extra here i want them to go up to the top of our new terraform land so i made this little bubble elevator i had to get some ice from just over here to make sure that they would sort of slide into the bubble elevator and i also added a hopper here so that they would you know try and get the hopper and then get shot up because they only get to that section when they're adult villagers so they'll try and get that hopper job and then they'll get hit into there and they'll get teleported to the top also the sticky piston here so you can turn the farm off it means the villagers can't see the bed so they can't breed but speaking of the villagers we need to get them over here from our old villager section and oh gosh this is quite far i had to build like a bridge across the river here but finally we made a bridge all the way across and we got sending our two villagers just two random ones from our old villager area also look how nice that bridge is looking over there oof i do like it anyway we got the two villagers into the farm we broke them out of their mine carts and it was all set up and working now so i decided to destroy all the path i just make and work on making the place where we're gonna collect these villagers up at the top so basically you have this minecart system which will just pick up a villager out of that little place there and take him off to wherever you want to take him and of course we're gonna want to convert them to zombie villages then convert them back again so after i'd finished working out how this was gonna work i created the little section over here where we're gonna convert them it's gonna be so much easier than my previous method which was just force them in there manually this one does it all sort of automatic you just have to press a few buttons and you're good to go so you'll see the minecart oh it failed well you see i fix it in a bit and uh we get it working so i actually managed to find this zombie here as we had to lure a zombie in obviously jeremy downstairs is going to be no use anymore we need jeremy 2.0 and after a lot of struggles i finally got this fella into a minecart and then we got him in place here where he's going to stay forever all right he's never leaving he picked up my rail there and i was like you know what mate i want my rail back how about you take this sword instead so he took the sword instead what a fella he reminds me of jeremy so i decided to call him jeremy 2.0 and he's going to be our zombie converter speaking of zombie converters a zombie got into my villager farm and killed them both i'd left this path up here and a zombie just walked in yay so i had to go and make a whole blowing path once again with a minecart leading two more villagers over to our farm oh my gosh it was such a pain but you know what once we've done this we're not gonna make that mistake again i can tell you that so we got rid of the path here and then i got working on making some more potions i thought i'd make a decent a potion so that i have to worry for a while so i made about 15 in total which obviously means we can convert 15 villagers perfect so perfect i decided to stay in this house a little bit longer do a bit of dancing with my parrots here and then i went to sleep in there before finally the next day we got all our potions in our shulker box i made a few golden apples as well gathered some materials in the nether and then we got working on a building to surround our terrible looking villager things so i wanted to make a little house for them to live in you can see there's a window there so we can see when there's villages in there ready to go which is perfect and yes we're going straight to the never after that time lapse there as i had ran out of materials the one material in particular was dark prismarine so i had to go and afk my prismarine farm for a little bit did it for about a day or two and then we had plenty and plenty of prismarine lovely now for the best noise in the world oh it's lovely it's a lovely sound all that death anyway we got a decent amount of prism and shards forgot to bring some shulker boxes though but you can see here our villager breeder is working they got transported up there so i finished off this house here double chimney yeah that's right double chimney and look now it will pick up villagers as you can see there just sort of destroyed the world to make sure it's working and take them over to our zombie where they'll be converted into a zombie we then can push a button again get them up here and then we splash them with the weakness and give them the golden apple perfect we don't have to worry anymore that's so much better than our previous system and i decided to celebrate by doing some grass placing that's right we're extending our land here also creating another mob farm underneath but don't worry we got the torches we're going to light it up and hey did we just finish the time lapse what does that mean oh yeah we go to the end wait what that's right i needed to fix up some of my tools they're getting kind of low so after spending a while in here we got full fixed tools which is lovely and i celebrated by chopping down some trees i know kind of weird right but that's because i wanted to finish off this section of the castle we've placed all that grass earlier we placed all those stone bits i wanted to add some trees in some spruce trees in fact because i thought they just looked nice and went really well with the build we've got going here and as well as the trees i planted in some bushes some mossy cobblestone rocks some flowers and a bit of bamboo as well and the whole look is looking rather phenomenal if i do say so myself so phenomenal that i decided to go afk my creeper farm to get some gunpowder why well i i just like gunpowder and i need it for stuff later okay but was that a time lapse it was let's go to the nether and gather some materials as we're going to be working on making our villager converter look nice now as it was just you know some bits of wood and some glass at the moment so i wanted to change that i went and got some clay as i needed some clay for this to make some terracotta and some green terracotta as well and then i went to my squid farm as i needed some more dark prismarine and i needed some ink sacks for that of course and i decided to actually fix this ink sac farm by adding in some hoppers around the edges as we kept getting some loss from the ink sacs fall in there and i decided to afk a bit and while i have cade i noticed that i'd reached five days played which is actually kind of insane when you think about it that's 120 hours of actual playtime man what a load of effort i'm putting in wow i really would subscribe to me if i was me i don't know what i'm saying but please subscribe anyway prismarine dark prison marine cod get rid of it but i need more prisonery better go get some more prism by afk oh look at me crouched lovely and then something weird happened i floated down quite carefully as you can see here and died how i don't understand this death i was going so slow and i was just very confused you can see me there type what in the chat because i've blooming respawned at spawn it's so far away i've not got my elytra because i forgot to bloom and put one number one back in my ender chest which means i just had to walk the entire way again but seriously go back and watch that death if you want i don't know how that killed me i was so upset but either way got some rockets took a totem of them dying and then went and got my stuff back which luckily most of it had gone into the chest here some of it had remained on the surface but i went an afk my dark prismarine farm and typed myself because i i was very frustrated and this time came in a lot smoother and didn't die which is nice although the uh guardians did almost kill me either way we've got all the materials we need now look at all that dark prismarine lovely jubbly i went home and i got building our building building our building that sounds weird but either way i made another kind of similar style building to the whole theme we've got going on here however on the top of this one i did in a zombie villager to remind me that this is the place where i make zombie villagers just in case i forget and that was also day 600 by the way we're on day 601 now on day 601 we went to never because we just finished a time lapse we had to do it and i gathered a load of basalt i just wanted so much basalt because it's the one thing i always end up going to the never to get and then i went and gathered my beacon as well as we're going to be building something here and this thing is going to be like a beacon holder slash a sort of villager trading area just some librarian villages as i wanted to make something kind of like bigger in this area we've got two kind of small buildings at the moment i wanted to make something kind of spectacular however it's quite big so it required quite a lot of materials but i gathered them all and then we got building and this thing took a good seven or eight days to make in total and you can see here i'm going for this sort of circular shape because i wanted the beacon to go all the way up and come out atop of this dome which i'm going to be building in a second i didn't actually start building the dome just yet because i didn't have any glass so i had to go and buy some glass and then dyed that glass to cyan glass and once we got the sand glass we got placing that cyan glass and put it all around here to make a nice cyan dome now during this time lapse at night a zombie had appeared and it turned my villager which had already converted back into a zombie villager again so i have to convert him once more meaning his trades are going to be pretty insane as you'll see later and then i got converting some more as well as i want to start putting some villagers in this new place that i've just built this big old dome more villages means more golden apples so i had to make some quickly and then obviously we could convert more villagers at a later date and once these guys are converted i started pushing them into their sort of new home with some rails here and they're gonna all have some pretty good trades for us this guy here kind of tried to escape straight away but luckily we trapped him in this one instead if he wants to go there he can go there and then after a long long time of just breaking bookshelves over and over again we finally got a sharpness for trade you'll see i hovered over the efficiency five because that's kind of rare but we don't need that we've already got those and the thing about sharpness four is you can combine two books to make a sharpness five book which i added to my sword of course but i wanted another book as well and i tried to get this villager into here he went into the same one as that other dude and then he escaped and it was all this palaver of just following around finally i got him in a minecart again and this time we managed to push him over and trap him in here so he couldn't blooming escape god villagers at the worst either way we started trading with this fella and we got our trade pretty quickly i went to protection four but protection free will do we can again just combine the books to make some protection for books and we don't have to worry about xp we've got an enderman farm in the nether which is insane also you'll see me here buying some bookshelves off this guy for one emerald and then turning them into books and then selling them back for one emerald basically free money i love it either way i made a sweeping edge free book here well tried to actually ran out of xp points had to go and you know do some more trading before finally making that book and then i also added some more protection books to my bean swimmies before making some chess and heading to the end because we had completely ran out of xp and obviously the endermen are going to provide that for us i stayed there for quite a while as you can see got 60 levels and we managed to add all our enchantments to our books i also decided you know what i want to try my hand at some more never right mining with tnt this time i placed them two apart to see if we get some more and from one full stack of tnt how much ancient debris did we get that's right a grand total of four for ancient debris that's it we managed to get enough to make a new pickaxe and convert it into a never-egg pickaxe as i wanted another silk touch pickaxe as i'd set myself a personal goal of mining 64 diamond ore in one go however i needed a new beacon to do some mining as i'd use all my other beacons up and i needed some more whimsicals for that obviously i killed the wither again got quite lucky with the first river skull i actually needed two as i still had one in my ender chest from before and honestly my luck changed normally with the skeletons hate me but today i only had to kill about 20 or so to get two skulls which is pretty good but before we killed the wither i went and upgraded my chest plate to protection for as well meaning we had basically maxed out armor at this point and then spawned in the wither killed him it was really easy killing the river of this method really easy it's just like you just walk back and forth and hit him and of course he dropped the never start the only thing we need from him and then i went and did some more trading to get some more emeralds as i completely ran out at this point basically and i needed more to make a beacon and finally went out enough to make a beacon made some chess got my pickaxes and we headed off over here to start a brand new strip mine dug all the way down you know how it goes we found some diamond as we were digging down love that love that for me but you know what is even more fun speed mining oh yeah let's get going and i spent four days mining i started out by just mining out everything that i could and then i sort of like started speed strip mining as you can see here the little holes in the walls and that turned out to be way more effective i think i might just do that more in the future and look we got a stack and three extra diamond ores and my favorite thing to do put them in a big tower use our fortune free pickaxe and we've got two and a bit stacks of diamond doll which is not great to be honest with you i was hoping for ball and of course both my pickaxes were nearly broken so i had to head back into the end and fix them all up before gathering a load of grass as we're going to be doing some more terraforming oh yeah we're not done with this section over here we need to add some more grass in also i lit it up because mob spawned in and blew up a part of it but either way grass here it comes look at it all lighting up as i go along this time not making the same mistake however i did kind of forget to light up that bit up there so ignore what i just said i did however light it up underneath which was lovely and then i started destroying what i just done as we are going to be making a better sugarcane farm the one we have back at our old base is terrible it gives us like 20 sugarcane an hour that's not good enough i need more sugarcane i don't know why i just do all right so i made this one here which i've made before in a previous series it's really simple you just use you know some slime to make a machine you have this automatic minecart system dispensing it into the chest here and this thing spits out you know like two or three stacks of sugar cane an hour which is more than plenty for me you can make this thing as big as you want i made it this big because that's how big i wanted to make it i did however run out of slime balls once again so had to go back to the swamp and kill some of those big fat chunky slime boys there's something we can do in the future make a slime farm in case i need more slime in the future but i can't think of other things i'd need slime for right now but we got making this automatic sort of farming machine here with these slime blocks observers pistons etc quite a simple way of doing it it's not too complicated whatsoever and you can see here it's destroying that sugarcane and it's actually spitting out here because i forgot to add a wall on this side so i did a wall on that side and i also hadn't made it properly and had to extend it underneath which was very awkward as uh it was placed at a really weird height but we did that and then our sugarcane farm was ready to go look at it all look at it all being collected however it was annoying so i turned it off for now as i wanted to build something around it and to build something around it i needed some glass and the best way of me getting glass is just trading with villagers so i went and traded some pumpkins bought some glass and then i went and chopped down some trees you want to see a tree chopping montage here it comes look at this oh look they go up they go down they go up they go down they go up they go down you get you get i don't know what i'm saying i got attacked by some pillagers during that time so i had to go and get rid of the bad omen thing and then with all my new wood i went and traded for some more glass and finally we got working on a greenhouse this greenhouse is going to be surrounding our sugarcane farm it's very extra all right i went a bit overboard here but i wanted to make something cool and i did make something cool i think this thing looks really quite nice and it hides away the ugly sugar cane farm which is its main purpose which honestly i hated how it looked before and i think this looks so so so much better and during this time the sugarcane farm spitting out that sugarcane look at all that sugarcane there lovely so lovely that i decided to go afk my creeper farm why i don't know i just fancied it all right and then i spent the next day just grabbing a load of clay that's all i did for those two days why the clay jol well i used it to make some terracotta and that terracotta is going to come in useful when making this path here as we're using brick and terracotta as well as some grass paths this area is slowly turning into a sort of mini city and i improved this area even more by building this new building here this is going to be where we're going to have all our villagers that trade us you know like bricks and stuff i think they're called masons i can't remember though they have you know the stone cutter as their thing that they you know go oh what's this and they go and get it i kind of what the name of it is but i made space for about five or six there i can't remember and then i started converting some villagers and getting them into the spaces and turning them into masons or whatever they're called it'll say here masons yeah i was right and these guys are gonna be useful for getting the bricks which we're gonna be using for the path as well as building stuff in the future speaking of building stuff here we're building a building around our masons and speaking of using bricks and builds i did that i added bricks to this bit here and i made a sort of like nice little tower at the top as well and it sort of fits in with the other builds although it's kind of different i like it i hope you like it as well look at this area look how many buildings we've got i love buildings me but i wanted to start a new project something i planned for a while and that project involved snow so i went and got a load of snow well what i thought was a load of snow turns out you'll see me come back here quite a few times later as that was not enough snow and i celebrated all that snow by killing some horses how to sleep killed some more horses we just love killing horses here anyway i got some poppies i got some white dye i made some pink dye and then i went and gathered all the gravel from my chest that i just scattered around this entire area as apparently i forget that gravel is in chest all the times and just leave it there and turns out i leave a lot of gravel around look at all that gravel that's a lot of gravel and we're gonna use it to make some pink concrete pink concrete a map joel what are you doing well i headed out to the ocean and i used my map you can see here it's nice and blue however i want to change that so i added in some snow to make a border yeah that's right it's a big old square 128 by 128 which is the perfect border size of the map as you can see here it's got a nice white border lovely i then went and gathered some more materials including some sandstone and then i got placing more snow as that's right we're going to be making some map art i've never made this before and i thought you know what let's do it you're probably thinking joel why don't you know like add a mod in that you could just you know add pictures in and stuff that'd be really easy yeah that would be easy but that's not vanilla minecraft and we're all about the vanilla experience here and like i said earlier we didn't have enough snow so i went and gathered a load more snow look how satisfying that is oh look at all that dirt appearing i love just ruining landscapes anyway we've got a lot of snow nearly two shulkers worth of snow which we then went and added on to our area here can you tell what it is yet you probably can't because it looks like nothing it's supposed to look like right now but i did all that snow and you know what it just wasn't enough snow i couldn't finish it off so i had to go back trade some emeralds for some reason oh yeah that's right i need some bricks because i was like you know what that project's going to go to the side for now let's work on this path i want to make this place look a lot nicer is it just grass everywhere it just looks kind of weird let's change that so i did in this path linking up all our buildings i also added in some walls to put lanthans on plus i just added more path kept falling through like that very annoying place in this path should have double dirted this but i didn't think i then added in this nice little area here as well as a sort of like grubby little area just there i thought that looked kind of cool and then i went and gathered a load of oak wood as i wanted to add in a tree so i added in a tree here is the tree it's not a massive tree but it's not a small tree either it's the perfect size tree for this area i like trees i hope you like trees too anyway look how nice this area's looking now with that path going in i'm not sure about the grass path block though i think i might change that to granite in the future but i'm not sure let me know what you think speaking of things that are changing we're adding in a fountain here why well i didn't know what else to put here and i thought you know what this could be a good way to flex let's use some diamond blocks in this fountain so i use some diamond blocks in this fountain not that many diamond blocks but enough where it's like oh that's a lot of diamond blocks for a fountain and then of course for a fountain you need water so i added in some water as well as some funky bits on the top here using some prismarine walls some end rods and then more water you guessed it it's a fountain and fountains require water i don't know what i'm saying anymore yes i'm losing my mind i'm 35 minutes into this video 265 days in and it's a lot it's a lot of time okay so much so that you should subscribe maybe if you want to who cares it's day 665. i went and got some tulips and i slept in this field because it's day 666 and on this day i found a horse i killed all his friends and then i gave him some apples because i was like i'm gonna make this horse my friend and i did make him my friend i put a saddle on him i called him sir jimmy the horse and we went on adventures i'll tell you we killed a pig we went to these flowers over here and then we sort of like jumped over a pig and then we found this lever i was like hmm what's this lever you stay here jimmy with that lever and i trapped jimmy in there with the lever and then i was like you know what have some beef jimmy he didn't want the beef he did however like my golden carrot and i was like you like that carrot how'd you like this lever jimmy i walked back and jimmy i'm sorry oh my gosh yeah that was a full stack of tnt just there i then left a sign saying sir jimmy lies here he sucked and then i flew off into the distance never to come back again and also kill some horses on the way back just for fun but hey at least the tulips look nice on there hey hey either way i gave it some more materials and then i got some terraforming done on this side here this time i added in another waterfall i just love the waterfalls here and this one's a lot different to everyone this one falls straight into the water rather than you know trickling down the rocks as you'll see look at that a lovely waterfall and that area is looking a whole lot nicer now oh i quite like it i think it looks pretty good either way day 671 added in more path that's right more brick more terracotta i also added in some sort of plant pots around as well had a bit of greenery in and also color with the red and pink of the flowers i also made sure the entire area was lit up so we didn't get any of those pesky creepers spawning in and then i went and was like oh my gosh i have a map i forgot about this and i changed it and look how much has changed now we have done so much in this area it's honestly like kind of cool to just look at that either way who cares i do but i'm gonna go back and make some more pink dye and i'm also gonna head off here because i wanted to get some gravel as i'd ran out of gravel and then i went and mine some gravel and you can see here i've got a full shulker box of gravel i then went to the desert not to get gravel but instead to get sand and then i did some sand mining as well as some sandstone mining as well because i needed that later for the build as well after mining up a shulker box of sand and some more sandstone as well i headed home and realized oh no where's my shulker box full of sand so i was like oh gosh i've left it in the desert i headed back out into the desert but i hadn't placed it down oh no no no i found it just like fallen on the floor here if that despawned that had been a lot of time wasted but luckily i found it got all my sand headed to the end to fix up my shovels by killing all these pesky endermen and then i also went and got a load of snow oh this is a lot of snow i think i got about a shulker box and a bit's worth here again as that's right you've probably guessed it already the pink concrete's coming we're going to be making a lot of pink concrete our beautiful map art and you should be able to tell what it is now i'm guessing you'll understand when these eyes pop in here that's right it is my wife lizzy's minecraft skin you can see the blue eyes appearing in here and the hair and you can kind of see what i'm going for i ran out of materials again though like honestly that pink concrete wasn't enough she's got a lot of pink hair so i went and made some more but i was thinking that's probably not going to be enough either so i had to head out and go back to the gravelly mountain which i hate but i got all the gravel from there look at it all and then i obviously had to go back to the desert to get more sand and we got a load more sand look at this frustration and this time i remember to bring the shulker back with me which was a lot easier and then i went and got a load of dyes including light blue dye and pink dye and then we finished this thing we just got to work just kidding we didn't actually finish it we actually ran out of materials once more although we did get nearly everything done i just hadn't done a little bit of the eye and some snow so i went and got some clay to make some light blue terracotta i also went and just mined a load of snowballs because i couldn't be bothered to go back to the snowy biome as it's like 2 000 blocks away and then i finished it off i placed all the snow i placed all the terracotta and look at it it's done i'm so happy with it i think it looks really really good obviously it could be more textured but for my first map out ever i think it's awesome and look we can put it up in our house now a nice picture of lizzy isn't that lovely do you know what's not lovely the fact that we're on day 689 and i've still not finished my castle so i started off by making a sort of winding path down the outside here i'd left a space for this before and on day 690 i went back down into one of my strip mines to get a load of string i actually found some diamonds while i was there which was quite nice and then i went and got a load of string i really should make a gold farm in the future so i could trade with piglins to get string those two diamond doors gave us five diamonds that's quite nice and i spent the rest of the day just gathering more materials that i'm going to be needing as we're going to be doing a bit of decoration of the castle a bit of terraforming and you'll see here in this time lapse what managed to achieve we've got a wind on that bit down there there's like loads of little bits and bobs which you can't really see but the main thing i did was change the bottom there added in some bamboo some pods or some coarse dirt and it ended up looking quite good i'm very happy with this i think it's looking quite neat the left side still has quite a lot to do but we'll get to that another time probably i also miss these windows up here so i decided to add in some glass and then i needed to get the video edited but i wanted to get it out tonight so i thought let's end this with a bang so i did four days of afking at my creeper farm hoping to get a decent amount of gunpowder and on day 619 i went and checked and we got a decent amount of gunpowder enough to make four and a bit stacks of tnt because i wanted to head to the nether and just make a huge explosion so i dug down and started making space for the tnt i actually found some ancient debris along the way which was quite nice but how much ancient debris do you get from four and a bit stacks well i didn't actually get chance to place all the tnt in fact i only managed to place three stacks before somehow it just started exploding out of nowhere that was kind of a shame either way how much ancient debris from three and a bit stacks of tnt i can tell you it's 13. wow that is terrible let's just stick to the beds in the future but either way day 700 i decided you know what let's grab the seed of this place and you guys can take that if you want and i wanted to see how much has changed and oh my gosh look at it we've achieved so much in these 700 days and we've still got more to come i'm definitely going to go for that 100 day video it'll be the next one it's probably going to be a while but look how pretty this place is looking with shaders especially this side oh it's beautiful anyway thank you so much for watching make sure to leave a like and comment and yeah 700 days done
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 2,271,393
Rating: 4.9398966 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 100 days, 500 days, of minecraft, 24 hours, huge, world, builds, 700, days, 700days
Id: crfyzvJnkRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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