HermitCraft Season 6 Demise - All Deaths in the HermitCraft Demise MiniGame created by Grian

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exit the aquarium oh okay so yeah you don't have to use any tools in this one you're not allowed any helmet or armor on this one so problem in the chest over here doing this naked dude yeah okay I'll just know can I take food No all right okay so a purely naked okay yeah there we go really we go ladies get in line baby okay so the goal of this one you've got to jump in the aquarium and you've got to work your way out you've got to punch your way out of the top if you get out the top what's drowning you win okay right but mmm just to just to check you have tested this right I've tested it yeah okay it works okay great I'm not the greatest swimmer so this should be interesting all right let's do the second I gotta say the words ran dog or I guess you to escape the aquarium okay I take the deer let's go baby yes come on come on punch your little hand faster you stupid little minecraft idiot no dude I'm running out of bubbles bubbles okay I'm dying I'm dying what's going on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right catch the totin Oh No right you mean you're a light truck and nothing else again for this one all right so I need you to start climbing up this scaffolding you're gonna hold the totem in your hand yeah I'm going to say 1 2 3 throw and you throw the totem then I will count 1 2 and then I say jump and you've got to jump and catch the totem midair before you hit the bottom Oh No 1 2 3 throw one two jump okay yeah are you ready yeah this is all right yeah I'm ready stress monster yes I dare you to catch the totem midair okay three two one throw one two jump [Laughter] [Laughter] good luck brother I mean I was in the blue lane okay here we go drift turning Oh beautiful skills oh this is beautiful oh okay now not so good oh now I'm bouncing you're looking good you looking good so far all right if see got the Sahara signs up in place oh yes oh yes oh this is a terrible lap mayor just say oh you look like you're doing pretty good there got a couple of eyes on the course right now so good job X good job I'll do the trees around I don't mean well God brother you did it you did it you did it oh no no no no oh no hang on totem kept me alive I've got to get out of here oh jeez no I trusted you I trusted you and um I'm sorry eggs I I'm sorry did you did you know I had to get you brother I'm really sorry it's that was that felt that felt really good I'm sorry dude it well I could yeah I could be mad at you but in a way it'll it'll bring us closer together cuz we're now both debt yeah I'll see you in the tomb as super I think we're gonna head back over to the main area to do another project no I wasn't paying attention and I flew into a wall oh no no stupid wall I'm so salty I am so salty guys I cannot believe that just happened sigh oh my god I am so stupid guys I really think it probably would be a good idea to seal this area in because it's a puppet dangerous down there my friends maybe we should take fire potion every time we go in and out of here all right let's head to star real quick we get the bone meal if we have diamonds that is and then we check the our boss see how the progress [Music] [Music] [Music] are you kidding me it's been since August since I last time no permits I don't feel so good where am I hello I hear footsteps out there I don't know where I'm at it's very dark and smells oddly of fresh-cut pine wood oh I'm at a chest and what appears to be underground and oh I'm in a graveyard and dead I must be amongst my peers now dead I am in a graveyard lost in a swamp bottom I have never been here before this is uh okay this is my new existing old cheese hello mr. creeper leave me alone leave me alone oh this is a long way up here though I gotta say got to say so once we get up here got to be careful not to fall off the edge that would be embarrassing okay so we are set we are set I think so huh okay I can't even see the pad here I don't want to go too far forward because I will fall and die pretty much but here we go here we go I did not expect to do this at night by the way but here we are alright guys so we're up here at world Heights we're ready to jump off and hopefully not die in lava so here we go without further ado ladies and gentlemen mr. invincible will try to attempt the impossible three two one here we go oh we made it we made it through the first one we made it through the second one there we go can we make it to the third one well we're still alive we are still alive I'm not sure how I was expecting to go further on the bouncing now I am stuck here forever oh no oh no oh man is sooner with the kill luring in the skeleton that was clever that was clever I'll give it to him trying to get rich off of demise I think what I mean I think it's it's people doing good things just check it out right there's like potions yeah what is the three for a diamond that's I don't know about you know I was given away potions for free right pretty sure there's still free potions in the middle of the mall they're not bad right you got like iron here oh yeah that's the protocol for for demise yeah looks pretty good turtle master oh they got stuff over there interesting okay and then they got some orders over here [Music] what the heck oh my goodness that ain't bro that's seriously not bro what even triggered that I'll see you in the next episode but he's not quitting completely I'm sure at any I'm sure if he wanted to he'd be back for Season seven so I don't think um I knew I knew I knew I knew it I knew it I would get out knew it was slightly man explained my turn what my turn on I don't I don't know what happens my tone went off Alania tone was quick ba-ba-ba-ba um so battle is not about me dying what the person but sure sure sure Amy said you just wait with that cuz I have a better idea so he's billing you know obviously so he's gonna be done well I meant no maybe I mean he could yeah yeah he died at all I mean he can't be trusted fully brother trust me I know yeah don't so we will trust you yeah yeah yeah don't work this way though don't look this way that's not backstage this is behind us they just behind us they just move along nothing to see you again nothing to see here and then we have a look gift shop at the end over here so oh god okay you've been what this is you are set free now from your body I feel small this guy over here study the mouse is not even us oh what's that um okay okay yeah that kind of looks super mutant to me okay you messed up the experiment here's what to do there are now mutants in your face you may you may be able to reason with them you may be able to bribe them we have provided two vault-tec security turrets for your use well I guess just off and that the security turrets have a flawed their design all right yes devise it about that okay I'll be back bumble Oh Oh see that's exactly what I did it's got a walk slightly further forward well you actually gone for it okay can you try and explain to me what you see I see a purple ball spinning in the middle I'm not sure well it is a purple ball spinning r-cube oh my goodness I've dropped down into the red stone okay please don't please don't do anything that could cause me to die because I'm really close to where you are okay so there's a book read me if you want to live okay connect I'm not sure that much do you think I'm book would be connected something in the backstages oh no no no I'd probably suggest I'm here maybe it does say def by chicken by tango whoa there's a chicken great warm blood you have stumbled into inescapable chamber dude inescapable okay if you breathe out a block you will die a horrible death do not test this today we're going to play a little game with your life heed my words carefully and you may live another day your beating heart is weak and vulnerable we can only handle so much pressure before it explodes the stone pressure plates are the key press all at once and tomorrow you shall see there's one wooden one which are just which can activate the whole thing I guess that's the one I dropped down on and there's one you have three four five six stone pressure plates in this room right yeah so there's eggs there's eggs in the chest okay how many odors mini stacks one two three four five I just tons of stacks of eggs okay okay okay okay okay so you need to all you need to do is you need to stand on the pressure plate you need to throw chickens around and they need to hope right you need to hope that the chickens will end up on on the pressure plates surely either that's that's easier said than done I guess so I'm gonna press don't throw an egg at that crystal by the way why because I think that could explode okey dokey this doesn't make you I'm guessing you when you said the purple spinny thing I'm assuming there is a front item oh no oh no there's even the scary sound okay okay okay so the chickens are running around just machine-gunning the chickens [Music] [Music] did you mumbled I told you that I'm into the wall I'll quit simply not happen to you I have maybe frou-frou a thing on the under thing you throw it you threw an egg at the crystal that one thing you won no no like this well now I feel bad cuz I'm already kind of trapped you this is great though oh there's beef oh that's amazing she's got beef in there there's Mambo with a red stone cub with a redstone block Corrales with an axe and Cleo with a sort of this is I love this this is super cool this is great is that TFC there I think so I love it an impulse as well oh I'm so happy ok nothing hello I paid for lore no lore aha ok here we go this is video K this is part of what I paid for the ballot of Corrales long ago maybe a whole few weeks even there lived a poor stable boy named Corrales try as he might he could just not find a friend so one night I'm his friend so one night he wished upon a star and he the next morning he ok hello he twice ok Cleo he found a giant iron golem the golem wanted nothing more to be a piece to be at peace and the two lived happily until bTOB's arrived uh-oh Corrales was awoken to a large groaning scream and he came out to find his friend slain by the b-dubs oh that's amazing I love it the two became buddies and Corrales forgot all about the iron golem who rots away in this very city the moral of this story is something-something betrayal and such I love that that's really good oh man what is this one Cleo's eulogy Cleo your eulogy oh that's sad we are gathered here today to mourn the passing and reviving and then once more the passing of zombie Cleo she was taken from this world by treachery and avarice that's that's a $10 word of the day a pure soul who trusted those she deemed worthy with her life that's me but will we make up we made up for it Morales and the beaten no no no no no no no no no no oh water me papi Oh oh thank god holy cow that was freaky wait a second whoa no no no no water me papi oh I was trying to get the Apple shoe I trusted Cleo I tried this here's her lesson for the day be nice don't be nice if you be nice then you get your back stabbed I'm such an idiot I probably looked right at that lava coming on my hug oh no that it yeah there it is okay sooo horizontal line triangle up upper right corner I'm not so tired that I can't remember that so what we're gonna do is we are gonna be so tired we can't actually take off with the fly in Electra then we're gonna go through that door and we're not gonna hit the Oh blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks okay yeah see that's fine I'm gonna be okay right we're gonna eat this golden carrot now and the fire will go away everything is fine you guys everything is amazing okay you know what here's what I'm thinking I'm gonna do with some of these blocks I'm just gonna kind of roll through here they see me rolling covering lava traps and they're like hey Joe Hills don't tamper with our traps actually that's gonna be more dangerous now because it's not lit and I don't have any lights whatever it's fine okay so hey we found it okay how do we do it whoa well that does something did that work did that open the door hey we have full stairwell access and this is also probably a trap start floor to here on floor - time is key but all of the clocks reading differently I Frances you might have come fanboys fine the right time for each clock in the next path you will unlock find the read electrons for clues if lost the direction of arrow - directs the time on the clock Rocksmith be set to the correct time to unlock the third floor I would turn another page but there aren't any more okay so we got a clearly set all the clocks see there at time to gain access to the next floor okay also okay so this clock is the clock of sticks and it's currently pointing at midnight this is a clear tripwire we're gonna jump over that what do we got we got oh we got people's faces oh wait there's funny jokes on these bulow 100 okay a big boy bTOB's escalated 5 aka Swedish mafia for symmetry aka its jack-o'-lantern Corrales aka the wide-eyed wonder human cleo aka the original undead green aka dragon bro remaster room of dark secret to the dead oh that was a bad idea every part of that was a bad idea I was oh okay kids I thought I was gonna make it through that one that's what we call hubris people um actually the real hubris was taken all of the was taken all the intervals out of there so we can't get up to the top of there and actually go get our stuff if there's anything left of our material possessions if there's anything left of our material possessions we're gonna have to we're gonna have to go see if we can retrieve them we got to go for those material possessions you know so fun fact some of you guys might be like Joe what about your clucks didn't you store half of your soul in that chicken I actually stole half of my soul in the totem the totem had the half of my soul and the lava got the totem and mmm I had fire resistance potions on me I'm thinking now that might have been a bad call I legitimately thought Cove was gonna let me get to the top before killing me that's hubris that's hubris let's see if we can go get any of our stuff back that'll addre and the totem it's all gone it's all gone you guys it's all gone why is this thing so high that's not the entrance okay so we're gonna go and see if our Elektra somehow survived I guess now that we're members of the Dead team this is just what we do now we just live here huh nope nothing left nothing left we at least see what the chamber of dark secrets had it had lava it had lava light ray is gone my life insurance ran out what is that is there any chance that I have like stuff that landed on top of that oh that's a bad way to do this okay can I get a block just one block lower just one block lower oh no because it's hitting that thing it's hitting that thing what is that thing is that a sign my insatiable curiosity has been the end of me indeed part of me wants to keep making the episode so I don't seem like a bad sport but fart of me wants to just go beast I had I guess I need to go change my skin let's go let's go out here and destroy Oh I survived dude I survived what happened there was just TNT you can look back in dude you add some insulin you I need you are you kidding me I I I didn't try and murder you there dude I think you were the one that the hang on I feel like there's something going on here you were the one that no dude I've I would never go against the broad you go watch my two episodes ago I went through here there was nothing there you're the one that kept bringing up how untrap the end is all right watch out there's an Enderman come on you're the one that just brought up how untrap the ends is I did go through first I did go through first you did do that and then I came through I got I literally got blown up my totem of undying is the only thing that saved me but how so you survived because of the total of undying I don't know how I survived I have no idea either oh so I come in you go low ghoul and then I just a rock I need to prevent that they should have used TNT mine cars that explode immediately some legends well I think what happened was is they ignited the TNT I don't think we actually activated it I think they ignited the TNT and then let unloaded they unloaded the chunk yeah so we came in and just blew up and I was here just a few days ago that is that is recent that is weird all right should we go through you ready yes what happened they kept the little ones as well dude they trap the little ones as well but that was instant you died instantaneously that must have been that must have been TNT my cards dude wait I I kind of want to go to and I don't want to go no no you might be able to go through that one I might be able to go through I mean I'm not sure I personally wouldn't I'm gonna fly I'm gonna fly what can i buy a thousand blocks yeah you don't have to use them oh you don't fly a thousand blocks and see what happened we have a chance actually do have a chance all right here goes nothing guys and after your crafting enough practicing there's only one shot to pull this off we should get this alright we should get this but I think we got this all right focus focus quickly switch to potion three to one here we go likewise loading so long [Music] what don't kidding me [Music] you can't no way oh my god all right they modified it that was not a millisecond to react instant Gigi thing is man what the heck happened holy crap oh my what else Christmas Merry Christmas doc well I'm kind of this must have been the luckiest thing ever I got all my tools holy crap and I was concerned about this farm to farm ain't nothing man there's nothing that can beat the evil evilness of the Hermits ha ha ha they modified to trap oh my god ok that was well played whoever pulled that off well played okay I got the bat wings on we can fly down and have a look at it oh don't die again now what uh-oh Wow okay that is that was big boom one I guess my money is on instant TNT explosion minecarts dang it man no chance in hell to react you saw that right it was literally instant death and nothing is left holy crap poof I'm squishy now need to be careful okay I'm really stop burning don't want to die again now I'm not a fatalist once is enough Wow okay well played I mean come on guys I think we had a good run here in demise we we tried our best I mean there was not there was no way to avoid it I I think I had had a would have had a real chance you know with the yeah with the lava trap there but this was unavoidable debt was Wow okay let's see okay probably he detected it somehow probably had some tripwire here yeah I got cut the trigger and then just probably minecarts colliding at least he was nice enough to frame it all in in Tintin obsidian so it didn't do any big structural damage sure but that was absolutely lethal Wow even with my backup plan ahead there was no chance in heck [Music]
Channel: GamerCory
Views: 77,736
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft demise, hermitcraft demise deaths, grian demise, hermitcraft season 6, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6 demise, hermitcraft demise death, hermitcraft demise trap, demise, demise hermitcraft, demise deaths hermitcraft, all demise deaths hermitcraft, demise deaths, demise death, hermitcraft 6 demise deaths, hermitcraft all demise deaths, all demise deaths, hermitcraft demise all deaths, all hermitcraft demise death, all hermit death's demise
Id: rlIbK9tgd88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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