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[Music] [Applause] [Laughter] all right guys get a little RC junkyard going on here we are Kayne Caine's got his truck in his book back here amped it off the back porch and it just stopped working so we got a little junk here we're gonna take the DRC shop right now see if they'll help us out mommy I love you you beautiful I love you I can't believe there's still stuff in here after all those people were here catering left all their snacks well a lot of them I'm gonna take something do you want to take something oh you already got something you sneaky sneaky good to take crunchy peanut butter okay say bye MA say bye MA come on baby you can do this car seats suck I hate them all right guys it is a typical Friday getting a late start to the vlog and we are going to get who are we gonna get no that's right we're gonna get our buddy we're gonna head to the RC shop that the prank is eating all my time guys like some hard to vlog so if you're watching this blog when I uploaded it that means the new prank goes up tomorrow and I'm so excited and guys I want and need you so bad on this prank if all goes well this will be five number ones on YouTube in a row we've done it four times I think this one is more than worthy of it so I'm asking you guys right now ahead of schedule give it all the love we possibly can shares Facebook Twitter Instagram just spread the love me I know you guys will I love you how was school good okay let's take it in see if they can fix it and then and then next time don't ramp it off the porch we got the RC graveyard from Kane you've personally broken both of these good job so if you guys watch the vlogs a really long time you remember me coming in here and actually isn't this the are see me put the skunk on didn't I buy this just for that skunk yeah it is so we've had this a long time and King keeps blowing it up good job buddy so this one he says makes like motor sounds right all right so [Music] that's awesome [Music] that's a big motor in there that is super cool I love it oh my god holy cow this guy's trying to get me to spend money today oh my gosh how can you ever get traction with that what's the name of this Wow it's good this the self tipping method and it's gone it's like a blur it's just like a little all right candy got it all fixed for you man oh say thank you know which one's your favorite yeah look at this so cool the Yeti yeah this one's good I love the realistic one awesome while you go sit down oh my gosh they game so hard we said fun with your C shop guys I did a bad then many fun that's gonna be a good weekend right yeah this new are Co poliansky so we're at the time we're Britney and all our girlfriends and mom is doing yoga so we're just gonna go get some dinner me and the boys yeah boys night out oh that's nice and let them go is that what they do what are you getting you're getting that to one itz now daddy needs to figure out what he wants okay King he's got his drink it sealed his straw sealed [Music] it would be his luck and he got you're gonna have daddy strong until yours comes we about to pig out oh I get it now sir do you know why I pulled you over anybody else feel is disgusting is Ernie right happening other growers nice out [Music] just got home my brother's here hey come here come here I know you always got the coolest toys that you bring over but look what I got oh yeah one bit scale monster you can so you can like skateboard on okay what do you think of that that's that's a regular RC it's got like actual driveshaft no let's lift it out of there what do you think of that that's what she said you heard it here folks try to try to pick it up right try to pick it up look at them guns so sucks what time we get back it's already getting dark outside but we got an indoor toy I don't know how many of you remember we bought one of these ones in the dog ate it okay there's an on switch you got to do this there we go it's an arse its the RC day right here so look just barely put it up and you can just work with it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so he leans okay super smooth motion you're doing good actually I would panic that's good hang on yeah how do we do that sure try to uh bring her back in here unbelievable that they work yeah I'm ready let's it can you lean it towards me and say a jumping bean so many awesome fun things I want to do with the night the time everything is going so fast oh it's on my bed we uh this is like an artsy day a whole day is bit it was so fast though we uh we're gonna we're gonna start shutting down of course you guys already know I gotta edit but that's not the biggest problem abuse problems getting the prank ready for tomorrow grandma all that explosion thanks the explosion was pretty freaking huge did rocking out baby strapped a giant camera on that new RC and do some crazy stuff I haven't blogged it yet we got to start it up I can't wait to show it tomorrow that's too dark that's awesome see you tomorrow love you man sleep super duper well maybe alright guys as much as I want to stay up and keep vlogging and hanging out with Britt I can't I got in this and I gotta edit edit hey I keep saying it and I mean it I get this prank done there's a lot of pressure on me right now to pull this off and I'm nervous I'm excited I'm ready I'm ready to get it up tomorrow's the big day I hope you guys are ready to smash it cuz I I have a feeling you're gonna like it a lot other than that I got a roll I still want to do this stupid lottery thing it's still in my head should I do it or not should I do it guys tell me should I do it if this video gets 50,000 likes I'll do the lottery thing thousand I'll go on spend a thousand dollars tomorrow no Monday let's do it Monday 50,000 likes on this video I will do it I'll get spend a thousand dollars on lottery tickets and see what happens that's just that I'll do it Monday or Tuesday so start smash that like button if you think I should do it I think it'd be a fun video man forget about the money I'm gonna be a fun experiment I don't know you guys tell me I love you so much I'm gonna get working thank you smash the like button if you want me to do it and if you don't want me to do it tell me why I love you smile morning beautiful three time's the charm Lightning McQueen now he wants to daddy he
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 13,526,282
Rating: 4.8800106 out of 5
Keywords: Natural, vlog, family friendly, Born, everyday, Prankster, vlogger, day, pranks, vlogging, roman, RomanAtwood, crazy, prank, daily, LA, GREATEST, pranking, family vlogs, craziest, atwood, making, columbus, THE, more, roman atwood vlogs, family-friendly, Romans, kid friendly, BEST, ohio, vlogs, kid-friendly, smile, family fun, new, movie, prankster
Id: Gmdnv5Kae9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2015
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