Helldivers 2 - The Quasar Cannon is King! (Build Guide)

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Whats Up guys and welcome back to another  Helldivers 2 Terminid Guide, Today we're gonna   be showcasing why the Quasar cannon should be  your one stop shop for dealing with all your heavy   enemy related problems on the Helldive difficulty  and as a bonus I'm going to give you a complete   loadout breakdown from your primary weapons and  stratagems all the way down to what sidearm,   grenades and armour to use whilst giving you  alternatives if you're not in the market to   spend any supercredits so there's something  for everyone so be sure to stick around and   sit back, relax and let's get into it. The Quasar cannon is still making its way   into my loadout after all this time and regardless  of its cooldown time nerf a couple patches ago.   Its ease of use and its unlimited ammo supply  is huge when dealing with the countless heavy   enemies you encounter on the higher Difficulties. The Quasar cannon is very accurate and doesn't   require you to carry a pack like the autocannon  or Spear giving you space to have another backpack   related stratagem which we'll see later on in  the guide. As mentioned the Quasar cannon did   get a small nerf a couple patches ago by having  its cooldown time extended by 5 seconds but I   don't mind that trade off for still having a  weapon that's capable of taking out every heavy   enemy whilst having an unlimited supply of ammo. So with all that said let's get into the build   that compliments the Quasar cannon and will make  playing on helldive difficulty a piece of cake.   So starting with our primary I find when paired  with the right secondary and support weapons the   Scorcher is a great weapon to use against  the terminids with its great accuracy and   power and can take down your light enemies  such as Warriors and Hunters to 2 shots and   has the ability to take down medium enemies like  your Hive Guards and those deadly stalkers with   half a clip thanks to its explosive damage. It's  also great for taking out chargers when they have   their weak spots exposed, For example when facing  the armored chargers I find stripping off its leg   armour with an EAT 17 or the Quasar cannon and  then emptying half a mag into the exposed leg   to be a very simple yet effective strategy. The  Plasma has a mag capacity of 15 and it comes with   6 spare clips. You do need some ammo discipline  when using the Scorcher as it can go through your   ammo very quickly so I find getting into the habit  of switching to your secondary to kill the weaker   enemies to be a great way of preserving your  scorcher ammo and as said earlier when paired with   certain support stratagems you can really maximize  the ammo supply and will find the Scorcher   to be an amazing primary to take with you. For those of you that have the Steeled veterans   war bond it would be rude of me not to mention the  very popular Incendiary Breaker as this as well as   the Scorcher are my two go to primary weapons when  facing the terminids on Helldiver difficulty.   Its crowd clearing capabilities makes it a great  weapon to use on higher difficulties due to the   increased enemy presence and works very well at  mopping up all light enemies and can be used to   great effect on choke points. It is also decent  against most medium armored enemies like the   Hive Guards which when shooting them head on  still sets them alight slowly chipping away at   their health and as for the Brood commanders  I find shooting them at a distance to start   the fire damage and finishing them off with  the secondary weapon to be a great combo.   And whilst talking about the larger enemies  it only takes a few shots to set Chargers   and Bile titans on fire helping chip down  their health from a safe distance before   using your stratagems to take them out. My secondary weapon depends on what Primary   weapon I'm using so when using the Incendiary  Breaker I find the Grenade pistol is a very   versatile secondary and gives you so much more  customization when tweaking your loadouts as it   covers situations where you would normally  have to use a grenade or stratagem.   When using the grenade pistol you don't have  to worry about having enough grenades when   taking out bug holes as the grenade pistol can  take them out and is also great for taking out   the tankier medium enemies such as the Brood  commanders I mentioned earlier and sometimes   if there's a cluster of hive guards  I'll shoot the ground their on taking   out multiple medium enemies with a single shot. If I'm using the Scorcher I find the ever reliable   P19 Redeemer machine pistol to be the perfect  secondary for when reloading your scorcher   isn't fast enough or you need to clear a pack of  hunters quickly closing in on you. It has a large   magazine which when you pick your targets and  burst fire you can take out an impressive amount   of enemies per mag and deals a surprisingly decent  amount of damage. Learning to pick your shots and   remain calm when getting pressed you'll quickly  realize how great the P19 Redeemer really is.   For my grenade I find you can't go wrong  with either the G19 impact Grenade or its   premium currency equivalent the Incendiary  Impact grenade. Both grenades can be used   to close bug holes and take out large groups of  approaching medium enemies. Personally I prefer   the regular impact for its higher damage  but remember if you're using P19 Redeemer   over the grenade pistol you'll be best to hold  onto your grenades for bug holes in case you   don't have any stratagems to close them. Moving on to our armour when fighting the   terminids on helldiver difficulty I use  the CM 35 Trench Engineer Medium armour   which is in the free warbond. You don't need  the whole set as helmets and capes currently   have the same stats and currently have no  passives so you should only buy helmets and   capes you like the look of aesthetically. So I use the Trench engineer armour for its   medium armour protection and its great armour  passive Engineering kit which gives you a 30%   recoil reduction when crouched or prone  and more importantly an extra 2 grenades   to your carrying capacity which is great  for thinning those crowds and taking out   more bug holes especially if you're not using  the grenade pistol for a secondary so your main   way of clearing bug nests will be your impact  grenades so the more you can carry the better.   If you're guys are enjoying the video so far  please consider liking and sharing as it really   helps out the channel and gives me an indication  of what you guys like and I can continue to bring   you more content like this, and on that note  if there's any particular guides you'd like to   see in the future please comment below. So moving onto our vital stratagems I find   on Helldive difficulty when facing the  terminids we have to prioritize taking   out heavy targets such as Chargers and Bile  Titans. We've already established that our   Scorcher or Incendiary breaker can take out  all the light armored bugs and most of the   medium armored bugs and our Redeemer Pistol can  clear up all the smaller enemies to save on our   primary ammo so that leaves us with our  stratagems to clear out the heavies.   So with that said and to no surprise the 500kg  bomb is my first stratagem I use. Its quick call   in time and being so easy to use makes it an  easy choice for me when taking out Bile titans.   Sure it could do with a larger damage radius  being the 500kg bomb but its relatively small   learning curve makes it the obvious pick.  You should only be using your 500kg on Bile   titans as you'll see in a minute what we'll be  using to take out chargers and always having a   500kg at hand is what you want to aim for. The next stratagem the Orbital 380MM Barrage   isn't an absolute must so if you have a favorite  stratagem and would like to still take it along   with you consider replacing this slot but with  that said I use the 380MM Barrage for clearing   medium to large bug nests and for defending  extracts by placing it in the distance of   where the enemies are spawning. Using the  380MM on the largest bug nests I find is an   absolute gamechanger, Although you should always  approach these nests as a team you'll often find   you're attacking them solo and although you're  not guaranteed to close the entire nest with   the Barrage you can close over half a dozen holes  with it whilst be nowhere near the nest which is   great for avoiding unnecessary conflicts and then  you can run back to close the few remaining holes   with your impact grenades or grenade pistol making  an otherwise difficult side objective a breeze.   For our support weapon stratagem you can  probably guess that the Quasar cannon is a   must for any Helldiver looking to stay in the  fight for as long as they can whilst taking   out those heavy enemies and not needing to  scramble for ammo on those long enemy packed   helldive difficulty missions. It feels great to  fire with steady accuracy, a relatively decent   cooldown time and that much needed unlimited  ammo so don't over complicate your loadouts and   stick with the dependable quasar cannon. Before moving onto our boosters that last   stratagem and a very important one at that  is the Guard Dog rover. This unlimited ammo   army of one stratagem is the bread and butter to  this build, clearing up all the smaller enemies,   saving you precious ammo and time dealing  with them. It acts as your personal bodyguard,   can take out a wide range of enemies and once  recharged you can call in another one for your   fellow helldivers. On helldiver difficulty you run  into so many hordes that having a stratagem that   you can set and forget about is a big win and will  make your missions a lot more straightforward. It   does have a small learning curve as it can kill  you and your fellow helldivers when positioning   around it just keep a small distance when playing  with your squad and learn how the rover positions   itself around you and you'll be fine and  much better off for having it with you.   Most Helldivers have their favorite boosters and  I find having at the very least the Vitality and   Stamina enhancement boosters are great to have  with you when deploying so if you can communicate   with your squad be sure that they bring these two  along as the vitality keeps you all alive longer   and the stamina enhancement makes your time  exploring the map more efficient, Any other   boosters are more just personal preference. I really hope you all enjoyed this build focusing   around the Quasar Cannon and if you did please  check out my other Helldive difficulty build   videos on the channel to make your time spreading  democracy more fun and effective. Please be sure   to like and Subscribe and as always I'll see  you guys on the Battlefield, Blagger out.
Channel: Blagger
Views: 9,295
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Keywords: helldivers 2 big update, helldivers 2 major order, helldivers 2, Helldivers
Id: z6TqdGXJChk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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