Helldivers 2 - The Best End Game Bug Build!

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Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing well and  still fighting the good fight for super earth,   In today's guide I'm going to show  you what loadout I'm currently using   when facing the terminids on helldivers  difficulty to help deal that much needed   democracy so sit back, relax and lets get into. Before I start a quick disclaimer, In this loadout   there will be weapons that are in the premium  warbonds so might not be available to everyone   but don't worry I will give an alternative loadout  that can be used on helldivers difficulty that   will be just as useful that doesn't require  any supercredits to be spent. And also there   is no one build fits all and the best build you  can have is one that synergises best with your   team so you're all one complete unit. So starting off with our primary weapon,   The very popular Incendiary Breaker is by  no surprise my current go to weapon when   facing the terminids on Helldiver difficulty. Its crowd clearing capabilities makes it a great   weapon to use on higher difficulties due to the  increased enemy presence and works very well at   mopping up all light enemies and can be used to  great effect on choke points. It is also decent   against most medium armored enemies like the  Hive Guards which when shooting them head on   still sets them alight slowly chipping away at  their health and as for the Brood commanders   I find shooting them at a distance to start  the fire damage and finishing them off with   the secondary weapon to be a great combo. And whilst talking about the larger enemies   it only takes a few shots to set Chargers  and Bile titans on fire helping chip down   their health from a safe distance before  using your stratagems to take them out.   The Incendiary Breaker can be found in the Steeled  veterans premium warbond which will cost you 1000   Super credits to unlock and will cost you  60 war medals to unlock the breaker.   My secondary weapon of choice is the GP  31 Grenade pistol which you will find in   the Democratic Detonations Warbond  and will cost you 60 War medals.   The Grenade pistol is a very versatile  secondary and gives you so much more   customization when tweaking your loadouts as it  covers situations where you would normally have   to use your primary weapon or a stratagem. You now don't have to worry about having enough   grenades when taking out bug holes as the grenade  pistol can take them out and is also great for   taking out the tankier medium enemies such as  the Brood commanders I mentioned earlier and   sometimes if there's a cluster of hive guards  I'll shoot the ground their on taking out   multiple medium enemies with a single shot. For our grenade I'm currently rocking the   incendiary impact grenade for its high explosive  damage and its area of effect fire damage,   It can also close bug holes and is again great  for choke points setting everything on fire   that walks through its area of effect. Before we get onto what stratagems are used   in this loadout I'll first cover what armour I  use and for helldiver difficulty I use the CM   35 Trench Engineer Medium armour which can be  found on the 3rd page of the free warbond and   the armour will cost you 10 war medals. You  don't need the whole set as helmets and capes   currently have the same stats and no passives  so you should only buy helmets and capes you   like aesthetically at this point. So I use the Trench engineer armour for   its medium armour protection and its great  armour passive Engineering kit which gives   you a 30% recoil reduction when crouched  or prone and more importantly an extra 2   grenades to your carrying capacity which is  great for thinning those crowds and taking   out more bug holes especially if you're not using  the grenade pistol for a secondary so your main   way of clearing bug nests will be your impact  grenades so the more you can carry the better.   And when picking a booster, make sure you  or a teammates is taking in the stamina   enhancement booster to compensate for using  medium armour as opposed to light armour so   this way you get better armour protection with  only a small decrease to your speed stats.   Before I move onto those important stratagems I  just wanted to say a huge thank you as we've just   surpassed the 1000 subscribers milestone and if  you haven't already please like this video it's   really helps me out and if you like this type  of content and would like to see more, please   consider subscribing to join the blaggers. Moving onto our stratagems I find on Helldivers   difficulty we have to prioritize taking out heavy  targets such as Chargers and Bile Titans. We've   already established that our Incendiary breaker  can take out all the light armored bugs and some   of the medium armored bugs and our grenade  pistol can clear up brood commanders and   small groups of hive guards so that leaves us  with our stratagems to clear out the heavies.   So with that said the 500kg bomb is my first  stratagem I use. Its quick call in time and   being so easy to use makes it an easy choice  for me when taking out Bile titans. Sure it   could do with a larger damage radius being the  500kg bomb but its relatively small learning   curve makes it the obvious pick. You should  only be using your 500kg on Bile titans as   you'll see in a minute what we'll be using to  take out chargers and always having a 500kg   at hand is what you want the aim to be. Our 2nd Stratagem is again used for taking   out the larger targets at that is of course the  Orbital Railcannon strike. This stratagem is the   easiest way to take down heavy targets with an  almost 99% strike rate. You just throw it close   to your target and the automatic lock on will do  the rest. Again this should be used primarily on   Bile titans but if you have a 500kg ready as well  you can always use this on a charger if you're   desperate but if you can get into the habit  of saving these 2 stratagems for Bile titans   you'll coast through helldivers difficulty. Next up is our support stratagem and that's the   expendable anti tank launcher also known as the  EAT 17. This is the one slot in this loadout   that can be approached with your preferences  as the Quasar cannon or recoilless can be used   if you prefer it but I personally find the Eat  17 to be the best for its handling and overall   versatility. I can call in 2 launchers roughly  every 60 seconds throughout an entire mission   that I can spread across the map for me and my  fellow divers to use later. A tip when using   the eat 17s is once the holder has deployed  be sure to pick up and drop your launcher so   you can see it on your minimap as leaving it on  the holder it will not show up on your minimap.   My last stratagem Guard Dog Rover which  I find is very useful for clearing up the   multiple enemies pressing you on the higher  difficulties and is also great for conserving   your own ammo which is really needed when  playing on helldivers difficulty. This pick   isn't as secure as my other 3 and if you have a  favorite stratagem you use then this would be the   best slot to use it in with this loadout. If you were looking for a loadout that didn't   require spending any supercredits then I would  recommend something along these lines. For my   primary I would use the standard Breaker  shotgun, my secondary would be the senator   to take out those medium armored enemies like  brood commanders and my grenade would be the   standard impact grenade but just remember  since you haven't got the grenade pistol   you'll need to save your impact grenades for  bug holes. The armour would be the same the   CM 35 Trench armour and those 2 extra grenade  slots will be extra handy for your bug holes   and I would still use the stamina enhancement  booster. Your Stratagems will be the same and   if you would like to see me do a more in depth  no supercredit spend build please let me know.   Also whilst talking about builds if you're looking  for a specific weapon build then I would highly   recommend checking out the build guides on the  channel and to be more specific I would definitely   check out the Scorcher Build and the Anti material  rifle build to give you some ideas and options   when jumping into your next mission. I hope you all enjoyed this video and just   a quick note I heard your feedback in previous  videos and I will now be filming all my loadout   guides on Helldivers difficulty so you know that  they have been extensively tested to give you the   best information and loadouts around so you can  go forth and deal that much needed democracy.   If you would like to see what loadout I use when  facing the Automatons please leave a like and a   comment and be sure to subscribe and be sure to  comment what your current loadout is when playing   on Helldivers difficulty to inspire your fellow  helldivers or to see what you can improve.   And a quick channel update as mentioned  earlier we have now hit 1000 subscribers   and I would like to get a more consistent  schedule going and potentially add some   more games to the channel and some potential  video game essays if there's a demand for them   so please comment if you would like to see any  content in particular and if it's in line with   my own interests I'll get to work on it. Thanks for watching my fellow blaggers and   as always, I'll see you on the  Battlefield, Blagger out.
Channel: Blagger
Views: 11,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldiver 2, helldivers 2, helldiver guide, helldivers build
Id: SMvc_PibbIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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