Star Citizen Missing Roadmap Drama - Alpha 4.0 Feature Plans

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hello and welcome to some more Star Citizen with a road map update kind of a lack of one almost cig posted a road map Roundup with nothing in the way of updates on the actual road map but they explained that that's because 3.24 and 4.0 are on track and they have big changes coming to the road map soon and how far it goes out so there was a moderate amount of backlash and confusion about this we've been waiting for quite a while for cig to do expanded road map update um CG's Jake Acappella did come in and answered a load of questions giving more context to what's going on as well so let's delve into this and an update to what's actually going on with Alpha 4.0 that major major batch of 20124 that we're expecting by the end of the year so in the road map Roundup update every two weeks we accompany the road map update with a brief explanation note to give you insight into the decision- making that led to any change es this is part of an effort to make our Communications more transparent more specific and more insightful for all of you who help to make Star Citizen and Squadron 42 possible while we don't have a release view update today which as a reminder means things are progressing as planned SL displayed on the road map we do want to address the lack of updates to the progress tracker we're eager to update this view so you can see the extensive tasks our team are working on just for a bit of extra context here the progress tracker tracks what all the development teams are working on all the sort of projects they're on not necessarily for a particular release of a patch but they'll be like working on particular ships they'll be working on particular features and you can see where the development time is spent from those development teams and that will give you a good understanding of what cig are working on how long it's going to be for certain things roughly I mean there could be a load of other stuff that then goes into finishing off a feature or whatever but it just sort of tells you what those teams are working on and C have been saying for a few months now that they're going to be giving us some big updates for that progress tracker and a look Beyond 4.0 Beyond 2024 and I suppose we're also potentially expecting some further out relase view updates as well so we can see what's in patch 4.1 and Beyond cig continued with the big push to release 4.0 and Squadron 42 reaching its feature complete Milestone our resources have had to shift around as new need arised at an increased frequency than in the past this created a significant challenge in maintaining the progress tracker the team is working to push Squadron 42 towards the Finish Line while balancing this with ensuring star set and receives new features content and updates at this stage of development especially with such a big focus on Squadron 42 polish developers or even entire teams may need to shift Focus quickly when necessary work presents itself this Dynamic approach is different from our usual internal flow and has required a bit more flexibility and Nimble nature despite this our production team has a plan to update the progress tracker very soon they are currently working on populating the road map to better represent our Global workload starting with content being worked on through the end of 2024 and then soon after into 2025 once the update to the progress tracker is ready we'll mention it ahead of time in a this week in staris scheduled post preceding the publish we sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding it's an exciting time for both games and we look forward to sharing more details with you soon I'm actually quite excited for an expanded road map then going and showing off bam this is coming um this is what the teams are working on all that sort of stuff but yeah really they're talking about the progress tracker and going these teams are working on this and the Planned time they're going to be working on it or it's going to be completed for this particular feature is um xstate so when we get this first big update it will probably go look all the features the dev teams are working on oh they look like they finish at the end of 2024 no it will be that's when they've cut off what they're showing us and then there'll be a bigger update into 2025 later but it will still be useful to see what the devs are working on and obviously we'll see lots of features end um and be completed before 2024 there were a load of questions on reding and Spectrum about these sort of updates and cig what's going on with some of this Ci's Jake Acappella actually gave some more insight and reply to these so let's go over what is effectively some questions and answers scon 42 reaching its feature complete Milestone I thought this was reached eight months ago or is it just worded awkwardly and means to say something like Squadron 42 being in its post feature complete State question mark Jake Acappella replied here it was apologies for the wording confusion duude reaching that Milestone many of the resources and teams were relocated both to strike teams to begin polish work on Squadron 42 as well as resources moving back over to Star Citizen this caused challenges in maintaining the progress tracker as these resources have been especially fluid and reactive since that point cig are basically saying look we are finishing off scor 42 and the nature of how we're developing Star Citizen as a live sort of game as well as it being an alpha as well as trying to develop her towards a 1.0 goal we need to have at least some of the development teams pretty agile and mobile now I don't see why they can't maintain a progress tracker at the same time as that because they're pulling it from the internal jurus and stuff like that well we know what the team's working on because they've moved on to another project they've stopped doing this one you could you could literally have an on hold but I suppose maybe they want this to look super professional and yeah maybe they just want to have a better way of showing us some of this stuff and have some more features on the progress tracker that is me being very generous someone did ask the question would it make sense to Archive the current progress tracker and start fresh with the new teams and new tasks again Jake responds here this is something being discussed currently happy to hear your thoughts on keeping the old data set versus not from my point of view actually as long as we actually have somewhere to be a to see the old repository of data so I want to be a to see the old set of data I want to be a to see where we've come from and where we're going to and all that sort of jazz I don't want stuff to be um pasted over and not a to get that lat in the future that would be annoying another question you said the team is working on populating the road map starting with content being worked on through the end of 2024 and then soon after into 2025 so does mean that we will get the 2024 update first and then some days and weeks months later the 2025 update or is 2024 being held up until both parts are ready and Jak capella said the former so we're going to get 2024 update going on to the end of the year and then a 2025 update later another comment it feels like cig is dropping the ball bit by bit like what even is that last paragraph We have no way to display how we currently operate but we're going to update the progress tracker very soon I hope that means they found a good way of managing that can't wait for the 3.24 and 4.0 live Q3 hoping to explore pyro soon Jake responded it does it's been challenging to find a solution but we've got one and we're working toward WS it now another question SL comment here as well I was excited when we saw a shift of focus towards Star Citizen and away from Squadron 42 a wild back I'm not surprised that the Polish phase of Squadron 42 is requiring teams to return to working on that instead of focusing on stars to listen it's disappointing but understandable perhaps they aren't stoked to publicize how much the teams are returning to Squadron 42 Jake responded to this as well not exactly accurate strike teams were created for squ 42 shortly after this announcement almost every team was reformed into specific groups for both games once this happened the movement I referenced in the post is referring to the changes last year which has necessitated a far greater degree of reactivity from all teams across both projects the side effect of this is that it has made the progress tracker challenging to update hopefully that makes sense so I like the fact that Jake took to the forums and basically responded to Al of the questions and people's comments there because we are waiting on a big updated road map and when we don't have the progress tracker when we don't have a big part of what cig are working on it doesn't make sense that they're not updating it for us right it doesn't make sense that they're going well we're give you an update later it should be a priority for them to put something together even if it's just temporary showing what the teams are working on why can't they use the old stuff and it's I suppose they're saying look we're doing development in a bit of a different way way we've changed a load of the names of the teams we need to update that progress tracker to be in line with the new stuff and it is coming sorry that taken so long I'm really interested to know what your thoughts are on that are you quite happy with cig going yeah actually they've made huge progress this year with 3.24 about to come out and 4.0 coming out um later on this year or are you like well they should have this progress Tracker out by now all these these updates are super important it shouldn't be taking this long yeah where is your mind at with this also in regards to Alpha 4.0 what are we expecting well roughly it's supposed to release end of Q3 though I'm expecting it to be more of a Q3 Q4 release end of year release potentially even like yeah 4.0 I'm not expecting any other major patches for the rest of the year other than 4.0 you might have like a 4.0. x patch by the end of the year something like that with a few more fixes and features that's my expectation interested to know what yours is what it be actually getting from that patch at the moment Ser meshing version one which is going to also have a refactor of a ton of game systems cing the missions and transit systems and that sort of stuff but server meshing should mean loads more players in A Single Shard and you have the star systems connected to each other by jump points as well so you'll be able to move between Stanton and Pyro while effectively being on the same Shard you've got a huge amount of gameplay area with the planets in pyro and Hazards in like the solar burst and stations and tons and tons of missions and content there there's the new Colonial outposts too there's the Quasi Razer space cow there's Engineering Systems for ships so this is repair power management physical components ship circuitry also life support systems lots of lots of actual multi crew updates expect big updates to master modes and ship combat and balance and loads of stuff with that additional player customization so you can create your character with a load more um cool looking stuff there's new ships well at least one new ship that we know of the Zeus Mark 2 es is going to be here but expect a load more there are updates to multi-tools with batteries for that and cutting and there's the charge and drain mechanics which allow you to deal with things like Distortion damage there's fire hazards and fire extinguishers and there is likely to be a t of other bits and Bobs turning up as well oh I forgot the um I think there's MFD rework and um sort of new displays being updated as well but yeah more missions more ships um more animals potentially and there's potential for a ton of new features as well to be deployed including things like a much better version of Vulcan and the push towards the new planet Tech stuff anyway that's what we're sort of expecting and potentially a load more for 4.0 and yeah expect it by the end of the year and some updates to that by the end of the year to get it into a better place but I wouldn't expect like 4.1 um in like December or anything like that it's going to be very much 4.0 and then 4.0. X sort of patches but where are you with that what do you think what are you expecting what additional features you expecting what additional ships do you think are going to be turning up are you really looking forward to 3.24 that cargo patch which is going to be potentially released by the end of the month to live or are you all about 4.0 whatever your thoughts or questions please check them in the comments below I'm a futuristic cyborg sent back in time for one purpose give me your boots your jacket and your boo gamer get nordvpn if you want to live on the Internet it's the only thing that will protect you against Skynet and my Terminator impression it gives you greater accessibility security and privacy on the internet as well you should use the links below every month we have a ship giveaway for July we're giving away a constellation Taurus this Workhorse allows you to do some solid cargo running as well as some combat and room for a small crew it's just a great All Around Mission Runner and awesome ship to experience Star Citizen with this comes with access to the game and Lifetime Insurance as well all you need to do to be in for a chance of winning that is comment on any of my videos made during July each video is another chance to win more details in the description below please consider supporting the Channel with the join button under my videos or via patreon links below to all of that it goes a long way in helping us to be to make Daily Star Citizen content and zin's law videos all that sort of jazz thank you so much to all the Glorious members that already do that thank you thank you thank you you can always help as well by sharing liking subscribing and getting involved in the comments section and thank you very much for those of you that watch to the end it is appreciated [Applause] n [Music]
Channel: BoredGamer
Views: 10,145
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Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, boredgamer, star citizen news, star citizen release date, star citizen roadmap, star citizen review, star citizen 4.0, star citizen leaks, citizencon, star citizen update, star citizen updates, star citizen citizencon, star citizen iae, star citizen 3.23, star citizen 2024, star citizen 3.24, star citizen alpha 3.24, star citizen july, star citizen alpha 4.0, star citizen roadmap update, star citizen drama
Id: vTyoN7wpa4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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