Helldivers 2 lost 90% of its players, here's how

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hell divers 2 has officially lost 90% of its player base on PC 90% bro it's over when I first heard this headline I thought it was an exaggeration but no it's dead serious they peaked in the 400,000 with the concurrent player count to now having around 40,000 concurrent players on Steam damn the Titanic is sinking y'all I've been coping for a couple of weeks but with the way this summer is lining up I fear this game will never have the same hype around it again but how did we even get here take it back to a few months ago in February when the game dropped this game was generational bro this game this [ __ ] I was ready to die about this game I remember buying this game knowing next to nothing about it hopped on it with my friend and we were hooked bro I'm talking instantly hooked like we couldn't get off the game we played all night discovering new things and trying new weapons for a $40 game I was thoroughly impressed with the way it looked and played the enemy Behavior felt new and fresh the first time I shot the legs off a big bug and it kept crawling and dragging itself towards me that [ __ ] was Cinema bro I went straight to Tik Tok to sing this game's Praises man people didn't even believe this game was real the way I was talking about it I never forget bro but this game caught on like a fire and soon enough it felt like everybody was playing or talking about it friends I was having trouble convincing they suddenly bought the game and started playing and for about 2 and 1/2 months maybe three it was the best $40 I had ever spent I kept up with every major order and made update videos on the game I excitedly waited for every new war bond like this game to me was what Destiny 2 is for some people I thought I was about to be on this game for Years bro well that dream is looking pretty cooked now my brother now a game peing at launch and steadily losing players isn't A New Concept and it's definitely not unique to Hell divers this actually has become the case with a lot even most online games people are always asking me oh how do you feel about the hell divers fall off is Hell divers falling off yet and that question is always funny to me because it's wild that so many people can't see the trend it happens damn near every time a new game drops especially an online game when it drops it's shiny it's new and it's trending so everybody's playing it and trying it out those first few weeks to months is usually the Golden Era for a lot of new online games especially nowadays eventually over time players usually start to leave and find other games but the game will still keep a loyal player base when an update or new content drops that's when people revisit the game and the numbers shoot back up for a while rinse and repeat not every game is going to be like a fortnite or something that stays on top of relevancy for years I think games like that really mess up people's perspectives on online games cuz it seems like any game that's not pulling a million players every day like fortnite has for the last 7 years is falling off but that's not necessarily the truth the biggest problem about the hell divers decline is that it was completely preventable once you get to a certain point the content in Hell divers can feel a bit repetitive but that wasn't even their biggest problem I can tell you exactly what their first step in the wrong direction was their weapon balancing now I'm not going to be the guy that says bro it's a PVE game you don't Nerf weapons in a PVE game because that's just not true what I will say is that in a PVE game you have to find a sweet spot between having a challenge and making the player feel powerful I remember seeing in real time how that first balance change instantly split the community bro everybody was running around in the first month of the game trying weapons and loadouts there was one heavy weapon that the crowd seemed to really enjoy and that was the rail gun gun when the game first dropped the rail gun was a unit boy it was almost everyone's go-to weapon when it came to robots or bugs being able to pretty much take out anything in a couple of well-placed shots Arrowhead the developers of Hell divers decided hey you know there's an awful lot of people using that rail gun we don't really like it when a lot of players use the same gun we don't like the idea of meta so we're going to rip the balls off the rail gun straight neuter it find another gun die a lot of players did not like this bro the arguments went off instantly why are we nerfing guns in a PVE game do meta builds really matter or should we just play for fun who cares if they nerfed a I mean it was everywhere all over the place bro the first balance change had players tweaking man losing their mind I still had those Rose tinted glasses on for this game so as far as I was concerned the game could do no wrong bro so I got on Tik Tok and defended the game I it's not supposed to feel easy on higher difficulties who cares if they Nerf the shut the hell up Bozo that was the first sign of things going bad but funnily enough things got better for a while after that we got some new war bombs with some good weapons we got the first Mech Exo Suit we started getting new enemies in the game Flying enemies gunships atat factories the content was actually coming out at a very nice pace and I was pretty surprised two problems stayed consistent with the game though lots of players were facing connectivity issues and they kept nerfing popular weapons it was dead ass like the water cycle bro it was never ending they would drop a new war bomb with actual good weapons a large chunk of players would start using it since it was actually good and half the weapons were ass at that point Arrowhead would see that then Nerf the gun but nothing was as bad as the Eruptor Nerf they dropped the Democratic detonation war bond with with explosive themed weapons and armor in that war bond was the Eruptor bolts action rifle this weapon shot a bullet that would explode and send shrapnel in all directions this gun was amazing for bugs dog it was fresh it was unique it could One-Shot the big Jelly Bean ass bugs but it still had a slow rate of fire that made you have to use it strategically all of that quickly made it a fan favorite weapon so I'll give you one guess what they decided to do with this weapon neuter they took away the flying shrapnel on the gun bro reduced magazine and clip size like bro they took the gun out back and executed it dog it was over people lost it at this point players were absolutely Fed Up what was even the point of finding a weapon you enjoyed using if they would just change the entire weapon the sudden weapon changes and buggy spawn rates during missions had a lot of players wondering are these people even playing their own game and testing things out before sending it off to be in the game it felt like there was a drastic drop in quality from what people were used to seeing due to these constant Nerfs and content slowing down the public perception of this game and the team running it began getting a bit questionable then it happened the dreaded Infamous hell divers 2 PlayStation Network incident you see hell divers 2 was a PlayStation Studio game which meant the developers are working with Sony and they have to keep them happy so the game released on PlayStation consoles and PC what people on PC didn't realize and at this point I'm not even sure if it was always there hell divers 2 on Steam required linking a thirdparty Playstation network account but nobody on PC had to make one at first so nobody paid it any mine then may came around Sony and Hell divers made an announcement all PC players would now have to create a Playstation network account to be able to access and play hell divers 2 too from now on brother people lost it bro Gamers get mad every day but this was something else bro there were people who straight up refused to make a PlayStation account why do we have to make a PlayStation account all of a sudden I'm not giving my info to Sony their security is ass it was a whole thing dude but that's not even the craziest part since they didn't require this at launch there was a bunch of people playing the game in regions that didn't support PlayStation Network so when they decided to suddenly require it 177 regions were affected and people couldn't play hundreds to thousands of players suddenly couldn't access the game they spent their money on Sony claimed it was always stated on Steam that you would have to link your account and they only didn't require it on launch because so many people were joining that it gave them connection issues man nobody was trying to hear that [ __ ] Sony then promised that the people affected wouldn't have to make an account they just lied so since a bunch of people lost access for no reason thousands of players quit and uninstalled the game out of principle basically to stick it to Sony arguments started the disagreements were heavy Twitter was a war zone bro but eventually PlayStation actually caved and decided you know what all that account linking stuff we were talking about nah they changed their mind and decided not to require it but the damage was already done the public perception of this game was in the toilet bro people all over the world were still blacklisted from playing a game that they own and still to this very day the problem hasn't been completely solved what was the point of even trying to pull that when you're just going to back out anyway now you just showed us that it was never necessary in the first place like what were yall thinking bro genuinely bro finally had a popping multiplayer game and you didn't know how to act stop don't kill me I truly feel like they never recovered from that Sony situation for real the game was going through its darkest period and it was only getting darker the weapons were all buns like they all sucked the enemy spawns were cooked players were shut out from the game they loved they were really fumbling the bag on this one dog a lot of faith had been lost in this game and the dev team running it Arrow had actually had a contract with Sony to release a new war bond every month and this is around the time we started getting some ass war bonds you looked at the first few war bonds and they were filled with weapons armor modifiers Etc there's only been less and less content every time a new war bond drops sad part is the quality has only gotten too I would take less items if they were actually good they started dropping reskins of rifles and different weapons that were just too weak to even bother with it's like they were making us pay for water guns bro I don't know what they think is fun about going into a war zone with a damn Nerf gun but it's not enjoyable bro it's not fun but the worst part to me was that armor bro the new armor in some of these war bonds is just recolored armor that's being recycled and reused bro that's how I figured out why they were so against transmog and armor shaders because if they add those then everyone's going to realize damn there's only like four armors in this game for real they have these little tricks to make it seem like there's a lot more content in the game than there really is as it stands right now warbonds are in place as new content but it's not exactly new content anymore the one or two new guns we get can be considered new for sure but a couple of skins for my hell pod really where's the damn content man where are the hive Lords now we see where we're at with the game the question is can they fix this can they somehow Salvage this yeah it's an unrecognizable state right now but is it possible to bring it back is there a possible Redemption Arc in the future I think the first step to fixing something is admitting it's broken which it seems like they've done the CEO decided to step down from the CEO position he said himself that the weapon Nerfs have gone too far and taken too much fun from the game this man demoted himself so he could be more involved in the game making process and he's got developers actually playing the game so they can experience what players are complaining about they slowed down on new content to roll out a massive patch that buffed pretty much every weapon in the game making them all a bit more useful and more fun to play but to be honest they're still thinking too small at its core hell divers has a longevity problem as it stands right now there's no long-term grind or incentive for highle players to even keep playing I know some of you will say bro just play for fun spread democracy for fun I get it I've heard this [ __ ] a thousand times I get it but brother I've been shooting at the same enemies doing the same type of missions for 4 months now I need something new I have a lot of basic things unlocked now and there's nothing to level up for my biggest problem is how close-minded the development team is with their own game the polar Patriots war bond for example they gave us a fire grenade in the polar war bond if y'all were really creative you would have given us a cryo grenade or a ice grenade a grenade that detonates on impact and freezes whatever body part of the enemy you hit making it brittle and easier to shoot off that would have been lit that would have been crazy there's ice planets in the game right now there's ice on the planets that you slip and slide on there's blizzards that make you move slow and impair your visibility you would think that if I put the snow armor on with the spiky boots that I wouldn't slide on the ice anymore and that I could move freely in the blizzards effectively giving me an incentive to buy and use the armor on icy planets but no the armor doesn't do anything it just looks kind of cool the hell are y'all doing and having these armor passives locked to specific armor is the dumbest thing on the planet there's no incentive to even get new armor in this game once you find an armor with the passive that you like that's pretty much what you wear all my friends and I cycle between the same two armors because we like those passives and we can't change them even though we like how other armor looks this is so beyond stupid to me it's not even funny if we can't do transmog or paint our armor at the very least let us assign our own armor passive so we can wear whatever armor we want like I'm literally begging you guys to let me spend money on your game and you're like n no a game for everyone's a game for no one shut the hell up bro you guys are ruining your own game there needs to be some sort of grind for higher level players to retain them make armor upgradeable and able to stack passives once upgraded make mechs upgradeable let us upgrade more strategems like the jetpack or the throwing knife I'm not kidding when I say there is a ridiculous amount of untapped potential in this game that I'm not sure will ever be explored because the team genuinely seems too close-minded to consider these things this [ __ ] honestly pisses me off just thinking about it bro but remember when said that this summer was shaping up to look really rough for hell divers the whole hell divers team is about to go on a six week summer vacation 6 week summer vacation by then it's going to be August you guys know what drops in August black myth Wukong one of the most anticipated games of the year you know what drops right after that in September Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 hell divers is cooked bro their biggest competitor is coming in hot right now bro customizable armor full story mode competitive online and Co-op and they're on their summer vacation sipping Lemonade by the pool it's so over bro look at the end of the day I do love hell divers even if it never reaches the heights I know it can it was a $40 game that I've definitely gotten my value out of so many fun moments and memories were already made from this game and I still hop on with friends from time to time the hell diver Community kind of has some blind loyalty when it comes to this game but if no one criticizes it it will never get better I'm pretty tough on this game because I think it's special and I think the potential it has is out of this world for now I've uninstalled it but I'll be back on the front lines when the time is right maybe when I see a little illuminate situation I might hop back on let me know what you guys think about all this man are you still playing Still Holding Out for that big update when the new alien faction comes or have you just completely given up on this game at this point drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I will catch you guys on the next one
Channel: TonyCeno
Views: 13,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers
Id: fPVD_fNv8y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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