Helldivers 2 - a breakdown on the machine gun sentry vs gatling sentry

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hello everyone hope you're having a great day Sentry builds are becoming more common for me and as I continue to experiment and see which build complement with sentury there's two that I'm struggling to find a unique build identity for the machine gun sentury and the galling sentury I couldn't find any videos out there describing the difference between the two so I wanted to make this video where we can not only break down both of these Sentry strateg see how they Faire against the bugs and Bots compare them and just see how they stack up together now these two sentries are very similar from all the other centuries these are the only two that fire bullets beyond that they fired the exact same caliber of bullet in fact so did these other strategems so what I mean by this is that the damage per bullet and armor penetration is the same anything that the machine gun Sentry can penetrate and kill the gallon can also do the same and vice versa so what other stats are worth comparing and we'll see here that the fire rate the galling Sentry has what I believe to be the highest fire rate in the game but how's the ammo capacity well it doesn't look so good if your team machine gun Sentry cuz without any of the ship upgrades the galling Sentry has three times the amount of ammo than the machine gun Sentry turn rate is pretty much the same and the only thing that really goes in favor of the machine gun Sentry is cool down time after patch 1.0.4 the machine gun Sentry cool down has produced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes while the galling Sentry still has a 3-minute base cool down now pre patch there basically wasn't a real reason to argue in favor of the machine gun Sentry if you wanted to bring a bullet fed Sentry turret just bring the galling Arrowhead was aware of this and in their blog post alongside the update they stated that the machine gun chry felt like a worst version of the galling Sentry and we wanted to have a different place in the toolbox and this makes sense cuz it was it was really bad compared to galling Sentry but all they did was lower the cool down by a minute and this they thought would make it more available and more useful when changing position often I was glad it got some attention in the update but I was disappointed that this was all the attention it got still you know don't knock it till you try it so I brought it with me along with the galling to not only compare the two but just to see how these Sentry turds perform in general so after looking at the stats and the patch notes let's review some gameplay experience I had and since these two turrets basically function the same way my critique of one more often than not appli to the other and let's start with behavior the biggest heads up I can give you guys is that when using these sentries they turn and they turn a lot unlike the rocket and the autoc cannon Sentry these sentries don't stop shooting when they turn when locking onto a new Target they will continue to shoot and this leads to a lot of accidental team kills and really embarrassing deaths especially because their barrels are head level so that multiplied head shot damage will just pop you instantly like a gusher and as you know pretty much every turd can Team kill but because of the turn speed and the fire rate especially for the galling Sentry you need to be twice as aware of what enemies are coming cuz that direction they're approaching from is likely where the turret will be shooting at like the other sentries the only thing needed need to shoot a Target is to be able to see one and for to be in range for both the machine gun and the galling Sentry they have an effective range of 75 M when affected by something like a blizzard or anything similar their range drops down to around 40 m they will not prioritize larger targets or targets that are behind them despite being closer than the Targets in front of them 40 centuries it's basically what enemies are within my field of view and then from those subset of guys which one's the closest for a machine gun Sentry when it locks in it just starts firing but for the galling Sentry since it has those rotary barrels it needs to quickly spin up before shooting anything it doesn't take long I wouldn't even say a full second but I just want to highlight it because it is a characteristic of the Sentry turret when it comes to damage like I said earlier they both fire the same caliber rounds so the damage P bull is the same but with the galling Sentry fing a lot faster it's time to kill for enemy units is significantly lower than the machine gun Sentry and now going into faction specific details let's start with the automatons and against the Bots these sentries don't do so well two main reasons and technically two smaller ones but starting with the main reasons one heavy Devastators two the amount of armored units heavy Devastators are the bane of the bullet fed Sentry turrets if you were to have the machine gun support weapon you know not to shoot on their massive shield and go straight for the face but the Sentry doesn't know that you're going to shoot at Center Mass which is that massive shield and this sucks because one you're wasting ammo and two those bullets are deflected this means they're coming back to you a higher difficulties a heavy Devastators probably one in every five bot and since you're going to be countering them a lot this makes it hard to find good value out of your Sentry column there's also a lot of heavy armored units in the automaton planets the autoc Canon and Rocket Sentry are great against them but the bullet Fett sentries just get ran over Cannon turrets gunships hulks Annihilator tanks Shredder tanks Factory Striders that's half the roster and they're all going to steamroll your turrets now can you technically destroy them yeah you can if you were to take a machine gun support weapon and properly aim it you can definitely argue that you can stand a chance against each of these things but you give that weapon to the AR targeting in this game you lose that every time I seen these turrets take down Hulks and gunships and at times a tank but so much needs to go in your favor that it's kind of Impractical for it to take you in your Dives expecting this to happen every time as for the two smaller reasons they are range and targeting and what I mean by range is that the automatons can outrange these centuries and take them down from afar without being contested by them this will mostly be Canon turret and Rocket Devastators this issue affects all sentries though so I don't feel the need to fault the machine and galling Sentry specifically for this the other issue targeting is that these sentries will take shots at Targets it cannot destroy the autoc cannon and the rocket Sentry will lock onto anything like structures things such as drop ships morar placements anti-air placements and that's okay because they can destroy it the machine and galling Sentry will log onto them too and since they do not have the Firepower to do anything to them they just waste ammo waste waste time and it ends up just being useless scrap metal to some degree I was able to make it work unlike the rocket Sentry and the autoc cannon Sentry which you kind of want to be around to support them I feel that these sentes should be kind of used and forgotten given that they burn through their ammo faster than other sentries and that they shoot pretty much all the time whether enemies are in front of their face or not they can take care of themselves now that sentries have durability and aren't so easily destroyed even when thrown to the thick of things the centes were able to empty pretty much all of their ammo if not shoot 90% of it before getting destroyed I have a good amount of success thring it to the S where it draws Argo away from me the bullets that if fires can't hit me and should there be a heavy Devastator in the mix it can't reflect the rounds back to me so overall 4 automatons you can bring it but you're going to have a bad time probably as for determin it gets a lot better here minus to charger and the bot 10 these sentries are able to take out pretty much every bug plus there's no 6 feet tall Shield of Steel here to reflect rounds back to you your teammates the only thing you need to really worry about when bringing to terminate planets are like mentioned earlier Friendly Fire chargers and B tis technically Chargers can be killed by the centuries but you'll need to have the charger aggro onto something else since they can only shoot at it from behind at its soft backside same argument for the tank on the automaton Planet most of the time it's going to be you saving them by killing the Chargers with something like a spear or eat the sentries also can lock onto terminous structures such as the Spore Spear and the Sher nest and even though they can't destroy it most of the time these things are going to be destroyed from afar so it's a situation you really won't see a lot combining these sentries together and calling them just as a bug breach happens you can rack up some pretty high double digit multi-kills since the bugs won't be out ranging your sentries and need to get close to destroy it it's fine if you throw it out in the open it's best to throw it on an elevated platform or even better you stay on an elevated platform and you have the sentries below you setups like this will make it really hard for the Sentry to accidentally kill you with Friendly Fire a big part of Sentry gameplay I didn't go quite into yet is aggro sentries are really good at drawing aggro and to be honest one of the reasons you can see yourself taking the machine gun Sentry over the galling Sentry is because you can use that lower cool down to call it more often and use it as bait if you need to complete some terminal inputs or redirect enemies one way while you go another you can treat it like a two-minute G jail free card and beyond that you can also argue with the slower rate of fire the machine gun Sentry is easier to play around if you like to stick next to your Sentry whereas the galling Sentry is going to be killing things three times faster it's going to be killing enemies before you realize they're dead and it's going to be turning on a swivel Non-Stop and this can make it really hard to anticipate when it might be turning towards you still I think I prefer the galling over the machine gun if I'm playing beside it I can just climb on top of it or stay prone to avoid getting hit I can also throw it far and away and try to position myself on a different elevation to further mitigate the team killing also to those curious a ballistic shield build can exist with these sentries if for some reason you want to play ahead of your Sentry you can keep the shield on your back and it will deflect the bullets since people discovered that the ballistic shield is also good at blocking line of sight should it be shooting something unkillable like a b fabricator you can force to redirect its targeting into something else by blocking line of sight just be careful because you're still standing within the line of fire in terms of load out options against automatons I take a load out focus on taking out Shield Devastators tanks Hulks and gunships with something simple like a Scorch a primary with an autoc Cannon and 110 rocket pods against terminates same thing you let the sentries focus on the light and medium armored enemies and you take care of the units cannot kill which are the Heavies so a spear for B tians and chargers and a stung grenade just to prevent Chargers from steamrolling your sentries jump pack is nice idea for helping you reach good locations for your sentries Servo assisted can be another layer of help and getting good positions for your Sentry as well as helping making sure enemies get aggroed far away enough and walk a significant distance away from you but that's pretty much it for the video hope you guys enjoy this breakdown SL comparison SLG guu if you like what you heard and like what you see be sure to like And subscribe I have more hell divers to content like this and I've been enjoying posting almost daily hell dive missions so if you're interested in more stuff like that stay tuned pee to you guys for checking out the video and have a nice day
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 17,975
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Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Sentry, Helldivers 2 Gatling Sentry, Helldivers 2 Machine Gun Sentry, helldivers 2 gameplay, Helldivers 2 Sentry Build, Helldivers 2 Gatling, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Stratagem Review, Helldivers 2 Sentry Stratagem, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, Helldivers 2 Tricks, Helldivers 2 Deep Dive, Helldivers 2 Helldive, Helldivers 2 Funny, Helldivers 2 Meme, Helldivers 2 breakdown, Helldivers 2 analysis and guide
Id: fsLuZ7qxjbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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