Helldivers 2 - Ultimate Bugs & Bots Sniper Loadout! (Build Guide)

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how's it going fellow hell divers I hope you're all still fighting the good fight for super R and spreading that much needed democracy today I'm going to show you a build that has been built around the antimaterial rifle which after recent updates has become a very viable and very fun weapon of choice and just to clarify I've made sure this build is suitable for both bugs and Bots with only a couple of changes between them and I'll be abbreviating the antimaterial rifle to the AMR to save time so with all that sit back relax let's get into it so we'll kick this build off with a primary weapon and against the bugs the incendiary breaker shotgun is the current go-to weapon when facing the bugs for its great damage upkeep time and the fact that the shotgun applies burn effect to All Enemies it hits and is great weapon for dealing with those pesky hordes and the occasional group of hunters his burn effect is very no to SPO especially when lighting entire bug breaches on fire with just a spray the breaker can be found in the steeled veterans premium war bond and will cost you 60 medals when facing the Bots I find the scorcher to be the perfect primary it's a light armor damaging plasma rifle with great accuracy and has the ability to take down medium and the occasional heavy enemy thanks to it explosive damage it has a MAG capacity of 15 and it comes with six spare clips and a word of warning you do have to pick your shots as ammo can quickly disappear if you're unloading into every Target so be sure to get into the habit of switching to your secondary weapon to deal with the weaker enemies I was very impressed with how strong this weapon was especially when it came to taking out the tougher enemies on the bot missions and especially the gunships with just two well-placed mags you can take these out with very relative ease and for a primary weapon to do that I find to be very impressive so don't sleep on the scorcher especially when facing the automatons its accuracy and its damage outweighs any other weapon in my opinion at the moment moving on to our secondary weapons and it's no surprise if you're a regular Watcher of the channel you'll know that the p19 Redeemer is one of the main stays in my bug builds for its close- range capabilities and there will be instances where enemies sneak up on you or you have a sudden bug breach or just need to thin the occasional small hle so having this machine pistol is vital and as you all know this secondary is amazing for taking out those annoying groups of hunters that we all hate so much when facing the Bots you need something that can pack a bit more of a punch as opposed to thinning crowds and the senator is your One-Stop shop for ripping through the multiple medium armored enemies you come across such as the Devastators and the occasional chainsaw welding Berserkers it has a damage rating of 175 and a decent fire rate for a high damage medium armor penetrating revolver and it's the best second against the Bots by a good distance for your grenades when facing the bugs I find the incendiary impact grenade to be a great addition to this build it deals 150 explosive damage on impact and leaves a line of fire that slowly Burns any bugs that walk through its area of effect it can also be used to close bug holes which is what we'll be primarily using it for but it's also a great weapon to use when dealing with bug breaches and choke points you can find this grenade in the polar Patriots war bond which just released for the Bots the stun grenade is a must for stopping those Hulks and Berserkers getting close to you and can be a great tool for locking in your targets to hit their weak spots this is especially true when stun locking the hulks for instance to kill them within the two shots when hitting their red eye with a AMR onto our armor and the armor we're going to use against the bugs is the c74 breaker armor which can be found in the store or if you don't want to spend the super credits any light armor with an engineering kit armor passive will serve you well having light armor always makes sense against the terminers as they are always trying to get close to you due to their lack of long-range capabilities so being quick and on your toes is a great way to stay alive and to also cover a lot of ground when traversing the map the engineering kit passive which gives you a 30% recoil reduction when crouched or prone is great when paired with the AMR for improving your accuracy at range and on top of that we also get to carry an additional two grenades which is also very useful when closing those bug holes a small alternative if you did want to run something a bit stronger in the armor rating Department I would recommend selecting a medium armor with your engineering passive but be be sure to select the stamina enhancement booster to offset the loss of Mobility you'd lose without your light armor for the Bots it's always wise to have a minimum of a medium armor level protection as you will take a lot more unnecessary damage through long range fire so having that protection that can take an extra shot or two goes a long way so with that said the DP 40 hero of the Federation is a solid armor set to run against the Bots as mentioned due to its medium armor protection and it very strong passive ability democracy protects which gives you a 50% chance of not dying when taking lethal damage which when I say this has saved my ass more times than I can count I'm not exaggerating and as a nice little bonus this passive also prevents all bleeding when your chest hemorrhages if for some reason you are looking for an alternative to the Democracy protects passive I'd recommend any medium armor set that has the Fortified armor passive which gives you the 30% recoil reduction when crouched or prone but it goes alongside a very decent 50% resistance to explosive damage which can also save your life when facing the Bots I just found the democracy protect saves me so many times more I have to recommend it first so before we get into those juicy strategems that really make this build click I would just like to thank you all for watching this so far and if you could like this video and drop us a sub it would really help out the channel and we can bring you even more content to keep you fully prepared to defend super Earth now for the part you've all been waiting for and what makes this AMR build really gel is of course the strategems I'll start my load out for the bugs and then I will show you my separate load out for the Bots afterwards so against the bugs our first strategy is of course the anti-material rifle the AMR is such a satisfying weapon to use and if your accuracy is decent enough the ammo economy on the AMR is really good in comparison to other support weapons given the amount of armored enemies you can take out before needing to resupply in most instances you can take out your medium armored Hive guards in one shot and your B spewers in three to four shots the one thing that surprised me was its amazing accuracy when firing from the hip as I naturally assume with no cross heads it would be a nightmare to hit anything but boy was I wrong it's exact ex actly the opposite it's like every shot is locked on it's amazing for clearing those medium armored enemies that would normally eat up all of your primary ammo but thanks to the AMR you no longer have that worry a side note but using the AMR made me think that it would be great if we could get different sites for our weapons in the future it adds great customization for our builds and can change how we approach different situations when on planet I only mention this as the amr's site isn't exactly the best but it definitely needs some getting used to but once you get used to it it's a great weapon to use let me know your thoughts on different sites next up is the ever popular e817 this disposable rocket launcher is the perfect partner to pair with a AMR giving you the ability to call in when needed without taking up your carrying support weapon slot and quickly take out any heavy Target and then pick your AMR back up and be on your Merry way you can call in the e817 in just over every 60 seconds to spread across the map so you and your fellow hell divers can use them to spread that sweet democracy our third strategy against the Terminus is the jump pack this is such a vers tile stratch D is so fun to use whilst being very effective for your gameplay it can be used to gain High Ground when sniping enemies tagging targets or planning your next moves it's also great in combat when you're getting swarmed or just looking to reposition and is great for getting around quickly honestly if you haven't given the jump pack a try please try it with this build and let me know how you get on our last pick for the bug Loadout is none other than the ra Cannon strike for when you really need those high priority targets taken out with ease the ra Cannon strike locks on automatically to the biggest Target in range and is great for when you're getting heavily pressed and need an easy solution now that you've got your bug load out recorded and ready to use we'll now move on to the automaton Loadout starting with of course the AMR when facing the Bots the AMR in my opinion is the best support weapon for taking out multiple medium and heavy enemies with a pleora of ammo before needing to resupply just the ability to take down Hogs with two well-placed shots to its red eye should be enough to convince anyone to give this a try it's great for taking out Devastators and Berserkers and can take on almost any enemy the automatons throw at us our second strategy is the ever reliable Eagle air strike this will be used for taking out most objectives such as the Fabricators and Morts and the occasional horde everyone knows this is the Staple in most of my build videos for its great damage output and upkeep time making it one of the most versatile strategems in the game next up we're also using the jump pack again for its Mobility advantages given we're using the medium armor against the bots so we need all the speed we can get and it's also perfect when repositioning to expose enemy weak spots and for getting higher ground to scout ahead for patrols and objectives and before we move on to the tips and tricks section for this build the final strategy I use when facing the Bots is the absolute must it's the EMS mortar when I say this mortar can really change a tit of battle it's no joke you place this more on when attacking or defending objectives or when extracting you will always have a much easier time as it slows all enemies inside its EMP radius making easy picking for a well-trained sniper Target in exposed weak spots I know that whenever a fellow hell diver is using the EMS motar I'm so grateful as I know this mission is going to be so much easier and more enjoyable now that you all have the main build memorized and have liked the video and subscribed I'll give my top three tips when running this build to see at its most Effectiveness tip one instead of trying to panic aim at hulks charging towards you just throw a stun at them and shoot them twice with the AMR in their front red eye for the easiest kill you'll see all game this also goes for any other enemy you need to get a better shot on or getting a bit too close for Comfort like those chainsaw Berserkers for instance tip two the jump pack is great for maneuvering around the slower larger enemies such as tanks to get clean shots at their exposed orange heat sinks and tip three when cooling down your e817 launchers be sure to destroy the holders they deployed on you'll see that when they're on the holders you cannot see them on your map but as soon as the holders are destroyed or you've picked them up and dropped them they are now tagged on the map to be seen and used later on in the mission for you and your fellow hell divers so what your thoughts on the AMR and will you be giving this build a try if you do please let me know how you get on and please consider liking this video it really helps me out and if you'd like to see more content like this please subscribe to the channel and be a fellow blagger and as always I'll see you on the battlefield bler out
Channel: Blagger
Views: 15,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: mJJ5SfkKYlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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