Helldivers 2 - first time trying the updated mortars (Cross-Platform Compatibility | Solo Helldive)

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hey everyone we have something exciting to try out today I am really looking forward to this as you know we got new tier five ship upgrades the one that I could afford that I really want to try is crossplatform compatibility where we can use our marking you know pinging system in game to use and have our mortars prioritize the mark targets I haven't tried it I'm really excited to see how it works and let's find a nice mission to use this one on I'm also curious just how good these mortars are one if this works I'll enjoy this one a lot man this would be really good if it works I need to see what's the um one second I'll be right back I got to check out what's the armor penetration for those command Bookers all right I looked it up it's not good it looks like the mortar Sentry only does really explosive damage not projectile impact damage so not going to help out there let's do a regular Mission and just see how it goes I love icbms they're nice and simple so let's do this one so in terms of load out of course we're going to be taking two mortars so in terms of how we want to fill up the remaining slots Let's do let's do this and let's just do a circle what's a fun one here let's do this let's do this so two mortars 11 Rocket pods autoc Cannon um resist injury do I want the Marksman rifle kind of want just a scorcher nice simple why was I using the verdict glass I'll keep using it stun grenade we'll switch you up for impacts and let's take some stems this looks all right maybe let do a little bit of flare like yeah let's do a little arrow all the colors here launch initi so I'm really excited to try this one out it sucks again that it doesn't apply to all the centuries but you got to start somewhere who knows maybe tier six they're able to milk out the upgrades and milk out the St of farming where we can do it for the rocket the autoc cannon and then the gings honestly hate fix the Tesla Tower please I love it my teammates don't I want them to so we just landed let's call him my auto Cannon and you know what let's actually just trigger a bot drop let's see this thing at work there is a how far are you okay that's actually in range of my sentes I think cuz the Sentry range is like 125 M so I'm actually excited to see how this is going to work out maybe I can destroy their okay I live the first let's address those guys oh you guys are just going ham on that one huh like Taste of freed I got to protect my sentries over here so I ping them it looks like they're shooting at them now I don't know how accurate they are I'm praying that you're doing well I'm really out of ammo what warning you are in range of artillery give me some cover warning you are in of enemy artillery my sentries are still up War can't tell of enemy they are not Here's my thought though here's my little py thought I want to keep this placement up or maybe at least just one it looks like what essentially did damage it but I couldn't tell if that was because it was targeting the actual placement or that's because it was targeting the fabricator and just missed and hit that instead so we're going to wait here for it to come back that looks okay I think I call a resupply somewhere here it is warning you are in range of enemy artillery how soon a minute nice ow it did look off of that first spot drop that they did start going or redirecting their fire from this placement to that group of enemies i p but you know we'll continue testing [Music] it called democracy why there so many Striders goodness I also did see the uh gunships approaching I might be dead here War you are in of enemy artillery okay so let's just get these sentries out make can spread them out a bit feel good warning you are in range of enemy artillery oh yes give me The High Ground got reload War you are in of enemy artillery where are my sentries of enemy arer okay are you guys going to listen to that ping let's see over there guys never mind you're totally in range for that uh-uh don't give me that oh my God you see the attitude in Sentry right there man hit that you can hit it it's okay anything I could ping here to really test it out he's even like giving me the cold shoulder it's not even looking at me no all right you stubborn sure why I wasn't shooting at it I mean I found a Target now but maybe it doesn't work on buildings that could just be uh the reality of it I me he not really shooting anything now hey this guy see this guy is he broken what is he what what's I can't tell I can't tell if that's because I pinged it or not I'm moving past this entry though thankfully I have them both back up again so we will continue this testing I'm so glad about the auto Canon for this there was no way get hell bomb request approved on it way now I mean there's a hell bomb here actually will this work so that's a rogue research down I do noce a detector Tower some out there in the distance I think I can do this objective first before moving forward I don't know man what is this who's who's looking at me right now let's call him over here sending down so the target's over there but I want to see what they first lock on to and if it's them so they're both lock on to different things there are more enemies here plus they're they have more fire power so I do want to focus on them first but now that those guys are gone what are you going to pick man what do you looking at you're not looking at anything how about you look at this guy over here yes what it's like shaking like it's head no like no doesn't want to do it never mind hello okay Signs of Life I Can't Tell though I did not even ping that man I did not even ping that so it did hit it but I don't think that's cuz I pinged it maybe I'm expecting tooo much of the targeting switch I don't know maybe I'm just coping how about you turn around and shoot these guys now demy okay yeah that guy right there I want to say you tried and that's better than what you were giving me last time do not cuz they didn't say please well they call the ball drop here I'm out of bullets on this end I'm going to rock walk over here please don't please don't kill me I'm sorry I yelled at you [Applause] grenade at I don't want to die to my turrets I'm going to make a beine just for this gunship facility cuz jeez they were annoying is there two gunship [Music] facilities is that a CF no it's a power generator you're going to go way over there sending down Sentry hellbomb request approved deploying now man I wish I knew how to use it better again this is my first time ever using it I have not checked out anything no video no guide no blog no nothing I got to this as fresh as they come I'm as green as grass what are you guys shooting at right now ooh that's a factory Strider all right boys come on come on make me proud make me proud what we shooting what we shooting it this the EMS is it are you the EMS no no no no no they not want to no you're not the EMS why are you hitting that man this guy this guy right here hit this guy 100 your range should be what 125 that is totally in range dude kind of rude man can you at least hit this cannon turret you definitely look like you have the angle for it n still you want to still just want to hit those um B Fabricators huh can't get enough of them how about that group people over there you want to shoot those guys guys I think my my motor Sentry is going through a phase right now it's not listening I want to say it's shooting at it what are these angles what are you shooting at oh my is the marking different is there like a different Mark I'm marking I'm using the hockey for it I'm not doing the manual wheel Scroll of wow why through that oh my God he tried to clip me right there with the he tried to hit me with the pixel Peak I see you deploy walking at me let's go on [Music] over oh I tripped I tripped what I trip on request approved reinforcements on the way lost sending replacement he was not there I swear to God he was not there when I landed he just snuck on me reinfor this game is turning to an absolute dumpster I just got to stay alive until my Rockets come up I can deal with the this thing democra on it way still not dead throwing grenade this should be it don't don't don't no no no no administering Freedom support weapon still alive probably need one more cuz I di to these um the machine gunsing payad e re you know what we pulled through let's see if we can keep it going oh my God this has been one of the most hectic gam stuff I had so far he threw me off I'm doing the most awkward jump I've ever SE SE in my life it worked though no oh please let me stem thank you okay Serpentine Serpentine I just got to reload thankfully I have one one more stem sry save me last reload wow there's a lot of fellas here I need this y aren't jump pack Bots the most annoying thing ever yo did you guys take out that uh can turet thank you appreciate it you did not out of ammo I think there was resupply over here that I called after I got what's it called tripped on by something okay you have to be here somewhere is this my autoc Cannon swear I thought there's a resupply here somewhere okay well if not here then I know there's something over here cuz there is normally things here out of am if not it's cover if I can Vault over this and there's nothing okay deep breads deep breads we're going to be okay that's one I got no leg my leg don't work oh nice I can actually like use this as cover hey man we pull through time and time again on I did not do all this just to die to a regular Devastator thank you thank you send down so there's still a heavy base here oh my God that I really burned 20 minutes already doing this these mors are messing me up dude out of ammo I need those super sambal now they have meaning in my life all right come to Papa give Papa the super uranium I'm sorry I'm sorry guys I just wanted the the floating orbs you know on hindsight I should have picked up the auto cannon on the ground I think it had ammo and instead of trying to find a window to reload this one Mission at 20 minutes remain I know I know look at you you got stuck I'm sorry oh my God see the guy he had some crazy footsies I can't believe on this sending down all right orders there is a base here I'm just going to get out low around what what's happening am I getting punked right now I did not even want to those likeed I'm going to shoot one just I'm just going to shoot just so I can max out here one two you know what e one I'm still going to f clear I'm going to commit to this I'm going to get these launch codes come back just do some real like crazy like right left right left it's going to look like Candy Land board we can't do this we can't do stuff like that we're going to burn Through Time sub objective nearby they like decrease the fire rate for the scorcher thought I could just like mash my finger and everything will go no back up give me the numbers get me out super Earth's finest back in Action yo chainsaw y can I stand no I've seen this before thank God I'm so glad that rock did not sent me to a tumble you deal with both of those oh was about to lay you out you have no idea okay I'm sorry okay SRA on all right boys I need you now they got me doing flips and everything I am so dead oh never mind I'm okay oh I'm so dead now there might be stin here actuallyy rep did I dive too much yeah request approved reinforcements on the way enem there were stems here too I knew it sucks too cuz I didn't even like clear out the uh the base over there is it even possible from an angle like this don't think so I'm scared to look at how much time is left on the mission we do this okay let's go run back actually man I'm going to throw this here you never know I'm going to come back to itoy support weap all right got to Pump Fuel I did leave a resupply here so that's good and I do have one on standby whenever I need to but oh my goodness dude yeah I have no idea how to get these cesting to work they just will not listen to me it's like in Pokemon where you don't have the the level where your Pokemon listen to you feels like that man they see that I have the uh Cadet title cuz I didn't bother to change it to whatever my current level is there's still detector Tower there too but looks like we're going to clear this one without much of an issue so thank God power generator is right next to us also 100 want to know where in the map this is so we can do this and back I do have 10 minutes left or so you know what I'll just CU I have the resupply here let's just chuck all these in the say hello to democracy no Friendly Fire man well I don't know my Motors are hitting right now it's just dropping a bunch of random Bots I always forget that there's those exploding plants here don't find me just running through oh nice someone created a rotation for me oh no it's a meatsa guy again Mission at 10 minutes remaining so you sir 10 minutes left wow send Downy thank God I stand the right before I got redled there grenade oh so close diving out of that reest approved reinforce on the way looks like the ago not to my sentries can get myself The High Ground here in the Hinds side maybe stuns would have been better for this it's all always the guys with the jump pack man just no fear running at me please thank [Music] you I love seeing the Tank come in here comes the cavalry where's the generator over [Music] there what shot me oh the tank [Music] that should be good there's two tanks there's two tanks no that's just a bunch of Devastators okay here's the plan going to drop in pull the lever then absolutely Bail no I could even St in time one St closer there was a CF artillery Dam did I not see it man I don't know what I was doing wrong there but the centries just weren't listening I know that I don't know I got to figure this thing out in terms of first impression it looked like the EMS was listening to me not the actual mortar sentury though but um I'm going to do some research after this and just figure out what happened and maybe I'll try this one again cuz this was I got absolutely Maul there I don't let's see what even the stats were I mean I killed a decent amount of them but oh my goodness my centuries were going through a phase or something man but if you enjoyed this video I know I didn't win but if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to like subscribe I'll be sure to post more like this and hopefully one where I actually do take it all the way home so thank you for watching you guys for checking out the video and have a nice day
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 16,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Gameplay Commentary, Helldivers 2 Sentry, Helldivers 2 Mortar Sentry, Helldivers 2 EMS Sentry, Helldivers 2 Mortar, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Reaction, Helldivers 2 News, Helldivers 2 Ship Upgrade, Helldivers 2 Tier 5, helldivers 2 cross platform compatibility, Helldivers 2 Build Guide, Helldivers 2 Autocannon, Helldivers 2 Funny, Helldivers 2 Gaming, Helldivers 2 New Ship Upgrade
Id: yLgcGNi4mtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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