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hey guys we got a really massive order where we need to defend 10 planets now this seems kind of impossible but we got to remember we just finished one that requires us to kill 2 billion bugs in the span of what 5 days and we finished it in like less than 24 hours so yeah I don't think this one's going to be that difficult even though it does seem very difficult to be honest but yeah so in this video I'm going to be doing a defense mission on one of the robot planets I got tons of comments saying I never play the bot Mission so I'm going to be doing one of the defense ones I don't know I found that to be the most fun one to do so let's just dive right into it uh my Lobby is open so whoever joins it you know the more the marrier uh drop right on the objective and then stratem wise we're definitely going to take the mortar quazar Cannon hands down I think I'll also take the 500 now I need something that's really good against the Striders cuz those are really tough and I don't know like I know the eagle 500 can definitely handle it but if two of them come that's kind of an issue I don't know I kind of want to take the auto Cannon but you know I will take the auto Cannon the autoc cannon is an absolute Beast so do that then equipment wise taking the Eruptor the grenade launcher pistol impact grenades and then some heavy armor with 50% uh resistance to explosive damage because we're not running away we're kind of just locked down in one spot so I need to be tanky hey we got a teammate let's go hey and we got another one okay two guys that's good I think we should be oh four guys okay he's level 29 not a high level but I feel like he should still have some good strategems or I guess yeah you should still have some pretty good strategems I'll take him no problem just because I know the these defense missions are like incredibly tough okay mortar EMS mortar fantastic love to see it orbital laser rail Cannon 500 um I think that's just the air strike or the 110 mm I'm not sure but quazar Cannon great to see it so yeah looks like we got a lot of stuff to take down single strong enemies like just heavy enemies in general I guess but I guess that's kind of all you need because a mortar can take care of all the weaker guys and so can you just by like shooting at them with whatever but you really just need to take down like tanks and Striders like extremely fast also hulks hulks move very quickly so yeah you are the best of the best Okay so let's get out the mortar first I think I'll toss it right there uh quazar cannon everybody's getting that out um Auto Cannon I think I want to put the autoc cannon um I think I'm actually going to put the auto Cannon over there just because when guys start to spawn here and like the ships come it can just start shooting at them right away so you know what let's toss you U I'm trying to think of a good spot I guess like right there is kind of just half decent so we'll leave that there while s got and that's it we already called in the resupply I think I'll also toss this over I don't really like having explosives near us so that will stay there looks like green is going to be actually I don't know what green is doing at all he's kind of just shooting that stuff me and purple will take care of the right side here I guess I wish there was like an elevated post over there like something like this but over there okay and then as soon as we start taking damage we just fall back all right let's get this started let's shoot down the first one that comes come on come on where are you coming from there you are out of here oh he already dropped autoc Cannon putting in the work though what what are you doing up there okay so I'm really glad I oh okay what just hit us no idea I I I think we just got to fall back at this okay we definitely got to fall back double grenade launcher oh that's a Hulk that's a Hulk um is he dead I think the Hulk is dead okay I don't want to close this on green but he's definitely got to fall back soon autoc Cannon I think it did its job I think it's all done oh that's a tank okay come on okay I need another one or two more shots green green you got it damn this thing is eating them how is it still going okay that's crazy I think it just okay that's even crazier uh let's toss a 500 over there um can we blow up its turrets I don't think we can with this no it does not look like it uh let's get another mortar going to just ye that somewhere behind the wall oh Cannon's gone beautiful these guys know what they're doing straight to the Noggin let's drop another 500 right there I think that'll be pretty good oh okay so it can blow up the Cannons actually or the the two front Min guns um I think I'll toss this Auto Cannon I'm trying to think you know what I think I'll put it up here I wanted to focus on one area without I guess being too open or being in the open too much all right I think we're all in agre I can close this nobody is going back there okay little bumpy but we managed I mean we lost two walls but that's that's kind of like what's going to happen you're always going to lose the the what's it called the most forward walls I guess the most upfront walls I don't know how to explain it but yeah we lost the two walls yeah yeah let's get ready hey I got him oh but he already dropped it how does it tank survive that fall that's wild another Strider oh we don't got anything for it though except for quazer cannons oh my God I wanted to hit the barrel but I missed entirely but the auto Cannon is putting in that work that's why the autoc cannon is my favorite strategem and we just got hit with two uh two Striders at the same time that's crazy it's even crazier as I'm about die from the Min guns let's get rid of those okay we dropped one oh damn almost got completely taken out by them yes good job good job take that out let's get rid of these Min guns actually what am I doing let me pull up the quazar cannon bust his head open I don't think impact grenades are going to do much to be honest oh we got to be careful here do I have Eagle Eagle 500 let's go let's drop that right there another shot to the Noggin hey okay it blew up the wall but it took him out like the taste ofed Hulk oh he's got a busted leg okay so these guys know the the Strat if you take out it's l 10 like that didn't just happen um but yeah I know if you take out its leg it like it can barely even move is it off-roading tank this is very new can I hit the back of it with a grenade I'm not sure resupply that we'll take that all right guys let's drop him another Mor Sentry absolutely okay Auto Cannon again yeah and I'm going to put it in the same spot again it did phenomenal work right here let's get you back oh I got to reload no no no no another Strider okay this one's just being dropped right in the middle though oh purple you are in a horrible spot autoc Cannon keep keep blasting away demy reinfor okay the top Cannon is gone that's the main thing if we can get rid of that top Cannon uh okay he just got sniped by a flamethrower that's new yeah as long as we can get rid of that top Cannon we can avoid getting uh what's it called The Objective getting sniped by it all right you can just fall over there yeah yeah little tumble is that oh that's a tank um I got nothing for it quazar Cannon though oh there's two tanks okay you just shot straight through the wall I got some great teammates I'm loving this are the tanks dead I have no idea I have no idea what I even just shot at nope tank isn't dead it's just kind of glitched and bugged out drop ship wait drop ship where oh it's just too late oh no did I or I think I got it I'm not sure uh no idea what's going on over there two tanks uh Eagle 500 still on cool down like I'm trying to figure out what's going on but there's just so much like random stuff going on there's a blizzard there's like 10 destroyed aircrafts and tanks and I guess there was a Strider okay he's dead I got to reload why is my te oh uh Eagle 500 what's going on what's going on with that I don't know if you're dead or not oh damn oh oh no that's not good I'm sorry man okay uh let's keep moving back actually no we got to we got to keep pushing forward so I'll toss a 500 there a little bit of a waste but I want to make sure it's clear so we can kind of retake the ground that we just lost mortar yeah we're going to need that mortar I think I'll toss it over there actually as long as it can stay tucked away it's going to help out a lot and especially if it's closer here so right when they land it's just going to start shooting and then we'll get the auto Canon right back where it was a come on that's that's still not bad if they drop a Strider we can shoot at it oh my God I I tried to change my aim at the last second okay this is nice everything's a lot more clear so I think I'll stay here with blue this is a pretty good spot oh come on I have to reload I have to do the basic functions of shooting no idea what's blown up around us um okay I'll shoot randomly and get some hit markers I'll take it got to reload is he Auto Cannon no autoc Cannon got blown up I think it blew itself up oh no I thought that was a Hulk I was like how did this Hulk just get so close to me without no one noticing especially without me noticing tank goodbye man we were just swatting away all of these like heavy units like Striders tanks hulks like none of them have gotten past this door yet i' I'd really love if I could not get stunned I just think that'd be pretty cool oh okay mortar is friendly firing refor ah he beat me to it okay so this might not be the spot stand come on oh no I didn't get that at all actually I can't see anything things are just getting shot out of the sky right away oh is this guy just swapping back and forth between uh what's it called yeah I think he is he's just swapping back and forth between two quazer cannons don't know why they're getting dropped off up there little weird but okay nice H why not I'll just send a quazar shot over there one shot beautiful no no you got to get back oh yay stemming I'm stemming okay these guys got some those guys with the minig guns have some crazy Aim so let's get rid of okay or I can miss or I can land my shot but it just did nothing it tickled him okay we actually these guys are the bigger issue if we get pushed from the front here then it's over so I'll focus on this here a little bit more oh no no no they're coming get they're coming okay come on come on I got the I got the teammate don't worry guys I'm also going to call down a 500 just toss it over there because we're not in a good spot right now uh Auto Cannon yes absolutely I think I'll place the auto Cannon right here just so that any guys that are pushing they're going to have to deal with the cannon first uh mortar yep we need everything um we'll tuck it away in that corner there what is is that a tank up there why is there a tank all the way up there oh don't blow yourself up please come on there we go yeah just keep firing keep firing oh no Eagle 500 we got to take out that tank though actually let's take out his leg cuz the thing is the tanks are slower than the hulks so the hulks are kind of the bigger issue don't you like the taste of freedom I got I got a whole minute left what it just dropped it right there that's come on that's unfair now that is definitely unfair thren bro it's going to turn around just melt our uh objective no this can't be real okay I took it down let's get you oh yes I thought we were about to lose it we were definitely about to lose it okay now whatever can just happen but that's kind of oh we could have closed that door that would have been really good to know supp oh uh whoops Nies where's the shuttle is the shuttle here oh it's here okay screw this we out of here not dealing with any of this I'm so glad I was able to take that out that would have ruined the entire thing all right Lads let's get B second purple you got to run and that thing was right on top of the objective too I'm surprised that they just spawned it right there all right let's see how many kills we got all right let's take a peek 155 oh okay never mind me and blue were just like we were kind of carrying unless These Guys these guys were probably focusing on the tanks and stuff I feel like that's definitely what was happening they're focusing on the heavy units but yeah I'd say it was a good game overall
Views: 2,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ost, helldivers 2 intro, helldivers 2 theme, helldivers 2 обзор, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best loadout, helldivers 2 song, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 гайд, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 animation, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers
Id: FEkhZ_5yuq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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