Helldivers 2 | Can you use the MACHINE GUN on Helldive Difficulty? - Gameplay + Review

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hey everyone in today's video I'm going to see how well the machine gun can perform on the hell dive difficulty and what they might need to do and might not need to do to improve it give you a little hug right there you know all right let's get the mission started okay I'm thinking we drop right over here like right in the middle of the objective and the what's it called the research station so we kind of do that go there get that done Bada Bing b boom we done okay and for my Loadout I'm going to be taking the 110 mm um where is it obviously the machine gun uh the uh Supply pack and then the autoc cannon Sentry just to deal with everything else so we'll take the space optimization and then my equipment I'm actually taking the scorcher the grenade launcher pistol and the thermite grenade just because I'm going to have the supply pack on me so I can refill all of their ammo after I use them and they're all very okay maybe not the thermite grenade being very powerful things but they're very powerful weapons that don't have a lot of ammo with them which is why they combo really good with with the supply pack and then again the thermite grenades I mainly taking them cuz the supply pack I can just toss all six of them at a charger take it down but that's about it I mean I could definitely take the impact grenades instead of it but like it's okay I kind of like the thermite grenades even though they're horrible but that's something they need a they definitely need a buff okay oh that's really not good okay so let's get that machine gun out uh we'll also get the supply pack out requ we got to get rid of these guys okay I love the scorcher against them cuz they just one Taps them so nicely not today that's my machine gun I'll take that oh I guess the machine gun also one or two Taps them can I take that out no I definitely can't take that out that was worth a shot though okay so I'm going to have to get close to it with the wait easy there oh I think that guy's got the heavy machine gun hey let's go so I think um you know what maybe I'll just do the hell bomb I'll just get close to it drop that on it I I just need to get it find these staircase oh okay that's really not good so let's toss that over there okay I just reloaded this weapon come on misses entirely because I'm bad with the Str uh Strat gems nothing new okay we're up here come on give me the hell bomb that right there oh I mean we only got one left so I mean I'm still going to use the hell bomb just because I don't want to waste any Strat gems okay there raged dog got me I got the terminal C codes codes let's go clear the area oh that was a big fall grenade did I just fire two grenades I swear this is bugged out sometimes say hello to democracy okay I your bug Nest has blown up why are you still around oh damn I almost killed myself there you got to be careful with the scorcher uh teammate yeah teammates um 110 mm damn it okay um I would like to use actually cost that what is that oh 500 okay I think two grenades plus that 500 to do the trick oh yeah nice and easy okay let's actually start using the machine gun now which is you know kind of the whole purpose of this video stalker oh there's a stalker n somewhere you definitely got to get rid of that oh and I didn't mention the armor I'm using I forgot what it was but it's like a light version it's light armor that gives me reduced recoil when crouched or prone and two extra grenades I I think that should be enough I just slapped three on this dudeo one two nope I just stuck him okay or that dude can just blow his head off oh no I'm out of ammo you got to cover me you got to cover me so I can cover youing okay nice and easy work of these guys we'll keep pushing forward do we even need actually yeah we do need to go this way we need to close that uh that stalker Nest oh man no no no don't do it don't do it don't do it that's even worse no no no no no no no no okay let's reload this relo oh thank God for my good teammates reloading okay let's reload that I swear the objective was somewhere oh actually that is that's the objective that stalker Nest over there and then we'll go hit up the labs okay Minefield I wonder can I now doesn't kill the watcho purple but does do a lot of damage though so so far the only issue I'm having with the machine gun is just like just being stationary and reloading I think if you could reload this while you're running I think then it' just be like a perfect weapon like very very viable not that it isn't viable right now but it would make it like a lot more people would be like yeah I'll go take that how you like the tast of all right he's cracked open come on oh what oh I did not see that come on let me get up let me run purple I hope you got something cuz I don't got anything actually I think I have the auto Cannon let me mow down all these guys first oh bad time to reload okay Auto Cannon you are going to have to do a lot of work yikes yikes yikes can I blow up I blow that up oh I can and I did autoc Cannon please start doing stuff stick him with a grenade I think the auto can's going to do it though y please blow him up before he gets to me thank you uh calling a teammates um I guess I'll loot this box over here charger please take care of it oh God this is why I love the autoc cannon took out a biot Titan takes out a charger what doesn't it do I mean other than kill you as well but like that's that's a smaller issue let's grab all of these uh let's see where am I going yeah I got to go this way we got to get to the labs oh and I guess green is just doing the objectives on his own we're kind of just getting swarmed which I mean I'm fine with cuz you know it takes the pressure off of him makes it a lot easier for him and then since there's three of us you know we can handle all these guys a little bit easier very nice very nice yeah I think you definitely need the reduced recoil armor when you're using uh like whatever machine gun except for the stalwart the stal word doesn't really have any recoil this side is blown open and then using the scorcher to finish them off like hitting their weak spots once they're blown open is so nice because it has that like explosion to it so makes it easier to hit it oh oh my it's one of his Minds I bet or unless he threw a grenade at me I mean that would suck but like no it was one of the mines I see them all right let's try to not land on him reporting to the okay where's my stuff that's one that's two that's three that's a lot of bugs did that why did my grenades just bounce off of him they are meant to stick no stick thank you like I just saw two of them bounce off this guy's Dome like no no no no they're not supposed to be doing that okay one more oh that's a lot of bugs behind me oh no of course I have to reload come on get away from me and The Scorch is just nice for taking out those guys cuz it's it does what's it called it has explosive damage so it can hit through their armor nevery okay um oh I think I also have my auto Cannon back up off of cool down so I got pretty good use out of that yeah I do okay so let's get rid of you okay I did not think you're going to start spewing on to me but I was just so lucky enough to get it Mar yeah I think when you're using the machine gun you really have to play around your teammates because when you're reloading like there's nothing you can do I missed that oh apparently I didn't shoot it actually so I guess it doesn't count okay let me go link up with the purple and blue cuz if I can stay around them they can cover me I can cover them we can be one big old happy family actually this is a great vantage point maybe I'll just like can I lay down here yes I can lay down here too bad all the bugs are already dead yeah that's so unfortunate I just find this nice spot that purple was in and then nope the battle's all done okay so let's head back to the lab okay and not I don't know what I stepped on but I stepped on something no idea why you called that in but okay all right let's get over here let's drop a hell bomb green is going to finish that up he's also going to do that is he going to do that next objective or I think that's it I think that's it something okay and I guess I'll just start heading towards green like towards the extraction Zone let's get rid of you guys quite a few you guys okay okay that's a lot that's enough oh that bounced nice I really like this grenade launcher pistol I didn't think it was going to be good at all but like it's honestly not too bad um I guess I'll use one of the packs right now I need to upgrade my ship module so I can get two magazines whenever I pick up like a supply pack and stuff instead of just the one for the machine gun which is weird cuz with the heavy machine gun whenever you pick up an ammo box you get two like two magazines automatically but with the regular machine gun you only get one oh I see some kind of bug nests over there and I'm down to two ammo boxes left which is not bad considering I got one ammo box or one magazine of the lmg full ammo on the scorcher full ammo on the pistol so let's get rid of you is there more guys oh damn there's of course there's a charger right behind them I should have known okay so let's toss that right there by the time he turns around he starts moving right on the Shoney then the scorcher to take them out I think I could hit his leg actually sometimes when the leg is busted open like that yeah like that you can hit it with the scorcher and then just kill them very quickly another one okay requesting a support I really hope it doesn't hit the rock nope uh it didn't hit the rock but it didn't really get a good impact on him oh no it did I was able to bust open his back leg okay I see that there's another one like I can do this with the machine gun but with the ma with weapons that fire bullets that have no explosion you have to be very precise with them so let's get the auto Cannon out toss that there did I oh my God I blew it open with only three shots crazy damn scorcher is a crazy good gun can I just kill him entirely right now no I did do a lot of damage for the auto Cannon to just kill him in just like three shots okay so let me run around with the machine gun for a little bit go link up with my team oh wait I just passed it there it is oh now I can only use the pistol that's not very good oh I actually oh no what am I doing I got to get I got to go head all the way over there now right guys I'll make you proud let just that probably wasn't a good idea to be honest with no that was definitely not a good idea especially without the auto Cannon do I have at least uh oh no I can't even call my Strat gems either okay I guess I'm just running from everything right now oh man this is not good something okay let's just uh let's just try to run around everything before I get noticed cuz I can't use any weapon I mean I can use my pistol but like I can't call in no strata gems I can't do nothing with this briefcase in my hand okay I think I lost a lot of the bugs okay I see you guys just everybody let's let's just calm down here I'm just passing through you know I'm just passing by I don't mean no harm I mean I don't mean no harm just yet until I put this box down and then you guys can all catch these hands okay um you need to move Oh I thought that was going to kill him okay machine gun time this could probably get me out of this situation oh some supplies not supplies uh samples I just need to be wise with how I shoot this just little bursts here and there I don't want to run out of ammo just yet even though I got like a few bullets left okay so let's reload this quickly before anybody else comes we also got ammo for the scorcher which is nice activate that there no no you go back down there you go back down there you're not welcomed up here okay okay that was very uncalled for the amount of damage you just did get rid of all these not Scorchers um what they called Hunters oh man see I just keep running out of ammo on this thing so I'm thinking being able to re load this while you're running and giving you like a third magazine would definitely make it really good for the higher difficulties no no no you don't need to be doing that you don't need to be doing that no no no no oh come on oh what is that other other colors of the rainbow I need your help call strike land in the water come on let's run let's like actually run sag oh my God every corner I turn is not a good Corner what that Hunter just disappeared bro just vanished Into Thin Air oh that's so unfortunate but yeah know I think a third magazine is definitely needed like two is just it's just not enough or they got to increase its damage then what's going on am I lagging reinfor I'm not sure if I'm lagging or they're lagging but somebody is re stri damn point me to the enemy okay what's going on here okay we're heading back to where I died so that's good but I really like how the scorcher can blow out like the the bottom of the biot Titan that just makes them so weak so if you hit them in the head once with any like rocket or whatever they'll die nice shots to the leg okay you take care of that I'll go back to the objective and try to continue doing would I fail oh I have to like keep muting my mic every now and then cuz I'm just coughing cuz I'm still a little bit sick come on let's take you guys out nice and easy hey that's my machine gun and that's all the hunters that were chasing me before no no I I I didn't mean to switch to like the empty gun like I wanted to take all of these guys out first oh green you're going to get swarmed hey I hear more of them I just no no don't call in backup do not call in backup you guys only give me enough time to reload my weapon or let alone run away last reload okay time to hide behind this rock let one of those uh yeah that can solve that problem the gas strike [Music] interesting damn nope stick one more oh what the where did you come from lot of explosions going on why do I get stuck with all these guys yeah I'm calling you in don't worry buddy I I need the backup reloading okay so it does damage them I think that killed it no it it didn't kill it it didn't kill it it was just taking a little power nap allroy just keep firing those off oh he calling a mech suit well that's going to be really helpful oh I do have ammo in this I thought I uh had to reload oh no no I I didn't want to drop I actually wanted to stay up here where it's safe hell democracy Oh what a beautiful spot I just wish I had some more ammo yeah I definitely wish I had some more ammo I think I'm going to call in a resupply how' you like the taste of freedom he let's blow up the ass I just got to keep watching behind me cuz I know they're going to come for me that's taking a lot of shots let's call that down I think I'll also what am I doing let me call down the auto cannon that would do some absolute work up here might be a little bit late but that's okay all right Auto Cannon just start obliterating them let's grab one of these let's go and reload yeah just keep lighting them up get some get okay I think we're good here now I think I have to turn this not sure which way but I don't know I'm hoping one of these guys presses the button while I'm just spinning this oh what is that I heard big steps is nobody nobody's on it okay guess I got to go do it let me also grab these here and then I don't want to deal with that later so I'm going to toss that over there okay looks like I'm going to have to deal with it auto Cannon nope damn there are so many Chargers in this game it's crazy and definitely a lot more Chargers than bile Titans I blow up it ass I have no idea if this is don't climb up here please don't climb up here there's no need for this there's no need for this violence reload yeah looks like it will okay out of amm let me just get rid of all these guys come on oh he's about to bleed out so that's okay that weak spot no no weak spot nothing on the legs either oh what are you doing okay we're going to need to call in I think we'll need an SOS if we can get another teammate down here okay let's tosce that on you sa out on you that's another issue what do I got to deal with it absolutely nothing let me grab another one of these okay easy um actually I can call another autoc Cannon have this thing go to town again right there uh yeah I got that very nice Auto Cannon please just start ripping on ripping on the oh that's so not good but he did get the kill though so I mean as long as the bio Titans are out of the way we can definitely work with this yes we know you're on it but like someone's got to get to the other one and there are bugs everywhere okay let me reload this I'll make my way there I'll trigger that there and then I know I'm going to get swarmed as soon as I trigger it so I mean like I'm going to need all the ammo in this let's take those [Music] samples trigger this here okay about time this took way too long for us to do see I feel like I should be able to like hit that with Oh no I got to be this okay there we go I was going to say I feel like you should be able to hit like like when their armor is blown open like that I feel like I should definitely be able to penetrate it with u the machine gun well there's nothing to penetrate because the Armor's blown open to that over there actually no no let me let me get out of here very nice hits armor is blown open come on come on just drop oh damn all right guys behind us behind us we got some big issues okay that's annoy damn we got sandwich two of them spawn on both sides of us wild I did not see that coming call in reinforc rein but yeah know I'm having a lot of difficulty with this machine gun right now like the scorcher has been doing more work than the machine gun which should not be a thick like if I'm calling it a strat gem it should definitely be doing a lot more than my primary weapon yeah I got him I got him guys don't worry hey flip him like a pancake yeah I don't know it's just very hard to use the machine gun like I definitely need to be able to reload while I'm running and have a third magazine it's just not a viable option other than like I think if they did that I don't know if it would I don't know if it' become a viable option even if they did do that because it doesn't have the armor penetration to deal with like Chargers or bile Titans so right there is like already a downside to it then you have a long cool down for when you can call it in which is another bad thing to it I guess that's kind of it like those are the just the two big flaws to it maybe if they gave it like maybe they gave it like like high armor piercing like it can punch through Chargers and bio Titans but then I guess it'd be a little bit too unfair You' be able to kill them so quickly and easily oh I got to look where I'm going uh definitely got to look where I'm going don't know if those stuck okay those stuck to him let's do a little circle around you oh his leg is weak okay didn't even need to do that come on let's blow up the sack I don't know what else to call it but like we'll blow up his green sock right to the body nice another one uh stuck to his leg which is kind of weird and that one stuck to his leg I have no idea if the pistol can actually take this down I don't think it can it'd be really cool if it could though yeah it doesn't really look like it's doing much uh maybe to the charger I don't think I'm doing anything to the charger either there we go I guess the arc charger got him oh damn as who drifted around that corner like Tokyo Drift okay I'm out of ammo uh I guess I I got the machine gun still but I'm out of ammo on pretty much everything oh wait a minute did I just bust open his leg I did I can bust open their leg armor with the pistol that's actually massive if you're using the uh I'm just going to you know activate that there but yeah no that's actually massive with the scorcher reloading just being able to break open their legs like that cuz then it's so easy to hit those weak spots with the scorcher afterwards and you can just kill them so quickly okay so I've been using the grenade launcher pistol for this entire match I would say that was a pretty cool realization let's also call down a resupply throwing Supply Beacon and I think I'll also call down the autoc cannon Sentry requ okay I'm just going to use one of these right now cu grab one of them oh okay that thing's blasting so now I want to find another charger just to confirm that it can blow up in their leg with every shot [Applause] [Music] get oh D where do I got to hit this guy to to I guess I still have to hit him in the back to or a sack that's already exploded to damage him with the scorcher a lot of explosions going on there I don't see any Chargers though which is good and bad because I would like to test a cell before this Mission ends but based on what happened that one time it does seem like that's how it works let me get the machine gun out since the Swarms are coming start cutting them down I know there's a Char uh not charger Titan somewhere behind me I just don't know where it went there it is okay my teammates can take out the biot Titan I'll okay they already took it out going to say I'll take out all these weaker guys machine gun definitely fun to use not that effective though okay perfect K here we go I get my opportunity don't move right to the leg did absolutely nothing yeah no okay I guess it's just inconsistent is the best way to put it reloading yeah I don't know it's weird like I don't get why it did it last time but it didn't do it this time now I I think it did it again I started hitting his uh what's it called his left leg so yeah I don't really know what to say about it his leg is already open oh damn I don't know why I didn't roll there hit that weak spot come on wait well where did all you guys come from stem run not get blown up by Pelican [Music] one start sticking stick them stick you just threw out so many grenades okay those two Chargers definitely have to die with how many I just threw out if they don't die I'm not accepting that also I don't know why we're not getting on getting on this ship like it's right here I'm just going to get on it I don't want to deal with any of those guys anymore I'm done we out of here we did what we needed to do run purple run so end result I think they need to give it REM azines and be able to reload it while you're running or leave it how it is with two magazines you can't reload it while you're running but give it increased armor penetration I'm not saying make it able to kill Chargers and Bot Titans with like a quarter of the magazine but like give it more armor penetration but I guess reduce damage against them to balance it out a bit cuz yeah you can't really use it that effectively on Hell dive 9
Views: 33,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ost, helldivers 2 intro, helldivers 2 theme, helldivers 2 обзор, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best loadout, helldivers 2 song, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 гайд, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 animation, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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